disordinarybeauty · 7 days
Resilience in Art: The Aesthetic Journey Through Pain
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Since I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, I have endured a journey to discover how the disease was represented in art and the artists affected by my illness. It was a sad coincidence that this diagnosis interested the current focus of my artistic research.
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The aesthetic of the human body, so through art I took the opportunity to explore my condition and exorcise my pain. RA is a degenerative and chronic disease that can have serious consequences deforming our body. Today's medications slow down that process without damage to body parts. In the past where there was a lack of drugs to tackle the progress of the illness, people affected by RA with body deformities were seen as cripples and often marginalized by their own families and society. Some found redemption through art.
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In this context of artistic endeavor, Maud Lewis emerges—as a beacon of human resilience. Within the confines of her humble Nova Scotian abode, Lewis, despite the constraints of Rheumatoid Arthritis, wielded her brush with unwavering determination. Her palette transformed her pains, struggles, and difficult childhood and youth into a symphony of chromatic exuberance. Thus, Maud Lewis etched her name into memory—an enduring testament to art’s transformative power.
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There is also a film about her story, Maudie, inviting us to witness and discover her luminous journey.
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disordinarybeauty · 9 days
Eradicating Silence: The Imperative to Dismantle Societal Complicity in the Mutilation of Women’s Identities
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In the dark alleys of our society, a sinister ritual unfolds, one that leaves women scarred not just in flesh, but in spirit. The act of disfigurement, a grotesque manifestation of malevolence, robs these women of their very essence, their image, their unique #beauty, and their future. It is a heinous declaration of power, an attempt to erase the very existence of these women from the fabric of our culture. "If I can't have you, nobody will."
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This wave of violence against women is not merely a collection of isolated incidents; it is a symptom of a male culture that festers in the shadows of our society. It thrives on the subjugation of women, on the notion that their worth is tied to their appearance, and on the insidious belief that their voices can be silenced through brutality.
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We are confronted with a society that perpetuates the objectification of women, reducing them to mere vessels of beauty to be possessed and discarded at will. It is a culture that celebrates superficiality and shuns the resilience and inner strength of these women who have endured unspeakable horrors.
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The disfigurement of women is not just an assault on their bodies; it is an assault on the very fabric of our humanity. It is a call to action, a demand for change, and a testament to the indomitable spirit of women who refuse to be erased. It is a rallying cry to forge a society where women are not merely seen but heard, where their beauty is not a currency to be devalued, and where their future is not held captive by the malevolence of those who seek to extinguish their light.
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Violence against women in Italy is a grave concern that continues to cast a dark shadow over the fabric of society. According to recent data, Italy has been grappling with a significant rise in cases of violence against women. Reports indicate that since 2024, there has been a disturbing increase in incidents involving the physical and emotional abuse of women by their ex-partners. These acts of violence have left many women scarred, both physically and emotionally, with haunting echoes of their harrowing experiences reverberating through the corridors of society.
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disordinarybeauty · 10 days
The Vanguard of Valor: Reclaiming the Female Form
In the shadow of Italy's political turmoil, where conservative tides rise like a threatening storm, the female form stands defiant, a symbol of resistance against the resurgence of a chilling fascist echo. Here, in this arena where ideologies clash, the woman's body is no longer her own but a contested territory, a canvas for populist propaganda. The insidious objectification, a psychological siege, seeks to mold her into a silent idol of archaic virtues, stripping away the essence of her being, leaving behind a hollow shell to be maneuvered in a macabre dance of power.
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Yet, amidst this orchestrated subjugation, a clarion call to arms resounds, a fierce whisper growing louder with each passing moment. It speaks of revolution, of an uprising that seeks to shatter the chains of objectification and reclaim the sanctity of the female spirit. This is the battleground where the politics of the body are laid bare, a stark mirror reflecting a society on the precipice of a regressive abyss.
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The time has come for a radical awakening, a renaissance of recognition for the inherent worth of the female form, not as a political pawn but as the bearer of life, wisdom, and autonomy. In the face of exploitation, there stands a burgeoning movement, a collective force rising to redefine the narrative, to restore the power that pulses within every woman. This is the vanguard of valor, the frontline of freedom, where each woman becomes an architect of her destiny, unyielding in the quest for her rightful sovereignty.
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disordinarybeauty · 20 days
"In my work, I give a face to disorder..."
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A month ago I joined Lithuanian poet and writer Mantas Stockus and recorded an episode of his video podcast "Looking at the Sky with Mantas Stockus".
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We had the pleasure of having our conversation at the Christine X Art Gallery in Sliema, Malta.
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We dialogued about our imperfect society, technologies, and culture from an imperfect perspective, that of glitches, bugs, corruption, exploitation, conflicts, and, of course, disorder. How to build counternarratives to raise and spread awareness and create opportunities for conversations about subjects that matter to all of us.
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I invite you to watch this video, and please, do leave a comment if you have something to say about the topics we discussed.
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👁️‍🗨️🧠 LINK
Thank you so much, I wish you a good week.
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disordinarybeauty · 23 days
The Myth of Damned Beauty: A Critical Lens on Romanticized Desolation
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In the echoes of electric guitars and the silent pauses between film reels, a narrative as old as time reverberates—a narrative that intertwines the allure of beauty with the desolation of the soul. It's a narrative that has been glamorized, romanticized, and, ultimately, sold to us as the 'damned beauty' myth. This myth perpetuates the idea that those who shine the brightest in the public eye must also suffer the most profound inner turmoil.
From the smoky stages of rock concerts to the glossy pages of magazines, we've witnessed the tragic tales of celebrities, artists, and poets who have succumbed to the siren call of this myth. Their stories are etched into our collective consciousness, not as cautionary tales, but as twisted paragons of a romanticized end. The '27 Club' stands as a grim testament to this phenomenon, where the age of 27 has become a morbid milestone, marking the lives and deaths of too many gifted souls.
But let's strip away the veneer of glamor to reveal the stark truth: the association of beauty with existential struggle and depression is not only misguided but dangerous. It paints mental health struggles as a prerequisite for creativity, as if one's worth as an artist is measured by their capacity for suffering. It suggests that there is nobility in pain, that there is something profoundly beautiful about the downward spiral that leads to self-destruction.
This narrative is toxic. It disregards the real, tangible battles that individuals face with mental health. It ignores the fact that depression is not a muse—it is a monster. It doesn't discriminate based on one's appearance or success. It is an all-consuming darkness that can engulf anyone, regardless of their standing in the limelight.
We must dismantle the myth of damned beauty. We must stop romanticizing the struggles of those who entertain and inspire us. Instead, we should foster a culture that supports mental health awareness, that encourages seeking help, and that acknowledges the courage it takes to face one's demons head-on.
Let's rewrite the narrative. Let's celebrate the resilience of those who fight their battles away from the public eye. Let's honor the strength it takes to live another day. For in the end, the true beauty lies not in the myth of the tortured artist, but in the reality of the human spirit's indomitable will to survive.
In loving and respectful memory of Kurt Cobain and all of those artists and not who left us too soon.
If you are struggling, search for support. Asking for help and being aware of your fragile condition is a sign of strength, not weakness. Always count on a helping hand. You are not alone.
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disordinarybeauty · 23 days
Defying the Norm: Magdalena Ventura and the Spectacle of Difference
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"Magdalena Ventura with Her Husband and Son," also known as "The Bearded Lady," is a striking 1631 oil on canvas by Spanish artist Jusepe de Ribera. Housed at the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid, this work is part of the Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli collection. The painting is renowned for its depiction of Magdalena Ventura, an Italian woman from Abruzzi, who developed a beard at the age of 37.
At 52, she is portrayed nursing her baby, with her husband in the background, challenging traditional gender norms and 17th-century artistic conventions. Ribera's work reflects a fascination with individuals who defied societal expectations, contributing to a gallery of 'unusual' portraits popular during that era.
In the visage of Magdalena Ventura, Ribera captures not merely the anomaly of nature but the societal gaze that transforms uniqueness into spectacle. Here, the bearded woman stands, a testament to the caprices of nature and the cruelty of human curiosity. Her portrayal, a blend of maternal gentleness and masculine features, challenges the beholder to question the very fabric of beauty and ugliness.
Magdalena Ventura's portrait by Jusepe De Ribera confronts us with the stark interplay of gender and societal norms. Her bearded countenance, a rare defiance of expected femininity, is not just a biological curiosity but a mirror to our collective discomfort with the atypical. Ribera's work compels us to reflect on the spectacle of difference and the often unkind human fascination with it, Ventura’s image, thus, becomes a canvas of paradoxes, echoing that ugliness, in its defiance of symmetry and order, is as compelling as beauty itself.
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disordinarybeauty · 1 month
Erasure in Art: A Critical Contrast
In the realm of art, the act of erasure is not merely a subtraction but a layered dialogue between history, memory, and identity. The juxtaposition of two distinct approaches to this act—ancient and contemporary—reveals the multifaceted nature of image erasure.
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Hatshepsut's Erased Silhouette: A Whisper of Sovereignty
In the year 1480 b.c., the ancient Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut's reign was marked by prosperity and monumental achievements. Yet, her successor Thutmosi sought to erase her from history, commissioning a stonemason to remove her image from a bas-relief. Despite the decree, the stonemason subtly rebelled, leaving behind faint outlines of her figure. This act of defiance ensured that Hatshepsut's silhouette lingered, a ghostly testament to her formidable presence. The erasure was incomplete, and the remnants served as a historical whisper, echoing her sovereignty through the ages.
Erasing as recognition and conservation.
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DISØRDIN∆RY BƏ∆UTY | Bæuty is Ch∆øs: A Glitch in the Influence
Fast forward to the digital age, where I am challenging the pervasive culture of social media influencers. In my glitch art series "DISØRDINARY BƏAUTY | Bæuty is Ch∆øs," I employ digital erasure to dismantle the curated selfies of Instagram's fame. The resulting images are chaotic yet intriguing, stripped of their original context and reborn as anonymous portraits. My work is a modern iconoclasm, an act of redemption for those marginalized by the unrealistic standards of beauty and success staged on social media. The traces left behind are not just remnants but new identities, celebrating the beauty in chaos and the unknown.
Erasing as rejection and redemption.
Through these acts of erasure, both artists engage in a silent conversation across time. One preserves a legacy against the tides of suppression, while the other liberates identities from the shackles of modern conformity. Together, they highlight the power of what is left behind—the enduring impact of what is removed, and the profound statements made in the negative space.
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disordinarybeauty · 1 month
INSANƏ! DIS/turbəb!
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I am carrying on with some tests mixing AI + Glitch Databending in Audacity. I am also screen recording the effect of a generative glitch on screen. To explain this I will have to make a video. Hopefully coming soon.
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disordinarybeauty · 2 months
Pushing it forward...
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I am loving AI, but I miss glitching. I am carrying some experiments mixing #AI + Databending + generative glitch scripts.
To see more 👁️‍🗨️🧠 LINK
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disordinarybeauty · 2 months
D.B. 🥀🪞 | Thə L∆b øf ∆nøm∆L¡əs | GL¡tch TƏst
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AI is cool, but I miss the glitch. I carried some tests, after a while this series needs a shift, soon or later it will come.
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disordinarybeauty · 2 months
Thə L∆b øf ∆ⁿ⁰m∆l¡əs_røøm21
In a society that idolizes the facade, the unadorned truth of flesh becomes the unspeakable taboo. It is not the divergence from the aesthetic norm that wounds the soul, but the relentless scrutiny and exile imposed by those who deem themselves arbiters of beauty. In this cruel theater of appearances, it is the unique visage that bears the brunt of ignorance, while true ugliness lies in the eyes that cannot see beyond the skin.
AI human figure: Starry.ai
AI animation: Runway
AI sound: Melobytes
AI text: Microsoft Bing Copilot (ChatGPT 4)
AI scenography: OpenAI DALL-E 3
Human concept: Domenico Barra
Human editing: Domenico Barra
Human After All.
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disordinarybeauty · 2 months
The female body is inappropriate!
Flag it! Ban it!
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Some AIs (companies, and their communities) have problems with the nude female body?
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disordinarybeauty · 2 months
Disembodiment. Negation. Rejection. Imagination.
My first and deepest interest in art came with Art Installation. The Children of Uranium by Saskia Boddeke and Peter Greenaway strongly influenced my will to become an artist.
I moved to digital art because it is cheaper to make, more universal in terms of accessibility and distribution, it requires less space. But, I always like to imagine a scenography for my ÆRTWØRkz, and I have always created versions of some pieces as installation concepts.
Of course, a series like DISØRDIN∆RY BƏ∆UTY 🥀🪞| Thə L∆b øf ∆nøm∆l¡əs leaves a lot of space for uncanny imagination. Especially now that I am reading Poor Things by Alasdair Grey, my visions are flying high.
👁️‍🗨️🧠 More about D.B.🥀🪞| Thə L∆b øf ∆nøm∆l¡əs here.
👁️‍🗨️🧠 Ps: If you wish to see more wərkz in the installation concept format, please go here.
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disordinarybeauty · 2 months
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I start from the assumption that beauty should not be sought only in the beautiful, and not only the beautiful can represent universal beauty.
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The intention of my work in the project DISØRDIN∆RY BƏ∆UTY 🥀 🪞, and here specifically in "Thə L∆b øf ∆nøm∆l¡əs", is to create a set of images that deviate from the ordinary standard of beauty that is generally represented in the synthetic human version conceived by AI, an image of exaggerated beauty, or faithful to the canon of beauty accepted as universal in contemporary society. In doing this, I try to elaborate prompts that can bring out from the machine a type of disordered beauty, "thə unc∆nny s¡də øf pərfɜct¡øn".
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But, sometimes it can happen that the machine goes well beyond my "ugly" expectations and creates something unexpected. I believe that in these deviated events the AI can create something complex, new, ambiguous, "puzzling and arousing". A glitch in the artificial "creative" flow.
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The portrait in the center of the top image at the beginning of this post is usually what I am looking for and I expect to find. Today the machine took a different path and presented me with eight images completely different from what it usually does. Same AI model, same AI system, same prompt, but very different outputs. What actually happened I don't know, but it's something very ugly, and arousing. And I think it's beautiful.
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disordinarybeauty · 2 months
Thə L∆b øf ∆Nø/\/\∆L¡Aəs
Thə unc∆nny s¡də øf pərfəct¡øn
The image before us is a testimony of the tragic beauty that dwells in the imperfect...
Artistic Intelligence feat Artificial Intelligence.
AI Scenography: DALL-E 3
AI Animation: Runway
AI Character: Starry.ai
AI Audio: Melobytes
Human Editing: Dom Barra
Human Prompts: Dom Barra
Human Concept: Dom Barra
👁️‍🗨️🧠 LINK
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disordinarybeauty · 4 months
NƏWWW DISØRDINARY BƏAUTY 🥀🪞 a̶r̶t̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶o̶n̶s̶
DISØRDINARY BƏAUTY 🥀🪞 a̶r̶t̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶o̶n̶s̶ is more than #Art on display. It’s a learning journey that challenges and expands your vision of #DigitalArt. Explore the glitches, the practices, and the hidden stories behind the works.
Only on Niio Art.
👁️‍🗨️🧠 Enjoy the artcast.
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disordinarybeauty · 5 months
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A nǝwww ÆRTWORK just landed on Niio Art!
This is the 5th release of this ongoing Glitch Art series disrupting traditional art standards, unsettling viewers expectations, breaking the linear experience of a work of Digital Art on HD screens while spreading Art History!
I invite you to watch my last video release on Niio Art as part of DISØRDINARY BƏAUTY 🥀 🪞| a̶r̶t̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶o̶n̶s
Thank you, enjoy it!
👁️‍🗨️🧠 LINK
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