fantasiummaximum · 2 months
I did not see it until I read the book.
Then it made sense.
Those two maniacs who have Aphrodite and their Muse to impress-
Crave to make beautiful lasting art-
have pretty fire moustaches.
Yeah I can see it-
Those two should hold hands lol.
Yall think being a BillRyan or Sandrew or FontRyan shipper is hard... try being SteinCohen shipper and the crowd goes silent 💔
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fantasiummaximum · 2 months
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I also love your art style! It’s so sketchy yet also sleek! Like, I love Ryan’s design and how tough McDonough looks! It looks amazing! :DD
I like Fontryan like anyone else but we are sleeping on how gay Ryan is for Bill McDonough.
In the game it’s mostly just Bill mentioning Ryan and Ryan never mentioning him at all, in the end he even kills Bill on his wall of traitors and assassins. Seeing that, I personally assumed Bill’s & Ryan’s friendship meant a lot more to Bill than it did Ryan.
But in the novel…you see a lot more of their relationship and how…fucking gay it is. If you haven’t read it, please PLEASE DO BECAUSE BIOSHOCK: RAPTURE BY JOHN SHIRLY THOUGH NOT ACCURATE AT TIMES IS STILL AMAZING! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Anyways, Ryan is head over heels in love with Bill lmao-
He sees Bill as he sees himself, a hardworking man trying to strive in this crazy unfair world, legit when they first met, Ryan is all up in Bill’s business and is immediately smitten by him, why? Because Bill is down to earth and is a sensible, honest, hardworking man, he legit had the choice to make Ryan pay a lot more then he did but Bill shared Ryan’s sentiment in a way as he wants to be paid fairly for the work he did and Ryan wants Bill around as I said, he sees Bill as the man we he wants and many others to be.
In the book, Ryan very much likes and even loves Bill’s company, at one point he’s at a party and describes how much of a boredom it is and how he wishes Bill was there, maybe even mentioning his laugh? Either way he says in the book he wants Bill’s presence.
THERE IS MORE EVEN IF ITS TINY! But that requires so much more context that the book provides so if you want more additional Bioshock content, please I recommend the book!
What I’m trying to say is that Bill is Ryan’s awakening if you will.
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fantasiummaximum · 2 months
I like Fontryan like anyone else but we are sleeping on how gay Ryan is for Bill McDonough.
In the game it’s mostly just Bill mentioning Ryan and Ryan never mentioning him at all, in the end he even kills Bill on his wall of traitors and assassins. Seeing that, I personally assumed Bill’s & Ryan’s friendship meant a lot more to Bill than it did Ryan.
But in the novel…you see a lot more of their relationship and how…fucking gay it is. If you haven’t read it, please PLEASE DO BECAUSE BIOSHOCK: RAPTURE BY JOHN SHIRLY THOUGH NOT ACCURATE AT TIMES IS STILL AMAZING! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Anyways, Ryan is head over heels in love with Bill lmao-
He sees Bill as he sees himself, a hardworking man trying to strive in this crazy unfair world, legit when they first met, Ryan is all up in Bill’s business and is immediately smitten by him, why? Because Bill is down to earth and is a sensible, honest, hardworking man, he legit had the choice to make Ryan pay a lot more then he did but Bill shared Ryan’s sentiment in a way as he wants to be paid fairly for the work he did and Ryan wants Bill around as I said, he sees Bill as the man we he wants and many others to be.
In the book, Ryan very much likes and even loves Bill’s company, at one point he’s at a party and describes how much of a boredom it is and how he wishes Bill was there, maybe even mentioning his laugh? Either way he says in the book he wants Bill’s presence.
THERE IS MORE EVEN IF ITS TINY! But that requires so much more context that the book provides so if you want more additional Bioshock content, please I recommend the book!
What I’m trying to say is that Bill is Ryan’s awakening if you will.
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fantasiummaximum · 3 months
Atlas was some kind of Irish man. I don’t know what Fontaine in the game lore was really going for here when it came to his OC but I think I can gather why-
Atlas is supposed to be an every man, a friend, someone to look too for help or just simply get a pint with. Blonde is stereotypically seen both attractive and inviting, or as one word would put it…good. Atlas was designed to look like a friend, so him being blonde makes sense as it makes him look charming and friendly to some.
Fontaine is known for his stereotypes as he went as, in his words- “Hell I was even a china men-“ and not to mention he grew up in a theatre, surrounded by stories and characterizations of people that he will later use to his advantage later on. What I’m saying is, old blonde boy atlas was designed to be a friend.
BAS Atlas though-
Holy shit, that guys design is good it’s just his character they fucked up. From what Google has toldeth me is a typical Irish person would quote-
“The modern Irish usually have light features – pale blue or green eyes, reddish or brown hair and fair skin with freckles. Nov 20, 2021.”
We all know Irish or just any people in general can look different no matter where they came from because genetics is weird and also we’re diverse compared to a bunch of video game characters ANYWAYS WHAT IM SAYING IS- BAS Atlas design is badass, cool, something that looks rugged, mean and in control….but does he look like or even act like a friend like how he was originally portrayed?
Not really? This is transitioning to Atlas to more on BAS in general but I’ll try stay on topic. In BAS his characterization is a bit off to me but then again it’s been AWHILE since I played BAS but from what I remember he was portrayed more as a radical leader than a saviour.
In Bioshock, Atlas through his dialogue comes off as a normal simple man done with all the stuff that Ryan has put them through and gathers those who agree with him to try and together they will take down Ryan, hell in Diane McClintock’s dialogue she mentions that Atlas said that he is no liberator, they don’t exist, these people will liberate themselves. Which sounds heroic as heck.
In BAS however, yes there are posters depicting the man as a pal and there’s I believe a cafeteria area where he was giving out food to the poor but it’s his videos and propaganda that rub me the wrong way. He was depicted as someone who was kind and respectful to anyone, that was by design, he would even hear out Diane McClintock who had it good compared to everyone else and was even Ryan’s mistress but in Burial at Sea, holy shit is he evil to Elizabeth who hasn’t done anything but just exist in the same space as him.
Then again he has nothing to prove to her.
With Jack, it’s different. As though he was under Atlas’s control, he was still semiconscious to make a choice.
If I ever play Burial at Sea again, this is definitely something I should keep in mind,
But my opinion is that BAS Atlas looks awesome it’s just his characterization that makes me go “EW WHAT THE FU-“
I would’ve liked to see more of Blonde Boy heroic Atlas so we could see that dime flip between Good Atlas and Slimy Fontaine more.
But that’s just my thoughts I wanted to get out.
I just gotta know.
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fantasiummaximum · 3 months
I’m excited for the Amazing Digital Circus to come out, I definitely can’t wait to see Kinger with a shotgun.
Speaking of which I want to talk about Kinger and Queenie, I really like the art about them being all cute and all but here’s my take.
It’s either Kinger and Queenie were in a relationship, either they forgot at first but grew to fall for each other again or they do remember their past lives it just overtime being stuck in a circus hell can make you insane and soon forget it all or, more interestingly…A RIVALRY.
Think about it, their chess pieces. He, a king of white, she a queen of black, both stuck in a wacky hell, maybe at first they were rivals and tripped each other up when going on adventures or simply just made life a little more miserable until the gravity of their situation really hit them, that…their trap here and to make the most of it,
So they grew to be friends! Heck maybe even more idk! Either way it ended bad for both of them as Queenie abstracted and Kinger ended up a bit coo-coo.
Just Food for thought.
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fantasiummaximum · 4 months
If Henry is this quiet artist, it’s either Linda is a bookworm who loves hot cocoa on cold winter days and loves to snuggle up in a blanket while a fire is burning OR She is a badass woman who runs her own company, takes no shit from no body and is the “Actually he ordered ketchup with his fries” to Henry’s “This isn’t what I ordered but I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.”
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fantasiummaximum · 4 months
I’m saying this now…Kill Bill’s Whistle is giving me Hazbin Hotel, specifically Lucifer vibes.
I’m unsure if I’m accurate but looking at a picture of this dude and then hearing the song I have no idea why but it gives me such Creator of Rubber Ducks vibes-
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fantasiummaximum · 4 months
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So…hear me out-
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fantasiummaximum · 4 months
Garroth Ro’meave. That’s it, me just talking about my boy, Garroth.
I am a simp and it all started with this man.
Garroth Ro’meave.
Specifically Minecraft Diaries, Garroth.
Nothing against my boy, Mystreet Garroth but…he’s not the man I fell in love with. I LOVE HIS HIMBO ENERGY! I would still marry that man but MCD Garroth is just…I don’t know how to put in words but I sure will try.
He was my first crush. Like ever I think.
The build up was CHEFS KISS!
He was shown to be a sweet man, a knight. I thought he was cool but thought nothing of him, he was just a guard until his helmet broke.
Then I saw him. I FELL FOR A BUNCH OF PIXELS! Bro it was perfect though I swear to Irene man! When you see his face, Aphmau stops and you stare at him. I was like “woah-“
But what really got me was his reaction, he says “don’t look at me Aphmau” but all I can do is look. He exceeded my expection…I don’t know I didn’t think he would be handsome.
He was so…not shy but ashamed. And that made me feel some type of way which I will not go into-
I was so invested into Garroth, there was now a mystery, why was he hiding his face? That got me theorizing and investing into this character even more. He became my favourite character and honestly a comfort character too.
I can’t explain it besides the fact that I would marry this man.
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fantasiummaximum · 4 months
Look…I never really saw Hazbin Hotel…YET.
Only snippets, I only watch a select few episodes of Helluva Boss but I am updated on it.
Striker’s voice and demeanour is to die for.
Wally Wackford is cooky and his voice makes me HEHEHE.
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They got me like-
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fantasiummaximum · 4 months
I can’t even read the script anywhere man…I want to read season 2 but I can’t find it….MAN WHYYYYYYYYY! WHY DO I GET INTO THE DEAD FANDOMSSSS?!
But for real though, listen to the sound track! It’s perfection!
If you like High Fantasy music of course!
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fantasiummaximum · 5 months
I imagine a Henry and Joey interaction being like that one video where the cat kisses a mouse on the head and the mouse is visibly confused.
Joey: *saying random Joey Drew nonsense*
Henry: *had enough, time for revenge* Hey Joey~
Joey: What is it now Hen-
Henry: *kisses him on the forehead*
Joey: 🧍‍♂️
Henry: Cya around cutie~ *walks away*
Joey: *buffers* w-wait what are we Henry?!
Joey: HENRY?!?!
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fantasiummaximum · 5 months
There’s this adorable series on WebToon called “Froggy” by PaigeWashe.
If you like the water coloured art style and frog shenanigans, you found it. To me…it’s a piece of treasure I will hold forever!
I recommend it to people who want to read but also don’t want to invest too much time into it who also like cute art styles and of course frogs…then this will probably make you insanely happy as it makes me happy!
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fantasiummaximum · 5 months
Minecraft is so beautiful.
It’s so…liminal feeling.
Like you’ve been there before yet you can’t put your finger on it.
Its music is so…somber. It’s almost hypnotizing.
But really gets me is that alone feeling, I’ve felt it before when I was a kid but I felt so…so alone.
No one was really like me and no one could build with me. (I didn’t know how multiplayer worked back then)
But I always felt so weirded out and even creeped out finding structures that only I can built but never built in my life and obviously don’t have the skill to build lol.
Mineshafts, Desert Temples, Ocean Monuments and the Strongholds. All built yet by who? I was freaked out about how alone I was and I left the game until years later on where MatPat explained its lore…its story.
I felt less alone after that, especially after finding out how multiplayer works.
Now I listen to his videos while I build…man I will miss that guy.
I’ll miss it all but I always appreciate the time I had with them.
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fantasiummaximum · 5 months
I imagine Joey missing Henry.
I didn’t read the books yet but come on, Joey seems like the type of guy to be hung up on a person who leaves because he’s so unbearable…and missing them.
I did see an excerpt from the book “The illusion of Living” by Joey Drew (Actually written by Adrianne Kress) about how Henry, though he didn’t leave a massive impression on people because he wasn’t very sociable therefore always in the background and forgettable, he as in Henry would forever be stuck in the dark corner of Joey’s mind. That…That sounds hella gay.
At least Homiesexual like bro…there is a line and Joey is crossing that line ever so slightly!
After Henry left, I imagine it causing Joey so much stress and so much…anger, obviously because Henry stood up to Joey but also..Joey must’ve missed Henry. Like in a friend way or in a way only explained as that warm feeling when you see someone you like and want to hold hands.
I wonder what would happened if Henry stayed. Stayed to stand up to Joey or if Henry didn’t have Linda…Two forces, one striving for greatness and the other trying to be realistic.
Imagine if we played as a totally different party separate from both Henry and Joey and we saw how both these two forces tore the studio apart.
All I’m saying is Joey is mad at Henry leaving but I think it would be a lot more worse if Henry stayed and kept that “I’m standing up to this guy” mentality.” Henry might be dead but well food for thought💀
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