belovedimagine · 5 years
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@okamiryuu and I were pming in facebook and we thought of this, 'What would it look like if we had kids with our summoner supported heroes?' and viola. We had kids, with Seliph and Xander respectively.
It's just a sketch, so it's incredibly messy. Sorry about that.
Ares is an original character that belongs yours truly, @okamiryuu
Mason and Madison are my original characters.
Siegbert is owned by Intellegent Systems.
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belovedimagine · 5 years
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oh take me back to the start.
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belovedimagine · 5 years
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oh take me back to the start.
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belovedimagine · 5 years
Aight, has anybody here has seen the latest chapter?
Because I am freaking screeching right after I played through it and the movie had me floored.
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belovedimagine · 5 years
Also how can Arthur Conan Doyle write a character like Irene Adler 1891 and have her 1. Outsmart Sherlock Holmes and get away with it and 2. Be in no way a damsel or love interest to Sherlock.. But every modern retelling not only has her be a sexual /love interest character but she is posed as being very very smart… But never smart enough to just outwit him, get away with it and move on? Women can be smart, sure, but no one is allowed to be smarter than Sherlock.
It’s been over 120 years and Irene is, at her best, never as decently treated as the original.
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belovedimagine · 5 years
Maybe an imagine if Hrid taking laegjarn for a romantic horse ride?
Posted it! Hope you'll like it :D
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belovedimagine · 5 years
A ride, shall we?
Purple Panda: I had plenty of time to do two stories, so let's do this! Requested by @floralianspiderboynova Hope it's okay that this is a little slow burn and hope it is okay that it is a little short.
Fandom: fire emblem heroes
Warning/s: none
"Prince Hrid, may I ask you to accompany me for a ride? It can simply be a horse ride." Laegjarn asks, albeit tensed.
Safe to say that Hrid was bewildered to hear the Muspell general, asking him of all people, to go for a ride. He thought about it for bit, it could help lessen the awkward tension whenever they would meet outside the battle, and have a chance to have stronger relations with Muspell.
"It would be my honor, princess Laegjarn."
The ride was... less awkward than what she had expected. Of course they haven't started any conversation since they have mounted their horses, but their silence was a peaceful one and she couldn't have it in any other way. Until Hrid broke the silence between them with a question.
"Pardon me princess, but why ask me for a ride?" This, of course, caught her off-guard. She is not prepared to answer that question honestly. And there is no way she is planning to tell him the real reason.
Laegjarn answers, with a hesitant-like manner, "The summoner has noticed that we have this... tensed aura whenever we would meet beyond the battlefield. They simply wished for us to be able to get along much better."
Laegjarn thanked the Gods that Hrid took it. She couldn't tell him that she was dared to, and lost a bet to a certain hero. And how the summoner immediately jumped into the bandwagon for making a dare(a lousy one, let me tell you) for her. Heavens above, this is all she would get in a dare?!
Hrid immediately suspected that the summoner is the reason behind this ride but since they ask them to get along, they will(even though that is not the truth at all).
The ride continued on smoothly and their tensed tension between them has become less; they were able to have small conversations, topics they could speak more of, funny stories about their siblings, and so on.
Alas, the sun is starting to go down and they have to end their ride. They have to go back to the order of heroes soon before the night falls. 'Shame' Hrid thought, they were starting to get along and they are starting to enjoy like each other's presence a bit more.
'Perhaps I should thank the summoner for thise ride.'
Unbeknownst to them, the summoner and a group of certain princesses seem to be watching them from far away, hoping that they would get along well. They were not disappointed when they saw them smiling at the end of the ride in a subtle manner.
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belovedimagine · 5 years
~When one won't then I will. Romantic//Cheesy if possible, Xander One-shot with a fem summoner~ Embarrassed or not I will not get over him anytime soon.
Posted it!
Edited: I made it a little bit angst-y, is that ok?
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belovedimagine · 5 years
Internal Conflict
Purple Panda: Special thanks to my best friend @okamiryuu for being the first to request. Enjoy the pain.
Fandom: fire emblem heroes
Warning/s: Possible angst?
Being the summoner means forming bonds and growing attachments to all the heroes you have summoned. Earning respect and faith from even the most harshest heroes, like Grima to an extent. To be able to rely on their prowess in the battlefield when you, yourself couldn't. Having your bond with the heroes has truly gone stronger ever since you have been summoned in the order of heroes.
Being the summoner also means expecting to be prepared when it is time to be on their seperate ways. Deep down, you knew the time in the order would be fleeting and knowing the fact that you will all one day go home. And the chances of seeing them again would be slimmer than none.
Alfonse has warned you about this but... you didn't take his words to heart. And now, you are facing a huge dilemma; something to do with a certain (noodle haired) crowned prince. You are truly regretting not taking his words to heart.
Being the summoner, you thought that your feelings towards Xander was only admiration towards his leadership and skills in the battlefield. Oh boy, you are humorously and absolutely wrong.
Should you be confessing him or never telling him at all? Considering the fact that you both have different stations. He is a crowned prince of a powerful nation and you're just.... someone. This internal conflict is infuriating you. Curse these uncontrollable feelings!
Then again, not telling him would cause you to unintentionally distance yourself to him and probably cause a strain in your friendship; something you definitely wanted the least.
Still, if you told him, it would cause awkward tension between the two of you and cause unnecessary attention. Heavens above, why are you-
You snapped into reality. Not realising it is already going dark and you have been sitting under your favourite tree for quite some time now. You looked at the speaker who happened to be prince Xander, kneeling beside you worriedly. Oh joy, as if your luck has been greater than the gods.
Xander inquires, "Summoner are you well? You have been sitting under the tree for some time now. Dinner is about to be ready." all the while helping you get back up. You can feel your legs being asleep for heavens know how long. Both of you started walking back to the mess hall, but you still remained deep in thought.
"I'm.... I'm okay, Xander. I was just thinking about the future."
Technically you didn't lie, you really were thinking about it but it's not like you could tell him the exact truth either. Perhaps you could tell him right here, right now but it might lead to an awkward tension that might lead to a distanced friendship.
You shook your head absently, 'No,' you though 'I'd rather not risk our friendship for good.'
This didn't left unnoticed by Xander, however.
"(Y/N), you're thinking deeply again. Perhaps I could help with the internal dilemma you're facing." He suggested, a bit unsure on how to proceed.
Should you tell him? Perhaps being vague when you speak of your problems would help. 'He won't notice' you sincerely hope.
"It's about.... what could happened beyond this war. I already know that I would say my farewells to everyone and being sent home... But something... unprecedented has happened. It's about this person..." Gods, you are terrible at making your problem vague.
"What about this person?" He asks, cautious with his words.
"H- THEY and I... have become close friends ever since I summoned them. But, I started to notice gain some unprofessional feelings towards that person and I don't know what to do.... Should I tell this person about my growing attachment towards them or not? I fear for our friendship and causing some unnecessary conflict between us." You finally explained to him about your internalised conflict without mentioning him. Good job.
Xander looks to be in deep in thought after listening to your explanation. Then, he suddenly answers to your problems.
"Perhaps the best idea is being honest to this person. Should there be any conflict, then I'm sure you'll be able to solve it just as fine. If that person were to value the friendship the same way as you do, then they would also wish to remain friends with you, regardless of how you feel towards them." He finishes but with a hint of.... sadness?
Perhaps you are misinterpreting things.
"Thank you, Xander. I wish I have some way to repay you. I'll tell them how I feel towards them, first thing in the morning!"
"It is no problem. Simply tell me how it goes and I'll be there to either celebrate with you or comfort you. Depending what happens." But he looks much more sad now and.... disappointed.
If only the summoner knew how he truly feels towards them.
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belovedimagine · 5 years
I'll be back soon, Alfie.
Purple Panda: I want to apologize for not making any new stories or headcanons for the past months, I didn't have any new ideas and I was having my summer vacation.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one! This is just a part 1. If you guys want part 2 of it. Go ahead and request it!
Fandom: Fire emblem Heroes
Warning/s: none
Lif could still remember the very last time he saw the summoner... his summoner.
Their summoner has recieved a word from their world that something bad is going on and it will soon hit their home.
"Don't worry, Alfie. It's only a week then I'll be back before you know it." the summoner replies with gentle smile on their face.
Alfonse remained silent, a deep frown present on his face.
Alfonse was hesitant to seeing them leave. He couldn't bear being away with them. As Robin once said, they are two halves of a whole.
But it was an emergency, he couldn't keep them here. Not when the lives of their summoner's loved ones are at risk.
Their summoner waved goodbye to everyone and was about step into the portal but was stopped by a hand on their wrist.
They looked behind and saw Alfonse grabbed their hand.
"Please stay safe, (Y/N)... Try to write to us as much as you can." Alfonse looking saying with a whisper.
But the summoner could hear him loud and clear.
They cup his face and said,"Don't worry, not a day will pass without a letter and I'll do what I can to keep myself safe." As they reaussured their other half.
Then, Alfonse has let go of their hand and their summoner stepped through the portal, gone... For a week that is.
As the summoner is true to their word, not a day passes without letters. Some are rushed, others are written in perfect handwriting.
Their summoner wrote letters for the order, their closer allies and the askrian royals.
And not a single letter has Alfonse never read that was his. Some has sloppy handwriting like it was rushed but there had been others where the letter is written in neat handwriting.
It was the end of the seventh day when the summoner was killed. The last day Summoner has written any letters, but couldn't send them.
Hel attacked on the seventh day as well. The undead army was too much for both Askr and Embla.
Even with the alliance between two nations, Hel's army was too strong.
The turned to the last resort, the Rite of the Heart. But...
They did it wrong. And now, millions of lives are dead. Sharena, dead. Alfonse and Veronica succumbed to Hel's grasp and now her personal puppets for her to have.
Alfonse dies not knowing what happened to the summoner and why they didn't return.
The summoner dies not knowing what has become of Askr. And now, could never will.
Lif now returned to reality and happened to see their Askr's summoner seating on their favourite place and reading a book, with a cup of tea on their side.
He remained in the shadows to try assassinate the askrian prince but seeing the summoner again... and no doubt the same one who has left, made him feel more vulnerable.
At this point, he could try to ask on this askr's summoner on what has befallen on his summoner or leave quietly and never ask at all.
The first option sounded so silly and stupid but what choice does he have?
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belovedimagine · 5 years
Check out the edited version of my rules and greetings! I decided to add more and do more so why not?
Greetings and Salutations!
Hello! You may call me Purple Panda and I’m new to this imagines! You may refer me as she/they/her/them. I live in the Philippines, so I’ll either be active whenever… whatever.
Anyways, the fandoms I am more than willing to write about:
~Fire emblem(Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates, Shadows of Valentia, Warriors, Heroes)
~Undertale(platonic means, I don’t think I have the means of writing it…. romantically)
~Delta Rune(CAN be romantic but only for certain characters)
~Kingdom Hearts
~Super Smash Brothers(I don’t know if I could nail ALL their personalities but I will try~)
~Legend of Zelda( So far, only Zelda and Link… Like… every single one of them. I could do Revali, Mipha, Lana, probably Cia, Malon, Dark Link(when I’m in the mood), Ganondorf(morelikeganondad),)
~Probably(?) Stardew Valley
~Harry Potter(okay, I have confidence in this fandom, just know I won’t write in according to canon much)
~Miraculous Ladybug(Okay, I’m not that up-to-date with it, just know I can write them well.)
Here are some Rules for you guys to know:
1. I will not write anything romantic for children(mentally and physically). Seriously, just… no. I will do so IF they request them to be older, otherwise, I will write them platonically.
2. Remember that I have the right to deny requests that make me uncomfortable or just straight up horrible. Please, don’t take it personally.
3. I can now do full one-shots, headcanons, drabbles, and probably more!
I decided to break out of my shell and do more than small one shots and just headcanons. I want to experiment more and do more.
4. Despite the fact I am fully aware of lemons/smut and limes, I won’t do them for the time being. Until, I feel more comfortable and confident about them, I’m not writing for any of them.
5. Just know that I have my own life too. If I didn’t answer you immediately, I’m so sorry.
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belovedimagine · 5 years
Absolute mood
Me, to my bff about having fictional crushes:
You can’t stop me! No one can stop me! I can’t even stop myself what hope does anyone else have?
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belovedimagine · 5 years
Write your way into my heart~
Purple Panda: finally, something that isn't fire emblem. I always wanted to try and write something for Zelda. And try out a different style. Comment down if I should do this more often!
Fandom: Legend of Zelda with Hamilton references
Notes: This could be interpreted as between ‘way to close for comfort’ friends or a couple, I left it vague if you don’t mind. 
Also, I’ve made the reader gender neutral, hope that’s okay!
To my dearest friend, (Y/N)
                         It has come to my attention that you have fallen ill as of late. Please do take care of yourself, I don’t think I could handle such pain and worry that you are not feeling well because of the stressful duties I have given you.
               I order you to rest for the time being, my heart aches at the thought of you getting hurt from the stress or worse. Maybe try to take a break in the countryside, I’ve heard from the hero Link that the countryside has become more peaceful and calm.
 I wait for your reply, (Y/N). Don’t forget to take rest easy from now on.
 Your princess,
Dear Princess,
               I thank you for your kindness for concerning of my health. As you have ordered, I rest in the countryside and sometimes stroll in the nearby forests. Let your heart ache no more, I am taking my time to rest.
 The goddess’s hero is indeed correct, the countryside has become much calmer and the view of the sunset from the hills has such a beautiful view, but its view still pales from such beauty as yourself, my princess. You continuously shone bright as the brightest constellation of Hyrule.
               Though, being here in the countryside is indeed peaceful, there were many suitors who would try to woo for my heart last week, all of which I have declined to.
                       I shall be back on Hyrule castle in a fortnight, my princess.
 Your most obedient servant,
 To my dear (Y/N),
         For you to say my looks were something greater than an everlasting one has truly left me helpless. Truly, you have such a way with words.
 Call me silly but I can’t help but be brimmed with jealousy at the thought of suitors who could observe your appearance hear your angelic voice or hold you close if you were to be asked to dance with.
 I wait for your return, and may your journey be a safe one, my (Y/N).
 Eternally Yours,
To my beloved princess,
          Princess Zelda, no words or objects can describe how I have felt for you. Nor could it describe an incredible and wisest princess I have ever known.
          Do not worry for those suitors; none catches my eye or my heart. After all, you are the one who already has taken a hold of it. But I believe I should have the right to be jealous, after all, many nobles and suitors come far and wide to simply win your heart.
          Let us both hope that my return is a safe. You should wait no longer; I’ll be there before you know it.
 Eternally yours,
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belovedimagine · 5 years
I know that I should be posting oneshots and should be more active but my god I want to appreciate Azura right now
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“I promise things will get better, so don’t cry little one.”
Time to go save/recruit lil Azura in the Tempest tonight~! *_*)9 Hold on, little one~!
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belovedimagine · 5 years
I don't know if I should laugh or cry from this
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fun game
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belovedimagine · 5 years
Go ahead and ask away!
while I make the other one shots!
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belovedimagine · 5 years
Hello!! Just came here to say that I really liked the Seliph one-shot ^_^
Thank you! It's my first time doing a one-shot so it's nice it's not entirely bad or confusing :D
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