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Anger is >>>helpful<<<. It’s a warning system. It helps me to see when a boundary has been crossed. Acknowledging anger, sitting with anger, and listening to anger will help me to utilize anger productively. If ignored, it will spill out in unproductive, unhelpful, and unkind ways on those I love most.
Anger itself is not a sin. (John 12:13-22, Matthew 21:12, Matthew 22:15-45, Matthew 23:13)
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You poor thing...you can’t do anything right in your own eyes. You make no room for humanness when in reality there is humanness in ALL you do. Every action will have some bits of imperfection and that’s >ok<. That’s the way God made it. You’re living in a cruel dark and twisty dungeon in that mind of yours. Sounds painful and unkind. Why is your standard perfection? Whoever told you that’s the only acceptable answer? You want to be like Jesus...but Jesus didn’t achieve perfection by hate, pain, and accusation. He was connected to the Father. He was love truth and forgiveness. We cannot pour out pure and true love on those around us when so much space in our head and our heart is preoccupied with pointing out, magnifying, and condemning our imperfections. Where are the lovely things? Aren’t there lovely things? Should we focus on them? ...don’t have to, but let’s at least be kind to ourselves. Our accusations, blame, and unkind demeanor to ourself is not helpful in our desire to be open to God and to Abide in Him. God, help me to love myself and be helpful to myself: Gracious, understanding, divorcing obedience and perfection from my worth, kind, helpful, honest(emotionally), understanding God’s perspective of me. That his perspective of me would be the “rain-x” that allows judgements, expectations, disapproval from others wipe right of my back.
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We’ve all got sin in the game.
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John 10. I know my sheep, and my sheep know me.
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