eli-kirk-music · 2 years
Live acoustic version of Monarch, from my new album Uninspired.
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eli-kirk-music · 2 years
New album!!!
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eli-kirk-music · 2 years
New album on new years day :)
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
A song about Nacho Fries
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
New song out today! It's about the iron giant.
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
My first album starts out with a song I would call a banger.
The first track is introductory. I wrote it to contextuallize and build up to the second track, In Your Mind. This was the only track on my album, TYFTI, that I wrote the year it came out.
When I pick up a guitar, In Your Mind is the first song I play 50% of the time.
It's about liking somebody but fearing how they perceive you.
I wrote it 10-11 years ago and I've grown a lot musically since then, but this one still holds a special place in my heart because when I wrote it, I wasn't sure if I was good enough to write a rock song on guitar. Even though it's a pretty simple song, writing it with its fairly irregular rhythm gave me the confidence to keep going.
Every time it was my turn with the guitar at a family gathering, I would summon all my energy and angst into that E minor - G riff and just go off.
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
The other song I wrote that I released as a non-album single. Also an iPhone demo with only added reverb.
This song was inspired by lockdown-era boredom. I think the riff is pretty cool.
I got the name from a Phineas and Ferb quote. The only connection the song has to the title is it says the word "plane."
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
Tiger was the first song I released as an iPhone demo that I slapped some reverb on and honestly, I think it sounds great regardless. I wrote it as a poem, and I was figuring out the melody as I was recording. It just came together really well.
This song is about Spider-Man (2002), and hyper-romantic ideas I associated with this scene:
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
My first release was the Step Inside EP.
If you're scrolling through my page, posts under this one are songs on it.
The tracklist, as follows, was intentionally constructed to tell a meta-narrative. While the songs themselves were not intended as the same story, I imposed a character arch on random songs because I wanted someone to be able to listen and feel like they were getting a unified experience.
1. The Shadow
2. Too Many Stories
3. Solitude
4. Human Spirit
5. Not Tonight
6. Change My Life
The album art is a picture I drew for a drawing class. I chose the cardboard box drawing because I looked up to emo bands like American Football and The Hotellier (still do) and they both had house abum covers. I figured that if those albums were houses, my humble 6-track EP could comparatively at least be a cardboard box for the homeless seeking shelter in the rain. It was a first attempt at actually recording and releasing a few of my hundreds of original songs.
I released the EP independently on February 5th, 2019.
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
Change My Life. This song is probably the most fun to rock out to on my EP.
I wrote this back when I believed there was a god, and I wanted to write a song that appeared on the surface to be religious until you realize it's about wanting your crush to like you. Big Relient K/ Lifehouse vibes in that regard.
I love the bass on this song, which I came up with on the spot in the studio.
I once played this song at The Bluebird Cafe open mic in Nashville with a kazoo solo and the crowd went wild. One of the best moments of my life.
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
I wrote and composed this one for a guitar class assignment. This is why its composition is more ambitious than most songs on this record.
Lyrically, it's about the negative effects and causes of isolation and basically the fear that everyone secretly hates you.
The song is the only song on the EP to include cajon.
Adam, the engineer/ producer on this record who I knew from school, gave it a lot of personality by adding the chord at the beginning of the chorus and putting a cool effect at the beginning.
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
Not Tonight, from my first EP. This one is my biggest regret about the EP. Not for lyrical reasons, in fact I think it has some of the best lyrics on the EP. But the badly timed bongos ruin it for me. I got nervous in the studio and after several takes of sore bongo hands, I kinda choked. I learned from this experience to never again release something I wasn't 100% proud of, and I like to think I've stuck to that. I also never played bongos on a record again.
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
This one was written in a cabin on vacation with my dad after I left Warped Tour. After I wrote a song with my grandma, she gave me a bunch of song title ideas to hopefully spark something. "Too Many Stories" was one of those titles.
The record includes electric guitar, mandolin, ukulele, and bass, all played myself. Not at the same time, though that would be impressive.
Musically, the vibe I was going for was a mix of early Jimmy Eat World ballads and Vice Verses-era Switchfoot ballads.
Credit for the line "I implode and restart" goes to my bother and frequent collaborator Conner, who got the idea from a poem he wrote that was sadly deleted with the fall of poetfreak.
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
This one was written about the pressures of growing up and graduating college with basically no idea what you're doing with the rest of your life, and the fear and stress that can come with that.
Musically, the strum-pick polyrythym was heavily influenced by Tiny Moving Parts. I saw them live and was totally blown away that one guy could be playing rhythm guitar and picking within the same bar of music. I wrote the intro to this as my own simplified version of that cause I thought it was super cool.
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eli-kirk-music · 3 years
I wanted to make this a little spot to talk about my music.
Starting with my first EP.
The Shadow was the song where I discovered my favorite chord, 332000.
The bridge was written separately from the rest of the song as a poem. I thought they worked together so I combined them.
The general message of being present and hyper-aware of a moment is why I still like this song written about a fleeting crush.
This, combined with the bridge that's filled with longing makes it one of my proudest works. Looking back, I'm not entirely sure what I meant by the bridge. I have a few theories, but I think I've thought about it and sang it so many times that what it means is ever-changing.
"I'm standing in a room with four white walls
And there's a shadow in the corner, holds the key to it all
And I step inside cause I'm not scared anymore
And now the shadow makes me feel like I've never felt before
It gets brighter than the rest of the room
Cause I see it with eyes that are perfectly new
I see a brand new world but the room is gone
Cause it's a state of mind that I no longer want
Inside my shadow"
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