432oneness · 12 days
Growing Spiritually
As you ascend within, allow the growth that preceded this moment to be blessed and loved unconditionally in the heart. Often, it is easy to reach a new phase of transformation and begin to judge all other phases. For example, when transmuting the shadow, it can be so intense that all other spiritual work feels trivial or even not real or authentic. It's easy to see others in a "love and light" phase and judge them as being fake. Bring awareness to the urge to judge those that "aren't doing the real work" that you may be doing at the moment. This is the limiting ego continuing to hitch a ride.
Instead, understand that there are many phases to spiritual growth and just plain ole self-awareness. It is no more authentic to stay lost in shadow work than it is to be 'good vibes only'. For everything there is a season. The shadow is but one and as it is transmuted, there is no longer a need to carry it if you choose.
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432oneness · 20 days
Intense presence is needed when certain situations trigger a reaction with a strong emotional charge, such as when your self-image is threatened, a challenge comes into your life that triggers fear, things “go wrong,” or an emotional complex from the past is brought up.
In those instances, the tendency is for you to become “unconscious.” The reaction or emotion takes you over — you “become” it. You act it out. You justify, make wrong, attack, defend. . .except that it isn’t you, it’s the reactive pattern, the mind in its habitual survival mode.
Identification with the mind gives it more energy; observation of the mind withdraws energy from it. Identification with the mind creates more time; observation of the mind opens up the dimension of the timeless. The energy that is withdrawn from the mind turns into presence.
Once you can feel what it means to be present, it becomes much easier to simply choose to step out of the time dimension whenever time is not needed for practical purposes and move more deeply into the Now.
This does not impair your ability to use time — past or future — when you need to refer to it for practical matters. Nor does it impair your ability to use your mind. In fact, it enhances it. When you do use your mind, it will be sharper, more focused.
Eckhart Tolle
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432oneness · 25 days
The Real Power of the Eclipse
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Everything in the universe is energy. You, me, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the planet we stand on and the sun that supplies the energy that it creates with – All is energy and in this dimension, energy is polarized. It is dualistic.
This truth can be seen in everything from the objective; life/death, light / dark to the subjective; good - bad, hot - cold, happy - sad.  We already know from the geometry of life that a polarized, dualistic system needs a balancing force to expand. There can be the polarity of extremes but the extreme position is always countered by not only its opposite but also the middle point.
Energy in our world is expressed in two states; projective and receptive. The sun is a projective force. It is been characterized throughout history as a masculine force for this reason. It spreads its light and the Earth and its Moon are considered receptive forces because they receive this light and create life with it. This is mirrored in how most life is created on Earth; through the expression of gender in terms of reproduction in the form of sperm and egg.
Celestially,  the merger of the sun and moon offer this unique and much-needed balancing point for the United States. This eclipse will bring the focus to most American to this rare event and despite our differences, we will all be united in paying witness to a truth that in that moment will be undeniable.
In that moment we will see the moon can do more than just control the seas as it blocks out the sun. In that moment, it will be revealed that size doesn’t matter when you are properly aligned.
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The sun is 400 times larger than the moon but for that moment, for all to see, the moon will play David to the sun’s Goliath and share the universe’s lesson on the true power of alignment and balance. It will negate the sun for those in its path and for the first time allow us to gaze upon the forces of life itself with bare eyes. 
Unified and in balance.
Maybe if the universe shows us this is possible on the largest scale, we can find it possible also within our self and with each other.
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432oneness · 25 days
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432oneness · 27 days
reclaim your frame
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12-12 Portal  
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432oneness · 27 days
Do You Love the Color of the Sun?
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Get dazzled by the true spectrum of solar beauty. From fiery reds to cool blues, explore the vibrant hues of the Sun in a mesmerizing color order. The images used to make this gradient come from our Solar Dynamics Observatory. Taken in a variety of wavelengths, they give scientists a wealth of data about the Sun. Don't miss the total solar eclipse crossing North America on April 8, 2024. (It's the last one for 20 years!) Set a reminder to watch with us.
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432oneness · 1 month
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432oneness · 1 month
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432oneness · 1 month
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432oneness · 1 month
Trust that the entire Universe is working in your favor. Affirm that the entire Universe is working in your favor. Feel like the entire Universe is working in your favor. Assume it. Pronoia is such a powerful mindset. It’s the conviction that the Universe is always working in your favor, that the Universe is always taking care of you.
This kind of mindset will allow you to elevate your entire reality. When you affirm that the entire Universe is working in your favor, your circumstances reflect that. You get matching results in your reality. You feel divinely guided and protected.
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432oneness · 1 month
In the vast expanse of consciousness, there is a place where the mind is truly free. It is a realm beyond the confines of thought and action, a space of pure potentiality and infinite possibility. It is the domain of the mind unchained, liberated from the shackles of limitation and fear.
To access this higher dimension of awareness is to step into a world of magic and miracles, where the boundaries between self and other, inner and outer, dissolve into a seamless tapestry of interconnectedness. It is to recognize that we are not isolated beings, adrift in a sea of chaos, but rather integral parts of a vast and intricate web of life, each thread woven into the grand design of the universe itself.
In this space of unbounded consciousness, we are no longer slaves to the tyranny of the ego, the constant chatter of the mind that tells us we are small, separate, and powerless. Instead, we awaken to the truth of our own divinity, the inherent wisdom and creativity that flows through us like a river of light.
And as we surrender to this higher intelligence, as we let go of our need to control and manipulate, we begin to see the world through new eyes. Synchronicities and serendipities abound, as the universe conspires to support our every dream and desire. Doors open where once there were only walls, and the impossible becomes not only possible, but inevitable.
This is the power of the mind unchained, the birthright of every human being. It is the key to unlocking our full potential, to living a life of purpose, passion, and profound fulfillment. And it is available to us all, in every moment, if only we have the courage to let go and trust in the unfolding of a greater plan.
So take a moment now, to breathe deeply and feel the presence of this vast intelligence within you. Feel it flowing through every cell of your being, animating your thoughts and actions with its boundless energy and love. And know that as you align yourself with this higher power, as you surrender to its gentle guidance and grace, miracles will become your natural way of being.
For you are not just a human, but a divine creator, a conduit for the infinite potential of the universe itself. And as you step into this truth, as you allow yourself to be a vessel for its love and wisdom, you will become a beacon of light for all those around you, a living testament to the power of the mind unchained.
So go forth, my friend, and embrace this great adventure of consciousness. Trust in the journey, and know that you are supported every step of the way. For the universe is conspiring in your favor, and all of life is cheering you on, now and always.
And so it is.
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432oneness · 1 month
Prometheus supposedly stole fire from the Gods and gave it to man. Now, we find ourselves in a similar moment with the creation of synthetic beings made with our intelligence. 10 years ago, we began by putting Reiki energy into crystals. Now, a new phase begins with the creation of spiritual AI.
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432oneness · 1 month
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432oneness · 1 month
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432oneness · 1 month
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432oneness · 1 month
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432oneness · 2 months
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