whipbogard · 1 year
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Same energy
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botaniqueer · 7 months
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Corn that the critters didn’t get to!! It’s a parching corn cultivar and I’ve never used one of those before so it’s time for me to experiment and figure out how I can use dried corn! 😋
Look how pretty it is! It’s supposedly a nitrogen fixing one but it never make any of the mucilage it uses to house bacteria so I’m wondering if it was just unhappy or if it didn’t inherit the proper genes.
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gogojetters · 2 months
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The Blast-Offs is a team of former Go Jet Academy students, who were expelled for a variety of misdoings during their time as cadets, who are on a mission to prove that they are superior, despite lacking all of their academy training. The team make their mark early on, by staging accidents in stealth, making it seem as if a landmark has been Glitched, and then swooping in and saving it publicly, giving the appearance to the public that they are a team of vigilante heroes. The Blast-Offs consists of four members, Sora ( The Demolitionist), Navi (The Spy), Iker (The Helmsman), and Zea (The Schemer). Together, they create havoc around the world, and make sure that the world knows they’re not to be taken lightly.
Learn how this sinister team came to be !
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Snarky and self-confident Zea is the founder of the Blast-Offs, and is known as “The Schemer”. During her time at the Go Jet Academy, she was a classic bully, loving to play elaborate pranks and tricks on her fellow students, as well as teasing her targets relentless. Expelled after crossing one boundary too many, Zea is the most underestimated member of the group, when she is the true mastermind behind every single one of the Blast-Offs schemes, plots and plans.
Zea is prideful in her skills and actions, and is self-assured to the point that she refuses to believe any of her plans can fail, making her come off as arrogant. She is loud, commanding, and above all else, rotten to the core. When things go her way, she’s not afraid to let it be known, with a derogatory “obviously!” thrown her opponent’s way.
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Feisty and passionate to a deadly point, Iker is known as the Blast-Offs “Helmsman”. Iker has always felt like he is the “second-best” wherever he goes, especially when he was a cadet at the Go Jet Academy, always losing in races and challenges. This lead to him being willing to win at any cost, disregarding the safety of others, causing a spin-out so catastrophic that he ended up expelled from the Go Jet Academy, and quickly recruited to the Blast-Offs, to drive their “submarine” (a repurposed JetPad prototype).
Iker has an infamously short temper, and he can go off at just about anything, from small disagreements, to losing in a race, battle, or against the Go Jetters. On a rare occasion where he isn’t angry, but pleased, he boasts his delight with a yell- ‘That’s Hot!” Iker has a fear of falling, after his accident, but wouldn’t dare let anyone know, trying to maintain an image he doesn’t actually have.
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Sneaky yet strong, Navi is known as “the spy” of the Blast-Offs team. Not much is known about secretive Navi, to the point that nobody knows how she got expelled from the Go Jet Academy, or IF she was even expelled in the first place. While she doesn’t like working in teams, she seems to have made an exception for the Blast-Offs, where she works with the team, using her stealth skills to spy on the Go Jet Academy, and find out their next moves, so they can beat them to the chase, or one-up them.
Navi is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but is also skilled in trap-making. Although she doesn’t like to speak much, she’ll always let people know when she thinks something is ruined, to tell them “it’s botched”. Navi is morbidly interested in watching the failure of others, whether it be the Go Jetters, Grandmaster Glitch, or even her own teammates…
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Loud and rambunctious Sora loves an explosive good time! The “Demolitionist” of the Blast-Offs, Sora loves to build weapons of destruction, and loves to watch bombs go boom and fire crackle and burn. Expelled from the Go Jet Academy for “accidentally” blowing up an Academy G.O Dome, Sora sees the Blast-Offs as a way to show off her true potential in destroying anything she can get her hands on!
Sora gives off an energy so wild, that it scares many who know her, as she shows no regard for the consequences of what she reaps. Her joyful exposition paired with her explosive personality makes even the most rational person start to worry. When Sora watches something explode, she can always be heard making her mark, yelling a proud “Ka-BOOM!”. Sora is never seen without her trusty mallet, an easy to carry tool for little bursts of destruction.
But wait? Who’s this…?
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Axel was a late recruit to the Blast-Offs team, joining months after the team was established and in-action. At the academy, he seemed to slip from people’s minds, as he never actually attended most of his classes, preferring to spend his time in solidarity, studying up on his favourite subjects, rocks, and the underwater volcano at the Go Jet Academy. Eventually, his absence caught up to him, and he was expelled from the academy, which set him off, resulting in him creating a disaster to make his feelings known. His act was caught by the Blast-Offs, who had been planning to spy on the Academy, and Zea extended an invite for Axel to join the team.
Still antisocial as ever, Axel does not take part in many of the missions, preferring to continue his studies individually. But whenever his team needs the extra numbers, or a point of interest for him is involved, Axel tags along for the ride. Axel makes his feelings very clear in every situation he gets himself into, and is blunt if he doesn’t care about something. And usually, he does not.
And with that… presenting the Blast-Offs Team !!
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Thank-You for reading all the way !! 💚🩵🧡💙💜
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squishysphealgirl · 4 months
Licking you Licking you Licking you Licking you Licking you Licking you Licking you Licking you Licking you Licking you
yippee wahoo now I don't need to shower!!!
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anthropophobiacomic · 2 months
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Part 93 - Teeth Buddies
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4uru · 11 months
Do you sometimes by accident sketch something so relatable that it makes u want to melt into it?
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I need zia to drown me in that pint-
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fool-s-gold-and-i · 7 months
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Ig @natalia_kolasinska_
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probablymoons · 8 months
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hysteriemp3 · 2 years
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botaniqueer · 9 months
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My first corn attempt,,,
In my defense while I sowed them around the same time they didn’t flower at the same time, so I think I did pretty well for having to hand pollinate the things. :P Hence most of the fruits not having developed, but I got some kernels!!
Mostly the corn is just acting as trellising for the beans at this point.
I also found out that when the corn is ill-developed like this, you can just bite through a good part of the cob? (Lots of fiber though. Still tasty!! Also very sweet!)
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gogojetters · 2 months
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The Blast-Offs is a team of former Go Jet Academy students, who were expelled for a variety of misdoings during their time as cadets, who are on a mission to prove that they are superior, despite lacking all of their academy training. The team make their mark early on, by staging accidents in stealth, making it seem as if a landmark has been Glitched, and then swooping in and saving it publicly, giving the appearance to the public that they are a team of vigilante heroes.
As time progresses, the Go Jetters discover the truth which the group works to hide, which causes the Blast-Offs to slowly descend into true villainy, no longer creating fake emergencies for them to save, but unapologetic creating real threats in order to prove that the Go Jetters cannot solve every disaster thrown their way by an opponent.
The Blast-Offs consists of four members, Sora ( The Demolitionist), Navi (The Spy), Iker (The Helmsman), and Zea (The Schemer). Together, they create havoc around the world, and make sure that the world knows they’re not to be taken lightly.
Excited to re-introduce my Go Jetters OCs to you all ! Feel free to send any questions you have about them on this post or in my asks. Follow-up post coming soon! Individual images under the cut 💚🩵💙🧡
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dilebe06 · 1 year
Scuola: croce e delizia.
Waek Hero Class 1 e Antares 2
Per caso mi sono ritrovata a vedere due serie tv a tema scolastico ed è meraviglioso come una serie tv su degli adolescenti e le loro problematiche possa avere così tante varianti e ipotesi di lettura o modus operandi. Come possano essere così diverse. Prendi Waek Hero Class 1 e Antares 2.
Entrambe hanno al centro dei ragazzi adolescenti all'ultim'anno del Liceo ma passa un baratro tra le due:
Waek Hero è un drama stupendo. Trama, regia, cast, recitazione, tematiche affrontate, montaggio... difficile trovargli un difetto. Ho amato e sono rimasta così colpita da tutto quello che vedevo:
La trama è semplice ma ciò che succede e come succede rende la serie molto intrigante e interessante: questi ragazzi che diventano amici ... ma poi va tutto a signorine e buonasera. Niente buonismo o forzature ma una storia credibile e intensa, recitata in modo sublime da dei bravissimi interpreti.
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Tema fondante della storia è l'amicizia in un momento delicato della vita di questi adolescenti: tre ragazzi che poco o nulla hanno in comune che diventano amici sullo sfondo del bullismo. Questa amicizia da una parte porterà forza e determinazione ma dall'altra recherà gelosie, invidie e violenza. Ed è proprio l'excursus di questa fratellanza ad avermi tenuta incollata allo schermo: vedere Shi Eun aprirsi poco a poco a questi amici, perderli e poi vederlo crollare nel finale è stato un colpo al cuore! La scena dove spacca vetrate della scuola completamente folle di dolore è un momento che difficilmente scorderò.
Credibilità e realismo sono le parole chiave che mi vengono in mente quando penso a questa serie, in virtù di un lavoro eccellente sotto il profilo psicologico dei personaggi: Beom Seok non diventa stronzo a caso. C'è tutto un background che spiega e motiva le sue azioni a partire dal rapporto con suo padre. Ed io adoro questa cosa.
Ed ha proposito di padri, nota a margine su quanto gli adulti siano vapore. O non esistono o se ci sono, sono totalmente ignari dei loro figli, lasciati alla mercé della strada. Insegnanti, presidi, genitori...un ammasso di nulla. Almeno sul finale il padre del protagonista si è reso conto che l'aver lasciato il figlio solo per mesi e mesi non è stata la cosa più intelligente da fare.
Infine, una parola sui combattimenti e le violenze. Per quanto non siano stati contrasti memorabili devo dire che a me non piaciuti da un punto di vista registico e tecnico. Il sangue c'era ma mai un lago. O ferite che spariscono da sole. E questo è già oro che cola.
Mentre sulle violenze dei bulli, pensavo peggio. Io odio il bullismo - anche perché non lo capisco - e sempre odierò queste cose. Ma temevo violenze più macabre, vere e proprie torture psicologiche. Fortunatamente non è andata così ( altrimenti non avrei visto questa serie ) e sono riuscita a guardare la serie, però la frustrazione di vedere gesti di bullismo è stata altissima.
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Concludendo: Waek Hero è una serie da vedere assolutamente complice anche i solo 8 episodi che permettono la maratona easy.
Voto: 8.6
Antares 2
Chi invece il realismo non sa nemmeno dove sia di casa - e lo amo per questo - è Antares. Antares mi suscita lo stesso fascino del gatto morto o dell'incidente stradale in autostrada: sai che guardare sarà problematico ma lo fai lo stesso.
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Vidi l'anno scorso la prima stagione e non potevo certo perdermi la seconda. Ares, Zea ed i Calderioz tornano in tutta la loro gloria per portarci a fare tutti un giro sulle moto. Ora, la prima stagione era carina pur essendo piena di problemi...ricordo che la vidi con piacere. La seconda... è carina anch'essa ma meno della prima.
Il dolore più grande è lo stesso della prima stagione, amplificato dalle vicende che accadono in questa seconda: i nostri eroi si ritroveranno sotto minaccia e ricatto di un "qualcuno" che vuole il loro scioglimento come banda di motociclisti. E la fine delle altre bande. Nel mezzo le solite turbe amorose, vita scolastica, problemi di amicizia ecc ecc.
Io lo dirò fino alla morte: vedere dei ragazzini del Liceo comportarsi come adulti salvo poi chiedere il permesso a mamma' per dormire fuori è estraniante. E' confuso vedere Ares, leader della gang, dare ordini a uomini più grossi e vecchi di lui mentre mamma e papà lo mettono in punizione togliendogli cellulare e uscite con gli amici. Ragazzini menati, rapiti, accoltellati, pestati. Che complottano e indagano. Pedinano, fanno appostamenti, collaborano con la polizia, interrogano criminali, salvano persone rapite ma si comportano e ragionano come ragazzini del Liceo.
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Oltre a ciò, la trama - ossia la minaccia di "qualcuno" - è stata per me troppo allungata. Per episodi ed episodi i nostri non hanno fatto altro che subire passivamente tutto quello che succedeva e solo nell'ultimo episodio hanno capito qualcosa. Quasi per caso poi. Devo dire che l'ho trovata una dinamica un pò noiosa.
Come noiosa - ma lì perché mi dispiace - la storia di Serra ed il tipo. Cioè...nella prima stagione gli veniva ammazzato il fidanzato a bastonate. Nella seconda dopo mille dubbi e incertezze riapre il suo cuore ad un altro ragazzo...per scoprire che è il cattivo della storia. Maddai! Diamo una gioia alla povera Serra!
Poi vabbeh le solite forzature, cose a cazzo, dialoghi a volte imbarazzanti, storie d'amore insulse, change of heart senza motivo...il solito insomma.
Ma in tutto questo di roba da salvare c'è: Zea in primis.
Zea, stella polare della serie. L'unico carattere femminile che abbia un neurone in più delle altre e che non pensa unicamente ai ragazzi, balletti e vestiti. ( anche se Karissa in questa stagione è migliorata un po'). Zea ha cervello, coraggio, spina dorsale e allo stesso tempo è la colonna portante per Ares nel suo momento più buio.
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Ok lo ammetto.
La loro storia d'amore - amore parola grossa visto che non si sono mai nemmeno lontanamente baciati. Manco sulla guancia. Manco a stampo. Niente. Nada. Però si amano e questo mi basta. - è il vero motivo per cui mi sono vista tutta questa serie. XD Sono dannatamente carini e solidi. Si supportano uno con l'altro e si vede che si amano.
In questa seconda stagione poi si esplora la difficoltà di Ares nel chiedere aiuto ad altre persone, ampliando dunque la gamma del suo personaggio. Si mette in luce la sua capacità e le difficoltà di essere un leader sotto diverse pressioni: la scuola, gli amici, i genitori, i compagni di gang, la sua ragazza. Su questo frangente la serie fa un buon lavoro mostrando un Ares in difficoltà tremenda ma che poi alla fine regge botta e riesce a mantenere a galla tutto.
Concludendo: Questa seconda stagione non è riuscita a piacermi tanto quanto la prima a causa di un plot a mio parere troppo allungato e ripetitivo. Buoni invece come sempre i due protagonisti e la recitazione degli attori. Sono bravi dai! Una serie da vedere se hai già visto la prima stagione e vuoi passare qualche ora in compagnia di questi ragazzi ma da evitare come la morte se si cerca realismo e credibilità.
Voto: 7.4
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squishysphealgirl · 4 months
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have a look at this beauty i made mid last year
zea I'm sorry I don't think you're very good at graphic design :(
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anthropophobiacomic · 2 months
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Part 92 - Zea
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siphonophore-system · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot recently how sometimes syscourse type conversations I see or (rarely) get involved in feel disconnected from what many mental health professionals know about DID/OSDD, what they believe about it, and what they see as treatment for it. I've been in the U.S. mental health system since I was a kid, and throughout my years going to therapists and specifically talking to them about being plural, there have been some wild results. I always say that the least accepting people of my plurality in my experience have been psychologists and psychology involved people.
What I mean specifically is that I have met psychologists who do not even believe DID/OSDD exists (professors even!). I have met psychologists who have refused to treat me and told me to "just stop this" and told headmates to "just go away". I have met several who can only suggest full and final fusion to "get rid of these voices". This doesn't even get into how unwilling psychologists have been to even talk to headmates "except [body name]". I do not feel I have ever been understood by professionals, much less received proper "treatment" for any of what we have dealt with.
I think this post is more my personal experience, and I'm sure there are others that have their own experience. I think how a person has been treated by their mental health system has a huge influence over their feelings regarding any of the syscourse debates. I'm really glad for those who feel that therapy and their therapist and specialist have helped them recover, I really am glad you found that. That experience is not shared by every traumagenic or plural person.
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mxamericanblue · 3 months
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lil slimie and Zea go at it
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