Narcissism-How a Smear campaign Works
The SMEAR CAMPAIGN – a silent and preemptive attack to destroy
There was such a huge response to the post yesterday on Narcissists and their ‘smear campaign,’ so I wanted to add a little bit more as far as understanding what is behind this. To start off you have to first ask yourself WHY any person would smear your integrity to OTHER people, especially if you were in some sort of reciprocal relationship with them. The why is easy to understand once you are out of the abuse cycle and looking from the outside in or when you start to gain clarity over the situation. So some fundamental facts:
1. The Narcissist needs to protect themselves from being exposed as the abuser they are.
2. No normal person would enlist other people into a campaign to attack another person that they supposedly loved, cared for, or had any relationship with.
3. Normal people work through things without enlisting friends, family, and coworkers – a relationship is personal between two people – not two people and the whole world. If there were actually the horrendous problems the Narcissist ALWAYS projects then the two people would come to a mutual understanding and either seek help or move on (again in a normal relationship).
4. The Narcissist enlists their soldiers or minions to carry out their agenda or dirty work to get the word out there that they were the victim with the support now.
5. The smear campaign is more devaluation through triangulation or backstabbing – it is perfectly crafted to inflict personal damage BEHIND THE BACK of the victim. They will use everything they know about you against you – they are very familiar with your whole life so they can mix bits of truth into their hideous lies!
6. The Narcissist has been doing this all along because they inevitably end up in a situation with every person where the Narcissist’s accountability comes into question so they start a decisive and preemptive attack because they know that the victim is becoming wise to their agenda or abuse and it is time to run!
7. It is meant to disable the victim in a manner to make them more vulnerable. The Narcissist continues to control them with fear and isolation and leaving their destructive message long after the Narcissist has moved on – again to protect the Narcissist from exposure and to keep you stuck in this mind frame.
8. The smear campaign is designed to make listeners shocked in such a manner that they have to stand up and take notice to the allegations and perhaps get involved. In other words they will accuse someone of sexual abuse, physical abuse, or any number of things that could potentially destroy the victim’s reputation and integrity in a horrendous manner.
9. For the victim it is the element of the surprise with a smear campaign. They walk into a situation that they have no knowledge of and unprepared for the allegations. Usually the smear campaign involves people from the victim’s immediate circle of family, friends, loved ones, coworkers, etc.
10. We ALL have an expiration date and this is just the final cycle of the abuse the Narcissist utilizes to really silence and disable the victim with extreme fear of more negative retribution.
To sum it up it is just more of the same abusive pattern that the Narcissist creates to further manage down the victim or basically destroy them. The devaluation was leading up to the smear campaign as the final step so the Narcissist could walk away unscathed with the same message to the victim that they were disordered, crazy, the abuser, liar or any number of scenarios. The smear campaign brings this to fruition because the victim is now hearing these same messages coming from the outside world and feeling totally isolated. BAM - that is where the Narcissist drives the abuse straight into the head of their victim. The victim is damned if they do, or damned if they don’t respond. But that Narcissist has driven more of their abuse into the victim and disabled them even more through enlisting other people to fight their delusional battle or divide and conquer. The negative messages that the Narcissist has been manipulating the victim with throughout the entire relationship start replaying in the victim’s head once more, the victim is worn down and vulnerable, their emotions also come into play, now they are faced with this smear campaign, and more than likely the discard as well, and they become isolated, traumatized and silenced. Psychological rape and terrorism from a very shrewd, destructive and disordered creature or a Malignant Narcissist! The normal evolution of this abuse is described in three cycles – idealize, devalue and discard. I am adding a fourth cycle which is the final blow to destroy the victim and that is traumatization through the smear campaign! This traumatization doesn’t go away with simple words that basically describe the hideous actions – it requires strong healing to achieve clarity and time to heal first and then see it from a healthy perspective. But at least understanding the process plants the seed into a victim’s head to start moving forward. That starts with no-.minimal contact.
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You may be familiar with the term, “gaslighting". It is a masterful manipulation technique to gain control over you. As your relationship or friendship begins to weaken, they carefully causes you anxiety or confusion. But as the relationship worsens, you start to question your mental sanity. Extreme or long term gaslighting can ultimately lead you to having a distorted sense of reality—not knowing who is right or wrong, feeling that everyone has it in for you, feeling guilty for being the person you are, and losing any remaining self-confidence.
Gaslighting is an extremely dangerous form of emotional abuse, as it causes the victim to question their judgment, on even the smallest issues, thereby making her dependent of him. If, for example, she is repeatedly told that all these bad things are happening to her and the people around her, she will begin to believe it, and think that without the gaslighter by her side, the world will become a very scary and evil place. The reality is, she is much better off without the gaslighter.
The term “gaslighting” comes from the 1944 film, ‘Gaslight,’ where a young woman named Paula falls madly in love with her suitor, Gregory. After an intense romance that led to marriage, Gregory begins to display pathological narcissistic behavior, leading to Paula’s insanity. In one scene, Gregory tampers with the gas light in the attic, causing the house lights to dim. When Paula mentions hearing footsteps in the attic and the lights dimming, Gregory tells her it’s completely her imagination, making Paula question her judgment. Gaslighting is now the widely used term for when a person truly messes with your head.
Depending on the stage of your relationship, gaslighting at first appears to be subtle, but then gradually worsens. Below are the signs you are a victim of gaslighting, in order in which they may occur. This list illustrates that as the relationship declines, so does your mental clarity and grasp of reality and truth.
1. You become addicted to his grandiosity
And because you likely had low self-esteem before you met him, the joy you feel can only occur when you are with him, thus making you dependent on him.
When your friendship is at its peak, you have intense feelings of happiness- . And because you likely had low self-esteem before you met him, the joy you feel can only occur when you are with him, thus making you dependent on him.
2. You see red flags but you can’t pinpoint the problem
As he becomes bored with you, his attention begins to dwindle and he searches for new supply. He may discreetly put you down, saying you’re “needy” or “overly sensitive.” His once empathetic affection for you has now turned to apathy, and this sudden change leaves you in a foggy state of confusion. You can’t pinpoint the problem, so you think something is wrong with you, and you do everything you can to fix it.
3. When they no longer want to be with you as much, You start to experience intense anxiety, which may lead you to become fixated with trying to please him, and trying to save the relationship, which only causes him disgust.
4. You are ignored, then attended to, but then ignored again, so you lower the bar for yourself
While they may emotionally discard you, they will still keep you around for when supply is low. So they may give you a glimpse of affection here and there, giving you hope that he is coming back to you. This further declines your self-esteem.
5. You second guess yourself and question your sanity
To keep you within close reach, he will gaslight your every request. While this seems counter-intuitive, the manipulator is puppeteering you. You may ask him to join you for a party, but rather than simply declining, he will minipulate your friends and even scold you for having an interest in them. But because you are still friends with him, you now question your choices in friends. You withdraw from them in order to please him, and he further reigns in his puppet strings. Slowly, you second guess every choice of yours.
6. You feel guilty and are always apologizing
As you now second guess yourself, anything you do to repair the relationship feels like a mistake. If they feel hurt by you, you experimenting with a new approach,
They may “punish” you with deafening silence. So you apologize, retreat, and feel bad for trying something new. Unable to move, you walk on egg shells, now feeling captive by your abuser. You fantasize about breaking free, but you feel hostage due to his masterful gaslighting.
7. When you mention breaking up,
he will retreat into victim mode and try to minipulate your family and friends about you
Rather than taking responsibility for his actions, he will blame you for a multitude of infractions: you spend too much time online, you’re lazy, you’re fat, you’re insane, you’re unstable, and you should be LUCKY that he has stuck around to support you. After all, no one else would ever tolerate you but him. Now you’re giving up, You start to think things like you are so selfish. And because your sense of reality is so distorted at this point, you actually feel bad for him, so you stay. And you start to think that the whole world is bad when its just this one person…
And so the cycle continues.
If you are victim of gaslighting, you must remember why they do this. Their distorted sense of self, and their fear of being exposed and that they enjoy being able to play ultimate mind games. You aren’t the problem—they are. Do not succumb to their manipulation—Do NOT allow yourself to be minipulated by anyone. When you first realize that someone is gaslighting you, learn to break free, before your sanity is ultimately compromised.
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This is long overdue. The site has ruined lives and caused innocent people to be blamed for things she didn’t do, posts they didn’t write.
The Dirty.com is a website started by Nik Richie to make fun of poor people they don’t even know in such a vicious way by stealing their pictures on their websites and profiles. As seen on Dr. Phil, the victims are so affected by this, some of them can’t even leave their house; and the creator can care less who it affects. This site is nothing but an outlet for cyber bullying. Freedom of speech is a serious stretch for the allowing of this website.
I am personally a victim of that website where a person (it was several people actually) trashed my name all over that site and it was NOT me who posted on there and someone used this website to make it look as if it were me: (Of course it was probably several people) and everything was used against me in the most terrible way. People lie on that site and seriously harm other peoples reputations!
This site has done a number to my reputation just like others who are posted on here. I am none of these lies that people are telling. My heart goes out to everyone that has been posted on this website, who have been solely misjudged. What’s happening is people are being judged by what’s posted and not by their personality.
This site promotes hate crimes, Organized Stalking, Cyberbullying,
racism and anger. It is the biggest Cyber Bully Site out there. By posting there, We are teaching our society that if someone makes you mad you are allowed to personally attack someone’s name and character for no other reason then they felt like it. It is a hate site where you can bash people anonymously and take no responsibility for it and not be held accountable. This is a site to create hate for people who would normally not act like that. So if you ever see one of your friends or someone you know posted there, please do them a favor and NOT join in and post.
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Shut Down Thedirty.com
Thedirty.com is a vile website set on defamation of character. It’s absolutely toxic in every sense. It’s full of slander, lies and extreme hate. Regardless if people have made mistakes in the past, there should not be a platform like this for people to spew hate and ignorance toward each other. Ages don’t matter as people on the dirty range from as young as 16 to over 50. We need the United States government to do something about this site, only with the governments help can something truly be done about this site. It needs to be taken off the web for good. This needs coverage and the owners of the website should realize that what they are doing is wrong. Please help and make a positive change!! I understand websites like this exist but at the end of the day if we allow them to stay up, we aren’t doing ANYBODY any favors.
This website affects everybody, it can cause serious depression in people.
I started this blog because too many people have been hurt due to this website and it needs to stop. My mind was read and I was gang stalked because of that website. Someone posted too many inappropriate comments about me. I was even given placebo or fake medicine because of that website which endangers my health people so please listen to me and keep thedirty.com shut down.
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Troll Obsessed Wanda Probe Stalking people Online
you have been stalked, and called a “Troll” and plastered all over this person’s websites, with lies galore by this obsessed predator, you need to get in touch with law enforcement in your area, and an investigation journalist in order to report “Wanda Probe” for harassment and stalking. I have done the same.
Wanda Probe’s usernames are scream4jusrice, voice4silent, bewytchme , bewytchmeradio and about 200 other sock puppets. She is suspected of being part of the organized stalking gang. I have been a victim of organized stalking for 8 years now.
This person is very devious, and dangerous in hacking people’s computers, setting people up, lying, chasing them down not letting them get away from her, literally stalking a person’s life, finding out as much as she can, and blogging, making videos, and massive efforts in her reach to encourage others online, to join in her harassment and abuses. It’s been very frightening, and she has done it to many. She has sent others to stalk me physically, as well as online, and she has also stalked my family, and harassed them, and disrupted our lives greatly.
Please do not engage with this woman, she is in need of an extraordinary amount of attention, and she will make you pay attention to her when she stalks you, so don’t think it will go away. Contact an investigation journalist and have them take it seriously. She does very real damage to people’s lives, and seems to relish it, and be obsessively determined to cause great destruction to someone’s life. It goes past just her online bullying, but that is bad enough. She can, will and does intrude in a person’s life in every way she can, making phone calls, writing letters, posting on Facebook pages, Twitter and several websites….and she makes YouTube videos, and blogs forever about someone.
All of her “front” of being about saving girls from online predators, is a cover for HER being the online predator. She is sensationally obsessed, and self absorbed, and like a monster who tracks people, and abuses them fiercely. She is incredibly cruel and ruthless in her treatment of those she stalks and bullies, stripping them of their dignity, and denigrating them all over the Internet, all while posting “Dr. Phil” antidotes about “domestic violence” and “child sexual abuse”, and she actually poses as a teenager and lures men into chats, then starts to call them pedophiles on her website
If anyone stands up to her bullying, she goes even more crazy with stalking and bullying, it’s very frightening to see her obsession in full regalia…..it’s out of control, in no uncertain terms.
Please be careful.
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Help Bring Down the Cybergang
As a disabled citizen in America, I am remotely hacked & wiretapped, electronically harassed with electronic warfare/ V2k (voice to skull technology) , silent sound, voices, and written off in the world. The campaign was started Mary Cummins, Jeannie dusetzina, Robin Jasinski and Nathan Sokol.. The people who conduct these acts are right in your neighborhood, they portray themselves as pillars in the community when they are not. And they have very good covers for themselves and a very high IQ.
The organized stalkers lied to get me off my ADHD medication. They killed my cat. They sabotage all my opportunities. My room is broken into repeatedly. I have had clothes and other stuff stolen from me. They slander my good name. They stole all my money.
Organized stalking is very hard to prove. Sometimes I get depressed because no one will believe me when I speak out about these crimes and my family has been stalked as well. I am starting this blog for everyone who have experienced this injustice as well as for the civilian people who may be dealing with this issue. I have reported this stalking to every organization in the United States and they have been of no assistance and their are no reporting procedures in existence as of now, so I am reaching out to my fellow Americans to help in ensuring these crimes do not go uninvestigated and get addressed in some way or form.
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Help Stop V2K Slander
I am being harassed by V2k (voice to skull) by the people around me.. (mainly my Mary Cummins, Robin Jasinski, Nathan Sokol and Jeannie Dusetzina and the organized stalking gang) It is a way of hacking into someone's head and reading their mind & faking their thoughts. This allows them to force voices into each other’s head and my head through v2k, or voice to skull technology. It says the most perverted stuff. It fakes my thoughts and lies about things I haven’t done. V2k (voice to skull) is associated with organized stalking, which I am also a victim of.
This has been going on for over 8 years and no one will help me. In fact people seem to side with The organized stalking gang.
I need for people to stand up and say this isn't right! Demand answers as to who is doing this. I believe it is most definitely Mary Cummins, Jeannie dusetzina, Robin Jasinski and Nathan Sokol behind it,. Raising awareness will help a lot so please leave comments
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Message to my Stalkers
Dear stalkers, (Mary Cummins, Jeannie dusetzina, Robin Jasinski and Nathan Sokol)
I find it very sad that even as an adult you think it’s okay to bully and stalk someone. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I’m not under any false illusion that everyone is going to like me but you have no right to harass me as you’ve done over the past several years.
You’ve set up numerous false accounts, at least 1 in my name where you slate and destroy my character, you killed my cat, you stole my belongings, you sent me viruses, hacked me. Lied to have my ADHD meds discontinued, ect, ect, ect.
I’ve tried to ignore you but after years on this relentless campaign of harassment and intimidation it’s time to stand up to you. The sad thing is you’ll probably enjoy the attention which is why I haven’t mentioned your twitter name but I know you know who you are.
There is something fundamentally wrong with you if you have been blocked yet you continue to relentlessly tweet at the blocker. Shows you have very little self respect, dignity and intelligence. A normal person would have moved on. But obviously you are not normal. I suggest you stop using Social media as your “help in the community” crutch and seek professional help.
NOTE – Social Media advice is to block/ignore and they say that trolls will give up and go away. Not always the case. As for stalking, Social Media advises you to set your tweets to private. In another words, penalising the person being stalked while ignoring the stalker. Social media should stop turning a blind eye to such things and crack down on cyber bullies. Their non-action short of condones this kind of behavior. And victims should stop being punished.
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My Cyber Bullying and Cyber Stalking Story
I have a list of things my cyberstalkers did to me.
They lied to have my Flickr account shut down.
They kept having my Etsy listings pulled, then eventually shut down.
They had a Craftstar store closed down, then did the same thing at Storenvy
They got twitter accounts to mock me.
They went after my friends.
They harassed me at work. I got terminated, because they would not stop the harassment and lies.
They lied to get me fired
They killed my cat
They hacked my accounts
They sent me viruses
They destroyed 2 iPhones and 1 iPad
They fake my thoughts
They spread lies on the dirty.com
They lied to get me off my ADHD meds
They got me admitted to a mental hospital under false pretenses when these strange things were really happening
They caused me terrifying voices through v2k
They spread lies on blogs about me
They spread lies & rumors in forums & chatrooms
They took my social media photos, edited it, & did
They stopped me from getting into Lifesharing
They stole all my money
Forged documents in my name
Slandered my good name
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Letter About My Stalkers
Hello. I’m writing this letter because I’m being stalked and LIED about by a super crazy and dangerous cyber gang of people named Mary Cummins, Jeannie dusetzina, Robin Jasinski and Nathan Sokol... They got me off my Adderall that I did beautifully on. They gives me disinformation & slander on a v2k voice network and I believe it, therefore taking advantage of my sweet nature. The cybergang is an organized stalker and obsessed stalker of many, who seems obviously mentally & obviously very mentally ill.
The word evil is fitting, because nothing this group says is true & they lie so fantastically & the. Group belongs in jail & one day someone is going to put them there. They especially lies on a V2k and RCA.
Their entire mission seems to be to get someone to very big trouble, trying to ruin lives & s they have been succeeded in causing real damage to people’s lives.
The story is harrowing of what They has been doing to me & my family. My family has a changed personality because of them. They’ve become more strict and frugal, won’t take me anywhere. I lost all my friends because of the stalkers. Mary Cummins and Jeannie Dusetzina began to stalk me 8 years ago, telling everyone that I was dangerous ( she is obsessed with calling people that. It’s her excuse for bullying and stalking them)
I have now uncovered more stories of the group trying to ruin lives.
They gets off on power tripping. They are a real predator, a molester online, & finds out what they can about a person & fakes their thoughts & posts dirty comments about them (see the Minecraft server at 1800-Minecraft)& runs many V2k & voice networks & thought networks & silent sound networks.
This is very serious-always protect me from the cyber gang a who is a pathological liar, the biggest bully I have ever come across, & they are the most evil person I have ever come across in my entire life.
Their M.O. is to stalk then to say that that person she is stalking is stalking and harassing them. It’s all a ruse to make people pay attention to them. They have to have attention 24/7 , They will get it by causing trouble for a person then blaming it on someone else, framing them, setting them up, then they comes in and starts to play with everyone’s heads, until everyone is fighting and no one knows who to believe anymore. And The cyber gang always has good covers. Then they talks about it on a V2k or rca, as if she’s the god who has all the always has good covers. Then they talks about it on a V2k or rca, as if they are the god who has all the answers. It’s so creepy, especially the voices that Mary Cummins and Jeannie Dusetzina Dish out.. It’s so in another world. It’s something out of a movie. Mary Cummins outsmarts everyone-she could probably even outsmart Dr. Phil. She tells a lie every time she talks, it’s unbelievable to listen to her insane voices -none of what she says is ever the truth. Please protect me from this crazy, crazy woman.
Jeannie Dusetzina and Mary Cummins are a very real hackers and have destroyed my iPad and iPhone 6 and have made it so I can’t log into several accounts. I can’t even begin to tell you all the crazy things that Jeannie has done to my life, but she does them, then makes false claims that I am doing this stuff to others. It’s the most frightening thing I have ever been through, other than having a serious mental illness of course. Being stalked has affected my mental health so much, it’s hard to believe that I was a professional warm line worker at one .
Thanks for reading and please don’t be afraid to leave comments.
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Gang Stalking Poem
I have had mental nervous breakdowns
with the hijacker & voices of my mind.
Their words are not innocent
& they out themselves
and these people are unkind.
It is the work of hidden evil
That haunts the world today
A hunger & urge to control & destroy a life & stalk their chosen prey
They use false accusations ,rumors ,
bogus investigations, framings, lies,
Setups, intimidation and threats
& continue as hidden spies.
It’s called community stalking & mobbing
and as terrorism it will spread.
The victim faces years of pain & isolation
and mental anguish in the head.
There are constant emotions & voices
& the victim appears broken.
Unless there is a way to avoid the perps
And the terrifying voices.
The stalkers may stay hidden
but their intelligence is great.
They try to destroy a human life.
Through people and their hate.
The victim would breakdown
And be psychologically unwell.
As a result of the humiliation
And the false rumors that they tell
The emotional terror and torture
Makes the victim feel all alone
The community surrounds them
With threats of the unknown.
This form of gang Stalking
may not be easy to understand.
They monitor the victim to gain control
And will have the upper hand
They make themselves appear as if
They are not to blame.
An intrusive way of stalking
To bring one down in shame..
They break into an innocent life
And breathe mental assault
How can you catch a stalker
Who says it’s the victims fault?
May there be future justice
that the stalker has no say.
There has to be a way to stop
those who manipulate people’s minds.
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How I changed my Life for the Better
A few months ago, I reached a point where I realized I was yearning for something more. I was not being treated right by my old place as they were stealing from me, they took all the food I liked off the menu, they took all the activities I liked off the schedule, ect, ect. I was yearning for the stalking to end and a new support system so I decided a move was in store. My Acap worker put me into a small group home for those with Autism where I am treated much better.
The life I have now is a great one where I am fighting back against my stalkers. Everyday is a new adventure for me. The staff here are always taking us to fun places. And they give me what I like to eat too. Yet I live in fear of Jeannie Dusetzina and Mary Cummins taking it all away from me.
I have been treated so much better here except I have not been given my Adderall to help better my life even more.
On v2k, Jeannie Dusetzina threatens to take it all away from me. They say God awful stuff to me on v2k (voice to skull).
I believe that by sharing my story of being stalked, I can inspire and empower others to tell their story and to be a survivor. And that’s precisely why I’ve decided to document and share the details of how I changed my life & blog about it.
There were numerous reasons why I wanted to make some life changes , but the main ones were:
1. I knew my life could be better and that I could fight back if I wanted to.. I wanted to at least try and be better.
2. I was not in the best of health. Jeannie Dusetzina and Mary Cummins had upset me so much that my health was affected.
3. I wanted to be a better advocate.
4. I wanted to be off v2k (voice to skull). I wanted to blow the whistle on it.
Basically, I was sick and tired of being stalked. That was my motivation to change.
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Mary Cummins has a BIG History of Stalking
I did some digging on one of my stalkers and Mary Cummins definitely has a big history of stalking people. Here are some other people she has stalked:
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Freedom from Gang Stalking, Gaslighting and Harassment
The change will be life changing for me. I’ve been a victim for many years of gang stalking. I’ve had things taken from my room, sometimes they are put back. I’ve had old clothing put in my closet to make me crazy. I’ve experienced diarrhea , nausea, stomach pains. I’ve had burning and watery eyes. I’ve been given placebo medication to keep me sleep deprived, I’ve had someone remote accessing things. I’ve had tv channels flipped on me. It’s craziness. Jeannie Dusetzina and Mary Cummins has many people carrying out this out this torture on me. I have had computer, gps, printer, phone, US mail, package delivery, iPhone , tv, iPad etc. tampered with. I’ve had lots of money stolen from me & wasn’t allowed to report it to the police. Even after I moved, I’m still being harassed and threatened on a v2k (voice to skull).. my family and friends don’t want much to do with me anymore. I believe they might be involved. I have nobody to stick up for me or advocate for me. I’m in Pennsylvania and the stalking continues. I can’t get any help financially. I knew something was wrong when my family kept acting funny towards me and I kept telling them what was happening. Little did I know, they were participating. I believe Nathan Sokol is Participating. My cat was killed by Mary Cummins. I’ve written and spoke to everyone I could find Nobody is interested or willing to get involved.
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Help Bring Down the Cybergang
As a disabled citizen in America, I am remotely hacked & wiretapped, electronically harassed with electronic warfare/ V2k (voice to skull technology) , silent sound, voices, and written off in the world. The campaign was started Mary Cummins, Jeannie dusetzina, Robin Jasinski and Nathan Sokol.. The people who conduct these acts are right in your neighborhood, they portray themselves as pillars in the community when they are not. And they have very good covers for themselves and a very high IQ.
The organized stalkers lied to get me off my ADHD medication. They killed my cat. They sabotage all my opportunities. My room is broken into repeatedly. I have had clothes and other stuff stolen from me. They slander my good name. They stole all my money.
Organized stalking is very hard to prove. Sometimes I get depressed because no one will believe me when I speak out about these crimes and my family has been stalked as well. I am starting this blog for everyone who have experienced this injustice as well as for the civilian people who may be dealing with this issue. I have reported this stalking to every organization in the United States and they have been of no assistance and their are no reporting procedures in existence as of now, so I am reaching out to my fellow Americans to help in ensuring these crimes do not go uninvestigated and get addressed in some way or form.
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Mary Cummins Stalking
I have been a strong voice against bullying and stalking since grade 1 and still am.
Mary Cummins killed my tuxedo cat in 2016. She lied to get me off my Adderall, which was to treat my ADHD.
I am now dealing with bullying and stalking in which few people have ever dealt with bullying and stalking. I get death threats all the time on v2k, so much it’s staggering. Mary Cummins also tried to lure me to a chat room. But I didn’t go.
Mary Cummins has multiple personalities and she is not at all against bullying, cyber harassment and abuse. Not in the least! She uses that as her cover because she is an insane bully. And I do not use the word insane lightly.
Mary Cummins is a pathological liar because nothing she says can be believed. You can’t believe what she’s been doing to me. You only have to see all the letters she wrote to my church, my personal care home, my friend dr. Holly Hoffman, who refuses to have anything to do with me anymore because Mary Cummins took all my friends away from me, all the tweets, all the Facebook comments, all the letters of Mary Cummins trying to get me thrown out into the street with her lies.
My entire life has been ruined by Mary Cummins . Nothing in my life has joy anymore, because of what she has been doing to me for 8 years , then she lies and says I am doing it to her. No
She is so crazy I can’t take it anymore. Mary Cummins chased down everyone in my life to abuse me. Any tweet, any word I speak she is right there harassing me & lying about me.
Mary Cummins pretends to be the fifth estate on v2k, misleading me.
It will blow your mind to see who Mary Cummins really is. I am flabbergasted at what I am seeing. The police need to take a closer look at Mary Cummins for organized stalking.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave comments.
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About My V2K (Voice to skull)
Here’s an essay about my V2k that I hear: (that Mary Cummins and Jeannie Dusetzina makes me hear)
I started hearing V2k (voice to skull) voices about 8 years ago. They made me believe it was people around me talking about me. V2k is something that organized stalking victims hear. It is real, vivid and erratic.. It is not a mental illness. It mimics one. Therefore it’s the perfect crime. V2k is a very serious crime of harassment and stalking. In fact, it’s illegal in 3 states. V2k is torture and ruins lives because it’s really hard to focus when you have perpetrators screaming in your head. They mock you and humilate you with your insecurities & fears & failures & everything you’ve done wrong. Plus they read your mind. That’s right. V2k allows them to read your mind & get your personal information from your brain. The victim does not have peace of mind or quiet in their brains which isn’t tormenting. It’s constant noise and voices. They will humilate you with your secrets and failures. The main purpose is to hurt you to the point of failure. Do not confuse this with mental illness. This is real. Most people don’t know who their organized stalkers are & some do. Mine are mary Cummins & Jeannie Dusetzina. When people say they hear V2k, take it seriously & don’t make a person look crazy & build their record for mental illness.
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