oldschoolvpq · 14 days
Zachi/Vader Appreciation Post
A lot of Tamagotchi books were released in early/mid-1997 before the release of the International P2 that features exclusive mystery creature Zachi/Vader-chan. While Japan saw a lot of reverse-import International P1s that saw Sam/Bill integrated into most Tamagotchi visual media post-May 1997, the International P2 was much more niche. As a result, there's nearly no art of Zachi/Vader, and no profiles in Japanese guidebooks and comics! He also wasn't included in any of the videogames. Per request, I was able to dig through my library and find some weird little dudes hanging around.
Bask in the alien glory of the most mysterious hidden character!
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Proto-Vader-chan from August 1997's "Tamagotchi Research Report" (Tokuma Shoten's Roman Album line) as the International P2 wasn't released overseas until a month or so later. The tokusatsu alien/robot vibes are strong here.
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Here are two Vaders from the harder-to-find second volume of Tamagotchi Research Report. The first is a sticker, while the second is from a gathering on the beach.
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Tokuma Shoten went to town in their kids activity book "Doko² Tamagotchi". Look at him go! He spends a lot of time either introducing himself (ベーダーでーす "Iiii'm Vader") , hanging with Sam/Bill, or just living it up!!
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Finally, obligatory English profile from the English "The Official Tamagotchi Care Guide and Record Book" by Doris Betz
And...that's it.
Justice for Zachi, he needs more media!!
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jokerislandgirl32 · 7 months
Whenever I See Him…
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All I Can Think Of Is This…
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Gif Credit
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mmmitchmmmarner · 3 months
slay sheldon 💅💅
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scariddler · 2 years
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if wild kratts tumblr is real i need all of u to like this post rn or i’ll explode OK i created this account just to post this one image
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Welcome back to the bits of soup I deem good enough for the public:
Angel 100% thought Zach and Ruben were dating for a hot second. It would've been like somewhere in between after the talent show and before canon starts. But either way I think it went something like this.
Ruben: yeah so there's this guy
Zach: ooh guy?
Angel: oh do you guys have an open relationship?
Zach & Ruben: what-
Angel: aren't you dating?
Zach: i mean ruben's an amazing person but I'm straight-
Angel was then confused about this for the next like month. After this interaction he ran it by Jon and Jon was like "bro what planet do you live on?". Then after Zach and Ruben came out to Jon and Angel, Angel pulled Jon aside and was like "fuck you I knew it I was right".
Secondary thought. After Zach and Ruben got their shit together but before Jon and Angel knew (that's a time window of like 2 weeks right??? I don't remember lol) they like put together that something was going on and were trying to make the math math. Eventually Angel got to "they've gotta me a thing man no way they aren't" which was very "I've connected the dots. You didn't connect shit. I've connected them.)
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pspwiki · 5 months
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he wwas on me
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badpanini · 2 years
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nobody is safe from my ponyfication beam mwuahah
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compressednerve · 8 months
Trench will Die without. His cigarettes. Do you want to KILL Direcotr CHRENCH???!!!
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Daddy needs his ciggies kitten 🐈 🚬
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redscorpiocat · 4 months
Thank you all for such a journey this year
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2023 had a fun beginning the first five months, before then things got out of control.
Ever since my uncle died in June of this year, things went downhill from there... I tried to stay positive, but the negativity keeps hurting... But... At least I have people who are there for me... And I know how much this shit hurts... This year was not going well for me... It started out nice and chill at the beginning of the year... But then it slowly descended into a painful downward spiral of pain, heartbreak, tears, despair, and most of all, a whole lot of suffering... I wanted to have a good year, but... Apparently we don't always get what we want... And everything will always happen...
But maybe this year will end on a good note and 2024 will hopefully begin better
At least I have you guys^^ Everyone that I have ever met in my life, online and in real life ^v^
And our journey is reeeaallyyy far from over! So get ready for more artwork, more characters, more fan art, and a whole bunch more!
It may take a moment, but I'm sure we'll all pull it through if we stick together
Let's see what 2024 has in store for us all! :3
We'll see you there!! ^w^🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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jokerislandgirl32 · 3 months
Pilot Zach Is So Unhinged…
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Marry me
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@ask-a-merchants-garden, continued from hence ask.
"Hm..Oh! si it is, but not in the way you may think amigo! All sugar here is made from grown and harvested Sugarcane, we no longer do the Smokestacks since the Re-Wiring.
[Stands a tad more rigid until shaking himself from his stupor and refocusing on the topic at hand.] ... ///
It was a bit odd to eat a cake in the Zones, and for a moment Zacharie hesitated as the other pushed the plate towards him. The...years here had made him somewhat averse to sugar, even if he never really was hungry.
To be fair the first few times he had indulged with Sucre...well, the ramifications of that particular bit were not best pondered upon. But it did mean that he would be hypocritical if he suddenly decided that he was diabetic.
So Zacharie did what any sensible person would do. He picked up the entire slice, regarded it critically, tilted up his mask, and shoved it into his piehole.
"Prfehty gfoord johrb." The other Zacharie - no, Martinez or Zachie, for simplicity's sake, blinked. Zacharie rolled his eyes, and swallowed. "̴P̵r̷e̷t̴t̷y̷ ̴g̵o̷o̶d̴ ̸j̸o̴b̴.̶ G̸o̵o̷d̷ ̸u̶s̷e̵ ̷o̴f̷ ̸a̸l̶l̶ ̶t̸h̵a̵t̴ ̴t̸i̸m̴e̶ ̷o̵n̵ ̷o̵u̶r̵ ̸h̵a̴n̶d̵s̷.̷ ̷Y̶o̸u̷ ̵s̶h̴o̸u̷l̶d̸ ̸t̵r̶a̴v̸e̷l̷ ̵o̶u̸t̸s̴i̶d̵e̴ ̴y̵o̷u̸r̸s̵e̶l̸f̵ ̸-̸ ̸m̷a̴k̴e̶ ̵a̸ ̴s̷m̴a̴l̶l̵ ̴f̴o̵r̸t̵u̷n̶e̴.̶ M̴a̵y̷b̴e̷ ̶a̵ ̸M̴a̶r̵t̷i̷n̸e̸z̷ ̷P̷a̴t̶i̶s̸s̵e̷r̴i̴e̴ ̴f̷r̵a̸n̸c̸h̶i̷s̶e̷ ̵a̴s̵ ̷w̷e̶l̴l̸.̸"
The cake was velvety. Was that the right term to use? It tasted...well, sweet. Maybe not enough - an eyelid, unnoticed, twitched at that thought.
He hurriedly put the plate down.
"I̶ ̶p̶e̵r̸s̸o̵n̴a̴l̵l̶y̴ ̷d̵o̵n̷'̴t̸ ̷h̷a̶v̷e̸ ̵a̵ ̴m̸a̶r̸k̸e̵t̷a̸b̴l̵e̵ ̴n̶a̴m̴e̴;̸ ̵o̷u̶r̸ ̶s̸h̵a̶r̸e̴d̵ ̶t̸r̷a̷d̷e̸m̶a̶r̵k̷ ̴s̵e̵r̸v̷e̴s̷ ̵i̸t̷s̷ ̶p̵u̷r̸p̵o̵s̶e̷ ̴a̵ ̴b̸i̵t̶ ̷t̸o̵o̴ ̶w̴e̷l̶l̸.̴" he said, "B̴u̶t̴ ̶t̷h̷e̷y̶ ̴u̸s̵e̸d̸ ̴t̴o̶ ̷s̸h̷o̴r̴t̷e̸n̸ ̶m̴y̸ ̶U̴R̶L̴ ̶a̴ ̵b̷i̶t̷.̸ N̴o̶t̵ ̷a̷ ̶g̴o̵o̶d̵ ̵l̴o̷o̷k̴ ̷w̷h̴e̴n̵ ̸y̷o̸u̴ ̴g̵r̸o̶w̷ ̵o̴l̷d̴e̵r̵,̴ ̸b̷u̷t̸ ̴l̶e̸t̷'̵s̴ ̶g̸o̵ ̸w̵i̶t̵h̸ ̶t̸h̶a̵t̷.̸"
And as for travel...
"It̷ ̴h̴a̵s̷ ̷b̵e̷e̷n̵ ̴a̷ ̴w̴h̴i̵l̷e̷.̴ ̵T̴h̵e̴ ̸l̷a̵s̸t̵ ̴I̴ ̸r̷e̷m̵e̸m̷b̵e̸r̵ ̸w̵a̶s̵ ̶d̴r̸i̸n̴k̸i̷n̸g̴ ̵q̵u̴i̶t̷e̸ ̶h̷e̷a̸v̸i̴l̴y̷ ̸t̸o̵ ̶e̶s̸c̴a̷p̶e̸ ̶s̸o̸m̵e̸ ̶q̵u̶e̶s̴t̷i̴o̶n̶s̵.̴" he said, rubbing his chin. Maybe he might have stocks of tea in his bag for this. "B̵u̶t̵ ̴a̸ ̶f̸e̷w̷ ̵j̸a̷u̴n̶t̵s̸.̸.̶.̵ ̶w̵e̸l̶l̵,̸ ̸C̵h̵i̴c̷a̴g̵o̸ ̴w̵i̶t̸h̸ ̴a̴ ̸c̴i̶t̸y̵w̵i̵d̴e̵ ̶A̶I̸ ̶s̶e̴e̷m̶s̷ ̶t̵o̵ ̶b̸e̸ ̸p̸o̵p̷p̸i̷n̸g̴ ̸u̷p̷ ̷q̵u̴i̶t̵e̴ ̶a̶ ̵b̶i̷t̷ ̸i̷n̸ ̸m̵y̷ ̴m̵e̸m̶o̴r̷i̷e̷s̸.̷ ̵O̷r̵ ̷t̸h̸a̷t̵ ̶p̴o̸s̴t̷-̸a̶p̶o̶c̵a̶l̷y̶p̸t̷i̴c̸ ̶e̸a̸r̷t̵h̷ ̷w̸h̶e̸r̴e̴ ̷i̶t̷ ̶w̷a̶s̷ ̶i̸n̵ ̴t̴h̶e̸ ̸g̷l̵a̴r̷i̶n̵g̴ ̷s̷u̴n̸ ̶p̸e̷r̵m̶a̴n̵e̷n̷t̴l̶y̴.̷.̶.̶"
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ruinikaido · 6 months
im obsessed with zacharie a little but i dont likeeee how most people draw him very cutesy and twinkish its so hard to find fanart that appeals to me T_T
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echoisanidiot · 11 months
I love him
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pspwiki · 6 months
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the sweetie cutie
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silly-shady · 2 months
Idris' opinion on Zenchie?
And Zenchie's opinion on Idris?
Idris: Mmm, they are cool, I suppose. I don't see any reason to say otherwise.
Zenchie: They seem really awesome, and sassy!~ They also have this raw vibe to them that makes me want to go clubbing-
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