53stitches 2 years
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Don't talk to me or my son ever again!
I've been really enjoying season 2 of Bee and PuppyCat since it landed on Netflix a couple of weeks ago, and I wanted to try and make a bigger, fluffier version of my free PuppyCat pattern!
This guy is made with a bulky weight chenille yarn I bought at my local Spotlight for the white fuzzy bits (Bella Baby - Baby Chenille) and some DK yarn doubled up for the brown, since I can't seem to find this colour in chenille anywhere. I crocheted the regular pattern with a 6mm crochet hook - and you can see the difference the chunkier yarn and hook make! The smaller version is made with DK yarn and a 3mm crochet hook.
You can find the pattern here!
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53stitches 2 years
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Kazuha draft version 1! I鈥檓 so happy with how this turned out, I don鈥檛 think there鈥檒l be much difference for the final version - I did forget to add the other sleeve from his haori at the back though, so I鈥檒l need to fix that up.
Kazuha is my favourite Genshin character at the moment, so of course I had to start with him, but I鈥檓 hoping to add a bunch more, especially before Brisbane Supanova rolls around in November!
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53stitches 2 years
Kits are now available in the shop! I did a small run of Groot鈥檚 last year (which I鈥檓 hoping to restock soon!) and had a few available at Supanova, which were a great success.
The kits come in 3 options: 1. materials only, if you already have crochet hooks and needles, etc. 2. Materials plus you can add a simple crochet hook, or 3. all tools - this one comes with a fancy handle for the hook, plus some pins, a needle and some stitch markers to get you set for all your crochet projects, perfect for beginners!
All of the Eeveelutions are available at the moment and hopefully I can add some more designs in the future, who would you like to see?
I鈥檝e been working on these for a little while, but now we鈥檝e only got 67 days until Supanova! I鈥檓 really hoping to bring some new designs, and so that means new content for the blog 馃ぉ
Shop kits now!
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53stitches 2 years
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My Sailor Moon crochet pattern is now available free over on the blog! I鈥檓 going through the process of making my older patterns a bit more available, so if there are any that you鈥檇 love to see free on the blog let me know!
Get the pattern here聽| Ad-free PDF version
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53stitches 2 years
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Been busy getting some new glamour shots for the starter gang! I like the simple pastel background, but I think maybe it needs some little subtle props here and there 馃
Free pattern | Ad free PDF | Purchase the doll!
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53stitches 2 years
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Nakey sloth 馃憖
Free pattern
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53stitches 2 years
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Meet Charlotte the Sloth! 馃グ The pattern is finally ready! I feel like it took me a lot longer to put this together than it usually does, but when I was looking at the finished document and how many images were there I realised why 馃槀 This pattern has some slightly more complex features but there are plenty of pictures and descriptions so it should still be a fine project for beginners!聽
You can follow the pattern free on the website.
Or if you prefer an ad-free printable PDF, you can purchase one over on my Etsy or Ravelry.
I鈥檓 so happy with how she turned out, I hope you love her as much as me!聽
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53stitches 2 years
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Anytime there鈥檚 new Dragon Age news I鈥檓 just sitting here 馃ぁ I鈥檓 ready
In honour of the new title reveal, here鈥檚 the man himself. My collection is still missing a few characters, so will the over a year wait for the next game give me enough time to finish them? At my current pace of new patterns probably not, but let鈥檚 stay optimistic! With each new tidbit of news the beast is fed haha.聽
Get the patterns here!聽
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53stitches 2 years
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It鈥檚 been a while since I had physical dolls available in my shop but I鈥檝e just added all of the Pokemon starters, Eeveelutions and Pikachu as a made to order item in my Etsy store!
I think I have a good enough handle on my time these days to start making them again, so if you鈥檝e ever wanted to nab one now鈥檚 your chance!
Link to my Etsy shop
Free patterns: Squirtle | Bulbasaur | Charmander
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53stitches 2 years
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A little something I鈥檓 working on at the moment! I promised myself at the start of the year that I was going to try and do a few more original characters (don鈥檛 worry - I have plenty of plans for new patterns of our favourite not-mine characters too!)聽
This is a little sloth gardener! I still have some accessories and details to fine tune, but I love her so far!聽
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53stitches 2 years
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To celebrate the store being back in business I鈥檓 having a 20% off sale on everything, until Sunday :D
Etsy Store | Ravelry
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53stitches 2 years
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Just haanging with the gaang. Okay I'll stop haha. I love doing group shots when the group is a colourful bunch, so the Avatar group is perfect for this! My favourite is Sokka, cause I'm a sucker (ha) for a good pun.
You can grab the patterns for these guys over on my Etsy
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53stitches 2 years
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A little Grogu I made recently for a friend! It鈥檚 not very often that I crochet items made with other people鈥檚 patterns (I鈥檓 usually too distracted trying to work on new designs), but this was a lot of fun, so I think I鈥檒l try to do more of it!
The pattern is from the wonderful @beefriendscrochet聽and is available on Ravelry here!
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53stitches 2 years
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I鈥檝e had a Miles Morales version of Spiderman on my to do list forever, but I finally got motivated to finish him after watching the latest movie! I still think Into the Spider-verse is my favourite of all time, so I had to base his costume off that version. I think I鈥檒l have to make him a little jacket as well.
Pattern coming soon!
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53stitches 3 years
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I loved the Black Widow movie, and knew I had to do a bit of a refresh on the costume. I'm getting back into the swing of things so you're going to be seeing a lot more from me! There are so many great Marvel characters to catch up on and fill out the roster! Who should I work on next?
The pattern is available in the shop now here!
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53stitches 3 years
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An oldie but a goodie! I鈥檝e still been lurking around in the background but it鈥檚 been a while since I was active around here. I鈥檓 going through and remaking a bunch of my old patterns to get back into the swing of things and finally have some dolls to keep for myself. First up on the roster is Pikachu!
Free pattern available on my website | Video tutorial over on Youtube
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53stitches 4 years
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Who else is impatiently waiting for Dragon Age 4 news?! Guess I'll just hang out with my favourite rag tag bunch of assholes instead. These patterns and other a few inquisition characters are available on Etsy 馃槉
And Ser Pounce-a-lot is a freebie over on 53stitches.com!
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