the-lonely-father-blog ยท 4 years
Chapter 2
I am going to take you back about 4 years ago where this whole story takes place. I have been living a normal teenager life, me and my girlfriend had just broke up and i found myself newly single and ready to get out there. My buddy Austin just called me up and said bro go download Tinder because that's a great app to help you get a girlfriend. So i told him I'd check it out..... The next day i boot up my phone and downloaded Tinder. Hello my name is Cody, I'm 19 and I'm a huge gamer/nerd and i love food as that is my passion i have a decent job at sales so maybe on my day off i can take you out. So i made my profile and uploaded some goofy pics of myself on there and it felt as a game swipping right and seeing how many likes you can get back, then i realized that I'm not that good at this game haha. Then came along Alyssa. She seemed cool she had a lot of friends that i had in common and also a lot of the same interests as me which i found amazing. I messaged her and asked if she wanted to go out and grab some mexican food and she seemed thrilled. Her picture showed a slender model like person so i was shocked that she said yes so i put on my best clothes, my best cologne that my mom got me and cleaned my car to try and make a good impression on her, little did i know what i had in store for me. I arrived at her house and was a little discouraged to see that she didn't look exactly as she did in the pictures. She was a little more on the heavier side which didn't bother me but just thought it was strange that she thought that she had to lie to find someone. After having a nice first date we thought it would be a good idea to keep seeing each other so we did. Eventually we labeled each other as boyfriend and girlfriend, i even helped her get a job at the same store i worked in and life felt great. Well after a while it started to go sour and things didn't vibe like it use to so we broke up as well. I thought to avoid the toxic workspace i left to go to work at a cvs as overnight cashier. Life started to get back to normal, i got over her and moved on but then late overnight i had a call around 2/3 am, a woman asking to speak to me once i told her it was me she said it was alyssa and she was pregnant. My life as i knew it would change, we went and looked at cribs toys and clothes for the new baby. I was getting so excited and happy that i have brought a new life into this wonderful world. She eventually told me that she didnt need my help anymore taking her to appointments or help getting stuff that she would ask for help if she needs it. I tried to stay in contact in case she needed help, a couple weeks later she told me she did a pre natal paternity test and found out that i wasnt the father and i was devastated ...
End of chapter 2
The lonely father
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the-lonely-father-blog ยท 4 years
Chapter 1
All of the following events are true and factual. I have changed names and also altered some events to mask the identity of not only myself but also of my family. To start things off i will be going through my life explaining all of the things to the best of my ability. If for any reason it seems like i have missed something please leave a comment or message me. But this journey will all be my documentation for my son to show him when he's older what i have done and tried to accomplish for him. This chapter is my introductory chapter where i give the readers some insight to what is going on. First and foremost i am 24 as of April 2nd, 2020 and i am currently in the middle of a custody trial and not to mention the Covid-19 Pandemic. Now i am not gonna start this story halfway through I will take it back about four years and start where it had all began. Please see chapter 2 to continue this story with me and see where it takes me. I will appreciate all feedback and try to respond to all comments and messages.
-End of chapter 1
-The lonely father
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