#zeus brundle imagine
memoria-99 · 4 months
Wizardess Heart: Thoughts about Lucious' love interest Vol. 1
I'm sure that if Lucious was a girl Zeus and him(her?) would've become an item even before Liz appeared on stage
Ngl they're made for each other. I mean Zeus is more loyal to Lucious than Liz even in his own route and the two have an amazing chemistry in all the other routes too
As a couple they'd bicker every day but never have a real serious fight, making a cute tsun pair (In fact they already are)
Hiro might be sighing whenever they argue over such a trivial matter saying "what a childish couple..." but at the same time he would be the good cupid(?) as well when they had a love fight or something
Actually Lucious already looks like a girl so he could always go out... Lucious: What the heck? Zeus: What the heck? I said nothing.
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eye-burning · 7 months
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♡Forget all that bullshit, let's just focus on this / I just wanna be the one you want / To move with / Want to groove with / Want to dance with♡
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mcl-mia · 7 months
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//zeus week day 2 - family
zeus taking his sisters home from the chuck e cheese :)
bonuses for this under the cut!
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this is the actual portrait of zeus' parents in the bg! i tried a more semi-realistic style, and i was heavily inspired by the family portrait in the netflix castlevania show. the file name is literally "brundlevania mama and papa" lol.
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and these are the quick concepts for the rest of the family!! i gave mama brundle the name "iris" after the greek goddess, plus pretty flower. i imagine that she's a little sad that her kids don't look a lot like her (save for lulu and belle having her eyes), but thor's genes are just too strong LMAO. she's also definitely the legit cool mom, and supports her kids no matter what.
also, i should mention that lulu's hair (unbraided) is more in-between mom and dad. i like to think that kureha is their retainer, and that she helps them do their hair every morning :) you'll never guess what belle's favorite anime is (hint: it's sailor moon. lulu's favorite is naruto).
i do have a design for kureha, but i need to render it digitally LOL. plus i need to design hiro's mom...... one of these days.
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shummashum · 5 months
Zeus Brundle Ch11 [11~14]
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ah um a personality you don't want to get close to in real life (^_^;;) but this is 2d sekai so well!
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huh a bad scenario came to my mind he told Hiro to protect others but he ended up getting stabbed or something like that
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Liz seems to have regained some of her sanity score thanks to Hiro's words. He listened to her words better than I thought (I like this conversation btw)
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but!! don't let your guard down my instincts tell me that there is definitely something about that guy looks like it's not just kind looks like it's constant worship this is just a baseless delusion coming from my head but I feel like something is going to happen with this
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Anyway, Hiro said they were in the labyrinth. She panicked, but he reassured her by reminding her of the guiding magic enchanted in his earring.
I have a question tho do they see a virtual line leading to the exit of the labyrinth? or do they just 'feel' it
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huh is there any more hidden truth I thought she gained enough information about that but well it's better to know something more than to just sit here and kill time!
So she demanded that he show her the truth.
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They arrived at a place that looked like a painting studio. There were many beautiful paintings, but the one that caught her eye was…
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The Goddess and Minotaur… what does it mean does God exist in this WH sekai? or just a fictional imagining?
While she was admiring the painting, he was looking at another painting hanging on the wall.
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the portrait of a beautiful woman in a place similar to Daylight Castle had to be that princess
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but since when was this a horror game
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what what kind of situation is this isekai trip again the world of images again
-Ch11 End-
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well what can I say, I wonder if the term betrayal is correct enough? betrayal, meaning destroying trust the person considered an innocent guy turned out to be the culprit… so he being called a betrayer or traitor is kinda right but something is kinda weird and I can't explain the reason
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Top 5 crack thoughts you’ve had
In general???? Because there's so many? Do dreams count because all my dreams are so so weird?
In the end, I decided to go with fic ideas that may get eventually written but probably will just live in my head
5. So I have a mammon x mc fic called Interlude which takes place between S1 & S2 and a kinda sequel to it called From the Other Side which takes place between S2 & S3. In the 2nd fic MC's got a better apartment because they've got a roommate who Mammon notes makes the apartment smell flowery, despite not being present in the fic. This roommate absolutely belongs to a cult of exorcists and every once in a while MC walks in to their flat to find a poor demon, angel or just any other supernatural being (sometimes it's just a plain old human) tied to a chair in their living room inside. MC reacts to this with their typical "My life is already so goddamned weird this might as well happen" attitude
4. Little Mermaid AU! Levi makes a deal with the sea witch (solomon) so he can go buy anime merch, he makes the deal despite the fact that 4 of his brothers who had previously gone to said sea witch for various reasons never returned home. Levi gets turned into a human and literall fish outta water shenanigans occur, he does make reluctantly make friends with a human (MC) who lives in the little beach side town. MC also has a particularly thieving crow friend
3. MC, Mammon, Beel & Levi go to comic con or something similar. Levi & Beel immediately split off, MC & Mammon stick together. The whole fic follows the three different storylines. Levi's trying to buy a very rare collectible item shit spirals outta control & he meets up in a rush with the others at the entrance saying they need to get outta there quick, clutching the box but also covered in bloody handprints and with ripped clothes. Beel ends up in some kinda eating or taste testing competition but ends up going overboard and happily eating objects that human beings definitely cannot eat, he too ends up at the entrace needing to quickly run from the place. Mammon & MC notice people lots of people looking at Mammon & eventually realise they live in a world where Wizardess Heart (created, unknown to them, by Simeon) is a MUCH bigger deal - meaning Zeus Brundle is MUCH more commonly recognisable - the two of them then get together to Scheme™. And yes they too end up having to run from the angry masses
2. Human AU? Where Lucifer is the long suffering single father of his 7 kids (Lilith included). I imagine it having a very Malcolm in the Middle-esque vibe? Lois & Lucifer are so close to being the exact same character. This has been rotating in my head for a whole year - so many of the malcolm in the middle scenes would fit with the brothers😭
1. I actually wrote this one and after Certified Idiots (which is mammon x mc) it's got the most kudos which I'm stupidly proud of : Harley asks Batman to be her bridesmaid when she marries Ivy. One of my favourite comments & one that has stuck with me for years is from this fic where the person said the fic played in their head like a demented cartoon which yeah that was absolutely the vibe I was going for
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Let's Play. (Zeus Brundle)
Summary: When your your boyfriend thinks your anniversary and game night are the same thing.. (Highly metaphorical js 😂)
Genre: Fluff/comedy
(Second Person Point of View)
It was your first anniversary with Zeus today, and to your dismay, he hadn't brought up any plans to hang out. However, you weren't gonna jump to conclusions just because he didn't talk about any plans for the past week. Maybe he was gonna tell you today, right?
You take a glance at the clock hanging on the wall. 1:00 P.M. You sigh. He's more likely asleep by now.
"Could you calm down?" Amelia giggles, "I'm sure he hasn't forgotten about it. He probably has a big surprise planned for you!"
"You don't know that." You point out, "plus, I don't want a big surprise; I just want to spend time with him." You fidget with the edge of your duvet, avoiding your roommate's gaze.
"You wouldn't know if I know something." She says. That caught your attention, but when you ask what she means, she dismisses it, saying she was only pointing it out. You give her a look but let it go.
Before either of you could say anything else, you heard a knock on the door. The dorm mother informs you that you have a guest waiting for you outside.
Overjoyed with the thought of seeing your boyfriend, you shot out of bed and quickly got dressed in a cute outfit you totally didn't prepare for this occasion. Nope. You put your hair in a simple half updo for a change and rush outside after giving Amelia a quick 'Goodbye!'.
Your features soon change into a confused expression when you realize your guest wasn't Zeus. A familiar silver-haired male stood with a smile, waving at you.
"Good afternoon, (Y/N)." Leon greets.
"Good afternoon, Leon." You tried your best to not let your disappointment show. It wasn't because Leon was there; it was just because Zeus wasn't. You didn't want to make Leon feel bad for something he didn't do, though, so you give him your best smile and wait for him to tell you why he needed you.
"Zeus told me to give you this." Not surprising due to his usual strange and awkward self, Leon simply states with no introductions whatsoever, as he hands you a white card folded in half.
Your confusion was quickly brought back as you take the card, "What's that?"
Leon places his index finger and his thumb around his chin, as if thinking or trying to remember something, while staring off into a different direction, "A game, I think."
"A game?" Opening the card, you question the reliability of Leon's answer. Unfortunately, seeing the content of the card didn't help you get any more information about what Zeus was planning either.
In a messy handwriting, a simple yet puzzling statement was written. The one who never stops nagging.
"What does that mean?" You weren't sure if you were asking yourself or Leon, considering you could never be sure if the boy was fully aware of the actual situation or if he understood it in his own unique way.
"He told us you'd follow the clues." He replies.
"Us?" You raise an eyebrow.
"I have to go." The boy states before turning on his heel and marching away.
"Leon, wait!" You call out, but he was already too far gone. Helplessly, you stare at the card, trying to understand the meaning of this situation. Follow the clues? This is your first clue? The one who never stops nagging. So, you need to find a person. But that's not fair, Zeus is convinced everyone is always nagging!
Huffing, you rub your temples, hoping you could figure out which specific person could this be aimed at. And then you had an idea. Could it be..?
"Klaus?" You knock and allow yourself in after hearing his usual come in.
"How can I help?" The way he acted suddenly made you doubt he had any idea of what was going on with Zeus.
"Uh..um..well, do you happen to..have anything to do with whatever Zeus is planning?" Your fingers kept fumbling with the card nervously.
"I do have your second clue if that's what you're asking." He chuckles, reaching to open one of his drawers and handing you a peach-coloured card, "I only agreed to help that idiot because I figured you'd be happy with this kind of thing."
"It seems fun." You agree, taking your next clue from Klaus. "Thanks." You say before heading towards the door.
"Oh, by the way," Klaus calls out, making you stop in your tracks, "He wouldn't tell me what he wrote in the first card..what was the clue to bring you here?"
You take a hesitant glance at your first card. The one who never stops nagging. "I think you're better off not knowing."
He raises his eyebrows at you. Fearing death, you quickly hand him the card and take a step back.
"Why am I helping this rascal anyway?!" Clearly annoyed by the clue, Klaus complains, "wait, why would I be the one you think of when you see this?!"
Suddenly the blame was shifting to you, so you had to run for your life. "Uh..gotta go!" You laugh nervously and rush out of the office, "see you later!"
You let out a sigh of relief after successfully escaping Klaus's office and reaching the safety of the backyard garden. Finally getting a chance to open the second card, you waste no time to do so.
Second easiest place to fall asleep for me.
"Are you kidding me, Zeus?" You mumble. Just how would you know this? Okay, calm down. Think clearly. You'll figure it out; it can't be that hard. Well, since he said second, then it probably isn't his dorm, right? Where else would he fall asleep anywa- right. Day class.
You prayed Klaus wasn't searching for you or something, as you carefully make your way back into the main building. You were beginning to enjoy this so-called game of his, and without noticing, your pace was getting quicker; you were really curious about your next clue and to where it leads you. You were also curious about what waited for you at the finish line.
"Elias? Yukiya? You two have my next clue?" They were they only students sitting in class, which was explainable since it was a supposed day off.
Both giving you smiles, they nod. Elias takes out a pastel pink card from his bag and hands it to you. "I'm really glad we didn't have to wait here too long." He jokes.
"It's because I'm good at figuring out his riddles; they're far too easy!" You beam proudly.
They both give each other knowing looks before looking back at you, "Just don't get so proud so soon" Yukiya chuckles.
"Well, you're not wrong." You agree, fearing your next clue would take you forever to figure out. "Well, I should go finish this game, so I'll see you guys later!" You wave, exiting the classroom, and they return the gesture.
Impatiently, you unfold the card before even leaving the main building. This time it was just three words. Your favourite milkshake. Does he want you to go buy your favourite milkshake? Was Zeus trying to wear you out and make you go broke on the same day? Is that what this is? Regardless, you were determined to get to every spot he leads you to, so you make your way to town.
The moment you step inside the shop, an excited manager rushes to greet you. "You're (Y/N), right? We've been waiting for you!" She squels and links arms with you, quickly leading you to the counter where an equally excited worker was standing.
"It's (Y/N)?" He asks the older lady, and she nods eagerly. You were getting quite weirded out by the overly friendly staff. They also knew your name which was strange. But then again you visited here quite often, so that could be the reason. Why the excited greetings though?
"Your boyfriend is such a sweetheart! Hold onto him, dear!" She tells you before handing you the milkshake you were planning to order.
"Um, yeah, he is, and I will; thanks." You nod, still not very sure what was going on. When you tried to reach into your pocket to pay for the drink, she immediately stops you.
"Oh no, this is paid for already, honey. Now drink up." She pats your shoulder lovingly before leaving. Paid for? Zeus?
Your drink in hand, you walk out the shop and roam around aimlessly. Was that the finish line? A free milkshake? It was a sweet gesture, but you wished Zeus was there. You didn't want to spend the day alone. Well, at least he prepared all of this for you, right? You push your longing for your boyfriend to the back of your mind and slowly sip the heavenly milkshake.
After a long walk around town, you were done with your drink. You decided to throw away the cup then head back to your dorm. However, when you were about to throw the plastic cup into the bin, you notice something at the bottom of the cup. Quickly, you pull back the cup closer to you and lift it up lightly to look at the ink at the bottom.
"I will go on a diet tomorrow!"
It was your next clue! The game wasn't over yet! Excitement filled every part of you once more, especially when you knew exactly who this clue was aimed at. But for God's sake, Zeus, why did he need to make you go in circles?? Why couldn't Amelia just have the first clue?! Jeez!
"You knew all along!" You point an accusing finger at your roommate, making her burst into laughter.
"Come on, I couldn't spoil! It's no fun!" She defends.
"True." You agree, letting her off easy.
"Here's your next one!" Amelia excitedly gives you a card. A strange one. This card was in two colours. Blue and Gold.
You open it, and the statement inside leaves you in utter bewilderment. Eyes of the Chimera. It made you remember Yukiya's warning from earlier. "Eyes of the chimera? Now he wants me to hunt down chimeras?!" You groan.
"Don't take things so literally! It could be a person!" Amelia's hand quickly flies to cover her mouth, realizing she said too much. You stare at her for a few seconds, still puzzled, until you realize how obvious this makes your most difficult clue. Eyes of the Chimera aka mismatched eyes aka the one and only Joel.
"Thanks, Amelia!" You giggle, as you quickly run out the dorm.
"Ugh, shut it!" You hear her yell in frustration.
Marching to the boys' dormitories, you begin to feel tired from all the walking. God, Zeus, this better be worth it! It better be the last card too; you were exhausted. You were also getting impatient; you wanted to know how this all ends.
"Finally! I thought I'd have to wait a few days before you showed up." Joel teases.
"It's not my fault the milkshake didn't seem like a clue!" You defend.
"Told him it'd be risky and that you might throw away the cup without paying attention, but you know how stubborn he is." Joel shrugs, as he walks over to his bed to take the purple card lying on his pillow. "Your next one." He smiles, handing you the folded card. You thank him and exit his dorm, taking a look at the content of the new card while leaving the building.
This time it was just one word- one clear word. Lake. Something about this card made you feel like it was your last one. It could be just your brain trying to trick your sore legs into holding on for a bit longer, though. You weren't very sure.
You reach your next stop, but there's no one around. No more friends and no Zeus either. You walk around carefully, trying to spot one more friend of yours; there were plenty left, so it could be anyone. Suddenly, you felt your shoe brush against something that wasn't grass. A pastel green card. Really, Zeus? Green between the grass? You sigh, leaning down to pick up the card.
Congrats! You just followed some clues for no reason :P
"Zeus..I'm going to punch you next time I see you." You huff, your fist clenching. Did he really just make you walk all over Gedonelune for a dumb joke?!
However, Zeus wasn't that annoying. He just enjoys teasing you. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist; Zeus places his chin on your shoulder before planting a kiss on your cheek. "Does that change the punching me plan?" He chuckles.
You felt your face heat up: this time you were blushing instead of planning murder. "Maybe." You mumble.
"Hmm. How about this?" He turns you around to face him, gently placing his hands on your cheeks. He tenderly presses his lips against yours, pouring his love and adoration into the kiss, allowing you to melt into his touch. Without hesitation, your lips move against his with such synchronization, like the world was non-existent, and the only thing that mattered was his lips on yours.
"You're off the hook." You giggle after you both pull away.
"Good; cuz I have a lot more to show you!" He grins, holding your hand and leading you away from the lake, "I was scared you'd take so long that we wouldn't have time to do anything else!"
"Shut up; you have a smart girlfriend!" You lightly punch his arm.
"No doubt." He laughs.
And with that, your fun didn't end at what you thought was the finish line; the fun was just beginning, and now, you had Zeus to enjoy it with.
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wizardessfleur · 3 years
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My Aesthetics (nº43) - Stimboard: Zeus Brundle (Wizardess Heart).
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mrsalfonsegoldstein · 6 years
Zeus the Snowball
Once upon a time, when Zeus and Hiro were learning how to ski...
Zeus: Psh! I’ll excel at skiing, like I excel at everything!
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Hiro: ...How’d that work out for ya?
Dedicated to @stephdaninja (swordsmanofsweets) - you inspired me to create this after our talk about Christmas headcanons ❤︎
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Zeus: *joins group chat* Oh my god guys, so earlier today Klaus was acting like he had his panties in a twist, like all I did was summon one little monster and got yelled at by him. Like who the hell does he think he is? Some high and almighty being? Because I’ll have you know right now, “I’m the pinnacle of all creation, alive or dead”! He doesn’t scare me one bit, I dare him to come at me!
Klaus: Those are some nice words you have there Zeus, care to share any more?
Zeus: New phone who dis?
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romance2d-otomegame · 4 years
The Route Thief
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Sumary: Everybody used to tell me to stop playing those games, but what can I do? An otome game is pretty addictive and specially if is one like Wizardess Heart. This game is my life! Wait, I didn't mean literally... Then, why I'm suddenly inside on my game!? Is that Hiro and Zeus? When I said this game is my life I didn't mean to want that this game BE my life!
Pairing: Hiro x Marian
Chapter 3
I was walking from here to there on my room. They make me change into a dress too much elegant for a diner. A new make up and a new hairdo, and then I've been the rest of the evening trying to joint points. Could it be that I'm really on my otome game? How come? Just what happened to me before? Besides, on what timeline am I? Do really exist magic? Since I've never leave my room. This days, I can't tell.
"Young lady, why don't you rest a little? There's something that bothers you?"
Are you kidding? Everything bothers me!
"Say, Clarisse. "
"Are you... Able to use magic?"
She opened wide her eyes and then smiled faintly
"No young lady, I'm afraid I can't use magic."
"Oh, you can't?"
"No. But, the young lady is such an amazing wizard! Maybe you can try sometime. "
"Wait, I can use magic!?"
"Of course. I saved your wand here. "
She opened a shelve and pulled off a box, she opened in front of me and inside was this silver wand whit a red stone on the handgrip. I grabbed the wand, and probably I was waiting something like a Harry Potter moment happened to me but, it didn't, it was just like hold a simple stick. Do I'm really able to use magic?
"Maybe this is not the time for this. "
I put the wand back on her box.
"The young lady might be right. Your fiance is about to arrive any soon after all. "
And I was more nervous.
"Hey, Clarisse, uh, how is the relation between... Zeus and me?"
"Oh, uh... Well, is very... Enthusiastic?"
Why are you thinking on it so much? Soon a knock on the door call for me.
"Young lady? Young master Zeus Brundle has arrived. Please come down to welcome him."
Okay life, is this is a dream this could be the perfect moment to wake up... Wait, actually, can you wait until I see Zeus whit my own eyes? I went down the stairs where some servants and the mother was waiting for me. She didnt even glanced at me. The door on the other side opened, and I stayed on such awe that the only thing I could do was hold my breath. Definitely, that man was Zeus Brundle, no doubt! He was walking so arrogant like I always imagined, and he was wearing his usual casual clothes. Wait, I'm wearing a party dress and he came dressed like that? Men are the same in any dimension... Suddenly I caught a glimpse of someone walking slightly behind Zeus, could it be...? No way... Hiro!? That's... That's Hiro Tachibana right!? OMG I wanna scream! Though he was wearing a white shirt and a black jacket whit his sleeves rolled up, he was looking just as hot like I always imagined! I covered my mouth cuz I feel that I would scream like a fan girl of a band on a concert!
"Why are you covering your mouth like that? Are you gonna barf?"
I hear a grave voice just in front of me. Darn it! I didn't realize he was already in front of me! What do I do!? What do I do!?
"Err... Ah... I-I... "
"What is wrong with you? Say welcome to him already!"
"We-we-welcome very much. "
OH SWEET LORD PLEASE KILL ME NOW AND MAKE SURE NOBODY FIND A SINGLE BONE OF ME!!! Can I go and lockdown on my room for the next three years!!??
We moved to the dinner room after my "kill me now" moment. I was unable to see Zeus right at the face even when he was sitting in front of me. Hiro was standing behind Zeus. It unusual for me but, I guess that is because Hiro is considered Zeus's bodyguard. Zeus was just there sipping his soup and nobody was saying a single word, it was getting on my nerves. Now that I notice, Zeus was actually behaving on the table. That was different from the game were it said that he attacked food like a beast. He and Hiro. But here, his manners were quite decent. I guess even him knows that he have to behave on a situation like this. Wait, but, doesn't he hate that?
"How is the soup Zeus? Is it your liking?"
The mom broke the silence
"Uh? Ah, yea is pretty good. "
Zeus barely rise his eyes to look at her.
"I glad to hear it. I apologize again, my husband is in a business trip and he couldn't accompany us today on your visit. "
"Yea I know, you don't need to worry about it."
It is my idea or Zeus answers are curt? Hiro approached Zeus from behind and whispered something to his ear.
"Oh, yea, uh, so... How are you? I hear that you fell and hit your head or something like that."
Something like that? If you're going to visit a sick person at least pretend that you're worried for her.
"Ye-Yea I fell from a horse while riding, but I totally fine know, hehe."
But probably I'm going to be killed by my own mother if she keeps looking at me like that. My face don't know if it have to turn red from embarrassing or pale from scare.
"Marian, did you thank Zeus for coming?"
Her look on me was like she was about to swallow me if I didn't.
"Uh... Th-Thank you for coming to see me, Zeus, It makes me very happy. "
I tried to give my best smile but, the look on Zeus was strange. His frown became even deeper. What is it? Did I said something bad? Di-Did he notice that I'm not his fiance?
"So tell me Zeus, when will you go back to Gedonelune?"
The scary mom continued
"mmm, on three days."
"So soon!? But I thought that classes will be staring next week."
"Yea but since I'm a Prefect I gotta be there before to prepare the welcome party of the new students. "
You do say that whit a big smile and proud huh?
"How wonderful! A welcome party!"
I don't think is the kind of party that you are thinking, mother.
"I am so glad to know that you are such a responsible prefect Zeus, you work so hard and you must be incredible at magic too. "
Excuse me?
"No need to say all that hehe. "
And you don't smile so proud when we all know the truth!
"I feel so much at easy to know that my daughter will be in such a good hands. I was worried just to think that she'll be so far away from me. "
Wait, where are you sending me now?
"Wait, where are you sending her?"
Thank you so much Zeus!
"Why of course to Gedonelune! Marian did not told you? She was accepted as an exchange student on the Royal Magic Academy, she will be joining the next week."
HOW IN THE NAME OF OTOME I'LL KNOW THAT!? Besides, the surprise on Zeus and Hiro faces shows that they didn't know either.
"No, she didn't told me."
Wait, Zeus, you don't need to look at me like that, I swear I didn't know anything! I don't know anything about magic, how I'm going to study on a school like that!? I'll be expelled right away! I want to scape please! SOMEBODY!!
To be continued...
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eye-cri · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 for the ask 👀
1.  How did they first meet? 
It honestly isn’t really different from og. buckle up kids, this is gonna be a long one. 
Aidma had come to Gedonlune since her client’s target was there. While she was there the rape of a night class student ( Claire Thorpe ) had happened and the news spread very quickly on social media. Aidma found out and sought out Clair’s family and offered to find the rapist and bring him to justice. They agreed since The Ministry of Wizardry was a bit overloaded with other,, stuff, so they told Thorpe’s family “much more important cases.” (some fucking bs I call right there but it is what it is.) Since Clair had been Zeus’s classmate he also heard of it. He hates this kind of shit that happens too so coincidentally, on the same night Adi was about to take care of the rapist, so was Zeus. Aidma was a little bit surprised that a student was out and about on that night so she confronted him. Zeus introduced himself (in his cocky ass way lamo) but added that he was here looking for the rapist. Adi immediately caught on, and offered that they work together. surprisingly, Zeus agreed. After they had taken care of the dude, Zeus invited Adi out for some drinks (cuz this event made him interested in Adi(yeep, he ended up falling in love at first sight,, just like in cannon lol))  
ooooh that was a long boi 
2.  Who uses social media more? If so what?
They both use social media pretty often. 
Adi: pintrest, Tumblr, Twitter (Insta and Snapchat, but not that often)
Zeus: Twitter, Insta, Snapchat (and u know what? I’m going with @florinarden ‘s youtuber au. He managed to convince Adi to show up on his channel often lol) 
3.  Do they go to college or work? What’s their major or job?
Adi: well, Adi has a private teacher, she’s currently learning about anatomy rn. But her job in og and this au is an assassin. (Najlynn is also an assassin) 
Zeus: Modernized gra. (but i imagine that since he is the eldest, his father would have him be the head of Brundle so he would have to prepare for that by taking a major i business) 
4. Which one parties the most?
Zeus. He never cheats while doing so of course, hell sometimes he convinces Adi to tag along. 
5.  Who’s the one to initiate selfies?
Adi. She does it at random times so they always look weird lol. 
7.  Who’s the first one to send good morning and good night texts?
that’s answered here!  
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[The Meadow of Oblivion]
FINALLY we’re getting Alfonse content! I’ve already gotten through Alfonse’s ending and AHHHH I’m so in love with him T-T I’m hella digging this spin-off!
Quick Facts
Type: Spin-off
# of routes: 1
# of endings: 2
Early bird ends: October 4, 2018
Event ends: October 11, 2018
Basic Overview
Story summary: The MC is cursed and starts to lose their memory, prompting Zeus and Alfonse to try and find a way to stop the memory loss.
Overall, this spin-off is super sweet and just. Alfonse is ABSOLUTE bae and a total sweetheart. Even Zeus has his kind moments, and you KNOW that’s a hella good compliment coming from me, the number one Zeus Brundle hater.
There are 6 early bird items. 3 are from passing chapters, 2 from completing endings, and 1 from completing both endings. There are 5 story completion prizes, 2 for one ending, 2 for the other, and 1 for both. 
As for length, the main portion of the spin-off is a total of 17 parts. Alfonse’s ending is 5 parts long, and I imagine Zeus’ is the same length. 
Checkpoint Items
This is one of the cheaper spin-offs we’ve gotten, although let’s be real, it’s still a Lune sink. One full playthrough (all chapters+1 ending) will cost you 15,000 Lune or 900 Lune. Doing both endings will cost you 23,000 Lune or 1,400 coins.
Outside of avatar and garden items, you will need 6 Magic Keys per playthrough.
Okay, so once again Solmare has made the choices a bit ambiguous to indicate who you were going to get. This is just going to be a short, endings-only walkthrough. I’ll be writing a more in-depth walkthrough for the WH wiki, so you can check that out, but for now here are the endings I chose. As you can all probably guess, I went (and got) Alfonse.
To get Alfonse
“No, I’m not.”
Take the pill (wow that sounds sketchy without context)
“Alfonse, I love the way you think.”
To get Zeus
Just don’t choose the above options lmao.
Final Thoughts
So tbh, I really do think this spin-off is definitely worth reading, especially if you have spare Lune and keys. The plot isn’t anything we haven’t seen before, especially if you’ve played a certain Goldstein sequel, but it’s soooooooooo cute and fluffy with the right amount of drama. I’ve said it before but Alfonse is just. my DREAM man and honestly, Zeus was actually a decent person in this spin-off. I know, I was shocked too. But yeah. It’s a really cute spin-off! 
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mcl-mia · 4 months
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//i don't have time right now to do more in-depth digital sketches/concept art, but here u go. kureha and mama tachibana :)
ideas/ headcanons under the cut!
so. if you thought hiro doesn't come from a family with kickass women i'm sorry but i do not agree!!!!
kureha tachibana:
i imagine she's roughly four years older than hiro, give or take. also taller than him (i put hiro at 5'11" and kureha at 6'2")
lulu and belle's retainer, but used to shadow both parents when they were performing their *~Retainerly Duties~*
used a kendo sword instead of a real one. it has a steel core, so the bamboo is replaceable, but still hits like a truck. she uses hinomotan magic, too, but probably not to the same extent that hiro does. she likes it this way though :)
looks way more like their dad, while hiro takes after their mom. i'm pretty sure this is canon? i think it was mentioned in the nobility spin off, but it's been a hot minute since i've seen the screenshot.
scary and mad confident. she is hot shit and she knows it. very good at keeping secrets, though, and unlike her brother and zeus, knows when to keep her mouth shut. she has a keen eye for trouble, too. almost like she has a spidey sense or some other premonition-equivalent power. hiro has no idea how she does it.
i think her style would be similar to hiro's, though - easy to move in and comfortable. a liiiiittle more fashionable, though. the kind of gal that always wears boots and sneakers, and flats for formal events.
also bisexual. very bisexual. there are no straight people under the brundle estate's roof because i say so. sorry solmare this is what you get when you abandon ur games :/
makoto tachibana:
a former assassin from hinomoto. she was part of the assassination attempt on the brundle household when thor lost his leg, but was on the hinomoto side of it. her job was to kill seiji, who had just lost his parents at the time.
she obviously didn't kill seiji, but instead fell in love at first sight. she betrayed her employer and fellow assassins, ending their lives and trading her daggers for the life of a normal woman. seiji has no idea about any of this. would he care? maybe, but she's an excellent mother and an equally talented wizard, so he'd probably get over it quickly and be all mushy and say something like "the scars of your past do not matter. you are here with me now, and the fire in my heart that burns for you has not diminished." you know, like a shakespearean loser.
she's had other assassins come after her and seiji, but seiji just assumes it's because they're the tachibana family, and not because his wife has history with them. (only the lookout managed to get away after the assassination attempt, so he was the only one from the queensblade group that learned of makoto's betrayal)
super strong. even better at magic than her husband, but stays as a last line of defense for the estate. if you somehow make it past seiji, you won't make it past her.
she's iris' retainer, and they get along very well! they gossip about their husbands' relationship often and they find it very funny.
biggest reason why the tachibana family uses ravens as their familiars. murders used to surround makoto all the time, and now it's no different *slaps knee*
also very scary when mad. like, extra scary. nobody fucks with mama. but very nice otherwise :) sometimes she'll slip into her more rough and tumble side - think former biker, almost.
uhh i can't think of much else right now but i'm sure i'll think of more when i actually... .. you know... .. do a proper illustration with them and hiro.... ;_;
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shummashum · 5 months
Zeus Brundle Ch8 [10~15]
So Luci threw the atmosphere into the gutter and made the mood like shit. if he says "haha it wasn't I want", I'll immediately throw a punch at him
Terrified, Liz screamed out Zeus' name inside her heart. You think that will work?
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oi what the heck seriously why is this really happening how
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you're not the only one who's taken aback right now I'm also taken aback right now how the fuck did he do it how did he detect Liz's coordinates, and how did he calculate the changing location in real time that guy is beyond my imagination
That's how she was summoned to the academy's courtyard. that guy is insane I'm truly impressed by this
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so what is a labyrinth why is a place with such an ominous name connected to the academy grounds
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why are these guys talking about things that only they know so!! what is that!!
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Well, she could apologize to him at least. fimally!
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I thought it was vain since she was destined to face Zeus even if Hiro didn't provoke her, but you could have thought this way... In the end, this whole series of events wasn't for nothing. That's relief at least
so what would she do now? confession? hang on a second, I'll get some movie glasses and some popcorn…
But before Liz could finish speaking, Zeus declared he would speak first.
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oh this is this that that stardust stuff?
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oh shit I can't believe he really found that it wasn't just an empty promise this guy is something
and… I really like that stupid ahoge
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but you know that blush on a male character it's hard to watch,,, I know all otome games are like that but you know, I consider this game as nothing more than an idiots observation simulator, not a dating sim nor a ren'ai game I have no immunity to this it's too hard to watch when this kind of scene comes out I'm screaming inside endlessly while watching this scene
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I feel like I'm going to die right now what should I do I feel like I'm going insane I'm not telling the story is shit or below it's just due to my low limit this WH is the first otome game I'm playing seriously you know
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he's confessing like an elementary school kid omg look at him creaking I already liked him except for his behavior in Ch5 but I like him even more
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oi Luci are you watching now I guess you lose this time this is a pretty happy ending, don't you think
Anyway, Liz and Zeus had time to share the feelings and thoughts they had been harboring.
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wait wait a sec is it natural for the distance between two people to suddenly become this close when they confess to each other
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wait wait a sec what what!!!!!!! who on earth would kiss right after confessing is this how all Gen Z live these days??
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em erm uh…….
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-Ch8 End-
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shummashum · 4 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch2 [6~10]
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lecture on
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well that's what happened! at least he was not late because of overslept like those idiots
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whew! he let it slide they said being honest is the right answer, his answer proves that that sentence has a high hit rate
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whoa he's fucking proud of himself the saying that being honest is the right answer can't possibly apply to this reason,,,
but hey, I want to hear the Headmaster's words I need to know why she was called here
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whaaat is that so??
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but he doesn't refute Cae's comment why aren't you denying it oi Mr. Goldstein ? ?
Anyway, Remb intervened their conversation and asked everyone if it was okay to start the meeting.
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let me hear the reason he called her stop scratching!!
First of all, Remb congratulated Liz on becoming a Prefect. And…
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huh brooch number two?
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oh… cool is this really truly just a gift, right? don't tell me this is an item that plays a big part in the narrative or is essential to solving the problem he said it was nothing like the previous brooch, but well… I don't trust him
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I finally finally finally can hear the reason
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erm isn't the frequency increasing too rapidly? the change from once a week to once a day too drastic imo and the schedule itself is too much I think? at least twice a week or every other day weellll,,, I dunno
but on one hand, I'm kinda curious about how the lecture from S6 comrades is Al will be the best teacher Cae also will proceed with his lecture smoothly Zeus and Hiro will be… well…… they'll just write "seatwork" on the blackboard and take a nap or not? perhaps those two might have a completely different attitude when the class begin
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I already knew they were postgrad the honored slave
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oi Mr. Brundle that comment…… I like you but every time you say something like that my liking for you diminish little by little,,,
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eh that's harsh but come to think of it, he wasn't appointed by force. he took the Prefect position because he wanted to do it, right? if so, shouldn't he have to endure this he doesn't seem to be suited for the job, so why on earth did he willingly become a Prefect? I've always wondered this,,,
So Remb made a threat and got everyone to agree. huh
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what's that
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whut Night Class… theft… Zeus!!! did you committed theft again ! !
but Zeus said he was the biggest victim, saying he'd had his textbook stolen and his favorite teacup but… you use your textbook as a trivet, don't you
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duh it feels so freaking filthy when he says it like that stealing other people's belongings for your own kink,,, ew fuck disgusting
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and surprisingly he received his remarks
Anyway, Remb described three stolen items of high value: the Sacred Sword of Darkness, which is capable of cutting magic circles and rendering them ineffective; a bottle of dried petrifying geckos, which are used to turn someone into stone; the House of Baroque's Concealment Mirror, which is capable of dispelling other spells
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they all have powerful abilities, I don't get why on earth those items are in the academy though (especially that mirror)
While everyone was questioning the culprit's intentions, Zeus made a noise as if something was bothering him.
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buuttt it can't be just imagination, especially in cases like these besides, his intuition is at a level that cannot be ignored, just thinking about him making a magic circle using his intuition… anyway those three items have no connection whatsoever on the surface
or could this case be the work of someone with a paraphilia maybe Zeus guessed right………
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shummashum · 5 months
Zeus Brundle Ch9 [6~10]
After learning new facts about the labyrinth from Zeus, Liz trembled with fear.
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it can't be you think a guy who knows the labyrinth so well, to the extent that he even knows about its guardian, wouldn't be aware of the last station of the train
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eh but it was his own choice, what can I do more should I feel sorry for him
regardless of the reason, it's true that the purple guy tried to drag him into the labyrinth isn't it okay to be a little angry, I'm not that angry though
Anyway, Zeus mentioned that he and Hiro could come and go from the labyrinth as they please.
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Now that I think about it, I think Zeus mentioned the word kingdom while explaining his earrings…. well I don't remember much
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I said I'd take you to Zeus, but I didn't say I'd take you unharmed! could it be that this is what it means
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come to think of it, what was the brooch really his reaction was unusual for a talisman with the typical meaning of bringing good luck that brooch might also be able to serve as a beacon, definitely aiding in the exploration of the labyrinth
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then it means that Luci wasn't lying when he said he knew Zeus… huh
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what I'm curious about here: would the summoning magic still work properly even after Liz is located in the labyrinth if entities inside the labyrinth can be summoned from outside, the issue of escaping the labyrinth becomes very simple well it won't be the case
but you know, I think the academy needs to do something about this...? imagine that a day class student accidentally goes into that coffin and goes missing fucking crisis
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this is it I wanted something like this this creaking this guy is indeed a glass canon
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Anyway, Liz handed Zeus the pouch of cookies she had baked in the morning.
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don't eat if you don't want ! ! give me instead I want that give it to me, I'm sure I can fully enjoy it
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if I see a reaction like that, I really want to try it too I'm craving dessert…
Meanwhile, a question suddenly appeared in her mind: whose cookies taste better? So she talked about the cookie girl to him.
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oi how can you react so indifferently have you forgotten what happened yesterday? you were creaking saying you were super duper jealous of Al, Cae, and especially the mighty emperor Klaus
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so she's not a spy well it's not uncommon for extras to be used to induce jealousy or to awaken feelings but I expected something deeper
btw it's quite good that there's a lot of fluffy stuff stable taste nice and plain
Anyway, Zeus took Liz to the water, saying that they might find some pretty rare fish if they were lucky.
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ahem ahem!! it's not that I didn't trust you, I just kept all possibilities in mind… winkwink
As she was about to follow his words and take a closer look at the lake, he suddenly stopped her.
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brooch? why? the brooch has remained securely attached despite having been through various incidents is there any need to do that
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well there's no harm in being careful but why did he suddenly mention it sus……
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