cuppieworld · 9 months
“The truth is, chivalry has basically fuck all to do with women, and everything to do with horses. See, the word “chivalry” comes from the French word “chevalier,” which comes from “cheval,” which means “horse.” Chivalry is literally just “rules for if you have a horse.” This was an important set of rules to have in chivalry times. Horses were the Blackhawk Helicopters of the Middle Ages; if you had a horse, you could absolutely kill anybody who didn’t have a horse and nobody was going to say a god damn thing. The only thing stopping you was chivalry. That’s what chivalry was for. Chivalry was – and still is – basically a way of saying, “okay, I have an optimized death machine between my legs, maybe I should look out for people who don’t have one of these.” So it’s not that chivalry is specifically about defending women because women are weak. It’s that chivalry is about defending people who don’t own horses, and in the middle ages women didn’t own shit.”
Chivalry Isn’t Dead, You Just Don’t Know What the Fuck it is.
“Chivalry boils down to three things: mercy, charity, and humility. Mercy means being conscious of your advantages, and treating other humans gently. Charity means giving without expecting anything in return. Humility means accepting your mistakes, and recognizing that those who don’t have your advantages aren’t your inferiors.“
(via gallifreygal)
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cuppieworld · 1 year
a collection of motivational insights regarding content creation and creative hobbies
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and of course the classic
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cuppieworld · 2 years
i love how the most mundane things suddenly become fun and enjoyable when you do them with someone you care about
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cuppieworld · 2 years
I don't want a romantic partner I want friends who will go dumpster diving with me, I want neighbors who will knock on my door and ask for butter because they forgot to buy some and it's sunday. I want book shelves in public spaces, food banks and shared tool sheds and community gardens. I want to trade home grown tomatoes for a couple of eggs with my neighbor and I want to bring food over to my friends house when I've cooked too much. I want bicycle only streets and I want people to go on spontaneous walks with. I want people to ask me for help when they need it and I want to be able to ask for help in return. I want community as a safety net. I want people to stop focusing on the vague concept of the one, who will Cure All Isolation and Loneliness. I want every single person to be able to find support and comfort around them, regardless of their relationship status.
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cuppieworld · 2 years
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cuppieworld · 2 years
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cuppieworld · 2 years
actually i love growing older and learning how i work as a person like realizing what kinds of fabrics feel best on my skin or what brand of yogurt i like best or how I want to be touched. watching myself change, enjoying brussel sprouts when I used to hate them as a child, understanding why I got angry in that one conversation 10 years ago… there are so many mysteries inside me that i have yet to unravel and there will always be more and sometimes i think maybe its all worth it
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cuppieworld · 2 years
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cuppieworld · 2 years
ways to reclaim your body:
shave your head or cut your hair
go for a run, run as hard as you can
get a new piercing or tattoo
cook a meal from scratch and eat it with no distractions
swim in your nearest body of water, or take a cold shower or bath
stretch, do a yoga routine and feel every muscle
wear clothes that you like, doesnt matter what it looks like
avoid mirrors, your body doesnt need to look a certain way to be valuable
hold someone close, a loved one or a pet or hold yourself tight
lay down on your bed or on grass, close your eyes and feel yourself sink into the surface deeply
turn music on loud and dance however feels good
drink a a big glass of water or as much as you can, feel the discomfort and let it dissipate
try to meditate, do a body scan in whatever position feels comfortable (or uncomfortable) and pay attention to as fine a detail as possible
sing or hum or make noise, hear it reflect back at you, feel the way it vibrates your cheeks, your lips, your bones
drink some hot tea or any other hot beverage, feel its warmth spread down your throat and into your chest
sit outside, no matter the weather and experience it, the wind, the sun, or the rain on your cheeks and your eyelids
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cuppieworld · 2 years
be healthily sensitive. tell them you're hurt when you're hurt. describe what hurt you. no silent treatment and passive aggressiveness. be honest. don't compromise your emotion. don't bottle it up. weigh the issue. understand and maybe, forgive.
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cuppieworld · 2 years
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As someone recently diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, one thing that’s been helping me grapple with the intense shame I have over all my “wasted potential” is accepting that potential doesn’t exist and never did.
This sounds so harsh, but please bare with me.
I procrastinated a lot growing up. I still procrastinate today, but less so. And yet, I got good grades. I could write an A+ paper that “knocked [my professor]’s socks off” in the hour before class and print it with sweat running down my face.
I was so used to hearing from teachers and family that if I just didn’t procrastinate and worked all the time, I could do anything! I had all this potential I wasn’t living up to!
And that’s true, as far as it goes, but that’s like saying if Usain Bolt just kept going he could be the fastest marathon runner in the world. Why does he stop at the end of the race??
If ANYONE could make their top speed/most productive setting the one they used all the time, anyone could do anything. But you can’t. Your top speed is not a speed you’re able to sustain.
Now, I’ve found that I do need to work on not procrastinating. Not because the product is better, even, but because it’s better for my mental health and physical health to not have a full, sweating, panicked breakdown over every task even if the task itself turns out excellently. It’s a shitty way to live! You feel bad ALL the time! And I don’t deserve to live like that anymore.
So all of this to say, I’m not wasting a ton of potential. I don’t have an ocean of productivity and accomplishments inside of me that I could easily, effortlessly access if I just sat down 8 hours a day and worked. There’s no fucking way. That’s not real. It’s an illusion. It’s fine not to live up to an illusion.
And if you have ADHD, I mean this from the bottom of my heart: you do not have limitless potential confounded by your laziness. You have the good potential of a good person, and you can access it with practice and work, but do not accept the story that you are choosing not to be all that you are or can be. You are just a human person.
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cuppieworld · 2 years
things i need to ponder my relationship with:
masculinity and gender in general, how it relates to Eminem
self expression (esp in physical means)
my values
sexuality and asexuality
guideline to analyse myself: (iceberg model)
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cuppieworld · 2 years
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i love this. 😂
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cuppieworld · 2 years
re: this post (link) and some of the tags i saw in it
some people may hate the idea of trends and have associated it with vanity, marketing and profit, but i disagree that trends are detrimental to self-expression. ive always perceived that trends are important to the general concept of culture, and that they help us to find new things and explore newer aspects of ourselves that we may not have thought of before. not only that, its kinda fun doing things together as a collective
people-pleasing isnt always detrimental and is sometimes needed. obviously everything needs to have a balance, but in my opinion, that the act of trying to fit in and finding a place to belong and people to relate to is very authentic and natural to what we are as humans. were not just social beings, and were not just individuals, were individuals who socialise. we are beings that also act
its like conformity vs non-conformity. i think its vain to exclusively do any of the two for the mere sake of it. why not do something for your own fun, and if you end up finding people to relate to you join in? being counterculture doesnt automatically mean youre automatically more authentic than the culture - for the love of god dont underestimate the lore and history of pop culture, its rich! its very rich! and to a lot of people its meaningful!
like, TikTok despite its obvious hefty amounts of cons is not necessarily vain at all. its a platform that has created its own culture, it has its lore and there are content creators and consumers alike who contribute and participate in TikTok culture. its not always vain! same with YouTube, people even make a living from these platforms. they make audiences and they create a sense of community! thats not vain! what is vain is to do something you dont necessarily like or find any value in
tldr: trends arent fucking bad, all cultures have rich lore, socialise if you want and most importantly have fun
ps: bitches be like "be yourself!! no need to follow trends!!" then what if following trends is me being myself then smh smh
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cuppieworld · 2 years
If you’re getting overwhelmed with the scope of your artistic endeavors, ask yourself: does it have to be this big?
Ask yourself whether your story needs to be that long, whether your artwork needs to have all these components, whether your dish needs all these embellishments. Small does not mean insignificant. Basic does not mean bad.
Manageable can be masterful.
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cuppieworld · 2 years
Reflecting on being in my late 20s/almost 30 era. There’s really a je ne sais quoi about your early 20s. From my personal experience and observations, it’s a time of exploration, growing pains, confusion, and a lot of fun. I think it’s a period of believing you should have all the answers, which is very untrue. The human life is not designed to be “figured out” but to be experienced. I love how much more refined I am but it was the chaos of my adolescence that has allowed me to become who I am today.
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cuppieworld · 2 years
“how do i attain this aesthetic” do ya’ll not know how to be yourselves like wtf lol
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