#zora instinctively want to sleep near others i think
montydragon · 10 months
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Miphlink week day 4: Late night/early morning
I've got a lot of headcanons about how Link and Mipha make zora/hylian sleeping arrangements work and also sometimes they stay up and fall asleep in funny positions
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
Behind Closed Doors
Keanu Reeves x OFC (A/n- I hate these moodboards sm)
Masterlist. Behind Closed Doors Masterlist
Warnings- Angst, medical emergency, sexual tension
Chapter 3 Taking Blame
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One month later After they'd gotten engaged, Keanu had been politely adamant in insisting that Miranda get to know Matt and Poppy better; take them out, spend time with them after their tutors left for the day and drive them to swim and ballet occasionally. As expected, she'd been reluctant, and even when Miranda did begrudgingly agree, Emma had been asked, or rather persistently urged, to join her. Of course, Miranda had dismissed Keanu when he protested that the entire purpose of her taking them was to spend time with the twins alone, arguing insistently that it was Emma's job to take care of them.
That had been nearly a month ago, and after one trip to the mall, two swim meets, three weekly ballet practices, spent with Emma trailing three paces behind Miranda, holding the children's hands along with whatever bags they had, Miranda had finally agreed to watch the children on her own and Keanu had let Emma have some time off.
Using her time liberally, Emma had gone to lunch with a couple old college friends, and then for a few drinks after. It was past seven when she finally returned, and from the minute she walked through the side door from Keanu's huge garage, the strong aroma of baked goods washed her senses, peaking Emma's curiosity, drawing her towards the kitchen. She didn't think Zelda had stayed that late.
Much to her surprise though, it wasn't the older woman in the kitchen, instead, it was Miranda standing amid the mess, a tray of grayish brownish cookies laid out on the the breakfast bar, dressed casually in white lounge pants and loose lace blouse, some of her hair pined away from her face. Surrounding the tray, was an assortment of ingredients, most of them looking like they'd been bought at a high end organic food shop. "Miranda?" Emma said slowly, beckoning the older woman's attention.
"Emily!" She spun on the absent heel of her ballet pump, and Emma gnawed on her lip to quell her annoyance. It was still extremely irritating when Miranda got her name wrong, but she'd given up on correcting her, deciding that she was more than likely doing it on purpose. "You're home, finally. Zora left….." she trailed off, waving her hand dismissively, "Some time ago, but thankfully you're here to clean up. Try one, they're peanut butter cookies. Totally organic," she shoved the tray closer to Emma.
"Okay," she cringed, wondering how bad organic desserts could be. She'd heard the stories, how they tasted like cardboard, grass and other things that most people wouldn't readily put in their mouths. Miranda stared at her intently, clearly waiting for Emma to take a bite and so, deciding that a cardboard cookie might be easier to endure than her boss's fiancée whining, she nibbled to the edge, just enough to get a taste. Eyes widening in surprise, she went in for a bigger bite, humming at the surprisingly good taste, "This is actually……"
"It's good right? Apparently Keanu thinks you baking is the gold standard or whatever," and once again, Emma wasn't sure if Miranda's compliment was actually a compliment.
Stammering, she just nodded, "It is good, you made them for the kids, do they like them?"
"Mhm!" With a triumphant grin, Miranda started walking out of the kitchen, reaching the mouth of the hall, "They’re in the playroom, and since you're here you can take over now!"
Not even bothering to respond, Emma just shook her head, shrugging off her leather jacket, draping it over a chair at the kitchen table, knowing the sooner she got to work, the better. The first thing she did was start clearing the remaining ingredients from the counter, barely glancing at names and labels until something caught her eye, "Miranda!" Emma yelled, panicked, not caring how upset she'd get, "Miranda!"
Seconds later, she came hustling into the room, muttering about how rude and incompetent hired help could be. "What do you want now?" She spoke through gritted teeth.
"Did you put this in the cookies?" Hastily, she held up a bag half filled with wheat flour, the plastic packing clutched tightly in her fist. Her heart was probably beating a mile as Emma anticipated a response.
"Yeah," Miranda scrunched her nose, still upset by Emma's scolding tone, "So what, it's good-"
"Didn't you read the list?" Already she was dropping the flour, not caring if it spilled, making a bigger mess than before, lunging for her handbag and rummaging for her keys, "Matty, Pop!"
"What list?"
"The fucking allergy list!" Emma sneered, too jolted to stop and worry about Mirada's precious feelings, "It's right there on the fridge,” she pointed hurriedly, and just as she was about to call for the kids again, Matt came running into the room, his face pulled with fright.
“Emma!” He ran past Miranda and straight for her, grabbing her thigh to get Emma's attention, “Come quick, something’s wrong with Poppy! She started coughing and-” He was on the verge of tears and there was an anxious bounce in his stance.
“Hey, sweetie, it’s okay,” Emma quickly kissed his hair, standing again to go get Poppy, “Everything’s gonna be okay, but I need you to be a big boy and wait by the car for me,” after that mishap, there was absolutely no way in hell that Emma was leaving Matt alone with Miranda, not when she was pretty sure she had a case of anaphylaxis on her hands, “I’m gonna go get Pop, okay?”
Nodding he ran off, and Emma went in the other direction, choking a sob when she reached the playroom, finding Poppy on the floor, gasping for breath, angry red patches on her skin. Without thinking twice, her instincts took over and she scooped the girl up in her arms, laying her head on her shoulder. Cradling Poppy’s head, she ran out to the garage, almost slipping on the tiles in the process, “It’s gonna be okay baby, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?” Tears were hot on her cheeks, but Emma knew that she had other things to worry about, her own emotions could be seen to after.
“What should I do?” Miranda came to stand beside her, wringing her hands as Emma got Matt into the car seat. “I swear I didn’t know that she was allergic-”
“Look I don’t have time for this,” not even realizing that she wasn’t wearing a jacket, Emma was already in the driver’s seat, getting the posh SUV started. Ideally, she should have taken Miranda with her to keep a check on Poppy while they drove to the nearest hospital, but she couldn’t bring herself to deal with the woman while she was also trying to keep Matt calm and his sister alive. Not without starting a fight at least. “Just call Keanu, lock up the house and then meet us at the hospital.”
The automatic door started reeling upwards, and Emma was backing out, “Are you sure I can’t-”
“You’ve done enough Miranda,” She backed out, “We’ll be at L.A General,” and with that, Emma backed into the street, shifting gears and then speeding off, hoping that she’d get to the E.R before it was too late.
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Curled up next to Emma in the pale green sofa of the pediatric waiting room, was Matt, fast asleep. It was just past eight, and if they were at home, she knew he’d still be bouncing off walls, nowhere near ready for bedtime, but Emma had passed his tire off as a consequence of the hustle and trauma, it was certainly enough to have her eyes heavy. But Emma couldn’t sleep, not when the doctors hadn't yet come to update her on Poppy’s condition. By then, in just about an hour, she cried, hyperventilated quietly and almost screamed several times. All she could think of was how Poppy having that life threatening reaction was all her fault. She shouldn’t have left Miranda alone with them, she should have told her to read the list, checked on them instead of stalling in the kitchen. Something, anything.
Sitting across from her, on one of the single seats was Miranda herself, worried, though not half as frenzied as Emma. Maybe she was just good at keeping it at bay. They hadn’t spoken since she’d gotten there, instead, Miranda had opted to anxiously flip through magazines provided while Emma had struggled through trying to get Matt to have a sandwich from the cafeteria and a little carton of milk for dinner, almost losing her mind when he fought her, but eventually getting him to have some of it. And like she couldn’t bare to sleep, she was also too sick to her stomach with guilt to eat.
Her thoughts had left her sinking, and when Matt had succumbed to slumber, Emma had let the rest of the room fade to nothing, one mantra playing on loop in her mind, ‘just let that sweet little girl be okay.’ Keanu had been unreachable, so they'd left several voicemails, and Emma vaguely remembered that he’d mentioned that he had a meeting about a movie he'd worked on as a producer and then another with his agent, though, when he came though the white double doors, motorcycle helmet in hand, his eyes were red, his hair a mess there was an urgency in this long strides. “What the hell happened?” Were the first words that tumbled out of his mouth as he looked between Emma and Miranda, who both stood at his entrance.
Immediately, Miranda rushed to his side, sinking into his side and letting his arm go around her waist. Before Emma could process his question, Miranda was the one speaking, “I have no idea,” she shot Emma an unreadable look, though at the last second, there was devilish glimmer in her green eyes, “Emma came home and made them snacks, and next thing I know Poppy’s having a reaction.” Figures that out of all times, Miranda would remember her name, it would be then.
Her jaw hung slack and for the longest minute, Emma was at a complete loss for words. Though, her mind came up with a long list of the things she wanted to say, what the fuck? Being at the very top. “I….” She stuttered, wanting to instantly clear her name. But then, in a rush, Zelda’s words came back to her, Miranda always gets what she wants and stay out of her way. “I…” Even if she did tell the truth, Miranda was Keanu’s fiancée, who would he believe anyway? The hired help or the woman who he wanted to be the mother of his children. Emma was pretty sure she already knew the answer, best not to fight it, especially since she was clearly already on Miranda’s bad side. “I’m sorry,” fighting tears was hard, and the anger that heated up Keanu’s face was frightening, “I didn’t mean to- to- I just-”
Cutting off her stammering, moving his hand from Miranda’s waist, tossing his helmet to a chair and finally running both his hands through his hair. “How could you be so careless?” He hissed loud and venomously, “You could have killed my daughter,” the only reason he wasn’t full on yelling was because Matt was sleeping nearby, but Emma could tell that it was barely holding Keanu back and the low tone didn’t make his words sting less. “There’s a list for a reason, you know that. But now, my daughter is in the hospital because you were careless! What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I am so, so sorry Keanu,” hot tears streamed down her face, from tired burning eyes. Her hiccupped breaths made Emma feel like a child being scolded at recess and all she wanted to do was have a fissure in the floor open up and swallow her. “I would never hurt Poppy, not intentionally, and I swear, as soon as it happened-”
“She came and told me,” Miranda interjected, intent on only making the situation worse, a hint of a smirk threatening to twist her lips, “And I told her that she had to take the children to the hospital immediately. Poppy could have died, for God’s sakes!”
A strangled sob threatened to wake Matt, and Emma had to clasp her hand over her mouth. How could someone be so outrightly vicious, going as far as shoving the blame on another person. “Maybe hiring you was a mistake,” Keanu determined, and Emma’s eyes went wide, definitely not prepared for what came next, “Maybe we need to reconsider you as their nanny.”
“What?” Emma swallowed thickly, that couldn't be it. From the minute they met she knew that Miranda hadn’t liked her, but fired? Never seeing the twins again or Keanu, she didn’t think it would go that far. “Please don’t-”
“I think you’ve said enough,” Keanu raised his hand, motioning for Emma to stop, passing it over his face before turning away.
Emma needed that job, and she adored those kids. Hell, she might have even been falling for Keanu, but she was not prepared to be humiliated even further. And maybe, if Miranda was going to be a permanent part of the Reeves household, it was better that she didn’t stick around. She could put up with a lot, but being someone for an entitled celebrity to cast undue blame on wasn’t one of them. Passive aggressive insults, snide remakes, being a bag holding mouse and walked all over, she could take. But being humiliated in public, for something she hadn’t done? Being treated like she was an inept child and not worthy of having an explanation or a chance to clear her name? That was where she drew the line.
“You know what Keanu,” Emma felt around her bag, eventually pulling out the keys for the SUV that she used to drive around the kids, “Miranda,” she hissed vehemently, “Maybe I should save you both some time,” finding a spot of courage, she strode up to him, Emma shoved the keys to Keanu’s chest, not caring if he got a hold of them or not, “Cause I quit.”
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From the minute he held the keys in his grasp, feeling her fingers brush his and subsequently watching Emma walking out of the waiting room, Keanu knew he’d made a mistake. Emma couldn’t just leave, his children adored her, he…...well, he wasn’t too sure about what he felt for her, but he did know that he didn’t want to lose her. The whole firing quip had been an empty threat, fueled by stress and anger. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath, “Mandy, you stay here,” he started walking off, hoping to catch Emma before she could leave the hospital.
“Where are you going?” She grabbed his bicep, “You can’t just leave me here with him,” Miranda gestured to Matt, still curled up sleeping, not knowing that the nanny that he’d started looking up to had just walked out on them, and it was all his father’s fault. “Besides,” she reasoned, tone even and cool, “If she wants to leave, you should let her. She’s lazy and irresponsible.”
“Wha- no,” Keanu shook off Miranda's grip and by extension, her words, “Emma is not lazy, she works her ass off for my kids, and irresponsible? It was a mistake,” in an instant, his mind was changing and Keanu was regretting the way he’d handled things with Emma. She was obviously devastated knowing that she’d put Poppy at risk, and he had just made it worse, “Allergies happen, she has to learn. And I do too. I'm sorry,” he began the walk to the doors, “But I have to go find her.”
Keanu hadn’t meant for things to go awry, or to force Emma to quit, but he had just been so upset; worry and fear morphing into anger, causing him to lash out. In her three months with their family, that was the first time that she’d made any sort of mistake. Emma had probably committed the list memory and believing that she could make such a careless mistake was becoming increasingly hard. It just didn’t make sense. Emma treated his kids like they were her own, and that was only one of the many reasons why Keanu couldn’t lose her.
Thankfully though, he was able to catch up to her just as she was headed for the curb, arms wrapped around herself to combat the night’s chill, her sleeveless cotton shirt, with a little knot over her navel not really doing her any favors. “Em!” He jogged up to her, speeding up when she walked faster, “Emma, please, just wait.”
“What?” She turned, olive cheeks tear stained and taking on a reddish tint, illuminated by the street laps lining the parking lot, rage and hurt intermingling, “What do you want?” She heaved, and Keanu hated that he’d made her cry. She didn’t deserve to cry, she didn’t deserve anything he’s given her back there. Emma was a marvelous person, who was exceptional at her job.
“I’m sorry,” Keanu breathed, shaking his head, stepping closer, “You’re the best nanny Matt and Poppy have ever had; they love you, they listen to you and they’d miss you a damn lot if you left. I’d miss you,” his features softened, his eyes pleading, “I shouldn’t have flipped out on you like that, I wasn’t even there and mistakes happen. I know that you wouldn’t put either of my kids in danger,” he slumped his shoulders, and Emma looked away, swiping at her eyes. She was fighting shivers too, Keanu could see it; it had rained earlier that day, and a distinct dampness along with an uncharacteristic chill still hung in the air. Not thinking much of it, just not wanting her to catch a cold, Keanu shrugged off his riding jacket, stepping closer and reaching around Emma to drape it over her slender shoulders, taking the opportunity to grip them after, “Please don’t leave us Em. I'm begging you.”
“I’ll stay,” she clenched her jaw, wiggling out of Keanu’s grip, “But not for you, I’m staying for those kids. And next time you want to accuse me of trying to kill one of your children, maybe you should dig a little deeper first."
“What?” Knitting his brows, Keanu watched as she started towards the hospital’s entrance, his coat swallowing up her frame, not even offering one backwards glass before going through the automatic doors.
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Three Days Later The house had been exceptionally quiet since they’d returned from the hospital, Keanu had asked Emma to tell the tutors to take the rest of the week off, and Poppy had been recovering with her brother almost constantly at her side. The doctor warned them that Poppy’s allergy to wheat could have been deadly if they hadn’t gotten there sooner, and when Keanu had hugged Miranda in relief, while Emma was still wearing his jacket, she had to pretend it didn’t sting.
As a direct, though relieving side effect though, Miranda had been actively avoiding her, and Emma could tell that Keanu was too. That was, until late one evening, after Emma had put the kids down for an early bedtime and had resigned to her own room, getting into comfortable shorts and a loose camisole after her hot shower, deciding that a glass of wine and a movie on her laptop would be the perfect end to an easy Friday. The knock on her door and been soft, lacking urgency, and when she pulled it open, seeing Keanu on the other side, she was actually surprised, “Keanu?”
“Hey,” he smiled sheepishly, dressed like he’d just come home, still in his jacket and everything. The same one he’d lent her back at the hospital. She wondered if he’d washed it, or if he had let the fading scent of her favorite perfume linger against his skin.
Before he spoke again, Keanu faltered, almost losing himself as he drank her in, tiny cotton shorts boasting her smooth, toned legs, the fabric of her top stretched across her chest and Emma's long, drying tresses swept over one shoulder, leaving the slender column of her neck exposed. A wedding band that hung on a thin gold necklace settled against her skin, Keanu knew it was her father's, she'd mentioned when he asked if it belonged to someone else, someone like a husband. Remembering himself, Keanu took in a breath, trying to pull himself out of the trance that he'd fallen into, “Can I come in?”
Nodding, Emma stepped back, pulling the door open a little more, “Your house, your bedroom,” she tried to return his smile, still feeling the tension between them, not sure if it was a good tense or a bad one.
“It’s your room,” Keanu countered, serious, though not harsh, “As long as you’re here with us, its your home too, and your room.” Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he bent his head, dark mane curtaining his handsome face, smile fading. “I think I owe you an apology,” he shuffled his feet awkwardly, “No, I know I owe you an apology.”
“Keanu-” Emma tried to stop him, though he cut her off, not the way he had the last time, that night, it was softer, as he pleaded with her to just hear him out.
“I really need to say this,” Keanu raised his head, his whiskey gaze meeting her hazel orbs, and he tentatively toed a step closer, “What I said the other night at the hospital, I was way out of line,” he sighed, going slow so so he wouldn’t fumble over his words, “What I’m trying to say now is; I know it wasn’t you that caused the reaction.”
“What?” Baffled, and immensely relieved, Emma felt a mountain of stress that she hadn’t known was there, rolling off her shoulders, “How?”
Chuckling dryly, Keanu shook his head, moistening his lips, “When I came home, and saw those cookies, I knew it couldn’t have been you. I mean, you bake, but not with organic peanut butter and almond milk. I had my suspicions back at the hospital, you probably know that list better than the back of your hand,” he raked his nails through his beard, “And then I asked Matt, and he told me that it was Miranda that made the cookies. So I'm really, really sorry, about all of that.”
“Oh,” the soft exhale left Emma’s parted lips, and truly, she couldn’t believe that she was actually getting an apology from her boss. Not sure of how to proceed, she gnawed on her lip for a second, “What’re you gonna do?”
Huffing, Keanu smirked, “Nothing. Knowing Mandy, she’d just deny it anyway. Besides, it was an accident,” If Emma wasn’t mistaken, she could have sworn he sounded a little bitter.
“Thank you,” Emma smiled, happy when Keanu returned the gesture, “I know you didn’t have to apologize, but it means a lot to me that you did.”
“Uh, yeah,” grinning breathlessly, they lingered like that for a moment, until the air grew flustered, and Keanu noticed her wine glass on the nightstand and computer on the made bed, mumbling about how he should get out of her hair.
Though, when he was on his way out of Emma’s room, he absently grabbed his right shoulder, rubbing and rolling the joint, “You okay?” She halted him, “That looks like it hurts.”
“Yeah,” he winced, trying to downplay it, even if Emma could see right through his façade, “Went to the gym this morning, now I’m starting to think that my trainer was right when she said I’ve stayed away for too long. Nothing to worry about though, just a little sore.”
“Maybe I can help,” she had no idea where the suggestion came from, or why she hadn’t tried harder to keep it inside, but there was really no going back anyway. Clearing her throat, Emma blushed, “Why don’t you take off your jacket, and sit on the bed?”
Just as flustered, Keanu inhaled deeply, wanting to oblige, but not sure if he should, “You don’t have to-”
“I want too,” taking initiative, Emma approached him, leaning up on her toes, her eye line barely meeting the back of his neck as she urged his jacket off, folding it in half and draping it over the arm of an accent chair. His biceps strained against the sleeves and Emma swallowed the little flirtatious comment that sat at the tip of her tongue. “Sit, please. I insist.”
Nodding, Keanu went over to bed, sitting on the edge as instructed and then watching intently as Emma crawled up behind him. Her bare knees grazed him as she adjusted herself, and it wasn’t long before he felt her small hands on his shoulders, kneading slowly. Her fingers applied the perfect amount of pressure, and when she rubbed the base of her palms over them, the sensation was close to orgasmic, “Shit, Em…..” Keanu groaned, feeling the tension start dribbling away, “That is…..amazing.”
Giggling musically, she just carried on. The muscles beneath his t-shirt were far firmer than what she expected from someone his age, and touching him like that, seemed more intimate than Emma had intended. “That’s good, cause you are so tense. You’ve gotta take it easy Keanu,” she chuckled.
“I know, its just….I’ve got a lot on my plate,” he voice dropped lower as he closed his eyes, submitting to the pleasure. It had been a long time since he’d let someone take care of him like that, since someone even offered to take care of him like that, and not even Miranda’s touch felt that way, so warm and soothing. Keanu would be lying if he said he was okay with it ending. “I’m just glad I have you though.”
“Oh?” Emma slowed down, leaning forward so her unrestrained breasts were pressed against Keanu’s back when her face reached the side of his. By the time he turned to face her, their lips were a mere inch apart, and it wouldn’t have taken much for her to just kiss him. “Well I’m glad I’m here for you,” she whispered, her hot breath fanning his face.
“I need to ask you something,” Emma could have sworn that Keanu was leaning in, and his eyes searched hers, longing reflected.
Mesmerized, Emma barely registered his words, only anticipating what she thought might come next, “Okay.”
“I uh….” his gaze fell on her perfect, plump lips, “I was just wondering, would you go to Paris with me?” Her heart leapt and while it wasn’t the question she’d been hoping for, Emma was already excited, “With me and the kids I mean.” Suddenly, as fast as it was created, the moment was gone, and embarrassed, Emma pulled away, trying to refocus her attention of Keanu’s stiff shoulders, “I have to be there by next month for a premiere, and since I’m gonna be spending my birthday there, I thought I’d take Matt and Poppy too. Obviously, if you have other obligations here, I wouldn’t want you to leave them.”
Disappointed and confused, Emma’s response was void of enthusiasm, “No, no I don’t,” swallowing tightly, she tried not to cry, hoping her shame wasn’t audible, “I’d love to go, part of the job, right?”
Keanu took a minute before he responded, though, when he did, his somber tone seemed to reflected hers, “Yeah, I guess so.”
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea
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starculler · 5 years
Whumptober 2019, no. 23 - Bleeding Out
Link screamed as an arrow pierced his thigh. He crashed to the ground in a tangle of limbs, muddied dirt and grass in his mouth. Everything ached and his breath came in hard, quick, and ragged gasps, but he couldn’t stop. Couldn’t give them an inch. He fumbled to his hands and knees, crawling and clawing his way forward as he failed to get his legs under him. His gloves tore on a sharp, rocky outcrop. The pain of it bled into the background, drowned out by the deep, throbbing ache in his leg and the warm blood soaking into his torn pants.
Tears burned his eyes as his pursuers’ footsteps drew nearer. Gritting his teeth, he pushed himself forcefully up onto his feet only to fall moments after. He smothered another scream as pain lanced through him, every cut, scrape, and gash lit aflame as he hit the ground. He gasped, dazed and writhing, knowing he need to get up. Move. Run. But unable to comply. He scrabbled feebly at the ground, mud and grass torn up under his fingers but managed little more than aggravating the jagged slice across his palm.
His chest constricted first with fear. The knowledge he would die, his duties unfulfilled. His memories unrecovered. The princess left to grapple with the Calamity unaided. His fingers curled as if to grasp the hilt of his sword, but no matter how much he yearned for its protection The Master Sword’s energy had been spent and it had dissolved in his hands with no other on hand to replace it. It would not come to him even now. He wasn’t sure if he wanted it to, anyway.
The muddled drum and splash of feet slowed, the stopped altogether as they reached him. It was a group of five, their numbers cut by Link’s hand, barefoot and brightly colored. He purposefully kept his gaze trained on his hands. The grass. Anywhere but their faces. He felt nauseous and slow. Worn and just a touch distant, as if he were watching himself from faraway. A sharp kick to his ribs brought him back to reality.
“Answer,” one of them snarled.
All he could do was shift, stifling a groan, his voice clogged in his throat as firmly as if he were being choked. Another kick pried a cry free from his lips, and he pressed his face into the grass and mud as his stomach rolled. Maybe it would save him the pain and he’d suffocate. He’d rather that than this nightmare. A clawed hand fisted into the back of his shirt dashed that morbid hope as he was dragged up, the gash in his side like fire on his skin at the sudden, jarring movement. He bit his lip to keep from screaming and felt the brief sharp point of pain that meant he’d bit through it.
He was manhandled to his feet and then dropped, left to fall to his hands and knees as soon as his arrow-pierced leg failed to hold his weight. He shook, swallowing down the acid that crawled up his throat. His breathing turned shallow, rasping and a little wet. The tip of a lightscale trident touched his chin before jerking his face up to look at the group. Their eyes bored into him, fierce and feral in their anger. The sight of them made him want to run. To hide. To cry.
His vision grayed at the edges and swam, leaving him dizzy and disoriented even as he tried to focus. A cold numbness crept through him and he couldn’t be sure whether it was from the earlier rainstorm or his own loss of blood. Or perhaps it was the way they looked at him, cold and cutting and so frighteningly different from the friendly warmth he’d seen in them just the night before. He wondered, in some faraway corner of his mind, what he’d done between then and now to deserve this. To be hunted and hurt, his weapons and supplies stripped from him.
Only his instincts had prevented his death back in Zora’s Domain, calling the Master Sword to his hand in time to parry a blow that would have pierced through his chest. His words then had stuck in his throat as the Zora guard had advanced, giving him no time to so much as sign a question to them. He’d dodged most of their attacks, spears and claws and teeth, and wondered if he might have gotten away if only Sidon hadn’t intervened. Sidon who’s arrival had drawn Link up short, breathless and relieved at first. Chilling horror had quickly replaced the feeling when Sidon had drawn himself up, lips pulled back in a snarl, and lunged, grabbing and tossing Link to the floor before biting down on his shoulder after a brief struggle.
Link had escaped worse for wear from the Domain only after striking out with the Master Sword, called back to his hand after it had skittered away when Sidon’s bulk had knocked him back. The sight of the cleaving cut, deep and clean, on Sidon’s shoulder dragged at Link, the crushing weight of guilt heavy on his shoulders. He might have cut through entirely if not for the way he’d been pinned and the panic muddling his thoughts. He tasted acid and bile and the remnants of his last meal as he thought of Sidon, staggering and armless.
He dragged himself back to the present, the constant, drumming roar in his ears near deafening. He knew, objectively, that the Zora were speaking. To him. To each other. He couldn’t make out so much as a single syllable and their lips were hard to read from his place below them, still on his knees. But he could read their fury in the tense lines of their bodies. In the way their hands clutched at the weapons or their stances shifted. In the way Sidon curled and flexed his clawed fingers, inching closer as if he wanted to wrap them around Link’s throat.
He struggled not to think of them touching his cheek, claws skimming harmlessly over his skin.
A hand grabbed a rough handful of his hair, dragging his head back. Exposing his throat. Sidon spoke, muted words distant and unintelligible, but Link had seen that dangerous glint in the Zora Prince’s eyes before. Link had seen him a few times, stolen glimpses of Sidon among the other Zora warriors, the lot of them fierce as they felled any monsters creeping too close to their home. They were eyes that Link never imagined he’d see directed at him, spelling out his fate as clearly as the words he’d been unable to hear.
The Zora sword handed to Sidon seemed a little funny. Too small in the Zora Prince’s hands. Perhaps Link had lost too much blood to properly manage his expression, or perhaps it was the horrifying absurdity of the situation. He couldn’t help the way his lips curled up in a small smile. He would have laughed, maybe, if the sword hadn’t swiped across his throat at that moment.
Link felt the way his skin tugged. The heat of the slice. The hot, wet flow of blood down the exposed skin of his neck and the painful burbling gurgle inside. He was only dimly aware of the lack of pressure on his scalp as his hair was released or the way his body pitched suddenly forward. It seemed as if he’d blinked and the small crowd of Zora had disappeared. Their sentence dealt and Link left to bleed and die alone in the mud.
It was an eternity and too soon. His lungs burned, choked with mud and blood. The tears he’d held back slipped as he gaped and gasped, face pressed into dirt and mud and rock. He flailed to bring his arms in close, to press his hands to his neck and staunch the blood flow. A useless but automatic gesture. He blinked again and his limbs felt heavy, as if they’d been made of lead. The cold he’d felt earlier seemed to tripe, gripping tight to him until he shivered almost nonstop. Darkness clung to his tear-blurred vision, as if tempting him into sleep.
His struggling, gurgling noises died slowly. His eyelids shuttered, slipping closed as he lost the battle to stay awake. To stay alive. Green, glowing light pierced the gray just as he let his eyes closed. He exhaled as a warm hand touched the side of his face and spread. His body went lax as Link slipped into darkness, Mipha’s voice trailing after him. Drawing him slowly back.
Soo I’ve been sitting this BOTW AU idea for a bit now and figured I’d bite the bullet and try writing some of it out. It’s basically Link, about to go out and finally fight Calamity Ganon, finds himself in a version of his life where he’s pretty much public enemy no. 1. But he doesn’t know it until he arrives at Zora’s Domain (possibly insert Sidlink sentiments here ‘cause i’m weak for the shark man and honestly that’s some good angst). I don’t have many details or specifics, but yeah. Hope you enjoyed my attempt
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heroofhyrulelink · 7 years
Here it is! The final chapter of The Hero of Hyrule, a SidLink fanfic. This is more of an after story than everything but if you want to read the whole fic in its entirity then click on the link above! 
Since this chapter is so long (11k+ words!) I’m only posting part of it on Tumblr, as a sort of excerpt. The chapter alone can be found here. (Another link will be provided at the end as well so don’t worry) Enjoy!
Summary: Link worries about the future of Hyrule since no Princess with the blood of the Goddess Hylia is around. To get his mind off of things he goes out and takes care of a Lynel problem for Bludo up at Death Mountain. However after a fatal accident leaves four kids stranded near the Eldin Great Skeleton with a powerful Lynel closing in on them, Link does what any knight would do and soon gets four answers to his problem.
"You shouldn't let the gossip get to you, my dear." Sidon hummed as he placed every single piece of jewelry away for the night. "You and I both know that there is no possible way for us to conceive a child, especially not a child with the divine blood of the goddess Hylia." Link grunted rather loudly and continued to, rather violently, polish the savage lLynel crusher he had managed to snag out of the hands of the silver beast. The weapon was already spotlessly clean, Link could see his own upset reflection staring right back at him, but he still continued rubbing it with the rag in his hand.
"Link," Sidon sighed and sat besides his husband, "Wasn't it you that had reassured me that the Goddesses had a plan for the next goddess blooded princess? I seem to recall you rolling your eyes and waving my own worries away while stating that you had complete faith in the Three Golden Goddesses. Now its a year later and you hear one person mention the fact that there is "no heir and no mortal Goddess" and suddenly you're throwing all faith out the window!" The Hylian King stopped his cleaning and crossed his arms, looking away from Sidon.
"I don't like to see you this upset. Especially not over something so small and so...fixable." The giant Zora Prince  wrapped an arm around Link and pulled him closer. When Link didn't respond to the affection Sidon sighed and stood up before picking Link up from under his arms, much like how someone would pick up a small animal or child. The Hylian King glared at Sidon but Sidon merely smiled back. "Cheer up, my pearl. The Goddesses have not let us down once, I'm quite certain they won't let us down now. Besides," the zora prince brought his spouse closer and placed a gently kiss to his lips, "Such a heartbreaking expression should never make its home on your beautiful face." Link blushed darkly and attempted to keep his upset face but it didn't last long. Soon he was smiling and looking at anything besides Sidon so his smile wouldn't grow.
"You're cheating you know." Link signed as his Zora husband set him back down onto the bed. "Using your smooth talk to get me to feel better is considered cheating and you should feel rather ashamed of  yourself."
"Now why should I? You yourself have said that in battle you must use everything you can to win. No holding back." Link couldn't argue with that logic.
The rest of the night was spent in bed, the two of them talking about anything they could think of. Link's hair had grown back to where he could have a pony tail again, Sidon had learned more and more about his ancestors with Hyrule Castle's extensive library (he had learned that the zoras of old had used their arm fins as some sort of weapon which was pretty cool, he wished to see if it was still possible), Link had to go up to the Eldin Tower Region to speak with Bludo about some odd increase of Lynels in the area, and Sidon was to meet with Riju to catch up with her. When their small talk had returned to the more serious topic of whether or not they would ever have a goddess blooded child Sidon sighed, pulled Link close and kissed his forehead. He reminded the King that everything would work out. He had to have faith.
"Although," Sidon mumbled a moment after convincing Link that everything would work out, "It would be nice to have a child." He leaned over and put out the light of their bed-side candle before snuggling closer to his husband and continuing. "It would be a dream to raise a child- or even children- with you, my love. Anyway, sweet dreams." Sidon closed his eyes and sighed contently. Link, however, did not close his eyes and to sleep soundly. Instead the Hylian King was now more awake than ever, panicking slightly. Now he knew for a fact that Sidon wanted a children (or children) and Link wasn't about to let his husband down.
"We've been seeing Lynels a lot lately, Goro." Yunobo mumbled as he walked Link through the entrance of Goron City. "It's gotten kind of scary to be honest...I-I know that I have Lord Daruk's shield power but...still. Lynels are fierce monsters, Goro!" Link nodded, adjusting his crown. He decided to not wear the usual fireproof suit one would wear if visiting Death Mountain. Instead he chugged about three fireproof elixirs and deemed himself good to go. "These Lynels..." Yunobo continued, rubbing the back of his neck, "I dunno. They're...scarier. They look like they're a different color but Boss says it's just the, uh, "fire in the air". I don't believe him, Goro. Somethings kind of off. But then again that's what you're here for!"
"Don't worry." Link signed. "I'll fix the problem. Lynels are a piece of cake." The young Goron smiled and thanked his friend, offering him a word of encouragement before finally pointing him in the direction of the Goron Boss, Bludo. Link hurried over, wanting to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Bludo explained the situation, all around the outskirts of Death Mountain there have been multiple reports of Lynel sightings. Bludo estimated a total of six Lynels surrounded the area, mostly silver ones. There was one, however, that people thought to be a weird yellow sort of color. Bludo stated that he believed it was probably the fiery air of Death Mountain making it look like that since that particular Lynel happened to be closer to the volcano than the rest. Link nodded, thanked Bludo for the information, and got straight to work.
Normally this would be a job for the soldiers trained to handle these overpowered monsters but Link didn't want to risk anything. So many Lynels...he didn't think even the best of his soldiers could handle six Lynels. Plus Link missed the adventure.
He headed to the stable that rested at the foot of the Eldin Region and asked the stable manager of people that had gone out during the night (to keep an eye out for them, just in case). The manager reported that only a small group had gone. Two hylian adults and four children. But they had left early yesterday evening and were heading towards the hot springs located behind the mountain. That was a relief.
He got on with his task, visiting Robbie's Tech Lab to purchase a few ancient arrows (Robbie only allowed Link to buy three, he spouted something about upgrading the arrows so he needed as many as possible) before beginning his search for the Lynels.
It was easy work. Within an hour Link had found and defeated one silver Lynel without trouble. He continued his search, using the weapons Sidon had given to him when he first proposed as well as some other ones Link has been hoarding since he first woke up from the Shrine of Resurrection. When he defeated the fifth silver Lynel most of his weapons were broken and useless. No matter. He had all three ancient arrows. The last beast would be the fastest to kill.
He spent a good two hours searching for the final foe and so far he had no luck. He checked and double checked his Sheikah Slate, making sure the tracking for Silver Lynels was on, and attempted "activate the animal instincts" he supposedly developed while traveling alone. Nothing happened.
Link was beginning to lose hope. Perhaps someone had already defeated the last Lynel? That was unlikely but it wasn't impossible. He continued his search. He reached the point where there was rocks mixing in with ruins of old villages. Hardened lava made up the ground and a cliff leading to certain death was in eye sight. Still, he saw no sign of a Lynel and decided that maybe getting up on higher ground would help. So he begun climbing the mountain side and carefully jumped from ledge to ledge, keeping an eye out for any sign of the monster.
A screech pierced through the air and Link looked around wildly in search of the source. Just in front of the Eldin Great Skeleton was a small group that Link only assumed to be the ones who had left the day before. They were backing away from an usually large Lynel (nearly twice as big as any silver one) with weird gold skin.
Link began sprinting down the side of the mountain, pulling out his bow and ancient arrows. One of the two hylian adults was injured and on the ground, trying their best to drag themselves away from danger. The other adult had pushed the crowd of children behind them, shield up. The Lynel raised its gigantic crusher and just as the injured hylian prepared for the worst, the other dove and raised the shield in a feeble attempt to deflect the weapon.
The monster didn't even hesitate to swing and knock both hylians off the side of the cliff and to both their dooms.
Another loud shriek was heard and the Lynel focused on the group of four children. Link began running even faster. He jumped off a small ledge and aimed in midair he aimed and shot the ancient arrow.
It had no affect.
Link's heart sank. The beast didn't even seem bothered by the fact that it was just hit by an arrow. The children continued backing up as the Lynel slowly went forward. He was nearly there. Nearly there...
The monster's pace quickened as it raised it crusher once more. Just a little farther.
Link hastily yanked the Sheikah Slate off of his hip, running faster, and quickly pressed on the stasis option. He aimed the Slate and pressed it once more. The Lynel was frozen in time but only for a short while. When the stasis wore off and the golden beast turned to look at what caused his momentary stop, Link was already there. With the strength of Lord Daruk, the tiny hylian king successfully tackled the monster to the ground. Not a second later and Link had stood up once more, ran to the frightened children, scooped all four of them up into his arms and began sprinting towards the skull of the Eldin Great Skeleton. Once they were safely hidden from the Golden Lynel, Link got a good look at the kids. The eldest looked like a Gerudo, she carried a baby Goron in her arms and holding onto both of her arms was a silver Zora and a blue feathered Rito.
"Stay here." Link said as he handed the shield to the Zora child. Before any of them could respond Link had already pulled out his sword and was sprinting towards the enraged Lynel. He already knew that this monster would probably impossible to beat, if it didn't instantly disintegrate when hit with an ancient arrow then a sword wouldn't do any damage.
Link dodged a swing of the giant crusher and got an idea. If Link couldn't hurt the monster with his weapons, maybe the Lynel's own weapons would be enough to hurt it. It would be risky, so very risky, but he had to deal with this monster before anyone else got killed.
Link dodged again, pulled the Slate off of his hip and froze the Lynel for a split second before unfreezing him and snapping his fingers. The lighting struck the golden monster and it dropped its over-sized weapon to the ground. The Hylian King ran to the crusher and froze the Lynel once more before picking up its weapon. It was admittedly heavy, but the adrenaline of the battle gave Link that extra bit of strength. He began hitting the frozen beast like crazy and once the stasis wore off, the Lynel was flying off the edge of the ground and down into the chasm where its earlier victims lay dead. The battle was over and Link's adrenaline was gone.
The four children watched the hold thing, heads poking out the side of the giant skull. Link took a moment to catch his breath before he walked back to the four kids, dragging the Lynel's weapon behind him.
"That...was so cool!" The silver-scaled Zora girl exclaimed, running towards Link. "The way you just-just tackled it!! Then you used lightning!! And you froze it!! And you used its own weapon to-to smack it dead!!" Link smiled. "Oh! I'm Cilia! That's Nanju." She pointed to the Gerudo who was clutching a Goron baby in her arms. "The little Goron she's carrying is Derun. And he," She pointed to the Rito boy, "is Areli."
"You're...the King." Nanju asked, tilting her head. Link nodded again. "Thank you. For saving us."
"Anytime." The Hylian King took his shield back from Cilia, patting her head. "I'm just sorry I couldn't save your parents."
"Those two," Areli sighed, "weren't our parents. Just a couple of delusional hylians that got too excited at the idea of looking like the kingdom's heroes for collecting orphans and finding them homes." The Rito boy shrugged before speaking again. "But they did offer us food and protection for a short while so I suppose their death is somewhat tragic." The other two solemnly nodded in agreement. Link blinked and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Right, well...I suppose I should take you all...uh, to the springs? I was informed by the Foothill Stable manager that you all were going there."
"Yes, in hopes of finding a home for Derun but none of the Gorons there wanted to adopt him. They brought us too look at the skeleton and cheer us up." Nanju sighed. "Now we have no where else to go." Link thought for a moment. He supposed he could take them all with him to Hyrule Castle while he finds suitable caretakers.
"I hope you don't mind the long trip to the Central Tower Region because I'm bringing you all to the Castle with me." Link took Derun from Nanju's arms and held onto him, beginning to walk.
"What?!" Cilia's tail flapped happily as she ran besides Link. "We get to stay in the Castle?! With you?! And Prince Sidon!! Will I meet him??" Link smiled and nodded.
"Will we really get to stay in Hyrule Castle?" Nanju's eyes practically sparkled at the idea of getting to stay in such an extravagant castle after spending so much time in cold caves and makeshift tents.
"Of course." With his free hand Link unhooked his Sheikah slate again and opened up the map. "I usually travel by shrines. I can get anywhere in Hyrule with the Sheikah Slate. Up until a few months ago I couldn't bring anyone else along because it only worked for the, uh, "chosen hero", but Robbie and Purah recently upgraded it so I can have people join me. But...there's a lot of us so I won't make it take us too far. Just in case." Link swiped a finger across the screen of the slate, looking for a shrine a good distance away. "Alright, everyone hold onto me." They all did, grabbing onto Link as tightly as they could. A moment later they became nothing but blue light floating up into the sky and vanishing.
Full Chapter Here
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anotherlifefic · 5 years
Chapter 10: Their Blessing: Ruto
When I woke up this time, it was still the middle of the night. And I quickly found out what had torn me from my slumber; Link was tossing and turning next to me, mumbling to himself. I grabbed him by the shoulders and gently shook him to wake him up. „Link. Link, wake up!“ Finally, he opened his eyes, still panting from the nightmare. „W-what?“ „You were having a nightmare, love“, I said, keeping my voice low. He looked around, still panicked, until he finally calmed down. „Oh, Rebecca... by the Goddesses, I'm so glad that that was just a dream.“ I hugged him. „Do you want to talk about it?“ „Not really.“ He hugged me back and planted a kiss on my collarbone. „But I don't think that I'll be able to go back to sleep now.“ „That's okay.“ He took a while until he fully calmed down, but when he did, he looked at me thoughtfully and then blushed. „You know, before I came to you to ask you to marry me, I read some books about... you know, about marriage, and married couples, and what married couples do.“ „Really? Did they give you any good ideas?“ „Well, there's one thing...“ He grinned, as if to hide his embarrassment. „Close your eyes. And... if you want me to stop, just tell me.“ Slowly beginning to suspect what he was on about, I followed his instructions, only to feel his hands slowly wander under the hem of my undershirt. „Could you lift your arms for a second?“ After I did that, he pulled the shirt over my head, and I could hear it hit the floor as he tossed it aside. Then his hands left my body and I dared to take a peek to see what he was doing. He was just sitting in front of me, looking awed. „Rebecca... you're beautiful.“ I only let out a small chuckle. „Can I open my eyes now?“ „If you want.“ He smiled at me, then shuffled over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me. „Remember, if I do anything you don't like, let me know and I'll stop.“ „Same goes for you“, I replied. We parted, and Link put his hand on my left breast, while beginning to kiss and nip on the one on the right. I moaned until he kissed me again holding me tightly. I let my hand wander down his side and his thigh until it arrived at his center, feeling the twitching of his already awakening member. Link began to untie my bloomers while I did the same with his underpants. Soon, we were both completely naked. And when I saw him like this, I had no trouble seeing him as the Chosen One. He looked so pure, almost angel-like. „Rebecca“, he whispered. „Please.“ I smiled at him. „I'm not stopping you.“ A short, sharp pain flashed through me as he entered me, but that was soon forgotten as he began to move inside me. His movements were quick and sloppy, but still every thrust sent a wave of pleasure through me. He was moaning as gasping in unison with me as he neared his climax, until he cried out and sank down on top of me. I was nowhere near satisfied, but Link seemed to be tired again, smiling at me with his eyes half-closed. „I love you so much“, he whispered. I kissed him. „I love you, too.“
We spent the rest of the night dozing in each other's arms, until the sun rose and it was time for us to leave. Link paid for our room, and we went to the stable to get our horses, leaving a purple rupee as a tip for the stable boy. The road to Zora's Domain led us over a bridge and along the river that flowed into the canals of Hyrule City, where my mother and I used to do our laundry. „The bridge wasn't there when I left Hyrule“, Link informed me. „So I could never take Epona to Zora's Domain. I always had to walk. It was such a drag, especially since some parts of the road were blocked off so I had to jump over some stone pillars to get across that roadblock. I'm glad that this got fixed.“ „Uhm... do they have the means to accomodate horses in Zora's Domain? I mean, from what I've heard, Zoras travel mainly by swimming.“ „That's true. But don't worry, we just have to find a safe place where Epona and Glory can wait for us. I've let Epona wait for me out in the open plenty of times. And I'm sure Glory will stay with her.“ That's not very safe, I thought, but didn't say anything. Link had been travelling for so long, so I was sure I could trust his instinct. At the moment, I was just glad that he seemed more relaxed now. So I began to look at my sorroundings. This place was actually very pretty. The lush, green grass seemed even brighter in the warm summer sun. When combined with the soft mumbling of the river, it all felt so serene. We dismounted our horses when the path became steep and lifted like a naturally grown bridge. I gave Glory a gentle pat on the neck and asked her to wait for me before following Link onward. And finally, we reached the entrance to Zora's Domain, behind a waterfall, covering it up like a curtain, and marked by a Triforce on the ground. Link played a short, unfamiliar melody on his ocarina, and the waterfall parted. In between time-travel and my own erased death, I did not even think to question that. „I don't think I can jump that far“; I said as I tried to gauge the distance between the rock-bridge we were standing on and the entrance. „But I can“, Link said, lifted me up bridal style and took the gap with a mighty leap, during which my heart did a similar jump right into my throat. When he let my down again on the other side, I almost dropped to the ground because my knees were shaking so badly. „Link... sweetheart... the next time to plan to do something like that, please warn me beforehand.“ „Sorry“, he said, scratching the back of his neck. „Come, let's go visit Ruto.“ „You make it sound as if you wanted to get this particular visit over with as soon as possible. Why? When you talked about her, you sounded like you liked Princess Ruto a lot“, I questioned as we went deeper into the tunnel. „I did, but not the way she liked me. And I never got around to telling her.“ „Oh.“ I looked at the path before us, wondering if there was any woman he had met during his travels that didn't immediately fall in love with him.
Zora's Domain was in a giant cave, like Goron City had been. We walked along a narrow path that led us past a vast pool of water, in which a couple of Zora's were playing some kind of ballgame. The Zora only left their domain occasionally, so I had only seen one once in my life, and that had been years ago, and from a distance. But I remembered how awed I had been at their natural beauty, and that feeling hadn't diminished over time. „We might want to go greet King Zora, first“, Link said as he guided me through up a staircase. „We'll have to go past him to get to Ruto's shrine, anyway.“ We stepped into another chamber in the cave system, and on a ledge before us sat the most massive Zora I could have ever imagined. He was about twice the height of a grown man, and four times as wide. But when he saw Link, he smiled, as far as his almost beak-like mouth allowed it. „Link! How good to see you. Did you come to visit my dear little Ruto's shrine? And who's this you're bringing?“ Link pulled me to his side and answered:„This is Rebecca. She and I will get married soon.“ King Zora sighed sadly. „Oh, I see. Yes, I already thought that you wouldn't remain alone for Ruto's sake, and it would be terrible to ask it of you. So you came to visit Ruto one last time before getting married? How very kind of you. Or cruel, depending on one's point of view. Anyway, go right ahead. The shrine is right in front of Lord Jabu-Jabu.“ Link bowed, and so did I. „Thank you, Your Majesty.“ Then he led me up a slope leading to a pathway behind the king, and from there, to Zora's Fountain.
The very first thing I saw as we stepped out of the cave was the podium and the whale swimming next to it. Upon seeing my horrified face, Link explained:„This is Lord Jabu-Jabu. A kind of... guardian deity of the Zora. I told you about how I had to go through his body to retrieve the Zora Sapphire, right?“ „Yes, I remember, but I never thought I would actually come face to face with him“, I replied. Then Link grabbed a bottle from his pouch and used it to catch one of the small fish swimming in the shallow water around our feet. He waved the bottle in front of me. „People say that offering a fish to Lord Jabu-Jabu would bring the person making the offering happiness and luck. Since Lord Jabu-Jabu is not cursed anymore and won't swallow us this time... uh... hopefully... why don't we try it? Maybe it'll bring us luck in in our fight against Ganondorf!“ „I think we can use all the luck we can get“, I replied with a smile. We stepped onto the podium and Link turned the bottle so the fish fell out. Lord Jabu-Jabu opened his giant mouth and inhaled it. Then he blinked in satisfaction. Link and I bowed to Lord Jabu-Jabu before approaching the shrine. It started to glow blue, and the transparent figure of a lovely Zora-woman appeared. She squealed in delight. „Link, my love! Oh it has been so long since I last saw you! Did you miss your bride? I missed you, too! If only it were under better circumstances...“ She sniffed. „To think that this terrible man could return an begin ravaging Hyrule once more!“ „It's okay, Ruto“, Link tried to soothe her. „I will do anything I can to make sure it won't get that far. In the meantime, there's something I have to discuss with you. About our... engagement.“ The Zora went eerily quiet, and like on cue, her purple eyes wandered over to me. „Who's this?“ „That's Rebecca“, Link said, something akin to defeat in his voice. „And she's my fiancée.“ I had expected Princess Ruto to be angry. Or sad. Or a combination of those. But instead, she fell quiet again, tears shimmering in her eyes but never quite making their way down her cheeks. „It was dumb of me, wasn't it?“, she said after a while. „To expect you to wait for me.“ Then she lifted her gaze, meeting Link's. „Why have you brought her here?“ Link looked to the side, as if he was ashamed. „I came to ask for your blessing. And to tell you that I'm sorry.“ Her bitter laugh seemed to echo in the sudden tense silence over the Fountain. „Ask for my blessing? Do you not realize how cruel this is of you, to parade you new love in front of me as if you wanted me to suffer?“ „I did not mean for you to suffer“, Link assured her. „I'm... I'm sorry.“ „'Sorry' does not make the hurt go away“, she hissed. Then she said. „You can have my blessing. Under a single condition. Give me a few minutes alone with your... fiancée.“ Link shot me a somewhat desperate look, but I nodded. „I'll be alright. Just wait for me in the throne room.“ He seemed to want to hug me before he left, but with another look at Ruto, decided that it would be ill advised to do so. So he just went back into the cave. I turned to Ruto, expecting the worst. She levitated closer to me. „Make him happy. I swear if I hear that you hurt him, I will personally leave the Sacred Realm just to make you regret being born at all.“ I tried to swallow the lump in my throat before answering:„I swear on my life that I will make him happy.“ Ruto leaned back, regarding me with her sharp eyes. „Fine. Tell Link that the two of you have my blessing. But remember what I just told you. And now leave.“ I bowed to her, turned around and left, my heart still beating somewhere in my throat.
Link was waiting for me next to King Zora, catching me in his arms as I came running up to him. „What did Ruto tell you?“, he asked, concern in his voice. „She just told me to make you happy.“ I kissed him. „She was a bit rude about it, but considering the proverbial bomb you just dropped on her, that was to be expected. Either way, we have her blessing.“ „That's great.“ He took my hand. „So, our next stop will be Kokiri Forest, to visit Saria's shrine. This is the one I've been looking forward to the most.“ „Because Saria was your childhood-friend, right?“, I said, remembering everything he had told me. He grinned. „Yes. The best friend I could ever ask for.“ „Then let's go“, I said, going towards the entrance with him.
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