vellwrites · 10 days
Salatiga: Eating Well with 20k
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Irene Novelin - Friday, May 24
Living far away from our hometown or being an overseas student, looking for food that fits your budget is one of the hard things to do. Of Course as a college student, it will be our first time living over here. We will go to a café or restaurant that’s so pricey for us to have food. So, what should we do as college students to get a low price to save our money in this town?
Salatiga is a small town that has a low price for living, for example food as daily needs. But for the newcomers, it's still difficult to find some places that are suitable for foods with the range from IDR 10k-20k. If we don’t try to find the hidden places, we can only go to restaurants or café to get food with a pricey budget.
No need to worry about that, in Salatiga, there’s many places that can be a reference to save your budget for meals. You can get a large portion with a good taste! Here’s the recommended places you should try, Mie Gacoan, Nasi Bakar Triwindu, Bakso Sari Roso, and warung makan Wartini. All these places are low rice and suitable for a college student budget, that’s also make you full. The places are also comfortable and clean.
This article can be a reference for those who want to find some good food with a low price, especially for those who are newcomers to Salatiga. As a college student here, you don’t need to worry about food because you can try the places that I mentioned here!
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vellwrites · 26 days
Yosefa; Calmly and Fantasy Man
Irene Novelin - Thursday, May 09, 2024 - 19.10 WIB
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Yosefa Johan is 22th man, he’s from Ambarawa which is famous for the historical moment called the battle of Palagan. He’s an English Literature student and has hobbies like reading books or Webtoon and fantasy movies. One of his favorite books is Harry Potter which is the fantasy best seller books in the world. Reading webtoon is his new favorite hobby since he goes to college. Yosefa prefer reading digital books than physical books, because the English physical books are so expensive to buy.
Beside reading a fantasy book, he has a favorite fantasy movie, The Lord of The Rings. From this movie, he can feel the imagination of the fantasy world, like he’s there in the place. Yosefa said that the movie was so interesting to watch because there are many types of magical people in one world, for example fairy. If he can be in fantasy world, he would like to be an Elf.
Reading and watching movies especially fantasy genres are his favorite hobbies to spent his free time at home. It can chase away the fatigue from his college if he was too hectic and would like to get some refreshing time, because that he’s happy to spent his time for things that smack of fantasy.
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vellwrites · 26 days
Sheila and Her Missing Hometown
Irene Novelin - Thursday, May 09 2024 - 19.10 WIB
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Sheila is a funny and talkactive girl, she’s from North Kalimantan, Nunukan. From her information, Nunukan not yet impacted of IKN moving in East Kalimantan.
In her hometown, Dayak tribe is so famous and there are so many types of Dayak Tribe there. For example, Melayu Dayak tribes. The weather in Nunukan is so hot for her, but there’s place which have a cold weather there. Sheila said, the beach is very rare there, because Kalimantan is famous with the dense forest. The interesting fact of her hometown is, Nunukan borders directly with Malaysia. The people in Nunukan can go to Malaysia with sea travel and it just only need 3 hours to go to there. However, Nunukan people still need the passport if they want to visit Malaysia.
From the first time she lived in Salatiga, she got culture shock with Salatiga’s food. She said that Salatiga’s foods are to sweet for her, because the food in Kalimantan fairly spicy. Food and family are the things that make she miss her hometown after almost 3 years she never go back to Nunukan, North Kalimantan.
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vellwrites · 1 month
Prabowo: Got Chance After 3 Times Challanges
Irene Novelin - Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 08.34 WIB.
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Being a President candidate for three times and experiencing defeat didn't dampen Prabowo Subianto's spirit to be participate as President candidate in 2024. As a result, this pair with number 02 managed to seize the opportunity to lead Indonesia for the next 5 years.
However, reaching that point was not easy. As Prabowo's competitors, Anies-Muhaimin and Ganjar-Mahfud, filed a lawsuit challenging the election results to the Constitutional Court.
After presenting several witnesses, including President Joko Widodo who also testified, to state that there was no involvement from them in the presidential and vice-presidential candidacy process this year, the Constitutional Court decided to reject the lawsuits from the number 01 and 02 pairs.
Finally, Prabowo-Gibran has been decided to become the President and Vice President on Monday, April 22, 2024, by the Constitutional Court (MK).
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vellwrites · 2 months
Eid al-Fitr 2024 in Salatiga: Not as Festive but Still Joyful.
Irene Novelin - Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - 14.15 WIB.
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In preparation for Eid al-Fitr 2024, folks in Salatiga embarked on the tradition of "mudik" to join in the festive spirit with their respective families, aiming to strengthen bonds of kinship and maintain the ties of brotherhood. However, Salatiga seemed pretty quiet on the first day of Eid. Streets were empty, almost as if everyone had vanished for the holiday.
Eid al-Fitr in 2024 seemed quieter than previous years, with fewer people out and about. Perhaps many had traveled outside the city, or maybe folks chose to stay home instead. The night before Eid, you'd expect Salatiga to buzz with excitement, streets packed with people gathering. But on the actual day, it was surprisingly calm. The streets were empty, and there was hardly any worry about traffic jams.
Compared to the fasting month, the streets were busier and more congested during that time than on the first day of Eid. Several factors could explain this, such as no open house events hosted by the Pj of Salatiga or major festivities at Pancasila Square. However, that doesn't mean there weren't any residents out there celebrating Eid al-Fitr. From late afternoon to evening, some folks livened up the streets, with families from out of town coming to visit.
The Acting Mayor of Salatiga won't be hosting an open house this Eid because they'll be on vacation with their family. In their message, officials agreed to spend Eid fostering family bonds. However, it's possible that the traditional post-Eid gathering, known as "halal bihalal," will still take place at the City Hall as a replacement for this year's open house.
The roads and traffic in Salatiga were orderly, without any chaos or accidents, as there were fewer motorists on the streets. This led to a sense of discipline and orderliness among commuters.
With the decrease in the number of vehicles on the streets, the flow of traffic in Salatiga became smooth and orderly. However, the city appeared unusually quiet because residents were not out on the streets like they were on the night before Eid, bustling and enlivening the city. This year's Eid felt like any other day, as people enjoyed their time with extended family at home, cherishing this moment of togetherness that comes only once a year.
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vellwrites · 2 months
Ramadhan in Salatiga: Evening and Street Food Activities.
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By Irene Novelin, Journalism Report.
During the month of Ramadan, the streets come alive every afternoon with the hustle and bustle of vehicles busy seeking additions for breaking the fast. Salatiga, a beautiful small town, is not exempt from this series of evening activities that require people to leave their homes and crowd the streets to enjoy various goods lined up along the roadside.
Ngabuburit in Salatiga feels incomplete without visiting the food stalls along Jendra Sudirman street, commonly known as Jensud, as they offer various kinds of food and drinks that can please everyone's eyes and taste buds. Even though it's only 3:00 PM, Jensud is already bustling with buyers and sellers. While strolling the streets with friends, we're puzzled by the multitude of food and drink options available, unsure of what to choose.
With the bustling activity, one might momentarily think that Salatiga rarely experiences such congestion, even causing traffic jams on the streets. The sun, a companion to the people's journey, shines brightly, casting its scorching heat upon those busy selecting snacks. However, despite the sun's intense rays, it doesn't diminish the enthusiasm of the people as they explore the entire area of Jensud.
Ngabuburit has become a routine for everyone during fasting month, with people of all faiths participating to enjoy the lively streets of Salatiga. It's not just Muslims; people from various religious backgrounds also join in, crowding the market streets and busy selecting snacks. As the Maghrib time approaches, the streets start to quiet down, and people begin to make their way back home. It feels satisfying and delightful to have joined in the Ngabuburit with others, enjoying every snack laid out along Jensud street.
Ngabuburit in Salatiga remains enjoyable for those who are far from home, as even with just friends, they can still relish beautiful moments in Salatiga amidst the congestion and various goods that may not be found in their hometowns. Despite the traffic jams, Ngabuburit in Salatiga feels more alive because it's heartening to see that all Salatiga residents, who usually rarely venture out, are now joining in and enlivening the streets.
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vellwrites · 8 months
Moon, Rain, and Tears.
The moon smile perfectly, make people feel better..
Sometimes, I wanna touch the beautiful light
Here, I'm waiting for.
But, what I got is the rain fall into me
Fall with my tears, I don't know how to stop them.
I like rain, but I hate it when it falls with my tears.
Can I touch the moon with the rain?
Or I just will feel the rainy day in my life.
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vellwrites · 8 months
Kembali Membuka Buku
Setelah sekian lamanya hiatus dari membaca buku, sekarang dia kembali membuka buku yang baru. Masih tahap awal yang dinikmati, keindahan terpancar jelas pada halaman awal yang menjanjikan kemanisan. Namun rasa gundah mulai merangkap di dalam hatinya sebagai seorang pembaca, apakah dia benar-benar mendapatkan buku baru yang ingin dia baca? Akankah tulisan di dalam buku itu membawanya pada imajinasi bahagia seperti yang diperlihatkan ketika awal mula kisah itu dibaca? Baginya sang penikmat kisah, tentulah dia bimbang, hanya bisa melanjutkan bacaan itu dengan berhati-hati.
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vellwrites · 9 months
Rasa yang dipendam
Pada malam yang bising akan suara keramaian, ada seseorang yang sendirian dengan segala suara keributan di dalam kepalanya. Dia sendirian, dengan pikiran yang sering tiba-tiba mendatangkan hal yang tidak seharusnya ada.
Rasanya ingin berteriak saja, mengeluarkan segalanya yang ada di dalam kepala. Dia hanya ingin melepaskan kepenatannya di bawah pohon, dekat dengan danau seperti tempat yang tidak banyak dikunjungi oleh orang lain.
Kesendirian dan alam adalah hal yang diinginkannya, jauh dari kebisingan sehari-hari. Dia ingin pergi, meninggalkan semua yang membuatnya merasa tidak nyaman. Pikirannya selalu merasa takut dan membuatnya selalu merasa gemetar, namun sangat disayangkan itu tidak bisa dihilangkan.
Dia, hanyalah seseorang yang ingin merasakan kenyamanan dan kepantasan. Dia ingin bersuara, namun tidak bisa diungkapkan.
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vellwrites · 11 months
Dari semuanya, hanya dia yang bisa.
Bagaimana pun dan seperti apa cerita akhirnya, namun tetap akan selalu dia. Dia yang mengetahuinya, dia yang memahaminya, dan dia yang berusaha untuk meyakinkan.
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vellwrites · 1 year
Yang Tidak Lagi Sama
Kau tidak akan pernah tau bahwa dia telah berubah, bisa jadi tetap menunggu tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan dia akan benar-benar menghapus semua tentangmu dari kehidupannya selepas ini. Memang benar menurutmu dia mudah kembali, tapi nyatanya tidak seperti yang kelihatan. Dia memulai perubahan itu setelah kau menyalahkannya, atas kejadian yang telah terjadi. Itu menjadi motivasi baru baginya untuk merubah segalanya, benar, dia berhasil melakukannya. Dia memang salah dan mau mengakuinya, tapi tidak denganmu. Kau malah tetap seperti itu, bahkan disaat dia telah berusaha, kau tetap mempertahankan apa yang sebenarnya salahmu juga. Dia akan berusaha, sebisa, semampu dan sejauh apa yang dapat dia lakukan. Setelah itu, jika tetap seperti ini, melepasmu selamanya akan menjadi pilihan terakhir. Asal tau, segalanya bisa berubah, caranya dalam bertingkah laku dan sifatnya yang dulu mungkin akan dikuburnya dalam-dalam. Segalanya tidak akan lagi sama, jangan mengharapkan hal yang seperti sebelumnya.
Dia, bukanlah dia yang kau temui beberapa tahun lalu.
Dia, bukanlah dia yang akan merasa bersalah atas segalanya.
Dia, bukanlah dia yang akan meneruskan perjalanan denganmu lagi ketika untuk yang terakhir kalinya dia memutuskan untuk melupakan.
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vellwrites · 1 year
Not a choice
He is who I want, actually. But, you are who I need in my live.
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vellwrites · 1 year
Always, I'll waiting
Wish you are here. Even though I should waiting for you for a long time, I will always stay here. Whenever and wherever you go, I still waiting for you to come back and see your smile .
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vellwrites · 1 year
Until We Meet Again
I can't believe that we can make our stories again, I think a few years ago that's the time when we will never see each other again. But after a while, I see you again, we meet and talk with smile. Finally, I chose you again.
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vellwrites · 1 year
Second Choice
She didn't want be mine.
So, I am your second choice, right?
I never put you as a second choice. Now I know who I am from your eyes.
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vellwrites · 1 year
Deja Vu
This moment bring back the memory.
I got deja vu tonight, when I realize the hard moments comes to my heart. I don't know why I have a trust issue like this, I hate this personality on myself. That's why I can't let people come to my heart, I won't falling in love at this moment. It is hard for me to get rid of these bad thoughts.
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vellwrites · 1 year
Next day, maybe, I'm not the person who is by your side. But I'm sure, you never be alone. Wish you always keep your smile because I feel okay when I see it. You look like Dandelions, go away, fly and stay in the new place but your smile always stay here.
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