tallestfriend · 1 month
Giorlo, halfling god of tidepools and mudflats. Protector of the small and overlooked. A Giorlan acolyte’s final test to become a cleric is to take a snail from its home monastery and protect it until it has completed a full spiral of its shell. These snails are often resilient and can live in any type of environment, but can die from loneliness and must be kept company on the journey until they are returned to their clutch.
Gibbralia, the eldest sister. Goddess of temperance and moderation. Patron deity of the Waxing Gibbous. Round, kind, and luminous. A light to guide you back home.
Chrystella, the youngest sister. Goddess of the waning crescent moon. Playful, like the crest of a wave before it crashes back into the ocean. Teasing, like a kiss goodbye. A familiar landmark that helps you find your own way home.
Loorn, the middle child. Goddess of the empty and the still. The new moon. The belief in something even when unseen and alone. A hand to hold in the dark when you are lost and far from home.
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tallestfriend · 1 month
Gibbralia, the eldest sister. Goddess of temperance and moderation. Patron deity of the Waxing Gibbous. Round, kind, and luminous. A light to guide you back home.
Chrystella, the youngest sister. Goddess of the waning crescent moon. Playful, like the crest of a wave before it crashes back into the ocean. Teasing, like a kiss goodbye. A familiar landmark that helps you find your own way home.
Loorn, the middle child. Goddess of the empty and the still. The new moon. The belief in something even when unseen and alone. A hand to hold in the dark when you are lost and far from home.
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tallestfriend · 2 months
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Another Danielle
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tallestfriend · 2 months
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woman who’s husband is missing under mysterious circumstances
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tallestfriend · 2 months
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Here I am at my first tabling event! It was a lot of fun thank you to everyone that came out ❤️
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tallestfriend · 2 months
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Bonus zoom in on cobra starship
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Updated my meet the artist page!
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tallestfriend · 2 months
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Updated my meet the artist page!
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tallestfriend · 2 months
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They’re dating
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tallestfriend · 3 months
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Girl With No Face
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tallestfriend · 3 months
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Some wips for an upcoming campaign
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tallestfriend · 6 months
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Character for my thirst sword lesbians campaign. She’s made of worms 💙
Harmony as an entity existed for millennia on its home planet, originally an aquatic worm like species, it absorbed and took on attributes of the species it consumed. Eventually it grew to encompass the planet it inhabited, a perfect self-sustaining superorganism. Perfect Harmony.
Some many years ago, a small spacecraft landed on the planet, crewed by no more than a half dozen members, in search of local flora and fauna to sell on astral black markets. The crew was consumed almost immediately, assimilated into the slimy embrace of Harmony, and with them a spark of intelligence began to grow. Their bodies were piloted back to their homeworld, the ships cargo hold full of black ichor.
Present day
Harmony has amassed power through sheer numbers to the status of a royal house, the House of Harmony. A house of one mind, a board of directors always in agreement. A thousand voices chorused in perfect humming unison.
Harmony’s current host chosen to act as galactic emissary and diplomat to the great houses is the body of Nymphia. A member of an aquatic insectoid race, chosen for her otherworldly beauty and her species ability to unhinge their lower jaw to extend and catch prey. Similar to a dragonfly nymph native to the freshwater biomes of earth.
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tallestfriend · 6 months
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More dnd stuff
Danielle, Zirconia, Trevor, Glee
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tallestfriend · 6 months
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You’ve got a heart made of steel, but I can see your eyes melting.
Something self indulgent to wind down before bed
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tallestfriend · 7 months
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SESSION 9: Home, the Coral Sword, and the Undertow
The Undertow: an aquatic colony of peaceful deep sea creatures that feed off of and protect the entity they simply refer to as “Home”, their gentle sovereign.
Nomadic in nature, wherever Home drifts along the ocean floor, a caravan of shell homes and sunken ships follows.
Home: a now ancient anemone pierced eons ago by a shard of a long dead primordial god.
Home understands it’s role as protector and protected, viewing the ocean creatures that have built a life around it as it’s children. In times of great need, Home will select a champion, allowing them to pull the branch of coral from it. Bestowing them with the Coral Sword, either to defend from attackers or for quick relocation. Removal of the Coral Sword dispels all magical effects cast by Home. Home then becomes a simple anemone until if and when the sword is returned.
Home is telepathic in nature, able to communicate via images in the mind, can cast detect thoughts and message at will. If using Message in Primordial or Common, the voice sounds far away and underwater.
Defenders of the giant anemone gain the effects of the Bless spell while beneath it. Creatures and humanoids taking a long rest underneath the swaying branches gain the benefit of Greater Restoration.
Legendary actions:
Flow: floods an area with water making it difficult terrain. Creatures must make a dc 15 strength saving throw or be knocked prone
Ebb: if an area is flooded, drains the water away from the anemone. Creatures must make a dc 15 strength saving throw or be pulled back 10 feet.
Synaptic Discharge: if an area is flooded, electrifies the water, creatures standing in the flooded area take 2d6 lightning damage
Spells: message, detect thoughts, shocking grasp, hypnotic pattern, pulse wave, primordial ward, and prismatic wall
The Coral Sword (legendary, requires attunement) a branch of coral from a long dead primordial god. The sword has a +3 to attack rolls and deals 2d6+3 piercing damage and 1d8 necrotic damage as coral polyps grow in the wounds and feed on the life energy of the inflicted. At the end of an afflicted enemies turn they must make a DC 16 constitution saving throw or be inflicted with another 2d4 necrotic damage. A creature can make a DC 14 medicine check on their turn to remove the polyps from their wounds.
Once per long rest the coral sword can be used to cast regenerate if submerged in salt water.
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tallestfriend · 7 months
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Cool meet Thee artist page
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tallestfriend · 8 months
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Lil unicorn bb
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tallestfriend · 8 months
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A dryad and a water nymph
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