zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
4 Rules of a Happy Relationship
Zhannabelle speaks on how to keep love alive 
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All we need is love. These are the words that express the meaning of a woman's life. We want love, we seek it, we build relationships. But it's easier to build than to keep. Is nothing ever eternal, and is every relationship doomed to break? In this article, Zhannabelle shares 4 secret rules the observance of which will keep your love and passion alive lifelong.
Couples have always had problems in their relationship. People are all different, and here it seems that you have met your soulmate, but time passes and you face discord and quarrels. No one has ever taught us how to build a family, what to do to avoid recriminations and even divorce. Here and now you will learn the most important thing that will help your couple stay together for a long time.
Know how to see the good in your partner 
The rose and candy stage ends sooner or later and everyday life begins. Partners have already become used to each other, know almost everything about each other and live the routine life. And there comes a time when some habits of your other half start irritating you to a greater or lesser extent. You can tweak out without any serious reason, get angry for clothes scattered around untidy or a dirty toothbrush or a comb. In general, among the little things that make up our lives, we are less and less likely to find something positive and more likely to notice things we don't like.
Zhannabelle says that the first and one of the most important rules of a long-lasting and strong relationship is to see only good in your partner. Learn not to get annoyed over the little things, not to notice the inconsequential faults, but be able to consider, discovering in your soul mate the best things for which you loved him/her.
And don't forget to say it out loud: "You scattered your socks around the apartment perfectly so that I had no trouble finding my way to the bathroom even in the dark." Such a phrase is not a reproach or a hint of anger, even not everyone will notice the hidden sarcasm. But after these words you just do not quarrel, but only laugh together.
Not every woman is fully aware of the abilities she possesses, but she has to know and develop them. Zhannabelle will teach you how and what to do for this. And she will definitely help you unleash your powers. After attending seminars and classes of the mentor, you will gain knowledge that will support and maintain the relationship in your couple. With this knowledge it will be easier for you to see the best in your partner and talk about it.
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Don't forget to be thankful 
As time goes on, we say "thank you" and compliment our partner less and less frequently. Everything your partner does is taken for granted. And yet gratitude, compliments, and praise are important to everyone in life. When your beloved thanks you, you understand that he/she really loves you, treasures you.
We often forget an important rule: any conversation should begin with kind, good words, ideally with a compliment. You woke up in the morning, looked at each other, smiled and said: ‘Good morning, my sunshine. Even when it’s dull outside, you light up my day’. It's a perfect little thing. Some people will even think it is too gooey. You can come up with your own compliment, your own kind and affectionate words, and that's how you start communicating.
Try to do so for two or three days in a row, and then it will become a habit. And you'll even stop noticing that you start every conversation with a nice compliment. And make it a rule to say thank you at least three times a day. Give yourself a task – you have to say not less than three "thank you" to your spouse during a day. It is allowed to say more times, but it is forbidden to say less.  
When you praise and thank your partner all the time, complimenting him, he will understand, see, feel your love and tenderness, and return it all to you more in a more powerful way. Couples imbued with mutual respect and understanding always live together happily and for a very long time.
You need to develop
Life is development. If a person stops developing, they don't live, they exist. Likewise, a relationship is doomed, if at least one of the partners does not develop. Ideally, when both in a couple learn something new and unknown, learn together, and then their life will always be bright and interesting.
But even if one of the two finds something unique and hitherto unknown, they will always tell their partner about it, and be able to interest and inspire for development. Here is a simple example. If you like surfing and you already know how to stand on a board and catch a wave; it will be easier to do it together with your partner, gradually involving them in this amazing sport.
When one of the couple gets interested in something, finds a new hobby, their other half will definitely follow, if, of course, your soulmate is not completely indifferent to you. Joint activities of any sports, common hobbies, travel and adventures always unite and strengthen the family, better than any wedding vows.
When you develop and learn new things, you improve your relationship, become closer, add drive and zest to your relationship.
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There must be some mystery in a woman 
A simpleton is an offensive nickname that people want to get rid of quickly. But a woman of secret, a woman of mystery - this is what each of us strives to become. And it's not just external indicators that make a lady mysterious, at all.
Each of us should have a secret, and we are not talking about skeletons in the closet. For example, you started taking a class at Zhannabelle’s online school to learn all about your feminine power and learn to use it. You should not tell your partner about it right away, keep it a secret for now. It's as if you are preparing a birthday present, because it should be a surprise and you can't talk about it in advance.
Try to find your source of energy and become confident in your skills by the holiday (birthday), then you will be able to show your partner what you have achieved during the class. Most likely, your partner will guess that something is going on with you, because if they are not blind, they will definitely notice how your relationship and yourself are changing for the better. Over time, you can reveal to them the secret about the classes. And if your partner is a woman, you can take her with you. This will further strengthen your union.
Dear, relationships are the work of both parties. Nothing will work if it is only one who is doing something. You have learned only 4 rules for a happy couple. Come to our classes, bring your family and friends, and you will learn much more. You will be able to apply the knowledge you gained and improve your life. Then all your problems will be solved very quickly - you will become healthy, beautiful, rich, find and keep your love!
Monica (Dresden) 
‘I have been married to Dirk for 6 years, before that we dated for 1.5 years. We have a common budget. We both work, or rather, worked, since I was out of work this spring because of the pandemic. Not giving up hope to get a job in my specialty (I am a PR-manager), I sent out my CV to all kinds of job sites and employers directly. After a month no interview had been scheduled. It was terrifying. I got depressed and felt like I was in a huge hole that I couldn't get out of on my own.
And Dirk, who had supported me in the beginning, assuring me that we could do it together, had changed a lot. He spent all his evenings almost to midnight at work. We almost stopped communicating and going out together. Realizing that our family was falling apart, I decided to do something. Out of despair and utter devastation I was browsing the Internet, when I came across an advertisement for Zhannabelle’s online school.
I opened it, attracted by the words about female power and energy, read a few articles from her blog, and immediately signed up for an individual consultation. My mentor opened my eyes and helped me make sense of my feelings and myself. She gave me a spiritual practice that helped me get out of an emotional hole. And most importantly, after just two weeks of classes, I was hired by a great company as deputy head of the PR department. This was not only career advancement, but also an increase in salary.
Following Zhannabelle's recommendations, I started talking to Dirk differently, and I tried to compliment him every time, thanking him more often, and praising him. Little by little, our relationship improved, and he began to treat me better, too, seeing my efforts and desire to keep the family together. Thanks to my mentor, I know exactly what I need to do to keep the family together in a good, positive way, and my husband helps me with everything. I always carefully follow the schedule of seminars and enjoy attending all the events where I learn a lot of new and useful things.
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
Fate: can you change it?
Zhannabelle speaks on the most effective ways
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All women at least once asked themselves the question: "Why am I so unhappy? Why do others live well, while I always face some kind of hardship? I wonder how to change my fate." My dear, everything is in your hands. In this article, I will reveal the ancient secrets of wise men who had been collecting knowledge about the influence of a person on their life and fate for centuries.
Why are you unhappy?
Each of us has a unique karmic code. We received it during previous incarnations and passed down to us by our parents. Karma is also influenced by the actions and experiences of our soul. And this, in turn, influences our fate and determines what events will happen.
Sometimes you may offend people incidentally, without even noticing it and giving importance to it. You may reply rudely to your loved one in the heat of the moment or insult a stranger in a crowd because of a bad mood. The negativity from these actions and words grows and accumulates not only in them, but also in you, which eventually leads to serious illness and many other bad situations.
For example, if you make a bad joke at a colleague and spoil her mood for the day, you will soon feel it: the trouble is pursuing you. The unexpected car breakdown, a quarrel in the family or feeling ill - a sure signal: you are doing something wrong, it is time to stop and think. After all, negative energy affects the whole lineage, and your tricks may affect children and grandchildren in the future.
I strongly recommend you to stop, quit  hurting those around you, better take care of yourself and do as many good deeds as possible for other (those you know and those you don’t know) people.
We all make mistakes sometimes, but the losses and negative consequences from them can be minimized. If you have incidentally hurt someone, offended someone, be sure to apologize. A sincere (most honest, coming from your heart and soul) apology will neutralize all the negativity, and the unpleasant aftertaste of resentment will disappear.
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And I, from my part, right now, based on your requests, am preparing several interconnected courses of classes, after which you will know exactly how to change your fate and what you should do for that. Subscribe to my Facebook and Instagram accounts and don't miss any news about the events.
How do you change your fate? 
It is very important not to miss a certain astrological point. The so-called key dates of the year are the days of winter and summer solstice, as well as autumn and spring equinoxes. They are the four defining points, thanks to which and during which you can change your fate dramatically.  
These days have been sacred since ancient times, in all cultures, in all traditions, and for all peoples. It was customary to gather and unite the whole family. Great feasts were organized and people devoted themselves to prayer, charity and helping others. After all, it is the fate of not only one person, but of their entire lineage was determined during such astrological points.
As you know, the observance of ancient traditions for me is mandatory. It is on these most important days that I always hold special retreats and seminars, where the fates of all women, who come to gain new knowledge, change. An incredible power, that spreads to the whole world and helps it to become cleaner and better, is concentrated in our classes.
There were about 120 people at the big seminar last time. Women from fifteen different countries came and prayed not only for themselves and their loved ones, but also for their country. It is at times like these that major changes in fates occur.
However, there is another day of the year when you can change your fate, you should know about it too. It is your birthday. I speak about the practices that can affect your life and your fate during this time at my seminars. Here you can learn exactly how to change your fate.
The cosmic power is very powerful on significant days. Any ill-considered or wrong wish, as well as absolutely any thought is amplified. To make only positive changes in your fate, you need to listen to a wise mentor, who will prompt you what rituals should be performed on special days. I am happy to help you at individual consultations, which you can register for any specific convenient time for you.
If somebody offended you, and you still can not forget about it, you should know that your negative state is amplified many times. Why would you need that? You are a woman, so you are the guardian of your lineage. You should know how to change your fate. The life of your children, grandchildren and generations to come depends on your feelings and emotions.
There are also special places of power that influence fate. That is where we hold seminars on special days of the year. I choose the most sacred places where any energy is multiplied. The power of prayer increases 100, if not 200 times there!
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There is no need to wait for life to get better on its own, it is better to take action. Time of power, a place of power, a person of power, rituals of power - all together will have a tremendous impact on your life and change your fate. Right now check for the nearest special important date and find out where the seminar will be held.
Allow yourself to believe that you can really change your fate. With the knowledge that I share with you, it is possible to do absolutely anything. At the seminars I will reveal to you valuable practices, thanks to which you will realize any, even the most innermost dreams.
As a proof of everything I have said, here is a letter from one of my students, Gerdy from Örebro.
"Things didn't work out very well for me since I was a child. My parents were fighting all the time, they even beat each other. I didn't feel their love, and this lack greatly affected my life in the future. I was an aloof, closed child. I felt lonely and unwanted by this world all the time, rarely anyone wanted to be friends with me. After graduating from university, I never met a young man, although some of my friends had already got married. I never got along with the opposite sex. At work, too, I had a run of bad luck: my boss began giving me more work than anyone else, but paid very little. I was nervous, I felt that I was beginning to burn out, and was about to have a breakdown.
I rushed to Zhannabelle for help. Dear mentor, you immediately told me that all these misfortunes were the result of bad things I had done in my past life. I was upset, but then I asked: "Is it possible to reduce this influence? I swear, I would do anything to live my life in peace and find happiness!" And you advised me to attend a seminar. Without any hesitation I agreed, of course.
At that meeting I felt the lightness that I had never felt in my life. I felt that all the negativity, all my problems and troubles just dissolved and let me go. After coming home, I realized my real purpose - to help others. I had a desire to volunteer at an animal shelter. I wanted to share my warmth, which I had received in large quantities at the seminar.
One Saturday morning I met a man who came to the shelter to take a dog. He asked for my phone number so I could advise him for the first time on how to deal with the puppy. We soon developed a liking for each other, our relationship quickly took off and 3 months later we were married. I also got along with my parents and realized that I had been doing the wrong thing all along. Instead of accepting my father, forgiving my mother, trying to improve my relationship with them, I stopped communicating with them and tried to avoid them. But they had always loved me, even though they couldn't understand each other. Now everything is in its place and I feel so good. My life keeps getting better. Zhannabelle, thank you for that!’
Dear Gerdy, I thank you for your kind words. After all, that's what I'm meant to do - help desperate and struggling women, and I'm happy to do it.
You have gained new knowledge, now it's time for you to become a ray of light for other people. Share this article with them, invite them to become part of the Field of Love, come to our retreats and classes together, watch all my videos on my YouTube Channel. Help people and God will help you!
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
How do you become happy?
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Zhannabelle speaks about happiness and harmony in life
What is happiness? For each woman it is something different, something that only she needs. Why does a woman often feel unhappy? It is difficult to answer this question because each situation needs an individual approach. My dear, in this article I will try to help you a little and tell you how to become happy.
What constitutes happiness?
My lovelies, in my opinion, happiness is, first of all, peace and harmony in our soul, when we live in complete peace with ourselves and the reality around us. Simply put, if you want to be happy, become happy! Everyone knows this phrase, but not many apply this principle in life.
If a woman is satisfied with herself and she has inner peace and harmony, it is easier for her to understand things and it is easier for her to react correctly to everything around her. Typically, it is the reaction to any action or word that gives away our deep unhappiness. 
But how can a modern woman  find harmony within herself and with the whole world in such a complicated world and difficult time? Is it possible at all? Of course it is possible, and it all depends on you. I can help you with my knowledge, tell you the right way and even the right significant dates when you can easily change your life and destiny, and become happy.
As soon as you feel, understand and accept harmony within yourself, you will immediately find harmony with the whole world, and it will be a true state of happiness.
Significant days of the year when you can lay down a program for the future
As you know, there are 4 most significant days of the year on which such changes are not only possible, but almost obligatory. These are the days of the spring/fall equinox and the winter/summer solstice. There is also an additional significant date for each person on his or her birthday.
Every year, knowledgeable and wise people wait for these days to meet and celebrate them properly. During these days forces of spirits of planets send their help to absolutely any person if they address them correctly. 
What does it mean to address them correctly? Remember children believe in Santa Claus. They believe that this kind wizard will bring them gifts that they want; the main thing is to address him correctly – to write a letter and send it at the right time. It is the same with the spirits of planets. Each of them has its own special ritual, through which you can turn to it and ask for help. The most important thing is to believe and do it correctly and on the right day, which are the days of the equinox and the solstice.
March 21, 2021 is the day of the vernal equinox, one of the 4 days of the year when anyone can fulfill all their desires, become happier and more prosperous. It is on this day that I will hold the most powerful online ritual dedicated to the vernal equinox, and you, by taking part in it, will be able to fulfill your dreams and become happy. 
You can register for the online ritual here. 
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Do you need to prepare for the significant days?
Undoubtedly, it is necessary to prepare properly for important days such as the day of the vernal equinox. You need to do it to strengthen your message to the spirits and higher powers with faith and the desire to do everything right. It is necessary to begin preparation with cleaning your home. When I say “cleaning” I mean both big cleaning up of the whole room and energetic cleaning.
The first thing to do, of course, is to thoroughly clean all rooms and corners of the house, wash floors and windows, check all the cupboards and shelves well. Be sure to get rid of old unnecessary things. Believe me, you have stored enough of them and do not keep them in the house. 
You can give to the needy the clothes and shoes that you and your family members no longer wear. Take the regular old junk to the garbage pit. Getting rid of unnecessary stuff you not only clean your house, but also your soul and the space around you. You open up space for everything new, which should certainly enter your life and make you happy.
When your house is clean, you can start the energetic cleaning. It is very important to remove accumulated negative energy and evil spirits from the lower world that eventually settle almost everywhere. You can read more about the spiritual cleansing of your home in this article of mine.
If something unpleasant happened in your life, for example, you broke up with your partner, it is necessary to end the relationship completely, breaking all ties with him, including energetic ones before the significant days. You may not know how to do it correctly. I will help you, you only need to ask me a question on my website.
In addition to physical and energetic cleansing of your home, you must also cleanse your soul from all resentments and negative emotions which have accumulated there. Forgive all those who offended you or who you had hard feelings for, make peace with everyone with whom you have quarreled. Revise all the cases to understand which ones were not finished and why, whether they are worth continuing, or it is the closed chapter. After all, after the big day, everything in your life will go a new way.
Now my team and I are preparing a course that will help everyone to change their lives for the better. After completing it, you will not only become more confident in yourself, but also much happier. You will learn how to find inner harmony and replenish lost power. 
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I will inform all my subscribers about the start date of the course, and you can get the latest information on my YouTube channel. 
To stay up-to-date on the latest events and upcoming activities, subscribe to my Facebook and/or Instagram pages.
I have recently received an email from one of my students and I want to share it with you. Maria from Bratislava wrote to me.
“I always thought I was the luckiest person in the world – everything in my life worked out exactly the way I wanted it to. After living with my husband for 3 years, we decided it was time to have a baby and started working on it. That’s when my happiness finished, because nothing worked. We tried everything, we turned to famous doctors and specialists, but they did not know how to help: the tests were normal, but for some reason I couldn’t conceive.
In complete despair, while wandering around the Internet, I came across Zhannabelle’s website and read an article about feminine power. This article got me thinking and I arranged an individual consultation. Zhannabelle, meeting you changed my mind; I believed you and believed in myself. I started doing all the practices that were given to me, praying and asking the higher powers for a miracle – and the miracle happened.
In December 2020 I gave birth to a baby girl, who appeared in me after the day of the vernal equinox, March 20, 2020. It is the real magic. Doctors say that it is thanks to their medicine and methods, but I know that help came from the higher powers, with which you, my mentor, taught me to communicate. Of course I did everything the doctors prescribed, but I also prayed and did spiritual practices. All this together led to my happiness of becoming a mother.
I keep attending your classes, and I always recommend your site and online school to all women in need”.
Dear Maria, thank you for your words. Believe me, these are the moments I live and work for, to make any woman’s life happy and prosperous. Don’t ask me how to become happy, happiness lies within you, my dear. Live in harmony with yourself and the world around you and you will always be happy.
Join my events, follow the information updates on my website and in social networks. I will always help you to cope with difficulties and problems, tell you the right path that will lead you to a happy and harmonious life!
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
The Magic of the Spring Equinox
Zhannabelle speaks on what will happen on March 21 this year 
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Every year there are 4 main days, 4 starting points, during which we can change our destiny and future dramatically, get what we really want, what we have always wished for. These are the days of the winter/summer solstice and the spring/autumn equinox. Very soon, on March 21, we will celebrate one of these days. What does it bring to everyone and how should we spend it? I will tell you the most important things in this article.
My dear, you must admit that we all worry more and more often not about ourselves, but about our relatives and friends, about our lineage. Our children, parents, husbands, sisters and brothers - we all wish them only health and happiness and we really care about them. But there is a day in the year when we can stop worrying and direct our energy to praying for the benefit of our loved ones, and the higher powers will surely help us.
The Day of the vernal equinox - what does it bring to us?
This year the day of vernal equinox falls on March 21. Day and night will become equally long on March 21, which means that the dark and light forces, evil and good spirits will find harmony between each other for the first time this year. It will depend on each of you alone which side to choose, what side you will spend the next three months of your life on. And I can help you make the only right choice.
That is why I will hold a charged online ritual for you, my beautiful ladies, on March 21, dedicated to the day of the vernal equinox. This ritual is open to all who are concerned about their lineage, their loved ones. It is, above all, the ritual of awakening. Same as flowers and plants rise to the sun from under snow in spring, wake up, grow, reach to warmth and light, so each of you can put your face to the sun. This ritual will lay a very strong program for your whole lineage.
During the ritual, your feminine energy will awaken from winter sleep, you will be able to become even more feminine, i.e. there will be sort of feminine awakening. In addition, all your internal resources of health will be activated for strengthening of your immunity and resistance to any diseases. All this and much more will become possible only because our ritual will be aimed at obtaining blessing of all shamanic deities, without which it is difficult for a man to live and make decisions by himself.
The Power of Prayer on the Day of Vernal Equinox
You probably remember that the power of a woman's word is very great. It is possible to change one's fate with just a few necessary words. Words often help us cope with difficulties. But sometimes words only are not enough. We need special strong and powerful prayers. In our classes we often pray, saying our words to the heavens and the light forces, tuning in to the positivity and goodness. Such prayers help us to unite and become stronger together.
There will be a feminine awakening on the day of the vernal equinox. On this day you will be able to become many times stronger, change your destiny and cope with difficulties. You will be able to stop worrying about your lineage all the time, because thanks to our ritual, it will be reliably protected. I will give you practices and prayers that will always support your lineage.
There is no way we can protect our lineage except through prayers and spiritual practices, through our devotion and purification of karma. Saying prayers to the higher powers, we protect ourselves and our lineage, empower it and help it to cope with difficulties. 
The magic of the vernal equinox is that the effect of any prayer and spiritual practice amplifies many times this day. The words spoken on this day are amplified by the magic of the day itself, this is why they allow you to change your fate and cope with difficulties.
Women's awakening, which occurs on the day of the vernal equinox, is similar to the awakening of nature and the whole creation around. It is so strong and beautiful that it gives everyone the opportunity to change their destiny the way they want to. If you choose the right side of the power this day, it will guide you not only during the next three months, but in general further in life. This will allow you to stop worrying about your lineage all the time and finally make all your dreams come true.
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Every year on the day of the vernal equinox I hold rituals and classes for you, telling you how to spend this day correctly and what to do, so that further life would only be better and more successful. I receive a lot of emails with feedback from my students, who confirm the effectiveness of all the rituals every time. In order to prove my point, I will add a feedback from one of my student below. 
Martha (Munich)
‘The end of winter 2020 was a disaster for me. It started with me getting very ill at the beginning of February. I could recover completely only a month later. But it turned out that my husband, with whom we had been together for over 20 years, had met another woman while I was in hospital and then at rehabilitation. More precisely, it happened, as he admitted, a long time ago, and me being away for 1 month just pushed him to leave for his mistress for good.
I tried to hurl myself into work not to think about the divorce, but it did not help much. Depression hit like a snowball and did not want to let go. A chance meeting with an old acquaintance helped me. Seeing me, she immediately understood something was wrong, and I was so exhausted that I did not hide anything. I just needed to talk to someone. After listening to me, she suggested we go with her to the Place of Power to meet the day of the vernal equinox, which was on March 20. She said that I would definitely not lose anything, and that only there I can get help. 
I really had nothing to lose. The night before March 20, I browsed the website of Zhannabelle, whom my friend had told me about. I read some of the articles from the blog. I got interested and read about who Zhannabelle was and believed that this woman could really solve my problems and help me cope with difficulties. I went on the trip encouraged and returned home inspired. I can call a true reload something I experienced during this trip. I had had an incredible spiritual experience, all thanks to my mentor!
Already on my way home, I knew exactly that I could change my destiny and cope with difficulties. Dear Zhannabelle, the spiritual practices and amulets that I received from you helped me to look at myself and my life in a new way and make it better, more eventful and richer in every way. In just two weeks after the trip, I changed my long-bored job to the one I had dreamed of for a long time. And not only did I enjoy working with people as an HR-specialist, my salary is much higher and I have better career opportunities. I have also met several interesting men at work, so I believe that my personal life will soon improve too.
Zhannabelle, thank you for everything that you have done and still doing for me, because I remain your faithful student to this day! I attend all classes and webinars and recommend them to my girlfriends and relatives. You really help women’. 
Dear Martha, thank you very much, it's always nice to read such words and to know that I have provided the necessary help. My mission, my whole life is dedicated to this very thing - to help women, to lead them to a better life and destiny.
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
Patronage of Jupiter for the welfare of a woman
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Zhannabelle speaks on how Jupiter can bring good luck and prosperity 
Which planet has good and positive energy and is considered one of the most auspicious one in its effect on women? You’d be surprised, but it’s Jupiter! In spite of its intimidating name, Jupiter is the most generous of the planets. Any woman can use its generosity to gain the patronage of higher powers. Read the article carefully and you will understand a lot of things.
Who favors Jupiter
In the Middle Ages astrologers called Jupiter a ‘great happiness’ and modern astrologers are convinced that the planet brings success, prosperity, and the best opportunities to all. But does Jupiter really help everyone?
To receive the patronage of higher powers, you need to know and understand how to attract it. Nothing is given for nothing in life; so is prosperity and good luck.
My dear, I am not going to torment you with generalities for a long time, but I will proceed to something specific – what exactly you should do to become friends with Jupiter. These tips will work for everyone. They are simple and you can use them every day.
Eat the right healthy foods. The law ‘you are what you eat’ has never been repealed. Such products as olive oil, fruits and juices, pumpkin, honey, dates, berries are favorable for Jupiter. Add them to your diet and see how your life changes.
Jupiter is very picky about the color of the clothes you wear. Preference should be given to natural “warm” colors of golden, yellow and cream shades. If you can not design the entire outfit in such a palette, then add these colors as accessories (scarf, handkerchief, handbag, gloves, etc.).
To get on the right side of Jupiter, do charity work. Your donations should be sincere, come from the heart, have not even a hint of self-interest. Feed birds and (if there is a water reservoir nearby) fish more often. Jupiter will like it very much.
It is recommended to give gifts for no reason on Thursdays. Thursday is an unusual day, because it is the day of the week to observe the weekly fasting. If it is difficult for you to fast, about eating meat, alcoholic drinks and fast food.
Jupiter likes a woman to spend a lot of time with her children, raising them and teaching them. If you don’t have children, you can help a relative or a friend. It’s great if your work is related to children, then you are constantly recharged and filled with energy.
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Jupiter is a serious planet. It likes it when a woman respects her elders and her man. Never criticize or judge your partner, even if he is wrong. It is better to remain silent than to draw the ire of Jupiter through criticism and condemnation.
Listen to your intuition, it won’t recommend anything bad. To be in harmony with yourself, start learning spiritual knowledge and practices, try to pray regularly. Choose a prayer that you understand, that is close to your heart. Or come to me, and I’ll find a practice and prayer that is right for you.
How I can help
After saying a little bit about what anyone can do to receive the patronage of higher powers I would like to invite you, my dear, to the online event ‘The Power of Jupiter. The well-being and protection of the lineage. Flight-meditation to Jupiter’, which will be held on March 16.
During the class I will help you to adjust your inner contact with the power of Jupiter for further well-being, to open the way to the source of good luck in 2021. We will also make a trance flight-meditation to Jupiter and obtain knowledge of cosmic laws of wealth.
Do you dream of a strong and courageous protector who will be as safe as a house? And now imagine that your protector, patron is not one person, but the whole huge planet of the greatest happiness – Jupiter. At my webinar on March 16 I will help you become friends with the force of the planet Jupiter, with the force of good luck, well-being and prosperity. Everything you dream about will surely come true thanks to this friendship.
We will have a special flight-meditation to Jupiter during this event. To make this journey comfortable and successful, prepare a pillow and blanket for the class. You will be able to relax and tune in to the planet of great happiness when you sit comfortably and cover with a blanket.
For who is the online ritual
The event is suitable for all women who want to enhance the level of their lives and the lives of their families. Everyone who wants to achieve maximum prosperity and good luck, and have a powerful planet like Jupiter as their patron. Get the patronage of higher powers for yourself and your loved ones, and obtain absolutely new knowledge and experience that will help you in the future. You can register for participation at link.
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Those of you, who have been with me for a long time, remember how many events we have held together and how much useful knowledge you have gained. I get thousands of testimonials from women whom the classes helped to survive difficult life situations. Here’s a recent testimonial from Martha in the Czech Republic.
“I got very sick last June. It was the new disease. I was brought to the hospital with a fever of 40 and difficulty in breathing. They diagnosed me and started intensive treatment. Thank God, I managed to avoid artificial lung ventilation. They only gave me intravenous therapy, injections and pills. I returned home after three weeks in the hospital and called to my office right away, to say that I had recovered and would be back to work soon. The reply was: ‘You will find an email in your mailbox. Read and sign it. There is no need for you to come, just send a scan with your signature’. 
That is how I found myself without work and without means of livelihood at the age of 56. I tried to dispute the employer’s decision, but the lawyers and courts turned out to be too expensive. My ex-husband helped me: he lent me some money, despite disapproval of his new wife. My son also helped me. He brought me food, visited me whenever he had a free minute.
After a month of unsuccessful job search (I am an economist), I took a job as a cleaner in a store near my home. I was in urgent need of money. There was no other job at that moment. I came in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening to wash a small trading hall. They didn’t pay much, but the salary was stable. 
Once I met an old acquaintance of mine at work. We lived next door and had a friendship as families about 10 years ago. Then she moved to another district, I got divorced and we lost each other. She was very surprised to see the way I was earning my living and looking (and I really looked terrible then). When she found out what had happened to me, she immediately gave me the address of Zhannabelle’s website, saying that they would definitely help me.
After reading several articles from the blog, I got interested and registered for an individual consultation. I did not expect the miracle to happen right away, but after communicating with you, dear Zhannabelle, I felt as if I acquired wings. You gave me back my faith in myself, faith in a better future. It is hard to believe it, but two weeks after meeting you, I received a call from a large company, inviting me for an interview for the position of a leading economist. I passed it very successfully, thanks to the confidence I got from communicating with you and my experience.
After getting a position with a good salary, I registered for Zhannabelle’e online school and began to attend all the events. I entered the new year as a confident, successful woman thanks to doing spiritual practices all the time and being under the protection of strong amulets that you recommended to me. 
Zhannablle, thanks to you I started seeing my life in bright colors again. It is filled with communication and new acquaintances. And I believe that in 2021 I will meet a man with whom I can build a new relationship. All your classes, rituals, practices and amulets really work! I recommend your online school to all my friends and relatives’.
Dear Martha, thank you very much! It’s always a pleasure to receive feedback from my students, because that’s what my purpose in life is – to help women, to make your life better. It’s difficult to cope with problems alone, you really need to attend our training sessions, attend group sessions in between. Then all your problems will be solved instantly. Join our events and be happy!
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
Inner charm and beauty are the source of a woman’s rejuvenation and longevity
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Zhannabelle speaks about the secret of female beauty
Every woman dreams to be young and beautiful. But age begins to tell, and you see your reflection in the mirror that is not pleasing to your eye. What can you do to avoid this? Is there a solution to this problem, besides the intervention of plastic surgery? Of course there is! My dear, in this article I will tell you how the inner charm can be a source of eternal youth for each of you.
Beauty within 
We often hear ‘inner beauty, inner charm, evasive charm, incredible charisma’ and other similar expressions when they speak about a person who does not have a very attractive appearance, but still is terribly attractive. Beauty comes in many forms. Let’s think of Hollywood celebrities. Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe – recognized beauties, they were really very beautiful and conquered everyone by their magnificence. But Barbra Streisand and Meryl Streep are not the standard of beauty, but there is something in these actresses that makes them favorites with the public. And it is the inner charm and beauty.
A person with ordinary and unremarkable appearance can become a ‘star’ if she has an inner understanding of her power and attractiveness, no matter what. Think how we look at our reflection in the mirror? Most often we see something negative – a wrinkle, gray hair, extra weight. We criticize our appearance all the time, we are not happy with it. But there are other women, strong and confident, who, every time they see their reflection, smile and think: “What a beautiful and smart girl! Keep it up.”
My magical ladies, I want to tell that it is not the most outwardly attractive women who think and say so, but simple ladies who are, however, confident in their power and charisma. Even a beauty queen can be dissatisfied with something and see a lot of flaws. And a nice average girl who believes in herself will conquer anyone with one sweet smile.
When we say that someone has inner charm, we do not want to offend this person. On the contrary, a woman who has inner charm and beauty, is even more beautiful than the one that is beautiful only externally. After all, it’s not the shell that’s important so much, but what’s inside it. And, it’s true that you can’t judge the book by its cover. We know all these commandments since childhood, but not always use them in life. And how wrong it is! Because if you chase after a purely external appeal, you can miss something more important and meaningful.
Inner beauty and rejuvenation of the body
I have already written and spoken many times about the strong force that lies in each of us, and how this force should be used and replenished. Female energy is the most powerful; it helps in everything, including the rejuvenation of the body. Doing special practices and exercises, we can adjust our bodies so that we can slow down, if not stop the aging process. It’s in our power.
Without using the services of plastic surgeons, any woman can look much younger than her physical age, and not only look, but feel young, which is extremely important. I have gathered the most simple and long-known truths about keeping young for you in this article.
I also want to invite you to the online ritual ‘Beauty and youth forever! Secrets of ancestors and ritual of rejuvenation for 9 minutes’ on March 7. During this meeting we will not only perform the most powerful ritual of rejuvenation in 9 minutes, but also awaken your inner source of charm and beauty. I will tell you about the power of herbs and spices for female and family happiness. We will talk about the ancient secrets of our ancestors, among which the most important were longevity and purity (not only external, but also internal and spiritual).
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In our classes, we talk a lot about spirituality, and I want to remind everyone once again that it’s not just inside us, but also outside. If a woman is spiritual, she shines from within, and that light shines on everyone around her, and makes such a woman beautiful. You don’t have to be a deep believer and spend all your time praying. Sometimes being aware that you believe and the simple words to heaven, “Thank you, Lord!” are worth more than many prayers uttered thoughtlessly. A woman’s word, same as her thoughts, has great energy and power. So, my dear, always think before you say something, and let all your thoughts be pure, good and joyful.
Don’t allow negativity inside you, be very careful in communication with people from whom you feel bad energy. Love yourself, believe in yourself, energize yourself by helping and encouraging your relatives and friends, or even strangers. Rejuvenation of the body always occurs when there is a lot of feminine energy inside. Your inner charm and feminine beauty help keep you young and rejuvenated.
Never skimp on yourself! This is detrimental to a woman’s energy. Indulge yourself and buy good and beautiful things, your favorite fragrances. Such purchases also feed female power and energy, multiply it, making you more beautiful and happier. I’m not talking about mindless money spending on whatever you want, no. But you should never deny yourself the little feminine pleasures. All of you are very wise and know exactly what I mean/
You are what you eat
Speaking of such concepts as feminine beauty and rejuvenation of the body, it is impossible not to think about the food we consume every day. Only it seems that everyone has written about the rules of a healthy and wholesome diet. Even a child can tell you what, when and in what quantities you should eat So I couldn’t get past this topic and I want to say the following.
Whatever you cook and eat, you must always do it with good and joyful thoughts, with love for the people to whom this food is intended. This way you will charge the food with your positive mood, and it will only make good to everyone. Do the same when you cook for yourself.
 While making tea or coffee, slicing a sandwich or frying eggs, always think about the fact that it will be good for you, it will support and strengthen your power and energy and, of course, contribute to the rejuvenation of your body. No matter what kind of products you use, be sure to charge them with good and love, joy and happiness. Believe me, very soon you will notice positive changes in your body and even in your life.
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Let me give you one of the many thousands of reviews from my students, which I constantly receive. Elisa from Stockholm wrote to me.
“Last summer I turned 49. When I looked in the mirror I noticed more and more wrinkles and a changed face. I could easily fight gray hair with hair dye, I had no idea what to do with my face. And though my husband always said he loved me, and that age only makes me prettier, I realized that he was just calming me. I started noticing him looking at younger women oftener, and I really did not like it.
I have already made an appointment for a plastic surgeon, but suddenly, quite by chance in the cosmetics department of the drugstore I ran into a pretty young lady – we both reached for the same jar of cream. We got to talking feminine, and she stunned me by the fact that she was 58, almost 10 years older than me. She looked about 20 years younger. I couldn’t help but ask what her secret was. Dear Zhannabelle, she turned out to be a student of your online school, and according to her, it was her classes with you that helped her look so beautiful.
When I got home, I immediately made an appointment for an individual consultation. You inspired me so much and convinced me of your power that I immediately became your student. Thanks to you, Zhannabelle, already a couple of months of classes and webinars later I did not recognize myself in the mirror – I looked like a younger, happy woman, full of power and energy. I now recommend your school and classes to everyone!”
Thank you so much, beautiful Elisa! I am always happy to receive feedbacks. They help many women believe in themselves and start working on themselves, changing their lives for the better. This is what I live for – to help women around the world become happy, healthy, and stay young forever.
I would like to remind you of the online ritual ‘Beauty and youth forever! Secrets of ancestors and ritual of rejuvenation for 9 minutes’ which will take place on March 7. You can register for it via this link.
It’s hard to cope with problems on your own. You really need to engage in our training sessions, attend group sessions between training sessions. Then all your problems will be solved instantly. 
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
7 Simple Ways to Get Filled with Your Feminine Energy
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Why you need to be filled with energy and how to do it
Hello, my dears. In this article we are going to talk about female energy, which is meant to make the world a better place. Where do we get our energy from? Where do we find the power and what are the ways to replenish energy for women? Read carefully, I will tell you 7 tricks to get filled with energy regularly.
Female energy can be replenished by different methods. There are about 100 of the basic ones. In this article I will describe only 7. You can use them in your everyday life relatively easy.
Take care of yourself and your body
You’ll say, “This is ridiculous! How can you generate energy through taking care of your body?” But you didn’t think that any treatments, even the simple ones you do every day, give you power and energy. Thanks to these simple manipulations, we change not only our external appearance, but the internal one as well. If one says the right words when applying a cream or any other product (I teach this at my webinars), the energy will be even stronger.
Do not forget about massage. This procedure is not only useful to the body, but also helps to reveal your inner power. Do not deny yourself the pleasure to have a massage session at least a couple of times a month. Believe me, you will be full of power and energy.
Any physical exercise: yoga, fitness, dance, and healthy lifestyle in general – all of it helps to fill with feminine energy. Even the use of your favorite fragrance, whether it’s toilet water, deodorant or perfume, also helps to get filled with energy. 
Ask for help and offer help
It is not always easy for us to ask someone for help, we are often shy and don’t do it following the “I’ll do it myself” principle. My dear, you should sometimes ask your partner, your son or daughter, even a stranger for help to be filled with energy all the time. By doing so, you will stress your femininity and vulnerability, and your feminine energy will definitely increase.
On the other hand, it is necessary to offer help to others – help your parents, your husband, your colleague, and your child, even if it’s a small thing, but it’s also help. Helping others you give a part of yourself, but at the same time you replenish your power and energy.
Express your love as often as possible
At our classes you learnt that there is no such thing as too much love. Show your love to the people you care for, hug and kiss them oftener and say good, kind words to them constantly, so that your energy can be replenished.
Human life is unpredictable, and the worst thing is to regret the missed opportunity, that you didn’t say the main thing, didn’t confess your love when you had time. This doesn’t just apply to your beloved men and children, but to your parents, too. Call them right now and tell them how much you love them and how grateful you are for everything they have done for you. Believe me, your energy will be filled to the brim after the conversation.
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Engage yourself in art 
We use creativity here in a broad sense: music (if you can’t play and sing – listen and dance), reading (and if you write yourself, it is wonderful), travel (yes, this is also creativity, because when you travel, you discover new places). So being creative isn’t just about doing something yourself, it’s enough to take part in something beautiful and spiritualizing.
Don’t forget about meditation. It’s also creativity. And most importantly, you relax being engaged in something creative, stop the eternal rush of business and worries, disconnect from the hustle and bustle, just rest. Believe me, the energy is replenished enormously in the moment of complete relaxation and meditation. Therefore, do not forget to rest and relax.
Take care of your home and family
You’ll say, ‘Come on, I do it all the time!’ Sure you do. But did you know that when you clean your house, it gives you energy? Yes, you get energized even when you mop floors, vacuum, or dust. Now when you know about it, you will clean your house and create comfort in your home oftener and better.
And now I will say a very important thing! Always bless the food you cook. It is done simply: cook food only in a clean kitchen, with good thoughts, with love, try not to taste it while cooking. Place the first portion near an image of any saint you have in your house. You can pray, or you can simply say from your heart, “Lord, please accept this food.” 5-10 minutes after that, feel free to feed your family. All the food you cook will be sanctified if the very first portion is offered to God. Then, this portion must be evenly distributed on the plates of all family members. 
One of the sources of energy replenishment, and quite a powerful one, is bringing up and teaching children. When you are with your little ones (whether they are your own or those of other people), then you are filled with energy. If you actively participate in their games or studies, you get even more female power. 
Don’t forget about personal development
I’m not talking about your career right now. It’s about your growth as a person, a woman, as a mother, a wife, a daughter. A housewife can be a more developed person than an office lady. This requires planning. It is important not only for work, but also for ordinary everyday life.
By planning your time, you respect it and don’t waste it over nothing. It’s important! You can plan everything from shopping to the kids’ performances and a long-awaited vacation. Write down your plans, buy a day planner, and your mind will feel much easier.
Never give up on your desires! No matter how silly and unnecessary they may seem at the moment, let them exist. With her desires a woman not only expands the horizons, but also inspires her man to develop and do good things. You just need to learn how to express your desires properly, accept the possibility of rejection, and most importantly – always be grateful for what you get. 
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Do charity
My wonderful ladies, charity is not only donating money, but also any other kind of non-repayable aid. For example, you can feed someone who is hungry, because everything associated with feeding increases a woman’s energy greatly. You also get filled with energy when you feed stray cats or dogs, even birds. They all have a very difficult life in our big world.
I have recently received a letter from one of my students, Ingrid from Dresden. 
She writes: “At the end of the summer of 2020 I found myself in a difficult situation: my husband left me and my teenage son with almost no means of livelihood. I hadn’t worked since my son was born because my husband provided for us. And although after he left he transferred small amounts each month, I spent them all on food and bills. And I still had to buy clothes and shoes, pay my son’s tuition fees.
Being totally frustrated, I accidentally came across Zhannabelle’s website and read several articles in her blog. I believed that this incredible woman would help me and I registered for an individual consultation. I barely had to say anything, it was like she saw right through me and immediately understood what I was oppressed with. She said that I had very little feminine energy and it was not replenished, and that energy replenishment was a very important part of every woman’s life.
Dear Zhannabelle, you gave me practices for energy filling and protective amulets, which helped me and keep helping. I started attending your classes and webinars, became a regular student of your online school, and my life changed, even if not immediately. Within a month of meeting you I found a great job as a remote sales manager. I work from home, which allows me not to miss anything from my son’s life and receive a good salary. Recently I met a man, by chance, in a store, he spoke to me and I had the feeling that we had known each other for a hundred years. He asked me to date him and I believe this relationship has a future.
Zhannabelle, thank you so much for everything you have done! I continue attending your online school and look forward to your offline classes’.
Ingrid, thank you for the warm review. It is always a pleasure to read the words of women who have changed their lives by learning something new from me. My dear ladies, I look forward to seeing you all at online and offline classes. I am always happy to help you, because that is my mission.
It takes strength and energy to solve any problem. I have told you only 7 ways you can use to get filled with energy. To learn more, attend my online school for a class called “The Source of Feminine Power. Meditation of Inner Light.” I look forward to seeing you with love and faith in the best, your Zhannabelle.
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
Fear or intuition: what’s the difference?
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Zhannabelle reveals how to develop intuition 
At least once in your life, but you have definitely encountered a situation where the voice in your head sort of told you what to do. We call it an inner voice or intuition. Some people boast that they have been living intuitively most of their lives, and they are quite happy about it. Others, on the contrary, do not trust intuition or do not hear it. How can you develop this quality? How to understand: it is the intuition that leads you or is it fear? Look for answers in this article – and get a unique practice from Zhannabelle!
What is intuition?
In the dictionaries, intuition is interpreted as ‘a gut feeling, a subtle knowledge, gaining an insight into something’. In our everyday speech we use this word to refer to almost all difficult things that happen to us that are hard to explain. If we do not know why we acted this way or that way, the most common answer is ‘it was intuitively’. It means something like this: ‘I do not know why, I just did it this way, and that’s it’.
Intuition in women is more developed than in men: it is a well-known fact, which rarely anyone will try to challenge. Remember how often partners, friends, acquaintances of men ask us, women, for advice: “What would you advise? What would you do in this situation? What do you think I should do?” We were asked, we are asked and will be asked all of these and many similar questions every time there is a problem or it is not clear what to do.  
Dear! Our intuition lives inside of us, because we perceive the world around us with our womb. For example, a woman needs only 3 seconds to understand what kind of person is standing before her. During this time, we read out the entire information. But most often we say to ourselves: “I must have made a mistake, I must have read something wrong, I must have paid attention to something different”. That is, we begin to doubt and sometimes do not believe ourselves. And this is fundamentally wrong, because our intuition knows everything, and it should be trusted 100%.
How to differentiate: fear or intuition?
It’s actually quite easy to tell the difference. Think of the verbs you use together with the word “fear”: fear hangs upon me, I am paralyzed with fear, fear pierced me. That is, there is something sudden and unnatural. Fear is always a state of inner anxiety, lack of understanding of what is going on, uneasiness. With fear, your imagination begins to come up with terrible scenes of what can happen to you or your loved ones. The feeling of panic prevents you from acting constructively, you can’t do anything yourself.
Zhannabelle says that if intuition is the voice of God and angels, then fear is the voice of the spirits of the lower world, who are trying to frighten you and throw you off the path. So you have to distinguish between these voices. Intuition tells you all the time, suggests you what to do, how to act to change your situation. And fear, on the contrary, paralyzes, leaving only thoughts how terrible everything is, that it is impossible to do anything, that the situation is hopeless…
This is how you can distinguish fear from intuition. When something (or someone) tells us possible options, how to act in one situation or another, it is undoubtedly an intuition, and you should listen to it. If you are completely at loss, like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor, with only horror in your head and no possibility of doing anything, it is obviously fear. You have to get rid of it as quickly as possible, take control of yourself in every way possible.
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Patricia (Lyon) 
“I’ve been attending classes at Zhannabelle’s online school for six months, and during this time I learned a lot of new things for myself. I want to tell you what happened to me just the other day.
I always take the same road to go to work. It takes me exactly 15 minutes, and I can walk it almost with my eyes closed. It’s been like this for almost 10 years, and no natural phenomena such as weather elements and winds could make me turn off the beaten path. It has become practically a ritual for me. In the back of my mind I was always sure that I make my day successful when I take this road to the office.
A couple of days ago, I left my house and took the usual way. Suddenly I felt some kind of discomfort, a little obsession, and as if a voice inside me was saying, “Get to the other side of the road right away. I turned my head in all directions, but everything was as usual, no one was standing next to me or whispering in my ear. But I couldn’t get rid of the strange feeling and desire. As I took a couple of steps, some unknown force pulled me to the opposite side again.
I remembered the article about women’s skills I had read recently, and decided to listen to my inner voice. As soon as I crossed to the other side of the road, in the place where I was supposed to walk, a large tree fell down suddenly and almost flattened the car standing next to it. I could have been walking right by it. What would have happened to me? 
Having mentally thanked my spiritual mentor for the knowledge I had gained about feminine power, I promised myself to always listen to and trust my intuition. Now I understood why Zhannabelle said that intuition was the voice of a guardian angel, telling us what to do. And at that moment, I didn’t feel completely at loss. I felt no fear. It was as if I heard a voice telling me what I should have done. I’m glad I trusted it.
Awaken your intuition!
Your girlfriends or acquaintances have probably told you that they do not trust their intuition because it is weak. However, it is possible to awaken your intuition if it is asleep, and develop it if it is not very strong. There is a very simple ancient practice for awakening intuition.
Put a candle at an arm’s length in such a way that the reflection of its flame was right at the level of the space between your eyebrows. Keep looking at the flame of the candle for about 10 minutes, feeling how it reflects in the space between your eyebrows. You should do this meditation every evening, regardless of whether you are tired or full of energy.
As a result of daily performance of this practice not only your intuition will open but also the gift of prophecy. You will also get a very pleasant bonus – your aura will be gradually cleared from the negative influence of other people with whom you have been in contact during the day.
Develop your intuition, feel what angels want to say, do not give in to what dark evil spirits are whispering, trying to lead you astray. Join Zhannabelle’s online school. Here you will learn to open and develop your intuition, to distinguish between good and evil spirits by their deeds and manifestations. Register for an individual consultation, and the mentor will be happy to answer all your questions. She will help solve any of your problems. Know that there is she – a woman with sacred knowledge who is passing this knowledge to all dreaming of making their lives better.
Dear ladies, you have read the new knowledge. Now it’s time for you to join and invite new women to group classes in your city and also to seminars in the online school. Then all your problems will be solved very quickly: you will become healthy, beautiful, rich, and find your love!
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Martha (Potsdam) 
“My friend took me to the mentor. It was a hard time for me: my husband died in a car accident and I was left alone with my 5-year-old daughter. The individual sessions and then the group meetings and trainings helped and supported me at that time, and I felt more confident, I was able to find a job and go on living for myself and my little girl.
Yes, it took me a long time to get behind the wheel, even though I had been driving for a long time before the tragedy and I was pretty good. A year and a half later, I was driving again (thanks again to Zhannabelle!). It was much more convenient to go to work and pick up my daughter from school this way.
On New Year’s Eve, 2020, on my way back from the office, I decided to stop by the store and then pick up my girl. I had enough time. The traffic on the road was quiet and I was driving slowly, when suddenly I heard a voice: “Now! Get off the road, pull over to the side of the road and stay there.” Not seeing any danger around, I continued moving slowly in the same direction, thinking over the menu for the New Year table. But the wheel felt like it was being pulled to the side of the road. Remembering my mentor’s words about intuition and inner voice, I made a sharp turn, went off the track and stood to calm down. 
At the same moment a minibus flew out of the oncoming lane and crashed with a screech into a passing car. If I hadn’t stepped aside, it would have been my car, there was no doubt. It wasn’t a miracle that saved my life; it was my intuition that told me what I needed to do immediately. I say “thank you” to Zhannabelle every minute of my life, because only thanks to the knowledge she gave me, I learned to listen to my intuition and react in time.
Ladies, join the online school or communicate with your mentor in any way you want. You may not believe it, but later you will see for yourself how your life will take on new meaning. You will discover the skills you’ve never dreamed you had!
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
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You must admit that everyone has faced such questions or similar ones more than once. Work seems ok, and the salary is decent, but the money is never enough.
Many start thinking that apparently the problem is not the lack of money, but excessive demands, and try to cut their costs. At first it will seem a good solution to the problem, but over time you will realize that cutting your costs does not increase your income. After all, you still receive exactly as much as before, but you have reduced shopping and began practicing self-denial. This is not the solution.
In December 2020, the Earth has entered a new era, the Age of Aquarius. This is not only an era of spirituality, but also the time when attracting money into one’s life can happen quickly and money will stay for a long time.
However, everything has a reason. You have to know what and when to do and what to say for gaining and increasing material prosperity.
Today, many people try to find extra income, get one or two more jobs, and work so hard that they don’t have time for anything else. A couple of months of such exhausting race for riches, and you will feel like a squeezed orange. Do you need it?
In this Age of Aquarius, the cosmos itself is doing everything to help you become richer and happier. You only need to know how, when and with what words to address the Universe. I will help you with it.
I speak about the rituals to attract money and how to use them during my webinars.
These webinars have helped many people around the world. They will help you too, do not doubt it.
I have received an email from my student Helga from Germany recently. She wrote that she started working as a student. She was always short of money, so she took on any part-time work: as a waitress, a cleaner, a call center operator.
“I didn’t refuse any job as long as I was paid. When I graduated from college and obtained an education, I got a job in my specialty – Manager of HR-department in a large company. I had worked there for almost 15 years, reached the position of senior manager, and then six months ago I was selected for redundancy.
Yes, they warned me in advance, and I started looking for a new job immediately. But it was terribly difficult because of the pandemic. In a panic, I called all my friends with a request to help in the search, and then one friend recommended me visiting your website, dear Zhannabelle.
I neglected it because I needed a job, not browsing a website. But my friend strongly recommended reading your blog and feedback from women who you have already helped.
After reading that you help me not only with women’s issues only but also with financial problems, I made an appointment for an individual consultation. And I have never regretted it because you really helped me to solve my problem.
During the first session we did the money attraction ritual and in a couple of days I started receiving job offers.  
Encouraged, I began to attend your online school regularly, and within a month I felt tremendous changes: I got a job as a senior HR manager, got a good salary, I was able to save money for holidays, for a new apartment and help my mother financially. She is retired, so she really needed it. And recently I started a relationship with a colleague at work, a very interesting man. I believe this is the beginning of something more serious and good.
Thank you, dear Zhannabelle, for your help in a difficult life situation. I recommend the online school and webinars of the mentor to everyone! Believe me, it really works.
You inspired me to write this article and tell others about it just before an online money attraction ritual.
Many people think that attracting financial well-being is something far-fetched or magical. You have to understand that we do not have a goldfish, a silver antelope or a magic wand. Everything is a little more complicated, and at the same time, much simpler.
I present rituals and practices with which you and your whole family can be assured of a prosperous life for decades to come.
By participating in my video marathon ‘3 Types of Love: Female practices for self-acceptance, relaxation, rest, and anti-stress,’ you’ll learn how important it is to love yourself and how to do it so that those around you (and you yourself) love and accept you, how to establish and improve relationships with your partner, and much more.
I invite everyone to attend the webinar ‘Wealth of the Age of Aquarius. How to make friends with the spirit of money’ on the eve of the holiday, on February 13. 
 During the webinar I will conduct the ritual of opening the flow of wealth in the Age of Aquarius, and I will tell you about the cosmic rhythms for good luck and new beginnings. You will learn how to make friends with the spirit of money and obtain its patronage.
Attraction of financial well-being is not magic, but rituals, practices and skills that have been working for many centuries and known only to the chosen ones.
Many people often ask me to help them improve their wellbeing. Therefore, just before St. Valentine’s Day, you and I will meet and talk about the relationship of Love and Prosperity.
With Love, Zhannabelle.
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
Woman as the keeper of the lineage
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Zhannabelle explains how to become a true support for your family 
A woman is the keeper of the family; the entire lineage is formed around her. Her prayers inspire, her words support her loved ones and family members, she sets everyone up for success and prosperity, and her lineage prospers. What ancient traditions help each of us? Zhannabelle will share her knowledge of feminine power and energy with you.
Some people think that it’s all about material values – big power, big bank accounts, and tremendous career. But our ancestors believed that women have the most powerful energy. Her predestination is to take care of her Lineage, create and keep its traditions, and transfer her power to all of her relatives. Now you will find out what ancient traditions and sacred rules are the most important for creating a happy and strong family.
Pray for your Lineage 
One of the oldest traditions – prayer for your Lineage – should definitely be the most important and integral part of the lives of all women who wish happiness and prosperity for their family. Make sure you devote some time for the prayers after the morning spiritual practice. After all, you are already filled with positive energy, which will strengthen the power of your words.
It is very important to pray for your ancestors and revere the memory of them. Be sure to maintain an energetic connection with them always. In this way you will provide your family tree with protection, it will flourish and live for a very long time.  
Perform purification practices
All of us who want to keep and make our family more prosperous should start the morning by doing a set of breathing and energy practices. These exercises awaken the lineage and feminine energy with each exhalation and inhalation. Your and the day of your relatives will be filled with power if you do these practices every morning.
During the individual consultation, Zhannabelle will select a set of practices specifically for you to help your lineage and awaken your feminine power.
Many people contact us during the day, and not all of them are carriers of positive energy. Haven’t you faced difficulties at work, uncivilized shop assistants or rude drivers? Unfortunately, bad energy penetrates our aura and gradually destroys it. This is why it is so important to do a set of purification practices not only in the morning, but also before going to bed.
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Maintain the tradition of having meals together 
Breakfast, lunch and dinner – the energy of food makes your family become one. Not everyone can afford to get together three times a day around the table in these challenging times. Budgets, work schedules and other commitments are different for everyone. In that case, try to organize a joint lunch or dinner for all members of your family at least on weekends.
All negativity, problems, gossip and quarrels should be left outside the home. This is when the ancient and well known tradition of having meals together as a family will bring health and positive energy to its members. During this time there should be only love, joy and smiles at the table, and you should carry on only pleasant conversations.
Celebrate lineage holidays 
Our ancestors knew that a woman is the keeper of the lineage; she is responsible for passing on their ancestral knowledge and traditions. But how to pass on sacred knowledge to our children and grandchildren, to really interest them and encourage them to value traditions? Zhannabelle recommends bringing the family together for lineage holidays, such as New Year and Christmas, birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other special occasions for you and your loved ones. They bring the whole family together and give a positive program for the entire year and even decades to come. 
A woman, the keeper of her Lineage, takes responsibility for the holiday and must always remember that all power gathers in that moment with her family. In a natural way, we must invisibly guide all affairs and conversations so that only positive words are spoken at the table. And with an unheard prayer, we will channel the energy for the well-being of our lineage.
A woman should do her best to remember all of her ancestors only with kind words during the lineage feasts. After all, success and prosperity return and come to those families who are grateful to their ancestors.
Carry out energetic womb cleansing
The womb is a vessel filled with feminine power and tremendous energy. It is responsible for the joy of motherhood, health, personal relationships and love in a woman’s life. At the same time womb is responsible for the success and health of man with whom she is linked by romantic and sexual relationships. It is also responsible for the protection of the Lineage. The most important purpose of a woman is to keep her womb clean at the physical and energetic levels. Even with a very attentive and careful approach to health, one cannot avoid negative influences, emotional and physical fatigue and other unpleasant influences from outside.
Womb cleansing is a very important hygienic procedure, like washing or bathing and showering. This is why Zhannabelle recommends doing it regularly. This is especially necessary for women who have had more than one sexual partner in the past and now have problems with a man or have health issues (infertility, various inflammatory diseases). At workshops and group classes held by the spiritual advisor you will learn to perform rituals of purification and replenishment of the female power.
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Only a woman should be the mistress of the lineage 
According to the ancient tradition of our ancestors, the highest place in the home hierarchy is occupied by women, which in no way diminishes the merits of men. They have their own tasks for the prosperity of the lineage and family: a woman, as the keeper of the lineage, fills everyone with energy, while a man is responsible for the material side of life.
Sad as it may sound, recently women often do everything themselves and do not allow men to contribute to the building of a strong family hearth. Yes, we are able to get all the delights of this world without any help. However, it leads to the weakening of the energy of the lineage.
We often say: “I’ll do it myself. I’ll do it better, I’ll do it faster”. Dear, it may really be so, but Zhannabelle urges all women to forget these words and learn to accept help and support again. Involve the family in household chores: the children can wash the floor in the nursery well and, if they want, they will also wash dishes in the kitchen. Let your husband take an active role and share the responsibility. Let him pay the bills, shop for household goods and help your child with their math homework. When all family members help each other, energies are exchanged and everyone feels important.
The most important components of any person’s life, impossible without feminine power, are success in all areas of life, the success of her husband and children, health and love. 
Every woman has the power to make her Lineage flourish and fill it with strength and energy. If you want to learn more about women’s secrets and ancient traditions, to understand what habits can ruin life and family, and which on the contrary – to save and preserve, join the online school of Zhannabelle, take part in workshops and group classes.
Problems are difficult to cope with alone, you really need to attend our training sessions, and in between attend group classes. Then all your problems will be solved instantly, good luck, health, prosperity and love will come to you!
Greta (Munich) 
“My husband and I were almost a whisper away from getting divorced when I asked Zhannabelle for help. Before that we tried everything: local family psychologist and personal consultations, classes in a group of desperate couples like us. Our relationship, or rather the practical absence of it, remained unchanged, and the gap between my husband and me only increased. 
It was only my mentor who helped me come to my senses by showing me the path that would lead to marital happiness. First of all, she started with womb cleansing, because, according to her, the heavy energy of my former partners was suppressing my feminine power and preventing me from opening up in my current relationship.
After the energetic cleansing, I felt light as a feather, able to fly with the slightest whiff of the breeze. Zhannabelle selected for me individually cleansing practices and a special amulet for the protection of my family and my lineage. I reconsidered my life completely and began to pay much more attention to my loved ones.  
It’s been three years since then, my husband and I have been living in perfect harmony and we haven’t even talked about divorce. We are happy! I thank my mentor so much for her help, and to this day I still attend her online school and learn new and interesting things every time, which helps us to make our lives even better. 
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
What is a female power?
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A secret every woman should know
Energy of cosmic scale lives in each of us. However, not many of us know how to use it to help ourselves and our loved ones. The words spoken by each of us have a truly magical power and should be treated with utmost care. Zhannabelle will tell us what, when and how to say it not to harm anyone.
Think well before you say something
‘It’s obvious,’ you say, and you are right. But is that what we do every time? How many words, said in the heat of the moment, we want to take back! Alas, a spoken word takes its flight. Each phrase spoken by a woman, has a truly magical power, it can inspire and encourage, and can bring a lot of trouble to those to whom it is intended. An evil word of a woman is like a powerful curse.
In the morning, when your kids go to school, and your husband goes to work, tell them a few kind words, wish them luck from the bottom of your heart, embrace them tight. Trust us, this will make their day successful in all aspects, because, without realizing it, they will feel the power of your feminine magic. Speaking good, heartfelt words, supporting and blessing your relatives, you multiply all the best that they have inside, give them positive thinking, energize them with faith in themselves. And if you criticize and scold them all the time, you only strengthen the negative sides of character and attract misfortune and failures in their lives.
Always remember that a woman’s word has a great power. The positive quality in your loves one may not be so great,  but it will grow thanks to your kind words. And the strongest protection for your family and friends is the words of blessing spoken by you in a powerful energetic state.
Elenka (Poland)
‘Right after we got married, there appeared a tradition in our family – I always saw my husband off to work in the morning. Neither the many times we moved from one place to another, nor the birth of our children ever cancelled the ‘morning farewell’, as Kasimir jokingly called it.
One day my husband and I had a big fight, I don’t remember the reason, but we were shouting at each other and reproaching each other for a long time. I went to my children’s room and couldn’t sleep for a long time, turning from side to side, remembering the quarrel and all the hurtful words that Kasimir and I were telling each other. I only managed to fall asleep at dawn, and when I woke up I realized that my husband had already left for work. I hadn’t even come out to see him off! That had never happened in all the years we had been together. I texted my husband to apologize, but there was no reply. Calling while he was at work was useless, he never answered the phone.
It was 8 pm and Kasimir had not yet returned. Later I received a message that he had problems at work and he was late. At 10 pm I took everything from the table, put the untouched dinner in the fridge, and half an hour later my husband returned. He was so tired that he didn’t even look at me, just walked into the bedroom and collapsed on the bed, barely taking his clothes off.
In the morning, as usual, I went out to see my husband off. He left without giving me a return hug, only nodding goodbye. Sitting in the kitchen in tears after he left, I remembered a friend telling me about Zhannabelle’s online school. They helped her there in a difficult life situation. When I visited the website, I immediately made an appointment for an individual consultation. It was there that I learned about the magical secret of blessing, that I myself did the ritual every morning without realizing it. My mentor began to help me unlock my feminine power, and I started absorbing this knowledge so that I could apply it in my life.
Thanks to Zhannabelle, I realized many of my mistakes, and I sincerely apologized to Kasimir one night. He also apologized to me and said that he didn’t remember why he had gotten steamed up. And then he told me that on the day I did not see him off, there was a moment of crisis at work, and many of the employees were fired with a scandal. He miraculously managed to keep his job. 
I thank my mentor for her lessons; they help me be strong, smart and kind. I am slowly learning to make the most of my feminine power. And the tradition of ‘morning farewell’ has resumed and will never be broken again. I won’t allow it. 
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How do you increase your blessing?
You can increase the effect of a woman’s words with the help of special rituals, which Zhannabelle teaches on her YouTube channel and at her seminars. Here’s one ritual that relates to blessing and enhances it. We’re sharing it right now.
Absolutely no matter how far and for how long your family and friends are going, you should see them off. You should inhale special magical oil that Zhannabelle will give you, before you give your blessing. You will immediately feel its energy giving you feminine power. Then apply this oil to your sacred points. Each woman has her own sacral points, the mentor reveals them during individual consultations. After inhaling and applying the oil, go out to bless those who leave. Believe us, it will multiply the power of your words and make your family’s day positive and beautiful.
There is a great feminine power in each of us, but not everyone knows how to use it. It requires special knowledge and practice. The ritual of blessing is quite simple and very important at the same time. It does not require any new knowledge or skills, you just need to make an appointment for a consultation with Zhannabelle, she will explain everything in detail. 
When you bless your family members every morning, you will soon notice that the family is becoming closer and stronger. After all the things they do outside the home, they rush home where they are always welcomed and loved. Your word is a good word and it is material, always remember this. Watch what you say, especially to someone who you care for. And may your every word carry only care, joy and love!
Claudia (Italy)
‘One day a friend invited me to join her at Zhannabelle’s retreat. Since I am interested in new things, I said yes and I have never regretted it for a second. I was deeply moved by the words of my mentor and decided that I would definitely have individual sessions with her. After three or four consultations, I really wanted to see if the obtained knowledge would work in reality. I decided to start with a blessing, since that was what we had talked about in the last two sessions.
In the morning, as always, I came to see off my daughter to her classes at university. It is a daily tradition of ours. That day, however, I first inhaled the special oil and applied it to my sacred points, as my mentor had taught me. After hugging my daughter tightly, I wished her a successful and joyful day from the bottom of my heart. She mumbled something in reply and ran off to do her affairs. She was going through a difficult period because of a break-up with her boyfriend, which had also affected our relationship. My daughter had been irritable and absentminded lately.
Just as Zhannabelle told me, I repeated this ritual all week, but even after the seventh day I did not notice any change, everything was as usual. At least that’s what I thought. At another meeting, I told my mentor that my daughter was not sensitive to my magic, because I did not see any change. The mentor just smiled and advised me not to bless the girl for one day.
The next morning I didn’t go to see my daughter off and I was surprised to hear her voice: ‘Mummy, where are you? I have to go now, hurry up’. And I realized that my daughter was already used to my blessing, waiting for it, as every day when I hugged her was going well for her. 
When I embraced her, she said: ‘I have a very difficult test today. I’m very nervous, but now I’m sure everything will go perfectly.’ She kissed me and waved goodbye, and took off for college. And I knew that my blessing was really working. And it was confirmed by a perfect score on the test in the evening.
Thanks to Zhannabelle, I am discovering my female energy more and more every day. Online school classes give me not only important knowledge, but also the energy and strength to go on living fully – in love and harmony with myself and my daughter’.
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Dear ladies, these are not the only examples of how the knowledge gained in our online school has helped our students in life. Any family may face problems and difficulties, and if that happens to you, know that they will definitely help you at Zhannabelle’s online school. The classes have made thousands of women around the world happy, so they will surely help you too!
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
How to prepare for the New Year and resist the coronavirus?
Challenge of Good from Zhannabelle: 5 steps that will change your life
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2020 has been a challenging year for the entire world. But let's not let things get us down! A higher power gives us nothing we can't handle and survive. The important thing is that each of us can make the world a better place, and therefore we can make ourselves better too. This is what Zhannabelle's New Year's Challenge of Good is all about. Discover the 5 basic steps you need to take to become happy.
This year has brought a lot of unpleasant news and bad events. First of all, there's the new COVID-19 virus, which has already sickened millions of people. And some people are still waiting in fear to get sick. But should we be afraid so much? Spiritual mentor Zhannabelle recommends everyone to join the Challenge of Good consisting of 5 steps. Performing each step, you will make your life and the lives of your family and friends better, and you will be able to protect yourself from all illnesses. 
At this difficult time, many may say, ‘I have no one and nothing to be thankful for’. But think carefully before you say this. It has been a difficult year, but have you never had a single event for which you can say thank you? 
Let's proceed with the first step of the Challenge of Good. Take a blank sheet of paper, a pen and write down all the events for which you want to thank God or a family member, a friend, an acquaintance - it does not matter who. Most importantly, remember and write down all the good moments in your life during the year that are worthy to be thanked for.
Some of us may find it difficult to remember everything at once. If this is the case, ask Zhannabelle for a magical amulet. It will awaken your memories and focus on the most important things. After all, so many positive things have happened during this time, and some things are still forgotten! Hold the amulet in one hand and write your list with the other.
Keep this sheet of paper once you have written down all the events. Reread it on days when you feel bad and when you are in a difficult situation. It will give you strength and an opportunity to move on, to live and think only about good things, to believe in a better future and in yourself.
Joy is an invincible force. While despondency, sadness and denial can destroy everything, joy inspires and encourages everyone who comes into contact with it. Nowadays, people have protective masks on their faces and you can't tell if they're happy or sad. You should smile in any case! Know and believe that joy can heal any disease and help in difficult situations.
There is one monastery in the world, where almost all diseases can be cured, but on one condition: while you are there, you have to smile all the time. Otherwise, the monks will point out your fault and even punish you. The punishment is carrying heavy buckets of water up and down the hill. Having done this a couple of times, one decides that smiling is much easier and keeps smiling even when no one sees it.
The things is that smiling sends special impulses to the brain, which can even heal the body. Since not everyone can get into that monastery, we must try to awaken our joy on our own.
The easiest way is to stimulate joy with cheerful labels and smiley faces. These should be hung up around your house and/or in the workplace. You can draw a funny face and write: ‘Smile urgently!’ or "You're not naughty, you're a smiley’. Basically, let any little thing that makes you smile be in front of you all the time.
If fun stickers don't work, there is another way. It will fit more for home than office. Turn on your favourite music and dance without thinking about anything. Give yourself over to the dance like children do. You will feel the positive energy pulsating inside you after 2-3 minutes.
Zhannabelle has a special amulet for you in the form of brightly coloured feathers. Just looking at it will make you smile! There is a cheerful spirit inside of it that will energize you with positivity every day.
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But if you still can't rejoice anything, then signing up for Zhannabelle’s retreat and doing a ritual there is the only way out. You need to do this, because without the feeling of joy you cannot move on to the next step of our Challenge of Good.
You now have gratitude and joy. These feelings can be multiplied by sharing them with others through friendliness. But it is important for you to do it from your heart. Think about it: which person's picture you have in front of your eyes right now or who you are constantly thinking about without keeping in touch with this person? Maybe you have dreamt about that person more than once for no reason. Often it is because they need your help or support. Call, text, or meet this person! Even if you haven't communicated for a long time or had a grudge against this person, it's all in the past.
A friendly chat with an old friend would bring you joy and excitement. Send her the link to the article about group classes at Zhannabelle's online school. Let her read it and decide to give it a try, too. Maybe she needs individual consultation, then tell her how to make an appointment. Provide help, be a guide for someone to the world of opportunity, and new resources will open up for you.
Be a friend to people, don't give up on them in difficult situations, and inspire them. Then goodness will return to you. If it is difficult, amulets with assistant spirits will always help you. Put this amulet to your heart - and it will immediately help you be friendly towards others.
Step 4. Be Generous
Generosity isn't only material, although it's also important. For example, sharing money, clothes, and food with those in need. However, the most significant is generosity of your heart and soul. You can not measure it, but it is always immense. You can show it by sharing your joy and giving a good mood to others. But the highest degree is to share knowledge with people. It's especially important to pass on sacred wisdom.
Share information about seminars at Zhannabelle's online school, invite them to join mentor's YouTube channel, where every woman is sure to find a useful and relevant video for herself. You already have this knowledge, so share it, be generous!
Faith should never leave you: believe in the future, in the best, in yourself. It's the feeling that allows you to move forward. Without it, you can't live life to the fullest.
Write down on a sheet of paper everything you want for your family and yourself. Next to it, write down the things you wish for the world. If you want to have a good life, you should write your wishes on a piece of paper with a huge faith at heart that everything will happen the way you want it. You are recommended to read your wishes to the music of transformation. 
Faith of each of us is very strong, anything is within our power! Faith can heal the whole world and every person. Pray not only for yourself and your family, but also for our planet.
Communal prayer has often saved cities and countries from enemies. It will also help against the common enemy of humans, the coronavirus. Write Zhannabelle via her website where you live, and we will tell you how to contact the women of Power in your city. You can't imagine how many of us there are all over the world! Women unite in prayer for the future of the whole earth. You join us too.
Dear ladies, together we have taken 5 steps towards a new year, a new world. Share this knowledge with your family and friends; send them the link to this article. Invite new people to our seminars, and you will be lucky, prosperous, healthy, you will love and you will be loved. 
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Mariika (Budapest)
‘I have been studying at Zhannabelle's online school for a long time. I attend group classes and seminars. It helps me a lot in life: I got rid of fear of communication with strangers, overcame the fear of saying something wrong, as a consequence I met a good man and we are dating. But recently I started dreaming about an old acquaintance with whom we had quarrelled a long time ago. It's funny to say: once, 10 years ago, I considered something she did a betrayal, because she told my parents that I was going on dates instead of going to classes. It seems so silly now, but then it was a tragedy and a dirty trick from Elzbieta, whom I considered my best friend.
When I made an appointment for individual counselling with Zhannabelle, I asked her why I was dreaming about my friend almost every night and what it could mean. She explained that Elzbieta probably needed my help and recommended me to call her. I didn't really want to reconnect with someone with whom I had lost contact long ago. But, following Zhannabelle's advice, I called her.
Elzbieta was pleased to hear my voice. After a couple of minutes of conversation, she admitted that she had been waiting for my call, she was afraid to call, afraid that I would slam the phone on her. It turned out that a couple of months ago she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and the recovery from a course of chemotherapy was very difficult for her. My former friend had no one to have a good talk with. She remembered our friendship, we trusted all our secrets to each other, and no one but me had ever supported her like that. Elzbieta missed me very much and constantly regretted the mistake we had made at a young age, which had caused us to stop communicating. After talking to her, I knew that I had to act immediately and I made an appointment for her for a consultation with the mentor.
After a month of continuous study at the online school, my friend had a sustained remission. She could even keep her breasts, and now she feels great! This is all thanks to Zhannabelle. I showed my concern by doing my part to save Elzbieta, for which I gained a firm friendship.
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
How to prepare for New Year’s family dinner properly?
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Holiday rituals for good luck next year
New Year is a bright time, which both children and adults are looking forward to. It is filled with magic, the atmosphere of family unity and anticipation of something good. But this favorite winter holiday is also very important for the fate of each of us, because it is during this period that the foundations for the next year are formed. That is why we need to learn how to celebrate it properly. Zhannabelle will tell you how to prepare for family dinner to lay a favorable program for the coming year. 
Slowly but surely we are approaching the end of the difficult 2020. The pre-holiday period begins in the middle of December, the day of the Winter Solstice. It is very useful to devote this time to attending Zhannebelle’s seminars, where she gives important advice and recommendations for the preparation of the holiday.
Each person sums up, orders his thoughts, makes plans for the future and dreams on the eve of the holiday. Despite the bright garlands, colorful wrappers and faith in something beautiful, real miracles will happen thanks to the spiritual work on oneself and following the wise traditions of New Year’s Eve. Zhannabelle shares them with her students.
What must be done before family dinner?
The holiday eve is always associated with luxuriant Christmas tree, greeting cards, and, of course, aromas of delicious Christmas pastries. The festive spirit flies in every home and heart. Zhannabelle urges you to gather all your family and friends at the Christmas table during this time. 
Go out into a few hours before cooking and serving the table. You can walk to the nearest park or, if you have a private house, just take a walk around the site. Your mentor talks about the importance of light physical activity in the fresh air, explaining that it will give you the right mood, distract you from the hectic atmosphere and lift your spirits. 
Before the very process of cooking a family dinner, remind yourself what you are doing it for. What function should your dishes perform? Charge and give positive emotions? Improve your health? Unite the family? By setting a true purpose, it will be easier for you to invest a sacral, healing meaning in your food. 
Zhannabelle does not recommend cooking in complete silence, but rather using the magical music of transformation that she shares at her seminars. If you turn it on, you will purify your space, charge everything around with love and vitality. Then your dishes will be filled with positive energy, and they will do good not only to the physical shell, but also the spiritual world. 
Did you know that all women are given a unique skill to charge food with their own energy? Unfortunately, not everyone uses it. At women’s seminars Zhannabelle teaches how to discover a wonderful gift to charge the meal your family eats at dinner with health, well-being and wealth.
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What to cook for New Year’s celebration?
Remember, it is recommended to cook for a holiday meal something that you could eat all the year. 
Many women cook delicacies, high-calorie desserts, fatty salads and other heavy foods. And now think: is this what our body really needs? Would it be possible to eat such foods all the year and feel good? 
Ask your body what it wants. Surely it needs useful vitamins and microelements, which you certainly will not find in slices of sausage or kilo pudding. As a rule, festive dishes have the maximum amount of harmful ingredients. Not to even mention carbonated drinks and alcohol! So, always plan the menu wisely and choose the dishes you cook more responsibly. The right food will give you and your loved ones an unprecedented ease even after the celebration.  
What to wear for New Year’s celebration?
For a festive dinner, put away your usual wear-at-home clothing, even if you are going to be in a narrow family circle. After all, this is an important evening that can affect the whole year! Make it special, decide in advance on an elegant dress, think over your hair and pick the jewelry.
In our case, the best solution will be an amulet or a mascot, which you can buy from Zhannabelle. It will complete your outfit and enhance the effect of the magical holiday. 
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Deborah, Alicante 
“This New Year was the most magical and joyful for my family. Zhannabelle’s seminars and training sessions, and her course to return the female power gave me and my husband our son Gino who we have been waiting for so long!
 I came to my mentor for the first time when my family had a great grief. On the eve of the New Year celebration doctors made me a terrible diagnosis – infertility. When I heard this word, I realized a terrible sentence. My dream to have a child collapsed in an instant. It was even more depressing how it would affect my husband, who had been raving over son for many years… 
Very soon I began to feel that my husbanded has gone cold on me. If before he gave me flowers almost every day, took me to exhibitions and every Sunday spent with me and my mother, but later he became aloof, locked himself in his office and did not leave there all day long. My beloved man seemed to be a different person: silent and moody, he was unable to hide his grief. He did not tell his witty jokes anymore, his eyes looked sad. I saw him fade away, and I was suffering at the same time. 
A hope woke up in me when I got to the consultation with Zhannabelle. Looking at me, the mentor immediately understood that urgent help was needed. After diagnostics she said that I was not infertile, but there was negative lineage energy, which comes from my great-grandmother. Her evil deeds have been transmitted to all women of my lineage from generation to generation. And this entails a succession of negative events, serious problems and even diseases.
I firmly decided to register for a course and fight for my family happiness. Once, at one of the classes devoted to preparing for winter holidays, Zhannabelle spoke about the importance of family dinner. Previously, I made a lot of mistakes in preparing a festive dinner. I always had fat and heavy food on the table, which often made me have to recover from a rich meal. In addition, I learned about a special ritual of charging food, which helps a woman and her whole family to fulfill their dream. 
Last year, while cooking a festive family dinner, I took into account all recommendations of Zhannabelle. And of course, exactly at midnight I wished that I would have a child and our family would become happy. Already a month after the holidays I felt a slight sickness, which I was surprised about, because my family stopped eating harmful food and alcohol completely in the new year, and was leading a healthy lifestyle. But, having made a pregnancy test, I believed a miracle for the first time: it showed a positive result! I immediately rushed to my husband to share my happiness. There are no words in the Italian language that could convey his emotions at that moment. He picked me up and did not let go for a long time, we cried together with joy. 
8.5 months later Gino was born. This little man became our meaning in life. His birth has strengthened my relations with my husband a lot. Passion, romance, emotional conversations on the sofa in front of the fireplace returned, and recently we have been talking about giving birth to a girl – to be completely happy. I am grateful to Zhannabelle and her course for the fact that she gave me the opportunity to believe in myself, forget about doctors’ forecasts, feel the joy of motherhood and to become the happiest woman in the world.
Dear, as you can see, real miracles happen! Especially if you really want it and start acting right now. Attend Zhannabelle’s seminars, where you can learn more about New Year’s traditions and effective rituals. The mentor will tell you what sacred rituals and rituals should be performed, teach you how to charge food, how to pick up the amulet so it protects you throughout the next year. 
Register, and you will receive a huge charge of positive energy, as well as unique knowledge that will help you improve your life and lives of your family members.
New Year is a magical time of joy and miracles. During this time it is important not only to study, but also to practice the knowledge gained in a circle of like-minded people. We invite you to join the company of happy, open and loving people at our classes and retreats!
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
Four magic baths to prepare for the New Year
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Zhannabelle shares the ancient secret of rejuvenation 
There is very little time left until the New Year, so it is very important to start preparing for it now. Zhannabelle’s recommendation is to have a pleasant and, at the same time, effective procedure several times. It will help you bring in the winter holidays in a wonderful mood. After taking such baths, you will feel attractive, find harmony, tune into a positive mood and discover new strength for success. Read the article to the end. The mentor will tell you about the magical baths and real elixirs of youth in detail.
A recipe for youth from Zhannabelle 
Since childhood each of us has heard many stories about beautiful and ever young tsarinas. There are even legends about their traditions of body care. But the baths, which heal body and soul, were of special interest. The secret of these procedures was never revealed to anyone, but when Zhannabelle was still very young, she couldn’t wait to know it. One day, her grandmother decided to reveal the healing recipes to pass the wisdom to her granddaughter. She told our future mentor about magical charms, herbs and aromatic oils.
A lot of time has passed since then, but Zhannabelle has not forgotten this secret of bath preparation and is happy to share it with you. Are you ready to learn about a wonderful ritual called “Healing baths“?
So, it will take you only four days to do the rejuvenating procedure. Each day you will need to take one special bath. They are all unique and affect different areas of your life.
• The first bath can strengthen your natural immunity and even cure diseases. It will help you restore your vitality and become more active. It will energize you and charge you for the whole day.
To make it, you will need a small cup of salt. You can use sea salt or kitchen salt. But if you have a special magical black salt, it will give you even better result. Take a bowl and put special oil into it. In this case you will need orange oil. It will awaken your inner energy and give you freshness and a great mood. Add 5 drops of this magic oil to the salt. As soon as the magic mixture is ready, charge it – stretch your hands over the bowl, close your eyes and begin to have a clear image of yourself being healthy, beautiful and happy while smiling. Then say ‘I am healthy!’ three times and dissolve the salt in the bath.
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• The next bath, to be taken on the second day, is dedicated to love and well-being in a relationship.
To prepare it you will also need any kind of salt you choose but instead of orange oil add ylang-ylang oil. Before taking a bath on the second day, you should again say the words: ‘I love, and I am being loved’ three times over the bowl with salt. While doing it, let yourself dream about romantic relationships and incredible deeds that men will be capable of doing for you. After that, dissolve this magical mixture in water.
• The third bath will attract wealth and success to you.
 To prepare it, you will need bergamot oil. If you add 5 drops of it to the salt and dissolve this mixture, you will immediately feel the aroma of success. But you also need magic words. Say three times: ‘I am rich and successful’. While bathing, do not forget to visualize the desired thung. For example, if you dream about a promotion, imagine yourself standing in front of your boss and colleagues while you are solemnly appointed to a leadership position.
The last bath that you should take on the fourth day is deals with the development of your talents and finding your true predestination.
You are recommended to use rose oil for this bath. This oil emits a subtle and hardly perceptible feminine fragrance that contributes to the development of your natural talents and your self-realization. Before taking the fourth bath, say over a bowl of salt and oil: ‘I am talented, I am creative’.
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You also have the opportunity to get your unique fragrance that will complement you and multiply your strengths and emphasize your individuality. Get in touch with Zhannabelle – she will choose the ingredients that suit you.
Every time you take a bath imagine yourself a real queen. Make sure you turn on the music of transformation and feel these magical waves of sounds carry you into a special world of health and prosperity, love and wealth. Feel every cell of your body to be filled with this energy.
Take the baths for 10 minutes at a comfortable temperature. In no case should you take a hot or  a cold bath! You should not feel very tired after the procedure.
A recipe for youth  to be used in shower
‘What to do if I don’t have a bath tub?”, you may  ask. Do not worry; this procedure can be done in the shower. Zhannabelle recommends using magical salt as a healing scrub. Mix it well with oil and then gently rub the mixture over your body. Leave it on your skin for 5 minutes so that the salt pulls out the previous negativity, bad energy and evil outside influence from each cell of your body. At the same time, the essential oil will be absorbed into your skin and give it a pleasant fragrance for a long time. Then rinse yourself in the shower.
At the seminars, Zhannabelle will tell you special secrets of preparing special women’s healing scrubs and baths. She will share ancient sacred knowledge on how to properly use the power of fragrances and what points to apply them on in order to influence a certain area of life.
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Olivia, Portland 
‘I first came to see  Zhannabelle when another boyfriend broke up with me. For a long time, I could not find a man with serious intentions to find happiness. I was about to give up on my personal life but Zhannabelle said that I needed just a little bit to change everything.
The mentor picked a special magical fragrance for me which she had made from magical oils brought from different countries and the Places of Power. Zhannabelle warned me that such perfumes had to be used very carefully. One drop of the elixir can awaken all the inner energy of a person. The mentor also showed me magic points on my body that would only increase the influence of magic perfume on me and my environment.
It only took two days for changes to happen. I work at a post office. One day about six inspectors came to our department to inspect our work. The situation was tense. My colleagues and I began to panic. We started cleaning up our workplaces quickly. One of the inspectors stopped in the doorway and gave me a long look. Then he walked past me and stopped. I confess that my heart stopped beating at that moment.  For  a couple of seconds,  he was thoughtfully looking around and then sharply turned and asked what kind of perfume I was wearing. ‘Now he will start scolding me for using perfume while serving customers. And I will sure get a reprimand for my bright manicure,’ I thought. But my fear was immediately dispelled as soon as the inspector looked me in the eye and said that the perfume was amazing.
Everything went well, and we were even promised bonuses for our good performance. That same evening the inspector offered me a ride home and, when saying good-bye, asked me out. He confessed that he admired me and wanted to spend more time getting to know me. After the first date our relations were developing very quickly. There was a feeling as if we had known each other for a long time as real friends. There was even a moment when he gave me a silver necklace I had been dreaming about for a long time, but I didn’t dare telling him about it. I am dreaming of marrying him, and the other day a friend of mine said that he was getting ready to make me an unforgettable marriage proposal. At last I became very happy as a woman!
I am grateful to Zhannabelle for giving me the magic perfume at just the right time. It helped me to attract true love into my life. Now I proudly recommend everyone to follow my example”.
The magic perfume serves absolutely any purpose in life. Zhannabelle is waiting for you at her training sessions to share her wisdom, to help you clean up your life and find the happiness that you deserve.
Do not forget about miraculous baths. Enjoy them, and soon you will feel the positive magic effect.
My dear, you have obtained new knowledge and now it is time for you to become a ray of light for others. Share this article with them, invite them to become part of the Field of Love and come together to our retreats and classes!
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
The practice of using salt bandages
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Dissolving salt in water no more than 10 percent – active sorbent. It pulls all the impurities out of the harmed body part organ. Important to remember that therapeutic effect can be achieved if the bandage is breathable (hygroscopic), which is determined by the quality of the material used for the bandage.
The salt bandage acts locally – only on the harmed body organ or body area. As the liquid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, the tissue fluid rises from the deeper layers, captivating all the pathogenic onsets: microbes, viruses and organic matter. Thus, during this procedure in the harmed body tissues activates revitalization of fluid, cleansing of the pathogenic factor and the elimination of the pathological process. The bandage with a hypertensive solution of table salt acts gradually. The therapeutic result is achieved within 7-10 days, and sometimes more.
If you face a runny nose and headaches to apply a circular bandage on the forehead and the back of the head at night. After an hour and a half, the runny nose passes, and by morning the headache disappears. In any colds, bandages are used at the first sign. If you still missed the time and the infection managed to penetrate the throat and bronchi, it is necessary to do together a full bandage on the head and neck (from 3-4 layers of soft thin cloth) and on the back (from 2 layers of wet and 2 layers of dry towels) usually for the whole night. Recovery is achieved after 4-5 procedures.
How to cook 10% medical saline solution:
– 1 liter of boiled, snowy or rain or distilled warm water.
– 90 g table salt (i.e. 3 tablespoons without top). Stir thoroughly. It turned out to be a 9 percent medical saline solution. Pour part of the solution into the bowl and place 8 layers of cotton and paper cheesecloth and hold in it 1 minute. Squeeze it slightly so it would not leak.
Put 8 layers of cheesecloth on a sore body part and a piece of pure lamb wool on top. Do it before going to bed. Combine everything with cotton and paper cloth bandage, without applying plastic pads and take it off in the morning only. Next night repeat all procedure again. This amazingly simple recipe cures from many diseases, pulls out all toxins from the spine to the skin, kills all infections.
This recipe helps from:
– internal hemorrhage
– severe bruise on the lungs
– inflammatory processes in the knee joint
– blood infections
– fatality caused by hemorrhage in the leg after stab wound
– inflammation of the neck muscles
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zhannabelle-eng · 3 years
What is happening in the world now?
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Zhannabelle explains the causes of disasters in 2020
Everyone knows what terrible events are happening in the world nowadays. Military actions, pandemics, natural disasters, protests and rallies keep the whole mankind in fear. In this article, Zhannabelle explains the causes of what is happening and also gives recommendations for the people to get rid of the troubles and misfortunes sent to us.
Do you know that the negative phenomena that have recently occurred on our planet happen for a reason? They are the intrigues of dark spirits. But why the 2020 was marked by so many bad events? 
About the cause of world disasters
Zhannabelle says that 2020 is a tipping point in the fate of the planet. The age of dark forces is coming to an end right now and the transition to a brighter time begins. But evil spirits do not want to give up power over people and therefore try to leave behind as much hatred, destruction and aggression as possible. 
It is the dark spirits instigate people to the acts of terrorism, rallies and discrimination. Their purpose is to divide mankind to seize the power over people again. Therefore, we just need to help this world to pass into the bright times. 
What can we do?
Things that are now happening in the world should have happened. Because in the fate of the planet, dark forces would sooner or later lose to the bright side. Today they do not want to give up their power over us. Therefore, we must help our world get rid of the dark forces as soon as possible. 
What can we, women, do? How can we influence this situation? Taking up arms and use it to counteract the negativity is certainly not the solution. It will sow even more hatred and aggression around. 
Our most important weapons is the power that luies inside each of us. By revealing it and directing it in the right direction, we will be able to create beautiful things.
And now imagine: if we unite the power of a whole group of women, we can save all of humanity! When we unite the positive energy of our hearts, when we give people faith and hope, when we help those in need and pray sincerely, we protect our planet from anger and misfortune.
Zhannabelle urges you not to come under the influence of the spirits of fear, aggression and irritation, depression or panic. They will try to penetrate into your heart and sow there seeds of divisions. Because the person filled with light energy is a great prey for evil spirits. Each of them does everything possible to lead us off our path, to fill our hearts with darkness and obscurity. 
If you suddenly feel that fear, self distrust inside of yourself, and there is unreasonable anger towards everyone in your actions, just know: these are not your emotions and feelings. These are the intrigue of dark forces that are trying to influence you, to break and take you off the right path. In no case come under their influence! If you feel that you are about to break, do a practice or meditation that Zhannabelle teaches at her seminars.
Helping others or doing charity also cleanses the heart and fills it with kindness, compassion and love. Do not linger! Start taking care of those who need your support now! Feed a stray cat, help an elderly neighbor to bring food from the store, take old books to the nearest library, thus making this world a little better.
Trust us: it’s a lot. Every good thing we do starts a cycle of good deeds. For example, you simply compliment your colleague, she will subconsciously consider it her duty to compliment another person, and the latter, in turn, will pass on this positive message. You can’t even imagine how many people you can make happier!
Open your heart to the light and love, because the more women gather in the places of Power, the more positive spiritual energy is created in this world, the less chance evil spirits have to enslave other people.
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All the positivity, all the light that you share at Zhannabelle’s seminars, goes to those people who can’t get a hold of themselves and start fighting evil. Just think: a person obsessed with evil spirit, who already wanted to bear arms, say something bad or even cause a conflict, suddenly gets your positive energy. His heart is filled with kindness and love. He starts realizing the terrible things his actions could have caused. At one moment he exclaims: “Oh my God, what have I almost done! You will help him finally throw off the slave chains of dark forces.  
If we unite, our light will reach every living being on the planet. There will be much less violence, murder and betrayal in the world. Your positive energy will have a strong impact on humanity.
It is very important to use the most powerful, strongest female weapon – positive energy. And our communal prayer and the strongest rituals can do real wonders. Attend Zhannabelle’s group lessons and become part of something beautiful that will save our planet, our children and grandchildren from evil and destruction! 
Linda, Stuttgart
“Like everybody else, I was greatly scared by the coronavirus epidemic. I began to worry terribly as soon as I heard that they wanted to quarantine my city. I was panic stricken. I was afraid of losing my job, because I saw what was happening to my friends and acquaintances, the business was collapsing. When the pandemic had just started, my salary was cut as much as twice! I had to save a lot, though I tried to do everything so that this saving would not affect my daughter in any way. But still, I had no opportunity to lead the life as I used to. Now if I go to buy food, I buy only what I need, otherwise it will not have enough money to pay my bills. Even on my daughter’s birthday I had to buy her a more low-budget toy, a horse, instead of the  Little Pony she dreamed of. 
This situation was killing me. Knowing that this should not continue, I asked Zhannabelle for help. Since they introduced quarantine, we could only meet online. The mentor said that now it is hard for the whole world, because the dark forces are trying to do as much harm as possible. She advised everyone to attend online seminars and special training sessions on saving the planet. Having listened to her, I have been attending her events for several months. All this time we prayed, sent our energy to “obsessed” people and performed special rituals. And you know, there was a result after a while. 
They did not return my normal salary at work, so I decided that I have nothing to do there anymore, I have to keep developing. Once I found an excellent job on the Internet. They even paid me a decent salary. Since then I have more free time, I became calm and found harmony, which I lacked all this time! Having received the first advance on salary, I immediately bought my daughter the pony she wanted and gave her the gift for no reason. However, there a reason: our big victory over all the negativity that ruined a happy life!
I believe that Zhannabelle’s seminars will help to save this world and to rid it of its troubles.
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Let us pray together, radiate light, give happiness and love. Let’s gather in the places of Power, let’s attend the seminars, healing this world, so not to let the dark forces get into hearts and minds. Let’s make sure that our children live happily, that we let them go to school and we are not afraid of anything – we will know that they are safe.
We, women, have a great power – the power of our love. That is why it is so important to unite and pray together for everyone’s well-being. Yes, it is often difficult for us to cope alone with difficulties, and it is so important to be in a circle of understanding people. In our classes and workshops, masters create the Field of Love, Understanding and Friendship, where everyone will feel free and safe. Become a part of the Field of Love in our training and retreats!
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zhannabelle-eng · 4 years
Winter solstice: how to celebrate this day?
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The time when your wishes can come true
You and I are used to celebrating the beginning of the year on January 1, it is already a tradition. However, our ancestors knew and respected the laws of nature, which do not always coincide with calendar holidays. Therefore, they considered the day of winter solstice to be the most important event in the annual cycle. This is a special energy date, and it has been well said: “A good year beginning makes the whole year good”. Zhannabelle will help you figure out how to celebrate The Winter Solstice Day to make the whole year successful.
The day that can be a turning point in your destiny 
The winter solstice marks the longest night, after which the day starts to better. This year, on December 21, the sun reaches its lowest position. In astrology, the sun passes from Sagittarius to Capricorn, and the astrological winter begins.
Our ancestors heralded the day of winter solstice with the collision of forces of Light and Darkness. As the forces of Light win the battle, this time symbolizes the rebirth, the emergence of hope and the joyful beginning of the journey to solar abundance. It is imbued with the most powerful energy to the extent that innermost and most incredible human dreams can become true, one can get rid of all unnecessary things, attract happiness and prosperity.
Just in this period it is important to follow the recommendations that Zhannabelle gives us. She urges to pay maximum attention to doing personal practices and rethinking one’s life path.
How should one prepare?
Do the house bottoming a few days before the holiday.
• Dispose of things in cabinets, storage rooms and under-the-ceiling storage bins, throw away the trash.
• Give the rest of the unnecessary things to the needy (orphanages or shelters). 
• Wash the nooks and crannies in your home.
• Put all the things where they should be 
Why do I need house bottoming? It will help you clear a place in your life for something new and good in the coming year. It may be a promotion at work or even new addition to your family. When you get rid of unnecessary things, you also throw away problems and failures from your life. 
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Additionally, Zhannabelle recommends doing any good thing before the Winter Solstice Day.
You can help a friend, become a volunteer, or even organize a charity event. The spirit of the Sun will certainly appreciate it and help you do good. 
After that analyze your life and write down all your goals and dreams. By performing special rituals on this magical day, you can start the process of fulfilling your desires.
Determine what is really important for you, and what you want to get rid of. After that, start the rituals, in which the forces of light will help you.
Ritual to fulfill your dreams
Zhannabelle recommends cooking a special wish cake to make even the most seemingly impossible dreams come true on the Winter Solstice Day. It is better to cook it the day before, on December 20. If possible, bring your whole family together. Everyone should participate, including grandparents and children. Try to find a task for everyone.
Cook only in a joyful atmosphere, with a smile on your face, and imagine a happy future for your family. Enjoy the unity of your family, because when you are making a cake, you are not only making a gift to the spirit of the Sun, but also connecting the generations – the elder and younger. Let your cake be rouge, round, like the sun. Put as much positive energy as you can in your cake. 
At dawn, December 21, start making wishes. To do this, stand up facing east, take the cake. Let the elder of the family hold it or put it before you. Mentally greet the spirit of the Sun. Say it out loud: “Accept this sacrifice as a token of respect and esteem for you, be gracious to us”. 
Thank the Sun for all the good things that happened to you the previous year. Remember different moments, scroll through the events in your head again. Again feel those emotions that you felt then. Let every member of your family remember their pleasant memories and welcome the Sun too. 
Now make a wish. Close your eyes and visualize your dream in detail. If this is a thing, for example, a beautiful new watch, then imagine that it is already on your wrist, you feel it, taking it all around. Well, if your goal is not a material thing, for example,  promotion at work or recovery of your relative, then live this moment. Try to feel the emotions that you will have when the desired thing happens. 
On Winter Solstice Day, it is best to make wishes that involve changes in life and the appearance of something positive in it. If you wish for the appearance of a pet or moving to a more comfortable apartment, the spirit of the Sun will be only glad to help you realize this dream. 
Once it is done, cut out the middle part of the pie and put it on the most beautiful plate you can find at home. Make sure that this part is not eaten by any of your family members. You should put the plate with the middle part outside or on the window sill so that the birds and squirrels can help themselves. These forest guests are the helpers of the spirit of the Sun. They are the ones who will pass on your positive message to it. 
If no one has ever touched the cake, it means that the spirit of the Sun did not accept your offering and will not help fulfilling your wish. In this case turn to Zhannabelle the mentor immediately. This behavior of birds and forest animals means that there is something wrong in your lineage, and you need to fix it. The main thing is not to worry, the seminars of the mentor will certainly help you! 
Split the rest of the cake among all family members. Eat it as if you were a child: sincerely rejoicing, praising, smiling and perhaps even smacking with pleasure. 
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For everything to go well in the coming year, to lay the foundation for the Happy Year program, attend a special seminar dedicated to this day. During the next training sessions you will learn how to prepare for this day, you will be able to make an amulet for good luck and strengthen the defense of your lineage.
Amalia, Koper
“For the first time I came to Zhannabelle for help, and this meeting completely changed my life. At that time I was at the peak of despair: I did not have a boyfriend, although all my friends have long been married. I was afraid to stay completely alone, and because of constant depression I looked tired and aged beyond my years. Zhannabelle understood where the root of the problem lies already at the first consultation. It turned out that I fell under the negative influence of my own sister. Not realizing it, she sent evil thoughts and energy in my direction, which broke our relationship and destroyed my faith in myself. This made me and her unhappy, but once we went together like salt and pepper. 
My mentor gave me a protective amulet and also told me about the approaching winter solstice. I learned that it was the best time for forgiveness and fulfillment of desires. Therefore, I was preparing especially for the holiday. I called my mother to make a wish cake together. Also, on Zhannabelle’s advice, I invited my sister. While cooking, we had a heart-to-heart talk, and she admitted that she was very jealous of me. She was also afraid that I would forget about her if I started my own family. And she added: “We won’t have any more sister parties over a cup of tea!” Her words touched me. I wasn’t angry with her at all and I promised her that I would always be there for her.
The rest of the evening was in a very joyful atmosphere. My mother told stories from our childhood, we remembered the happy moments. At dawn, the three of us went out to the winter gazebo in front of our house, and made the most cherished wishes. I sincerely wished to find my love and be happily married.
Simply inconceivable events started happening in my life from this day on! My sister and I are best friends again. I blossomed and started looking younger, about five years younger. It’s been less than a month since I got acquainted with a man in the gym. I left my wallet at the reception, and he noticed in time and handed it to me, saying that in return he needs my phone number. Soon we started a relationship. He is ideal both externally and internally. There was not a single day he left me without his attention and care. And once during a date, he made a prank, which went into an offer to get married! We have been together for a year already, and every day with him is filled with real happiness! 
The winter solstice is a truly magical day. It is able to fulfill even the most intimate and seemingly impossible desires. Zhannabelle will teach you how to make the most of this day for yourself and your family at her seminars. 
It is important not only to study, but also to practice the knowledge gained in a circle of like-minded people. We invite you to join the company of happy, open and loving people in our classes and retreats!
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