toyhenoctus · 2 years
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So I haven’t posted anything in a million years due to some shifts in my life. A whole lot has happened but one thing that’s affected my art the most was my sudden inability to draw on my intuos. I couldn’t explain it and no matter how I tried, nothing looked good. But I’d bought an iPad about a year back so I decided to give procreate a shot and voila, suddenly I could draw again. I’m still trying to figure it out (Morgan and Nat are low res because I didn’t know that when you exited a canvas to the gallery, you lose the ability to undo like wtf? And of course I went into the gallery right after I’d cropped Morgan and Nat for the export) but I’m slowly coming back
In the meantime, enjoy some messy Team Bravo
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
Looking at the picture of Jay Huynh without her glasses, I like to think from the slight “done with this” look on her face that Jordan or one of the ROs is trying on her glasses and doing an impression of her and she’s thinking “yeah yeah, funny, now give me back my glasses”
Lmao yeah I could definitely see Jordan, Blaire or Pheobe doing that to her. Especially since the round frames are her favorite
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
Honestly I’d say don’t even try with open heart 3......it’s not worth it 😭
Lmaooo I'll take your word for it
Such a shame tho considering I liked the first book so much XD
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
Are you still making choices art?
Idk to be honest...Like, I haven't opened the app in months but at the same time, I really miss a lot of the characters I used to draw even if I don't care for the stories anymore
I have no idea what's happening in The Royal Finale but I really miss making comics about Siobhan pulling guns out of thin air, y'know? And I couldn't even bring myself to read book 3 of Open Heart but I also really miss making comics about Ethan being Effie's dad
I think I'm just waiting for a spark; nothing from Choices has really grabbed my attention in a really long time. I still have some comic ideas that I had planned and just never drew and some that I started and never finished so there's still content to be made. Plus, I still have a couple requests collecting cobwebs in my box. Maybe I'll do those and see if I can get back into the groove
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
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So I’m a little pissed because my Big Moe save file on Dashingdon is corrupted so I haven’t played Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff recently but I really missed it so I started drawing and it turned into a whole sketch dump
Big Moe isn’t weak enough to dislike pickles but the meme really fits them lmao
The little photoset is a throwback to a pair of asks; one that said MC would be lucky to get a candy ring from Carrie and another where she’d asked MC to marry her very casually. This one and this one.
After learning that the wolves can shift different parts of their bodies, I figured I’d draw to their strengths or what they would favor. Biyu has no qualms going for the throat so she’d probably shift her head the most. Big Moe is built like an oak so I figure she’d rely mostly on her arms and upper body strength. It was also a chance to figure out what color their wolves would be!
Marco is both Biyu and Big Moe’s best friend (poor guy lol) so I wanted to do some best friend photo sketches. Maybe I’ll do one of Ed on Big Moe’s back and one of Carrie in Big Moe’s lap. There already exists a pic of Biyu straddling Vicky’s waist ;D 
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
Slightly random question, but aside from Jordan Huynh, do any of your other MCs wear glasses?
Uh, a few of them occasionally wear reading glasses like Noa and Uzo but the only ones who wear glasses all the time are Ahri (my first crown from AtoC), my Mina (from Wilhelmina), and Wicke (my pyran from A Bard's Tale). I haven't actually drawn and posted any of them yet tho lol
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
Are any of your MCs going to be men?
What the fuck is a men???
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
How many games are you planning to draw MCs for?
However many strike the mood? Idk...Like, for example, I've read both AtoC and The Soul Stone War like a million times already and I love them but I haven't drawn my MCs for those yet but I read the first two chapters of Blood Moon and within the week, my MCs were on "paper"
Like here's a little snippy below of the ones I have bookmarked to read, nevermind all the IFs I have stored in my drafts to read AND all the IFs I've read on like the COG and Hosted apps so truly idk lmao
I'll get to them as I'm inspired I suppose but I guess the goal is ultimately to draw them all
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
How well can Jordan Huynh see without her glasses?
She's near-sighted so she can see alright without them as long as she's not looking too far into the distance. Lmao so she can see her RO in bed without them but they'll look like a blob from fifty feet away
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
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Back at it again with the MCs from the interactive fiction I’ve been reading! These ones are from Golden by @milaswriting. They’ve been a long time coming too; I made the first one months ago when the demo first dropped and when I finally went back to restart with my second one recently, I finally put them down on “paper”, so to speak
First up is the one that started it all, Jordan Huynh (She/They), my shy, gentle and earnest English major. And yes, I’m aware that the best friend’s name is Jordan lmao first The Shadow Society with A and now Golden wtf but I headcanon that they go by Jay and Jord. Eh, it’s cute to me 
Next is Desiree Montell, my cocky lady-killer law student. Whereas Jay rests comfortably in androgynous heaven, Des swings violently back and forth between masc and feminine presentations. She’s also bi (tho I only play with female ROs) and she and Jordan are exes
Jay is for the Pheobe and Blaire routes and Des is for the Athalia and Kiana routes
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
Nicky and Auntie Morgan but make it like EXTRA soft. like super ducking soft.
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I couldn't resist a little shenanigans to go with the cuteness
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
This is a good jumping off point but it's the follow through that counts. I hope they understand that the fans will be watching with a more critical eye from now on because this is where the hard work begins. Hopefully Seraphinitegames does a better job at rectifying their mistakes and course-correcting than PB did...
Statement on recent events
I would never condone any behaviour that would cause someone harm, not ever, as I said on my post on bullying, as well as the post I made against white-washing. But I’m also not on social media all the time as I cut down on it to focus on writing the game that I hope we can all share and love. 
I didn’t realise people were using all that has happened as an excuse to harass others. How dare you do this! Wayhaven was created to be a safe space for everyone, and I mean everyone. I have met such an incredibly diverse range of people through writing Wayhaven and it’s an incredible thing! That is something that should always be celebrated! 
Anyone who is harmful, racist, or homophobic to another person in this fandom is not welcome in it. Not ever. 
Wayhaven is a project created from love and released with the intent of spreading that joy and safety. It is a story to get lost in and find a space away from the awfulness that can be the real world. I want this blog to be the same.
I can’t control what other people say or do. What I can do is ensure you that I hear what is being said, and I agree that things need to be done. 
But in order to ensure that we can move forward and that everyone can enjoy Wayhaven on this blog without fear, we will begin some changes.
The replies to that post have been deleted and replies have been turned off on future posts (we didn’t know this was a Tumblr feature until people advised us of it recently). We will also be going back to posting appropriate fan art for us all to enjoy and share in!
But as I said, I cannot control what other people create or do on their own blogs or in their own spaces. As much as we will ensure that this blog remains a fun space for all to get away from the world, and we will never support anyone creating harmful content, I still can’t stop them producing it as much as I seriously wish that I could. But we never support it.
I also want to note that I will always write diversity into any content I create not just because it’s important, but because it’s a true representation of the world we live in—minus the vampires, of course. I won’t be scared away into not including it. But my poc and queer readers and testers help me ensure that I do it in the right way, advising me on anything that needs to be changed or brought to my attention. I am straight, and I am a white woman, so it’s important I have that diverse support around me to ensure I write all characters in the best light and learn how to write them better.
I hope I can continue on creating Wayhaven with my enthusiastic team following this new path and enjoy the journey with you all as we go. I really do appreciate you all and the support you have given me. I want to return that in full.
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
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This is not a real interactive game
Plated to Perfection: Part Two!
Meet the last two members of the top eight! These seasoned chefs may prove to be some of your toughest competition yet! Meet the brash chef owner from Chennai, Sai and the underdog, silent chef from Wuhan, Meilin 🍷
Competitor Chef Bhasin
Name: Sai Bhasin
Gender: Man
Age: 28
Ethnicity: Indian
Specialty: Flavor
Competition Style: Trash Talk
Sai is the chef owner of his own restaurant in Los Angeles and easily made the top eight with his hot flavors and aromatic spices. He’s using the competition to both promote and win the prize for his small but popular restaurant. Be careful around him and show him no weakness or he will hurt your feelings; Sai’s tongue is as hot as his food
Competitor Chef Yang
Name: Meilin Yang
Gender: Woman
Age: 24
Ethnicity: Chinese
Specialty: Balanced
Competition Style: Professional
Extra: MC may potentially have a fling with her, is hard of hearing and has an interpreter
Perhaps the most controversial competitor of the season, Meilin was written off early by some viewers and competitors alike but her careful eye and lightning fast hands carried her to the top eight. She proved herself to be unflappable in the face of adversity and her food does all the talking for her. No one can distract her, no one can disrupt her flow and it looks like no one is going to get in her way
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
I'm not saying I'm gonna come back and draw these but...I'm gonna come back and draw these
Hi! I love Wayhaven so much! I made such great friends in this fandom! I was wondering how would the LI react to their child being caught stealing from like a cookie jar. Just caught red handed.
Aah, I am so glad to hear that! I've met such amazing people as well through Wayhaven, which was the most unexpected but amazing thing about this journey :D
As for your ask:
F would just stare at them for a while and then be like, 'Grab me one too, will you?' hehe :D
N would sigh and say it's not time for a cookie, but now that they have one they might as well keep it.
A would probably take the cookie back and try to distract them with something else.
M would just shrug and be like, 'If the kid managed to get it, then they get to have it', lol.
Thank you so much for the ask and lovely message! :)
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
Would it be alright to recreate your Plated to Perfection characters in the classic Choices style?
Sure! If you can pull it off, that'd be pretty cool to see!
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
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This is not a real interactive game
Plated to Perfection: Part Two!
Meet two more members of the top eight! Can you surpass them or will you be a speedbump on their path to victory? Say hello to the shy high school senior from Milan, Karmelo and the food vlogging patisserie from Manchester, Theresa 🍰
Competitor Chef Bianchi
Name: Karmelo Bianchi
Gender: Man
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Italian
Specialty: Presentation
Competition Style: Professional
Extra: Child prodigy
Karmelo is the youngest competitor in the top eight but to everyone’s surprise, he took an early lead in the preliminary rounds and is being watched as the one to beat. Don’t let his shy, earnest nature fool you; he cooks like he’s been in the kitchen for years and his palette is impeccable. He’s fast, attentive and he’s always looking for new ways to improve
Competitor Chef Faye
Name: Theresa Faye
Gender: Woman
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Senegalese (British)
Specialty: Balanced 
Competition Style: Trash Talk
Theresa shocked no one when she made the top eight; she has the highest follower count in the top eight as she runs a successful food vlog, Feast With Faye. Flair, attitude and a diverse wealth of culinary knowledge goes a long way to making her both popular and a strong competitor. She can cook, she can bake and she really knows how to work a crowd
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toyhenoctus · 3 years
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This is not a real interactive game
Plated to Perfection: Part Two!
Meet two of the other members of the top eight! Who do you think you can knock out of the competition first? The humble farmer from Louisiana, Ashton or the silver tongue sushi chef from Okinawa, Kasumi? 🍤
Competitor Chef Brady
Name: Ashton Brady
Gender: Man
Age: 35
Ethnicity: English (American South)
Specialty: Flavor
Competition Style: Professional
Ashton is a simple man whose easy demeanor won the judges over just as easily as his talent for down home southern cooking. He’s big, a little clumsy and he can make quite a mess but no one can argue with his results. One bite of his food is guaranteed to put a smile on your face
Competitor Chef Takagi
Name: Kasumi Takagi
Gender: Woman
Age: 27
Ethnicity: Japanese
Specialty: Presentation
Competition Style: Trash Talk
Extra: Yuki Ogawa’s younger cousin
Kasumi is no stranger to the upper echelon of the culinary world, having been born into the Ogawa family. But even though she’s accustomed to wealth, the spotlight and all the privileges that come with it, she’s not banking on her name or suspected favoritism from her cousin to win the competition. She can cook and she knows it; she has a loud bark but don’t underestimate her because she will bite
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