brownsugamuva · 3 months
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25 posts!
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brownsugamuva · 3 months
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It's my 6 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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brownsugamuva · 5 years
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My child, you are an extraordinary being. Your soul is so remarkable, you are so loving, care free, and strong; I adore everything about you.
My prayer to our Ancestors is for them to guide us safely each day to what we're striving for. Let them help guide you through this thing called, "Life."
You got this, Yoshi.
I believe in you.
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
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We been away for months due to my mental health, but I am back and ready to catch you all up on the growing sprout name, Yoshi!
Fat Pant's Day '18: Yo-Yo's first Fat Pants Day and her Paw Paw giving her a forehead kiss. These are the moments I am glad I stayed alive for.
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
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Guess who's turning 5 whole months tomorrow?!
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
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Yoshi says, "Drink plenty of water during these scorching days and drink plenty of that period."
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
Yoshi will be 5 months in 10 days, HOLY SHIT!
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
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Look who sat up all by herself like a big girl!!!
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
I won't let Society raise you.
I hear all the time, "let society raise your kids." Why? So my child can grow up and be confused, lost, scared, and mentally abused? No. People have been telling us to raise our children by "society standards" FOR. YEARS. and some of our children are either sheltered, mentally damaged, socially awkward, etc. All because their parents made them follow societies guidelines. Society itself is toxic to our children.
If we want out children to grow up to be themselves and carefree, then why should we tell them to live by societies standards? As a black mother, I am on a mission to raise Yoshi to be the most pro black, carefree, open, and honest young girls there is along with the other pro black, carefree, open, and honest young girls out there in the world. I am going to teach her that she is not a "fast ass little girl" just because she wants to play and hang with little boys. For years, little black girls have been called and told that all their lives and we (Millennials that are parents or becoming parents.) will continue to raise and teach our children to be themselves.
Society (and older generations) has other generations thinking it's okay to tear the newer generation down and tell us what they think is "right" and so forth. I refuse that for my child, and being a young black mother raising a young black girl is kinda hard here and there especially in today's society. Young black girls (and boys) need to learn that it's okay to be yourself, it's okay to be the side you already are, it's okay for boys to be feminine, and girls to be masculine, it's okay to do what makes you happy; it's perfectly fine.
Going by "Societies Standards" and dealing with generational abuse (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and verbally) is what caused/causes depression in us throughout the years and we, as millennial parents, refuse to put our children through the same thing our parents and/or grandparents put us through. Our children doesn't deserve any kind of abuse, society deems "acceptable" or "perfect" or teaching our children that "the lighter/whiter you are, the prettier you are." It's a loud load of garbage and they know it. I prefer to teach my child what I know is right and teach her to stand up for herself and disk her mind, even if it's towards me.
Children deserve the respect, they deserve the deep unconditional love, they deserve what our parents didn't give our mental and that is help. Our children aren't "overreacting" or being "over dramatic" they're expressing their feelings which our parents don't understand cause society taught them that "expressing" means "being bad" just to sum it up.
Let's continue to do better for our children, and let's not let societies standards get in the way of OUR way of parenting.
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
Paper = New Toy
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
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Someone's gonna be 4 months next Saturday!!!
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
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She does this thing where she grabs and hold on to her feet in her sleep now. Does anyone else's child do that?
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
She enjoys yelling for some reason now. Lol
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
Where's Your Head At?
As mothers, we tend to go through A LOT of things whether it's with our Significant others, other parental half of child, our parents, and so on. It's not easy trying to be mentally strong while raising a child, it's extremely hard actually cause there are sometimes when we want to breakdown completely and just cry until the sun rises but we know we can't cause we have someone that is looking up to us. I hear those words ALL. THE. TIME. Though yes, it is true but at the same time we as Mother's shouldn't have to put our feelings on the side and wait until our babies are sleeping just to let out a good cry and try to collect ourselves; by that time, we're too tired. Why not cry when they cry? Why not when we cry together, I look into my babies eyes and say "how much you saved me" or while we're crying together, they may not understand you but talk with them.
Taking a break from your child isn't a bad thing, please don't let other parents and people who don't have children tell you otherwise. Taking a break helps our mental A LOT, it gives us time to regroup and bring out mental back to a healthier state especially for our babies; being around your baby with a poor mental will drain you more and baby will notice that mommy and daddy (or just Mommy) that they're cranky or sad and they too will become either cranky and or sad.
Having a clear mental for not only your sake but for your child's sake, is really a great thing to have in the long run; even planning a mommy getaway to restart yourself is even great. Needing just a few moments to yourself isn't a bad nor selfish, it's very healthy for you and your baby. Being happy around your children is what they need to see, yes, it can be hard sometimes but just seeing their face(s) can make everything better.
Make your mental important.
Make their mental important.
Help them understand it's not their fault that you're sad or stressed at times. They may not understand what you're talking about now but they will as they're getting older.
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
Breaking the "Mom-genda"
There are mothers around the world who thinks that we all should follow the "Mom rules" or the "Mom-genda." Sad thing, there is no "Mom rules" or "Mom-genda" there are just mom's out there that want to nasty towards other moms that aren't the organic, no red dye, oil-free oils, dust free, bubble living, super protecting moms. Those kinds of moms don't like the free spirited, open minded, loud, loving moms cause Goddess knows we're looked at like the scum of the earth to those types of "Superficial" moms. We all have our own rules as momthers, those rules help with our own children, those rules are for our own children, those rules are what helps us function with OUR OWN CHILDREN. Some mom's think, "Oh yeah, this helped my kid so maybe this will help EVERYBODY'S kid!" No, it will not help EVERYBODY'S kid; some? Yes, all? No.
When I became a mom for the first time I wanted Amelia to have a bomb ass life, I wanted her to have an amazing childhood, then when I had Jaxsen I wanted to same for her as I wanted to do for Amelia. I'm shaping Jaxsen to be the most free spirited child who can play with whatever toy she wants, whatever she wants to wear she can, etc etc. Then she's going to learn to be very unapologetic, very pro black, and sarcastic. I want her to be a kid, I want her to have fun as a kid. I want her to not be afraid to tell me anything, I want to teach her about different things and not let society teach her otherwise.
This "mom-genda" is nothing more than "perfect" moms making the free spirited mom's feel like they're not enough for their child. Screw the genda, screw the stigma; your child doesn't know what's going on and doesn't understand what is going on. You're perfect for them and that's all that matters the most. You don't have to buy them materialistic things, if you can't keep your child shining and smiling, fed and clothed then that's all the love that they need; any mom that tells you otherwise, they can suck it. Raise your kids how you see fit, they're your kids not societies.
Don't let society raise your kids.
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brownsugamuva · 6 years
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