agewalker · 4 years
Jaune: "That is against the instructions!"
Blake: "Wait... What's your favorite restaraunt?"
Jaune: "Any chain restaraunt."
Blake: "Favorite TV show?"
Jaune: "Where are My Pants"
Blake: "Favorite song?"
Jaune: "Everything is awesome!"
Blake: "Oh no."
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agewalker · 5 years
Favorite: Dragonslayer. It's fun, cozy, and offers infinite possibilities for goofy relationship shenanigans.
Least Favorite: Bumblby, White Rose, Pre-fall Arkos, pretty much any teammate pairing outside of Renora. I really feel that a relationship should alter group dynamics and lead to new character interaction, and those ships just feel like a rerun of the current friendships except with smooching.
Most Likely: Renora. Let's face it, those two practically arrived at Beacon a married couple.
Least Likely: I dunno, maybe something like Sunflowyr or Nora's Arc? I suppose I could go digging for something obscure, but I'll just stick with those two as my answer.
Most Friendly: I'd probably go with Knightshade. All its fans acknowledge it's a crack ship with little to no chance of happening, so there isn't any friction over if or how it should be made canon.
Most Toxic: No debate here. Bumblby's essentially the equivalent of Season 1/2 White Knight. Sure, they might eventually be able to work as a couple, but it'd need a massive amount of character evolution before it'd even begin to portray a healthy relationship. (something unlikely to happen, considering its shippers and their insistance that it be made cannon yesterday)
Weirdest: Jaune x Goodwitch, Sun x Kali, Ruby x Cinder, or any of the other ships pairing teens with adults.
Cutest: Nuts & Dolts, Rose Garden, or Lancaster. Those three all pile on the cute in their own way.
Scariest: Nora x Yang. Of all the possible ships, that one definitely makes me wanna run for cover.
Myself x Character: I'm demisexual, so the idea of romancing someone I haven't interacted with feels wierd and gross. However if I were to befriend one of them, I'd probably want it to be Yang. When you're an introvert, it's always nice to have a friend who's fearless and outgoing.
Rapid fire RWBY ship questions. Fav? Least fav? Most likely? Least likely? Most friendly? Most toxic? Weirdest? Cutest? Scariest? Yourself x character?
Fave: Eclipse, Rosegarden
Least Fave: BB
Most likely: Eclipse
Least Likely: there’s too many to name because there’s SO MANY crackships, but in the case of the “possibles”, any inter-Team RWBY ships. Its a sisterhood folks, no matter what they throw in to appease the rabid shippers
Most friendly: Nuts & Dolts. Because who doesn’t love Penny?
Most toxic: You know damn well the answer to that question
Weirdest: Adam x Any member of Team RWBY
Cutest: Rosegarden, Nuts & Dolts, Eclipse
Scariest: Adam x Salem
Myself x Character: 🤔 Winter, I guess? Everyone else is too young or too old.
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agewalker · 5 years
I secretly love the idea of Jaune getting pulled into Pollination.
Not like the harem fics, just the five of them moving in together and staying up past midnight playing board games and groaning at Yang's puns and then falling asleep in a cuddle pile big enough to chase away all their nightmares.
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SHIP GIFS - List three
as requested by  @bat-sparklycollectionsheep-love
Colorguard - So much love, Jaune can barely hold all of it
All the love so far
List Three
JuniperBerries , Arcwitch 
Gilded Rose
Wise Dragon
List two
Keep reading
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agewalker · 5 years
"To those of you who volunteered to be injected with feline DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news.
"Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of cat-girls! Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line, you'll know when the test starts."
“Welcome, Huntsmen, to Beacon Science! Ninjas, vigilantes, champions– you’re here because we want the best, and you’re it. So: who’s ready to fight some Grimm? Now, you’ve all met each other on the airship ride over here, so let me introduce myself. I’m Oz Johnson, I own this place.”
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agewalker · 5 years
RWBY in Hallownest, part 6
Grey Mourner: "It is a rare, delicate object, one of a kind."
Nora: "Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!"
Jaune: "Ren, you'll carry the flower."
Nora: "Aww!"
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agewalker · 5 years
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agewalker · 5 years
RWBY in Hallownest, part 5
Nailmaster Oro: "You can stay for the night, but only if you leave as early as possible. Now shut up and stop bothering me."
Everyone: "..."
Weiss: "I like him!"
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agewalker · 5 years
Jaune: "I wonder if we'll ever be put into songs or tales"
Ruby: "what?"
Jaune: "I wonder if people will ever say, 'Let's hear about team RWBY and the Grimm Queen.' And they'll say 'Yes, that's one of my favorite stories. Ruby was really courageous, wasn't she, Dad?' 'Yes my boy, the most famous huntress ever. And that's sayin a lot'"
Ruby: "You've left out one of the best characters -the mighty Sir Jaune Arc, knight of great renown. I want to hear more about Jaune." (turns back) "Ruby wouldn't have gotten far without Jaune"
Jaune: (*blushing) "C'mon Ruby, don't joke around! I was being serious!"
Ruby: "So was I"
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agewalker · 5 years
RWBY in Hallownest, Part 4
Weiss: (*looking at a scratched and bruised Ruby and Jaune) "So let me get this straight. You went into Greenpath and got beaten up by an angry bush."
Jaune: "Ummm..."
Ruby: "Pretty much."
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agewalker · 5 years
RWBY x Hollow Knight, Part 4
Pyrrha: “...Ruby, why is your new ...friend... attacking Nora’s hair?”
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agewalker · 5 years
RWBY in Hallownest, Part 3
Ren:"We've opened up a new stagway station, you can take ride down here to join us. The others? Well Nora's still in Fog Canyon, playing with the jellyfish there (*distant explosion and maniacle laughter), and Jaune went to scout ahead, but five minutes later he ran back in screaming that giant mushrooms were after him. Right now Pyrrha's trying to coax him out of hiding."
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agewalker · 5 years
RWBY x Hollow Knight, Part 3
Adam: "We'll hunt down the one known as Quirrel, and then I'll kill him myself."
Ilia: "I thought you were going after Blake."
Adam: "As much as I despise that traitor, this mission is more important."
Ilia: "But how is this Quirrel character a threat? He just goes around sightseeing and making cryptic observations"
Adam: "..."
Ilia: "...you're jealous because his mask is cooler than yours."
Adam: "You can't prove that."
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agewalker · 5 years
Bendy x Tf2
Sammy: "Sheep...sheep... it's time for-"
Spy: Burn in Hell, you mumbling abomination!
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agewalker · 5 years
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yes hello i am both RWBY and Overwatch trash
please accept this crossover my sister and i came up with
(if you have any questions about the choices feel free to ask!! I’ll post more drawings of this crossover in the next few days!)
(also please click on the pictures for better quality, otherwise they look really shitty)
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agewalker · 5 years
Rwby in Hallownest, Part 2
Jaune: "Nora went to check out the Soul Sanctum about an hour ago, and she hasn't come back. I hope she's okay."
(*Soul Master teleports in, a cheering Nora clinging to his back as he tries to throw her off. Both vanish a couple seconds later)
Everyone: "..."
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agewalker · 5 years
I'd love to see her and Pattern interacting during a Shalladin sex scene... ("Interesting. They do it differently than Dalinar and Naviani" "Yeah, he always starts out by licking her-" "OUT!")
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Sylpherena just wants this man to bone. If she isn’t the ultimate wingman (wingspren?)
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agewalker · 5 years
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The artists spotted some pretty plant and went to draw it.
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