Please help me. My name is Shirley. I am autistic and disabled. I ran away from my abusive parents a few years ago. I’ve been moving from place to place. A couple of months ago I was able to find my own apartment. Things went downhill when I was fired from my job. It has been very difficult for me to find employment due to mental health issues. I have been transferring money out of my credit card to my debit card in order to pay my rent. I also have to pay interest. My credit card is about to be maxed out and I could get evicted. I don’t think I could survive out in the streets.
Please donate or reblog if you are not able to donate but would like to help. It would mean a lot to me if you could donate or share the link to my GoFundMe. Thank you so much
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Was talking about this with a friend today, as an autistic & adhd person, my main way of showing empathy in relationships is by sharing my own personal experiences with whatever the other person is going through.
For example, if a friend is going through a bad break up, I will usually share my own bad break up stories. I'm never trying to make the situation about me when I do this, that is simply the only way I know how to show my understanding and empathetic commiserations.
I've been called selfish and self-centered before because of this. But I genuinely don't know how to communicate differently. If I didn't share my experiences in these situations, the conversation would just be :
Friend: Yeah, I'm going through a bad break up
Me: Oh, that sucks.
That's just not how my brain works. I'm neurodivergent and when you're having a bad time, I want to remind you that you're not alone and you're definitely not the only one whose been through The Horrors.
I wish other people understood this better
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Emergency commissions!!!
For some background I’m a 22 year old trans guy who is currently trying to make it through nursing school. I’ve had a really rough go financially and in life the last few months- I had to get emergency thyroid surgery in the middle of my first semester of nursing school- and my grandmother was murdered just two weeks after my recovery. This has led me to being out of work for a extended period of time due to the stress of surgery recovery- now having hypothyroidism and grief- all ontop of school. So I’ve been surviving this semester paycheck to paycheck without getting to get a lot of money in savings.
So my college just informed me that my scholarship will not be able to cover my summer semester- I am required to take summer classes to stay in the nursing program. The total that I’ll have to pay in two weeks is 612$.
I don’t typically ask for help like this but I’m at a loss at what else to do- so I’m going to open up emergency commissions.
Here are some examples and starting prices. The way I’m doing these commissions is the starting price is the lowest price I will accept for that commission style- and if you want to pay above that feel free! These commissions will be discounted due to the urgent need of this situation
I can draw pretty much anything! I mostly do dnd character art- and flight rising dragon art- but I’ve done a wide range of commissions in the past! I’m comfortable with furries- robots- humans- animals.
Prices start from highest to lowest!
Full scenes: 45+
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Painted fullbody basic background: 35+
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Character reference sheet/ fullbody with no background 20-30+
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Half bodies: 15+
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Headshots :5-10$+
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These commissions will have a long turnaround time! Can’t start working full time on them until after finals on may 13th. I will try my best to provide sketches before then ! Please don’t commission if this timeframe does not work with you!
Can do PayPal/cashapp for payment
If you can’t afford any of these options feel free to message me! I’m willing to do sketch commissions as well!! Thank you for reading this far down and let me know if you have any questions
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i think it is important to recognize the ways in which your favorite thing sucks. i think it keeps u normal
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Oh my word this drives me insane when it hits my gaming habits. It's why I can't ever pick up an old game of Don't Starve--I'll have no idea what I was up to and I'll just wind up getting myself killed.
I like how my interest are so sporadic and sudden that I tend to forget what I was into at a given time. So five years from now I'm going to look back at my Steam account and wonder why I have 40 hours in fallout new vegas
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Continue below if you'd rather not read it on Medium.
It's frustrating how many people will stop taking you seriously if you call yourself neurodivergent. It's a genuinely useful term--especially in my case.
I'm a thirty year old man with a long, complicated diagnostic history. If you'll indulge me, I'd like to go over some of it (though if you'd rather take me at my word, feel free to skip down to the last paragraph).
At age six, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Three years later, this diagnosis was affirmed.
A year after that, however, a neuropsychologist disputed this diagnosis. He further shot down my parents' suspicions that I was autistic.
It seems someone--and to this day, it's unclear who--thought otherwise, because a diagnosis of autism somehow found its way into my records. At the age of twenty, a psychological evaluation affirmed this diagnosis. The psychologist further noted that I showed several symptoms of ADHD but thought they could be accounted for by the diagnosis of autism. Finally, she diagnosed me with "major depressive disorder, recurrent, sever with psychotic features."
Seven years later, another psychological evaluation disputed the diagnoses of autism and ADHD, only affirming the diagnosis of MDD (albeit moderate rather than severe and without mention of psychotic features). The evaluation noted attention issues but attributed them to depression and anxiety. The evaluation further noted a level of social discomfort but attributed that to social anxiety disorder rather than autism.
My psychiatrist at the time, meanwhile, suggested I suffered from CPTSD. I called up a trauma therapy practice, and the practitioner I spoke to agreed that there were "multiple complex layers of trauma." I was eventually set up with a trauma therapist in training, and she seemed to think I did indeed suffer from CPTSD.
A year after the second psychological evaluation, I was hospitalized. The diagnosis at discharge was listed as schizophrenia. The diagnosis was a bit bewildering to both me and the councilor-in-training I was seeing, and to be honest, I thought they might've just put that down so they could put me on expensive antipsychotics (and it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened, but that's another story).
Then again, maybe they were onto something, because the psychiatrist I'm currently seeing diagnosed me with schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. Personally, I think that's a bit extreme--I could see bipolar II with psychotic features, maybe--but I'm not the expert. As if for good measure, she also said I might be autistic after all.
If you can believe it, that's not quite everything--that's just the tidiest I could make it--but the point is that my diagnostic history is a mess. Everything I've been diagnosed with has been disputed--whether explicitly (as with autism and ADHD) or implicitly (as with MDD and schizoaffective disorder being diagnostically exclusive with one another).
I have a feeling people reading this might raise an eyebrow at how much time I've spent on all the conditions I may or may not have, and in a sense, that's the point. I wish we lived in a world where, instead of explaining all that, I could just say I'm neurodivergent, but there are so many people who'd read that word and assume I don't actually a psychiatric condition--and meanwhile, professionals seem to think I have all of them.
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Why're Wikipedia's guilt trips so gosh darn brutal ;w;
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This won't fit in a comment, so I'm putting it here instead.
Anyway, I appreciate you reading the article, but I think there's something worth clarifying here
To start with, it wasn't about a correlation between biphobia and transphobia; it was about the biphobic implications of GCism. This might seem like splitting hairs, but I think it's a meaningful distinction. Note that, towards the end of the article, I described it as *inadvertently* biphobic. Granted, I'm sure a lot of GCs are 100% biphobic, but for others, I think transphobia is the starting point, and they adopt GCism as a rationalization in hindsight. In these cases, the biphobic implications are an instance of [proving too much](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proving_too_much).
That said, while these specific GCs may not be overtly biphobic, I think the implication makes for an ideological pipeline. Some GCs, on realizing the implication, may double down. It's known that TERFism is a gateway to antifeminist views like pro-birthism, and transphobia more broadly is a gateway to right-wing views like antisemitism, but I think this is different in the sense that it isn't explicitly right-wing. It's more in the same vein as the LGBA--useful idiots to the right in their efforts to divide and conquer the queer community.
In that sense, it's less that transphobes are innately biphobic; it's that GCism is a gateway to biphobia--something that's worth noting as part of a broader case that trans-exclusion's only going to further fracture the queer community.
*That* said, I didn't really go into detail on this angle. Instead, I talked about the role gender *actually* plays in my sexual orientation. The article is part of a publication called Visible Bi+. The point was just as much to criticize GCism as it was to discuss bisexuality and persuade members of the bisexual community that we in particular should see GCs as a threat.
Edit: Aaand the mobile app doesn't support markdown -.- I'll clean this up later.
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You know what I hate? Having so little free time that it's entirely spent in waiting mode.
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This reminds me of something I read in an article about the queer community earlier today:
One of the clear implications of TLP’s misleading ‘research’ and the way it’s presented is the idea that lesbians are losing out as a result of greater attention given to other members of the LGBTQIA+ community — in particular transgender people and what TLP terms ‘transactivism'. The implication is that trans people are themselves at fault for this — as if we have somehow manipulated funders, charities, the academic community and nightclubs into ignoring lesbians. TLP’s approach reflects a neoliberal ‘false scarcity’ mindset which implies that the queer community — and in particular trans people and lesbians — are vying with each other for both rights and resources. This is in stark contrast to the unifying approach traditionally taken by the LGBTQIA+ community of fostering solidarity among queer people of all sexualities and gender.
There seems to be a very real pattern of dividing and conquering minorities by depriving them of resources and forcing them to fight over what little they have.
In the case of the disabled community, it's a uniquely cruel strategy--and one that's important to note.
Infighting is one of the worst things that can happen to any community, but it seems to be especially bad in the disabled community.
I have a few theories as to why this is but they're irrelevant to this particular post.
ANYWAY this is mostly directed at LSN disabled people getting pissy with higher support needs people for taking away our shit. I have some news: they did not take our shit.
A clear indicator of this is the fact that whoever took our shit took their shit too.
What some of y'all need to realize is that SOMEONE TOOK ALL OF OUR SHIT AND IS NOW WATCHING US FIGHT OVER IT!
This was their plan all along. We HAVE to stand together or none of us are going anywhere
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I'm not the only one.
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I’m sorry, what?
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What the hell kind of spell check is this
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I broke up with a guy over this. Granted, there were many, many far more serious issues besides, but this was certainly a factor!
if you put objects down too hard on tables everytime then you're on my fucking hitlist
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THANK YOU. This is such a good case for the term. I've been diagnosed with six different things (and a couple mental health professionals speculating I have two more things on top of that), and nobody agrees on anything.
Just calling myself neurodivergent saves everyone the headache of me explaining "well, I've been diagnosed with this, but this other doctor disagrees, and I've also been diagnosed with that, which is technically diagnostically exclusive with this other thing I've been diagnosed with..."
I had written an entire rant about this and how it'd be nice if I could call myself neurodivergent without worrying about someone deciding "oh, he's a special little snowflake," but then I realized it was, like, 80% just my diagnostic history, so now that's just sitting in the drafts over there.
Anyone else kinda give up on figuring out a proper label and just say you’re neurodivergent? Like, I’ve rambled and stimmed and was shy and had sensory issues since I was a kid. A doctor has told me I’m not autistic (though the doctor that did so wasn’t trying that hard lol) but I sure have had something going on my whole life. Maybe it’s just social anxiety but that anxiety has waxed and waned throughout my life so much that doesn’t quite feel right either.
Either way, I’ve kinda given up on figuring it out. I’ll just tell people I’m quirky lol
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I hate doing this but I recently moved from an abusive household and my roommate sprung on me that I need to pay the rent now, instead of next week like we agreed upon.
So I will be doing tarot readings for anyone that is willing to help! And if you can't help, sharing will be highly appreciated
My cash app is $mysterioussshadow
I need to come up with $375
Tarot readings will be :
$5 for a one card pull
$10 for a 3 card pull
$20 for 2 questions
$50 for 6 questions
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A year ago, and yet the charity commission STILL thinks it is acceptable for these hate-spewing grifters to hold charitable status.
It has now been over a year since they promised their supposed "helpline" for LGB people, and their company house documents, recently released, show that in all that time they have only spent approx £5000 on it.
They took in £450,000, Here's how they spent some of it:
- £120k on legal and professional fees
- £102k on conferences and events
- £31k on salaries
- £27k on advertising
- £11k on travel and accommodation
- £5k on the “support phone line”
This is how much they spent on themselves before they even spent a single penny on their stated charitable aims, which have yet to materialise.
They received specific funding from the National Lottery for this “helpline”.
It is also notable that, despite their claims of being run “for LGB people, by LGB people”, the vast majority of the members of this supposedly LGB charity are cishet, by their own surveys.
Oh. And of course, we also found out their office is in 55 Tuffton Street. Where the hard right, ultra conservitive, viciously evangelical dark money is sent. Their Wikipedia is always worth a read, usual warnings about sources apply: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/55_Tufton_Street
LGB Alliance need to be stopped, as do all the groups at 55 Tuffton Street.
ID: a tweet by AndrewB72 he/him with added beard @andrew_b72
“Well, this needs to be shared far and wide!
LGB Alliance have been classed as a hate group by The Global Project Against Hate and Extremism today who have released a report profiling hateful and extremist groups in Ireland
globalextremism.org/post/release-i... (complete URL cut off in image)
The entire list includes the following groups:
• Anti-Corruption Ireland (white nationalist, anti-immigrant, conspiracy)
• House the Irish First (anti-immigrant)
- lona Institute (anti-LGBTQ+)
- Irish Council for Human Rights (anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ+, conspiracy) - Irish Freedom Party (anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ+, conspiracy)
- LGB Alliance (anti-transgender, other)
• National Party (anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ+, white nationalist)
- Official Proud Boys Ireland (white nationalist, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-woman)
- Rise Up Éireann/Rise Up Ireland (conspiracy)
• Siol na hEireann/Seed of Ireland (white nationalist, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ+)
- Society of St. Pius X Resistance (conspiracy, antisemitic)
- Yellow Vest Ireland (anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ+, conspiracy”.
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