china-and-crystal · 8 years
She knows I love video production stuff and took the time to do this for me and it’s the cutest thing I hope you guys enjoy watching as much as I did
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china-and-crystal · 8 years
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I don’t really remember taking these but they were on my iPad camera roll and are cute☺️
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china-and-crystal · 8 years
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China got a small triangle tattoo on her left hand and I think I still haven’t really processed the fact that my girlfriend now has some tiny ink
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
China may be getting a tattoo Updates coming soon
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
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At Dunkin Donuts with my girl
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
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Face timing on our one year and seven monthaversary Jesus Christ I love this girl so much
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
Order of posts
I’ve been trying to decide if I should post pictures and stuff about us in order like I’ve been doing or if I should just randomly post old and new pictures
If anyone has any opinions please comment on this or send me an ask Thank you!
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
Order of posts
I've been trying to decide if I should post pictures and stuff about us in order like I've been doing or if I should just randomly post old and new pictures If anyone has any opinions please comment on this or send me an ask Thank you!
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
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China, Macaroni & cheese and The L word = FaceTime date
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
Been gone
Been gone I’ve been gone for a couple of weeks and it has honestly been because China was here.
Every time that I see China I try not to spend my time on social media and spending it with her and then after she leaves I basically become a nervous wreck.
I have struggled with depression and anxiety and similar mental health issues for the past maybe 7 years ??? Atleast that’s when it started getting really really bad and I knew what these feelings actually were. So When she’s here I’m happier and forget about all of my problems and bad feelings but when she leaves it all just kind of hits me on top of missing her so much that I feel like I’m going to die and I just stay off of social media and do less of everything because I get easily overwhelmed by things as simple as texting. I think this is part of my anxiety… I don’t really know. But basically I always need to take time to take care of myself after she leaves because I’m a wreck but now I’m feeling like I can handle tumblr and posting better than when I tried the past week so I’m back!
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
I miss China so much She's going to be visiting me in just two more days but it's killing me how much I miss her Can't wait to hold her in my arms again It's been four months since we last saw each other
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
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China's grandfather has just passed away and even though I never got to meet him, I know that he was important to China and felt it would be appropriate to post a picture of them in honor of him. He's in a better place now
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
If you send an ask here, I guess for some reason it will only let me receive asks on my own personal blog so if you send an ask to this blog and have the url "listentoyourheart57" respond it Do not be alarmed It is I
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
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Got home from work to a dozen roses that my baby sent me out of the blue!
I love surprises like these
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
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I took my love to the beach because I know she has a weird thing with the Atlantic Ocean
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
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At Logan airport when we met for the first time (November 2014) P.S. China is holding the sign that I made for her that I mentioned in a previous post
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china-and-crystal · 9 years
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This is one of my favorite pictures of China and I together This was on November 2014. Our first meeting She flew to Massachusetts from Michigan with her dad (because by the time we finally met she had moved from NC to MI) I got ready and even made her a sign that said "waiting for my beautiful girlfriend China (and her dad)" and I brought a fake rose because she likes fake roses because she gets to keep them I asked the airport people where the people from her flight would be exiting out of and I sat down right in front of it Her flight was slightly delayed and then my messages weren't delivering. I was in a panick At one point I was even like "OMG WHAT IF IM SOMEHOW BEING CATFISHED" which was totally unrealistic because we had facetimed so much and I had met her parents through FaceTime too but I was nervous. I remember that I constantly felt like I was gonna through up From excitement and being panicky But I kept waiting I got a weird text from an unknown number and it was her from her dads phone! Her phone had died before they landed. Her plane had landed but I didn't see her coming out. I had a camera set up and everything, I also asked her dad to discreetly take pictures. As I'm sitting on the ground in front of this door I hear a man with a southern accent go "hi there" and I looked up and it was her dad I WAS SO EXCITED THAT I FORGOT TO SAY HI AND ALL I SAID WAS "WHERE IS SHE" He told me that they had been walking around looking for me because they had come out of a different door and that he would take me to her As we walked away from that door and turned into a bigger hallway at Logan Airport, I saw a girl carrying two big bags and trying to walk quickly It was her. The moment had finally come. I dropped my back pack and she dropped her bags off to the side and we just ran towards each other until we met and hugged. It felt so good to finally be able to hug my girlfriend for the first time after about 9-10 months of dating and over a year of knowing each other It's insane how much more you notice little things about a person like their smell Which is something I didn't know until this point (when we met for the first time) The picture above is a picture that her dad got of right after we ran towards each other and then just stood there Hugging It was so comforting because it made everything feel so much more real after months of dating but always being on my own. I'll never forget this moment I just always remember how it felt to hold her and just be in that moment It's one of the happiest moments that I've ever had in my life and I think it was for her too by the look on her face. We will be meeting again at Logan airport in August when she comes to visit again and we're going to try to find the spot that we first met at that is shown here :)
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