czzzerny · 3 years
It’s really telling how different words of affection are between Jesper and Wylan as opposed to Matthias and Nina or Inej and Kaz. Matthias and Nina have, I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept from this oath. Inej and Kaz have, I would have come for you. And if I couldn’t walk I’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together–knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting. Jesper and Wylan have, “Breathe.” An argument could be made for maybe I liked your stupid face, but as iconic as that moment is, to me it’s, breathe. That’s the deliberate acknowledgment, not something burst out in a moment of frustration. It’s brief and pointed, there’s no eloquence about dying valiantly for one another. There’s just that simple, vital suggestion that maybe, for a moment, they can live with each other. It really represents exactly what Wylan is for Jesper: he’s not (too) complicated, he’s not (usually) deadly, he’s only Wylan Van Eck.  It’s fitting that, in the end, Jesper and Wylan–breathe–are the only couple living together. Inej and Kaz haven’t stopped fighting, Matthias’s oath is being tested, but the last time we see Jesper and Wylan, they’re singing a bawdy song and hanging out with their friend, just living life.
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czzzerny · 4 years
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Achilles stood, and I watched as he strode towards them - the way the bronze buckles on his tunic threw off fire flashes, the way his dark purple cape brightened his hair to sun’s gold. He seemed so much the hero, I could barely remember that only the night before we had spit olive pits at each other, across the plate of cheeses that Phoinix had left for us.
the song of achilles / “heroism” - for @surenchaghan​ 🤍 (first 100 celeb)
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czzzerny · 4 years
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six of crows by leigh bardugo; “No mourners. No funerals. Among them, it passed for ‘good luck.”
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czzzerny · 4 years
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ANJALI CELEBRATES 100: @battlecouples asked: thomastair or kanej?
“I would have come for you. And if I couldn’t walk, I’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting.”
insp by @daji
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czzzerny · 4 years
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…and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world.
The famous Crows Don’t Have Any Manners scene, a commission for @brambleberrycottage! Had to freshen it up a bit cuz my Kaz default changed a Lot in a year
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czzzerny · 4 years
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A little comic of a super cute scene in SOC, Jesper’s lil crush on Kaz is something we should talk about more 
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czzzerny · 4 years
how much?
andrew minyard x neil josten
486 words, fluff
By the time Neil woke up, Andrew’s eyes were wide open. Neil had curled up next to him on Andrew’s loft bed in their shared room that definitely wasn’t made to hold two bodies, but they were both small and they made it work. Andrew’s eyes were focused, intently scanning the side of Neil’s face where gentle rays of the sun illuminated the ridges of his scars. The skin had finally healed, but the memory of the crimes were still starkly drawn in lines on his face.
Though Andrew’s face was a mask of apathy, showing no emotion outwardly as he traced the wounds on Neil’s arms with his fingertips, Neil liked to think he knew him well enough to see the flicker of emotion in his eyes.
For once his mind was anywhere but Exy. The silence was punctuated only by the rustle of the sheets as Andrew ran his hands over Neil’s skin, catching at every healing wound, bump, and ridge. Andrew paused at the bigger burns and slashes, waiting for a reaction from Neil, but when none came, he continued mapping the healing skin.
With bated breath, Neil laid perfectly still as Andrew’s hand glided up his shoulder and neck and found purchase on his chin. The question was on the tip of his tongue. How much do you hate me? Neil fought to keep his mouth shut while Andrew’s eyes were gazing blankly at his scarred cheek, once marked by a number in black ink. Andrew’s eyes suddenly shot back to his.
“One hundred and fourteen percent.”
“But I didn’t even say anything!” Neil spluttered.
“You were thinking it.”
Neil’s brow furrowed in anger and Andrew’s remained neutral, but his eyes told Neil that there was no bite behind that number. Neil leaned in, stopping just short of Andrew’s lips. He felt their breath mingle for a moment before dragging one hand up the sheets to grab at the back of Andrew’s head. He pressed his lips to Andrew’s gently, until Andrew moved against him and that was the cue Neil needed. With a quick motion, he pulled Andrew on top of himself and yanked him down against his lips harder.
Neil swiped his tongue at Andrew’s lips in a silent question and Andrew answered by parting them. The kiss was lazy and a little sloppy, the two of them still fighting sleep in the early hours of the morning, but when Andrew pulled away and balanced his weight on his forearms, they were both out of breath. Neil’s hand didn't move from the back of Andrew’s head. Neil’s gaze traced the lines of Andrew’s face from his kiss bitten lips to the arch of his brow. When he met Andrew’s eyes again, the question left his lips before he could stop it.
“How about now?”
“One hundred and fifteen percent.”
Neil didn’t bother trying to fight the grin on his face.
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czzzerny · 4 years
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“I’m not a hallucination,” Neil said, nonplussed.
“You are a pipe dream,” Andrew said.
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czzzerny · 4 years
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oflothlorien’s 4th theme
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czzzerny · 4 years
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czzzerny · 4 years
andrew: gets off meds
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czzzerny · 4 years
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czzzerny · 4 years
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czzzerny · 4 years
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gurl with a pearl earring
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czzzerny · 4 years
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100 days of character posters(83/100)
↳ Gansey had always felt as if there were two of him: the Gansey who was in control, able to handle any situation, able to talk to anyone, and then, the other, more fragile Gansey, strung out and unsure, embarrassingly earnest, driven by naive longing.
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czzzerny · 4 years
achilles will be like “i know a spot” then drag your lifeless body around the walls of troy
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czzzerny · 4 years
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Paul Valéry, from “The Graveyard by the Sea”, Selected Writings
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