#yuukoku no moriarty louis
fairy-writes · 3 months
last one! can i order a large latte for Louis from MTP? thank youuu!!!
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Prompt: Fluffy imagine with Louis from MTP
Word Count: 0.5k
Fandom(s): Moriarty the Patriot
Pairing(s): Louis James Moriarty x Reader
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Fluff, Reader is implied to be shorter than Louis
Notes: This is like… Post-Timeskip… So manga spoilers, I guess? I’ll try to keep them to a minimum. (I also haven’t finished the manga; I was reading it as chapters were coming out, but I forgot to keep up with it)
“I have a question.” You say suddenly as you break apart a head of lettuce. Louis looks up from where he’s cooking over the stove, eyebrow raised. You are both preparing dinner for the rest of your friends to celebrate William’s return.
“Yes?” He replied, and you look up at the ceiling, suddenly feeling very foolish. You shouldn’t be second-guessing Louis… He has always been so sure of himself since William disappeared. And even before his elder brother disappeared, he was confident in his decisions. 
“Do you actually like me?” You say, more under your breath than anything, but Louis hears it. 
The ladle stirring the soup stops, and Louis turns to face you, crossing the space between you in a few long strides. He works the knife from your grasp and sets it beside the chopped lettuce, cradling your fingers in his palms. 
Your eyes are drawn to his scar, faded and pinkish. Ever since the Final Plan was put into action and William disappeared, Louis had pushed his hair out of his face and ditched his glasses, exposing the self-inflicted scar for the world to see. 
Louis grabs your attention by pressing a kiss to your knuckles and holding them to his chest. He looks serious. 
“My love, I mean this in the best of ways.” He starts, and you feel your heart skip a beat. Was he going to reject you? “But we’ve been together for three years. We are getting married next year. I plan to spend the rest of my life with you. What the hell do you think?”
At that, you can’t help but laugh. Tears well up and overflow.
“Sorry.” You say, voice cracking and he pulls you into a hug.
“I’m sorry, love. I’ve been neglecting you. With Brother’s return, I haven’t been paying attention to you, and I can tell you’re hurting.” He says, and you huff out another dry laugh.
“What kind of partner am I if I can’t handle you planning a simple dinner?” You reply and feel him press a kiss to your temple. 
It isn’t long before you both return to your respective duties, working like a well-oiled machine to finish dinner preparations in record time. You leave Louis to set the table while you gather everyone who is waiting in the parlor. Just before you enter the room to let everyone know that dinner is ready, you slip on your engagement ring. 
It’s a simple gold band engraved with Louis’s initials. His has your initials engraved on the inside as well. Because it’s a reminder that you’ll always have a part of him and his love with you. And vice versa. 
You open the parlor door with a smile that stretches wider at Moran’s loud complaint of, “It’s about time!” 
“If you’ll follow me to the dining room, we can begin dinner.” You say, twisting the ring around and around your finger. 
You were silly to have doubted your fiancé. You knew he loved you fiercely. And you loved him just as intensely in return. 
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smultronte · 10 months
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Silly little comic where they had a little too much to drink (especially Louis)
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illir · 4 months
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sherlock is the one catching strays no matter what
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white-queen-lacus · 4 months
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God bless the Moriarthree~
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vodkabutgay · 2 months
[Time skip Moriarty Gang]
Albert: Sherlock's eyes are blue right?
William: They’re sapphire! With hints of deep blue and silver when the light hits just right.
Louis: And when was the last time he smiled?
William: This morning. 10:38 am when I offered him tea!
Sebastian: Right...and when is my birthday?
Sebastian: When is my birthday Will?
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joanquill · 10 months
Hiding from a Stalker with Moriarty Brothers + Von Herder
Can I ask for a scenario fic where a Fem! Reader runs up to the Moriarty Brothers + Von herder pretending to be their girlfriend becuuse of a stalker
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Albert, William, Louis James Moriarty, and Von Herder
Tag/s: Fem!Reader, Scenario
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Albert James Moriarty
"Miss (L/N)!" Sir Acheron called out for you as you squeezed in through the crowd, hoping the number of people would help you hide.
"Excuse me... Miss (L/N), please wait!" the man kept calling out, his eyes locked on you as he made his way through the crowd.
'This is bad...!' you gulped as you quickly walked around, hoping to lose him as he followed you through the dance floor.
'Is he gone..?' you thought, turning your head around as you walked, bumping into someone.
"Sorry! I didn't see-!" you quickly apologized as you faced forward, seeing it was Albert James Moriarty, his suit now drenched in wine as the crowd gasped.
"Insolent girl!"
"Ugh, how improper..."
"How dare she...!"
"Are you all right, miss?" he asked, seeing your frantic state.
"Miss (L/N)!" Sir Acheron called as he reached you, making your blood freeze.
"A-Apologies, my lord…! Shall I help you with the stain?" your voice cracked as you took out your handkerchief, wiping the wine out with shaky hands as the crowd glared at you.
Albert raised a brow as he looked at Sir Acheron, connecting the dots.
"I believe helping me get a new set of clothes would be a better alternative?" Albert suggested, stopping your hand.
"Shall we?" he smiled, linking your arm with his as you walked out of the dance floor.
"O-Of course!" you agreed, sighing in relief as you followed along, hearing Sir Acheron scoff as he left the scene.
"I can see why you would bump into me despite me standing still," Albert whispered, making you nervously laugh.
"Right… Sorry again about the stain. I know quite the talented tailor in town, though!"
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William James Moriarty
Your eyes darted around the street, hoping to see at least one shop still open for the night to hide.
You gulped as you saw the man's shadow growing on the ground, hearing his footsteps quickening and closing in on you.
Desperate, you quickly made your way to the department store, only to be stopped by the security guard.
"I'm sorry, miss. We're closing in a few minutes,"
"No, no… You don't understand." you grabbed his arm in fear, "Please, I just need somewhere to-"
"-Sorry, darling. Have you waited long?" a voice chimed in, making you and the guard turn your head to the sound.
It was a nobleman with blond hair and red eyes smiling at you both.
"Sorry, I lost track of time," he apologetically laughed, walking up to you.
"Shall we get going?" he asked, looking over to his side.
Following, you saw the man stalking you stopped by a lamplight, making your blood curl.
"Y-Yes," you smiled, taking his arm, "Let's go…" you muttered, following the man as you kept your eyes on the stalker.
"There's a police station a couple of blocks from here," the nobleman whispered, making you widen your eyes.
He only looked at you with a wink.
"I'm sure we can convince the officers to help, along with a restraining order if needed."
"I see…" you sighed in relief, feeling your body relax for the first time that night.
"Thank you so much…" you muttered, feeling your eyes tear up in relief, "I thought I was a goner.."
"Here," the man gave you a handkerchief, which you happily took.
"Don't worry, that man won't hurt you now."
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Louis James Moriarty
"There you were!" you beamed as you grabbed Louis' arm, catching him by surprise.
"(Y/N)? What are you-"
"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you," you sighed as you hugged his arm, your whole body shaking as you hid your face.
Louis raised a brow as he looked around, seeing a man staring at you both in the dark.
'Oh...'  he thought and frowned, wrapping an arm around you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry," he smiled as he pulled you close, hiding you from the man's sight.
"For how long has he been following you?" he whispered, making you gulp.
"I just noticed him an hour ago..."
Louis frowned at the answer as he put his coat on you, catching you by surprise.
"You seemed cold," he explained, keeping you close as you left the department store.
"Did he do anything to you?"
"No, he was just following me the whole time," you answered, pulling his coat close to your body.
"Sorry... I know you wanted to buy a gift for William's birthday,"
"What are you apologizing for?" Louis sighed, keeping an eye on the stalker following you both, "That creep isn't your fault," he reasoned as he called for a carriage.
"Let's get you home for the time being," Louis whispered as he helped you up the carriage.
"What about you?" you asked as you grabbed his hand, "You might get hurt,"
Louis breathed out a smile as he removed your hold, "I'll be fine. You're the one he wants,"
"Then what are you gonna do?"
A dangerous glint lit up in Louis' eyes before he lifted his head and gave you a courteous smile.
"Just giving him a lesson he won't forget,"
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Von Herder
"Honey!" you called out as you hugged Herder from behind, almost making you both fall over.
"Huh? What-" he muttered, feeling you hold him with trembling arms.
"Um... Miss? I think you got the wrong-"
"-Honestly... I thought you said we were meeting in the cafe?" you sighed with a shaky breath, still holding onto him.
Furrowing his brows, he gently hugged you back, feeling another presence behind you not too far away.
'I see...'  Herder sighed, noticing the growing hostile air closing in on you two.
"Sorry, sorry! It must have slipped my mind," Herder played along with a cheery voice, pulling you away from the presence and linking his arm with yours.
"Now then, what should we eat?" he asked as he led you away from the presence, hearing you sigh in relief.
"You can decide this time," you replied, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Sorry, miss. Are you all right?" Herder whispered, still feeling the presence following you.
"Yes, I'm okay... Thank you for playing along," you whispered back, your hands still shaking.
Herder frowned as he kept you close, thinking of a possible solution.
"Oh!" he beamed, stopping abruptly with a grin.
"Sorry, honey. Can we make a quick stop?" Herder asked as he pointed at a mechanics shop, making you raise a brow.
"I don't mind. But what for?" you asked as Herder smirked.
"You'll see," he answered vaguely as you both entered the shop.
"It will be quick, miss...?"
"(Y/N)," you smiled, "(Y/N) (L/N),"
"Miss (Y/N)," he finished as he rummaged around some parts.
"If you don't mind, I might have a solution on how to protect yourself,"
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karereiko · 6 months
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Moriarty brothers meme/parody idea that was posted on Yuumori discord, I saw it, laughed and decided to draw it. It fits so well child/grow up Albert, William and Louis. I'm adding item's box graphic that inspired this too. I hope it will bring you smile.
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kimdokjas · 2 months
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#he has the range 🤌
happy birthday, mica! ♡ @koushuwu
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tulipsforvin · 8 months
Hello,can I request headcanon about how moriarty brothers will act as bf or s/o pls?
How would The Moriarty Brothers Act As a Significant Other/Bf?
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Characters: Albert James Moriarty, William James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty.
Format: Headcannons.
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Albert J. Moriarty
Affluent, rich and successful in almost all aspects to live a luxuriously comfortable life. What else could one ask for?
His gaze follow you anytime you look at something that catches your eye. Perhaps you didn't tell him you wanted it because you felt shy or nervous? He'd keep it a secret - his awareness of you finding something you like.
The next day you'd find it on your bedside table when you wake up, all nicely wrapped.
I reckon he leaves love notes as well ranging from short 'Good morning'(s) to professing his love for you.
Very playful with you. Always, always joking around with you. He loves listening to the sound of your laughter.
Protective. I think he's a fairly jealous man. Definitely not the pouting, sulking type but more like the 'show-them-you're-his' kind of type.
What a gentleman. And I mean, WHAT A GENTLEMAN. Back of the hand kisses, kissing your face, tying your shoelace, opening the door for you..I could go on and on.
He loves to use his money on you.
He knows what he's doing. Although he probably hasn't been in a relationship before, his experience with noble ladies absolutely fangirling over him has probably made him an expert in that field already.
If something gets overwhelming for you, for example a function, he'll shift the spotlight away from you to him so you can have a break. Just like how he does the same thing with William and Louis. Only further proves his protective tendencies.
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William J. Moriarty
To be able to get into a relationship with him in the first place implies that you would need to have to break down through several walls that he built to shield himself and go through several obstacles (probably orchestrated by himself☠️).
But once you do, there's a certain comfortness he'll find in your presence. He'll be very vulnerable and turn emotional with you. Shocker. He's also really attentive.
Gets you out of predicaments with ease and can put up with your stubbornness.
He's very sweet and knows how to take care of you. Like, stroking a thumb over your lips if there's milk or something else that you didn't know was there when you just finished eating/drinking something.
Subtle, cute acts that make you swoon.
I'm so, so vey sure he writes love letters.
He's posessive, I'm sure. Contrary to the gentle exterior he has and even though he's quite soft with you, he's posessive. Proof is him going on and on about how Moran was his like a weirdo. Who says he can't do the same with you?
Not very experienced in the field of romance, but he would love to try out new things for you. There's also his intellect. This man probably does research on everything and anything relationship related to please you.
Your personal encyclopedia on all subjects. Don't know about a particular topic? There's nothing to worry about. William, of all people is your boyfriend after all.
Neck kisses. There's something he loves bout intimacy. Like, not just cheek kisses, though they are fine too but I think he loves to explore crevices of your body no one has explored before. Once again, makes him feel like you're his and only his.
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Louis J. Moriarty
He likes to bake and cook for you. Anything you want to eat or drink at like, 3 in the morning? He'll trudge out of bed and go make it for you.
He's the more snuggly type. He likes to get warm and cozy with you, especially if it's cold outside.
He's protective like Albert but unlike Albert's more discreet way of acting protective, he's more direct. More agressive with his ways. Just as he is with Sherlock whenever he gets close to William.
NOT EXPERIENCED AT ALL !! He's very clumsy. He probably hasn't even interacted much with ladies before but he tries so, so very hard for you. That's so endearing.
Lots and lots of forehead and nose kisses for sure.
He's not one to talk unless it requires for him to speak so he's pretty satisfied just hearing your voice and nodding his head. A wonderful combination if you like to go on and on about all kinds of random topics.
The type to get easily jealous. He, most likely, has not had alot of meaningful relationships in his life except the Moriarty group, so when he's in a relationship - he's very territorial and gets jealous even though he seems like a sweetheart. Which he is, ofcourse - but just for a selected few.
He gets bashful in the early stages of his relationship or if the two of you are trying out something new. He also likes to bury his face in your chest and neck.
A sucker for intimacy like his older brother.
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thegaysareback · 3 months
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I’m probably the last person on earth to read the newest chapter of The Remains(Bullet p3). But I got to this page and busted out laughing. I love reading the little notes and extras like this. 🤣🥰❤️‍🔥
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jqnsfw · 11 months
Seeing S/O in Lingerie Reaction
From a request in my main blog, this has no smut but VERY SUGGESTIVE so... yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Sebastian Moran, William James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, and Louis James Moriarty
Tag/s: Historically inaccurate lingerie
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Sebastian Moran
The man whistled as soon as you entered his field of vision.
He looked like a kid in a candy store.
Straight up GRINNING from ear to ear.
If you're showing him a variety, he'll inspect every single one of them.
It's almost alarming how focused he looks.
Little do you know, he's thinking about how to use whatever lace or strings your outfit has to his advantage in the bedroom.
The minute you're within his reach, Sebastian pulls you to his lap to get a closer look.
He takes his time to take in your figure while his hands roam through your body.
Even as you walk away, his eyes never leave your figure.
Like you were one of his targets on missions.
He would definitely tease you, wanting you to get riled up as much as he is.
What's more annoying is he wants you to say that you want to do it before he continues.
He's torn between taking it off or just doing the deed with it still on you.
Whatever position you're in, he definitely has a good view of you.
A mirror might be involved.
"I'm back-" Sebastian abruptly stopped as your eyes met in the mirror, wide in shock.
His eyes traveled down to your new short silk nightgown and stockings, going up and down before smiling.
"You could have just said so," he chuckled, removing his coat as he walked up to you.
You quickly grabbed whatever was closest to you, in this case, a hairbrush, and pointed it at him as you kept a distance.
"Oh no, you don't! Last time, I chased the target through the city with a limp!" you muttered, keeping your distance as your eyes never left him.
"Do you have a mission tomorrow?" Sebastian innocently asked, making you pause.
"Then that settles it," he smiled, quickly hugging your waist.
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle. Wouldn't want your pretty outfit to rip, now do we?"
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William James Moriarty
When you asked him to come with you to go underwear shopping, he was shocked, to say the least.
But he quickly recovered and agreed.
You definitely have his attention now.
While his eyes kept following you while he drank his tea, his smile was different than it usually was.
It was more... devious, so to speak.
While he keeps his composure, a lot has happened in his mind.
While you were picking some things, William acted like a perfect gentleman.
Holds the clothes you picked, heartfelt compliments to boost your confidence, over all the best boyfriend you could ask for.
Almost too good to be true. And it was.
He might have thought of a few scenarios on how the two of you could get away with it in the store.
It helped that it was a pretty private dressing room, considering the store was made just for the nobles, where it was just you and him.
Even the workers were far from earshot, attending to the other customers at the front.
But he didn't continue since he saw you enjoying your little date and didn't want to ruin your good mood.
It didn't help that you would ask him for help to put some of them on, though... Or take them off.
Besides, he has the whole night planned just for the two of you, and he's making sure no one would bother you two.
You hummed happily as you swung the bags in your arms, satisfied with your purchases.
"I'm surprised you agreed to go shopping with me, Will!" you mused as you turned to William, "Didn't you have a meeting later with everyone? Wouldn't you be late?"
William gave you a smile as he grabbed your hand, "The meeting was moved since some of the professors were out sick,"
"Is that so..." you trailed off, shrugging off his response.
William quietly chuckled, remembering the surprised expressions his comrades had when he said the meeting was canceled and assigned a new mission to everyone.
The manor was now empty until morning.
"Well, whatever! I can't wait to try these at home," you beamed, looking down at your new haul.
"Indeed," William agreed, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
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Sherlock Holmes
He never saw the appeal of the lingerie until he saw it on you.
Now, lace is his favorite thing on your body.
The first time he saw you in lingerie, it was like he shut down.
He didn't say a word, but his eyes were glued to you as he reached his hand out to you.
When you walked up to him, he eyed every inch of your body, engraving the image of you in his mind.
To him, you looked ethereal.
Like beauty personified.
When he did speak, it was soft and breathless, as if you rendered him speechless.
And when you did it, the sight of you in lingerie and covered in hickeys he left is now his favorite thing.
He gets more possessive whenever he sees you in lingerie.
And surprisingly more gentle and slow, wanting to enjoy every second of it.
Now, every time you buy a new set, he likes having a private fashion show.
When you bring him to a lingerie store, he is not embarrassed at all.
Hell, he'd even pick out a few things for you.
You can tell his compliments are genuine with how serious his expression is.
"Sherlock?" you called out, slowly walking up to him.
His eyes were completely wide as he looked at you.
"Sherl?" you called out again, but no response as he continued to stare at you.
You bit your lip as you covered yourself, feeling self-conscious wearing nothing but a bustier with matching underwear.
"Huh?" Sherlock quickly grabbed your hands, pulling them down to your side.
"Don't hide it. You look beautiful," Sherlock breathed out, mesmerized by your outfit as his eyes slowly looked up at you.
You felt your face flush as you looked away, unable to meet his gaze.
"You're staring too much,"
"I disagree,"
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Louis James Moriarty
You almost gave the man a heart attack.
He was not expecting to see you in lace and sheer one night after a long day of house chores.
Was it an unwelcomed surprise? No. Definitely not.
That night, he was just hoping to have some downtime with you after working the whole day.
So when he saw you by your dresser half-dressed putting on stockings, it was like the man turned into stone.
Minutes later, Louis came back and saw you in your robe, relieved to see he was okay.
His face became completely red when he remembered what happened and apologized for walking in on you.
Even though you forgave Louis, he's still scolding himself for liking what he saw.
What's more, his eyes would gaze over your robe when it would slip.
Explaining why he slammed his head on the table was interesting, to say the least.
So when you told Louis it was okay for him to look, he was still shy. But you would catch him stealing glances your way.
He tries to compliment you, say anything coherent for that matter. But he just mutters something while looking at the ground.
However, the moment he got more confident, his hands would not let you go.
Suddenly, he's fluent in dirty talk and knows just what to say to get you in the mood.
And he makes sure you know just how beautiful and alluring you looked that night.
"I truly apologize..." Louis muttered, a cold towel over his head as you chuckled, tying the robe tightly around your waist.
"Don't be. I'm just surprised," you reassured as you removed the towel, making Louis meet your eyes.
You weren't sure, but you swear you saw his eyes tracing your robe down to your chest.
His face turned completely red instantly, making him turn away.
You breathed out a smile as you hugged him tightly, kissing the top of his head.
"I'm really not mad, Louis!" you giggled, swaying side-by-side.
"Besides, that was for your eyes only, you know?" you grinned, making the man freeze as steam came out of his face as you snickered.
"Please don't tease me..."
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smultronte · 1 year
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Sherliam chibis 🎻🌹
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illir · 5 months
mostly sherliam (+mi6 etc) post timeskip art dump
just realised i have a lot of these even the ones i from 2022 that i never posted on tumblr so here you go! as usual doesn't include drawings that already had separate posts in my blog
long post!
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(↑ i like to imagine sherlock and mary are kinda in an in-law situation post-timeskip, except he's kinda awkward around her now (but still wanna be nice to her since she's john's wife after all) while she's just chill with him)
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(bean water = coffee) (but louis, tea is also just leaf water...)
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(i hope they still get to go on dates even in london~!)
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(the flowers are in liam's room now💗)
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(↑ is ko-fi request)
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(↑ is ko-fi request as well)
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(↑ set in chapter 65. fred who's too excited to show his roses that he's been tending to the past 3 years to william who just got back from america)
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this ended up with a lot of just louis and sherlock beefing haha i unfortunately didn't get to draw a lot from the 221b side so i hope to get the chance to do so in the future 💪 (or psst commission me or send me a ko-fi request to do it 👀👉 renebaeragi.carrd.co )
thank you for reading!
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vihardy · 1 month
One of my favorite details about Moriarty brothers is that Albert draws maps for William and they are way too detailed....
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so William takes a while to figure out the map, which of course means he's late.
But neither Albert nor Louis are surprised. They don't even comment on his lateness, just move on to others topics: furniture and dinner.
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It's not the first time William is late because of Albert's maps, but he doesn't tell them WHY, so Louis and Albert are used to his "lateness" and take it as something completely normal: yes, William is late. Again. And? The sky is blue. Any new information?
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lady-banana · 3 months
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dekheinjee · 1 year
Tumblr and twitter text posts as yuumori characters, part 4/?
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