thecryptidcreative · 1 year
Can anyone explain why one can no longer don the Bugle on ones finger as the fanciest of clackity-claws? #buglegate23 #bugles #economy #shrinkflation #giveusourclawsback
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
We've set up shop on Etsy (finally 😬)
Check out this cutie!
Only a few available to be sure to grab one while they're available!
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
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gomez and morticia addams
To live without you, only that would be torture. A day alone, only that would be death…
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
This is Earl.
Earl heard the alerts but rode anyway.
Good bye Earl.
He was a decent man.
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
Just got approval notice for these bad boys. Fresh line of journals coming in hottttttttt!
15 random purchasers will receive a mystery gift box in the mail!
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
Looking through telescope pictures and stumbled on this beauty. Does anyone else see the skull? It looks like it's underwater and your looking down at an angle.
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
I love him! Going to be hard to let this one go 🥹🥹
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
And that venom attracts the Mother Moth. Mothmom. She's a crazy bitch. One so crazy that you never hear about her because it's just too wild. She lurks in the shadows. Commanding Mothman. She's the real threat. She will eat your flesh and slurp your eyeball juice.
Don't touch the babies.
Yes, The Baby Mothmen Are Adorable
But that does not mean that park goers should pick them up or play with them, as baby mothmen have a mild venom that they will use to defend themselves if they feel threatened.
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
How did I take so long to get here? Y'all are my people. Let's do weird shit.
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nothing weve posted are even firecrackers compared to this fucking atomic bomb of a post
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
For the good of the internet. Castiel out.
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#this had to be done
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
The biggest reason the war on "Happy Holidays" is dumb as fuck is that even in a strictly Christian context, the holidays in question are Christmas and New Year's.
Even the most carefully sheltered religious ignoramous who's never heard of Diwali or Chanukah HAS heard of New Year's Day. You know—that thing that happens a week after Christmas? That's often a government-mandated statutory holiday? Where all the calendars change? So close to Christmas that many businesses, schools, and other institutions often take the days between them off too?
It's so absolutely clear that the grown adults peddling this crap are making something up to get angry about, because Christians have been wishing each other Happy Holidays for centuries. (Twelve whole days of Christmas, and extra events like Epiphany or Feast of the Innocents, too! These days we even get Second Christmas, for the Julian calendar folks!)
They're not angry about "erasing Christmas". Christmas is indelible. They're angry at having to acknowledge literally any other religion as having a right to exist, more or less. They want to live in a theocracy, while simultaneously saying that religious oppression would be terrible if it happened... to them.
I'm so goddamn sick of it. Of people who ask "Which holidays?" as if it's some sort of sick burn, not something that can slide from moderate inanity through to actively bigoted malice.
Keep Christ in Christmas?
Great idea. You start. Love your neighbour and shut the fuck up.
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
it's weird how people will be like "but we need Suburban Lawn so kids can play outside!" as if basically every kid isn't bored to tears by being confined to a yard that's nothing but flat grass.
like have you talked to a kid, have you spent time with kids, do you remember BEING a kid? "playing outside" isn't about Throwing Ball 1000 times it's about squishing mud, using sticks as swords and guns, making potions from plants, catching bugs, climbing trees, and building forts from brush and branches.
A highly manicured lawn has nothing to offer the senses and brain of a developing child. If there are no "weeds," what are they supposed to gather to make into potions?? I'm not even joking, what do you, a child, DO in a yard without wildflowers and mud and dead branches. I feel like my brain wouldn't have developed correctly if my outdoor space growing up wasn't full of chicory and asters and dandelions.
At least video games offer some dim imitation of a variety of stimuli
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
Ope. #taxtherich
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Huh? Jeff Bezos? Really? Well, I suppose that's a change of character that has absolutely no ulterior motive
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And oh, the interview he said this in was about giving money to Dolly Parton's charity work? Oh, wow what a good thing to do that clearly was not done with any ill intentions-
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thecryptidcreative · 1 year
there is something so darkly comical about tumblr potentially outliving twitter
tumblr, which is held together with duct tape and madness, run by three raccoons in blood stained Yahoo! hats and a handful of crabs, its only discernible source of income the sale of shoelaces from an inside joke so inside no one knows the original source anymore and fake blue checkmarks... that website still lives on
truly the cockroach of social media and I love it for that
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thecryptidcreative · 2 years
#gayssavetheworld #ally
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thecryptidcreative · 2 years
I'm sorry..... WHAT?!
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