Survey Shows Rise in Depression, Suicidal Thoughts in US Teens
A nationwide survey of teenagers in the United States has revealed a rise in fear and despair among them, with one in seven admitting to the misuse of prescription drugs. Since 2007, there has been a rise in the number of teenagers reporting feelings of dejection and despair. Suicidal tendency and absenteeism in school have gone up due to the fear of bullying and violence. The trend has been noteworthy in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in high schools.
Countrywide, one out of five students reported facing bullying at school, one in 10 females and one in 28 male students reported having been subjected to forced sexual activity. Dr. Jonathan Mermin of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which conducted the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, said that the life of an adolescent can be challenging. However, a huge number of students admitting to persistent feeling of hopelessness and 17 percent contemplating suicide tell the sad state of affairs.
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In 2007, 28 percent of teenagers reported to have suicidal feelings, which rose to 31 percent in 2017. Similarly, 14 percent of teens made suicide plans in 2017 as against 11 percent in 2007. The survey, conducted every two years, involved 15,000 high school students across 39 states. It asks questions pertaining to a wide range of activities and attitudes.
There were some positive observations as well. Compared to a decade ago, fewer teens reported indulging in sexual activity, consuming alcohol or taking drugs like marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. Since the question related to prescription opioid was asked for the first time, the researchers couldn’t tell if the one in seven exhibited an increase or a decline.
The executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors and a social worker, David Harvey, said that irrespective of the absence of a comparison, these figures suggest that opioids must be contributing to the lesser explored impact on the lives of adolescents. For example, opioid use could be contributing towards the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in this age group.
Harvey pointed out that in 2007, at least 62 percent of teens reported having used condoms the last time they had an intercourse compared to 54 percent of teens in 2017. This decline along with the use of prescription drugs signals towards a teenager’s susceptibility to STDs like HIV and Syphilis. As many as 39 percent of students had sex in 2017 compared to 48 percent in 2007.
There was also a decline in the percentage of students encountering sexual dating violence from 10 percent in 2013 to 7 percent in 2017. This, along with a decline in the intake of alcohol and drugs, represented the wiser choices made by the students. The experts suggested that family support, especially the parental attention can make a lot of difference in an adolescent’s life. Further, an increased access to mental health and substance abuse resources can also make a lot of difference. Schools can contribute by offering coping skills and bystander intervention training.
Among the LGBT teens, there was increased incidence of risky behavior as their sense of physical and emotional well-being is threatened. In comparison to 2015, a higher number of gay, lesbian and bisexual teenagers reported having been raped. They also reported having missed school because of their concerns regarding their own safety.
Dealing with the double whammy
Teens are impressionable. They are at a juncture where they can fall prey to drugs easily which can have an impact on their mental health. On the contrary, they can resort to addictive substances to deal with their mental problems. Such a simultaneous occurrence of these problems is termed as co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis, which requires immediate intervention.
If you or someone you know is dealing with either of the problems or dual diagnosis, seek professional help. The Dual Diagnosis Helpline can assist you in accessing the information about the top dual diagnosis rehab centers. Call at our 24/7 helpline 855-981-6047 to connect with the right facility in your vicinity.
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Art of Dealing with Alcohol Anxiety
People generally drink alcohol to relieve themselves of the feeling of anxiety or are depressed, little knowing that it may aggravate these symptoms. Alcohol, which is known for causing depressive symptoms, is also capable of causing anxiety once its effects start wearing off. It has a direct effect on serotonin, the hormone which is responsible for myriad functions.
When the level of serotonin drops, a person experiences problems with sleep, mood, concentration and memory. This builds anxiety that’s evident from hangovers and if someone is already suffering from it, it gets intensified. One could be struggling with alcohol anxiety the next day because of:
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Drop in blood sugar level – Excessive drinking can cause a drop in the blood sugar levels which leads to numbness, shaking, confusion and nervousness. These problems may trigger an anxiety attack.
Dehydration – Alcohol is also responsible for causing dehydration, visible through fatigue, nausea, dizziness and muscle weakness. The inability to control the symptoms can aggravate anxiety symptoms.
Hypersensitive nervous system – To fight the sedative effects of alcohol, the nervous system gets alert and activated. This may cause sleep deprivation, shaking, light and sound sensitivity, and anxiety.
Increase in heart rate – Unmindful drinking habit might also lead to tachycardia or an increase in heart rate, leading to palpitations and anxious anticipation.
Lack of focus – One may find it difficult to recover from a night of drinking if haziness, headaches and disorientation persist.  
Tips to avoid alcohol anxiety
Those who may not be addicted to alcohol but get anxious after a couple of drinks may not need alcohol recovery help but there is no harm in asking for support from their near and dear ones to feel better. It’s possible to prevent getting a hangover or becoming anxious by being mindful and taking quick actions. This can ward off the likelihood of seeking alcohol addiction support later in life. Some of the ways are as below:
Ideally, one should abstain from drinking; alternatively, it can be restricted to moderate level. The severity of a hangover is directly proportional to the number of drinks one consumes. Thus a person must keep tabs on the quantity he/she takes on regular basis. Some people might be more sensitive to the aftereffects and feel dizzy after one or two drinks only, while some may be more tolerant.  
When alcohol is produced from sugar fermentation, there are some by-products, known as congeners, too. These could be acetone, methanol, and isopentanol. These congeners worsen the severity of a hangover. It is advisable to take drinks with no or less amount of congeners. Transparent drinks like rum, gin and vodka have less amount of congeners, whereas drinks like whiskey, tequila and cognac have lots of congeners.
Alcohol is a diuretic and can easily trigger a bout of dehydration, leading to dry mouth, fatigue, headache and thirst. The best way to avoid dehydration is to drink plenty of water in between the drinks and just before going to bed. Dehydration per se might not cause hangover, but it can worsen it.
Alcohol can interfere with one’s quality and duration of sleep. This can worsen the hangover symptoms like irritability and anxiety. It is therefore, important to sleep on time and for long hours after a session of drinking.
Since hangovers are associated with low blood sugar levels causing headache and weakness, it is important to get the lost energy by eating a hearty breakfast. Healthy and nutritious food can mitigate bad effects of the last night.
Sometimes, supplements can help in dealing with a hangover. They could be anti-inflammatory herbs and medicines, red ginseng, prickly pear and ginger.
Co-occurring disorders
People addicted to alcohol often also complain of depression or anxiety disorders like social anxiety and panic disorders. When a person suffers from a mental illness and substance use disorder, the condition is known as dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders. In such a case, the treatment should be designed in a manner that addresses both the conditions concurrently for holistic recovery.  
If you feel the need for help for co-occurring disorders, contact the Dual Diagnosis Helpline. You can talk to our representative at the 24/7 helpline 855-981-6047 to know about the finest dual diagnosis rehab center that offers customized treatment plan with personalized attention and care.
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Self-Medication, Prescription Drug Abuse Common in Body Dysmorphic Disorder
“There is no real beauty without some slight imperfection.”
-          James Slater
Unfortunately, for a person suffering from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), even a slight imperfection could result in sleepless nights. As a result, many go under the knife to achieve the chiseled look. They are gripped with fear related to their appearance and constantly fret that their nose needs shaping, or a minor imperfection like a mole or a scar has to be removed, or excess fat or insufficient muscle mass needs to be addressed. So, they keep enhancing their features to stand out from others in beauty.
Besides being common, BDD has been listed as a severe disorder wherein the sufferer is obsessed with his or her nonexistent flaws. Individuals with BDD are known to engage in compulsive behaviors, such as checking, rechecking and trying to find reassurance about their flaws. Highly neurotic in their behavior, people with this disorder are clinically distressed.
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Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story titled “The Birth-Mark” talks about the repercussions of vanity bordering on obsessive compulsion. Here, the antagonist, obsessed with the slight blemish on his fair wife’s face, spends days and nights ruminating on how to remove the scar, and in the process distances himself from his wife. Eager to please, his wife consents to undergo a difficult operation undertaken by her husband and his slave to remove her scar. However, in the process, she dies. The blemish though is removed.
Unrealistic body goals and self-medication
BDD is prevalent in today’s generation exposed to unrealistic social media feeds. As most of the teenagers are unhappy about the way they look and are always comparing themselves with those having an ideal appearance, they are depressed, anxious and socially isolated. Therefore, substance abuse is common among youngsters suffering from BDD. Whether it is weed, hallucinogens or alcohol, these serve as a means for escaping the real world. Unfortunately, such escapist tendency boomerangs in the long run, as the person gets severely addicted to drugs, alcohol and other substances.
In addition to illicit drugs, the afflicted individual could also resort to prescription pills. While the boys could start using anabolic steroids to beef up their muscles, young girls resort to an assortment of diet pills for losing weight quickly. Unfortunately, both anabolic steroids and dietary pills are associated with high risks of addictive behavior.
Anabolic steroids are synthetic drugs primarily prescribed by doctors for treating hormonal issues like delayed puberty or intensive muscle loss. These drugs produce the same effect as other addictive drugs. Though they do not produce psychoactive effects like other drugs, they build increased tolerance and dependence when used for long. Furthermore, when the users try to quit, they experience withdrawal pangs. One of the commonest symptoms of anabolic steroid withdrawal is depression, which is sometimes so severe that the individual could think of killing himself or herself.
As users could be spending a lot of time and money in procuring steroids for an enhanced body, their obsession with such products is equivalent to the cravings experienced by a person abusing weed, heroin, etc. Besides suppressing the appetite, some diet pills contain amphetamine – stimulants that increase the rate of body functions. Some past studies have highlighted that diet pills like phentermine, phendimetrazine, etc., result in increased heart rate and BP, as well as cause addiction and dependence.
Help for dual diagnosis
BDD is a complex disorder that cannot be controlled with medications alone. It requires an extensive therapy, adjunct to medications like antidepressants and benzos, to remove misconceptions and maladaptive behaviors. The most common form of therapy administered to people with a negative self-image is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Apart from psychiatric intervention, patients can participate in group activities meant for BDD.
BDD may lead to addiction, or vice versa. When these conditions co-exist, it becomes a more serious problem known as dual diagnosis. If you or your loved one is suffering from either of the problems, it becomes important to get checked for dual diagnosis. It is imperative to take the necessary medical help before matters go out of control. If you want to know about dual diagnosis treatment centers in your area, connect with the Dual Diagnosis Helpline. You may call at our 24/7 helpline for drug detox 855-981-6047 to get in touch with the best dual diagnosis rehab in your vicinity.
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Sharing Problems, Seeking Guidance Make It Easier to Deal With Dual Diagnosis
Dual diagnosis is one of the most complex brain disorders. Usually a combination of psychiatric illness and substance use disorder (SUD), it is comparatively severer and more complex than either of the two disorders as it involves the interplay between two equally complex conditions. Dual diagnosis, known as co-occurring disorders in the common parlance, is characterized by errant behavior, petty criminal offenses, and fluctuating moods due to the comorbidity of SUD and mental disorder.
Depending on the kind of substance abused, users develop different combinations of coexisting disorders, such as alcoholism and depression. The repercussions of dual diagnosis are not restrained only to the individual grappling with the challenges of the disorder but equally impacts family members and friends as well.
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The family of the person suffering from dual diagnosis finds itself struggling with a new challenge every now and then. These problems can include arranging a ride to the hospital in odd hours, finding funds for treatment, and dealing with his or her exaggerated and irrational hallucinations or paranoia. This could be cumbersome for the members of the family, leaving no time for recreation and rejuvenation. Most are harried and hassled, and heave a sigh of relief when it is time to send the patient to a recovery home for treatment.
Though they may not show it explicitly, family members could feel resentment and hatred toward their condition due to the patient. Despite all efforts, there is an increased risk that things could turn for worse, spiking the likelihood of a relapse. They feel let down by the patient, when he or she expresses no gratitude for their all help and care.
Ways to handle dual diagnosis patients in family
The risk of exacerbating the problem runs high when family and friends use violence and intimidation to control the patient. In order to nip the problem in the bud, the family should instead try the following tips:
Keeping control over spending: Instead of giving money to a dual diagnosis patient, which could fuel addiction, the family should appoint a caregiver to take care of his/her expenses. It is necessary to keep money away from the reach of such patients. Furthermore, with the help of a community mental health worker, counsellor or therapist, a person can be dissuaded from splurging money on drugs and alcohol.
Dealing with agitation and paranoia: The families of people living with the co-occurring disorders must learn to deal with the most common symptoms of dual diagnosis, such as agitation, paranoia and hallucinations. In certain conditions, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, the signs of an impending flare up are evident prior to the actual episode. Therefore, it is vital for the family to develop mechanisms for dealing with such episodes, such as providing medications or taking help of a community organization or health care center. In case, there are children in the family, it is necessary to keep them out of harm’s way. Such psychotic episodes can have a deeper impression on the mind of a child compared to adults.
Staying firm: Although people with dual diagnosis have as much right to decide their lifestyle and way of living as any other person, it is necessary for their families to stay firm and communicate clearly in case their habits are negatively impacting the members, especially children.
Taking professional help when required: One should not shy away from taking professional help, not just for the patient but also for himself or herself, if needed. Participating in community awareness and skill training programs related to dual diagnosis keep one abreast of the latest developments. Also, one can develop better coping mechanisms and feel more stressed out by meeting other families living with the same set of problems through such community programs. These community programs related to harm minimization strategies help people in keeping the patient and the family safe.
Progressive family members support each other
Dual diagnosis is a complex problem that requires treatment by a clinical expert in addition to the love and support of the family. In certain instances, when the condition is beyond control, the person suffering from dual diagnosis would be required to prolong his/her stay in inpatient settings.
If you know someone suffering from addiction and a co-occurring mental disorder, contact the Dual Diagnosis Helpline 855-981-6047 for information on appropriate rehab centers near you. Call at our 24/7 helpline for drug detox programs to access the finest dual diagnosis program.
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Decoding Ice Psychosis and Its Aftereffects
In the book “Ice Age,” Luke Williams, a freelance journalist and author, has described what it is like to be under the spell of meth. While researching about addiction to crystal meth, he came across many people who described their experiences. One such encounter was with Cassy McDonald.
In 2014, McDonald had taken an intravenous shot of crystal meth. In the book, she recounts her experience, saying, “All I remember was fear; I was terrified, I locked all the doors and refused to get out, and ripped open all my dashboard and seats looking for the phone. It seemed like I was only in there a few hours, but I was in there for two whole days. I only came out when my partner’s sister pulled up with my son.”
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All the while, McDonald felt that her mother was calling to tell her something important and that her phone was somewhere in her car. For 48 hours, she remained locked in her car, fervently searching for the phone, fearful and bewildered. Interestingly, in her drug-induced state, McDonald forgot that she did not own a mobile and didn’t realize the time she stayed inside the car.
Ironically, on his journey to the world of crystal meth while trying to understand its aftereffects, Williams became addicted too.
Explaining meth-induced psychosis
Methamphetamine or meth, also known as speed, crank or ice in street parlance, is one of the most powerful stimulants. People using the drug may report short-term effects, such as increased euphoria, confusion and extreme volubility, and long-term effects, such as brain damage, cardiovascular disease, rotten teeth, facial scarring as well as damage to kidney and lungs. In certain instances, this can also lead to a state of psychosis. Meth addiction can exacerbate the symptoms of co-occurring mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety disorders.
Psychosis is a temporary condition in which a person loses touch with reality. One could start visualizing that he or she is in an exotic land, while in reality, the person could very well be in the confines of his/her bedroom. During the drug-induced psychotic state, an individual could exhibit unwarranted behaviors and tendencies such as:
Hallucinations: A person undergoing an ice psychosis could see things that do not exist or hear voices that others cannot hear. They could also feel bugs crawling on their skin without any reason.
Delusions: An episode of ice psychosis could result in the person holding false beliefs. It is hard to reason with a person under the spell.
Aggressiveness: Many long-term users of meth have the tendency to display obsessive-compulsive behavior. They become volatile and are likely to react negatively at the slightest of provocations.
Treating meth addiction challenging but possible
According to the recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 667,000 people aged 12 or older were current users of methamphetamine in 2016. That included about 9,000 youngsters in the age group of 12 to 17 who were current meth users and approximately 65,000 adults aged 18 to 25 who used methamphetamine in the past month.
According to the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), methamphetamine was responsible for 103,000 emergency department (ED) visits in 2011. Along with cocaine, heroin and marijuana, meth became the most abused illicit drug in that year. Ice or meth-induced psychosis can lead to life-threatening consequences. It not only causes harm to the person using it but can be frustrating for the near and dear ones as well. They may have a hard time convincing the person to quit the habit and have to silently bear the sufferer’s condition. If it leads to co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis, the treatment becomes even more difficult and requires an integrated approach to address both the disorders simultaneously. Delaying the treatment can worsen the mental and physical health.
If you know someone suffering from an addiction or a mental health disorder, or both, you should consult an expert for the best solution. The Dual Diagnosis Helpline can connect you to one of the finest dual diagnosis rehab centers near you. Call at our 24/7 helpline 855-981-6047 to know more.
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Anxiety May Lead to SUD and Vice Versa - Dealing With Double Whammy
Anxiety disorders are among the common mental health conditions that impact lives of millions of Americans. It is a highly disabling disorder that can restrict an individual from living a healthy life and performing daily activities with enthusiasm. The illness puts a considerable amount of strain on an individual’s personal and professional life by diminishing psychological and physiological capacities.
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Anxiety disorders impact nearly 40 million Americans aged 18 or older. This translates into a significant 18.1 percent of the adult population. There are various kinds of anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety disorder (SAD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and phobia. An untreated anxiety disorder can lead to substance abuse. Given below are few scenarios where a person with an anxiety-related condition develops a substance use disorder (SUD) or vice versa:
Self-medication brings relief to such people from fearful thoughts and excessive worry about impending events.
Prolonged use of a drug changes brain chemistry that alters the way one behaves, thinks and feels.
People suffering from social phobia are often prescribed benzodiazepines, which are addictive in nature. Prolonged and consistent use beyond the doctor’s advice results in one getting caught in the cycle of abuse and addiction.
Effective remedies
The chances of delayed diagnosis and treatment or misdiagnosis of co-occurring disorders are high due to the complexity and severity of the symptoms. A patient might be treated just for one condition while the other remains hidden. In order to provide complete relief and make the recovery long-lasting, it is imperative to treat the co-occurring disorders simultaneously. Undiagnosed, untreated or insufficiently treated cases increase the likelihood of suicide and death.
For a long time, tranquilizers like benzodiazepines were considered the apt treatment for anxiety. In some cases, even antidepressants are prescribed. Though both anxiety and depression are distinct mental health conditions, both revolve around serotonin, the mood regulator hormone. Currently, the most common medications for anxiety disorders include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and older tricyclic antidepressants.
Apart from medications, there are various therapies that are beneficial in treating co-occurring disorders, such as:
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a combination of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. Its goal is to identify and understand the root cause of the problem, and improve the way one thinks and behaves.
Eye movement and desensitization reprocessing (EMDR): It is a revolutionary therapy which is highly effective in the treatment of patients with a trauma or past anxiety. The therapy is based on bilateral stimulation and right/left eye movements, which have the effect of activating the opposite sides of the brain. In the process, emotional experiences that are often the root of a mental health condition are released. The effect is cathartic and the individual feels free.
Mindfulness: Mindfulness therapy is related to the Zen philosophy of being in the present instead of dwelling either in the future or in the past. Living in the future is the root cause of anxiety and depression, whereas being obsessed about the past is stressful. When a person is mindful, he/she stays active, becomes aware of the surroundings and takes into account current experiences without taking stress by anticipating what lies ahead.
Co-occurring disorders are treatable
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), only a third of people with anxiety disorders seek medical assistance. Anxiety disorders are treatable, provided one seeks timely help. If delayed, it may give rise to an SUD, leading to a more complicated condition – dual diagnosis. It is even more important to treat co-occurring disorders using an integrated approach that requires collaboration across disciplines. This can help in reducing cost of hospitalization and those related to loss of productivity, and improve the overall quality of life.
If you or someone you know is struggling with co-occurring disorders, the Dual Diagnosis Helpline can assist you in finding the best dual diagnosis rehab center in the U.S. Call our 24/7 helpline 855-981-6047 to access the most trusted dual diagnosis rehab center in your vicinity.
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ADHD May Open Doors to First-Time Cocaine Use
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most challenging mental disorders, both for the patients and their families. Characterized by short attention time, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior, those suffering from the illness become restless and have problems organizing tasks, completing activities and focusing on studies. Children suffering from this disorder are often labelled as lazy or irresponsible as they have difficulty in paying attention and can become easily distracted. This is the reason why symptoms may go unnoticed and the disorder remains untreated.
Martha (name changed on request), a survivor of ADHD, recounts her experience of living with ADHD. She did not realize she had the problem until adulthood. All through her childhood, she was reminded time and again that she was careless, sloppy and lacking willpower. She was frequently reprimanded for not finishing her homework on time and lingering things. The passage to adult life was more or less the same. Whether it be her studies, internships, or any activity, everything was impacted by her uncontrollable behavior, and at the end of the day, nothing seemed to calm her.
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Living with the preconceived notion that she was intellectually inferior to those around her and was good for nothing, she found solace in cocaine. It gave her the high she required and made her feel invincible at times, a sensory perception that many addicted to this drug often feel. She felt more confident and comfortable. However, with the euphoric high came the equally fateful fall that exacerbated her desire to find an antidepressant to help her come out of the vicious cycle. It was only when she was diagnosed with ADHD that she finally learnt to manage her condition with Adderall pills, prescribed to her by her doctor.
Cocaine dependency
A study attempting to investigate the relationship between drug abuse and ADHD came up with several surprising results. Respondents with ADHD had lower ages on admission to therapeutic institutes and lower ages at the time of first contact with cocaine. Also, the severity of cocaine addiction was more in those with ADHD. What led to the earlier admissions to drug rehabs was the earlier age at which cocaine was abused. Researchers found that cocaine was often used to camouflage the symptoms of ADHD.
The study was led by neurologist Dr. Carlos Henrique Ferreira Camargo from the State University of Ponta Grossa in Brazil. Talking about the nature of substance abuse in patients with ADHD, he said, "The subtype of the disorder, in which hyperactivity is predominant, is more common among male patients. But normally, these young adults who are hyperactive have a number of stories to share with me from when they were younger that involve abuse of both licit and illicit substances."
This intensifies the need of diagnosing and treating mental disorders at the right time so that the practice of self-medication with a harmful substance can be controlled. Ritalin drug, which is used for ADHD treatment, has properties that are similar to cocaine. Just like cocaine, it is a powerful stimulant and increases concentration and focusing abilities. According to experts, adults who have been prescribed Ritalin as children and thereafter were taken off the drug once they reached adulthood, were more likely to compensate its absence with cocaine.
However, Ritalin and Adderall are prescribed by the doctor for certain period and in a carefully monitored manner, while cocaine used for self-medication can be injected or snorted at home or another convenient place where one cannot be spotted. Ritalin takes time to reach the brain and show its effects, whereas cocaine’s effects are quicker and high doses can be dangerous. Snorting or injecting the drug also makes it more liable for abuse.
Dual diagnosis is manageable
Dual diagnosis is hard to detect, especially in children as the functional and behavioral changes are often symptomatic of the growing age. Whether it is substance abuse that fuels a mental health disorder or vice versa, there is no safe bet. However, an integrated approach can be helpful in addressing both the conditions in a holistic manner with medication and therapy. Health care programs and policies should be aimed at helping the vulnerable population overcome stigma and in staying away from harmful substances as they provide short-term relief and aggravate the existing condition.
If you or your loved one is suffering from co-occurring disorders, contact the Dual Diagnosis Helpline to understand the condition better and get assistance in finding the best dual diagnosis centers. Call at our 24/7 helpline number 855-981-6047 to know about various dual diagnosis programs across the U.S.
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Extreme Mood Episodes of Bipolar Disorder Incite Addiction
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes erratic and abrupt shifts in mood, energy and behavior that impede the ability to perform day-to-day tasks. Individuals with bipolar disorder experience changes in moods that vacillate between extreme mania and severe depression.
Hence, a person with this condition may often display behaviors that are poles apart, sometimes appearing upbeat and zealous and at times experiencing periods of depression, worthlessness, restlessness and loneliness. Many experts believe that this unique trait could increase the risk of developing an addiction.  
There is enough evidence to support the fact that those with the above condition are likely to take illicit substances, such as alcohol or drugs, in an effort to self-medicate to get relief from their persisting symptoms.
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In fact, it is estimated that more than half of the population with bipolar disorder also lives with some form of addiction. According to many studies, addictive substances assist in alleviating the lows and enhancing the highs in people suffering from bipolar disorder.
Unfortunately, self-medicating with illicit substances yields only temporary relief and in truth, it only alters the brain chemistry in ways that can worsen the condition. As a result, there is an increased risk of developing co-occurring disorders that require dual diagnosis treatment.
Innate nature of bipolar disorder increases chances of drug use
It is a well-known fact that individuals who experience dramatic changes in mood and emotions are more susceptible to abusing substances, such as marijuana, downers, alcohol and opiates, to keep their mental burden at bay. Studies have shown that the characteristics of both bipolar disorder and addiction are common as they include both manic and depressive symptoms. Individuals with bipolar disorder tend to take such substances in excess.
In reality, many individuals who may be experiencing the symptoms of depression and mania may not be aware of that they are living with an illness which could be difficult to diagnose. Such individuals, like those suffering from bipolar disorder, are also likely to turn to substances due to the perceived reason that they help in escaping both despair and extreme mania.
Over time, as the addiction to substances becomes part of the behavior and reward-seeking feelings intensify, bipolar patients continue to abuse substances to experience the feel-good psychoactive effects while ignoring the toll it takes on their body and mind. This is also the main contributing factor behind the spike in dual diagnosis cases.
Although the diagnosis and treatment of co-occurring diseases, such as physical disorders and mental disorders, takes longer due to numerous complications, dual diagnosis treatment has evolved to a point wherein most addiction treatment facilities are more than equipped to handle such cases.
Until the turn of the last century, most doctors believed that the two conditions are mutually exclusive and need to be treated separately. However, most rehab facilities have infrastructure and staff that are adept at handling cases of dual diagnosis, such as addiction and bipolar disorder, by treating both the conditions at the same time.
This not only reduces the risk of a relapse but also ensures holistic treatment that usually improves the symptoms of both the disorders. This leads to the improvement in the rates of recovery.
Help is at hand
An individual with dual diagnosis usually experiences more trauma and challenges than those diagnosed with just one condition, depending on the severity of the condition. However, treatment for dual diagnosis cases, such as bipolar disorder and addiction, can greatly improve the mental and physical condition of an individual. By undergoing an effective treatment, one will be able to maneuver his or her life in the right direction, perform daily tasks, and maintain healthy relationships at home, school or work.
If you or your loved one is experiencing the symptoms of mental illnesses and is battling addiction at the same time, it is imperative to seek help. The Dual Diagnosis Helpline can help you in finding out more about the finest dual diagnostic treatment centers in the U.S. that specialize in delivering evidence-based intervention plans. Call us at our 24/7 helpline number 855-981-6047 to know more about the dual diagnosis treatment options near you.
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Get The Care You Need To Treat Dual Diagnosis!
The need for the dual diagnosis treatments is rising due to the increasing drug consumption among the adults. At present, many surveys have been conducted to figure out the mental health disorders among the people worldwide.  The results were shocking to know that the people of all ages today are into drug addiction without even bothering the harmful effects of the drugs on the body and mind.  Around the globe, the top dual diagnosis treatment centers are taking pride in offering the treatment for addiction and mental illness.
People today are suffering with the mental illness due to the stress in their hectic lives and this leads to the drug addiction, which takes a serious turn leaving the people with the many problems.  To get the comprehensive assessment at the right time it is very important to get connected with the reliable and reputed dual diagnosis treatment centers with years of specialization in treating the drug addiction and mental health problems.
The specialists at the centers help the patients to understand their addiction treatment options to get the right treatment at the right time.  Before you begin with your treatment, be in touch with the best treatment service provider in California.
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How Many Ways Drug Addiction Affects Mental Health
If you’re searching for the top dual diagnosis treatment centers, get connected with us at Dual Diagnosis Helpline. We are the most renowned, efficient and reliable helpline committed to offering our customers the way to find effective treatment programs. At our helpline, we provide 24*7 assistance to our worthy patients so that they can clear with their questions and queries at any time when they feel like talking to experts. We first study the case of each and every patient and then suggest the appropriate treatment center for the recovery program. For more information, make a visit to our online helpline.
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Dual Rehab Center - Easy Way To Quit Drugs & Cure Mental Health!
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The dual treatment rehab centers aim to improve the quality of life of the addicted individuals or the community in a certain region.  An alarming increase in the drug victims and the simultaneous mental illness leads to the serious issues and acquires serious efforts to restrain the responsive cause of the problems for the betterment of the helpless addicts. These effective and authentic dual treatment rehab centers adopt sophisticated techniques and appropriate solutions with the dual diagnosis therapy to cope with the target recovery with the excellent medical treatment and with a timely provision.
The dual treatment rehab centers offer the medical and psycho therapeutic treatment for the people having a dependency to any kind of illegal drugs (heroin, cocaine, etc) or prescription drugs, which causes a mental problem. The highly multidisciplinary staff and innovative technology used within the dual diagnosis therapy with the center provides the patients with an outpatient treatment that will consist of physical, psychiatric and physiological help. Here, you can be administered by the use of medicines and individual therapy sessions. The staff work at the dual treatment rehab centers to increase public awareness and to assure education and prevention regarding all types of addictions.
The dual diagnosis therapy assures a sane, safe and an active drug-free life to the users and support to allow their social insertion in the society. The dual treatment rehab centers improve the patient outcome and build up recuperation skills to cease the use of drugs or substances.
Finding out your loved one struggling with an addiction and alongside having an unstable mental condition is one of the hardest challenges to go through or face. Nevertheless, you can benefit from the dual diagnosis therapy provided by the dual treatment rehab centers by hooking up with a reputed helpline. Browse the web and make sure to get the perfect aid for the one’s seeking a rehab center!
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Signs of Bipolar Disorder
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How To Overcome Social Anxiety Disorder
Find the best dual treatment rehab centers with the leading online helpline Dual Diagnosis Helpline. We are the renowned helpline in San Diego offering the patients suffering from dual diagnosis disorder, the best treatment centers to get recovered soon. We understand the importance of healthy and happy life, thus we try hard to help the patients experience the same as soon as possible. Our years of experience in delivering the quality services have made us popular among the people. The experienced staff working with us is available 24*7 to serve you anytime with the queries. Call us today, for further information!
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Call at our 24/7 helpline number 855-981-6047
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Connect To A Reliable Center If Struggling With Dual Disorders?
A dual diagnosis treatment center provides the treatment for various disorders and focus on the people who are identified as having it. When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, he/she may simultaneously get a mental disorder, that is having both the symptoms of substance abuse and mental disorder, resulting into the dual disorder. The brain is mostly and severely affected by the mental illness and the overlapping of genetic factors, environmental triggers, rewards and stress continue.
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There is no such thing as a dual diagnosis treatment center that is capable of meeting your specific needs.  An addicted person should be aware of all the real needs and major mental health issues.  A quality dual diagnosis inpatient treatment center is the most effective way to treat the dual disorders at the same time. However, the center formerly provides the detoxification of drugs and alcohol before underlying the addressed mental issues. The dual diagnosis inpatient treatment centers undertakes and integrative approach with the cognitive behavioral therapy to produce the change with proper medication management.
Dual diagnosis residential treatment seeks to overcome the insufficient treatment model by providing the simultaneous services for both the substance abuse and the mental disorders, thereby establishing a basis for the moderation within the program to recover. The dual diagnosis residential treatment center provides a treatment for the co-occurring disorders with immense benefits to the affected areas with their comprehensive and behavioral treatment together rather than separately in a much safe and secure environment.
Balancing the dual disorders can be a difficult task without any medical help or assistance, therefore, surf the internet for consulting a reputed helpline. Get connected with the reliable dual diagnosis inpatient or residential treatment centers available at highly competitive prices to meet your desired needs. Browse the web now!
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