thekrawra · 3 years
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renga but as that scene from yoi
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thekrawra · 3 years
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thekrawra · 3 years
say what you will about the sk8 finale: the way they replicated the very first scene of the whole show with it being langa instead of reki makes me, who will die on the hill of parallels any day of the week, actually sob. 
also “my happiness is...” and full body pan to reki. 
while obviously there were some shortcomings, that final scene made me v happy.
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thekrawra · 3 years
langa is 0.2 seconds away from putting up missing posters for reki
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thekrawra · 3 years
i think the saddest thing about sk8 right now is the fact that it is literally confirmed that both reki and langa want the same thing which is to skate together (found out via reki literally telling us and langa’s heart literally not racing until he knew reki was there) bUT reki keeps avoiding langa so langa can’t tell him the feelings he’s trying to be honest about.
like it’s miscommunication at it’s finest. if langa can talk to reki it will be cleared up because both want the exact same thing?!?!
rEKI please just let langa tell you all his honest feelings i swear you won’t be let down bby.
also the fact that the fandom collectively feels an insurmountable amount of rage towards palm trees 🌴🌴
i love it here
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thekrawra · 3 years
One of the best soulmate interaction I've ever seen in anime
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thekrawra · 3 years
reki is gabriella and langa is troy bolton, you can’t change my mind 
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thekrawra · 3 years
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Have you seen my Reki?
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thekrawra · 3 years
so ive fallen back down into the dark percy pit and just wanted to once again state that i will never not be salty about the fact that percy jackson hasn’t done any blood-bending (either on purpose or accidental) since HoH basically confirmed he could.
am i about to go on percy jackson tangents for a while? probably.
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thekrawra · 4 years
did shouto know about the family pre-shouto? bnha 291
so we’ve got more backstory! and there's one question that has been bothering me a lot.
did shouto know what his family was like before his birth?
because i think its a big deal. and i think it's very likely he didn't.
why? let me tell you.
this chapter reveals some interesting information about the todoroki family before shouto's birth:
1) touya and endeavour had something resembling a decent relationship: this isn't saying endeavour did no wrong. my main point is that touya did not have the same experience with endeavour. it wasn't the same as shouto's. touya sought to impress his father. wanted to learn. and was willing to push himself. and we have the fact that endeavour did express something that could maybe be resembling concern for touya and it was touya who wanted to continue forward with his training.
2) rei thought more kids was a good idea + the siblings weren't separated: we know touya and natsuo were close. endeavour reveals rei was on board with having more kids. additionally, this adds context to fuyumi's desire to be a family again.
3) endeavour said it was fine: endeavour, while still thinking of half-hot/half-cold, had in some way at least accepted touya as his protege. and wasn't relentlessly pursuing "creating" a child with the half-hot/half-cold quirk.
this is a very different image of the family that popular fan theories painted. again, this isn't saying there wasn't anything wrong with them at the time. but just that it seems to be implied that shouto's birth served as a catalyst into the rapid descent of awfulness we knew of.
but how much of this did shouto know?
he was kept separated from his siblings, and i can't imagine rei telling him the details of what the family was like before his birth. even now, i can't really imagine fuyumi or natsuo really spilling the details on it if the situation had in fact gotten a lot worse after shouto's death.
because it's very obvious from the story up until this point that shouto is inclined to blame himself for his family's and friend's suffering. he avoided visiting rei because he thought that seeing him would cause her more pain, he's blamed himself for his teams failures in training, and there's a trend of this happening.
so i find it hard to believe anyone would look at shouto and tell him, hey things were better before your birth.
beyond that, if things were somewhat better before shouto (which is not his fault at all, it's still all on endeavour obviously) - it gives even more reason to rei's actions. obviously it was never her intention but even on a subconscious level, shouto's birth could have served as a very definitive moment for "this is when it got worse".
so basically, i don't think shouto knew that much about his family before his birth.
and this is important for a few reasons:
1) it pulls some of what shouto said in the sports festival into question. AGAIN - i'm not saying that anything isn't true, just that it might not be as reliable as we thought it was. shouto has no frame of reference for enji and rei's relationship before he was born. in turn, i'd wager that he's assumed it was always like that. it's important to remember that shouto was the one who revealed that it was a quirk marriage and endeavour bought rei and that the relationship was never in any way good or okay. and i'm not saying it was. just that there's reason to consider that shouto may have misinterpreted some things. because he didn't know any different.
2) the effect this could have on shouto's mindset. the main reason i think shouto isn't aware of the family before his birth is because i don't think anyone in his family would want to risk him thinking that anything was his fault. which if he is learning about this from dabi now, could be something that comes into play. it isn't shouto's fault. but if he's, on top of everything else that has happened, learning that apparently the family was very different before he was born. and a lot of the issues we are aware, occured after he was born. that might just be a very hard pill to swallow. and something that could tear shouto apart.
so basically the point of this post: shouto's terrible no good day continues (and maybe he's an unreliable narrator - something i may touch on more once official translations come out)
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thekrawra · 4 years
Chapter 291 Title: “Shouto’s No-Good, Very Bad Day Gets Even Worse”
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thekrawra · 4 years
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In case there are doubts how devastating this will be for citizen’s faith for hero society, here is “can’t you see”-kun watching the broadcast live. 
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thekrawra · 4 years
why the dabi reveal is amazing: foreshadowing and predictability
2020 is really determined to die with a bang. 
of course what else could any of us really expect. it finally happened. after years of painstakingly collecting the clues, fan theory and basically accepting it as canon before it was confirmed, we got the confirmation we've been longing for. 
after blacked out speech bubbles, examining eye colour and every piece of related dialogue we could get our hands on, we've made it. 
dabi is o f f i c i a l l y a todoroki. 
and the excitement that follows: storytellers take note. 
the dabi reveal has been predicted for years. basically since the character was introduced. people saw a fire boy and said yep, that's a todoroki. and suspicions only rose until the fandom reached a point where it was basically accepted as canon. 
and turns out: we were right! and it doesn't make bnha a predictable story, it helps make it a good one. 
ah yes, predictable. the thing modern storytellers seem to fear most if some of the random shock value twists we see in popular media have anything to say about it. but there isn't anything wrong with a well executed story that might be a bit predictable -- in fact i'd even argue sometimes that predictability is a good thing: it means your story makes. sense. 
you dotted your i's, crossed your t's and wrote out an actual word. 
too often is "shock" value a priority in storytelling. it's gotten to the point that when an audience is getting a little too close to predicting any major plot twist, instead of following through, the answer is to throw in a shocker that doesn't make any sense. 
what the dabi reveal in BNHA shows us is that that is definitely not the answer. 
how satisfying is it that after all these years, we finally have that reveal. we've been rewarded with answers that are exactly the answers we wanted and it feels great!the issue with "unpredictable" twists is that they are often out of place and come out of very little. there's no foundation in them which leads to something that feels cheap, or random or simply unsatisfying. 
there's nothing wrong with your fans who actively consume your content figuring a secret out. it means they are engaged in it, catching the details and are probably going to be thrilled when they are proven correct -- case in point: dabi.
 i've never met a fan who is disappointed when tastefully done foreshadowing pays off, and their fan theory is proven correct. so sure we knew dabi was probably a todoroki. but the reveal has all that paying off. it's canon! it's real! we were right! 
and fun fact to take notice of: we are still freaking out! just because we predicted this twist, doesn't mean we aren't estatic it's happening! predictable can mean good when something is well done. and that's the key isn't it? the dabi reveal was a fairly well executed twist. it had the build up, major stakes in the story and revealed something new about a fan favourite character. 
so storytellers -- as one myself -- let's stop focusing on making our stories unpredictable and focus on just telling good stories. foreshadowing is powerful and fans are smart. it's okay if they figure things out.the excitement will still be there. 
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thekrawra · 4 years
why i’d be mad if todo is sidelined in this next fight (and why he absolutely shouldn’t be)
so let it be said: i love my boy shouto. love him. so much. so yes there is some bias here. but don’t get me wrong: i love all my 1a kids and am happy for anyone who gets cool moments and fights and their growth.
my problem right now is that as bakudeku run off to fight, because of course they do, they’ve left everyone else behind, and deku obviously lied about OFA — again.
now obviously nothing is set in stone: i’d actually be surprised if todoroki, uraraka and iida just leave it at that. esp. todoroki and iida after stain and in general, how both characters haven’t really hesitated to go after or stick with their friends.
it’s clear that this arc is big, and in a result of that should have some big ever lasting consequences to it when it wraps (people dying, injured, the world changing as we know it). and i’ll get to that again in a moment, but first: why i’d be upset if todoroki is left out of this big fight.
right now it’s shaping up that bakudeku are going to fight shigiraki alongside the person who is currently fighting him: endeavour.
i’d get it if it was solely a OFA/AFO fight. if shiggy was alone and not currently engaged in combat, if the pros were MIA — then it works. obviously the two characters linked closest to the OFA situation (the one with it and the one who knows about it) would go. and i’m not mad about deku and bakugou going. i think that’s a fair choice.
i just think todoroki has to follow. for a few reasons.
because this isn’t just OFA vs AFO. endeavour is there too. and endeavour isn’t connected to the OFA arc, he’s connected to the arc about him and his family, shouto and his family, the todoroki family.
and where we are at, shouto hasn’t forgiven or decided not to forgive endeavour. he’s still a little conflicted about it. but we also know that he obviously cares if his father lives or dies — i mean the panels/scene of him during the high end fight say enough about that topic.
so for anything to happen to endeavour and for todoroki not to be there to witness/react/be involved feels wrong.
beyond that: he has reason to be concerned right now!
for everyone yelling that todoroki wouldn’t follow, or have no reason to not to trust deku when he yells BRB and runs away with bakugou — i mean just because todoroki hasn’t chosen to pry or to trust the answers deku has given him doesn’t mean he doesn’t realize that something is going on here.
i mean not only do we have todoroki as one of the first to confront midoriya about a connection between him and all might (asking him about a conclusion that all things about todoroki concerned makes complete sense), but we’ve also had todoroki confronting midoriya about having two quirks, and just earlier this arc todoroki noticing something strange was up with deku.
plus it’s just a given at this point that deku is unable to keep himself out of trouble.
in addition to that: todoroki has been established as more useful fighting then helping in evacuation — look back at the provisional licensing arc. during the fight with gang orca and simultaneous evacuation, todoroki and inasa were good logical choices to fight while everyone else focused on continuing the evacuation. even if it’s a group choice, if uraraka, todoroki and iida decide to send someone, it just makes more sense for it to be todoroki. uraraka and iida are more useful helping to evacuate because their quirks are just better for it in comparison. they can move more people, faster than todoroki could, and todoroki has more natural offensive strength. i could see uraraka wanting to go but todoroki stopping her and going instead, divide and conquer logically right?
so we have a todoroki who knows his father is fighting some dangerous villain and just saw deku and bakugou going off for some reason. because let’s be clear: deku was vague and when he said why he was leaving. they are in the middle of a clearly life and death evacuation and deku is leaving to go...somewhere?
and what we know about todoroki? well he got a vague location from midoriya and went to help, when bakugou was taken it was him and kirishima who made the plan in the first place. when he can, he definitely doesn’t watch or stand back while his friends and classmates rush off to do something stupid.
and looking forward, this is a major turning point in the manga, it has to be. based on everything, it seems like someone else at least is going to figure out about OFA. endeavour’s fate could really go anywhere (fine, quirkless, dead, who knows?). and it just would not feel right too me if todoroki is sidelined.
this is his arc too. i mean it’s a culmination, a head, a climax. yes there is OFA vs AFO, but there’s also a lot more going on to.
leading up to this, bakugou and midoriya both trained with endeavour because of todoroki. the three of them did their internship together. these two are two of the people that todoroki probably considers his closest friends (even if bakugou won’t admit to being friends with him).
and don’t get me wrong: it’s too early really to tell anything one way or the other. maybe todoroki, uraraka and iida go to follow but can’t because a bunch of villains show up, maybe they do follow and we just won’t find out or know for a few chapters. but ultimately, it just doesn’t make sense to me if todoroki doesn’t play a part in the action here (especially if there’s going to be a dabi reveal — but that’s a whole other conversation).
and i also 100% don’t think bakudeku should’ve taken todoroki with them. i agree that that wouldn’t have made sense. i just don’t think todoroki, and the other members of class 1a there will let them be idiots alone. i mean bakugou and deku running off together can only mean bad things. and no member of class 1a there are idiots. and logically and thematically, todoroki makes the most sense to follow after them.
and again, i’d be really surprised if anyone actually believed deku’s reason for running off. it didn’t read as very convincing to me, and historically to my recollection, he’s never been that great of a liar. but alas i could be wrong there.
i just really hope that todoroki doesn’t get sidelined in favour of the bakudeku team up. just because he doesn’t know about OFA doesn’t seem like enough of a reason to assume that he won’t follow or be part of this fight in someway.
plus no way are bakugou and deku strong enough to deal with shigiraki on their own. they are definitely going to need a couple saves and i really really really hope one of them is shouto coming in and finally getting some real answers about OFA (and also being there and present for any endeavour/dabi/todoroki plot points)
this is really just word vomit over how i’m feeling about the most recent chapter with everything. one of my fav bnha accounts @class1akids has a bunch of really great much better worded posts about most of what’s going down so check them out.
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thekrawra · 4 years
Is anyone else dying to know how Dick would confront Wally about what he did to Roy and the other heroes? Bc honestly that is one of the things I want to see played out most once Dick gets his memories back. Not that I expect to actually get a scene like that once Ric becomes Dick again. 
Because like. Dick and Wally have been each other’s ride or dies in the Rebirth era. Dick stole Bruce’s platinum business card and bought Wally an apartment with it because he considered Wally his family. Then Dick got stabbed in the heart and was going to die so Wally literally reversed time to save Dick’s life, which then wrecked Wally’s heart and killed him. Then Dick and Wally stood as a united front against Roy (yes, yes, very stupid issue, I know). And Wally caught all the arrows aimed at Dick to protect him. 
But like. 
What would Dick do?? Would he try to understand where Wally was coming from? Would he go feral and beat Wally’s ass? I’ve just been thinking about this since forever. 
Now all I can imagine is Dick being furious with Wally, but then his hand drifts towards his heart where he was stabbed. And he remembers how Wally saved him, and he remembers how he felt like the wind got knocked out of his lungs when he realized Wally was dead. The familial love he feels for Wally conflicts with his anger and he doesn’t know what to do. Doesn’t know how to feel. So he just cries. 
He cries because he thinks maybe he could’ve prevented this shit from happening if he hadn’t been shot in the head. Maybe he could’ve talked to Wally and stopped him from doing that. He cries for the loss of Roy and his other hero friends. He cries because Alfred is dead and because the batfam’s relationships with each other have deteriorated in his absence. He cries because the family he made with the Titans has also been destroyed. He cries because he’s supposed to have two families, but both of them have been shattered into pieces. He cries because he can’t talk to Bruce about his problems, and now he can’t talk to his friends either. 
He cries because he’s lost so much of his own life, and now that he has his memories back, there’s nothing familiar for him to take comfort in. Everything is different, including him. So he just cries and cries and cries because nothing makes sense anymore. 
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thekrawra · 4 years
things I love about phineas and ferb
main stream representation of a blended family that all loves each other very much with no drama over the fact that technically, they are step-siblings
Ferb is largely non-verbal and does a lot of his communication through non-verbal means and literally no one ever makes fun of him for that, like it’s acknowledged but not shamed
Perry also does a lot of non-verbal communication, but he is a platypus
the use of Doof’s tragic backstories to highlight the fact that they explain but not excuse his actions. they are told in a way that you feel bad for Kid Doof, but that doesn’t make it okay to try to mind control the entire tri-state area
the play on all of the repeative actions, there’s a formula to the show and by the later seasons, the characters have acknowledged that and a lot of the humor comes from that
almost all of the main characters (minus I think Phineas and Candace) have a cultural background that is acknowledged and explored, and even shared among the group. 
the acknowledgement that Isabella is Jewish during the Christmas episodes, but also that she doesn’t celebrate Christmas and still wants to help her friends save something that is important to them 
Buford and Baljeet seem to have some sort of understand and boundaries that only they understand which is like vaguely problematic, but obviously they care about each other
there is a crime fighting platypus
that even though it’s a kid’s show, it demonstrates a lot of common frustrations that kids have. Candace is always frustrated that her mother doesn’t believe her. Carl is upset with Major Monogram for never thanking him.
Candance and Jermey’s relationship ends up being a really awesome one, because he knows exactly what she’s like, and unlike some of the other people in her life (her mother, Stacy and Jenny), he doesn’t mind at all. in fact, he plans for her running off to bust her brothers. almost always. he’s just 100% okay with it and content to bring thier date along on her busting plans. 
just the can do spirit that Phineas and Ferb have. almost nothing ever stops them. and like… they obviously put a lot of thought into how things work but like they just wanna have fun 
the giant floating baby head
Vanessa and everything about her 
actually, the friendship between Vanessa and Candace that we watch as they meet and it ends up growing until eventually they are actually friends who hang out even tough they are drastically different people from drastically different friend groups with so many different interests 
that they have an episode entirely devoted to aglets. I fucking love aglets man. 
the fact that Phineas and Ferb meet aliens and immediately make friends with them. because that’s just who they are
that Lawrence 100% knows that the boys do all this crazy shit every day and has absolutely no objects and literally never says anything despite the fact that he could easily tell his wife that Candace is right
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thekrawra · 4 years
hey my dudes, so as always i do have plans for a breakdown of the most recent episode coming but it’ll probably be a in couple days — i’m planning on rewatching the entire series because a lot of my feelings about this episode relate to tone and flow and wrapping up story threads so i want to make sure i don’t forget about anything and make real inaccurate statements...
in the mean time though: i’ve got some preliminary thoughts and ideas that i figures i’d word vomit out there.
so a) i actually didn’t hate the episode. there was one scene with what felt to me like a major tonal shift that felt a bit out of place (you know the scene i’m talking about) but i for the most part thought there was a lot of potential and nothing that they can’t fix/adjust coming into another season.
b) carlos and seb are beautiful and pure and i love them so so so so much and seb kills as sharpay and carlos as chad had my dying of laughter and man they were lovely and i’m so excited for seb to be a main role in season two and can’t wait for more content.
c) big red. big red. big red the third? i died. this guy honestly. so sweet. just out here impressing everyone with his talent. and him and ashlyn! and he sent the flowers! and all of it was amazing a real highlight — and when his parents were like “he’s never really done anything before so we’re happy he’s out here doing something” and supporting him. and like man big red and his family and big red and ashlyn, i want more, i hope they keep it at zero angst all wholesome adorable sweet love.
d) ej. so like i know ej has been a love him or hate him character with most people leaning hate. i’ve actually really enjoyed ej’s character and i think in another post i’m probably going to do a breakdown/analysis of all the characters: but man ej was a lot of comic relief to me and he’s mistakes always read more just oblivious/idiotic than with any sort of ill intention. and this ep when he said “i’m playing to lose”: that was actually such a great moment that i felt and i mean it shows that he actually does care about nini...i mean in a way he kinda did what ricky did too? stepping away to give nini the best chance/what she wants/deserves. so i thought that was really well done and him buying the ticket for gina and honestly, there’s no ej hate here.
e) a piece of nitpicky criticism: there should have been a nini/kourtney scene after the show about the school? like should have at least been kourtney comforting nini/nini saying she wants to be alone/something because like the two of them are close and besties and i know that realistically kourtney would be the first there to comfort her and if nini felt how she told ricky she did she wouldn’t have let kourtney worry so like ?? as i said nitpicky but like i just know if that happened to my best friend she’d have a hard time getting rid of me until she 100% reassured me she was alright.
f) let’s talk ricky’s mom because why not? “i didn’t want to throw you off”? there’s so much about that line: there’s the fact that to some extent she obviously knew having todd there would throw ricky off, the fact that somehow she assumed it would be better to have him just show up mid show and give ricky NO time to consider it — as ricky pointed out. it’s that she just obviously so out of tune with her son that she doesn’t know him, and doesn’t seem to get that everything she thought was wrong and was a bad idea. and that she was like where were you and ricky was like “check your messages” and man i felt that because i’ve done that when i don’t want to talk to people and if they don’t get the message man honestly it just makes the situation worse so get out of here lynne until your like actually going to make an effort to like know/listen to your son.
g) on the other hand, ricky’s dad!!! he barely even did anything but you can just feel his support of ricky. like he tries, and he’s there and don’t get me wrong i LOVED the ricky/gina scene but i kinda wished his dad had come out and spoken to him — id love to see a heart to heart between the two of them and i think 100% they should talk because ricky is way more likely to listen to his dad than his mom.
h) alright i’ll stop delaying the inevitable: ricky and nini. personally i wasn’t feeling it. i thought the individual pieces were there as a climax of their relationship — i thought it was written fine and executed fine in the context of THIS EPISODE. but it felt almost out of place to me. a lot of this has to do with the fact that i hadn’t been sold on the relationship, i personally don’t feel like they are a good fit and idk i feel like the show’s main lacking point was that they didn’t really push them as positive? and even leading up to the ricky/nini moments the tone still felt off? like ricky’s mom said the thing about relationships sometimes not working? for me: it just didn’t fit. it didn’t have the right build up to sell me which overall affected how i felt about the scenes, no matter how well performed they were? that being said, i do have hope leading into season two...i think they have a couple things they need to come to terms with still, i think white i ship ricky/gina depending on how they handle season two maybe they work? but maybe they don’t? they didn’t dismiss the ricky/gina connection, and ej redeemed himself a bit/showed he obviously still cares for nini, plus nini got the offer to the school so who knows honestly... i’ll talk about it more in another post though — point is it just felt off for me.
i) gina moving in with ashlyn!!! i’m happy gina’s probably coming back, and am excited to see how they work it out.
and my final two thoughts:
j) nini getting the offer. i’m happy she got the offer and i’m interested to see how it plays into the next season. i just really hope they don’t go for: im staying here for the boy — that’s like an awful message, and in a world where schools and jobs are so competitive, like take your chances if it’s what you want — so if she doesn’t go, i’m just praying that it’s for a better reason then :( i just got back with this guy.
and last but definitely not least k) ricky’s story. okay so i have semi conflicted feelings about how ricky’s season one story wrapped because i really felt it didn’t. he got to say “i love you” which is great and all, but there’s so much else going on with him...obviously it means there’s a lot more to talk about in season two but my biggest thing is that none of his BIG problems got resolved and while yes he said “i love you” to nini, i felt like he didn’t really come out of the season learning anything? and this is just in regards to my own personal feelings about his character: having him fulfill the “winning back the girl” arc just feels like it takes away from all the dealing with change, finding his support and all his character development. like i love ricky so much and i’m happy he was able to say i love you cause that’s huge, but i felt like he didn’t come away from the season as strongly as some of the others character did in the finale.
but as i said, these are mainly just initial thoughts. i’m going to rewatch everything and will probably have a couple posts coming out about the individual characters/more cohesive thoughts on the season finale.
but nonetheless, the agonizing wait for season two begins, i wish everyone the best of luck.
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