demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
Best thing I ever did
I just spent the last two hours trying to make my family (parents) understand what feminism actually stands for, and that rape culture is an actual thing that is happening and that reverse racism is BS and that white privilege is a thing.
They have a better understanding but I was livid and tried not to scream at my parents, I’m just… ugh. Like the fact that ‘Keep Calm and Rape On’ t-shirts exist should be enough proof of Rape Culture. The fact that white people are saying things like ‘oh ALL lives matter’ to demean the stance of the Black Lives Matter movement should be enough proof that white privilege is real. The fact that even women misinterpret the term ‘Feminism’ as us trying to be higher in stance or ‘gain attention’ should be enough proof that we need Feminism.
The fact that people still think not everyone should be treated as equals no matter their race, gender, sexuality etc, should be enough proof that WE NEED FEMINISM.
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
Anybody still here unfollow I'm fucking dead.
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
Down but not out
I’m done here I have left a small spark on Tumblr. But it’s not over I have a Twitter that will be where I post now so go there if you want more of my stuff. https://mobile.twitter.com/DeMiGoD_Twitt
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
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I drink this Mountain Dew in remembrance of CoD
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
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There plenty more of what I just posted!
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
When I was a kid I had an imaginary friend and I used to think that he went everywhere with me, and that I could talk to him and that he could hear me, and that he could grant me wishes and stuff. And then I grew up, and I stopped going to church. - Jimmy Carr Also the earth does not run precisely and perfectly for us to inhabit us. There are 1000’s of other places in the goldielock zone that is perfect for us. We could be on one of those other 1000 planets and be fine. If you need proof here’s a direct quote from Arstechnica.com “Since its launch in 2009, the $600 million Kepler Space Telescope has been scanning the cosmos in search of exoplanets—planets outside our Solar System. To date, the planet-hunting telescope has identified over 4,000 potential planets, of which nearly 1,000 have been confirmed. Faulty reaction wheels (used to maintain the telescope’s orientation in space) resulted in the termination of Kepler’s primary mission in 2013. But thanks to some out-of-the-box thinking, scientists were able to harness photons from the Sun to act as a third reaction wheel, stabilizing and allowing the telescope to carry on. Data from the first mission is still being analyzed, and the latest results to come out of it include a dozen planetary candidates that are similar to Earth in size and orbit within the habitable zone of their stars. As of today, one of these has been confirmed to be an actual planet.” Also a ship with sails can be blown by the wind.
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Disproving atheism
Imam Abu Hanifa was once asked by an atheist, “Is there any proof that God exists?” he replied, “Forget it! At the moment, I am busy thinking about this ship.People tell me there is a big ship; it contains different goods on board. There is no one to steer it, no one maintaining it. Yet, this ship keeps going back and forth; it even traverses big waves on the oceans; it stops at the locations that it is supposed to stop at; it continues in the direction that it is supposed to head. This ship has no captain and no one planning its trips.” The atheist who posed the question interrupted and exclaimed, “What kind of strange and silly thought is this? How can any intelligent person think that some thing like this can occur?”
Imam Abu Hanifa said, “I feel sorry about your state! You cannot imagine one ship running without some one looking after its affairs. Yet you think that for this whole world, which runs exactly and precisely, there is no one who looks after it, and no one owns it.”
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
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Time to start embracing my banner avatar.
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
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They never had a chance to touch my swag 🖕🏼
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
However mine is different mine is free game come at me feminists. Note: my face is not shown to protect my identity, also this was recorded on my iPhone 6.
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
Ohhhh Feminists
Where the fuck are you? The new Target policy is clearly against the safety of woman. Ohh since 0.3% of the population is trans means that we put everyone else at risk? Fuck that. If some fucked guy wanted to he could say he’s trans and go into the bathroom and cream somebody’s corn! If you need proof read these articles. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/04/23/twenty-stories-proving-targets-pro-transgender-bathroom-policy-danger-women-children/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/04/23/twenty-stories-proving-targets-pro-transgender-bathroom-policy-danger-women-children/
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
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Was snooping on a weird app till I found dis
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
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Gloomiest day ever
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
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Hell yes finally
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
Goodbye America I’m leaving now, ya got 13 kids conceiving now, even your valedictorians were cheating how? And if you try speaking up you get beaten down. I won’t keep my mouth shut, fuck you all, fuck your laws, your country, and fuck your God. Fuck this motherfucking earth that’s beneath my feet, honestly America how da fuck do you sleep!
Jt Machinima
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demigodtumb-blog · 8 years
Indiana is Seattle
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