Christmas. #17.
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Even though I am not religious, I really love Christmas. My family is Buddhist, so it was not celebrated in my house, but maybe that is what caused me to yearn for it so much more (ironic, isn’t it?) 
I love Christmas decor, the feeling, the music, the presents, the lights - just everything about it! This year, I may have my first Christmas tree (artificial) to decorate and have in the living room, which makes me very excited. No better time than 2020. 
This year, for gift-giving, I’m going the route of shopping local, small business and/or environmentally friendly (e-gift cards to the rescue!). I want to be thoughtful with gift giving, but also support small shops instead of shopping through Amazon or other big businesses. Luckily, my town, also know as “Christmas City”, has plenty of small shops and pop-up kiosks have appeared on the main drag. 2020, as challenging and weird as it has been, has really made me think about being more environmentally friendly and support small business. By supporting these businesses, I hope they continue to prosper and keep employees in a time when unemployment is high due to Covid. These actions may impact the community in ways you wouldn’t think when you buy a shop’s products. 
Holiday season also makes me think about giving back. This 2020 election had me all kinds of stressed out - a way I helped myself feel some form of control was by donating to some organizations I’ve research that are local to my state and hope that these donations help the communities that these organizations are in. 
Spreading love and Christmas cheer, already in November.
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Reduce waste. #16.
A couple years ago, I read a book called Garbology, which focused on the amount of waste that is created by us (humans) and it’s effect on climate change. It made me sad, but also motivated. I wanted to reduce the amount of waste I created on a daily basis. That is when I found Trash is for Tossers, Lauren Singer, and her store the Package Free shop. 
I just bought a few more items to replace the plastic that eventually gets thrown out: ziploc bags, which I am switching out for Stasher silicone bags, and foil, which I am switching out with vegan food wraps. I am DEFINITELY not at a zero waste stage (Some people, like Lauren, keep all the waste they have in a JAR). I still use tissue paper and I still buy food items that are wrapped/packaged in plastic. But I figure, a little can go a long way and hopefully also save me some money. 
I don’t think I will ever hit a zero waste stage, but I do want to be more thoughtful and keep it in mind each purchase I make, what impact it makes, where was it made, and if I am supporting a small business and a bigger cause at hand. 
In other words, just trying to be a environmentally/socially conscious human being!
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Japanese Life. #15.
I love Japan. I wish I could live there. But I don’t. One of my favorite things though is watching Nami’s Life on Youtube. She makes these beautiful, mostly quiet videos of her daily life. There is something so simple and charming about these videos, as she shops, cooks, cleans, and just lives her life. I love how she shoots and edits the videos, and the music that she picks out to be the soundtrack of her life that day. When I miss Japan, her videos help me feel connected again to Japan. 
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Party. #14.
I love movies. But, a lot of people love movies. I always loved watching movies with people. Due to the pandemic, my friends and I have started to do Netflix Parties.
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It’s something we should have been doing a long time ago anyway, but we didn’t start until we started going into quarantine. Since it is October, we have been doing Halloween/Horror/Thriller films as the theme for the month. We have watched The Devil All The Time, The Winchester, Hocus Pocus, Hubie Halloween, and our next upcoming one is Horns. It’s worked out well and I enjoy chatting with friends as we try to guess the mystery of “Who did it?” or make jokes about a weird scene or explain what is happening when someone misses something (someone always misses a key plot point). I’ve enjoyed it a lot and I think the theme idea for the month is really fun and great and keeps us engaged in these tiring times. 
Can’t wait until we get into Xmas holiday film time! 
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Sims. #13.
Lucky number 13! 
I go in and out with my obsession with the game Sims 4, but usually it’s after I watch Kelsey’s 100 Baby Challenge in Sims 4 videos that I start playing Sims again. I really like Kelsey’s bubbly personality as she plays this game and love watching this particular series she does with Buzzfeed Multiplayer. Some surprises out of her control happen in the game and it is fun to see how she reacts and adapts to these challenges that are thrown at her. Plus, she really tries to interact with her audience, by having fans make potential Sim fathers to the babies, dream homes for her Sim family, and asking for baby names in the Youtube comment section. 
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Camouflage. #12.
The Front Bottoms is everything a NJ gal wants/needs in a band. Acoustic guitar, punky sounds, and catchy lyrics and melodies. I adore this band and saw them live once at an Atlantic City Beer Festival. It was the best time! 
They are still on tour, doing shows at drive-ins and parking lots. Their newest album, In Sickness & In Flames, is wonderful. I bought it at a local music store and bought some of their merch online. Worth a listen if you have not listened to them before! 
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Eating. Everything. #11.
When I watch a Try Guys video, it is usually because it is food related. One of my favorite series on the Try Guys Youtube channel is Keith eats everything at a fast food place. I saw the KFC one first (I also love KFC) and I was hooked on watching the other episodes he had done (Wendys, Panda Express, Burger King, the list goes on). I am trying to be healthy nowadays, since I am currently on a work health and wellness challenge for the next few weeks, but I certainly do crave a lot of these fast foods. They are a guilty pleasure of mine - I love a good fried chicken sandwich. But watching Keith devour the menu of an establishment has been entertaining for me! 
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Lost. #10.
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The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek (by the Good Mythical Morning duo, Link Neal and Rhett James McLaughlin) was a book I didn’t know anything about prior to reading. I go in and out from watching Good Mythical Morning episodes on Youtube, and knew they had written a book a while ago. Since my library, due to the pandemic, started to allow people to order and pick up books at a table outside of the library, I decided one of the first books I would order would be this one. I had listened to an Ear Biscuits podcast by Link and Rhett, specifically the episode where they talk about their friend that had passed away, Ben. Ben is one of the characters in the book - a great homage to their friend. This book, if you haven’t read it, is a good pick for October reading, since it is a bit of a thriller, mystery, science fiction piece of reading. I enjoyed it a lot and I hope that a sequel may come out. 
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Savings. #9.
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Ellevest is a great saving and investment website, geared towards women, but you can identify any way you want to be a member of Ellevest. I first heard about Ellevest from Sallie Krawcheck, when she was a guest on the Bad With Money podcast by Gaby Dunn (another favorite of mine). I have saved up for emergency funds and invested through Ellevest, and it has put me in a place I never thought I would be financially. It makes me happy to know I am putting money away in case of an emergency (loss of job, medical bills) and investing money in an ETF so that it grows faster than when I would have money sitting in a savings account. I had such a lack of knowledge of investing and thus, a fear of it, but I wish I was a member of Ellevest much sooner. I now feel more confident and more financially independent than before. 
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Bad Science. #8.
Another favorite Youtube channel of mine is Safiya Nygaard. She’s known for doing weird makeup science. This particular video entails her mixing every bath bomb from Lush to make the ultimate bath bomb. I really like her because she does explain the history or process of what she is doing in her videos, as well as offers genuine reviews of items or services she gets. She originally was on Buzzfeed, which is where I had found her, and really enjoyed the videos she made there. She is just a sweet and funny person, and I find her content entertaining. 
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Games. #7.
Ah, they are back together again: Game Grumps and Supermega. I love these guys so much. Side Note: I really wanted to play Monolopy after this and looked up Monopoly Plus on Steam and saw bad reviews of it glitching and kicking people off. I wondered then how/why Game Grumps and Supermega were playing it, but by episode 2 (Spoiler Alert), it became clear that the Steam reviews are true. 
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Support. #6.
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Every year, my best friend and her family form a team called ‘Grandma’s People’ to honor her grandmother who passed away from Alzheimer’s. They do the Alzheimer’s Walk and help raise money for a great cause. I always donate and try to support her and her family’s efforts. I knew her grandmother from when I was a child and would visit the orthodontist office that her grandmother worked at as a receptionist for years. If you can, check out her page and story and if you are able, donate to this cause. 
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An obvious favorite thing of mine: This pup. Lilypad is a 4 year old Jack Russell that I got from a no-kill animal shelter called Peaceable Kingdom last year. She is a nervous pup, but she seems to have bonded with me and feels safe in my home that she can wag her tail and run around with her infinite number of toys. I am so glad she came into my life. 
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Walking.  #5.
Jaymay is an amazing singer/songwriter and always writes such catchy and beautiful songs. Here is a video of her performing “Long Walk To Never” Live. Since I have been practicing guitar during this quarantine, I have been using a lot of her songs to practice. This is one I have been playing a lot recently. She is an acoustic singer, and I know her music has been featured on How I Met Your Mother (another favorite of mine). I just love her and want to share her music. 
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Sorting. Post #4.
I recently found this Youtube Channel, Ambient Worlds, and I love listening to it when I have work to do, especially the Ravenclaw Common Room one. I am a Ravenclaw, after all. It plays music from the Harry Potter film soundtrack, while adding in sounds of pages turning, a fire crackling, and someone writing with a quill (or maybe a quill writing on its own, since this is Harry Potter we are talking about). Anyway, if you a fan of Harry Potter, you will love this Youtube channel since the creator makes videos for all different Harry Potter locations, and if you are a fan of other mythical, magical, sci-fi films, you will most likely find another ambience video. I did see some there for Lord of the Rings, which I am also a big fan of. 
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Time. Post #3.
The movie of 2020. A living hell everyday? This is the movie for you. I decided not to put the trailer in here because, honestly, you should just watch the movie (streams on Hulu). That is what I did. I had no idea what to expect - I just knew I liked the 2 main leads, Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti. And the movie was just a blast to watch. Every second of it. 
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Love. Post #2.
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I recently read ‘milk and honey’ by Rupi Kaur. It’s a poetry collection published from 2014, but I’ve only got a chance to read it now when it became available at my public library. I normally do not read poetry, (unless it was assigned to me when I was back in school), but I could not stop reading the poetry of Rupi Kaur. It is relatable in so many ways - but is also like a secret being told, of an experience in which I cannot relate (which perhaps shows how lucky I am). I am looking forward to find more written by Rupi Kaur. 
I’ve been good recently in the past month or so by reading. It has been a while since I had sat down and read a whole book, even while this pandemic and quarantine have been going on. I spent my time coloring or playing video games instead. I am glad I am back to reading...and I hope to continue reading. 
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