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girls girls girls!!!
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Wings Of Glass (TW for ED)
[Ed Recovery story!
Ochako is known for her addiction to mochi, but what people don’t know about her is the self-hate she has in her heart and the disgusted feeling of looking at her own body in the mirror. Ochako always thought “Who saves the hero’s when they are in danger?” A certain explosive hero in the making changes things for the better.
“I will save her.”]
"The most important thing we can do is not only admit it to ourselves but then to reach out for that help. The first step is exposing that secret and that struggle, and you have to take that first step before you can find freedom."
 — Candace Cameron Bure
-Narrator’s POV-
Ochako is known for her addiction to mochi, and her love of anything and everything sweet, and yummy foods like beef bowls, but what people don’t know is the self-hate she has in her heart and the disgusted feeling of looking at her own body in the mirror. Stupidly had nothing in her stomach for days, only cold water and sugar-free gum. Months ago Ochako was only 150Ibs / 68 kg and only a height of 5’1ft  / 156 cm, giving her a B.M.I of 27.44 and the dumb apps on the ‘new’ used iPhone were telling her she was overweight or on the high side of ‘normal’.
Whatever that means 
It was bullshit because she looked great, and beauty standards can be seen as unsafe and extremely dangerous, sometimes telling someone who is mentally ill, or one with an eating disorder ‘high’ side of health was fat in their brains. Weight loss apps like the ones she used are toxic for trying to make vulnerable women, men, and kids achievements lower, and lower weights. Googling dangerous diets, pills, fast and over-exercising, anything to reach a body that would kill them. Bodies in games, animes’, and magazines that were unrealistic.
‘Phantom Thief’ class 1-B resident jackass Neito Monoma made a scene one day at the cafeteria because she was scarfing down food like a snake’s jaw that was unhinging and he called her fat.
“Goddamn Uraraka, slow down, you've always been thick, but you’re starting to look like Kirby, you're definitely eating like him. Watch out you’ll turn into a nicely rounded bouncy ball and we will have to roll you back to the dorms.”        
Ochako dropped her chopsticks, gulped down what was in her mouth, and looked down at her food as Monoma continued. The boy who everyone knows is gonna be a part of the big three, and then maybe one day surpass AllMight, and become a number one hero who broke up with you for that reason.” Kendo, who just got her food, chopped him in the back of the neck, dragging him away, when another girl at a table said “Because why would any guy want a fat round-faced bitch like you.” 
She ran out of the room and straight to the bathroom around the development studio no one would be there, the power loader would be in the teacher's lounge, and the students were at lunch. Mei Hatsume might be there but she would probably be making so much noise to notice and would be in her own world. She ran into the bathroom and purged everything she just ate, and anything from breakfast and the snacking she did in class. Ochako had a few problems like binge eating, and or binging and purging. Because living in her apartment without her parents made it easy, the stress of school and thinking about her true dream of ‘giving them an easier life’ made her so stressed out she would just eat her feelings plus the convenience store was about ¼ mile away. 
So then she started cutting back on what she ate and worked out more. Ochako leaned on the more anorexia symptoms like restricting, fasting, and skipping lunches saying “I’m nauseous from overusing my quirk.”, “My stomach hurts”. Most people believed her lies because while at times that may have been the truth, they knew the side effects of her quirk. She bought water pills and caffeine pills to lose water weight and stay awake. She skipped lunch more, then she started water fasting, just regular fasting, and wouldn’t consume anything for days, just enough water or coffee to take her pills. Ochako lied to her doctor, getting medicine that a MAJOR side effect was loss of appetite, and kept her awake so she could stay awake all day, and be up to having extra energy to work out and study.
On days when it was time for combat training, or into their hero costumes Ochako did one of two things, one she would be late getting dressed after the girls left the locker room secondly she would change in one of the bathrooms, because she didn’t want anyone seeing her quote ‘fat body’, had voices in her head saying. 
“Why can’t you lose weight faster?”
“No one will love you.”
“You’re disgusting!”
“Don’t eat!”
“You need a body like the girls in your class.”
“Kyoka is super slim and petite.”
Ochako was in class one day writing down what she ate, the calories, grams of saturated fats, carbohydrates, proteins, sugar, and milligrams of sodium!! Hell, everything! She might as well just get the damn nutritional labels and glue them on the thing. When Bakugou Katsuki walked right up to her and asked if she wanted to spar later it shocked her.
“You wanna spar with me?”  She looked like a deer in headlights as if he got down on one knee and asked for her hand in marriage, completely dumbfounded. He looked at her with an unseemly odd look on his face and was slightly agitated. “Who else would I be talking to, chubby cheeks? Do you wanna train or what?”
-Ochako’s POV-
“I can’t compete with him,” she said to herself bitterly.
“Sure, when do you wanna train?” she asked in a soft howl voice.
“After school at gym gamma, around 1630 pm.” 
“Okay then, I’ll do my best to beat you.” her voice was scratchy and hoarse from all the purging she’s been doing lately.
“You know you can’t! Don’t be stupid!” God, he had an ego like no other.
“You don't know that Bakugou-kun.” she sticking out her red slightly swollen tongue
“Tch whatever.” Katsuki walked away
-Narrator’s POV-
Katsuki walked away as the bell rang signaling all the kids to get in their seats, they had English, classical Japanese, math, chemistry, hero rules, and regulation…Etc. The whole day went by in a blur, the only thought on her mind was training and burning as many calories as she could to burn off what she ate for breakfast, and what excuses she could make at lunch. In Ochako's mind, it was a ‘dumb decision’ but on that she decided to go to lunch, sitting with her friends Shouto, Tsuyu, Tenya, and Izuku. All she was consuming was a fruit salad in water not syrup, green tea with no sugar or honey. One or two packets of sweetener, and Tsuyu took notice.
“Are you Ochako you’re barely eating? kero”
“I’m fine” She added two more packets of zero-calorie sweetener
“You know that’s all chemicals?”
“Thank you Shouto.”
“Yes, Shouto is right. It is not good for you, try honey. I know you have a sweet tooth.”
“I’m fine Tenya.”
“Well, I’ve also noticed you have been eating much lately, are you okay? You know everyone especially heroes needs to get the proper amount of food.”
“And healthiest!” Izkuk chimed in with a blush
“Yes! The proper amount of food to keep their body well nourished and ready for battle, you can’t deprive your body of its vital nutrition. Uraraka-San you look very pale and I’ve also noticed you’ve been in the gym more than me and that’s saying something.”
“I'm fine guys don’t worry, I'm just not feeling 100%. Just a little stressed and tired.”
“If you say so, but if you’re sick go to recovery girl Kero.”
“I’m fine you guys promise.” As her friends went back to eating, Ochako remained silent and ate all of her food wishing she could be anywhere else. After she finished the small fruit cup and tea she went to the bathroom to purge it all up and went along with the rest of the day.
Later that day it was time for her and Katsuki to spar. “Ready to get your ass kicked cheeks? She remained silent looking at her feet. Thinking about how people made comments about her face being round and her chubby cheeks, which made her feel more like a whale.
“You’re gross”
She wasn’t
“No quirks?” She asked
“No quirks” They stood facing each other on opposite sides of the fighting octagon, they both ran at each other and 
“No quirks?” she asked
“No quirks.” They were facing each other on opposite sides of the fighting octagon they were in. They both ran at the other and surprisingly Ochako got hit in, giving Bakugou a right hook to the face which he blocked then kicked her straight into the stomach making her fall to the ground holding her stomach.
“Is that all you got? I guess round one goes to me.”
“I’m not done yet.”
“Bring it Cheeks, COME AT ME!” They fought for two and a half hours when Katsuki grabbed her wrist, threw her over his shoulder, and slammed her on the ground. She screamed so loud, it was too much pain plus she was too boney, the grip Bakugou had on her wrist was too much. Bakugou took note of how during their fights when he did touch her body it was cold and smaller than normal. When wrapping his pointer finger and thumb around her wrist they really overlapped, like by a lot.
“Shit, are you okay?” A concerned-sounding voice came out.
“I’m fine, I’ve had enough for the day.” She quickly pushed him off of her and ran into the locker room holding her wrist that was surely gonna bruise, about to burst into tears from the pain. Katsuki watched her with a ‘What the fuck?’ look on his face, he was standing there for an eternity fighting the urge to run in there. Because while they were sparing he couldn’t shake the feeling of cold, boney, pale. He’s seen this before with his parent's line of work. When he lost that fight, he ran into the girl’s locker room and was shocked at what he saw. Ochako was body checking in a mirror about to change into everyday clothes when Bakugou saw her body she was emaciated, he saw all her bones sticking out ribs, hips, collar bones, hell everything looked like it was gonna burst out of her skin. 
“Holy shit!” 
“Get out!” If Ochako was pissed but really had no color on her face.
Katsuki left the room with an unsettling feeling in his body, went straight into the boy’s locker room showered, and changed into black sweatpants and a matching tank top that was tight on his abs. Going back to the dorms to eat, and sleep early. He was known for that, his classmates made comments about him being an old man which he ignored because why the fuck should he care? 
Ochako skipped dinner and went to her room, crying for about an hour hating herself for just about everything, getting out she did squats, sit-ups, and push-ups, stopping when she was too dizzy. she stopped and took a shower then the world went black she woke up to a loud knocking on the door and got up on shaky legs wrapped, grabbing a midnight blue towel with bleached stars around herself. The towel was so big around her that you would think it was a beach towel.
Going to the door she cracked it open to see Mina with a worried look on her face.
“Are you okay? I heard a loud thud!”
“Because I’m fat!” She thought
“I’m fine, I just slipped in the shower I’m gonna head to bed now. I’m sorry to bother you.” Even though Mina has seen her naked she was hiding her body more than she normally would.
“If you say so, good night.”
“Night” She closed the door, breathed out a sigh and got dressed in an old blue baggy shirt and some polka dot booty shorts, and went to sleep. 
"Thinking will not overcome fear, actions will." -W Clement Stone
The next day Katsuki couldn’t shake what he saw and how Ochako has been acting lately, not like he was watching her anyways. As the day went on he noticed how her uniform was falling off of her body, but he told himself he couldn’t keep it to himself anymore, when school was over he went to confront her.
-Katsuki’s POV-
“Oi cheeks, what was that yesterday?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Bakugou?”
Fucking liar
“Don’t fucking play dumb! How long has this been going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what the fuck I mean fuck it! As if I care!”
-Narrator’s POV-
Thus Bakugou exited the room he knew he would never get a clear answer from her, it was stupid of him to think he would, going back to the teacher’s dorms he went straight to Aizawa's room and knocked on the door waiting for his exceptionally tired teacher to answer the damn door. When he did, Aizawa looked like death itself.
More than normal 
“What Bakugou? What do you need?” The erasing hero inquired.
“It’s about Uraraka.” remember this was for her own good he reassured himself
“What about Uraraka, is she hurt?” slightly worried
“No, yes.. oh fuck I think so.”
“Think so? What’s wrong?”
Katsuki then told Aizawa everything and the teacher scolded him for going into the girl’s locker room, but both knew now was not the time to punish him. Bakugou knew the signs of eating disorders with his parents working in the fashion industry. Models sometimes had them and would go to extremes to hide them and lose more weight. So they both went to the dorms. Bakugou waited in the common area while Aizawa went to the elevator to the 4th floor and Ochako’s room knocked on the door. Opening the door her eyes widened at the sight of her teacher.
“I need you to go to see recovery girl now.” There was nothing she or any other student could say to Aizawa that would make him leave, not with an allegation as serious as this.
“Why? I’m fine.” 
“Just do as you're told!” Aizawa yelled
“Yes sir” Aizawa and Bakugou both escorted her to recoverys girl's office, where the healing hero took her back to an examination room, leaving Aizawa and Bakugou alone. She
 told Ochako to strip and did a physical exam on her, weighed her. 
“God this can't be happening, the cat is out of the bag.” Was the only thing racing in her mind, with panic and worry.
“Uraraka please step on the scale backward.”
“Please don’t make me.” Behind the curtains she heard Bakugou yell to just do it, which she did, and when Recovery girl saw her weight she was shocked Ochako only weighed 83.2Ibs / 38.2 Kg, giving her a BMI of 15.72 meaning she was underweight. Then she was told to get dressed and to have a seat on the exam table.
 “I’m sorry Uraraka but you are very underweight dearie and I’m gonna have to put an NG tube in you.”
"No!" Ochako's mind was going absolutely insane, going a thousand miles a second, she was looking around in flight or fight mode. She couldn't handle this' sadly Ochako knew what a NG tube was, a nasogastric tube goes into the nose and down to one's stomach feeding formula to them, so she could gain weight. AKA a living hell, pure torture. Recovery girl looked at Ochako with sad eyes, but she knew she had to be frank with her.
“I’m sorry sweetheart I know you don’t wanna hear this but I’m putting the tube in you’ll have to deal with that, also having to deal with your treatment plan.”
“Treatment plan?”
“Finish getting dressed and I will be right back, and don’t think about jumping on that scale. Well, It dings anyway ill hear it from my office, I may be old but I'm not completely deaf.”
Recovery girl flipped the cover of the screen, exiting to give her some privacy and walking to her office to look in some medical books and quickly draw up a proper treatment plan. It's been years since she did having dealt with young heroes in the past. When she got back to Ochako she sat down on her rolling chair.
“Okay Uraraka along with N.G. tube-”
“Along with?!
 “Yes Uraraka along with N.G. tube you also will be forced to have three meals a day plus two snacks, you will also not be allowed to do any fight training or exercising because you can get seriously injured. A little after breakfast you will have a snack and a little after lunch you will have another snack too. I will inform your teachers to let you eat in class so they can make sure you eat your snacks. Furthermore, after meals and snacks, no one will let you go to the bathroom for 30-40 minutes to make sure you don’t purge it. So use it before your meals and snacks, your tube feeds will be 24/7, so you will have to walk around school with an IV pole, and don’t even think about ripping the tube out, okay?” it broke Recovery girl's heart seeing this young woman hurting so bad.
“Please don’t make me! I can’t have the tube and I won’t eat that much food. I'm already a cow.” 
“It’s that or we make you go inpatient at a mental hospital/eating disorder treatment center, which one would you like?” Being frank with her was the only thing that would truthfully click in her head.
“The tube….” Ochako was sobbing, stuttering, pleading, negotiating for this to not happen, thinking about what did, to make the universe hate her like this, punishing her for what she was doing to herself. Katsuki walked into the room along with Erasurehead and did something out of character at least for him. Katsuki reached out and held her hand. Both Aizawa and Bakugou told her she wasn’t alone, that they would be there by her side. Aizawa left for the dorms and Bakugou stayed back and held her hand as the recovery girl put the tube in. Ochako cried the whole time and held onto Bakugou’s hand as if it was her lifeline, it also felt extremely bizarre going in.
“I can’t do this!” crying out
“Ochako if you can’t beat the fear, then do it scared.” Recovery patted her thigh taping the tube to her left cheek, grabbing all the equipment to discard.
[Back at the dorms Aizawa called all of class 1-A to the common area and sat them all down to talk to them.] 
🔙Shouta Aizawa: “Okay listen up everyone I’m only gonna say this once and you will be silent and listen, even though it’s none of your business I have to talk to you about Uraraka.” 
👓Tenya Iida: “What’s going on? Is she okay?”
📖Momo yaoyorozu: “What’s wrong?”
⚠️Mina Ashido: “What happened?”
He activated his quirk, eyes glowing, hair flowing up, which shut them all up.
🔙Shouta Aizawa: “Let me finish! Like I was saying Uraraka is gonna be coming back here soon with a feeding tube in her nose so please don't stare and you will not hound her with questions, got it?”
💪🏽Eijiro Kirishima: "Why?"
🩹Hanta Sero: “Is she sick?”
🔙Shouta Aizawa: “Uraraka has an eating disorder and I don’t want you guys harassing her and looking at her like she is a freak, I also need you guys to make sure she eats right. The feeding tube will be in 24/7 till she gains more weight, leave her alone she already feels ashamed of herself. If she goes to the bathroom within 30-40 minutes after eating I want one of you girls going with her and if you hear her throwing up go and find a teacher, if she takes out the tube or messes with the machine settings tell a teacher it’s already set up and she has no reason to mess with it.”
📖Momo Yaoyorozu: “Oh my goddess, how did I miss it.”
👓Tenya Iida: “I’m ashamed as a class representative I should have noticed.”
🐸Tsuyu Asui: “Don’t beat yourself up iida we all should have.”
🟩Izuku Midoriya: “ I feel like a horrible friend.”
🔙Shouta Aizawa: “No point in beating yourselves up just look after her and remember what is said about staring at her.”
⚡️Denki Kaminari: “We will.”
📢Kyoka Jiro: “Of course, we will watch out for her, she’s our friend.”
🩹Hanta Sero: “You got it!”
🔙Shouta Aizawa: “Dismissed”
◼️Everyone: “Yes sir” 
Aizawa left and everyone went back to what they were doing, it wasn’t long before both Ochako and Bakugou returned to the dorms, Ochako’s eyes were red and puffy from crying and everyone was staring at her like she had three heads. It was her day hell it hasn’t been her day in months, they remembered what their teacher said and tried to act normal Ochako not wanting to be seen like an animal in the damn zoo, headed to the elevator and straight to her room and cried herself to sleep listening “Skinny” by Edith Backlund. God, it was stupid
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, ruthless to your victim, suiting you become my love, tied to my reflection, hunger takes hold of me, making my decisions, glossy fashion magazines will feed my new addiction.” 
“All these voices singing skinny.”
“All my monsters singing skinny.”
“Got to fit that new bikini.”
“Hiding in my baggy jeans, No one knows my secret, hiding from the eyes that see, I have been defeated.”
“Mirror, mirror on my wall, ruthless to your victim, suiting you is all I know, a slave to my reflection.”
“Healing doesn’t have to look magical or pretty. Real healing is hard, exhausting, and draining. Let yourself go through it. Don’t try to paint it as anything other than what it is. Be there for yourself with no judgment.”
– Audrey Kitching
The next day Ochako didn’t want to go to school knowing everyone was gonna look at her like an animal in the circus, but she got up anyway at 7:10 am Momo came and knocked at her door dressed for the day with a key. Erasure and Recovery girl entrusted Momo with the key and taught her how to pause the infusion, so Ochako could shower without the machine getting wet or the line being tangled. She sat on the bed eating breakfast and making small talk with her zero-gravity friend. Momo tried to hide the look of horror on her face at the sight of Ochako’s spine and shoulder blades popping out, bruises all over from her low levels, like iron and vitamin D. It failed and Ochako’s face was physically hurt and she had tears in her eyes.
“Ochako sweetie?”
“Do you wanna talk about it?
“Nope” Ochako put emphasis on the P.
“Ochako” Momo was beating herself up, why did she have to mention the elephant in the room? 
An elephant the size of a mouse.
“Look Momo this is really hard on me and I see the way you looked at me, and I feel gross enough. It’s extremely difficult dealing with someone that’s so perfect, and me being so flawed.”
“You have perfect grades and the best body, and your boobs are perfect too.”
“Please don’t hate on yourself, to be frank stop shitting on yourself.”
“Huh! You sound like Bakugou.”
“Gross right?”
“Thank you for being somewhat normal with me.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice, the changes in you are drastic.”
“I feel like you’re taking too long of a shower, so you won’t have time to eat or start your feeds again. I wasn’t born yesterday.”
“You kinda were, what are we 190 months?” Ochako said with a smug voice
“Why did you say it that way?”
“You know how women say their babies age in months till the kid is like three, It pisses me off I don’t know why.”
“It’s what they tend to do till about two, in context it varies month by month babies grow faster than you or, especially you.”
“Rude!” Ochako came out smelling like sweet tangerines and juicy berries. Momo hooked her up giving her a hug as she teared up, she left while Ochako got dressed, she saw the physical bloat in her stomach from it finally having something in it. She headed to class when Momo stopped her and said she had to sit down and eat breakfast, knowing she couldn’t fight it Ochako did as she was told and started eating two scrambled egg whites, toast with vegan butter, and strawberry milk, she ate as slow as possible and she did it crying. While Tsuyu rubbed her back and told her it was okay. The school day went by okay-ish during English class present mic told her to take out her snack and eat. She ate an apple and a strawberry yogurt granola bar. It wasn’t until lunch that the shit show started. Everyone from the hero course, general studies, business course, and support course were looking at her which made her cry even more into her beef bowl with a side order of white rice. Then after lunch, they had more classes than some fight training which of course she had to sit out and Aizawa had Allmight sat with her and made sure she ate her snack which was animal crackers, strawberry milk, and sugar-free jello. She ate and then got up to go to the bathroom.
“Young Uraraka, you know you’re not allowed to go for 30-40 minutes.”
“This is so dumb! I have to go!”
“I’ll call Midnight to come and take you then.”
“We need to make sure you’re not making yourself sick.”
AllMight texted Midnight and she took Uraraka to the bathroom within a few minutes they both came back and her eyes were red and puffy, yes she had to go but she was also overwhelmed from the day. It was only day one too! She took her seat and kept her head down, by the end of the day the whole school knew what was going on. 
The next day going from class to class people would stare at her, murmur about her body, and how skeletal she looked and some people made rude comments about her. Whenever a classmate heard it they would jump in and give them a piece of their mind. Days went by and Ochako noticed that Bakugou was always around her, watching her and making her feel safe on her bad days she would come to him for comfort, just being in his presence made her feel safe not knowing why because they weren’t actually friends. One day Ochako was having an exceedingly bad day when a third-year student walked up to her when she was in the bathroom.
“You’re Uraraka right?”
“I heard you have an eating disorder, is that true?” Ochako looked at her feet and nodded her head yes.
“I don’t see how because you’re so fat, I don’t know what Bakugou sees in you. I’ve seen him following you around like a lost puppy and I don’t like it! You’re fat ass better leave him alone or I’ll make your life hell, got that bitch?” 
The third year was really loud.
“What’s wrong you got a schoolgirl’s crush on him? He’s not mine and he's big enough to choose who he wants to be around so goodbye.” Ochako waved her off and went to leave when the girl grabbed Uraraka’s wrist and pulled her back, her fist raised back about to punch her. When she did swing, Ochako closed her eyes ready for the hit, but then nothing happened. She opened her eyes and saw Bakugou holding the girl's fist.
Why the fuck was he in the girl’s bathroom was this ‘mean girl’ heard loud because of the echo.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he growled out.
“Um nothing Ochako started some beef saying rude shit about my friend and myself, I guess things got heated.”
“Heated huh? First of you don’t know how to fucking whisper because I could fucking hear you, you almost as loud as me! So don’t give me that bullshit ass excuse and leave her the fuck alone, go on leave!”
“Um, you’re the one in the girl's bathroom.” Bakugou’s ears and face blushed and he clicked his tongue, grabbed Ochako’s wrist, and left the bathroom he looked back when he heard her sniffle.
“Thank you.” She whispered
“Tch, it’s nothing.”
A few days later during lunch, Bakugou took Uraraka to the roof to eat in peace which calmed her down a little bit, he handed her a bento box he made himself. When she opened it she saw shrimp and vegetable fried rice, two soy eggs, and scallions on top with a heavy creamed white cooking wine wasabi sauce. For dessert were freshly cut strawberries, and blueberries with honey on top.
“Thank you.” she was happy for the help she was getting, even though it was hard on her.
“It’s nothing.”
“Hmm?” Katsuki looked at her out of the corners of his eyes.
“Why do you keep helping me?” thinking about how he could help someone like her, someone so brave, strong, fearless, and hot.
“Tch, am I not fucking allowed to?”
“No, not at all, I was just curious.” There was a long awkward pause when Bakugou asked her how she was feeling.
“I’m fine”
The only F word a man should be scared of is ‘fine’! “So be honest, how are you?”
“Stressed and depressed I can’t look at myself in the mirror anymore, I hate eating, everyone is babysitting me like I'm weak and I can’t stand the fact that I have a tube in my nose is bad enough! I'm scared to know how much I weigh now and how much more I need to gain.”
“You look better and yeah I know people with eating disorders don’t wanna hear that they look 'normal` or 'healthy’, because in their brain that equals fat, but that shit ain’t true, you're looking better.”
“I guess” Hearing her silence told him all he needed to hear, she didn’t believe him.
“Uraraka I….” The bell rang and they went back downstairs.
"You can get anywhere if you simply go one step at a time." - Dave Ramsey
Weeks passed, and Uraraka was called to Principal Nezu's office so they could talk. “You wanted to see me principal Nezu?”
“Yes I have been talking to recovery girl and she thinks it’s safe to take the tube out, but your meal plan will stay the same. You will start light training and try to catch up to the rest of your classmates, but if you do relapse the tube goes back in.”
“Yes sir, Thank you, sir!”
“Go see her and have her take the tube out and have a nice day.” Ochako got up cheering wishing she wouldn’t go back to the consuming process and thoughts of not consuming. Arriving at recovery girl’s office, knocking, and waiting for a response. Shuzenji took the tube out, it wasn’t painful for Ochako, it just felt odd and uncomfortable. When it came time for combat training she still had to sit out because her classmates could still hurt her, but she sat on the side training, working on her quirk. Trying to get back all she lost with her time off, on that day Ochako was brave enough to use the girl’s shower room again and bathed with her friends which made them all happier.
⚠️Mina Ashido: “The gang is here once again!” Mina was splashing about, and cheering. Now Ochako wasn’t crying god she has had enough of that, she was just emotional.
❓Toru Hagakure: “I know right, I miss all of our bath time talks, we missed you girl Mina especially missed your soft skin” Hagakure wiggled her brows because Mina recently came as Bisexual and didn’t have any romantic feelings her Ochako, but they were so close that people made jokes about them being lesbian lovers.
🌙Ochako Uraraka: “Thanks guys…”
📖Momo Yaoyorozu: “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
🌙Ochako Uraraka: “Not really, it’s just a lot seeing everyone’s body, try not to compare”
⚠️Mina Ashido: Hey! My cock is bigger than yours.” Thank good from Mina always trying to lighten the mood. The rest of the girls choose to not comment on what their pink-skinned friend had just said.
🐸Tsuyu Asui: “You can tell us anything.”
📢Kyoka Jiro: “It’s fine if you don’t want to though.”
🌙Ochako Uraraka: “No, I feel so exposed and ugly, I also have a check-up soon to see if I can go back to combat training and internship stuff, it’s too much.” 
📖Momo Yaoyorozu: “We completely understand and will be there for you if you need anything!” 
🐸Tsuyu Asui: “We got you.” 
⚠️Mina Ashido: “We love you girl and we will always be there, you will never be alone!” 
That broke the damns and they hugged it out and continued talking, showering Toru asked Ochako if she could wash her hair and she said yes, she noticed that some of the bald patches were growing back and her hair was thicker. 
⚠️Mina Ashido: “So Chako not that I don’t love the hair, but why did you cut it so short and when?” 
Ochako looked so embarrassed and her face was so red, she told the girls how a few days after she got the tube in Monoma made fun of her hair and what Katsuki did for her. 
[A Few Weeks Ago]
Ochako was sitting in the cafeteria eating low-calorie miso soup, it was one of the safe foods that she would binge on and since it was soup it was easier to purge she also had royal milk tea and for dessert sugar-free black cherry jello. She was in her world, universe thinking about her body and how much longer she could go like this when she heard Monoma and some third years voices. 
“If it wasn’t a human marshmallow.”
“Come on Monoma no one would wanna eat that.”
“She looks like a bald sumo wrestler.”
“I know I’m gross.” That was the one thing playing over and over again in her mind. a  terrible
Hurricane of self-hate.
“I’m fat.”
“I shouldn’t have been born.”
“Should I end it?”
Though they were swimming in her mind she didn’t even notice that Kendo had walked up and chopped Monoma. “Why don’t both of you get out of here and not come back, sorry about them Ochako.” Ochako just got up and ran out of the cafeteria crying, dragging her pole with her, and ran to the teacher and maintenance worker's only elevator to the roof, squatted down pulling her knees to her chest, falling on her side in a ball. Sometime later Bakugou burst through the door, red face and angry she knew it wasn’t at her.
“I heard the shit that fucker said.” storming up to her, fist clenched
“You have blood on your hand.”
“Not mine..”
“I can’t do this!” blowing out air
“Yes, you can!” 
“No, I can’t, I’m gaining weight being bullied and my hair is falling out. No one would ever want me! I don’t know why I'm trying!” 
Bakugou then whispered, “I won’t say no one.”
“Uh nothing, let me come to your room later.”
“WHAT! Bakugou, why should I?”
“Just do it! Do you trust me?” He walked over and put his forehead against hers looking her in the eyes, she was hesitant but looked back at him with a spark in hers that he hasn't seen in a while and agreed, they went back to school in the end Ochako found herself knocking on Bakugou’s door, he opened and let her in.
“What do you want Bakugou?”
“Let me cut your hair.”
“WHAT?!” he’s crazier and I’m crazier for considering it.
“You heard me sweet cheek let me cut it, let’s be honest it’s falling out, thinning, and it’s time to start anew.”
“I’m not sure.”
“Please”  wait what?
Her eyes widened; she's never heard those words come out of his mouth ever! After some convincing, he told her that he would cut his hair if she was up for the challenge, and she couldn’t back down. So he gave her a short bob kind of thing and when it was his turn he gave himself an undercut. When Ochako saw her hair she loved it, but you could definitely see the patches where the hair was missing, he told her in time it would grow.
"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy - I'm telling you it's going to be worth it." - Art Williams
Ochako was having a hard time with recovery and some days would relapse and skip a meal or purge, but Bakugou was by her side for support and she was thankful for that. She was getting close to her final check-up with Recovery girl even though she knew that they would monitor her weight, exercise, and eating habits till she graduated from this damn school, but she asked Bakugou to go with her to Recovery Girl’s office for support which he of course greed to, reaching their destination Bakugou was told by both women to stay behind the curtains as Recovery girl instructed Ochako to take off all of her clothes besides panties and bra and step on the scale backward, she did as she was told and she was finally at a height of 5’1.5ft / 156 cm and the weight of 120Ibs / 54.4 Kg she had a healthy B.M.I of 22.4. Recovery girl told her a normal B.M.I was 18.5 to 24.9, she would sign all her forms to return to training before her eating disorder got bad, and she couldn’t be happier when she was done she got dressed and walked out with a pink slip to give to principal Nezu, she looked at Bakugou who had an odd look on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing after you talk to the rat thing come to the roof, okay?”
“Sure” Then she walked into Principal Nezu’s office and knocked on the door. “Yes, come in.”
“Hello, principal Nezu recovery girl told me to give you this.” She waved and then handed him a pink slip, he nodded and told her that he was so proud of her and that she could go back to normal school activities, she thanked him and left the office thinking about the song “Free” by Rudimental.
“Whoa, c'est la vie,
Maybe something's wrong with me, But
whoa, at least I am free, oh, oh, I am free, oh I am free!”
Ochako knew she would never be free of her eating disorder, and it would be an everyday fight but she knew she could win. Upon arrival Ochako saw Bakugou, seeing him leaning on the rail and looking at the sky.
“Hey” she smiled
“Hey yourself.”
“You wanted to talk?”
“Yeah, Um I wanted to tell you something.”
“What is it Bakugou?”
“I want you to call me Katsuki.” 
“Is that what you wanted? You didn’t have to call me to the roof to tell me that.”
“Tch, No Chubby cheeks- shit sorry! I mean um what I’m trying to say is that I like you.”
“I like you too, Baku- Katsuki.”
“No, um fuck! Look I’m not good at talking about my feelings but I like you, I think you’re cute.”
Katsuki walked up to her, grabbed her hand and cupped her cheek, and kissed her forehead, then feeling bold gave her a soft kiss on her lips. She blushed and pressed their foreheads together.
“I like you too, thank you for helping me out.”
“Anytime Chako, do you wanna go out with me and shit?”
“haha, like be your girlfriend?”
“F’course cheeks.”
“Do you wanna hang out under the cherry blossoms, and study or whatever.”
“Sure” They kissed again and it wasn’t uncomfortable, just new. He pulled back and held her hand and went back downstairs enjoying the start of a new relationship.
“Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier. We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down. “ -Eleanor Roosevelt
It’s been months to a year since they got together and graduated from Yuuei high school and They are both going strong, Ochako still has her bad days where she wouldn’t eat or binge and purge, but Katsuki was always by her side helping her and she also would make her healthy meals, she worked nights and he worked days so he would get up in the morning and make breakfast for them both eat his half and leave hers in the microwave, he also would pre-make meals that she could just warm up and eat when he was gone, they made it work and couldn’t be happier. No don’t get it wrong Ochako had to deal with the media and them making comments about her body but thankfully the media never knew about her problems with food, and when they would pick on her Katsuki was there to hold her tell herthat she was beautiful and give her all the cuddles she wanted. 
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Space Sisters (Dumb name?)
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