disneyfacies · 7 years
War and Peace!
I’m doing a “War and Peace” inspired webseries for school, but I can’t seem to find a good name, any suggestions? (I’m looking at you, Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812-fans!)
I’ll post links to the tumblr I’ll make for it if anyone’s interested!
Name it, please?
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disneyfacies · 9 years
Thank you so much!
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Hi, I would love a look-alike! If you could tag it with “disneyfacies” I would really appreciate it, thank you!
Totally! When it comes to cartoon characters your face shape is most like Belle because you both have a more round face, bigger cheeks, smaller chin, and a medium sized forehead. On the other hand, your red hair and bright blue eyes look similar to that of Ariel’s!
In the sense of face characters, I find you look most like this particular Ariel. So if you ever go for an audition to be a face character, I would channel your inner mermaid!
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Entering is as easy as reblogging this post! You can reblog it as many times as you want between October 2, and October 9 at 11:59p.m. Eastern. You must also be following the official BroadwayCon Tumblr to be eligible to win. This is official entry post. Winners will be chosen October 9 and notified on or before October 16. The final batch of tickets goes on sale October 17 at 1p.m. Eastern.
BroadwayCon’s Great Tumblr Giveaway Terms and Conditions
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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I need HELP! Which so yall like better for MNSSHP as a Captain Jack Sparrow disneybound? I have light brown boots coming that I will swap out these for probably, and lots of jewelry and a hair bow to add. Dress or skinnies?
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Hi me again! Can I have a look-a-like? (again, sorry. But it’s so fun!) I’m 5'6 I think (1M69) thanks again!!
Hi, lovely! I’m so sorry this has taken so long! Have I done you before? Well, let’s see if I agree with what I put last time!
My immediate thought when I saw you was Wendy, because of your blue eyes and full adorable cheeks, but seeing that her height range ends at 5′4″, your likelyhood of being friends with her is slim to non. Never fear though, because there are a few taller girls that’ll suit you just as well. The first is the ever-entertaining Anastasia. Despite being one of Cinderella’s ugly stepsisters, Anastasia’s friends are far from ugly. The only difference between them and the other princesses is their poorly applied makeup and the funny faces they make (also unflattering dresses). I think these ladies have the most fun as they get to go around have just be silly without worrying about being pretty for the pictures. With your height you fit right into Anastasia’s heightrange of 5′6″ to 5′10″.
Your second look-alike is a lady who is slightly shorter than you are with aheight range ending at 5′8″, but Disney is known to allow an inch or two over or under the range if they think you’re right for the character. It’s Mary Poppins! I think you full features and general faceshape works well for her, as well as your skintone!
Your last look-alike is Princess Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty. I think your full lips and longer face shape really suits her. While your skintone is cooler than hers is normally is, I think you have just the eyeshape that they’re looking for. Her height range ends at 5′7″ leaving you nicely in her range.
I hope you’re happy with your look-alikes and have a magical day!
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disneyfacies · 9 years
The first chapter is up! Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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disneyfacies · 9 years
That party was so much fun! The kids were adorable and they were totally into it!
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But now I just want to go work for Disney, because getting a taste of what it’s like has left me wanting more!
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disneyfacies · 9 years
First gig as a party princess today, I’m so excited! :D
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But also super nervous!
Ah well, wish me luck!
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Hello! I am very excited to have found your blog and I want seriously one of everything! I went through your other look a likes and you are very good at what you do. My name is Oriana I’m 5'10 and I have blue hair but I don’t care whether or not my look a like has my hair color. If it helps any my natural hair color is a light brown. I would really appreciate if you could give me at least one look alike that isn’t a mainstream character. But again I would love a look alike, who my parents could be and who you ship me with. Thank you SO much. I’m really excited :D
Hi, Oriana! I’m sorry this has taken so long, but I will do my very best to meet your expectations! Your name is beautiful, by the way!
5′10, you’re really tall! At first I thought it said 5′1″ so I was ready to give you one of the fairies of Alice. 5′10″ does make you a little too tall to be friends with any of the Disney Princesses, but there is always Anastasia and Drizella, Cinderella’s stepsisters. These two might be known as the ugly stepsisters, but they are far from unattractive. Their makeup is always done badly and they make faces, but they’re usually very attractive underneath all of that makeup. If I’m perfectly honest you don’t necessarily resemble either of these lovely ladies in much except height.
Someone you remind me of besides your height is the fairy Vidia. You share her dark eyes and weelshapen mouth, as well as a litle bit of that attidtude, at least in the photo on the right. Though you’re too tall to portray her in the parks, I would say that you could do a pretty kick-ass cosplay of her!
In a way you also remind me a little bit of Ariana Grande. Just putting it out there.
For your parents I’ve chosen Ariel and Eric. With your father’s coloring, but your mother’s face and eyeshape, you’ve got traits from both sides of the family!
Lastly for your match, I figured you’d need a taller guy. All the guys (except Terrence and PEter Pan) are over 5′10″, so that leaves you with a wide selection. I picked out a true hero for you, Hercules! Due to your slight alikeness to his canon love interest, I figured you’d do well with this muscled greek. He’s also a true sweetheart!
I hope you’re happy with who I’ve picked for you, though I am sorry that your height does restrict your options.
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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(via Disney Cruise Line on Facebook)
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Flynn pulled out the crown, Rapunzel put it on like a pair of sunglasses, and then I died of cuteness.
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Alice by the piano (por EverythingDisney)
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Hi! May I have a look alike please? Sorry for the bad computer picture, this is the only one with my full face xD May I also please have my Disney parents and who I’d be paired with(boy please ^_^)? cx 
Thank you so much and have a lovely day!~
Hi! Of course you can, lovely! The photo might make the reading slightly unaccurate, but I don’t think it’ll interefere too much. I don’t know how tall you are so this reading is based solely on your facial features.
Your first look-alike is the lovely Aurora. You immediately reminded me of her because of your faceshape and the shape of your eyes. I can’t quite tell the color of your eyes, but with her that isn’t very important as her friends tend to have different eye colors. Your light skin would also work very well for her.
Your second look-alike is the beautiful Ariel. Your big (blue?) eyes seems to be a really common trait for her friends. Your light skin makes the red hair believable and your faceshape is also pretty common for her friends. I might also see you as a friend of Rapunzel’s.
Speaking of which I think that for your parents I’ll put Rapunzel and Eugene. With your mother’s (previously) blonde hair and full lips, but your father’s eyes and faceshape you’re a nice mix of them.
For your match I think I’ll have to go with Naveen. With your fair skin and light hair and his black hair and darker tone you two would look amazing together. You know what they say; opposites attract.
I hope you’re happy with your look-alikes, parents and match! Have a magical day!
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Back when  Herc put the GLAD in GLADiator at MGM studios
Source: (X)
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Hi could I have a look a like please. You can’t tell in the picture but I have really curly hair. 
Hi, cutie! I am so sorry this has taken so long! I've been so busy at school (our musical is in just two weeks, so I'm sort of stressed out), but I'll get to you now! You didn't put your height so it probably won't be as accurate, but I'll tell you I see in your face!
Your first look-alike is one of Tinkerbell's friends, Rosetta! Your beautiful pale skin and light eyes would look great with her red hair and your faceshape matches hers really well! I think the softness of your features works very well for this fairy, just look at how similar you and this friend of hers look! Her height range is 5'2" to 5'5" so she's a little on the shorter side.
Another pale beauty whose looks I think matches yours is Snow White. Your light skin and soft features are a wonderful match for her and your slightly rounder faceshape suits her very well. Her height range is 5'3" to 5'7" so she's slightly taller than Rosetta.
Your last lookalike is another redhead, the fiesty Merida. Once again your light skin and eyes are to your advantage. Your faceshape suits her as well. Her height range is 5'4" to 5'6".
I think your match is this sunny little feller, the fairy Terrence. I think you'd look adorable next to this cutiepie.
Lastly, your Disneyparents. You actually bear quite the resemblance to a canon Disney couple's child, Melody, Ariel and Eric's daughter. So I can't resist giving you Eric and Ariel as your Disney parents. You obviously take mostly after your father, with all of his coloring, but I see some of Ariel in the shape of your eyes.
I hope you're happy with all of these! Have a really magical day!
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Cinderella and Snow White
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disneyfacies · 9 years
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Aladdin and Jasmine — Aladdin’s Oasis [x]
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