wimexseven · 21 days
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I saw a meme and immediately thought of a disgruntled OoT Zora who delivers ice so people can make iced treats.
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wimexseven · 29 days
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Fierce Deity for a friend that asked me to draw him!
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wimexseven · 4 months
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Depresso from Palworld with the trait Motivational Leader has to be the best thing to come out of 2024
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wimexseven · 4 months
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Was chatting to friends in discord about Vaperwave, which turned into the Cyberpunk, which in turned became about the LU boys, which THEN became about the LU boys as Vaperwave/Cyberpunk. So here's Twilight as Vaperwave/Cyberpunk ... well an attempt at it anyway!
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wimexseven · 6 months
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This guy? I love this guy and loved him ever since Deltarune Chapter 2 came out, and I knew I had to draw him sometime. That time was now! I was very doubtful with the cel shading style when I started it but I think it turned out really well!! I'm happy with how it came out!
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wimexseven · 7 months
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It's been a good while since I've drawn him but I can't help but love Time. He's such a good chap.
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wimexseven · 1 year
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Tulin is completed!! I had a lot of fun colouring him!!
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wimexseven · 1 year
this isn't an ask, I just wanted to say your art fucks, and brings much joy to many people--me included.
i'd put this stuff on my fridge, you have fridge status, do you know how exclusive of a club that is?
Ahhh thank you so much! I love that you think it fucks AND is fridge worthy. This actually made my day! Thanks!
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wimexseven · 1 year
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Admittedly, it’s been a very long while since I’ve drawn anything, but playing totk made me very excited about drawing again and you have no idea how happy that makes me!  Since I’ve done the champions from botw, I’ve decided to do the Sages of totk, starting with Tulin! I totally didn’t just take the Great Eagle Bow from my Revali piece and copy it on this -shifty eyes- It’s still just a sketch so I’m still working on his anatomy/size/fixing up everything, but I just wanted to show you a quick wip! 
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wimexseven · 2 years
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Had this sitting around in my files for a while now and decided to finish it tonight. Best to anyway, before he gets his butt whooped by 4 small people. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ                   (ಠ⌣ಠ) Also on another note, is there a LU discord that I could join? :’D -- Deviant Art | Twitter | Instagram
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wimexseven · 2 years
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Mike flicked through the cameras as quickly as he could, trying to find the only animatronic in the entire building. Alarms suddenly blared, and he growled as he moved over to the other monitor to restart the ventilation system, before turning around back to the cameras.
Flipping through them, he could not find him. Switching to the Vent cameras showed nothing either. “Damn it, where did he go?” He harshly whispered to himself. 
That was when he heard it.
The light, but unmistakable clink of metal feet on tiles. Mike’s head snapped to the left and there the animatronic was, standing in the office door frame. Springtrap. Mike could feel the dilapidated rabbit eyes roam along his form. His ears wiggle before trying to straighten up despite their broken state, and the gaping mouth opened slightly, as if his grin was growing. He took a step into the room, but Mike stood out of his chair, calmly, before speaking.
“I found you.” Mike spoke with a tinny, droning voice. 
Mike removed the scarf that was covering his face, before taking off his sunglasses. He dropped both on the floor, not letting his glowing purple eyes move away from Springtrap. Mike opened his mouth and felt his wires slither out. A few of the eyes came out as well giving him a new view of Springtrap from different angles. He could feel a few more wiggle out from his chest. Lifting his chin, Mike smiled, showing his sharp metal fangs. At the moment, Mike was glad he inherited his fathers extra wide, and creepy smile. The effect wouldn’t be the same without it. 
He moved his wires closer to Springtrap, who in turn took a step back as he eyed the tentacles. Mike moved forward, hand slowly slipping into his pocket where he kept the Zippo lighter for this particular moment. He had waited decades for this, and he will not waste it.
“I found you, Father.” He growled out, as he took an aggressive step towards him. Springtrap kept moving back until it hit the corridor wall, eyes still trained on the wires. Mike slipped the lighter out of his pocket, before quickly withdrawing his wires back closer to him. Springtrap’s white eyes, burning with anger and confusion, snapped back to his own glowing ones. He ignited the lighter. 
“Burn in Hell Father.” He tossed the lighter into the fuel he pre-laid down before his shift started before dashing into the office vent, hearing the flames quickly engulf the office and the hissing and screeching of Spingtrap behind him.  --
Okay, but what if Michael managed to over power Ennard and take it for himself to use as his own? Dead, rotten, purple AND tentacle-y?!??! Eh, EH?!??! I would love to read a fully fledged story about this ovo. On that note, I might post this little short story on ao3 if I’m confident enough. I’m not a very good writter. What propted me to draw this, is the fact that Michael Afton has been trending on Twitter for like, 6 days now? I’m so confused but I’m also not complaining either. Good purple corpse man has become a Twitter Sexy Man.  Michael designed is base on my version of him
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wimexseven · 2 years
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I will never not draw Time without those big ears. I don’t think Wind has a filter either. I do it cause I love his big pointy ears in Ocarina of Time concept art/ingame models. Amazing. They just stick right out!
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wimexseven · 2 years
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I recently finished Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach and I couldn't get this smelly bastard man out of my head so I had to draw him. Been a long time fan of this series(Since the first game) so ... uhh yeah :D
My version of Michael Afton.
Btw: He got that piercing to piss off his dad as a teenager ovo
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wimexseven · 3 years
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“There will be no frowny faces on this ranch.” Malon, probably at some point in life. I really am just a sucker for these two. No idea why. It just might be the way Jojo presents them in LU.  On another note: Where have I been? Well, tbh, besides work and life, I’ve been reading an unhealthy amount of fics and catching up with a bunch of games lmao … and I’ve kinda ran out of idea, so I’ve opened requests! Huzzah! Don’t be sad if I don’t get to your request though, work is draining af, as you can probably understand, but I’ll do what I can lol –
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wimexseven · 3 years
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He ain’t above it, and he knows it. It’s how you eat before the rest of the chain.
-Insert Dog Song Here-
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wimexseven · 3 years
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Warriors: Gremlin wrangling expert.
… or maybe not.
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wimexseven · 3 years
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Regrets 3/3 Pg 1 Pg 2
I’m not going to lie, the only reason I made this was for the last two panels. I should probably figure out a script too before drawing besides having a vague idea of what I want lmao.
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