wincemag · 7 months
Call for Submissions: The Whumpboratory
Calling all whump writers! The Whumpy Printing Press is looking for stories for its third anthology, to be published in paperback and ebook formats in 2024.  
Theme: Lab whump. For this anthology, we’re looking for whumpy stories that involve a laboratory. Maybe your whumpee is a lab rat. Maybe they’re on the run from the ethically questionable organization that has been holding them prisoner. Maybe the whumpee has finally flipped the script on their whumper. As long as a lab is incorporated into the story in some way, it counts!
We take a broad view of whump- it can be physical or emotional. Your stories can be hurt no comfort or comfort no hurt, just as long as they touch on whump in some way.  
Word Count: Up to 17,500 words
For this anthology, we are looking for stories in the following categories:
Micro-fiction: 250 words or less
Flash fiction: 251-1,000 words
Short Story: 1,001-7,499 words
Novelette: 7,500-17,500 words 
Compensation: ebook contributor’s copy, one free paperback, and discounts on additional paperbacks
50% of proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to charity.
Submissions Open: October 28, 2023 Submit Here!
Submissions Close: May 31, 2024 (hard deadline)
Expected Publication Date: October 2024
The Nitty-Gritty
Simultaneous submissions: Allowed, but let us know immediately if your story is accepted somewhere else.
Multiple Submissions: One per category. So for example, you can submit a short story and a micro fiction but you can’t submit two micro fictions. 
Reprints: Allowed, but please indicate where your story was originally published. This includes if your story was originally posted on AO3 or Tumblr!
Rights: Nonexclusive worldwide electronic and print rights. All copyright remains with the author. A simple contract will be provided.
Compensation: One ebook contributor’s copy, one free paperback, and discounts on additional paperbacks
Submissions are open to residents of any country.
You must be 18 or older to submit.
No explicit torture of children under the age of 13. 
No fanfiction, for legal reasons. No stories generated partly or in whole by artificial intelligence. 
Formatting: Please submit your story as a Microsoft word document with 12pt, Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Indicate scene breaks with ###.  
Edits: Stories will be lightly edited for spelling and grammar. The content of the story will not be changed, and all edits will be sent to you for approval.
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wincemag · 7 months
Happy Halloween (and Once Upon A Blade release day)! We hope everyone's Whumptober was excellent.
While it's been quiet over here, we are still accepting submissions for non-fiction, as well as short, original fiction. (No fanfiction, for copyright reasons.) Response times are longer and we're no longer soliciting pieces directly, but we're still eager to publish any top-notch works of 1k-5k that you'd like to send our way.
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wincemag · 1 year
We’re still open to submissions!
If you’ve got something good, sent it in!
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wincemag · 3 years
A Quick Update on our Publishing Schedule
Dear Wince readers,
Over the past few months, both Claire and Ari have been spending less time on Tumblr and in whump spaces in general. As a result, we’re making some changes to Wince’s publication schedule. We’re no longer publishing twice a month – moving forward, our schedule will change according to the submissions we receive.
We look forward to reading your reviews, meta, listicles, and round-ups, and we’ll still get back to you as quickly as we can. If you have questions that require a quick response or would like to let the editors know that you’ve sent in a submission, you can drop them a line at @withalittlebitofwhump (Ari) or @aravenwhumper (Claire).
All the best as we finish out 2021!
Ari & Claire
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wincemag · 3 years
A Quick Update on our Publishing Schedule
Dear Wince readers,
Over the past few months, both Claire and Ari have been spending less time on Tumblr and in whump spaces in general. As a result, we're making some changes to Wince's publication schedule. We're no longer publishing twice a month -- moving forward, our schedule will change according to the submissions we receive.
We look forward to reading your reviews, meta, listicles, and round-ups, and we'll still get back to you as quickly as we can. If you have questions that require a quick response or would like to let the editors know that you've sent in a submission, you can drop them a line at @withalittlebitofwhump (Ari) or @aravenwhumper (Claire).
All the best as we finish out 2021!
Ari & Claire
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wincemag · 3 years
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Create a whump scene.  Imagine them in pain, imagine them screaming and crying and shuddering.  Blood stains a dark shirt, a razor-sharp knife gleams in the light, electricity crackles, eyes slowly slide shut.
Tips on creating your own whump OC by @iwhumpyou here!
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wincemag · 3 years
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In 2018, Tumblr user @the-whumpy-fangirl suggested celebrating an International Whump Day, proposing September 12th as the first of Daniel’s many deaths. This International Whump Day, we asked long-time whumper and fanfic librarian Ace to help us celebrate by recommending us fifteen of her favorite Daniel Jackson whump fics.
@aceofwhump was kind enough to recommend Wince readers fifteen Daniel Jackson whump fics for 2021′s International Whump Day. They’ll keep you busy until Whumptober rolls around, at least. 
You can find the list ✨here!✨ 
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wincemag · 3 years
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I think my earliest experiences with whump come from way back when I was about five or six. I remember little stories written in pages torn from one of my sister’s school jotters, with characters from my favourite shows being captured or injured.
Find out about Wince editor Claire’s favorite writers, dream articles, and most beloved whump book here!
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wincemag · 3 years
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I think my earliest experiences with whump come from way back when I was about five or six. I remember little stories written in pages torn from one of my sister’s school jotters, with characters from my favourite shows being captured or injured.
Find out about Wince editor Claire’s favorite writers, dream articles, and most beloved whump book here!
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wincemag · 3 years
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In the days before pretty much every movie with any kind of hype behind it was delayed by a year, Uncharted was supposed to be out in cinemas by now, thirteen long years after it was first announced. But now we have to wait another EIGHT months for its release in February 2022 - which is, fun fact, the film’s seventh announced release date since 2016. It’s been a long wait for fans of the series but if the film is anything like the games, it’ll be worth it in the end - for whumpers, at least.
You can read the rest of this review here!
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wincemag · 3 years
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In the days before pretty much every movie with any kind of hype behind it was delayed by a year, Uncharted was supposed to be out in cinemas by now, thirteen long years after it was first announced. But now we have to wait another EIGHT months for its release in February 2022 - which is, fun fact, the film’s seventh announced release date since 2016. It’s been a long wait for fans of the series but if the film is anything like the games, it’ll be worth it in the end - for whumpers, at least.
You can read the rest of this review here!
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wincemag · 3 years
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Author’s Note: I first got the idea to study the neuropsychology behind the whump fandom about six years ago, and as I’ve furthered my studies, I’ve found more ways by which the science of whump could be studied empirically. This paper is a compilation of some of the research I’ve done along with a brief explanation of whump and the history thereof.
Read S. E. Klein’s research proposal for studying the neurophisiology of whump at Wince Mag ✨ here! ✨
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wincemag · 3 years
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Set up in October 2018, the Round Table is the Discord server celebrating all things whumpy fanfiction. It’s a book club of the best kind - a place for whumpers to discuss fanfiction and bond over their favourite instances of whump. I was fortunate enough to be able to interview its members, who were happy to share exactly what it is that they love about the club.
To read all about the club and hear what they had to say, check out their interview here!
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wincemag · 3 years
Ari again! 
Tumblr gave me my account back (yay!) and while I lost some content on another blog, it’s good to know it wasn't my whump blog that got flagged. I’m back at @withalittlebitofwhump now, business as usual.
Hi all, this is Ari – @withalittlebitofwhump , with a quick personal post:
Tumblr deleted my personal account for “adult content” (which I don’t post) and took all of my sideblogs, including my whump blog, with it.
I’ve contacted support about what caused them to delete my account, and hopefully they’ll restore everything and provide me with an explanation.
I don’t want to put on my tinfoil hat prematurely, but I am nervous that they might have terminated my account because of either my whump sideblog or my horror/folklore/true crime sideblog. If this turns out to be the case, I’ll be sure to let you know. In any case, now might be a good time to check your settings.
Thanks all! ❤️❤️
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wincemag · 3 years
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I’ve been thinking a lot recently about whump.
Well duh, I hear you say (and you’d be right to, haha).
But what I mean is that I’ve been thinking about what whump — the word, the genre, the community — means, as opposed to, say, hurt/comfort or sometimes to angst. And I’ve come to the realisation that for me, whether something ‘counts’ as whump or not — whether it can or should be stamped with that label, seems to rest on the creator’s motivations (or sometimes, what I assume of the creator’s motivations).
June’s first article is live! Read “On Defining Whump, and the Motivations of the Creators” by @justwhumpythings in Wince Mag ✨here. ✨ 
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wincemag · 3 years
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I’ve been thinking a lot recently about whump.
Well duh, I hear you say (and you’d be right to, haha).
But what I mean is that I’ve been thinking about what whump — the word, the genre, the community — means, as opposed to, say, hurt/comfort or sometimes to angst. And I’ve come to the realisation that for me, whether something ‘counts’ as whump or not — whether it can or should be stamped with that label, seems to rest on the creator’s motivations (or sometimes, what I assume of the creator’s motivations).
June’s first article is live! Read “On Defining Whump, and the Motivations of the Creators” by @justwhumpythings in Wince Mag ✨here. ✨ 
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wincemag · 3 years
Hey! Whumpdoyoumean here. I'm so sorry (and angry ngl) to hear about your blog being shut down!!! I'll be out here pulling for you, I love your whump blog and you! Lmk if there's anything I can do!
Thank you! I have my fingers crossed that it's some weird fluke and I'll get it back quickly, but if the termination does turn out to be due to whump or horror content, I'll be sure to let the community know.
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