witchcraftandmayhem · 21 days
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Do you want your spells to have as much impact as possible? Sometimes, yes! I personally like to use a mix of science and magic in a lot of my spells.
Have a cold? Brew a mint tea and chant a spell before drinking it. Won't cure the cold but will help with the congestion and some other symptoms.
Need to protect your home from pests and other entities? Lavender and Eucalyptus both smell great and can keep certain bugs and bad things away.
Sometimes, action alongside a spell does a lot, too!
A friend is feeling ill? Offer to make a soup and stir love and health in it maybe offer to help in other ways. Won't cure the sickness, but I'm sure your friend will appreciate it.
Want to help the environment? do a spell, but also start advocating for greener practices and do your part to be greener, too!
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witchcraftandmayhem · 22 days
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I have seen many magic practitioners online claim that blowing out candles is disrespectful or bad for your spells. often in videos warning baby witches or in the comments section of someone who blew out their candles.
Honestly, it's entirely up to the individual if they want to blow out their candles or snuff them out.
Not everyone's practice is based on the same beliefs or the same origins. Things like this are an individuals choice and shouldn't be pressured on to people.
So, if you want, go ahead and blow out your candles or snuff them out. As long as you are being careful and using fire safety, it doesn't matter.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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*This isn't telling the future just a way to view something differently to find answers or information*
The jumping spider. So many are afraid of spiders, even the harmless ones. Jumping spiders are fairly harmless, often only biting when absolutely necessary. We learn that while the jumping spider can give us a fright, it has little intention of hurting us. It's best not to judge anything or anyone solely on their appearance alone.
This card could act as a call to re-evaluate a judgment we've made or could be telling us there is an unexpected friendship on the way. of course, there are many ways to interpret this card, and you can apply whatever meaning you think fits best.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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Of course, the first step must be research.Do it, and while you do it, make sure whatever it is you have in mind for this spell Won't be problematic for other cultures. Once you have done that, you can move on to the next step.
What is the purpose of the spell? Think about it and about the intentions behind making it. Remember that magic needs action alongside it to be most effective.
Think about the symbolism you want in the spell. Find things that have personal symbolism to use.
Get creative! Put together your spell using the research and thought you've put in. Make a chant, write a poem, and pick ingredients if you want.
I hope this helps you get a start in creating your own spells!
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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My altar is my workspace for my spells, my space to find peace, and while my altar isn't dedicated to any deity  I use my altar to pray and show my respect and devotion to nature.
I like to put flowers I've dried, acorns and rocks I've found, and herbs on my offering plate. I use pinecones and tree imagery to decorate my altar. My wand is a stick I found on the ground. In the spring and summer, I collect plants and weeds with a variety of uses and use them in my craft.
My mini cauldron is what I use to burn things and gather energy from. It sits in the middle of my altar. A symbol of Cerridwen goddess of the cauldron and inspiration. I plan on getting a bigger cauldron so I can use it for many more things.
Not everyone has to dedicate their altar to a deity for it to be sacred. Your altar space, if you choose to have one, needs to be unique and special to you.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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This is my own way of doing things you don't have to do it this way.
Many people use divination to tell the future or find hidden knowledge. I use divination to help brainstorm, look at different aspects of the situation, and bring myself some comfort when under stress.
I personally don't see my divination tools as a way to tell the future. Believing that your tarot card readings are 100% accurate can be dangerous. Like I have said before, magic can't guarantee anything. It can give ideas and suggestions, but not a perfect reading of the future.
Many different forms of divination can be very useful. When used knowing they can't give perfect readings, they can help people find solutions or make decisions. I like to use oracle cards or ogham staves when I am confused or lost in a situation. I use them to help me look at things in ways I wouldn't normally in order to help me make a decision on how to move forward.
There are many types of divination, cloud reading, tarot, oracle cards, ogham staves, stone casting, scrying, and many more. I love seeing witches explore many types of divination. Yes, tarot can be useful, but it's really nice to see variety.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
So does anyone know why so many "New Age" shops are like... the way they are?
I mean at this point I feel like most witches who have spent at lease a year or two practicing/researching the craft have had the experience of walking into a store recommended to you by someone well meaning because "you like witchy stuff, right?" only to be hit with the strongest incense imaginable, "smudging sticks", overpriced goods, books by Silver RavenWolf, and crystals you just know weren't sourced ethically. If there was only a small handful of shops like this, I wouldn't be making this post. The problem is, however, that most "witchy" stores only promote and cater towards an audience of beginner witches that don't know better, and people who genuinely don't care about appropriation. Why is this the norm. Genuinely. I know the obvious answer is "because they make money and we live in a capitalistic society", but still. I want to be able to not have my expectations in the Earth's core when it comes to "witchy" shops. I want these stores to not set such bad examples for beginners. And most importantly, I want better for our community. These stores drag the reputation of witchcraft and magic through the mud, when they really shouldn't be. Like do any other communities have the problem? Do fishing shops suck this badly? Or am I just going insane again.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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There is this misguided idea that everything a witch uses for their craft must be based on something old or ancient. This can lead to the spread of misinformation about where many of these spells, rituals, and practices actually come from.
Many of our practices are actually fairly modern, and that is ok! Our practices don't have to be from ancient times in order for them to mean something. I think we need to learn where our practices come from and be more honest about their age.
Modern witchcraft practices are a good thing! We grow and change, and so should our practices. There is nothing wrong with mixing some old in with the new. We should be careful when claiming something is from the ancient druids if we aren't certain that it actually is.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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Dandelions ♡ I'm sure many of us as children have gathered those beautiful yellow blossoms or wished on a dandelion puff watching the little pieces of fluff float away. Doing this always felt magical to me, and seeing them brings me so much joy.
As many people get older, they'll begin to see dandelions as a pesky stubborn weed. Even though dandelions can be very useful and edible!
It's a mixture of the childhood memories I have with dandelions and their ability to with stand harsh conditions that make me feel they are so magical.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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Depending on who you ask, magic can be all sorts of things. Some say it's a type of energy, and some say you borrow it from dieties.
My own personal belief is that magic is a tool anyone can use and is fueled with both actions and intention. No one can cure anything with magic. Nor can they make the impossible happen and to claim that you can is immoral and exploits people who are desperate.
With that in mind, magic is still a great tool for many people. It can help with thinking about things through a different lens and be an outlet for anxiety and emotions. It can help some people feel like they have space for peace in the world of loud stress and complexities. Many herbs used in magic can be a small help with health and beauty.
You can't just do a healing spell and think your job is done. There is action that must be taken with it, like visiting a doctor or helping care for someone who is sick. Though you can't cure anything with those things, they can help. Some spells like healing spells and spells for success need action alongside it for it to be impactful.
As long as we are careful about what we claim our magic can do and when needed, apply action to support spells, magic can be a very helpful tool.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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The witchcraft and new age spiritualism communities seem to love to take from and appropriate other cultures. One I don't hear talked about as much is Romani culture and people.
First, let me recommend someone who is far more informed than me and is one of the people you should go to in order to learn more on this topic. Florian or florida.florian on tiktok is romani himself and makes a lot of videos talking about this very topic.Please go watch his videos.
I've seen a few witches and pagans refer to themselves as g*psies. That's the only time I'm going to use that word because it's a slur, and I just need you to know what word I am talking about. But yes, that word has been one used to discriminate and mistreat the romani people and is 100% a slur. It's best that we stop using it.
I also see people wearing clothing and things they call bohemian when really it's a poor misrepresentation of romani clothing and culture. I urge you to do some research on this topic. I know that we can do better than to appropriate and hurt other cultures for our own benefit.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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There are many different types of witches out there ones that do different practices and magic. Not everyone who does magic or ritualistic practices is a witch. Some witches are spiritual, and some aren't. Many people outside the witchcraft community do not understand these things, and some people seem to think that all witches practice Wicca.
The one thing in my opinion that largely separates witches from druid and other pagan practices is the decision to accept and claim the title witch. There are witches that are also Norse pagan there are Wiccans who aren't witches and so many other varieties.
What's important is that the individual claims the title witch. If they don't, then they aren't, and that's ok. We need to be careful with what we call witchcraft and who we call a witch. Those terms, while they can be empowering they are also used to discriminate and demonize religions and cultures outside of white Christianity.
I hesitated for a while to call myself a witch. Even while I was doing spells and waving a wand, I wasn't a witch because I hadn't accepted that title yet. That was ok. There was nothing wrong at all with doing magic and not claiming to be a witch. Of course, now I do consider myself a witch. Something I came to choose after a lot of consideration and thought.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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Sometimes, we get caught up in trying to mimic other practices and rituals. Following spells exactly as shown or instructed and buying all the same tools our mentors use. While that's all helpful, we forget that it's our own personal craft. We need to make our own thing.
Writing poetic spells, using plants and items we are familiar with, and creating our own spells and rituals from things that have personal meaning. That's what may advance your craft to feeling more impactful
There are so many ways of doing this. using the weeds you used to pick as a child, using spices and herbs your grandmother used a lot, writing your own rhymes into spells and chants. It's surprising what small things can make such a huge difference.
When I first started out, I studied so many different things and paths. But one thing really connected with me, and that was welsh folklore. Something I learned from another witch, Mhara Starling, through her videos and her book was rather than only using spells and rituals I learned from someone else I could make my own.
So, using folklore and superstitions passed down from my family and from Wales, I started making my craft my own.
Of course, I will still use spells taught to me by other witches and even use some for inspiration. But having a few things that are my own has made my craft feel special and personal.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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This won't be a perfect guide and might not work for everyone. This does, however, work for me, and I think it could help other witches.
1.Dollar stores
You can find so many affordable items that are useful for your practice! Jars, candles, spices, tea. I definitely suggest you take a look around a dollar store if you can. You might just be surprised at what you find.
2. Herbal tea
Sometimes, buying herbs can be expensive, and so I sometimes buy herbal tea, open up the tea bags, and dump them into assigned jars for magic use. You can find a lot of affordable brands of tea with mint, lemon grass, ginger, and so much more!
3.Thrift stores
Of course, I'm gonna recommend thrift stores! There are so many possible finds that can be useful for your craft.
4. Using glass jars from food.
I like to give pickle jars and spaghetti sauce jars a very good clean and use them for holding herbs, ingredients , or spells
Be very careful with this one do research and be thorough with identifying what you're foraging. When done safely, this can be a very useful way to gather ingredients for spells or even find trinkets and pretty stones.
6. Learning how to create
Learning how to make your own tools or items can be a very useful way to save money and make your craft more meaningful. Things like crochet, learning to turn plants into string/rope, and other creative hobbies are excellent for this.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 4 months
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1.First I write down a short spell on a small piece of paper. Often about new beginnings and hopes for the future.
Then, put it in a small draw string bag.
2. I put dried cranberries in due to their red color being similar to the red berries of different holly and rowan trees. The red color is believed to be protective against magic and other threats.
3. I also put crushed pincone in the bag to me personally. I associate pinecones with life and new beginnings since they help spread seeds of the pine tree.
4. Then I put some cinnamon in simply because it smells nice.
5. I close the small pouch and hang it above the front door of my home.
Be careful and check the pouch every few weeks or so if the dried cranberries go bad it's time to dispose of the spell.
Keep and clean the pouch to be used for future spells.
This spell is a nice way to start the year. It helps me be in a more positive mindset by letting me think about what each ingredient represents.
I personally will change the spell each year to have more or fewer ingredients depending on how im feeling.You can edit this spell to fit your needs and practice. You don't have to use all the same ingredients. Pick ones that mean something to you.
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