#your honour. theyr insufferable
reegis · 5 months
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BREAKING NEWS: strange immortal invader’s so-called “Date Night” has lead to Planet wide Catastrophe. Millions dead or missing. More updates to come (assuming we’re still alive to give them)
(commission for @steampunk-rose!!!)
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finleycannotdraw · 4 years
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The first of... a few.... ineffable wives drawings I made after chatting with the amazing @a-bastard-to-be-worth-knowing!!!!
They’re lesbians!! but they’re still just as useless!!!! Incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Click on them for better quality, yadda yadda, there’ll be more. Should I make a new post with all of the drawings when I’m done? Yeah I’ll do that. *sinister laugh* *goes off to draw more hopeless lesbians*
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
hiya!! abt your dont threaten me with a good time/its a hell of a feeling though fic universe i saw you mentioned something abt a third part is that happening?? or do you any headcannons abt dream and y/n in that reader?? sorry i just saw the fanfic writer friday and thats my favourite fic of yours i reread it multiple times a week fhdhdjs <3
I was yelling about this to sid literally last night I have so many thoughts and headcanons about these dumbasses
So this is mostly based on the initial ask that inspired the fic, but the reader has known Dream, George, and Sapnap for years
And has been playing Minecraft for years
READER IS VERY GOOD AT PVP but everyone seems to forget this until they're in mcc
Uhhhhh nsfw mention --
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But back to sfw
The next part of the fic has some big developments but we also get flashbacks to their friendship before they got together and they're still insufferable together
Sapnap and reader were the first of the dream team to actually meet up irl.
Sapnap & Reader's friendship my beloved
But in terms of Dream/Reader headcanons:
They are without a doubt each other's biggest hypemen, literally so proud and so loud
So many "I love you"s
Reader is more likely to fall asleep on Dream when theyre watching a movie or have been up too long doing stuff, than the other way around
They don't really go out much together, mostly because the reader is well known too and doesn't want people recognising them and then recognising Dream, but they have been on cute private, usually dinner dates.
Dates may or may not include walking around at stupid hours getting into places or climbing things they shouldn't.
I love them, your honour. Thank you for coming to my tedTALK
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