I can’t remember rn, but why was asra homeless and raised himself if his parents were still alive and well?
This ended up longer than expected, but here's a rundown of what happened with Asra's parents! Putting it under the cut for spoilers :)
The timelines aren't very clear, but during Asra's early childhood, their parents were hired to build Lucio's arm. Aisha and Salim are from a country called Zadith, where alchemy (described in the art book as a combination of magic and science/technology) is a commonly studied practice. Lucio had recently lost his left arm and as count wanted the best prosthetic available.
It's unclear if the Devil steered Lucio towards Aisha and Salim specifically for the commission, or if he simply saw a chance as soon as they started working for the Palace. We do know that since the two of them have The Lovers as their patron Arcana they were key to the ritual that the Devil was slowly working towards with Lucio as his pawn.
When Aisha and Salim completed the prosthetic, Lucio ordered them to be thrown into the dungeons in separate cells and said that they would be executed, because he wanted his arm to remain the only and best of its kind. We later find out that Lucio did this at the Devil's request so that he would have a bargaining chip.
The Devil approached both Aisha and Salim separately and told each of them that if they went into captivity for him, he would make sure that no harm would come to their spouse or child. Both agreed, and they were locked in their own shared magician's gate, leaving Asra behind for roughly twenty years.
Meanwhile, from Asra's child point of view, their parents went to work one day and never came back. He would meet Muriel three years later by the South End docks and the two of them would finish growing up together in a sibling-esque relationship. When Asra first meets Muriel as a child, they say that their parents were "taken", but later, they just refer to their parents as "gone". He does seem to know from the get-go that Lucio was involved in that sequence of events, but by the time canon starts, he's given up on reuniting with his parents and isn't even sure if they're alive any more.
It's unclear, but Asra does seem to be somewhat aware of the deal that ensures that they won't be harmed. We know that Lucio knew who Asra was when he was still a kid at the docks, and that Lucio later recognized him as an adult in the Palace. Both Nadia and Julian seem to express some level of concern for their safety around Lucio but Asra themself acts with an assumption of immunity that they don't normally adopt around people they distrust so heavily.
In the end, Asra is united with his parents in most (if not all) of the upright endings, and it's implied that the three of them are able to begin rebuilding their relationship and stay in each other's lives.
Sorry for long that got, hope that helps anon friend! :D
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macabremayhem · 4 months
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The old sketch of human (or not?) Valdemar.
Because of their antiquity, I came up a headcanon about their origin. So, what about a country near the great river and with the great pyramids? Many lands of the Arcana world have references from India, Arabic region or Mongolia – so, Ancient Egypt? Why not? I can't decide, maybe this is ancient Zadith? There is nothing about Zadith in the canon, just a note in the ArcanaWiki:
"The homeland of Asra's parents, Zadith lies across the Malvent Strait from Vesuvia. This is a country where both science and magic are highly respected. Those who combine both disciplines are known as alchemists."
I think this short description is suitable for the heritage of such civilization as Egyptian.
I’m sad that the history of the world is so poorly developed, but I still love the lore so much. And I’d be happy to read (only from the original writers), say, a brief history of the world. But since there's no any history, I'm taking the liberty (and, a bit, my history degree) to assume: Zadith is the inheritor of some ancient civilization like the Ancient Egypt.
I'm not good at naming, so I will provisionally call it "Deshret" – Egyptian word for "red land, desert". Valdemar spoke about "millennia of existence", describing their antiquity, so I'm pretty sure: they have been born as a human in the ancient kingdom, like the Ancient Egypt. Also, note that red beetle brooch at the neck: similar motives were common in the Ancient Egypt. And, I think, Valdemar had this beetle brooch long before the Plague.
Okay, maybe developers in Portia's route (flashback scene with Prospero and foundation of Vesuvia) just showed Valdemar to us as we know them, because of developing another (kinda "more ancient") sprite and costume for the short scene is not viable. But anyway: we have what we have. What if we imagine that "red beetle brooch" of the Courtiers is rooted not only in the Red Plague? What about a, merely my headcanon, the Egyptian "scarab" motif?
So, there's the old traditional sketch I have. When I drew this pic, I imagined Valdemar just after their first deals with the Devil. Just look at their eyes.🫀
And – of course, they are in the tomb. Maybe as a priest? Who knows, fellow humans.
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nabesthetics · 2 years
are you or your followers able to share what we know about the stove salamander? / how it works?
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just a little friend…
Weird that the lil guy doesn't have a name even (unless I missed it), we should probably rectify that. I'd need more time though because otherwise I'll just name him Bob or something. I'll call him Stovie here for simplicity.
Unfortunately, there's not much information about him. I can mostly just recall that he eats (?) coal and spits fire to heat up the said coal. Breathes out smoke to express annoyance. Other things, I can just speculate about.
Stove salamanders are clearly not a common way of heating up stoves/ovens, as most characters' reaction to hearing about him is essentially "a what?????". The MC just considers Stovie a normal part of the kitchen because they knew him for as long as they can remember. (You'd think they'd have stronger attachment to him, given that it's the only other living being aside from Asra and Faust that the MC knew for a while)
A very intelligent and peaceful creature capable of understanding requests and even express emotions, including amusement. Whether that's a species trait or just this one individual's personality is up for interpretation.
While it’s called a “salamander”, it also has very distinct lizard features (e.g. eyes) as well as amphibian, so it might be a magic hybrid of sorts. Unsure yet if I’d classify it as a dragon or not.
Normal body temperature is perfectly manageable (so yes you can pet them), and after a burst of heat they need some time and fuel to “recharge”.
Possibly able to hibernate or just spend a lot of time resting because nobody is concerned about leaving Stovie alone for weeks. That also shows that the critter doesn't tend to spit fire or travel much by itself (that or the stove has some protection spells on it).
Fire might be a protection mechanism and/or a way to get coal in the salamanders' natural environments. I'd assume that they live in volcanic areas, or dry places with common forest fires. Maybe deserts where they can burn dry vegetation without causing a disaster? If we assume that they can hibernate for long periods of time, it might be that they just nap while the area recovers, and are awakened by heat.
Hell, could also be that Stovie is some one-of-its-kind creature.
Alternatively could be a domesticated species more commonly used in other areas, e.g. Zadith. Asra most likely found Stovie/Stovie’s egg during their travels, so could be either “wild" or “domesticated” option. The latter is most likely though, since then Asra would be sure that the critter is happy with that arrangement and won’t burn the house down.
Imagine a larger creature like this being a blacksmith’s familiar…
Important Stovie fact: 10/10 adorable
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devoraqs · 2 years
To Know the Cosmos
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Summary: Alexander comes to Nadia with an idea. (Set post-Asra Upright, alternate title: Alexander and Nadia nerd out about physics and stuff)
Characters: Nadia Satrinava, Alexander MacRionnag
Word Count: 1633 (+art)
It was an airy summer morning, the kind that one only found in early December, that greeted Alexander and Nadia as they stepped out into the Palace gardens. Lughnasa and Chandra had winged their way ahead, the owl’s graceful arcs in the sky circling the magpie’s brisk fitting. Nadia and Alexander smiled as they watched the two birds, and Alexander took Nadia’s arm as they began to walk. 
They strolled in comfortable silence first, enjoying the warm breeze that carried wafts of the first summer blooms. Nadia hummed a bit every so often, and Alexander would join in, or Alexander would offer a quip or pun that would leave them both chuckling. Conversation eventually followed, ‘I trust your honeymoon was pleasant,” Nadia said, “you look well rested,”
“It was wonderful,” Alexander smiled, “Zadithi evenings are unmatched. Asra and Faust have never been happier. He sends his apologies, by the way, he wanted to join us but there was work to do at the shop.”
“Understandable,” Nadia nodded, “I should like to see him, though, perhaps I may pay you a visit before long?”
“Absolutely, we’d love to have you,” he said, though the small talk had made him think, “Actually, Nadia, might I propose something?”
Nadia tilted her head in interest, “Go on.”
“I studied in Zadith, as did Aisha and Salim. Their education is some of the best in the world. I had wondered if we might do something for Vesuvians too. Not just the university, I mean. More. Something accessible to every person and child. A library, or lecture hall, or… something else.”
“Else?” Nadia asked keenly, “What did you have in mind?”
“This would require your help. Not just funding, mind, but you.”
They both laughed at the unintentional wordplay, before Alexander continued, “You’re one of the best engineers I know, and certainly the most capable of what I’m thinking of. In Zadith there is a large hall, a rotunda really, that is full of glass replicas of planets and stars. An astrolabe, almost, but vast. One that you can walk amongst. Most of it to scale, too. And the best thing, Nadi, they move. There’s a clockwork operation system in place that simulates the orbit and rotation of the Earth and the planets. One could follow Venus as she circles the sun, or see how Jupiter dances with Ganymede and Io. It’s incredible, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. And what’s more, everyone may see it. Everyone may learn. I want this for Vesuvia, a public amenity and source of entertainment and learning in one!”
Nadia’s eyes were wide, and glimmering with excitement, “A wonderful idea!” She exclaimed, “A planetarium!”
“Precisely,” Alexander replied, “And what’s more, I believe that the metalwork of the frames and gears could be alchemically enhanced. There is a method of making an alloy of magic and metal which gives it dexterity and strength, Aisha and Salim developed it. It requires a particularly inert metal, perhaps copper or silver, maybe a steel, and the magic is infused into it. Then, not only could the planets move, we could make it so that it is as accurate as we know the actual spheres to be. It would mean sophisticated gears and some complex designs to get it to work right, and to hang in perfect balance and order like the celestial bodies they’re in the image of but-“
“But it is certainly within our capabilities!” Nadia finished, then flushed slightly at her interjection, “Forgive my outburst, dear Alexander,”
“Not at all,”
“Oh, but the scale and intricacy of the project… it is certainly more complex than the automatons I have made before.”
Alexander bumped her shoulder lightly, affectionately, “Nadi, I would have not posited this at all if I didn’t believe that you would achieve it. My mother and father in law have already expressed interest in helping, and then… You’ve a brilliant eye for these things. Consider the clocks you crafted, the one in the ballroom and the one atop the steeple. Smoothly running and always accurate, aye?”
Nadia cocked her head,  “Indeed. What do you… aha! I see! To make the model rotate and move in real time with constancy and reliability, it requires the same kind of machinery but on a planetary scale. For the planets, and the moons I would imagine. Perchance even we could hang the constellations in the periphery, fill the sky with stars. And the alchemical alloy will aid in this?”
“That’s the idea. I really think it could work.”
Nadia hummed, her eyes tracing some of the clouds in the horizon as she thought, “In my mind’s eye I can see the kind of structures that would support this. A ring and pulley system, a pendulum and counterweights… Like an astrolabe, you say? But one powered by clockwork… this will be quite an undertaking for us all. A feat of science in and of itself to construct… Oh! But of course, why not show the process as well? If this is to be a centre of learning, I should like for there be as much on offer for the people to learn as possible. A masterpiece of alchemy and engineering is one thing, but explaining how such a piece came into being is another altogether.”
Alexander nodded vehemently, “A museum! A museum dedicated to the scientific and magical arts! I shall say, this may be a first for Vesuvia,”
“And one long overdue,” Nadia said resolutely, “I care for these people, and they are still recovering from Lucio’s disaster of a reign. I am doing what I can to improve their welfare,”
“And you are doing splendidly,” Alexander interjected gently,
“Thank you,” Nadia’s lip twitched into a bashful smile for a moment, “though it is one thing to survive, another to live. I want to help them live. Maybe a museum and a planetarium made of science and magic in harmony would be a start.”
“It would be a start,” Alexander agreed.
“Funding… this will be a large expense, one that may seem frivolous while residents in the formerly flooded district are still struggling. Perhaps I might call upon the courtiers and nobility to donate,” a wry, dry smile played on her face, “they can never refuse a party, maybe a fundraising gala is in order. And then, the kudos and bragging rights when they inevitably must have a dedication laid to them in thanks for their generosity. A means to an end, it would mean something useful coming from them at least.”
Nadia and Alexander came to a stop before one of the ponds that dotted the grounds. The sun was reflected clearly in it, a bright disc gleaming in the still water. 
“We can make the model sun actually shine,” Nadia mused, “I have read one of your papers, the one that theorised that light emitting spells are one and the same as the light from stars,”
“The Treatise on Celestiomagical Fusion,” Alexander said, “one of the first I wrote after my doctorate, I actually remember researching and writing that now. Astrolocational charge made me realise that there is magic in the cosmos, more than we previously thought. And I and other astronomers believe that all of the universe is made of the same stuff. I refuse to believe that the earth is that unique on the material level, and that means magical charge too. 
“So why, when we on earth make light from magic, would not the stars function with a similar practice? And we can recreate that. The sun at the centre of the solar system would be the smaller cousin of the true star, but tangible.”
“I have more theories too, ones that I can’t really put into words just yet, I’d need to research more. Who knows, there might be more breakthroughs to be had. One day… Nadia do you think that one day, as we understand more about how physical matter and magical matter interact, that we could one day leave the Earth? Journey to the moon? Visit the planets in person in place of seeing their earthly rendering?”
“Perhaps. I certainly like to think we could, one day. We travel to the Realms of the Arcana,” Nadia replied, “and in doing so we leave Earth, but we step out of time itself. Further than the moon, yet closer. I wonder how they fit.”
Alexander frowned, “As do I. They are beings made of dust and stardust, like we are. They exist on a physical plane, even if it is seemingly a different one to the rock of the earth. If there’s one thing about the Arcana that I’m sure of, though, it is that we will never be sure of what they are and why they are. No amount of experiments or philosophy will give us answers. The Fool, for example. By the gods-!”
He rolled his eyes and Nadia laughed, “I see you and your patron do not often see eye to eye,”
“It’s not that,” Alexander grumbled, “it’s just that I can never get a straight answer out of them. They’re worse than the Magician. Sometimes Scout has to help, and even then I don’t think he knows what that deer...bird... person is on about. I ask a question, I get a riddle in response. And I say ‘I’m a scientist, not a philosopher! I like having answers to things!’ and then they laugh at me. Even the most strange objects observable in my telescope are more logical… Strike me, I swear we do get along! It’s just… oh, you know.”
“I do. Come, dear Alexander, let us finish out walk, then we can send for your parents in law and hopefully start drawing up plans. I’ve a good feeling about this.”
“Aye, me too.”
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luasworkshop · 1 year
Evander is certainly reclusive outside of work and outside of his parties.  Although he is friendly with the extended family, business matters, and various people of note that come and go on his extensive grounds, he frequently keeps to himself whenever possible.  But he’s still found about town now and again, going about personal business or tending to professional work around the docks or palace.  It is impossible for him to retreat entirely away from life, and while his aloofness gives him an air of mystery to those that do not know him well, for those that do, he simply is a busy man, who takes what little time he has to himself quite seriously.
Still though, it is unusual for Jinana to have not seen him at all for a few months.  There is a party forthcoming, so s/he will see him in another month or so, but it still gives hir pause.  It’s been an unusual amount of time since the last one, and this one is to be a rather small affair.  He has not recently been to the Scarab and Lotus, or about at the market, or where s/he occasionally spots him when he has the energy and time to tend to a few errands himself. It’s on a whim that s/he decides to flag down a carriage out to his estate at sundown, but the driver is more than happy to take hir out that way, especially after the large sand lynx at hir side is safely inside the cab.  It’s not an inexpensive fair by the time s/he gets there, sun setting dramatically behind his grounds, but s/he has a hunch her presence is overdue.
Jinana is welcomed pleasantly, and hir distinct appearance is well known around the place so s/he is greeted with familiarity.  The servant who meets hir offers food and drink for hir and Anjali, but s/he decides for now to inquire after Evander himself.  It takes some hemming and hawing on the servant’s part, and Jinana putting her foot down to see him, but this only confirms hir suspicions.
He’s in his office, in his more comfortable chair, body twisted up over the paperwork ahead of him.  He is usually attentive to his own needs, but a dispute between Prakra and Zadith has been causing him all kinds of issues as the ports open and close and change their fees and licenses and he’s been chewing on this tension for weeks.  He turns to the noise of the door opening, and looks slightly wild-eyed at his peacock-haired friend in the doorway.
“Jinana.” He signs.
“Evander.  Busy few months?”
He glances back over his desk, which is an unusual mess for him. “You’ve caught me at a bad time.”  He says, almost sheepishly. “But it’s good to see you.”
Their conversation is quick and full of ordinary but genuine pleasantry, but s/he feels a bit odd chiding him gently for being out of touch – they’re both self-contained people, and s/he has no real concerns for his safety in his absence.  Something has bothered her though, and s/he can’t (or won’t) quite put a finger on it. But s/he is at least willing to admit to hirself that she has missed him, it’s good to be sure he’s alright, but s/he wasn’t wrong in hir concerns.  He’s exhausted.
Trade disputes often physically cost Evander – they make for seemingly endless correspondence, changing business agreements, and difficult port business.  If it were just mental stress it would be one thing, but mental stress turns physical, and physical issues compound on each other rapidly as they begin to cost him the activities he needs to keep himself feeling his best.  He’s clean and well dressed as ever, but his outfit is rather plain for him – a plum-colored silk button down open at the collar and rolled up at the sleeves, black slacks, and a simple pendant with drop of red stone.  
It takes little convincing on Jinana’s part for him to break for dinner, and he surprisingly offers to take it with hir - an incredible display of trust on his part.  S/he does notice that he cleans himself up a bit before he returns to join hir in the dining room – buttoning up his shirt and adding a waistcoat and a rather elegant wrist cuff matched to the pendant.  Despite this, he’s not wholly himself, above his silk mask his eyes speak of both physical and mental exhaustion, his cuffs are rolled out unevenly and his shirt unpressed, his hair is in a messy bun.  It fits him, but it doesn’t suit him.  He’s relatively quiet through dinner – a hearty stew for him, a lovely spread of cheese, meat, bread, fruit, and all kinds of other things for hir, a whole trout for Anjali.  They talk a little of what they have both been up to in the past few moths, and while Jinana offers interesting tidbits of the comings and goings around the market and shop, he is mired down in logistics and numbers.  It does cheer him to hear Jinana’s news, given with hir usual verve, but when he starts yawning, Jinana tries suggesting he go to bed.
“It’s early, but should you turn in?  You look like you’ve been up a while.”  S/he says, gently as their meal is cleared.
“It’s alright, I have some more things to deal with before I do.” He says, as though ready to head back to his office.
That is enough for hir, and he is cut short from moving as hir tone switches drastically, “Evander, Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter.”  S/he has noticed his sagging all through dinner, exhaustion around his laughter, weakness in his shoulders, tiredness in his bones.
He raises an eyebrow, settling back in his chair to look at hir.  He knows that tone very well, though s/he doesn't usually take it with him. S/he wouldn’t, usually, there is a time and a place and it’s target is usually much more tied up.  There is a heavy pause, as he considers his answer, but he settles on meeting hir eye to eye.
“I didn’t.” He says, resting his hand on his arm, just as firm as hir.  Challenge met.
She straightens a bit where s/he sits, a subtle shift, but it seems s/he won’t back down. “You.  Are going to BED.”
He glares a moment, but it rapidly softens, and he sighs, allowing the tension to fall around him “Yes, I suppose I am.”  He chuckles “Dom voice me, will you?”
“IF I have to, come on, you’re usually much better about this.”  S/he says, coming over to his side, and hugging him around the shoulders.  He rests his head on hir shoulder in return.  Anjali, summoned by movement, parades around them both, hoping for her favorite kind of fish – another one.
“It’s been a lot, but you’re right, I do need some rest.  There isn’t anything that being another day later won’t matter.  Will you be staying the night?”
“I suppose so, it is getting late.”
He nods, and with a gesture, there is already someone off preparing a room for hir and hir familiar, though whether s/he will use it, or stay close to him, remains to be seen.
( Sleepy prompts: 33 for Jinana-Evander, “Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter.” for @the-iron-orchid​ )
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wiltingdecay · 1 year
Unbirthday Party
Rowan wishes Morgan a happy birthday... several months late.
a/n: happy (actual) birthday to @knight-engale! your gift is our ocs being sickeningly in love. clearly i had a theme in mind, lmao. hope you enjoy and that you're having a great day! <3
Morgan jumped in her seat and let out a surprised squeak, startled by a pair of warm hands cupping the sides of her head, freckles fingers covering her eyes and leaving her unable to see.
"Guess who?" A lilting voice sang out from somewhere behind her head.
Morgan laughed softly, fondness melting away the tiny fright Rowan had given her in an instant. She put down the book she'd been too engrossed in to hear their footsteps approaching her, lifting her hands to cover theirs instead.
"Well, I certainly hope it's my darling husband," she grinned, gently rubbing the wedding band she knew resided on their left ring finger. "I wasn't expecting you home so soon. How was the market?"
Rowan made a non-commital noise, seemingly having no intentions of moving their hands anytime soon. "Was grand. Same as usual." There was a hint of what sounded like excitement in their voice, Morgan noted curiously. "Just didn't want to stay out too long."
"Mhm." Morgan nodded slightly, though her movements were restricted still by Rowan's hands. "Not that I don't love it when you touch me, sweetheart, but can I have my head back anytime soon?"
Rowan laughed quietly. "Fine, OK. But you have to keep your eyes closed. I have a surprise for you."
"Oh?" That piqued her curiosity. Morgan couldn't think of any reason why they'd want to surprise her. It was just a normal, fairly quiet Sunday afternoon; neither of them had any plans that she knew of, though she was going out with Ilya and Pasha later tonight. Still, she humoured them, obediently sliding her eyelids shut. "Alright, they're closed."
Rowan dropped their hands then, leaving Morgan's face feeling cold now in the absence of their warmth. She waited patiently as she heard them step away from her chair, their footsteps as they moved around the kitchen, the rustling of a bag as they approached her again... then a few seconds later, a dull, quiet thump as they dropped something on the table in front of her.
So they'd brought her home a present... the sound was too dense for it to be clothes or jewellery, but didn't quite sound heavy enough to be a book or ornament. Her guess was food. And good timing; she was hungry.
"Can I open my eyes yet?" She asked.
Though she couldn't see, Morgan swore she could almost hear Rowan shaking their head, soft brown curls bouncing slightly. "Not yet. Gimme a second."
There was a brief tearing sound, then a pause before the unmistakable snap-crackle of Rowan's magic filled the air. Morgan could make out the golden-red sparks behind the thin skin of her eyelids.
"OK," Rowan spoke up again after another pause, the smile in their voice audible. "Now you can look."
Morgan opened her eyes, gasping quietly at the sight. On the table in front of her was a small pastry box made of white paper, that had been torn open to form a makeshift plate. Inside was a gorgeous strawberry gateau; layers of delicate chiffon sponge, whipped cream and jam, covered with more cream and decorated with perfectly ripened strawberries... as well as a single candle, already lit with a magical, red-gold flame.
Morgan tore her eyes away from the cake after a few seconds, meeting the adoring look that Rowan was sending her way instead. They reached for her hand, squeezing it gently.
"Happy birthday, Mórnkan." They said quietly.
Morgan blinked at them in astonishment, her mouth falling open slightly. Oh, they were so sweet to her. And so very, very strange.
"I, um... I mean, thank you, love, but... it's not my birthday."
It wasn't even close, in fact. Her birthday had been months ago. She'd unfortunately been at sea for it, away on some urgent business in Zadith. She'd gotten a few gifts from her father and from the crew, there'd been a small dance party at sundown; the ship's cook had even whipped up a cake for her. It had been fine. Nothing special, but nice enough. When she got home, several weeks later, she'd honestly barely spared her birthday a second thought; she was just grateful to be back in time for her and Rowan's anniversary near the end of the month. By now she'd forgotten about it completely.
Until now, that is.
"I know that." Rowan's smile looked a little melancholy when they squeezed her hand again. "But you weren't here. We never got to celebrate it together."
Morgan squeezed their hand back. "Is that what this is about...? You didn't need to do anything, silly. You already got me a present and everything." She knew they'd been working on the elaborate embroidery that now hung over their bed the whole month she'd been gone, and some change. She'd loved it, of course, but even just being home with them and back in their arms was gift enough for her.
"I know," Rowan repeated, smile a little sheepish now. "But I still wanted to do more... I've wanted to for ages. If I couldn't be there to make you feel special on your birthday, this seemed like the next best thing."
"Oh, honey..."  Morgan didn't know what to say. Yes, her birthday had been fine. Good, even. When she went to bed that night, warm and sleepy from dancing and drinking, she'd had no complaints about how the day itself had panned out.
But gods, it really had killed her that she wasn't going to bed with the love of her life at the end of it all. Maybe it had bothered her more than she'd let on. Had Rowan somehow picked up on that? Or was this really just something they had taken upon themself to do; a random act of generosity, for no reason other than to make her feel special?
No matter the reason, it hardly even mattered. Rowan made her feel special every day, always finding new ways to touch her heart. She moved out of her chair, climbing into their lap and wrapping her arms around their shoulders. "Thank you. You're so good to me... I love you."
Rowan hugged her back, kissing the top of her head.  "I love you, too."
They lifted their head a little, nodding to the cake with a cute little smirk. "Now, you'd better blow your candle out. God forbid any wax drips onto that cake, it cost a fortune."
Morgan laughed, turning so that she was sitting in Rowan's lap instead of straddling it. She neatly tucked her hair behind her ears as she leaned in and blew out the single candle, her eyes closed while she made her wish; that in the future, they wouldn't have to spend another important day apart. No holidays, no anniversaries, and no birthdays.
When she opened her eyes again, she blushed lightly when she saw Rowan watching her, gaze soft and adoring.
"What?" She asked them, giggling a little again.
"Nothing." Rowan shook their head with a smile. "I have everything I want."
Later that evening, long after they'd polished off that gorgeous little cake and Rowan had carried her to the bedroom for further celebration, Morgan was finishing up her make-up in the bathroom to get ready for her night out with the Devorak siblings. She'd offered to cancel, wanting to spend the rest of the night with Rowan after how sweet they'd been to her in the afternoon, but they'd been very insistent that she go out and have some fun.
"I actually made plans to head out on the town with Asra for a while, anyway," they'd told her while they made dinner together, their tone so casual that Morgan knew it was really anything but. "Who knows, we might even bump into you."
Oh, she was sure they would. Rowan was a lot of wonderful things, but an actor was certainly not one of them. She grinned to herself as she kissed their cheek and bade them farewell for now, wondering how many other people were involved in whatever surprise her darling had planned for her. She'd have to make sure to thank them properly when she saw them again later.
One thing was for sure, if her next real birthday had any hope of topping today's false one, it certainly had its work cut out for it.
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
Sitting here making Apprentice Jinana's Post-Game Bedroom Playset™ in 3D and realizing that (unlike the Scarab and Lotus or Modern AU timelines) the duvet fabrics wouldn't be completely bugfuck wild - Heron would have had to commission it to fit the big fancy bed he built, or even sew it himself, so he would be the one who chose the fabrics. (He can get up to A Whole Lot in the time Jinana and Julian are on their little Nevivon trip, lmao) So, while undoubtedly colorful, it will be more subdued and coordinated than something Jinana might have chosen or made.
Everything else, however, is still subject to hir whims! It's very easy to imagine Jinana and Asra going after the furniture, baseboards and window frames with pots of colorful paint and a can-do attitude, covering them with bright designs and drawings of bugs. After all, more is always more!
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(Later on I imagine some of Muriel's weaving works being added to the decor as well, ugh don't look at me)
I also like to imagine that the kitchen backsplash has been built around a handful of fancy tiles that Asra has brought back from traveling in Zadith, featuring gorgeous handpainted designs.
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Nothing of importance here, just prattling about the fake little houses I make for my fake little people <3
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litlunacy · 11 months
Recently decided that Ximena has a middle name. It's Constance.
She fucking hates it.
So much so that she never even told Asra what it was, and so he couldn't tell her she had one after her resurrection. She doesn't find out until he takes her and Julian to Zadith to meet/see if she can remember her parents. It's written in her old journal.
Aaaaand she still hates it. Threatens to hex Asra and Julian if they ever dare use it.
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nvvermore · 1 year
is there a reason beyond resentment why vesper attacked amaryllis? i'm very curious about their relationship now
omg thank you for this!!!
Amaryllis and Vesper (along with their much younger twin siblings) grew up in a very hostile environment. Amie is their father’s love child, who was shunned and hidden away for the first decade of their life, but during that time the two of them were close. Vesper was the golden child and eldest daughter, and took pity on his half sibling. Then, practically overnight, everything flipped when their father realized Amie’s talents were much more profitable than his. First, he was able to bear it, but his emotions quickly started snowballing. All of a sudden he was the one who everyone ignored, and while it left him to have time for himself for the first time in his life, he eventually cracked without all the constant pressure.
There were many fights between the two, all increasing in intensity before the final one. On Vesper’s side, it was all heavily influenced by all sorts of abuse from his mother (a cruel woman who had always hated Amie) and his very fragile mental state.
Before the events in songbird vs rattlesnake, his mother had been feeding him rumors that their father was planning on skipping over him and his mother as heirs, to give the role to Amie instead. At his lowest point, she puts the idea of Amie’s death into his head. He definitely never truly wanted to hurt them, but everything happened far too quickly and was so out of his control.
After it’s found out that Amie is missing and was secretly a witch, Vesper, in a very fragile state and full of regret, also leaves the family not long after to pursue a new life in Zadith.
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alotsgonnachange · 2 years
Isabella Bio
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Name: Isabella Ciccino
DOB: October 28th birthday (scorpio)
Gender: cisgender woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5’10
Sexuality: Lesbian
Favorite food: vinho verde, lemon chicken orzo
Magical specialties: Green Witch
Familiar: none
Patron Arcana: Justice (La Giustizia)
Ethnicity: A small mediterranean esque island off the coast of Venterre called Valletta. Similar to Sicily and Malta
Family: Mother, Angela Ciccino (deceased), Younger sister, Annamaria Ciccino (deceased), Violetta Delmonico, cousin
Occupation: Seamstress
Love Interest: Nadia
Isabella tends to come off as polite and reserved to most who interact with her. Once you get to know her a bit better, she’s witty and very playful. She’s mostly introverted but enjoys spending time with close friends in smaller, more intimate groups. She may also even come off as pretentious (and every now and again she can be) due to her interests and hobbies, but in reality she’s deeply caring and loyal - often putting the needs of her friends over her own. She can become broody and isolate herself at her worst and has a difficult time accepting help from others.
Magic Overview:
Though her careers have been in Dance and seamstress work, her specialty is actually plant oriented. She has an affinity for plant care and can identify almost any from memory. Like some sort of sniffer dog, she can tell immediately what’s poisonous, magical, edible, etc. She can also manipulate plants (make them grow, bend them to her will, kill them) with just her hands, but usually chooses not to unless there’s an emergency.
Height and Appearance
Isabella is a relatively tall and thin young woman with smatterings of freckles over her face and body. She’s around 5’10 or 5’11 depending on the shoes. She has medium dark brown eyes with long lashes. She has medium to thin dark eyebrows that are meticulously trimmed. Her lips are full and usually red. Her face shape is narrow and doll-like. In my old art, she has very long dark brown hair that is a bit wavy and usually braided to one or two ponytails and bangs. Later in her life, she cuts it short and keeps it that way for ease and convenience. She has just 2 lobe piercings.
Mostly white and tan linens or other breathable comfortable fabrics. She makes most of her own clothing or it’s handmade so she tends to look very put together even if she doesn’t see many people that day. Mostly dresses but will also put on comfortable linen pants depending on the day. Is known to sometimes wear heels (she thinks they make her seem more authoritative). When she’s feeling more bold she’ll go for any and every color.
Abridged Backstory
Isabella Ciccino grew up on an island between Venterre and Zadith (Think Sicily/Malta) with her mother Angela and younger sister Annamaria. Their lives were relatively quiet and uneventful. They lived in a small home on the countryside growing vegetables and fruit and foraging. Isabella’s mother was a talented seamstress and tailor whose skills were sought by many throughout the land. From a young age, Isabella became fascinated by the dancers leaving rehearsal at the opera house on the mainland of Venterre and vowed to become a ballerina. Her mother was fine with this and allowed her to take ballet classes which made her very happy and she cultivated her skills well, getting an offer to perform in a major ballet in an area near Nevivon at the age of 17. This upset her mother because she did not expect things to get this far and she would need help in the shop.
Fortunately, her mother would get an offer to work for better pay and housing in Vesuvia, so they all ended up going separate ways. When Isabella began working for an opera/ballet company, there she met her close friends Danielle and Ivan (Vanya) and his siblings Ekaterina (Katya) and Vasiliy (Vasya)
Isabella was visiting Vesuvia when the plague came and it made her mother and sister sick and they both died. Devastated, she returned to the lands east of Nevivon and threw herself obsessively into her work to avoid her grief and nearly got Married to Ivan in an attempt to cope (despite not being in love with him OR attracted to men). Her friends basically gave her an intervention and she spent 2 years in near solitude except for an elderly Tailor who she helped and lived with and his friend in a small village in southern Zadith, near her hometown.
As a friend: Loyal, huge jokester and terrible gossip, will make faces at you and mouth questions across the table, while around strangers she’s much more reserved. Good shoulder to cry on and a good listener as well. Stubborn and will have a hard time taking your advice the first time, you have to bully her a bit. If you ever need help with literally anything at all please let her help you! She likes to feel useful so someone who pushes back against accepting help might unintentionally hurt her feelings. She will literally hurt or cause bodily harm to anyone who wrongs her friends. If you tell her not to she’ll just humiliate them publicly.
As a Lover: Getting to this stage is hard because she has her walls up for sure. But once you get past that part, she’s sweet and doting and honestly a bit bashful. She doesn’t really know how to ask for affection so probably just walks around in fancy outfits like a weird bird. She likes people who can fluster her or make her blush from compliments (which she is not good at taking). She also will cook for and make clothes for her lover and generally enjoys gift giving. Vulnerability and hard conversations won’t be easy, but someone who is patient will be helpful.
Generally submissive in the bedroom and prefers her partner to take the lead. Not into anything too intense, but also open to trying some things especially if she is with a more experienced lover. Obedient and eager to please. Prefers praise and being spoiled as well.
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The Arcana HCs: M6 planning their wedding with MC
My silly little sequel to this post:
M6 when MC calls them their husband/wife/spouse
~ I have snagged a few pinterest aesthetic ideas for some visuals. Yes they look like stock photos. Unfortunately the image limit is ten so some characters only have one. Let the chaos of Vesuvia's cutest couple begin! ~
Lights. Action. DRAMA
He spent the six months leading up to the event writing and rewriting all of his lines so he could be completely memorized and off book for the big day
He wants to be perfect for you, enough said
Will also write your lines for you if you request it. He doesn't mind either way, as long as you say "I do" you've been perfect
So many people want to come that the merchants at the south end marketplace agree to clear the square to celebrate
You end up having to do less planning than you expected to. Everyone loves Julian and is quick to volunteer their services
Nazali is thrilled to officiate the ceremony
Julian will admit to having dreamed of this day for years. If you have strong preferences he will prioritize them, but if you're okay with it he'll be delighted to plan the whole thing
As someone who wears layers of leather for the aesthetic in a Mediterranean climate, he will wear black and red to his own wedding
The ceremony is elaborate without being drawn out. He fumbles once or twice but the way he delivers his vows leaves everyone in tears from the combined humor and love
The party lasts through the night. There's drinking and wild dancing and dramatized reenactments of your story so far
He held onto his life for you, and now he gets to promise it to you. He's so happy
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They might be a chill person, but they are still extra. Just take a look at their hat
Happy to leave you in charge of the logistics, all his input is on specific details
Wants to get married on the best day of the year for commitments but isn't worried about the weather at all
Faust is central to the ceremony. She is the keeper of the rings (if you go for that) and will happily stand in for a scarf if you choose a handfasting ceremony
Somehow the Arcana's Magician agrees to officiate. You don't know how that happened
You send invitations to all of the friends that Asra has made during their travels and they're surprised when they actually plan to show up
Selasi is a guest of honor, of course
Aisha and Salim are very happy to share wedding traditions from Zadith (their home country) for you two to incorporate
Things that Asra has preferences on: his outfit. The number of pranks he's allowed to play on the guests. Having good music to dance with you. A meaningful ceremony. All of the colors and magic in his decorations. Honeymoon destination.
Things that Asra is happy for you to decide: catering. Guest list. Venue. Drinks. Budget. Your outfit. Order and type of ceremony
They will help you every step of the way. You've had their heart for years as it is
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She will ask for your input. But she is planning this wedding
Her last wedding was described as a "drunk Vegas drive thru" and she wants to do right by both herself and you
She wishes she could officiate herself, but she can't, and she doesn't want to ask any family members (though they are all invited to attend) and it starts to look hopeless
Until Valerius offers. He's somehow perfect
The whole affair is about seven different events, exquisitely planned, with multiple outfit changes, ceremonies, and caterers
She will adjust the schedule according to your natural energy levels, but she doesn't do things halfway. She will marry you for the whole world to see
Has ideas for all of your outfits but prioritizes what you want to wear. As long as you make free use of all the tailors and materials available to you
Natiqa and Nasmira arrive early to help wrangle political guests and logistics
Portia is her maid of honor and Chandra acts as messenger owl to coordinate different locations
Lucio is preemptively banned from crashing the reception. Thankfully he doesn't even try
This is the day of her dreams and she gets to call you hers in front of all of Vesuvia. Her eyes are full of joy, despite the stress
And she's really excited for your honeymoon
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Getting married sounds like a better and better idea the longer he sits and thinks about it. As long as it's with you
Correction: Especially if it's with you
Asra volunteers to officiate as soon as he tells them about it
He wants something small. Something quiet. Something short, sweet, and to the point. Something with under ten people
Unfortunately, after playing a leading role in saving Vesuvia, half the town knows of him personally and adores him. And you.
And both of the heroes? Getting married???
You do a good job of not letting it slip at first, but Nadia mentions it to Portia, who tells Julian, who tells the whole South End
The compromise you make is that the original ceremony will remain as planned. Nadia even classifies the event as a state secret so no one finds out the place or date
After you return from your honeymoon, Nadia will arrange for a public holiday and festival that serves a double purpose to celebrate the marriage. All you two have to do is show up
The ceremony is a simple handfasting in a sacred part of the woods. There are more creatures and sprites in attendance than humans and it's perfect
Needless to say, Inanna is the star
The festival is actually fun for Muriel. He's not alone anymore, and it's wonderful
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Everyone knows Portia. Everyone loves Portia. Everyone owes Portia a favor (lovingly) and is happy to contribute
Mazelinka insists on officiating. From the prow of her boat
It's going to be a big crowd of people, but the good news is that Portia loves the ocean and the docks and beach have lots of space
It's a town effort - the palace chefs and bakers happily volunteer to cover the food, most of her friends play instruments, and Aunt Tasya has resources to spare
You end up planning for an efficient mid morning ceremony and afternoon and evening celebration around a massive bonfire with music and drinks
Rainy days are spent with a notebook and pencil brainstorming ideas together
Pepi even behaves when Portie wrestles her into the biggest bow collar yet
Being an ambassador, she doesn't want to let her wedding get political, so she only invites personal friends from overseas
Nadia has granted you permission to take the boat to the islands for your honeymoon
The ceremony is sweet and casual. Portia's vows are a patchwork of her humor, mischief, and favorite love poems
Julian does his best at a shovel talk. Nadia does a better job. Mazelinka puts them both to shame: "If you hurt my girl, the Devil will seem merciful next to me."
Portia's just excited for this new adventure
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It takes some time before either of you are ready. Partially because he has a bad track record with keeping his promises, and partially because your friends are cautious
However, he will manage to prove himself worthy of you and eventually even earn Asra's (reluctant) blessing
There is some discussion on where to get married. He's not keen to celebrate in the Palace and revisit his days as Count
But he wants a party. He wants a good party. He wants the best party
He doesn't care about the ceremony as long as it results in you calling him your husband
You decide to keep things relatively simpler and get married in one of the temples in the temple district
To your surprise, Nafizah not only vouches for you but requests to officiate. It means things are oddly traditional, but Lucio doesn't mind because it means he's doing things properly
The party is a little harder to organize. He's not warmly welcomed in Vesuvia yet
This is where you get to see all the ways his life has changed: Lucio sent invitations to every person you two have helped and befriended on your jobs
You set up a big tent in the field behind the Palace and guests pour in from far and wide
It's not the most lavish celebration, but it's genuine and full of love and a new beginning
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drustvar · 2 years
really been wanting to redesign Rosie's dad lately. (I say as if I've ever drawn him) He's supposed to be from around the southern region of the Clouded Mountains. I've been playing around w the idea of him being mixed and Sikh but idk I need to do more research. Also idk if I even want to keep his name the same (Springwald doesn't make a lot of sense. Idk if after he came to Vesuvia he just anglicanized it or if perhaps his father wasn't originally from Zadith. Amos is according to my research a Hebrew name but also Sanskrit so idk about that either. Its not SUPER important because he and Poppy-Anne truthfully don't have much of an impact on Rosie as she is right now (aside from being separated from them) But its the worldbuilding
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nabesthetics · 2 years
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Royal Foot Drake
Danger level: 1 Elemental affinity: Mineral Intelligence: Beast Status: Domesticated (human-bred, not found in nature)
The progenitor of royal foot drakes is a result of accidental breeding between wild golden foot drakes found on the edges of Fennekh desert and domesticated granite drakes used by farmers in Zadith. Four centuries of following selective breeding resulted in a new draconid breed known for its striped pattern of smooth “golden” scales. Expensive to acquire and maintain, they’ve become a status symbol pet most commonly kept by nobility around the Emerald Sea.
As other foot drakes, an average royal foot drakes reaches 1 foot (30.5 cm) in shoulder height; their average nose-to-tail tip length reaches 3.5 feet (107 cm). They are fast, agile and relatively intelligent, often seen standing on hind legs to carry objects or manipulate them using dexterous fingers, including opposing thumbs. Flexible arrowhead-shaped tail tip is used as a weapon if the creature whips its opponent with its powerful tail.
Their subpar eyesight is compensated by strong sense of smell; royal foot drakes are commonly trained to recognize scents of poisons in food and drink. Their natural toxin resistance is average for a small draconid, but for unknown reason they’ve developed near complete immunity to adverse effects of alcohol.
The pattern of golden stripes and white patches varies between bloodlines and individuals. The drakes display a feature commonly found in “metallic” draconids: vibrancy of their golden scales heavily depends on the creature’s health. Popular coloration variations include standard (pictured above), “milkspill” (standard with more random white patches), “cream” (no brown scales), “skeletal” (the golden stripes connected along the spine).
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Royal foot drakes possess only minor active magical abilities that are limited to weak telekinesis of metals and minerals. As all dragons, they become more active around certain magical sources.
Lifespan: 15-20 years.
Unlike fierce golden foot drakes or sturdy and calm granite drakes, royal foot drakes are skittish, impressionable creatures that require a fair amount of maintenance and care to keep happy. It is heavily recommended that they have a “lair” (often their own room) that is protected from noise and has a minor magic source. They do not express hoarding behavior, but love to build nests and burrows if allowed. These drakes are best kept in pairs regardless of sex: the company of their own species is known to make royal foot drakes more sociable and calm. They do not, however, get along well with other predator pet species like cats and dogs.
With professional training they can be taught to follow commands, but most are not reliable guard animals as they are more likely to avoid danger regardless of training or attachment to their owner.
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louiethemoron · 1 year
day 12 
 13th question prompt
Can they cook? What’s their favorite meal?
He can cook Vesuvian, Prarkan a bit of Nevivon, Zadith and his expertise Jahkar (Homeland) food. He doesn’t have a favorite food since he likes to cook but he isn’t keen on eating much. He eats averagely or sometimes little
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deepfriedscallops · 2 years
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A couple of old fanart ft my Arcana OC, Helion. I need to eventually redo since I still haven't figured out workable brushes on Ibispaint for this style...
Anyways, Helion (not his birth name but rather an alias) is a magician and potioneer from Zadith, specializing in medicinal magic.
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wiltingdecay · 2 years
Last name and family lore for Rosie : Her last name Springwald i kind of made up on the fly when I was first making her and it doesn't really fit I guess w her dad being from Zadith / Bulan area but it eez what it eez. Fun fact after her parents were taken away her dad definitely had family members who would have taken her in but aunt forsythia :) stepped in and assumed guardianship before any of them could find out what happened :). IDK if the rest of Amos' family even knows what happened or if they just assume the whole family died in the plague
that's not a fun fact at all! this is an aunt forsythia hate account. auntie gráinne would smack her into the next dimension and adopt rosie immediately
springwald is such a nice name though, it really suits her!! like idk if it's even a real surname and i would still assume that someone named springwald was scottish, and it suits her first name being flower themed as well
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