brokenheartnotears · 9 months
Now I'm broken, no good to anyone
With a heart that you left haunted..
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brokenheartnotears · 9 months
Quizás aún no aprendo a irme, porque hasta las sobras a las que me acostumbré siempre me parecieron demasiado.
No eras tú, es que yo no me quería.
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brokenheartnotears · 2 years
Aunque sienta la necesidad de estar contigo, sé que nuestro mundo irá un poco mejor llevando a cada uno a su lado. Sin embargo espero que lo vivido sea suficiente para recordar la historia como algo único, tan único como la intensidad de lo que fue nuestro amor.
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brokenheartnotears · 2 years
I'd say you broke my heart
But you broke much more than that
Now I don't want your sympathy
I just want myself back
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brokenheartnotears · 2 years
I try to stay alive but i feel dead inside
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brokenheartnotears · 2 years
I barely feel like living
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brokenheartnotears · 2 years
I color books
I'm adding colors
That I lack
You see
My depression has taken away
I don't know
Who i am anymore
By brokenheartnotears
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brokenheartnotears · 2 years
Takes away the spark that's within us
Sucks in
every single particle until
There's nothing left of us
Just dust
A whole lot of emotions that will turn into regular ones
Regular ones that will turn us into dead beings
with nothing left to offer.
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brokenheartnotears · 2 years
I guess I'm over you.
Feels good to say this out loud.
It's been a while since I've thougt of you even the slightest .
I've been keeping myself busy writing poems about my feelings
And with every word I put on paper is one step closer to erasing you.
I'm tracing lines in a canvas that has your face on it , with every trace I make
I brush you away from my life,
Now you belong to my memories , temporarily I may say.
I don't want to remember even the good things , you made those turn into bad and bad in to nightmares and tears...
When you made me feel small , when you used my insecurities and used them as armor for your own war.
You don't deserve to stay at all, you made my heart a stone rock and now I'm struggling to feel , even the slightest ..
I'm reaching to every corner looking for something to soften up what you've made me become
I'm heartless
I'm struggling
Not because i miss you but because i miss myself
I'm getting closer to her , I'm making sure that I'm make my own way into my heart , I'll be the one to soften the stone that you little by little caged my heart in.
Is not easy
It's been months now since I left you
It's getting easier I'm gonna say
And I'm starting to feel and accept the things that happened, it's been the key to unlock my heart , to set it free.
By brokenheartenotears
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brokenheartnotears · 3 years
Podrán reemplazar mi persona, pero jamás mi compañía, mi manera de ver la vida, mi manera de hacer feliz, mi lealtad y sinceridad. Soy alguien que permanece hasta el final en los corazones y me amo por eso
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brokenheartnotears · 3 years
There's so many fish on the pond , but i still want to choose you , there's so many books to read but i still wanna read you , theres so many songs to hear but i want to listen to you .
And then there's you, you just pick me up because you have no choice...
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brokenheartnotears · 3 years
I'm tired of giving you chances and you throwing them away like it's something you will keep getting. One day I'll be to exhausted to give you another one, and that day you'll lose me , forever.
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brokenheartnotears · 3 years
I'm tired of being the book that you want to read but you are to exhausted to...
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brokenheartnotears · 3 years
I don't understand why I keep choosing you , maybe beacuse there's nothing else to break.
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brokenheartnotears · 3 years
Who is not a poet on this earth?. Some write with words, others write with silence.
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brokenheartnotears · 4 years
Prefiero tener insomnio y estar haciendo nada, que marcarte y hablar horas toda la noche, fingiendo que nunca me rompiste el corazón.
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brokenheartnotears · 4 years
“I’m so sorry for how messed up my life is. I have no one to blame except myself.”
— 4:24 pm midnightthoughtz.tumblr.com
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