dracavia · 2 years
These are lovely! Wish I had the spare money right now, but I’ll definitely be bookmarking the page for the future ❤️
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Marked down the clear grey winteriron one since it does have a crack in the top left piece from the cutting process- it is held in place by the solder so even if it does someday run all the way through it will stay there, but still
~ Prices are what is shown + shipping (and I will only charge what it costs to ship- if you want an idea ahead of time I’m shipping from 50014 USA)
~ DM me either here or on Discord (Ibreathebooks#6783) with which pieces you want and the address you would like them shipped to, I’ll double check total price with you including shipping to make sure you are still okay with that
~ Payment is only through PayPal
~ First come first serve, but I’ll keep a waiting list incase someone else changes their mind or you would like to be specifically pinged next time I have that item ~ right now going to be posting listings here and at least one discord server,
so feel free to let me know where you’d like a ping
~ Yes I will ship international, just be aware of how much shipping might be
~ Any questions please ask
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dracavia · 4 years
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Artwork in Bristol by Lanie Rose (link to her instagram in source)
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dracavia · 5 years
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Happy Star Wars Day!!
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dracavia · 5 years
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Movies To Stream Right Now For Transgender Day Of Visibility
Boy Meets Girl (dir. Eric Shaeffer)
A sweet romantic comedy starring trans actress Michelle Hendley as a trans woman who finds love in a small town in Kentucky, USA. (Netflix)
Tangerine (dir. Sean Baker)
Two trans sex workers, played by trans actresses Kitana Kiki Rodriguez and Mya Taylor, go on an adventure in Los Angeles on Christmas Eve to find the man who did one of them wrong. (Netflix)
Gun Hill Road (dir. Esai Morales)
Harmony Santana, who plays a young trans woman in the process of transitioning, was the first trans actress to be nominated for an Independent Spirit Award. (iTunes, Google Play)
Todo sobre mi madre/ All About My Mother (dir. Pedro Almodóvar)
This Spanish-language masterpiece by Pedro Almodóvar is the most-awarded movie featuring a trans actress: Antonia San Juan plays a trans woman named Agrado. (Amazon, iTunes, Hulu, Google Play)
Paris Is Burning (dir. Jennie Livingston)
The legendary documentary about the New York Ballroom scene showcases the brilliance of the many trans women of color who built a community there. (Netflix)
Kumu Hina (dir. Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson)
The story of Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, a Hawaiian teacher, activist, and māhū - an individual who embodies both male and female spirit. (Netflix)
Growing Up Coy (dir. Eric Juhola)
A documentary recently released by Netflix in 190 countries telling the story of Coy Mathis, a 6-year-old trans girl who was the focus of a landmark 2013 court ruling allowing her to use the girls’ bathroom at her school in Fountain, Colorado. (Netflix)
Pay It No Mind: The Life And Times Of Marsha P. Johnson (dir. Michael Kasino)
Marsha P. Johnson was a revolutionary trans activist, Stonewall instigator, Andy Warhol model, actress, and Saint. (YouTube)
Movies Directed By Trans People
The Matrix (dir. Lilly and Lana Wachowski)
Though directors Lilly and Lana Wachowski weren’t out at the time, their seminal film is fascinating to rewatch as a trans allegory. (Amazon, iTunes, Google Play)
Drunktowns’s Finest (dir. Sydney Freeland)
Directed by a Navajo trans woman and co-starring a Navajo trans woman, Drunktown’s Finest is about three young Native Americans who struggle with the hardships of life on a reservation. (iTunes, Google Play)
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dracavia · 5 years
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dracavia · 5 years
I’d have to agree, I managed to typo my own name on 3 emails today. Thank goodness I have Outlook set to spell check before sending at work!
It’s been the kind of day that culminated in my telling someone moments ago that the date was the fifth of Wednesday.
I hope you all have a really good fifth of Wednesday. 
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dracavia · 6 years
The site’s back up. They’ve confirmed new keys aren’t being sent out just yet while they check the stability of the site-wide updates under the 15x usual traffic from existing users all jumping back on. This post gives some more info.
Also, for any concerns re the .io domain, they’ve confirmed they’re planning to change it over on Twitter:
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oh dear
Yes, we have seen the news! We are planning to have the site back up either tomorrow or Wednesday; we just have a couple last security measures we want to put in place today, but we will be working on it as quickly as possible and we will have a clearer ETA by tonight.
We will also try to come up with a way to lower the barrier to entry for new users, though we don’t want to drop the entry fee entirely because a) we feel that would be unfair to our users who have paid for their registration keys and b) we don’t think our servers could handle a massive influx of new users right now, so we’re going to try to allow as many new users as we can without capsizing the boat. We appreciate your patience and will have more details soon!
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dracavia · 6 years
a harry potter au where potions is taught by gordon ramsay
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dracavia · 6 years
Not to get political but my philosophy is fundamentally that all people should suffer less. That it’s everyone’s responsibility to try to make the world a little better for everyone else. And anyone trying to do the opposite is an asshole who needs to stop.
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dracavia · 6 years
When Pillowfort is no longer in beta, will people have to pay to use it? Or will it be a free site, with donations welcomed?
We are going to offer optional premium features that users can purchase. All of the features necessary to use Pillowfort safely and efficiently, like our privacy and blacklisting tools, will always be available to all users. The premium features will basically be extra “goodies” you can purchase as thanks for helping to support us– fun stuff like additional user icons, a higher file size uploading limit, additional customization options, etc.
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dracavia · 6 years
So you know this scene…
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I always found it a bit odd. Hilarious, but it raised too many questions. When did Steve make these? Why did Steve make these? How did he manage to be so cheesy and overly sincere knowing how much crap he would get from the other Avengers for it?
Well, today my sister told me her headcanon. Picture the scene. Steve leans on the back of a chair, as above. Peter immediately launches into ‘So, you got detention…’. Cap blinks. Peter awkwardly tries to explain. It turns out Cap has no idea what videos he means, and neither do any of the other Avengers.
So they get in touch with the company who made them, and they swear blind that it was really the real Captain America, and that it all his idea. That he came in and said how much he wanted to help the youth of today.And the Avengers all lose it because someone is running around doing an unbelievably good impression of Captain America, they could have destroyed his reputation, they could have infiltrated the Avengers; and instead all they are apparently using it for is to make silly, embarrassing videos.
It’s completely baffling. Who could possibly be behind it all?
A mystery.
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EDIT: this is getting so many notes ahaha my sister who came up with this is not on Tumblr but you can find her as Radar_girl on Ao3!
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dracavia · 6 years
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If you missed Intersex Awareness Day yesterday, don’t worry! You can still share this phenomenal infographic made by our youth advocate @hannlindahl! Thank you so much for all the work you do for the intersex community, Hann! We are so proud of you!
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dracavia · 6 years
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The last sketch which I decided to colour! :D Tony in a scarf and an autumn mood! @rineechan @skiplo-wave
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dracavia · 6 years
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Well, even as a witch Tony has to attend some events that requires being fancy dressed. Tho he can play some tricks on the other guests if he gets bored and when he’s had enough he can sneak of to a quiet corner and chat with his trusty familiar. :)
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dracavia · 6 years
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dracavia · 6 years
There’s a rolling sign-up wave now, for anyone who’s interested!
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Just a reminder that our next round of invitations will be going out tomorrow! We are still accepting PayPal donations of $5 or more in exchange for a registration key, and we also want to extend a refund offer! We know a lot of people are probably hesitant to throw in $5 on something they aren’t sure they’ll enjoy, so anyone who gets a key through our PayPal offer can request a refund for up to three weeks after you create your account (but not more than 60 days after submitting your payment, because of PayPal’s rules) if you decide Pillowfort just isn’t for you, no questions asked. So if you’re curious about Pillowfort and want to give it a shot, you can try it out and see for yourself risk-free. There are no restrictions except the time frame mentioned, and your account will be deleted if you do request a refund. More details on the offer here!
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dracavia · 6 years
Fandom Etiquette
I’ve been around for a really long time in various fandoms, and no one ever writes this stuff down. I’ll start. Please add to the list. We can’t expect people to follow “rules” they don’t know exist. 
written with the help of @unbreakablejemmasimmons
if you like something, reblog it. Help the artist get their work out there in front of more people. Share the joy that it brought you. 
if you want more of it, support it. This can be via commissions, reblogs, recommending the artist to other people, shouting in the tags, or sending the artist asks/messages. 
if you hate it, keep scrolling. Keep the hate in a message window with a friend, not in the artist’s notes. 
if you want to use it, ask permission. Artwork is beautiful and you want to show it off. But please ask the artist before you throw it into your header or your icon. 
if you use it, give credit. And not just a post where you say “Do you like my new icon? X made it!”. Put it in your blog description, that way when someone rolls around your blog three months from now, they also know where your icon/header came from. 
if you like something, reblog it. Help the author get their work out there in front of more people. Share the joy that it brought you.
if you want more of it, support it. Kudos are fine, but if you want more of the thing you like, you should comment. Subscribe to the story or the author. Send them a message about how much you like what they wrote. 
if you read it, kudos it. Or give it a thumbs up. And this is just if you managed to get all the way to the end. If you finished the story and you actually liked it? Comment and reblog. 
don’t demand content. Be patient. Stories take time. You can encourage without being demanding. Show your love for what’s there without telling them to post more often. 
be gentle with criticism. Some people want it and some people run away from it. If you don’t know what type of person the author is, it’s best not to go there. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.”
ship and let ship. You love your ship and other people love theirs. No one needs to “win” when we’re all going to end up in tears anyway. 
if you hate it, stay out of the tag. This has two meanings: 1) don’t deliberately put hateful commentary in a tag and 2) if you  hate a tag, don’t go and read through that tag just to make yourself angry
if someone makes you something, appreciate it. Read and comment the fic. Like and reblog the artwork. Pimp it out and tell them how much you loved it. It’s a gift, treat it like one. 
if it’s a gift, put some effort into it. You signed up for that exchange three months ago and now it’s a week before you have to send the gift and you don’t have the time or the inclination to do the thing. Well too bad. Someone out there has been working hard in your gift, so you should do the same for them. 
none of us are “better” than anyone else. We’re all trash for our particular show/film/book/ship/artist/what-have-you. My fave is no better than yours and yours is no better than mine. 
actors are not their characters. They are people. Treat them like people. 
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