depressionwhosshe · 29 days
Thinking about how out of his mind with grief Laios mustve been when the one person who he is supposed to protect with his life, the one person he wants to care for, the one person who understands him like no one else, sent him away to save him.
Thinking about how happy he wouldve been when he got her back, when they hugged and ate and talked with each other. How even if she seemed a bit off, it was still *His* little sister they got back.
Thinking about how lost he mustve been when she disappeared again, and shows up as something thats her and yet not- begging him to save her for the split moment she has clarity.
Thinking about how being an older sibling is horrible and sickening and sad and euphoric and gleeful and staunch determination.
Thinking about how the only reason Laios is able to hold it together is bc humanoids don’t really *die* in the dungeon.
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depressionwhosshe · 30 days
I think it’s the elder sibling in me, but the shot of Laios looking through Falins eye sockets is something that i will always find beyond horrific.
Laios has probably held Falins head in his hands before. He’s probably kissed her forehead, ruffled her hair, checked her for a fever.
Falin has probably fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder, had her hair tugged by him, had her head gently bonked by him.
Every-time i think about it- the, “what if i was in Laios’ position”- i know i would cry, and i know i would also keep going.
I have so much to say about these siblings i love them so so so much-
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depressionwhosshe · 11 months
How do i unclench my fists? How do i stop grinding my teeth? How do i see anything inside of me that is not rotted out and hollow?
How do i see anything in my life that has not been scorched by my anger?
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depressionwhosshe · 11 months
I miss plucking pears off of the overhang of trees with my older brother.
I miss climbing into his bed when i got scared at night from dreams only half remembered.
I miss having him walk me places because our mother wouldn’t let us walk alone.
I miss my older brother. I miss him so much it hurts. Because we have both changed so much and I can’t recognize him anymore.
I wonder if he can recognize me.
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depressionwhosshe · 11 months
It’s like missing a limb. Its like they carved out a piece of me when they left.
Theyre coming back.
i pray theyre coming back.
But for now, i wait and ache and glance to the side only to meet the empty space of not even a ghost.
Please I pray that they come back and bring the piece of me that they stole with them.
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depressionwhosshe · 11 months
I love my mother.
I know that she loves me too
Not always
Most of the time she loves me.
I know that.
I love my mother.
I know that she went through things
Bad things
But so did i
I think we both forget that sometimes.
I know that.
I love my mother.
But i grew up with her wanting to run away from me
She didnt mean it
Except when she did
She never seems to remember saying it.
I know that.
I love my mother.
Most of the time
When she loves me first.
I know that.
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depressionwhosshe · 11 months
It’s pouring outside
The rain is cold but the air is humid and
Me and my youngest sister are moving
Plants into the rain
We’re wearing windbreakers
Both are hers
They are both too small.
We come inside and
I wipe off my bare feet while she takes off her jacket
She puts her jacket on the side of the tub
She doesn’t know you’re supposed to
Put them on the rail.
I tell her, but i do it for her anyways
I don’t mind.
I never have.
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depressionwhosshe · 11 months
I wish I could remember being young.
I wish i could remember being a younger sister to a big one.
Because I can only remember being an Older Sister.
Because I’m afraid i forgot how to be a Younger one.
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depressionwhosshe · 11 months
My best friend is my ribcage. My sisters are my arms and legs. My brother is my feet. My mothers are my hands.
I don’t know what my father is. Maybe he was something. Once.
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