#youichi kuramochi x reader
kunikame · 7 months
like planets in orbit. - k. youichi
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warnings : fem!reader, cussing, more astral references guys i cant stop., violence mention, lmk if i forgot anything, tooth rotting fluff, miyuki and ryou are presidents of kuramochi bully club (eijun is a honorary member), if the fandom is dead i will cry
w/c : 3.6k
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kuramochi youichi has witnessed the ever changing inconsistencies life brings with it.
he's seen many people cry over jobs lost, family members gone, or friends who have left; he likes to think he's pretty observant and can tell when something is wrong with people, or get a clear read on their feelings before they know them themselves.
that skill, however, does not apply to himself. when it comes to his own emotions, he is, for lack of a better word, clueless. this, he comes to realize in his 2nd year of high school, after the devastating loss in the finals.
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life brings with it many inconsistencies, junior high youichi notes.
most of the friends he had in his younger days he doesn't talk to anymore, some of his grades aren't as good as they used to be, and he himself has also changed over the years.
the one constant in his life– other than his family, however, were you (and his atrocious (your words, not his) yellow hair).
the young girl he met at the playground at the age of 4, when he accidentally ruined your sandcastle with a stray ball.
you didn't cry or scream, like any child would, instead you accepted his apology and got to work on rebuilding it all the while smiling softly. he couldn't deny he felt bad (it looked like it took a while to build, the castle was more of a palace with a town to accompany it), so he stuck around to help you instead.
that started the lifelong friendship between kuramochi youichi and [name].
you accompanied each other to 80% of the places you went, people started thinking of you as the "constantly bought in pair, do not separate" type of oddity around town. if youichi was in one place, there was a high possibility you were somewhere near, and likewise.
dating rumors started spreading at some point, but they were quickly shut down by both of you.
and yet.
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when youichi started going around doing his 'punk stuff' and getting into fights, you were there to patch him up. who else would he go to? even though you tried stopping him, very nearly bashing his skull in with your words (stars forbid there be any weapons nearby lest you actually do it), he continued ignoring your efforts. if you were as worried as you said, you'd cry for him, wouldn't you? shed a tear or two? but you never did.
then he got scouted for seidou and you joined shortly after him, through the entrance exams. it's not that you were simply following him– seidou was actually one of your choices even before youichi got scouted, it was a lucky coincidence that you ended up together even in high school; but it was comforting knowing even in a different place with new faces and surroundings, there was still something that resembled home.
he joined the baseball team, and here, you admit, you followed after him– as a manager.
it wasn’t too hard to adjust to the managerial duties or the daily practice sessions, you’ve been helping youichi practice since the day you met him, and the way of the scorebooks was properly explained to you by your fellow managers– thank the universe for them, seriously. the only thing you were having slight trouble with was the fact youichi didn’t seem to be doing too well at the start. 
with what was left of his previously-bad-reputation in his system, you were afraid he would pick fights he couldn’t possibly win. all of the 2nd years are so tall and strong– with the exception of kominato– and youichi was.. well, for lack of a better word, a twig. yeah, he picked fights in junior high, and he actually won most of them, but junior high kids are still just that. these are middle schoolers who’ve been on an extremely strict baseball training regimen, which youichi has just started. with his aching muscles and exhaustion, he really would get his ass beat. 
so you continued watching over him, from the sidelines this time.
(and, yes, watching over him entailed taking care of him also. it was like second nature– to listen to him complain about minor setbacks, to study up on massage techniques so he can get some relief from his aching muscles because he's youichi and you’re you, to patch up his wounds. all of it was like second nature. you cared for him and in turn, he cared for you.)
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wherever youichi went, so did you. wherever you went, so did youichi. 
those were facts– laws known by almost everyone the pair of you acquainted yourselves with, mostly the baseball club and your families, but those 2 are almost the same thing, if you were being honest.
the facts you were well aware were true continued to be proven time and time again, even more so when neither of you went to nationals.
which you think would be obvious with how you were the team's manager, so if the team didn’t go, neither did you– not as anyone important, anyway.
at the first lost chance, you didn’t cry. you didn’t just shrug and move on either, you simply took a deep breath and with the words, “maybe next year” you smiled at your seniors and friends and left the stands.
that night you headed out to the seidou baseball grounds alone.
in the lone serenity under the stars, you sat on the mound and cried.
not for the loss that could’ve been a win, not for losing the chance to go to nationals and experience the thrill, but for the 3rd years who lost their final chance.
but wherever you go, youichi goes– and on that cloudless night where he first saw you cry, he promised you he would take you to nationals.
you, in turn, promised to tell him a secret when he does.
he thinks if you smile at him like that again, he might just do anything you ever ask him to.
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it is in his (and your) second year of high school when kuramochi youichi has a realization, one he can’t simply shrug off.
mundane things concerning you and him that used to be normal and done without a second thought now had his hands shaking ever so slightly, his heart rate spiking, and his cheeks feeling just a tad warmer.
which would all be okay and simply shrugged off, had it not been for sawamura and miyuki, the bastard duo (and ryousuke, purely because he enjoys bullying youchi).
“so, have you finally admitted your crush to yourself? or are you, perhaps, still in denial?”
for how much miyuki claims to hate having people in his business, he himself sure loves to poke into others. youichi feels his eye twitch.
“what crush are you talking about, miyuki kazuya?!”
great. now the other one’s here too. and you seem to have noticed the commotion, since you’re turning his way (he wouldn’t have noticed, had he not been staring at you this entire time) with an eyebrow raised in question. youichi does an exaggerated eye roll while tilting his head towards both annoyances at his sides, and with a giggle you turn back to furuya.
“why, didn’t you know? our dear kuramochi has a–”
“aaand that’s where i’ll cut ya off,” youichi said, slapping his hand on the brunet's mouth, “i don’t have a crush on anyone.”
“but, kuramochi-senpai, you’ve been staring at [name]-senpai for the past 5 minutes. i’m pretty sure you didn’t even blink!”
now his other eye is twitching. he thinks he can actually feel the vein in his forehead bulging the more sawamoron continues speaking.
“i was not!”
“were too, we all saw,” his pink haired senior said, appearing seemingly out of nowhere, his intentions written all over his face clear as day.
“i wa– okay, since you’re not gonna listen to me anyway, i’ll just prove there’s nothing between us. on either side. never was, never will be,” said youichi, getting up from his spot on the bench, which had sawamura falling over as he was leaning all his body weight on the green haired shortstop.
he makes his way over to you with an easy goal in mind: have a calm and collected conversation, without triggering his (seemingly) symptoms of illness so he doesn’t worry you, turn around and leave.
question is, what is he gonna talk to you about? conversations with you usually flow naturally, but for the first time ever, youichi finds himself nervous at the prospect of talking to you. his frustrated fast paced steps gradually slow down the closer he gets to you, contrary to his thoughts which are speeding up– he finds himself unable to keep up with his thought process for the first time ever in your presence. 
and he doesn’t know why. 
for the first time since he befriended you, he realizes the mere thought of you renders him unable to think properly.
sensing his presence you turn his way and his thoughts come to an abrupt stop. all he hears is white noise– like his brain got unplugged and it’s showing one of those black and white static screens– until you utter his name.
“youichi! i was just about to go over there to check what the commotion was about. I’m pretty sure i heard eijun ask about a crush or something. does he like someone?”
why do you want to know whether the first year moron has a crush or not? “him? nah. i don’t think he has the brain capacity to pull someone,” he says offhandedly, a little late to realize you took a liking to his roommate.
“youichi!” you repeat, though angrier than when you greeted him, “don’t say that! he’s just a guy. i think he could be a good boyfriend to someone. he’s nice.”
he finds his frustration growing at that, and still, he doesn’t know why. then you seem to notice something behind him because suddenly you’re grinning and waving. when he turns his head he finds it’s the previously mentioned first year and tanuki bastard and his blood boils– he tries, really, he does, to not let his thoughts bleed through his expression, but with the way miyukis smirk widens a tad, he believes he might have fucked up.
“anyway, what did you need?”
“huh– oh, i was just wondering if you needed help with anything, since you were just standing around here,” he internally apologizes for lying through his teeth, but he can’t have you finding out the real reason.
“mm, not really. jun-san did most of the heavy lifting we needed done already, so unless you wanna stay late to help us collect the balls, nothing much.”
“ah, alright. i’ll stay to help, then. i’d hate it if our poor managers did all the hard work.”
“now you’re just making fun of me.”
“me? why, i would never, who do you take me for? miyuki?”
“you’re even worse than kazuya.”
this is okay, youichi thinks. this is how it’s been for the past 13 years, this is how it should be. friendly banter. you bully him, he bullies you, you take care of him, he takes care of you. that’s how it’s always been.
he chooses to ignore the slight shake in his hands and the sudden warmth on his cheeks.
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the next day you’re not in class and his only conversation partner (read: professional bother) is miyuki kazuya. which isn’t necessarily unusual, but usually it’d be the three of you engaged in conversations initiated by you, and now that he’s alone youichi misses you more than ever before.
“are you gonna answer my question or not? are you, perhaps, too shy~”
“if you don’t shut your damn mouth soon i will literally take this pen and stab you with it.”
“how scary~” the tanuki bastard let out his very tanuki like giggle and youichi nearly snapped his pen in half, “come on, you can tell me! i’m your best friend after all!”
“the absolute audacity you have to call yourself that. you know very well my best friends are ryou-san and [name],” though, he can’t particularly deny he has began considering miyuki a close friend as well.
“i believe i’m still a better person to talk about this than either of them. unless you’d prefer to discuss it with sawamura?”
the shortstop lets out a deep, heartfelt sigh of pure annoyance, and miyuki celebrates his victory. only in the depths of his twisted little soul, of course, but celebrates nonetheless.
kuramochi turns in his chair to stare at his friends desk, and with a frown so deep it genuinely concerns miyuki, finally speaks what’s on his heart, “.. i’ve been wondering about this for a while, but what makes you guys think i like [name]? i personally don’t think we’ve done anything to make it seem that way, we’ve always been like this, so–”
“you haven’t,” kuramochi looks up then, only to see the brunet more serious than he’s ever seen him be outside of baseball, “you haven’t always been like that, don’t lie to yourself. had you said that to me last year i wouldn’t have questioned you– granted, i hadn’t known either of you for long back then, but this year you both started acting differently towards each other. it’s not much noticeable to people who don’t know you, but since i spend nearly every waking moment around you guys, it’s about as clear as sawamura wanting the ace number.”
“you.. really haven’t noticed? kuramochi, you can’t be serious.”
he slowly shakes his head in denial, thoroughly confused on not knowing what it is he should have noticed. he thought he was supposed to be observant, what happened to that?
miyuki, with his mouth hanging open in disbelief for mere seconds, decided he was nice enough to lead his one (and only) friend in the right direction, at least. if even that fails he might just have to straight up out kuramochi to kuramochi himself.
“you became more.. nervous? flustered, should i say? around her this year. you get fidgety and your hands shake after physical contact sometimes– yes, i noticed, stop staring at me like that. sometimes– actually, pretty often you just stare at her with hearts in your eyes.”
“i do not–”
“oh you do. you stare at her like she hung the stars in the night sky, like she’s what makes the sun shine. you look at her like a man in love would.”
that was kuramochi youichis final straw, he thinks.
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a week after kuramochis one-on-one eye-opening talk with his friend, he starts to notice that maybe, perhaps, theoretically, the tanuki bastard might have been right.
the keywords being the verbs expressing his uncertainty.
each passing minute he spends with you, however, he finds himself running out of verbs.
he’s caught himself staring at you very often these past few days. which would be good and all, were you not quite literally staring at him also.
these new occurrences end with both of you looking away with cheeks that are just slightly more tinted than they are naturally, and (usually) miyuki rubbing his forehead in annoyance.
if his newfound realization gets in the way of his practice, coach kataoka will have him sit out the fall tournament for sure. he can’t have that happening, so he shrugs off whatever awkwardness this caused between you to focus on getting to nationals.
he did promise you he would take you there, after all.
with that thought in his mind, he feels his lips curl into a smile, and his fielding starts to look less half-assed than before.
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okay, so maybe the tanuki bastard was right, youichi thinks, so what.
it’s normal to have an eeny weeny crush on someone you know better than you know yourself at some point in your life, is it not? 
which would be all shits and giggles, were it an ‘eeny weeny’ crush, rather than a ‘oh my god she’s in the same room with me how do i breathe why is she so beautiful oh my god call an ambulance oh my god?’ crush.
he slams his head against his desk, lamenting whatever it is he’s done that got him here. why can’t he just see you the way he’s seen you before?
wait. how exactly did he see you before?
sure, you were always beautiful and nice, helpful to a fault, generous and extremely smart, but have you always sparkled like you do now?
yes. yes you have.
to kuramochi youichi you’ve always sparkled and shone brighter than the lights in rooms you occupied, brighter than the full moon in the night skies and the sun during daytime.
you entered the classroom and upon hearing you greet him his head snaps up and– is that a fucking halo?! (it is a figment of his imagination fueled by the many shojo mangas jun made him read) why are you glowing?
miyuki can only sit back and observe from his seat behind kuramochi as the shortstop looks at his life-long friend as if she herself hung the stars, brightened the days and nights– as if she put the planets in orbit. 
and if the planets in the question were kuramochi youichi and [name] was the sun, then perhaps you have. youichi somehow finds himself sucked into your atmosphere, somehow always orbiting you, always in your presence or not far from it. you are always in his thoughts and in his heart, a part of you is always in his conscience and he can do nothing but accept it, embrace it. he is kuramochi, but he is not youichi without you. similarly you are [l/name], but never [f/name] without him. if only he would’ve known sooner that neptune’s slow departure from the solar system symbolized his common sense leaving when he’s around you.
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in your second year of high school, with a lot of hard work, you make it to nationals.
during the victory announcement, youichi could’ve sworn he saw a tear stream down your cheek, but it could have just been a trick of the light.
that night you once again meet under the tranquility of the stars on the diamond, but this time, it’s on a more positive note than last year.
“so, what’s the secret i was promised?”
you freeze for a mere moment, as if you yourself have forgotten you ever made him such a promise, then the shock clears out of your eyes and you turn to look at him.
“can’t we push the due date a bit?”
“wha– no! what was it all for?!” he’s waving his arms around to exaggerate his point, “i’ve waited a year for this, wondering each day what could possibly be so special, and now you tell me to wait more?! man..”
you watch his lips curl into a pout and his brows furrow and you know.
“.. not that i wouldn’t, i’d wait however long it takes, if it’s you..” you know.
you feel your face heat up slightly, even though it’s exactly what you predicted he would say. you reach out and your fingers tap against his cheek first, then you place your palm against the warm skin (it continues to grow warmer under your touch, you note).
“thank you for fulfilling your promise, youichi. i love you.”
he can physically feel his heart skip a beat and his neck very nearly break with the abnormal speed he turns his head at. blood is rushing to his head and all he hears is white noise (or perhaps that’s just the cicadas) and your words on a loop in his already you-filled brain. stars, what have you done to him? he thinks he might short-circuit.
but, then again, this could just be a normal, friendly ‘i love you’, as you usually say. he shouldn’t get his hopes up, nor be weird about it, lest you catch on and start distancing yourself from him (not that you would do that, since you didn’t after he threw lizards at you when you were 7).
“you’re welcome,” he smiles, “love ya too, stupid.”
you shake your head and he pauses, “no, youichi. i love you. always have. that’s the secret.”
“.. i’ve always loved you, too..? what do you mean,” he shakes his head to mimic you, then raises an eyebrow in question, as if not agreeing he loves you was a crime (at this point, it might even be).
“i’m in love with you, idiot,” you resist the urge to just smack him at this point, “have been for the past 10 years.”
he’s struck by lightning. hit by a truck. squashed by a rock, even. he can’t even properly describe the bolt he feels striking him upon realizing he is, in fact, an idiot. and so are you, apparently.
idiots in love, as ryousuke once said. now he knows why.
the shortstop grabs you by your shoulders and shakes you back and forth with an almost crazed look in his eyes, “oh my god. i’m in love with you, too! oh my god!”
there’s a sudden sparkle in your eyes and you grab onto his arms, “oh my god! i thought i was going insane whenever i saw you acting like a schoolgirl with a crush!”
he momentarily wonders how much money miyuki will rack up for the bets placed on who will confess first, but that’s an issue for tomorrow.
for now, youichi thinks, the only issue is finding out if your lips are as soft as they look.
(they are.)
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ੈ✩₊˚TAGLIST : @gabirii @heroesfan101 @celandinee @wizardclown @solxima // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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kazuyummy · 10 months
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yuki tetsuya 💋 miyuki kazuya 💋 sanada shunpei 💋 isashiki jun 💋 kuramochi yoichi 💋 chris takigawa yu
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y u k i 💜 t e t s u y a ; hairpulling
you often look for tetsuya after sunday practice to give him the upcoming week's training schedule
as the meijin university boys' baseball team student physical trainer for the past two years, you help with their exercise regiment and work with the dietitian and coaches to deliver meal plans and practice schedules as well
it's not like you have to hand-deliver these things... but seeing Tetsuya is always a bonus (and it gives you a chance to go into detail - that's the excuse you use)
kuramochi, your best friend who had also decided to attend his high school coach's alma mater, is just so kind to interrupt and ask you to run through his schedule
"hold up, mochi - after i finish talking to tetsu"
"he can wait! i'm going on a date soon, so i'm in a rush!"
you snort, turning to tetsu to see where you left off on the page and telling mochi to wait his turn
mochi, the stubborn, unrelenting bastard, gives a short but firm tug to your ponytail
out of pure instinct, you bite your lip, eyes rolling back into your head with the tiniest of groans
mochi doesn't notice since he's behind you and still rambling on - thank goodness or he'd be howling, never letting you hear the end of it
but tetsuya certainly doesn't fail to catch it, visions of taking you from behind and pulling your hair fill his mind
he can see you ass-up on his bed, back arching and mouth babbling as he rams you with his cock, pussy gushing
he wonders if you like being spanked and choked too. would you call him sweetly by his name? or by daddy instead?
you blush heavily but continue talking, trying to play things off like nothing happened
but he's no longer paying attention, instead starting to brainstorm ways to get you to his for a personal training session with this newfound knowledge...
m i y u k i 💜 k a z u y a ; flexibility
kazuya walking into your apartment is not an uncommon occurrence, but today, he's earlier than usual - which means he sees you doing a yoga morning routine that you'll inevitably give up on in a week or two
still, you're surprised at how flexible you are and how energized and focused it makes you - so maybe you'll stick with it for a bit
miyuki's heart isn't prepared to see your ass in those tight pants, or the way your boobs push out of the elastic, seamless sports bra
he's just thankful (or not) that your top isn't loose, otherwise he would perish on the spot at seeing any bit of underboob
with pants that fitted, you're either wearing the smallest thong known to man or nothing at all
he's imagining manhandling you in so many positions - to see just how far you can stretch for him, the burn in your muscles nothing compared to the heat you'd feel as he fills you up to the brim
what if he railed you standing, a leg hooked over his shoulder to spread you open as you beg for him to wreck you despite struggling to stay in this position?
he wants to rip those pants down the seam, eating you out then fucking the lights out of you
you could try sitting on his face in the splits to give him full access to your little pussy while he holds your thighs down
you switch to the downward dog pose, ass in the air toward him and ask in the sweetest voice if he wants to join you
he takes back his earlier statement - maybe he is about to die on the spot after all
i s a s h i k i 💜 j u n ; finger sucking
studying in the library with jun is never a peaceful affair and you don't know why you agree to it every time - maybe because of your small little crush on your close friend that you continue to squash down
he interrupts your thoughts - "hey, what'd you get for number seven?"
jun pokes the side of your head - of course, he has his annoying moments too
"i told you i'm only doing even-numbered problems right now, idiot."
he doesn't ease up, continuing to poke, so it's time for retaliation. you whip your head around and prepare to bite
at that moment, something strange happens in your mind - you realize that he was poking you with his finger, not a pencil. and you don't want to hurt him with your bite, but you're already turning around, so - you... kind of just end up taking his fingers into your mouth
neither of you reacts right away. he's managed to get his long finger all the way in, hitting the back of your throat... with no gag reflex
his feels his digit rest on your tongue until you move it to flutter around him, the inside of your cheeks like velvet
"wh-what the fuck?"
his fingers come out with a pop and a little drool on the side of your cheek, which you wipe away
"would you rather i have bitten your finger? you'd be cryin', y'know?"
he stares, speechless and processing what happened. your mouth had felt so good, so soft around him. he'd be in heaven if you sucked him off like that, pretty eyes staring up at him while he paints your face white
"we wouldn't have had this problem if you stopped annoying me," you shrug
but when you pull out a lollipop from your bag, unwrapping it and swirling your tongue around, he suddenly remembers he's got something very important to do
s a n a d a 💜 s h u n p e i ; thigh crushing
sanada's flirting is often affectionate, so it doesn't phase you when he sits on the floor of the couch in front of you, leaning his head back between your legs and looking up at you
you roll your eyes with a smile but continue watching your friends play mario kart on the screen
when it's your turn and the controller is handed to you, he becomes such a little demon
he turns to your knee and does that thing where he tickles you by putting his fingers in the centre of your knee and spreading them outward at the same time
"shunpei!" you scold him, "stop that!"
"or what?" he'll raise an eyebrow playfully
"or... or i'll accidentally kick you, idiot" you save face in your response, but your red cheeks show otherwise - you're a sucker for that little smirk of his
he doesn't let up, though, giving your calf a flick, tickling your bare leg with the texture of his hair from where he's sitting - you name it
"shunpei, if you don't stop, i will crush your head between my thighs."
you lightly pressing on the sides of his head with them, which finally gets him a bit quieter
but that's because he's now imagining eating you out, thighs trying to close him in as he pulls them apart, lapping at your folds as you beg him to keep going
he'd give you orgasm after orgasm, sticky sweet voice crooning for you to give him one more, and another after that, and another...
he wants you so fucked out that by the time he sheathes himself inside you, you're putty in his hands and just a little fucktoy for him
in fact, he's tempted to pepper kisses across your inner thighs, the only mercy from him coming from the fact that you're not alone in the room
"i wouldn't mind if i died like that, sweetheart"
k u r a m o c h i 💜 y o i c h i ; neck kiss
being close friends with yoichi, it was easy to flirt in small doses with each other to deny your feelings by saying, "that's just what friends do", others saying you acted like a married couple
one day, you're saying goodbye and going for a kiss on his cheek when you both miscalculate - as you lean forward, he's already leaning away, and you end up moving too far forward, kissing his neck
you're a bit tangled in him, and whisper-giggle a "sorry!" in his ear, sending shivers down his spine
you chuckle nervously as you pull back, "i felt like a vampire doing that!"
he lets out an airy laugh, but he's rock hard right now
you've given each other plenty of friend-kisses on the cheek or forehead, but that spot just awakened something in him
he wants to feel your lips all over his skin, plush but feathery, whispering dirty, dirty things to him with your hands running up and down his body
how would those lips feel sucking his cock? how would they feel marking his neck when he drives into you, filling you with his load?
now he wants to fill your skin with love bites, tasting every inch of you and making your pupils dilate with hunger and lust
when he jokingly does it back and you let out a mewl, he knows his heart's in trouble. there's no way he can look at you the same again
c h r i s 💜 t a k i g a w a 💜 y u ; straddling
chris isn't always one for parties, but he doesn't mind coming out to a few to socialize as long as his friends are there
(and someone may have let it slip to him that you'd be there)
he's seated on one of the loveseats when you find him after a couple drinks each
he's getting up to hug you but someone trying to get through the crowd pushes you forward and you fall onto him, luckily with no more cup in hand
you land safely, however, your legs are straddling his hips as he looks up at your breathless form
chris, as always, is smooth in an awkward moment like this
"hey, I don't mind. not too many seats around anyway."
you giggle, gaining some bravery from him as well,
"okay, but don't complain to me if your legs go numb!"
you turn around on his lap so you're in a far less suggestive position, but he can't stop imagining you riding him
he'd want to hold your hips as you bounce up and down, your tits following suit hypnotizingly as you scream his name
he'd let you do all the work sometimes, moving to your feet and crouching on him so he can watch himself push past your puffy folds and the way you grip him as he comes back out again
but you sitting the other way now? cockwarming wouldn't be a bad idea either. having you spread your legs and his fingers in a v opening your folds, showing everyone how filled you are with him - the thought is thrilling
for now, he's content with his fantasies, but looks like he'll ask you to swing by his place later...
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this is a bit of a tribute to my upcoming miyuki fic (and you'll see why when it comes out lmao) but i'm in love w the idea of accidentally getting someone flustered like this and (sometimes) not knowing what you do to them, hehe. <3
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pumcafe · 1 month
Content Contains: NSFW, fem reader, first person, college au, friends turned to lovers, Yoichi is a playboy, but he gets jealous, you get jealous too, unrequited love??, creampie, some possessiveness, i don’t proofread
Word Count: 6.8k (do I ever shut up!!!!!) 
“Ichi,” I tapped the zoned out man’s forehead. 
No response.
”Yōichi!” I whisper-yelled before backhanding his forehead a little harder this time. 
His eyes snapped to me, refocusing. “You want me to kill you for sure,” he glared. 
Huffing, I crossed my arms. “You invited me out to study together, why are you upset that I don’t wanna waste my time while you do nothing?” I sighed before closing my laptop, leaning forward to rest my head on the table. “You literally have nothing written down, and every time I ask a question, you’re unfocused.”
”It’s boring,” Yōichi simply shrugged before leaning back in the library chair, resting his hands on the back of his neck. His unbothered attitude annoyed the hell out of me. 
“Then why were you so insistent on coming here? I could’ve finished all of my work at home in half of the time,” I softly groaned. Yōichi’s gaze was slowly unfocusing again, but this time I followed his eyes. 
He was looking at the sole girl sitting behind the library’s service desk. 
I rolled my eyes before sitting back up to put my things into my bag. Yōichi didn’t come back to earth until I was sliding my chair back under the table. 
“Huh? Where’re ya going?” I rolled my eyes once again in annoyance, checking around the table to make sure I didn’t forget anything. He couldn’t be serious.
“I didn’t come here to waste my time while you ogle a girl. I’m going back home to finish my work,” my tone was flat. I ignored his rushed movements behind me as I made my way to the doors. 
I was nothing but a few steps in front of the library doors before Yōchi caught up to me. Internally I was once again amazed at his incredible speed, externally though, I was ignoring him. 
He walked beside me. “I-I wasn’t ogling her,” he began to protest, “just…” I didn’t bother looking at him, he was going to continue whether I indicated that I was listening or not. “I talked to her a couple of days ago and she’s so nice dude,” dude, she’d never get called dude. “I’m trying to get a feel of her,” I quickly side eyed him, catching a glance of his smug smile.
He’d get her, he’d get her like he gets every girl he sets his sights on. The same gentleman-like act, the same bright toothy smile, and the same soft words that lure them all into his room while his dorm was empty. I’d never experience any of that. 
Not that I wanted to anyway. I mean, to be buttered up until you were pumped and dumped? To wait until he’s bored enough to comb through his roster he calls a contact list? It’s gotta be a loneliness I hoped to never experience, especially with someone as warm as Yōichi Kuramochi. 
I rolled my eyes once more and kept walking. “Then just ask her on a date,” I offered emptily. This is a routine at this point. 
“You think she’d say yes?” It was like we were following an unwritten script. He jogged a bit in front of me, turning around so we were face to face. 
“You’re gonna run into someone Ichi,” this was a tedious pattern I found myself in. “You know she’s gonna say yes.” There’s no way he didn’t know how I felt about all of this. 
His shoulders rose and dropped as he pretended to ponder, “You never know, she could have a boyfriend or something.” ‘As if that’s actually stopped them,’ if it was in my thoughts, it was probably Yoichi’s too.
”You wanna head back to my dorm? We’ll actually study this time, scout’s honor,” he raised three fingers and flashed me a toothy grin. 
I walked the familiar route to his dorm in silence, thinking about how I got in this predicament. Was it when I didn’t shut him down as he talked about his latest friends with benefits situation? Was it when he took my best friend back to his room when I brought her to meet him and his dorm mates? Maybe it began when I first sat two seats to the left of him in our History of Western Art course, our professor automatically pairing us up for almost every project. 
Has it really been almost a year since then?
Yoichi yawned loudly, stretching backwards. I glanced at the time in the lower corner of my laptop, 20:47. I let out a small yawn myself before closing my laptop, sliding the device into my backpack. “I should get going,” I spoke softly, not wanting to awaken Miyuki who was already fast asleep on the couch across from us. 
“Want me to walk with you?” Yōichi offered, his voice a bit louder than mine as he knew Kayzua wasn’t that easy to wake up. 
I shook my head no. It was only a two minute walk to my apartment complex, and I didn’t want my roommate asking Yōichi if he had any free time. 
“Bye Kaz,” I whispered before leaving, offering a silent nod to Yoichi before heading out. 
I realized there was no one in the apartment by the time I got home. I sighed in relief, happy to not have to recount my whole day. By the time I got into bed, it was only 23:20. It felt too early to go to bed, but the melatonin was starting to kick in and I didn’t feel like fighting it.
I felt my phone buzz before I was completely engulfed by sleep. 
The sound of soft trumpets accompanied by a piano pulled me into consciousness. I clicked the off button and rubbed my face. My fingers moved to unlock my phone before my eyes even fully opened. I was greeted with three messages from Yōichi after pulling down my notifications, all sent while I was sleeping. 
You left your pencil case.
Five minutes after; You like Kazuya?
Two minutes; Let’s walk to the library after your last class.
I rolled my eyes at the last text, my finger hovering over the letter n, hesitant. Where do you wanna meet?
The response was almost immediate, I’ll wait outside of your class. My heart rate briefly increased before I threw my phone down onto my bed. 
“Hey,” Yōichi was waiting for me right by the class door, sitting on one of the hall’s benches. 
I nodded in his direction, making my way over to him, “Hey.”
Yoichi slid his backpack to the front of his body before he began digging through it, presenting my pencil case after a few seconds. “Here ya go, you left it on the floor.” 
“Thanks,” I took it from him. Our fingertips brushed together and I had to use all my restraint to not just snatch my hand back. “I was exhausted last night, I barely remember falling asleep,” I began the conversation. “Not as tired as Kaz though, did he sleep all night?” I laughed lightly at the image of a drooling Kazuya splayed over the couch hours before it was even midnight. 
“Mhm, like a baby,” Yōichi’s voice didn’t carry as much brightness as his face did. His response was also uncharacteristically short.
”Practice must’ve been tough on him. Are you gonna join them today?” He missed out on yesterday for Ms. Librarian, I’m sure there would be hell to pay when he couldn’t produce a good enough excuse to the coach for skipping. 
He held the door open and I muttered a quick thanks before his response, “Yeah, it doesn’t start until 3 though so we got a couple of hours.” 
We entered the library and sat in the same spot as yesterday, I fought to keep my mood from plummeting into Hell. “I don’t have a lot of studying that I haven’t already done,” I offered in an attempt to hint that I didn’t want to be here long, “finals week is almost over.” 
He nodded as if he understood, but his eyes showed that he wasn’t even focused on the present, just the future. I sighed, almost feeling sorry for the poor girl, but more so for feeling sorry for myself for even feeling a hint of jealousy over the situation. 
“When are you gonna ask her out?” I broke after the first few minutes of complete silence. I couldn’t keep rereading the same 3 lines in my study guide, pretending that the sheepish act he put up when getting caught by the part timer for staring wasn’t distracting.  
“Dunno yet,” he shrugged, his eyes flicking back to his empty notebook. If it wasn’t for the later study sessions, I’d be in awe of how he wasn’t completely failing. 
“Hopefully soon,” I retorted. My stomach couldn’t stomach these shy boy acts for too long. 
My phone quietly buzzed on the table. Flipping it over, I turned off the alarm. “2:15 Yōichi, you gotta head out,” my voice carried a weariness as I fell from the trance of studying. My hands moved to put my things in my bed.
Yōichi yawned, stretching out in the chair. My eyes flickered over just in time to catch his shirt riding up, exposing the waistband of his boxers and the lower quarter of his abs. I caught myself before I could show my disappointment about the freshly shaved happy trail.
After slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I headed for the door. When I went to push the door open, my ears caught the sound of Yōichi’s voice followed by a high pitched laugh. I didn’t look back on my way to the baseball field.
My mind was full of nothing as my legs pulled me up the baseball field’s bleachers. I picked the first row, one closest to but right not above the dugout. 
My eyes roamed the field before I caught Kazuya’s eyes. He pulled up his catcher’s helmet and flashed me a grin while waving. I waved back before both of our attention was snatched by the sound of shouting; the reason why I chose the spot within earshot of the dugout.
Yōichi was sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as the coach continued to chew him out. Me and Kazuya caught each other’s glances as we tried to hold back smiles and laughter, nearly failing because of the eye contact. 
When the yelling was finally over, I watched as Yōichi put his stuff down and joined the rest for practice. He waved over at me after Kazuya pointed me out, and I gave a small wave back. I felt my stomach flip at the happy mood he was in.
Practice was over and the sun was nearly set. I stared into the purple hues of the mixed sky while waiting outside of the locker room. Kazuya came out first. 
“He’s texting someone so he’ll be a minute,” he pointed back towards the door with his thumb.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes with a smile, “We can just leave him then,” I said while hooking my arm with his, “I’m starved.” 
Kazuya’s face broke into a larger smile, “That easy to give up on him huh?” As if his stride wasn’t taking the lead on the way back to his dorm. 
It was nearly an hour before Yōichi entered the dorm room, catching me and Kazuya arguing over the morality of finding the villain of the show we were currently engulfed in, attractive. 
“Don’t raise your voice with food in your mouth,” I retorted, the smartass attitude dripping from my words.
”Don’t start an argument with food in your mouth,” he mocked me. We glared at each other while chewing quickly, him nearly choking his food down so he could speak first, coughing harshly.
”And that’s what your ass gets,” I laughed at his misfortune. He grabbed my glass of water and chugged it down. “Kazuya Miyuki!” I hit him on the shoulder.
He pulled my now almost empty glass from his lips before shaking it, “Mine was empty,” he huffed out with a shit-eating grin. 
“Asshole,” I snarled.
”Isn’t that your type?” His eyes flickered to the screen, it was paused on the antagonist. He had done so after my comment about the guy being “so fine”. 
We both jumped at the sound of something being dropped onto the couch behind us. Our heads both turned to find Yōichi sitting on the couch, staring at us with one eyebrow raised. 
“He started it,” I muttered while turning back to my food.
”Like hell I did,” he murmured, gently shoving me with his elbow. 
“You guys didn’t even ask what I wanted!” Yoichi whined from behind us. Kazuya and I glanced at each other through the corner of our eyes.
Kazuya spoke up first, “Figured you’d be a while,” he spoke apathetically while shrugging.
”Thought you’d be on a date,” I copied his tone and actions. Kazuya had already unpaused the screen, eyes gesturing between me and the remote as if he was suggesting we turn up the volume. I smiled and barely nodded, not wanting my actions to be detected by Yōichi. 
Yōichi’s order came about 25 minutes later. After he had unbagged his takeout, he wedged himself between Kazuya and I, who were long done with eating. His phone buzzed on the couch almost incessantly. I finally turned after the 14th pinging noise, his phone was turned over, hiding the screen. 
“Are you gonna answer that?” I questioned, annoyed. 
“Answer what?” Yōichi said flatly while watching the TV.
Kazuya and I blinked at each other. “You’re hard of hearing now?” Kazuya sounded just as annoyed. 
Yōichi groaned before grabbing his phone. Click, he unlocked it before he started to quickly type. My eyes wandered over to the screen, definitely not wanting to look but the strength of curiosity pulling me in.
Library Girl was the contact name, so he got her number. The text thread was long, as if they had been talking for days. 
I got practice tomorrow so it would be late if we meet up :), I forced my eyes away from the screen, my stomach threatening that the unpleasant feeling would only grow if I didn’t. 
The thought of him inviting her to watch practice made a flicker of jealousy pang through my chest. ‘I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care,’ if I said it enough it would come true, right?
”Wanna continue the marathon in my room?” Kazuya’s voice brought a well-welcomed break in my thoughts.
He probably just wanted to offer Yōichi some more privacy, but I didn’t care. The increased space between me and whatever he was typing on his phone was an offer I wouldn’t pass. I took Kazuya’s hand before he led me to his room. I glanced outside the door as it closed to find Yōichi’s eyes staring at us.
I don’t remember when I fell asleep, but my alarm rang almost silently, easing me out of my sleep. 
My limbs stretched across Kazuya’s floor before my arms pushed my body up. My hands pressed on my lower back as more stretches forced my body up. I turned to see Kazuya still sleeping, a puddle of drool forming on his pillow. I whispered a soft goodbye before exiting his room.
I was surprised to find Yōichi sleeping on the couch, his arm hanging off and his hand open. My eyes followed down to find his phone on the floor, most likely dead. I shook my head at the sight before making my way out of the room, avoiding all of the floor’s weak spots.
The day felt much lighter with the decrease of classes, each final throughout the week serving as a hellish goodbye. This was my last one.
I let out a loud exhale as I pushed through the doors of the classroom, wanting to cry in relief and frustration. That exam was hard as hell but I was happy to have it finally done with. The urge to break out in a dance because all of my classes were finally over filled my body. 
“So did you two fuck?” The obscene words made my head snap around to find Yōichi, his eyes were low and he had a slight scowl as his figure leaned back on the bench.  
I ran up to him, bewilderment plastered all over my face. “What did you just say Ichi?” I asked, my voice low. Maybe I just heard him insanely wrong. 
”Did you and Kaz, fuck?” My cheeks warmed at the absurd question. I had been in Kazuya’s room plenty of times without the supervision of Yōichi, where was this coming from. He now stood up, looking down at me, his jaw was pulled taut as he ground his teeth back. 
“I don’t have to answer that,” I felt tears brimming my eyes but I just scoffed. The accusation made me feel gross, especially when he was accusing me of something like that in public, not a care in the world if his voice was heard. My legs carried me quickly out of the lecture hall, but not fast enough, Yōichi quickly caught up.
”I invited that girl to practice today,” he said carelessly. I wanted to punch him. 
“Oh nice,” I tried to keep the sarcasm low, but if he caught it, then so what? I was growing tired of these dickventures of his. 
The air was thick as we made our way to the baseball field. My face finally broke when I saw Kazuya, running up to give my savior a hug. His embrace was warm, unlike the air created by the earlier confrontation. 
“Hey,” he spoke over my shoulder before I pulled away a little. I looked back to see Yōichi give him a nod before heading into the locker room. Kazuya looked at me puzzled and I just shook my head.
I picked the same spot as the day before. It was only a couple minutes before I heard the bleachers beside me creak. I snapped my head to the side, my eyes landed on a girl with dark brown hair falling to her chest. She flashed me a  white smile before mouthing something. I put up a finger before taking out my earbuds, “I’m so sorry, can you repeat that?” 
My mind blocked out her name. It would be pointless to learn it. I knew who she was anyway, I knew why she was here, I knew that eventually she’d be gone too. I couldn’t help but feel a bit of sadness for everyone who falls for Yōichi, whether they know what they’re getting into or not, it’s a sad cycle. 
We looked over at the field to see Yōichi pointing towards us while talking to Kazuya. Both of them waved and we returned it. She giggled when Yōichi saluted and did a military-esque turn back to his spot at the plate, “He’s so funny!”
I swallowed down any animosity that built in the pit of my chest and continued conversing.
Yōichi was much faster to get out of the locker room this time, and Kazuya and I trailed behind the pair. We rolled our eyes each time she punched his arm lightly at a joke he made, or shared glances whenever they would “accidentally” brush against each other while walking. 
Yōichi exchanged a well known glance with Kazuya before Kazuya began to spill some nonsense about needing to stop at the mall for some new shoes. Yōichi nodded along with a smile on his face until Kazuya locked arms with me, “Not to mention we had scheduled dinner at this new local restaurant and we absolutely cannot miss that, right?” Kazuya beamed at me, not noticing the slight falter in Yōichi’s expression.
I pretended not to notice as well. I pretended not to notice how his gaze wandered when his date’s eyes closed, I pretended not to notice how a little bit of his boredom with her stories slipped out occasionally, I pretended not to notice the hard looks he would give me and Kazuya if we joked a little too loud behind him. 
I simply nodded my head, “Yeah, it was hard to get,” I squeezed his arm. 
We left without much more words. 
I spent the evening ignoring the day’s earlier events. Every so often I would get a flash of Yōichi’s expression as he accused me of having sex with Kazuya, but it would leave at the same speed when Kazuya would speak up.
We got takeout again, and the slip of “God they knew what they were doing,” ignited another argument about morality. It was while I was doing dishes that Kazuya got a text.
”He says she’s gone now,” I could hear the smirk in his voice, “and there’s the thumbs up.” He got laid. I forced the sick feeling down as I finished rinsing the dish in my hand, promising to finish them in the morning. 
A yawn escaped my lips as I picked up my own phone, “Damn, it’s late. Did he say he was walking her?” I stared at the 2:03 displayed on my phone. When had we left? Around 7? The feeling in my stomach threatened to grow.
”He said he already did and that he was back in the dorm.” Kazuya pushed himself up on his knees before groggily pushing to his feet. “I better head back.” We exchanged goodbyes, and as soon as I locked the door back, I rushed to my room.
When I woke up the next morning, my eyes felt dry and I could practically feel the redness irritating my skin. I rolled over to bury my face in the pillow, ignoring the next wave of tears that threatened to pour out. 
I lazily pulled my phone out from under my pillow. I squinted, blinking away the water to get a clear glance at the notifications. 
You didn’t answer my question earlier. This was sent during my crying episode, when I had my phone on DnD.
Are you ignoring me?
Kazuya is home. He looks happy. Did he get some?
Should I ask him?
Stop ignoring my texts dude. 
I’ll just come over to ask tomorrow. This was the last message he sent before it hit 4 AM.
Are you up? Started a new thread at 9:07 AM. God, did he even sleep?
Are you really not gonna answer me? 
It’s a simple question, I don’t know why you’re trying to hide it from me. We tell each other everything, right?
Kaz is still asleep so I can’t ask him yet. He’ll probably be asleep all day since we don’t have practice. I don’t wanna wake him just for this. So you’ll bug me incessantly about it?
I’m coming over. The last text was the one I just felt a couple of seconds ago. 
My eyes widened as I bolted upright. If it normally takes me two minutes to walk here, Yōichi takes less than a minute. I scrambled around my bed before heading to my bathroom. My eyes were red, it definitely looked like I had been crying. The introduction of cold water so early in the morning caused me to gasp. 
Before I could even dry my face, my phone started ringing. A close up picture of Yōichi’s face filled my screen as my phone vibrated on the sink. There was a knock at the door before my hand could even reach for my phone. I rushed outside of the bathroom and towards the door, sliding to accept the call despite the door opening to reveal the person on the other side of the phone. 
“Good morning,” he said dryly before hanging up the phone. I moved to the side as he entered, kicking off his shoes that landed with a thud. 
“Keep your voice down,” I hissed, “she’s still asleep.” I didn’t want to wake my roommate out of respect for our shared space, and I didn’t want to see the sight between her and Yōichi. “Here, in my room.” I grabbed his hand to lead him. 
Once in, he snatched it away. I sighed before closing the door, preparing for the accusation for a second day. 
It caught me off guard when Yōichi grabbed my wrist, and pulled me closer to him, our foreheads almost touching. The grasp wasn’t tight, but the shock of the action had me rigid. 
“I-Ichi,” my voice was barely a whisper as I looked back into his eyes. I studied his face quickly, noticing he had eyebags  and his lip was slightly curled up.
”Did. You. Have. Sex. With. Kazuya.” 
I felt my chest tighten with dread, “Is it really that big of a deal if I di-“
His grip wavered for a second before he righted himself, “So you did,” his jaw clenched. 
My head shook from side to side quickly, “No, oh my fucking god, I did not fuck Kaz. Never have, never will. Can you fucking stop? What’s your issue dude? Where is this even coming from?” I snatched my hand from his grasp, my stance growing more defiant in frustration. 
Yōichi’s face immediately softened once he took in my words. “You really didn’t?” His voice was much softer too, I felt one of his fingers brush against my hand but I didn’t move. 
“No,” I sternly stated. 
He let out a big sigh before rubbing his forehead. “I just. I don’t know,” he started explaining, “I just saw the way Kazuya was looking at you the other day and then you went to his room… I didn’t know what to think. I sat up almost all night wondering what you two could be doing that couldn’t be done around me. That’s when that popped up. It was stupid, I know.” He took a break in his rambling to look at me. 
I didn’t realize I was crying until his thumb brushed against my cheek, the skin feeling wet. 
“I’m sorry,” he sheepishly uttered. “I was wrong for accusing you of that… even more so for how I reacted.” 
I turned my head away from him, unable to meet his gaze. I wanted to forgive him immediately, I couldn’t stand the sight of him looking at me with begging eyes. The words to ask for a proper explanation for this whole debacle were pushed back by the thought that if I said anything, I wouldn’t hesitate to break down. 
So we stood there in silence. It wasn’t until his phone buzzed did we move. Both of our eyes flashed to his pocket before he pulled it out. I wanted to scream, shout at him to leave. I watched in cold silence as he responded to the message with quick fingers before sighing. 
“Did you feel sick?” I finally spoke up. 
“Did you feel like you were gonna throw up when you imagined me and Kaz?” My voice was low, I still refused to meet his gaze.
He was silent for a moment. “Yeah,” he finally admitted.
I felt my heart thump against my ribs. “Did it make you feel like your chest was going to explode when you saw us after, the thought of us sleeping together stuck in your mind?” My eyes slowly moved to meet his. 
More silence. “Yes…” I could tell that he was wondering what the purpose behind my line of questioning was. 
“What did it feel like when you thought Kaz and I had dinner yesterday, probably sleeping together for a second time while you railed some other girl?”
”Fucking horrible,” he blurted out, tears were finally forming in the corners of his eyes.
I felt breathless, “So you finally get it.” 
He looked at me confused, “What?”
”You finally fucking understand what it’s like to sit back and watch someone you care about fuck someone else.” The admittance left me feeling embarrassed, but I didn’t waver. ”I mean, night after goddamn night I had to watch you seduce some girl and bring her into your room. The team manager, the TA, the my fucking best friend, and now the girl from the library. Month after month I just sit back and watch as you built some list. I felt that same sick feeling every single time. Every day I’d feel that burning pit of jealousy grow, knowing your attention would never be on me in the same way. No, not in the same way, I want something different. I wanted you to care for me in the same way I do for you; I wanted so desperately for you to drop everyone else for me.” My chest rose and fell quickly. I couldn’t think of the proper words to convey how I wanted him to want me. 
Yōichi’s eyes were wide at my sudden confession. 
Silence fell again. Painful silence as we stared at each other. I wanted to kiss him, to hit his chest and yell at him to leave, to kiss from his lips to his neck, I wanted to hand his shoes to him and hit the door on his back. 
Yōichi took a step closer. It took everything inside me not to move, to stay neutral. His hand slid under my jaw and up to cup my cheek. I watched as his eyes traveled down before landing on my lips, quickly flickering back up to meet my eyes once again. Was that a signal for a kiss? 
His head moved towards mine, stopping right before our lips touched. My breath hitched in anticipation, an ache began to form in the pit of my stomach. 
“Please,” I softly whined, the embarrassment settling in mere milliseconds after the plea left my lips. My face grew hot. 
Yōichi’s lips quickly pressed against mine, the light kiss only lasting a few moments before he pulled away and flicked his eyes to mine; he was asking for permission to continue. I couldn’t form words, I only nodded my head yes. 
His lips fluttered soft kisses, increasing my yearning each time he lingered for just a few seconds longer in comparison to the previous one. I tangled my hands into his sweatshirt, pulling him towards me in the earnest attempt to get him to keep his lips on me.
He pulled away once again, earning a persistent whine from me. “Is this what you want?” The tone he held made me want to pounce on him. ”With your words,” his hand was on my chin as he was looking in my eyes. 
I shook under his touch, his control was intoxicating, “Yes Ichi, yes please.”
He let out a satisfied hum.
My eyelids fluttered shut as his lips connected with mine once more. The delicate kisses slowly grew more intense, his tongue gently pressing between my lips. I shuddered at the sensation of his tongue sliding over mine, toying with it as he rolled his tongue around my mouth. The haze in my brain continued to grow with each movement he made, the need between my legs growing at the same pace.
I formed strained fists around the fabric as one of his hands slid across the back of my neck, making its way into my hair. He pulled ever so slightly. My chest rose and fell quickly while my body began to tremble at the contact. I’ve craved this moment for so long, jealousy long replaced by yearning. 
His lips pressed against my neck, they were light and soft. My jaw clenched tightly as I fought off any embarrassing noises. ‘How sensitive would I seem to break for a few neck kisses?’ The thought kept me from coming completely undone under his touch. 
In an effort to distract myself, I focused on his other hand, tracing the line of my spine before landing on the small of my back. His fingers played with the waistband of my night shorts, pulling them slightly away from my skin before letting go, retreating back over the fabric. 
His lips came back to mine, the kiss was now becoming sloppier, tongues pushing against each other as I tried to keep his from leaving my mouth. I could feel the spit beginning to dribble down my chin. 
His fingers were now prodding into my waistband, going back and forth under the elastic, not passing the point of my underwear. The contact between my bear back and his light fingers threatened to pull every string holding me standing. 
My own fingers began to travel in desperation for him. I hooked both index fingers in the waist of his sweatpants. They paused for a second, I was nervous; not nearly as experienced as Yōichi. The mentioned male’s fingers now reaching over my ass and rubbing my clothed cunt was enough to get over that thought.
The corners of Yōichi’s mouth curved and I knew I had lost, I couldn’t stop the sounds that broke from lips, especially not when they were forced open by his tongue. Fingertips barely brushing over my clit was nearly enough to make my knees buckle, but I tensed, trying to stay as still as possible. He was a tease, he knew how to get someone hooked and needy for more. 
I was palming him over his sweats now, my hand moving slowly over his hardening cock. Every increased inch left me in awe, my imagination running with images of what it could possibly look like. For almost all of the tropes we filled, I had never walked in on him naked. I had only heard second hand accounts from my friend of what it was like, how big it was, and what it looked like. Another hitch.
My brain switched from the satisfaction I got from feeling him push into my hand, his own moans starting to mix with mine, and the satisfaction of his fingers now pressing more energetically on my clit. My legs were faltering now, my body leaning more and more onto Yoichi as my panties grew increasingly slick. 
I cursed him for his rigid stature, how he mildly kept his composure under my touch unlike me, who was coming undone with every aching move of his fingers. I wanted to beg him to push his fingers inside me, to satisfy the longing. 
When Yōichi finally pulled out of the kiss, I was huffing, my body slumped over onto his. I probably looked so pathetic; spit running down my chin onto my neck, my hands needily pulling at his sweats. My face felt flushed as he chuckled down at me. 
“I’ve waited so fucking long for this,” the admittance caused my eyes to widen. His hand the back of my neck and moved to grab my chin, his thumb gently ran over my wet lips. “From the day I laid eyes on you, I just wanted to press you against the nearest wall and make you mine,” his voice was low and his breathing heavy, “I tried every night to get you out of my head, had so many girls beating at my chest because your name slipped. I was so frustrated every time it wasn’t you.” My chest thumped so hard I was scared he could hear it. 
His fingers were tracing over my lips now, rubbing my slick against my pussy. I whimpered as his thumb pushed into my mouth, barely making contact with my tongue. His hand fidgeted in my clothes, pulling at the crotch of my panties. 
I noticed, however slight it was, his desperate pants, the way his hand still pushed into my stilled hand, the light tint on his cheeks. The corners of my mouth twitched upwards as I sucked on his thumb, earning a low groan from the man. 
“I can’t take it anymore, I really can’t,” he was almost whining. He pushed down my pants and panties in one go, I lazily kicked them across the floor. My thighs felt sticky. 
I ached as both of his hands pulled away from me before he kicked off his own pants, a groan leaving his mouth as his cock sprung free from his boxers. He laughed at my soft gasp before rubbing the hand he had used to touch my pussy with earlier across the tip. 
The trance caused by the slow swirling of his fingers was broken when he wrapped the other hand around me before making his way backwards to my bed. We turned, and he gently nudged me onto the bed. I laid on my back, suddenly feeling extremely shy. My thighs pressed together tightly. 
He pushed my glued legs up with one hand, I drew in a shocked breath as he began rubbing my now exposed pussy. “I-Ichi?” 
He hummed, “Hm? Feeling shy now?” He chuckled before leaning forward. The sensation of his warm tongue gliding from my slit to my clit, pushing apart my lips, caused my back to arch. 
I began to pant as he repeatedly lapped at me, mind going numb at the unrelenting swirling and prodding of his tongue. “Ichi, Ichi I’m gonna,” it couldn’t have been that long since he started, but I already felt my body growing warmer with each movement of his tongue. One of his free fingers started to poke at my entrance. I whimpered as he slid it in, his moan vibrating against my clit. I felt dizzy with his finger delving in and out of me.    
“Cum for me then, give it all to me please,” oh my god I couldn’t think. Without warning, my body tensed as I bucked my hips, reaching my orgasm. He moaned into my lips, my body twitching with every flick from the tip of his tongue. “Good girl, mmph, so good.” 
Yōichi finally sat my legs back down, they were practically jelly under his touch as he spread my thighs apart. The tip of his dick pressed against my entrance before he slid it up, running the length of his cock between my lips. I offered a low moan, still breathless. He ran it up and down a handful of times, I could feel it twitch when he would prod it against my hole. 
I felt his warm breath against my neck. “I’m gonna put it in now, I need to,” he exhaled. The tip began to slide in; my hands gripped onto his shirt so hard that if my mind weren’t drunk on the thought of his dick, I probably would’ve been concerned about it ripping.
I clamped tightly around every inch that pushed in before he finally bottomed out. He hissed softly, and I couldn’t tell which one of our chests were closing the gap. 
He stood still for a few seconds, hips jerking every so often as if he was having a hard time not moving. “I-I can’t,” he murmured into my ear before slowly pulling out. He only moved back enough for the tip to be the only part left in. His dawdling movements didn’t last long before his hips accelerated. 
The creaking of my bed and the sound of my headboard tapping against the wall mixed in with our moans. Yōichi leaned down for another kiss, his tongue much more aggressive in comparison to his earlier flirtatious pecks. His lips pressed against mine with need, my body trembled underneath his. His hips snapped against mine while he pushed my knees up. The small amount of my mind that was still sound allowed for me to be embarrassed as to how easily accessible I was for him in this position.
 “So good, so… so good,” he groaned into the kiss. I clenched down, the warmth slowly turning into nearly unbearable heat as my pelvis tensed. I couldn’t choke out the words to warn him about my incoming release. 
My back pushed my chest against his hard, my body aching as it twitched helplessly under his grasp. I choked out a cry as my mind went blank, the flame in my stomach finally encapsulating my body.
I went limp under him, his pounding becoming more erratic as his hips rushed faster. It was all I could do to moan into his neck with every overstimulating thrust. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he repeatedly muttered before one final thrust, burying himself to the hilt into me. 
He eased down on top of me, not completely putting his full weight. We stayed like that for what felt like hours until he caught his breath and rolled over beside me. 
He pulled me closer to him, tracing a finger over my hip before planting a kiss against my sweaty temple. I could feel the smile against my skin, but I was too lazy to look up. 
“So…” he began, “about a date…” 
My face became flushed again, “D-don’t talk about something sweet like that while..”
”While my cum is leaking out of you?” he shamelessly continued. I scoffed, “Alright alright, we’ll talk about it in the bath.” I hit his chest and he just laughed.
My eyes snapped wide open as I heard the slam of my roommate’s bedroom door. 
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briology · 1 year
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-> Father with the most humor. Loves making their children laugh. Whenever their child is sad, all they have to do is make a funny face, do a little dance with them, or even make a funny drawing, and that child is no longer feeling sad. Also, those types of dads that say "ya momma" to their kid (like that ain't his wife...) Truly one of the best kinds of father to have.
(kuramochi, SAWAMURA, kanemaru, narumiya, carlos, sanada, ryosuke)
-> Father with the scariest face, but the purest heart. These fathers may LOOK terrifying, but these men are gentle with their kids. The faces that they have may look like they are able to murder someone (they could) but they are like the neighborhood dads. They have their house open to everybody, as long as they respect it. They do have a bad side tho. So just watch it and there will be ZERO problems!
(TANBA, TETSUYA, kataoka, okumura, raichi)
-> Father that is scared, but loving. So scared to be a father. Now don't get me wrong, they LOVE their child/children. But the thought of not being good enough for them leaves them wondering if they are cut out for this. Yet, all of those worries wash away when their child/children are clingy towards them. Their child absolutely adores their father so damn much. They have the best bond with their children, a bond that will always be cherished
(MIYUKI, chris, furuya, haruichi, jun)
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© 2023 briology
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queer-obsession · 1 year
y'all better be so fucking ready for some ace of the diamond X reader cause it's baseball season in the states mf and i haven't even been watching the games but it's been all over my socials and shits giving me so many ideas. prepare yourselves
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koushuwu · 1 year
» it’s you, and it’s him — kuramochi youichi x reader *:・゚✧
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18+ content | 6,1k words | your best friend will do just about anything to help you, when katsuyuki breaks your hearts. even if it hurts to please you, when he knows you’ll never reciprocate his feelings. or will you?
tags: afab!reader, pet names (specifically; bug.), emotional porn, implied friends to lovers, seemingly unrequited love, childhood friends, light angst, hurt/comfort, vanilla sex, praise, virginity loss, fingering, masturbation mention, unprotected sex.
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the first thing youichi heard when he picked up the phone was a poorly concealed sniffle followed by a shaky breath. “bug? what’s wrong?” it’s late. he’d been laying around on his bed and throwing ball with himself for a while, not really ready to hit the racks just yet when his phone buzzed beside him. the familiar pet name he liked to use for you, lighting up the screen with a little bug-emoji next to it. you’d asked him to remove it more than once, and every time he’d laughed it off. the moment he heard, he sat up on the edge of his bed, ball dropping to the floor and rolling underneath the bed. not that he noticed though, when another hiccup carried through the speaker, before you could hide it.
“it’s nothing,” you lied. you blatantly lied and youichi knew. of course he did. because it was you, and it was him. how could he not know? that, and the fact that you were a horrible liar to begin with. but right now you did, and if the alarm bells weren’t already ringing in youichi’s ears, they were now, flashing red lights and all.
“liar.” he called you out. of course he did. because it was you, and it was him. you didn’t lie to each other. not anymore. hadn’t done since you were kids. “what happened?” he pressed.
“it’s over.” your words were thick and youichi couldn’t help but noticed the way it sounded like the words were choking you on the way out. you were crying, and his heart shriveled at the thought. you were crying. he didn’t say anything just yet, waiting for you to continue, which you did, after swallowing audibly on the other end of the line. “katsu. it’s over.”
katsuyuki. of course. youichi never liked katsuyuki. of course he didn’t, because when the two met for the first time, their teams were rivals, and katsuyuki was such a pain in the ass to play against. he never liked katsuyuki. but it only got worse when the two of you started dating. and now. well hate is a strong word, but youichi might very well be inclined to use that specific word for what he was feeling towards katsuyuki in that moment.
“what?” youichi’s voice was so thin when he spoke, he hardly recognized it himself. “i thought you liked him?”
“i do. i did. i think,” there it was, the little quiver in your voice that he hadn’t heard since the two of you were much younger. that little quiver that threatened to shatter his heart entirely.
“where are you?” youichi asked, voice shaking a little, even as he tried to hide it.
“i’m coming over.” he’d already gotten up, rummaging around and pulling out on the first pair of sweats he came across. he heard another sniffle on your end. thick and heavy, the exact picture of the feeling weighing down at the pit of youichi’s stomach.
“no,” you objected, but there was no real fire behind it. “mochi, it’s late.” youichi’s heart felt like it might burst from the sound of your nickname for him, choking with tears. he never wanted to hear you say his name like that, ever again. even if he wasn’t the source for your crying. never again, he promised himself with his hand on the door handle.
“i’m coming over,” he repeated the words, firmer this time. “i’m already out the door. wait for me.”
the moment the two of you hung up, he set off into a sprint. he was fast and he knew it. it was one of few things he could really be proud of as a baseball player. his speed and his stamina. he could run, and he could keep running. not that he would need the stamina much right now, since thankfully you didn’t live that far away. but he ran. he ran as if it was the final play that would ensure a win in a baseball game. no. actually, he ran as though the most important thing in the world, depended on him running. which, in some sense, was true. because it was you, and it was him. so he ran. he ran until he reached the end of your street, and he kept running, until he reached your doorstep. and he sprinted, two steps at a time, up the stairs, until he abruptly stopped in front of your door and rapped his knuckles against the wood before even catching his breath. something that you didn’t give him the chance to do either, before the door creaked open, revealing your tearstained face.
“mochi.” and there it was. he’d promised himself that you would never utter his name again, like that, but– “you’re here.” the door slammed behind him, when he rushed into your apartment, pulling you into him, arms around your middle. you responded to him just as quickly, arms wrapping around his neck and your face burying in the crook of it.
“shh, it’s okay. it’s okay, i’m here.” youichi murmured the words against your hair, entirely enveloped in your scent, and you hiccup against him, shoulders shaking when a new wave of tears washed over you. “please, don’t cry. bug, you know i can’t stand it when you cry.”
of course you didn’t stop crying, just because he asked you not to. he knew you wouldn’t, because that’s not how these things works, but oh did he wish it was. for a while the two of you just stood there. youichi holding you close, firmly pressed against his chest. you, sobbing against him, burying your face deeper into his chest. he didn’t know when he did it, or why, but he realized how his hold on you had grown even tighter as he hummed against your hair, repeating again and again, that he’s there. that he’s got you. shushing you gently, and letting his fingers lightly dance over the fabric of your shirt where he held you. it wasn’t the first time youichi hugged you. far from it. you had been in his arms more times than he could count. you were best friends after all. he’d soothed your crying before, and each time it pained him just the same. he’d hugged you countless times. in greeting, in joy when his team won a match or you passed that exam you were sure you’d fail, and sometimes just because. he’d hugged you so many times, your frame felt so familiar in his arms. fit perfectly, as if you were actually made for him to hold. but you weren’t. you were so perfect, but not for him, so he squashed the thoughts firmly. you needed your best friend, and he was going to give you what you needed. whatever you needed. but even so, your scent engulfed him so wholly. your frame pressed to his. no matter how much he tried, it was impossible to completely shot down the reaction his body had to yours. but he tried. he really tried to force it down, but even then, it wasn’t enough. because it was you, and it was him.
youichi held you, until the initial surge of tears stilled. your sobbing quieted and your shaking frame grew still against him. and then he held you just a moment longer, and willing his body to relax. for the blood rushing south to seize its charge, and for the tingling under his skin to yield.
“come on,” youichi finally spoke up, starting to pull away and lead you further into the apartment. but he didn’t make it far before you placed a hand against his chest, hand curling into the fabric of his hoodie and held him back. youichi had to fight the initial jolt of electricity from your touch. then he looked at you, eyes locking on your red rimmed ones. “am i–” you started, and youichi waited. he waited because he knew that you would read his silence. the words of encouragement that he didn’t speak. youichi was known to be quite the loud-ass, and he was. he really was. but with you, things were different. with you, he didn’t always have to say the words he wanted to convey, because you would understand. just as you accepted his flaws, he would show you sides of him, that no one else saw. sides that no one else could see, because they belonged solely to you, and you alone. because even if he tried, those sides of him refused to show themselves to others. so he waited. and you took a breath. and then one more. “am i boring?”
“what?” it took him a second to really understand what you were asking and why. but then he did, and something started bubbling under his skin, something different entirely, than the excited tingling from just moments before. “did he tell you that?”
he saw the way you curled in on yourself at his words. in shame, maybe? you didn’t answer. at least not verbally. but he saw. he saw the little movement of your head. a nod. barely there, but a nod nonetheless, and youichi never hated katsuyuki more. there. he said it. or thought it, really. he hated shirakawa katsuyuki.
“bug–” never once did he think he ever spoke so softly. but you just looked so small right then, and it was ripping at his heart looking at you like this. “no. you’re not boring. of course not. now come, and tell me what happened.” this time, when he started towards the living room, you followed along. when he plopped down on the couch and pulled you down with him, catching you slightly off guard, and you landed next to him. close. oh so close, that you had almost landed on him. he hadn’t intended for that to happen, but he firmly ignored the way your touch against him, set his skin ablaze just like it always did. instead he pulled you into him, folding himself around you once more, and urged you to tell him everything.
and you did. you told him everything, and you spared not a single detail. occasionally swallowing thickly and sniffling when the fresh wounds ripped open, you told him about how katsuyuki had been neglecting you for a while. how he was never there. how he didn’t reply to your texts. how he’d stopped wanting to be intimate when he actually was with you. how it left you feeling increasingly more and more insecure about yourself and your appearance. you told him about how katsuyuki had called that same night and ended things, and you didn’t spare the details about how that went down. and youichi listened. he listened as all the words came tumbling out, trying his hardest not to notice how you slumped against him. how your hand rested against his thigh only just shy of his crotch and he hoped to everything that was good, that you wouldn’t move, because if you did, he was gonna have a problem explaining himself. instead, he forced himself to focus solely on your words, and for the most part he succeeded. and then, when you’d poured yourself on him, you placed your hand against his chest and looked up at him. and he down at you. the redness of your eyes, and tremor of your lower lip made his heart beat louder against his chest. even like this, you were still the most beautiful thing he ever saw. and he wanted nothing more than to dip his head down and kiss the trembling from your lips. but he didn’t. of course he didn’t. not that he would’ve had the chance before you spoke, doe eyed and vulnerable.
“am i unattractive?” you asked him, and youichi nearly choked on his own spit. unattractive? you? “am i that undesirable?” you pressed, pulling the rug from underneath his feet. your brows drew together and youichi cupped your face in both his hands, carefully cradling the entire world between his palms.
“no,” he started, breathless but more desperate than ever to speak his mind. yet, he know he needs to tread carefully. you don’t need him accidentally revealing his feelings for you, or what you’re doing to him. but he does need you to know that your ex was a fool. “no, you’re not unattractive. you’re not undesirable. bug, you are beautiful, you’re breathtaking. anyone who doesn’t desire you has got to be blind,” and that’s when he should have known he messed up. that’s when he should have known that he’d said too much. but realization only happened a moment later.
“do you?” and that was when he knew he’d said too much. and you were looking at him with those big eyes, and he just… he couldn’t lie to you. one thing was to dance around the subject of his feelings, but he couldn’t lie to you. he was quiet for a moment. hesitant. unsure.
“yeah,” he said, voice uncharacteristically low and unsteady despite his attempts to remain calm. “yeah, of course.” it doesn’t mean anything, he knows that. you’re sad and you’re in need of validation. he’s offering you just that. validation. it doesn’t mean anything to you, and he knows. but he’s looking into those eyes of yours and it may not mean anything to you, but it means everything to him. everything. everything. and he wants to kiss you so bad. but he doesn’t. youichi gives you what you need, even if it hurts him to know, that it means so much to him, and yet so little to you. he gives and he doesn’t even care about the hurt he feels. because it’s you, and it’s him.
those thoughts run through his head when you press closer. youichi feels his eyes widen, the way your hand on his thigh moves like he feared, inching closer along with the rest of you. he watches your approach in disbelief, like it was some kind of cliché slow motion romance movie, and yet he doesn’t stop you. this wasn’t a romance movie. you couldn’t actually be moving in to– your lips tasted salty from your tears when you press them to his. he inhaled sharply, hands almost falling from your cheeks the he still held gingerly. lips firm and soft, and if that hand of yours moved any further, youichi was definitely going to have a much bigger problem than he already did. a much bigger problem than having to push you away right now. but he had to.
“wait, wait.” you pout at him and he’s not even sure you realize how entirely inthralled he was by you. how his lips tingled from just that one kiss. he sees the hurt flashing across your face. “you don’t really want to do this–”
“yes, i do.”
“you’re upset, i know. but i can’t let you do something you’ll regret tomorrow.” youichi tired to be firm, but with you looking at him like that. with the memory of your lips against his, he could only muster half-assed at best.
“i won’t. not if it’s you. please don’t reject me right now.” and that was it. he really wasn’t going to take advantage of you, but your voice was so thin and your eyes so big and watering with fresh tears and how was he supposed to say no to you? how was he ever supposed to not slip a hand into your hair and pull you back up to meet his lips once more. and how should he have known that it would cause your hand to slide up further? the breath caught in his throat when you brushed against the bulge in his sweats, that he’d been trying so hard to ignore, and why weren’t you removing your hand? why did– your lips moved against his and the entire world spun. that was the moment that he knew that he would do anything for you. 
how and when the two of you made it to the bedroom, youichi genuinely had no idea. he remembered stumbling slightly as you dragged him with you. or maybe he guided you? he remembered your hands trembling against the collar of his hoodie. or maybe it was his own trembling he felt? he couldn’t tell for sure and honestly it didn’t really matter either. not when your lips was on his. not when everything he’d wanted for so long, was finally within his grasp. but it wasn’t really, was it? because this wasn’t ever going to lead anywhere, and he ought to remember that, lest he’d want any hope of saving his heart from shattering completely.
“are you sure about this?” it wasn’t that he was searching for an out when he asked. every part of him was yearning for you, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous. nervous, because he didn’t want to take advantage of you. nervous, because this would be his very first time. and nervous, because he was finally going to have what he’d shamefully fantasized about on so many lonely nights with his hand fisted around his cock and your name like a prayer on his lips.
“i’m sure.” you nod at him from your spot on the edge of the bed. he saw the way your lower lip tucked between your teeth, and he wished that you’d stop doing that because it was definitely not making things easier on him. “i want you.” you tugged at his shirt when you said that, and youichi’s heart fluttered before he had time to stop the surge rippling through him. you didn’t mean it like that. of course you didn’t. but you wanted him right now, and that was enough for him. it had to be enough. and so, his knee dipped into the mattress and you scooted further up the bed. he followed, soon hovering over you with his eyes locked onto yours.
“i want you, too.” he hadn’t meant to say that, but never had he uttered truer words. the smile you sent him was so soft and maybe he would have had time to decipher that flash of emotions in your face, if you hadn’t pulled his face to yours and kissed him right then. kissing you didn’t feel like fireworks. he’d imagined it would, but it didn’t. no, it felt like a missing piece of him finally clicked into place, and he probably should have pushed that feeling aside as well. squashed it like a crispy leaf under his shoe on an autumn day. that way it would be less painful when he had to rip that piece out again come morning. but he didn’t. he welcomed the way you felt familiar, yet new and unexplored. he welcomed it, and he let it happen. in every movement as he picked off piece after piece of your clothing, he let the puzzle piece sink in further. in every piece of his own clothes discarded, he let it take root. let it manifest itself deeper in his being, and with every quivering touch of his fingertips on your skin.
trouble. youichi was in trouble, but right now he just couldn’t care less. with his lips trailing down your neck, youichi really was in big trouble. “you’re beautiful.” he murmured the words against your skin. “you’re so beautiful,” he repeated, fingertips trailing down your side. “the most beautiful in the world.” those same fingers ghosted over your hip bone, slowly crossing south. anticipation weighed heavy in the air, and the moment his fingers reached your core, his mouth went utterly dry. his mouth dropped open and he glanced down to where his touch lingered against you. then his eyes flitted back up to yours. you were smiling at him, something that made him ache even more than the feeling of your skin under his fingers could do. more than the wetness between your thighs could do. but your smile. it made his cock twitch and impatience gnaw away at his strength to take it slow. he was going to be patient. he was. he– a whimper sounded through the room when youichi pressed a finger inside. your face scrunched up, and for a moment he was scared that he’d hurt you when grabbed onto his arms. hard. but when he pulled back, your eyes opened wide and looked straight at him.
“no. don’t stop.” your fingers tightened on his arms and youichi felt the very air being pulled from his lungs. and you looked at him with those eyes, and with that little smile on your face, and how could he not oblige? how could he not feel his restraints slipping? so of course he gave you what you asked. because it was you, and it was him.
the thing with youichi was, that while he had obviously seen his fair share of porn. while he’d pushed himself to the edge with you on his mind, on numerous occasions. and while he’d had opportunities to be intimate with girls before, he’d never actually taken them. he knew the basics, and yeah he knew what he was supposed to do. he knew that if he curled his finger just right, he should hit something. he knew that stretching you properly was essential. both towards the end goal, but also to make you feel good and seen and relaxed. but what he lacked was the experience to tell how long he was supposed to keep going. how it would feel when you were ready. it didn’t matter much actually, at least not to him. because you were writhing underneath him and you were moaning. you were moaning, your nails were digging into his biceps, and he swore that he heard his name tumble over your lips once. his name. on your lips. 
his name.
on your lips.
his name. breathless. needy. inviting.
“shit.” youichi’s teeth clenched hard. he really was going to be patient. he was. but you were moaning his name, and how did you expect him to hold back when it was you. he really tried. but–
“youich– please.” 
“shit. shit, shit, shit!” his lips pressed hard against yours, fingers pulled from your core and he swallowed up your whine with a deeper moan of his own. he didn’t want to ever stop kissing you, but that last threat of his sanity bid him to pull back, even for just the shortest of moments. “please–” the words didn’t form properly as he spoke, but it didn’t matter, because you were already nodding and he was diving back in to once again capture your lips with his own. he desperately needed to be inside of you, and he needed it now; the thought completely overshadowing anything else. you. and when he settles between your thighs and you legs spread further for him, he was just about losing it. he almost lost it, and– a deep groan ripped from his throat when he felt your touch. a delicate, eager hand wrapping around the base of his cock, guiding him as you drew him nearer with legs wrapping around him. for the shortest of moments, youichi wondered if you knew this was his first time. but how could you? the two of you didn’t lie to each other, but the topic hadn’t actually ever come up. so he never told you. so why did you–
oh fuck. oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. youichi knew you were wet. he knew. yet it still took him by surprise when the tip of his cock caught against your wet pussy. you were so wet and you felt so good and he shuddered. oh fuck. you drew him even nearer and youichi was absolute positive that he was going to go utterly insane. the way you invited him in, hips raised in a wordless welcome home. the way your hands felt on his body, one slipping into his hair and the other clawing at his shoulder blade. the sounds you made when he finally pushed inside you for the first time. the first, and probably the last. the pang of hurt in his heart quickly subsided when you clenched around him, throwing your head back against the pillow and arched your back in the most deliciously alluring curve.
youichi wanted to savor the moment. he really did. but there was something so utterly desperate in the way you locked him in, thighs forcing him closer, and the way your nails scraped at his skin. like you were feeling good. he wanted to savor it, but how did anyone, least of all himself, expect him to manage that, especially when it was you. because that was the reason why, and he knew it. because it was you, and it was him.
there was something equally as desperate in the way youichi moved against you. trapping him against you, all he could really manage was rolling his hips, rutting into you, over, and over, and over, and over. and there was something equally as desperate in the way his forehead fell to your shoulder, eyes scrunched up and voice hoarse. you felt so good.
“even better than i imagined.” words spoken breathlessly against your skin. thoughts pulled from his lungs, muffled and broken in pleasure. your moans more beautiful than the song of a siren urging him to keep going, to what he readily obliged.
he gave and he gave and he gave, everything that you wanted, you could have it. and he took and he took and he took. anything you were willing to give, he took it all. maybe he should have felt ashamed to be so greedy in your time of need. but then you keened and your pussy pulsed around him, clenching, releasing, clenching, as if sucking him in deeper, and he was sure he’d never ever felt anything this good in his entire life.
“i love you.” that’s when he knew he fucked up. but he didn’t care. he locked his lips onto your to avoid any further confessions to escape him, and kept taking. he kept taking and giving and taking and giving until the familiar pleasure of his own high crashed over him, painted in new breathtaking colors he’d never expected to see. youichi ground into you. sloppy. messy. needy. greedy. even in the middle of his orgasm, he still wanted more of you. everything. he wanted every last drop of your pleasure and his. he wanted it and he was going to take it. he took. took. took. rutting through his high until there was nothing left for him to give. until he’d poured all of him into you and slowly came back down from his intoxicating high.
youichi didn’t know when he’d released your lips and placed his forehead against the warm skin of your decolletage. he didn’t even realize that he’d done it, before he felt your lips against his hair. he lifted his head with a groan and looked up at you. you were smiling at him, and he even if he’d wanted to, he couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his own lips, still in a slight daze.
“hi.” his smile softened and he let his head fall back where it was, before mumbling a hi in return. for a second you allowed him to stay there, and he steadied his breathing. tried to banish his many contradictory feelings before they could manifest. urged time to stop. to slow down at the very least, so he could stay here. preferably forever. but at least for a little while longer.
“come on,” your voice was quiet but firm when you patted him on the arm, leaving him so heave a sigh. of course time wouldn’t stop for him. he should have known. “we gotta get cleaned up.” and he knew that you were right, and even if he never wanted to move and face reality ever again, he knew that you were right. he knew. he knew. so he obeyed. reluctantly at that, but he obeyed, and soon enough as you did, the feeling had crept back in, settled and taken a firm hold around his heart. and soon enough, he found himself perched at the edge of your bed, while you sat, cross legged, and watched him. he was watching you too, one leg bent up on the bed as he faced you.
“are you–” youichi started to speak but his voice broke. hoarse. it was so hoarse. he desperately tired to look everywhere but at you. eyes skitting around the room. but as cliche as it sounds, he felt his gaze drawn to you like a moth to a flame. he couldn’t help it, so his eyes landed on you once more as he cleared his throat. “are you okay?” the words falling from his lips left him feeling very silly. that was a dumb question, he knew. he knew, so he opened his mouth to say something else. anything that sounded less dumb. something. anything.
“i–” you looked into his eyes, and youichi was stunned by the shine in them. mouth hanging open for a moment, before he realized and closed it, scratching his neck and looking away. “i think i will be.” ah. youichi was happy. of course he was. but the fact of the matter was, that that meant he’d done what he came here to do. he’d been there for you. he’d been your friend through your tear and he’d supported you until you could say that you were okay. which meant– youichi twisted in his seat, leg sliding off of the bed.
“then maybe–”
“stay.” he looked down when he felt your hand closing around his wrist. for a moment he started at your hand on his skin. it was burning and it was home. it was you, and it was him.
“what?” his eyes flicked back up to yours
“don’t leave.”
“okay. okay, i won’t.” youichi settled, but your hand didn’t move. it stayed locked around his wrist for a while longer. he wondered why, but chalked it up to you simply forgetting you were holding onto him. yeah. yeah that was definitely it.
“wanna sleep with me?” your suggestion caught him by such surprise that for a moment he just looked at you. dumbfounded. then he laughed. he couldn’t help it. with what you two just did, it was almost too easy to to catch the innuendo you definitely hadn’t intended to make. “not like that, you buffoon.” you swatted his arm and he couldn’t help but laugh harder, the sound coming from deep within.
“no? like what then?”
“like– hey!” his favorite thing in the entire universe was your laugh. even now, after having heard what you sound like in bed, your laughter was still his favorite. the most stunning sound in the entire world. and you laughed. you laughed at him and you laughed with him, and it was perfect. “like sleeping!” you said with laughter still evident in your voice as you’d calmed from the initial fit of giggles.
“ha! yeah, i would’ve said that too.” you swatted his arm again, and youichi knew in that moment, that despite his pain, everything was going to be okay between you, with your feigned –, and his jokes and your shared laughter. “let’s sleep, bug. it’s late.” he agreed, once the laughter died down again.
soon enough, the two of you found yourselves under the covers of your bed, laying on each your sides, facing each other. his arms were around your waist and even after tonight, it didn’t feel any different than it used to. you’d slept like this on more than just a few nights. it was nice and you liked cuddling, you used to say when the two of you were younger. he liked it too, but only when it was you. the cuddling had subsided when you and katsuyuki started dating, but even if it’d been a while, youichi had never forgotten what you felt like in his embrace. there was quiet for a moment after you’d seemingly settled into the most comfortable position, but then you stirred and looked up at him in the darkened room.
“this was your first time, wasn’t it?” it wasn’t so much of a question as it was a statement, and while it did come out of the blue, it made sense that you would know. youichi started back at you, swallowing all surprise before it surfaced, opting instead for the lighter tone you’d regained only minutes prior.
“was i that bad?” he jokes with a low laugh. you know how they say that there’s a grain of truth in every joke? well in this case, it may be a bit more than just a grain of truth. while youichi wasn’t exactly shy, he did want to do good for you, and while he did feel entirely comfortable around you, how could he not, at the very least, wonder. but when you laughed back at him softly, any trace of worry shriveled away.
“no you weren’t,” you said when the laughter subsided. “but i feel like you would have told me about it. having sex, i mean.” 
“hey! i’m offended,” he said, mockingly feigning upset. 
“i’m not sorry, you know.” once you uttered the words, youichi was about ready to fire back, but the slight seriousness edge to your words stopped him from doing so. instead he listened carefully. waited. heart beating hard against his chest, almost skipping a beat when you continued. “about taking your virginity.” mouth opening, then closing again, he watched you, gaze darting across your face, dipping to your lips and back up. all for a mere split second in time.
“i’m not sorry either.” youichi spoke the words lightly, almost cheerfully, scarcely covering for the truth he didn’t dare speak. didn’t want you to hear on his lips. the truth he feared he’d already exposed. the truth that left him vulnerable and waiting for the rejection that had yet to come. unless his prayers were answered, and you really didn’t hear or catch the confession of his earlier words.
there’s a silence in the room, stretching, looming and all consuming. feeling like a predator lurking silently in the tall grass, watching it’s prey and ready to pounce. but it kept stretching further, lulling youichi into a sense of security that felt even more threatening, as if any minute it could be ripped from under his feet. but it kept stretching for so long that he almost thought you’d fallen asleep.
“you know, when katsu ended things with me, it really did hurt,” you spoke so softly that if it hadn’t been utterly quiet in the room, youichi might have missed it. but he heard, and he waited. wondered where you were headed. why you were telling him this, but of course, it was a fresh wound, you’d obviously need to talk about it. and youichi was okay with this. of course he was. and he would listen every single time. “but– the thing that hurt the most, wasn’t the thought of losing him.”
“with the things that he said–”
“it wasn’t just that,” you pressed on, effectively cutting him off. words now stumbling out fast, as if you were trying to get them out as fast as possible. “yeah, he said some shitty things, but that wasn’t the worst thing. the worst thing was the shame that i wasn’t as upset as i probably should’ve been.”
“what do you mean?”
“i was hurt, i really was!” you looked up at him and met his gaze head on. there was something fierce behind your eyes. something youichi had seen many times before, and he adored it every single time. “but i was more concerned with was he said. i was worried, because i couldn’t stop thinking about– what if others thought the same thing too? what if you thought that too? i couldn’t shake that thought and while he did hurt me, that thought hurt me even worse and–”
“whoa whoa, hold up, rewind,” youichi clasped a hand over your mouth forcing the words to stop their rapid escape from your lips. your mouth, your lungs, your heart. “me? why would you worry about me thinking that?” he probably should have realized by then, what you were trying to say. instead, he thought he might’ve somehow given off the impression, as he’d tried to avoid revealing his feelings for you in the past. he didn’t think he had, but honestly who was he to say? you took a breath and placed a hand flat against his chest, right above his hammering heart.
“because it’s you.” your voice was so small as the words shook past your lips. “it’s always been you.”
it’s him. it’s always been him
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*:・゚✧ all interactions are greatly appreciated. thank you for reading ♡
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heaven-s-black-box · 6 months
Jealousy pt.1- Miyuki x gn!Reader
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Recovery date: February 14th, 2022
Description: I really loved your hcs for Miyuki and Chris! Could I request an angsty thing (hc or scenario, whichever you’re comfortable with) about Miyuki getting jealous for whatever reason and distancing himself from his s/o? Maybe a bit of fluff at the end so it doesn’t hurt too much 🥲🥲🥲
Notes: Recovered in conjunction with research @curlyzensei, we thank them for their contribution. The second entry is available here.
Word count: 1 175
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Seidou was a little far from home for Miyuki, but distance meant nothing to him if it meant he could play baseball. Besides, it wasn’t like there was any reason for him to stay nearby. He didn’t have friends. That was what he’d told himself when Rei approached him while she was scouting Chris.
They had a strong reputation and it was a chance to play on the same team as Chris, to go head to head for the catcher position, it sounded perfect. It was an all around challenge against people who loved the sport just as much as him.
“You're late,” Y/N huffed, swinging their legs from the porch of Miyuki’s house.
Miyuki had one friend, he realized as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, and he was going to leave them.
“Sorry, I was busy being scouted by Seidou,” he smirked.
“Seidou? The school in Kokubunji?”
Miyuki opened the door and let the two of them in.
“Maaaan,” Y/N whined, “that’s so far!”
“It really isn’t, you’re just a baby,” he shrugged, pulling things out to make dinner. “What does it matter how far it is anyways?”
“It means I can’t see you all the time! Who’s gonna stop you from getting into a fight? Or apologize when you talk back to upperclassmen? If you go to Seidou you have to promise you won’t keep getting into fights!” They scowled, leaning over the counter.
“Hey! I don’t always get into fights… And who said I was going to Seidou anyways?”
It was a rhetorical question, they both knew he was going.
“I mean if you don’t take the offer I’ll never speak to you again.”
“Aww, you really care about me don’t you?”
“Shut up,” they sighed.
“It’s cold, hmph,” Y/N ducked their head further into their scarf. “Why couldn’t he pick a warmer day to come back.”
“Because he’s insufferable and any other day would be too nice,” Mei shrugged, handing them a warm drink.
“Thanks, and it’s not nice to call people insufferable.”
“Wa?! But you call me insufferable all the time!”
“No, I say you’re being insufferable, there’s a difference.”
“Y/N how could you?” Came an over dramatic gasp from the other side of the platform.
The two looked up to find Miyuki posing in mock offense as he watched Mei and Y/N bicker.
Y/N giggled, waving at him, and yelled, “Welcome back Kazu-chan!”
“You’ve replaced me?” He called as he approached them, “And with Mei no less.”
“Ha, you should have joined us at Inashiro. See what you’re missing,” Mei slung his arm around Y/N’s shoulder, “your two favorite people.”
“Mh, calling you one of my favorite people is like saying Sawamura’s not an idiot.”
“Wa-hey! Y/N-chan telling him to stop bullying me!”
“Sawamura… Sawamura… Ah! Seidou’s southpaw!”
The three began to leave the station, heading towards a small restaurant for lunch.
“Aw, you’ve been watching my games,” Miyuki cooed, knocking into Y/N.
“No, not really.” They shrugged. “I just heard about him from the team, apparently he nearly spilled all your secrets to Mei."
Miyuki's smirk dropped slightly, "You haven't been watching my games? But you've never missed one of my games!" He whined.
"They've been watching my games because I'm their favorite!" Mei cheered, pulling them closer and leaning his head on there's.
As they approached the restaurant and Y/N filled him in on their academic news, Miyuki found himself growing increasingly annoyed as Mei filled in the blanks to stories he'd yet to hear.
“Kazuya?” Y/N called, waving their hand in front of his face once they sat down. “Kazuya are you alright?”
“Mh? Oh, ya… I was just thinking about how busy you sound, makes sense why you haven’t come to visit me.”
Y/N frowned.
Miyuki looked to the empty space beside them so he didn’t have to see, and noticed Mei was gone.
“Where’d Mei go?”
“The bathroom, but don’t change the subject. Is something wrong? It’s not like I’ve been avoiding you or anything, you just don’t get out of practice until late. Nothings stopping you from calling me.”
They watched him intently as he continued to avoid eye contact.
“It’s nothing, you're right…”
“Your girlfriend break up with you or something?” Kuramochi asked, leaning against the wall next to Miyuki. Miyuki shot him a quick glare and swung his bat a little harder than necessary. “Boyfriend? Partner? Significant other whose contact you make googly eyes at- ya, I see that. We all see that,” Kuramochi said, not moving even when Miyuki leveled him with a glare and dropped his bat.
“What makes you think something bad happened?” Miyuki scowled, ignoring the last half of Kuramochi’s comment.
“Because when you came back from last winter break you were scarily happy and… nice,” Kuramochi shuddered. “And now you’re all sulky and it’s in the team's best interest that you get out of this as soon as possible. We don’t want a repeat of the fall.”
Kuramochi pushed off the wall and turned to leave when Miyuki called out to him.
“If you want my help cut the crap you damn four eyes.”
“Fine,” Miyuki slumped against the wall and Kuramochi joined him. “I have this… friend, they go to Inashiro and I haven’t been able to keep in touch with them because I’ve been busy with practice and school.”
“So you’re being a shitty friend and you're sulking because they aren’t putting up with it?”
“I’m not being a shitty friend! Would you let me finish?”
“Alright, alright.”
“Anyways, they were telling me about what they’ve been doing and- for our whole lives I’ve always known everything that happened to them- and for the first time Mei, Narumiya Mei, was filling in bits and pieces for them.”
“So you’ve been a shitty friend, your friend went and made a new friend in the guy you hate most, and now you're jealous.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say man, send them an email? Become pen pals? Kill Mei so they don’t have any more friends?”
“Well,” Miyuki looked considerate of the last point.
“No. Look, I know I give you a lot of shit… but if your friend’s been trying to stay in touch and you haven’t, you’re the only one at fault here.” Kuramochi sighed as he stood back up. “Well, that’s all I got. But hey, if things don’t work out between you two would you give me their number?” He snickered.
“Kuramochi i swear to god-”
“Goodnight Miyuki!”
With a deep sigh, Miyuki dropped his head into his arms.
Kuramochi had a point. The only person to blame for how out of touch they were was him.
Taking a deep breath, he froze as his phone began to buzz. Y/N’s contact popping up on the screen.
Not the person he wanted to talk to right now.
“Maybe later,” he sighed, letting out the breath he was holding and declining the call.
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k0mfort · 7 months
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"oh this?"
he shrugs, as though the cuts or his bruises do not hurt. as though you cannot see him flinch with every muscle flexed. as though his shirt is not torn in all places and some stupid fight had busted his lips wide open.
"this is nothing. you shoulda seen the other guy—"
your stern voice made him purse his lips, throwing his gaze away from you and onto the hard ground instead. he scowls.
he sits before your standing figure, not looking ashamed, but somewhat annoyed. a little bitterness blossoms in your heart. your eyes are welling up with tears that have made your cheeks wet over and over again.
is it the way he lets himself get hurt over and over again for some cheap thrill that comes and goes shortly? or is it how he ignores you, or whatever you tell him, and doesn't see how it hurts you seeing him like this?
you can't tell anymore.
"you never stop," you whisper, pressing your trembling lips hard against each other. you keep your gaze hard on the top of his head, waiting for him to look at you.
and when he does, he looks away almost immediately.
"don't cry," he mutters, closing his eyes while placing his palm against his forehead. "shit."
"you never stop," you repeat your words, letting the tears fall freely again.
he looks at you, grabbing you by the hand so that he can pull you closer. "hey," he whispers your name softly once. he then does it again when you still refuse to look at him. "look at me, hey."
you suck in a sharp breath, "what?"
"i'm..." you see him hesitate. "i'm sorry... alright?"
"no you aren't."
"i am," he pulls you in so that you are standing in between his knees, close enough for him to watch your crying face from under you. "i don't want to make you feel like this."
"you aren't even sorry for fighting," you whine, attempting to push him away. he stays still.
youichi examines the way you won't look at him—how you are trying to wipe away your tears only to have another wave of tears flow down your face.
"shit— okay, maybe i'm not," his voice shakes. he lets his fingers intertwine with yours, holding your hand tight. "but i really am sorry for making you cry. you gotta believe me."
"you have to stop—" you peek at him, opening one eyes. "you have to stop fighting. i can't keep seeing you like this anymore—"
the closer you are to him, the more clearly you can see his cut up eyebrows, the forming bruise under his eye, the dry blood on his lips.
"oh gosh," you close your eyes, sobbing even harder. "i can't see you anymore. not like this. i can't, youichi."
he pulls you in, wrapping his free arm around you. "okay okay. i'll try to stop, alright?"
you don't believe him. you shake your head and cry even harder to the back of your hand.
"i swear— hey," he tugs on your hand again, and when he doesn't see you look at him, he places his forehead on your torso, his mind racing in all different directions. "you can't leave me. i swear. i'll try to stop. no— i'll stop, i'll stop."
"you won't," you wail, "you don't know how to stop—"
"i will," he insists. "i swear to you, i will. don't leave me. just don't leave."
you don't know why, but his insistence made you cry harder.
you stand there as you sob to your hand, juggling between the choice of giving him his hundredth chance or finally letting go.
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author's note: this is supposed to be a longer one but i can't form anything in my head... anyway. i know this sucks. But. consider this: i love him. i love kuramochi. and i also am very... interested... in bad boy tropes lately i KNOW this is so overused blablabla LET ME DREAM OK??? I WANT A BADBOY BOYFRIEND. TF. might make a longer version of this idk. prompt credit.
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heroesfan101 · 7 months
Trick or Treat? More like Trick and Treat!
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A/N: Cutest little drabble idea came to mind and I couldn't help but to write it. Just in time for Halloween and @eiyun 's Spooky Sports Collab! Thank you for such a cool collab idea 😊 Also have to thank @prettyiwa for sparking this newfound love for Mochi.
Word Count: 900
Warnings: F!Reader who dresses up as Black Widow from the Avengers. F!Reader is also a fellow second year and is friends with Kuramochi and Miyuki.
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"Hurry up slow pokes! We have to hurry up before all of the good candy is gone." Kuramochi complains, clearly walking ahead of the group causing the Iron Man to chuckle.
"Of course no one is going to be as fast as you. I'm sure you could run circles around Sawamura." Miyuki speaks up, making sure to get a rise out of Thor Sawamura, who desperately wanted to be Iron Man and is struggling with his lighter and longer locks.
"I can beat you Kuramochi-senpai! I run with tires all day. You're on!" Sawamura yells, causing several trick or treaters to look in the superhero's direction. You run a hand through your short copper wig as you glare at Miyuki.
"Why would you antagonize him? You know he won't back down from a challenge."
"Well Black Widow, it is called Mischief Night after all." He smirks and you shake your head. You two were in your own little world as Hawkeye Haruichi and Loki Furuya try to get Sawamura to calm down.
"I should have never agreed to do this with you. Why did you even ask me to come to this? Because you couldn't babysit them yourself?" You sass, questioning Miyuki. His eyes light up with a glint of mischief as his smirk grew three sizes like the Grinch's.
"Nope, it's not that." He says, intentionally stopping short. You wait for him to continue but he doesn't.
Suddenly Mochi appears at your side as he places a gentle, green hand on your shoulder. You look to study his face and note that his playful smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"Is he bothering you? Or is he just being himself?" He asks with a slightly annoyed tone in his voice, very protective with his big Hulk build.
"Just being himself. All good Kuramochi. Now let's get some candy!" You cheer before running off so the guys could come catch up to you.
For the rest of the night, you all went from house to house, receiving delicious treats and praise for your themed group outfits. At the end, you all gather in Miyuki's room to showcase your spoils, offering laughs and trades for your favorites. Things slowly start to wind down and you need to head back to your place.
"Alright guys I think I have to call it a night. It was fun!" You smile, starting to gather your things. The group goes eerily quiet and it takes you a few seconds to notice. Turning around, you see Kuramochi stand up.
"It's late and dark out, so I'll walk you back." He offers kindly, despite his eyes twitching as he no doubt desperately wants to stop Miyuki and Sawamura from giggling but you pay it no mind.
"That would be great, thanks!" You chirp happily before waiving by the rest of your friends. Kuramochi offers a chill goodbye to the group and Sawamura can't help himself.
"Good luck Kuramochi-senpai! Keeping her safe on the walk home I mean!" Then Miyuki joins in. "Yes make sure you don't drop any candy, especially kisses." It takes every ounce of self-restraint for Kuramochi to not kill his best friends.
"We won't! They're my favorite after all." You reply innocently, causing the guys to bust out laughing. Before you can even ask, Kuramochi takes your hand in his and kindly pulls you out the door, eager to have the cool nighttime air on his flushed skin.
Going into the night, you start on the path to your place hands still intertwined. It was peacefully quiet and you always liked Kuramochi's company. He could be a little rough around the edges but he was always sweet and caring at his core. You feel him get a little twitchy and look up at him with concern.
"Everything okay? You look like you're thinking hard about something." You say softly and you can tell he's trying to figure out what exactly to tell you before determination crosses his face.
"Yeah I'm good. Just thinking about how I'll wrestle Sawamura later." He smirks and you laugh.
"Don't go too hard on him. You know he means well. But Miyuki? Go wild." You chuckle before arriving at your door.
"I do have one more thing for you though. Go inside?" He asks and your eyebrow raises with suspicion. Still, you listen and open your door and step inside before closing it. A series of three knocks hits your door and you open it again to see Kuramochi striking a pose, flexing his biceps as he says, "Trick or Treat!"
You laugh, "Oh the Hulk at my door? How unexpected. I suppose our Trick is up so I'll give you a Treat." You both grin as you lean in for a kiss. He cups your cheek tenderly, adding a soft pressure on your lips.
"We'll tell them tomorrow. Let them feel proud of themselves before we tell them we've been dating for a month." You grin mischievously and Mochi throws his head back in laughter.
"This is why I like you! Can't wait to see their faces. Best Halloween ever."
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prettyiwa · 1 year
Relationship: Kuramochi x GN!Reader Content Tags: Fluff, Cursing, Best Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Pre-Relationship, Mentions of Pro!Kuramochi Word Count: 1,450
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You grip the hard plastic tighter as though holding it more firmly will give your character a boost in strength, ignoring the way the muscles in your hands yell at you for doing this for too long. It doesn’t work—never has before—and the health bar drains completely as her attack animation triggers before yours. The character falls to the ground and you wince at the death chime that plays as the screen turns black, not knowing whether you’re wincing at the dreaded sound that’s haunted you longer than you care to admit or because of the cackling of your best friend beside you.
Yoichi extends his hand, asking for the controller despite the tears forming in the corners of his eyes. But his laugh never fails to affect you, pulling at the corners of your lips as you lean back into your couch, getting comfortable to watch him attempt to kill this optional boss. His laugh dies, turning into a breathy sigh as he leans forward, shooting you a glance and a smirk.
“You almost had her that time.”
The moment the game loads, he’s pulling up the gear menu, looking to adjust your set-up to something more aggressive, unlike your defense build. You don’t even bother protesting, not when he’s teased you relentlessly for needing help with her.
“I almost had her the last three times, too.”
Hearing the pout that colors your voice, his smile widens, though he doesn’t pause in his actions. “Hey, but that’s why you called me for help, right?”
“Yeah, Yeah. I guess. Doesn’t have anything to do with the fact your games kept you busy or anything.” Nudging his shoulder with yours, you notice it for the first time.
He approaches the trigger for the fight and Yoichi’s smile starts to fade, presumably in response to a fight he knows will be tough. Outside of that, you find no acknowledgment—minuscule or otherwise—that he felt it, too.
Maybe it’s that you’ve seen this sequence at least forty times by now or maybe it’s that your frustration at losing makes you unwilling to watch (or maybe it’s something else entirely), but you find yourself unable to look away from Yoichi.
He’s comfortable beside you, completely at ease as he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he gives this fight his all, just as he would any other virtual fight. Eyes alight, watching with rapt attention while his fingers work overtime, he tries to pull off combos against her impeccable ability to interrupt his actions all the while you’re unable to look away. Something’s shifted, if not between you both, then definitely in you. There’s something different, something beyond the conventional dynamics of your friendship.
Your mind wanders, thinking about how… domestic this feels. More than that, but how you wouldn’t mind more. More of this—seeing more of him in between his games rather than the odd Monday here or there, more than a weekend or two spent together in what little off-season he’s provided. More than the casual affection you two toss each other’s way, if the subtle burning beneath your skin is any indication. More to your friendship.
The desire to rest against him is surprisingly strong, different than all the times that came before.
How long has it been like this? Is it new? He’s always been someone you can count on, someone who makes you laugh when no one else can, someone you look forward to seeing at the barest hint of the possibility. When he smiles, you can’t help but join. When he worries, there’s little you won’t do to ease his overactive mind. Is this a natural course of your relationship with him? An extension of something already there?
There’s a fluttering just beneath your ribcage that makes it difficult to breathe and your fingers ache in time with your thoughts. Whether these feelings are new or they’ve always been there, you don’t know and you don’t care—all that matters is that you’re aware of them now.
“Fuckin’ dammit!”
Again, the character falls to the ground as red tints the edge of the screen, fading to black before prompting him to try once more. His reaction has you smiling, watching him hit the button, not missing the opportunity to lament the 1% health that remained for her. As you open your mouth, ready to offer the same comment he offered you, he cuts you off.
“Don’t you fuckin’ say it.”
When you laugh, unable to contain your grin, needing to indulge in the humming beneath your skin, he can’t help but join, but release the breath he was holding. He goes through the process again—pulling up the gear menu, reevaluating what he has equipped, etc., etc.—while you watch, studying his profile as you accept this change, committing the image of him to memory.
“What the hell? Is there something on my face?”
“You’ve been staring at me this whole time.” He keeps his attention forward, though you can tell he’s not reading the words before him, and you’re comforted by the knowledge that he does it to avoid making you uncomfortable.
A snicker escapes you the moment you make a decision and he glances your way. When your words get caught in your throat, he turns to better look at you, his concern making itself known. “Ah, sorry. I just… Um. Do you mind if I try something?”
His brows furrow and you think he might be holding his breath again because he’s gotta be aware you aren’t talking about the game. Tilting his head back like he does when he’s challenging someone, he asks, “What do you wanna try?”
Mouth going dry, you lick your lips, not missing the way his eyes linger on the movement. Steeling your resolve, you move forward, using his uncharacteristic stillness to pull yourself closer. The first position doesn’t feel quite right, so you keep moving until your knees are on either side of him and you’re hovering just over his lap.
A soft sound beside you has you pausing before you realize he’s set the controller on the couch to free his hands. Bringing them to your hips, he waits, leaving you both in a state of stasis, almost touching the other but not quite. You swallow thickly, wondering but for a moment whether he seeks to bring you closer or push you away, though something tells you it’s the former.
There’s wonder in his expression—wonder and mirth and hesitation—as he watches you, leaving you feeling like you’re the only thing that exists. His eyes flicker to your lips again as you wet them before leaning forward. Waiting with bated breath, you’re curious as to how this will change the trajectory of your friendship if at all. He lifts his chin slightly, almost like he’s trying to give you better access and you feel the corner of your lips twitch as you cup his face with both hands.
“Can I?”
Instead of answering you, he pushes forward, though that’s answer enough. Your lips brush together once, twice, little teases that make you want more. The kiss is hesitant, languid, treading unfamiliar ground with the person you’re most familiar. One of your hands moves, following the line of his neck until it rests on his shoulder as his hands finally land on your hips.
“Shit.” It comes out a little breathless as he presses his forehead against yours, fingers pressing into your sides before he opens his eyes.
Yeah, this feels easy, completely natural. The hunger you find yourself faced with isn’t desperate, pushing you until it’s sated, but something borderline patient and comfortable, if only because it knows it will soon be quelled. If only because it’s existed this whole time and has been quelled time and again. All the same, your face burns and your skin tingles where you two touch, the mark of something new.
“Was that what you wanted to try?”
“Something like that, yeah.”
“And? Satisfied?” His voice is a little shaky and you wonder what he’s thinking, whether he'll end up rejecting you.
“Mm. I’m not sure.”
“In that case, can I try something?” he asks, almost conspiratorially, lips curling and eyes shining in a way that eases your anxieties.
Your lips curl into a smile and his next breath comes a little easier. “Go for it.”
One of his hands slides to your lower back, pulling you closer, while the other moves to the back of your neck, guiding you until your lips meet his again. Smiling into the kiss, you swear it feels like a promise you’re more than happy to keep.
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Daiya no Ace Masterlist
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A/N: I couldn't shake this thought. It partially stemmed from wondering how Kuramochi would fare in some of the games I've been playing. Special thanks to @tyga-lily for fueling my Kuramochi thoughts.
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celandinee · 1 year
… o°
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ n. the amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm
word count - 600
featured - kuramochi, miyuki
warnings - none
note - trying smth new with the cheesy words + definitions 🙌
At the front of the classroom, your teacher droned on about a new unit of chemistry while sliding a piece of chalk across the blackboard, the grating, piercing sound nearly overpowering his monotone voice.
After glancing up at the clock every 5 minutes, you came to the conclusion that the hour left of class would only pass by slower with each check of the time. You swore this class went by in slow motion.
Sparing a glimpse over at the window next to you, you found the sky to be dark and a grey cast set over the school grounds. The little drizzle outside would soon turn in to heavy rain, apparent in the way the clouds darkened. You hadn’t expected the weather to change so quickly— only this morning had the sun been bright overhead as you made your trek to school. 
You didn’t mind the rain. As long as you had an umbrella for when school was over, you felt that there was not much of an issue.
“Why’d it have to rain today of all days…”
It seemed that your desk mate felt quite the opposite.
Kuramochi Youchi was a character, of sorts. He was a great person to talk to during breaks, his easygoing nature rather contagious. On the contrary, he was the worst lab partner. He hardly ever kept up with the class, instead, taking to copying your notes whenever the teacher wasn’t paying attention. It wasn’t that you minded the copying— it was the fact that you barely knew what was going on in the class yourself.
A smirk formed on your lips as you turned to him, whispering just loud enough for him to hear, “Not much of a rain person?”
“That, and our practice is all outside today. No indoor training. I’m gonna catch a cold, no doubt about that.”
Kuramochi grumbled away, brows furrowed and nose wrinkled while he continued to complain. This happened often, he would forget he was talking to you and begin to simply talk to himself.
It appeared that your whispers weren’t quiet enough because a cheeky voice suddenly started behind the both of you.
“Quit your complaining, Kuramochi. If Coach finds out, he’ll for sure have you run laps out in the rain,” Miyuki snickered from his seat.
You swore, those two always found a way to make baseball the topic of discussion.
When Kuramochi turned to retort, you found yourself zoning out again with the side of your head resting in your folded arms on the desk. You stared out of the window once again, noting that the sky had become gloomier and rain was beginning to fall.
The strumming sound of rain against the roof was rhythmic, calming. You no longer hearkened the words of your teacher, nor the back and forth conversation your friends had beside you. The humming was all that you could hear. Droplets clung to the glass, racing each other down to the bottom of the windowsill and leaving behind a trail that would be covered by a new set of raindrops.
It was a sight that you found yourself lost in. While you learned of trivial things inside, a storm raged outside. While you were warm and dry in here, you could be out there, subject to the downpour of Mother Nature.
Maybe you should be present, paying attention to class. Or maybe, you could indulge yourself— allow yourself to be tugged into the raging transcendence of a tempest.
Spending the rest of the class like this wasn’t too bad. Hopefully Kuramochi or Miyuki wrote down the notes you were missing, but you doubt that.
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kazuyummy · 10 months
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narumiya mei 💋 chris takigawa yu 💋 kuramochi yoichi
part one here
tw: degradation, rough sex about: afab!reader, mentions of genitalia i got unusually freaky with this one lmao, sorry (or not sorry?) in advance teehee. wasn't planning on doing another unless y'all ask (maybe tetsu, jun, and someone else?) so lmk
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NARUMIYA MEI sits on the edge of the bed so that he can have you sinking down on a toy as you suck him off. The rabbit-eared vibrator catches your clit when you slam down onto it, grinding your hips and humping. Sometimes, when you get too caught up in your own pleasure and don't pay enough attention to his, he'll tie your wrists behind your back as punishment. This gives him a full view of your tits bouncing and the drool making its way down your chin as you make your work on him as sloppy as possible. You know he loves it when you suckle just the head, flicking and swirling your tongue around. Or when you take both of his balls, the weight of his cock resting on your forehead as you lick. He'll take his dick and tap it against your cheek; a signal for you to stick out your tongue so that he can ruffle your hair and call you his cumslut. He does it so patronizingly, but it only serves to turn you on more. Where he releases depends on his mood-- today, he pulls out of your mouth with a pop, and with two firm strokes, paints your face white. And you'll certainly continue riding the toy until he's satisfied.
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CHRIS TAKIGAWA YU, ever the gentleman, insists on having you sit on his face while you pleasure him. Of course, he also does it so he can control your moaning against his cock, sucking on your clit so he can feel the vibrations of your throat, or grabbing you by the thighs and moving you along his shaft. And when he calls you his cute little fucktoy in such a sweet, gentle voice while he controls you, it has you babbling and choking on him. He's so skilled with his tongue and fingers, diving in like a man starved. He'll urge you to squirt for him, fingering you until you cover his face in your juices. Even when you try to close your thighs, embarrassed, he'll pry them open and make sounds that are downright nasty, spreading your pussy lips apart and ripping orgasm after orgasm from you. The only time your mouth is off of him is during cries of, "i love your cock, baby", or "use me daddy, please!", which makes his dick twitch. He'll be tempted to flip you over and creampie you, but knowing that you'll both be good for a round two, he bucks up into you, filling your throat with the taste of him. And when he gets a tissue to help you wipe up, his little, fucked-out mess, you know that's the only bit of mercy he'll be giving you the rest of the night.
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KURAMOCHI YOICHI can't help but run his fingers through your hair as you finally take his whole length in after teasing kitten licks and peppered kisses. He starts off gentle, but the lewder your sounds get, the rougher he wants to be with you. Your big doe eyes and plush, pouty lips make him want to absolutely ruin you. He's kind enough to stutter out, "can I fuck your throat?", but once he gets permission, he's a wild animal. You'll open wide for him, making sure to hollow out your cheeks when he grabs a fistful of your locks and sets the pace. You keep staring at him, innocent and pretty; a doll made just for him. You finally get a bit of a break when he pulls out with a, "you okay, baby?", and when you open your mouth and stick out your tongue with hands folded neatly in your lap, he swears you'll be the death of him. Yoichi sheathes himself inside again, murmuring a mix of possessive pet names and chants of, "you're mine, you're mine, you're mine" with every swipe of your skilled tongue against his shaft. When he cums, he's in disbelief, resisting the urge to roll his eyes back to watch pretty, fat tears drop down the sides of your eyes before he wipes them up and places a gentle kiss on your forehead.
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auslanderka · 10 months
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fandom: Daiya no ace
ship: Kuramochi Youichi x f!reader
note : At first it was „x oc” but I changed it to „x reader” before sharing here on Tumblr. It’s just a snippet from my silly notes on my phone written at 3 in the morning, nothing special.
TW : it is in general sweet and silly, but contains a long-distance relationship
— contains eng grammar problems and mistakes as well —
He was lying on bed with headphones in ears, hands placed under his head. The phone with turned on discord was next to his head on the pillow and the screen showed your name with small snowman emoji. A laughing girl with big eyes waved at him from the profile picture. Kuramochi Youichi, stared thoughtfully at the wooden beams of the bed above him, listening to what you, on the other side of the call, had to say to him. There was something in your voice, subtle and soothing as always, that Kuramochi was attracted to from the first time he heard it.
Three years ago you met at a baseball competition in your hometown. At the time, he didn't think this relationship would ever be anything deeper than just friends. He smiled slightly, recalling the fear in your eyes when you inadvertently bumped into him in the hallway where the toilets were located.
Did he really look that scary? Youichi had always been a problem child which he couldn’t and didn’t deny. He didn't really remember his reaction but you said that he looked down at you with murder in his eyes.
He twisted to the side and slid one hand under the pillow yawning slightly. Fortunately for him, Sawamura and Asada still hadn't returned to the room from their evening training.
“Mochi, are you listening to me?”
“Yes, yes. All the time.” He assured wiping with sleeve his eyes in which tears had gathered.
“I bore you...”
“You don't bore me. I'm just a little tired, because the coach today tired us more than usual.” He sighed, trying to revive himself somehow. He didn't want to sound as exhausted as he felt.
“Kataoka-san hasn't changed in these three years," you laughed lightly. There was silence on the other side for a moment. “Will you miss him when you graduate?” your question sounded more like a statement.
He sighed quietly. Only two months remain until the end of their high school days.
“of course I will.” he muttered while cuddling tighter into the pillow trying to imagine that the soft object was actually you.
He missed you.
He missed you so much and evenings like this were probably the worst.
Three years ago he didn't believe in long-distance relationships. He remembered that one of his cousins was engaged to an American. A big love that ended after less than two years, because the feeling between the two disappeared. And distance was to blame. Distance kills relationships, it was his belief until he bumped into you - this cheerful girl from Sapporo, nearly 800km away.
His eyelids were heavy. He tried to force himself to open them and focus on what you were saying, but sleep was stronger. He felt himself drifting off, your voice in his headphones began to slowly dissolve and his body heaved.
“Mochi? Mochi?” You asked, finally tearing your gaze away from your hand. You looked at the phone that lay next to you on the desk. The call wasn’t interrupted for technical reasons. You laughed lightly as you heard quiet snoring in your headphones.
“and I told him that if he wanted to sleep he should just tell me.” You sighed reaching for the phone and ending the call.
You lifted your head and looked at the board hanging above your desk where a calendar sheet was attached. In some boxes were written the matches that Seido will play in the near future. You rose from your chair and crossed out another day with a black marker.
Another day closer to your meeting.
© auslanderka, july 2023
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kunikame · 7 months
daiya fandom are u guys alive i just finished a 3.5k word kuramochi fic (pls say yes)
comment if u wanna be tagged btw
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tettatonin · 2 years
AND TO HEAVEN AGAIN (REUPLOAD) ︰ kuramochi , jun , tetsu , ryousuke
⠀⠀⠀⠀— more kinks and favorite things ♡
cws: 18+ NSFW MDNI. fem!reader. unprotected sex. KURAMOCHI: squirting, overstimulation. JUN: quickie, oral (f receiving). TETSU: breeding, daddy kink, cervix kissing. RYOUSUKE: pussy job, fingering, cum play.
notes: part 2 to my previous daiya post but this time w the 4th years <33 chris was also in the og post but i wanted to make his part longer so that'll be another thing in the future
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+ SQUIRTING. BACK SHOTS. ever since he found out about squirting, youichi's been pent up on making you cum hard enough to do it. and now when both of you have an ample amount of time for yourselves, he takes his time with you, making you cum all over the sheets just before he flips you over and pounds your from behind. he just loves how he can slide so easily into you, being able to bottom out without prep and watching the ripple of your ass with every thrust.
"youichi, fuck— not so hard." you whine, your thighs trembling while he fingers you harshly, making sure to bully that velvety spot in you.
"come on, pretty. 'm not gonna stop 'til i get what i want." he replies.
"'s too much, youichi." you pant, tucking your bottom lip between your teeth when you feel your climax build up all over again, only this time much worse. "wait, stop— gonna- gonna make a mess."
youichi fixes himself, propping himself up higher to watch the way your thighs tremble and shake the closer you get to your climax.
"let go, 's okay." he assures, brushing a bit of hair out of your face before giving you a kiss. "don't worry 'bout it, 'kay? cum for me, wanna see you cum like that all over me."
your head dips back into the pillow, your mouth parting into a silent scream as you gush all over his hand. he watches with a satisfied expression across his face, peppering your cheeks with kisses until he reaches your lips.
"fuck, that was hot." he mutters against your lips before sloppily kissing you in your afterglow, fingers curling gently inside you to help ride out your high before pulling out.
you rest your arm over your eyes. as you catch your breath you feel the weight of the bed shift. peeking under your forearm, you watch your boyfriend stroke himself between your legs.
you're about to protest but he grabs a hold of your hips, lazily flipping you over onto your stomach and kneeling between your thighs. he leans over to kiss along your shoulders and back, his hands kneading the flesh of your ass before pulling it up by your hips.
"one more for me." he whispers, lining the tip of his cock to your entrance.
you bury your face in the sheets as he enters, the both of you gasping at the feeling.
"shit, that's good." he sighs, hands planted on your ass cheeks as he maintains a steady rhythm.
your breathless moans and whines were muffled in the sheets while youichi's grunts and groans bounced off the bedroom walls. he props himself up on one leg, angling himself to thrust into you deeper until he came just the way he wanted to.
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+ QUICKIES. ORAL. jun likes the idea of messing you up right before you have somewhere to be. whether you're already in the parking lot or just about to walk out the door, he'll bunch your skirt up to your waist and push your panties aside like muscle memory. he could care less if he's taken care of, you have somewhere important to be and he just wanted to calm your nerves with his face in his favorite place; between your legs.
"jun, wait." you protest, pulling away from the kiss he trapped you in when your back hit the door. "right now? seriously? i'm gonna be late."
"late? your shit's not until one, its still noon." he replies between kisses, attacking your neck while teasingly lifting your skirt between his thumb and forefinger. "besides, i'm drivin' you. i'll be damned if you're late."
he palms at your sex, the heel of his hand grinding on your clit while his middle finger teases your hole through the fabric of your panties. a pleasured sigh escapes you, moving your hips for some more friction.
"make it quick." you mutter, quickly pulling your skirt up higher past your hips. jun lowers himself, letting out a low whistle at the thigh highs held up by the suspenders of your garter belt.
"run out of pantyhose, babe?" he comments with a cocky grin across his face. "don't see ya wear stockings too often."
you lean against the door, body tensing up when you feel his stubble brush against your inner thighs. he pushes your panties aside, wasting no time and popping two fingers into his mouth before pushing them into you. letting out a satisfied hum at how tight you are, your walls sucking him in as he pumps them slowly.
"gotta relax for me. don'tcha got an interview later? can't talk to those people tense, y'know?" he lifts your leg up from under your knee, letting it rest on his shoulder to move his face deeper between your thighs.
his lips latch onto your clit, sucking on it while his fingers curl to your sweet spot, waiting for you to relax. he groans when he gets a taste of you. the flavor was nothing new, but it made his cock throb every time it touched his tongue. his free hand reaches down, undoing the zipper of his pants to slowly pump at his length.
as you relax, his pace quickens. tongue and fingers working to like clockwork to make you cum, matching the pace with his other hand to keep up with you.
"there, jun, right there." you whine, dipping your head back when your stomach tightens at the feeling.
you rest your hand on his head when he pulls away for air. your fingers lace through his hair to gently push him closer again, the worry of being late making you urge him to go harder.
jun furrows his brows at your push, pumping his fingers in and out of you with all his energy while his tongue flicks at your clit. the grip he had on his dick tightens, trying to mimic the way your walls close around him the closer you get to release.
"fuck, fuck, g'nna cum—" your mouth parts in a silent scream as you do, thighs twitching around his head as he pulls away. wetness covers him from his mouth to his chin as he pants out curses, spilling all over his own hand to the sight of your swollen clit and dripping cunt.
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+ BREEDING. DADDY KINK. tetsu never really thought he had any kinks to begin with, considering himself pretty vanilla other than his favorable habit of cumming inside way more than he should. you let the nickname slip once, it was unintentional but everyday after that he'd get hard thinking about it. the word now replacing his name whenever you share an intimate moment, the chant of it having a euphoric effect on him. so much so he just can't help filling you up each time.
tetsu's thrusts were hard, a kiss to your cervix almost every time. one of his hands was secured to the the headboard, his veins popping and his knuckles turning white. the wood of the headboard’s nearly about to give in from how much its banging against the wall.
"you feel so good." he mutters, gazing down at you with low lidded eyes.
"daddy... wanna cum." you whine, the knot in your stomach tightening.
his free hand comes too caress your cheek, his thumb parting your lips and hooking into your mouth, letting your moans and cries free.
"louder," he commands, picking up the pace. "show me how much you wanna cum."
the headboard's beat against the wall matches the snap of his hips to yours, the complaints from your neighbors are already flashing in your head but tetsu doesn't seem to care. he's blocking it all out until he got what he wanted.
your arms were hooked under his, nails pressing crescents into his shoulders and slowly raking down his back the tighter the band in your stomach got. chants of 'daddy' and 'so good' filled the room until it snapped, your legs wrapping tight around his waist.
he lets out a strained groan, moving his hips slower to let you ride out your high before turning to quick shallow thrusts, chasing after his high while your walls spasm around him.
"don't— don't spill a drop." he pants.
when the band in his stomach snaps he using the last of his energy to press the tip as close as he can to your cervix, cum hot and thick inside you as he finishes.
tetsu's breath shakes as he comes down from his high, kissing up your neck until he meets your lips in a passionate kiss. his tense arms relaxing as he lays on his side, chest heaving with heavy breaths.
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+ PUSSY JOBS. CUM PLAY. ryou loves you, you think so at least. he's kissing you and holding your hand out in public but behind the closed doors of your bedroom, he'll deny you of the simplest requests. he'll touch your body with so much want but never go all the way, rubbing his cock between your folds like a punishment until he's cumming, spreading it all over you right after.
your hands were planted on the wall, nails looking for something to dig into while your head hung between your shoulders and your thighs pressed together, ryou's cock sliding between them and your folds. his chest flush against your back with his hands gripped at your hips, controlling the push and pull of them.
he tucks a bit of hair behind your ear to whisper lowly into it. "y'know i love you, baby," he says. the same hand grabs at your forearm, pulling it away from your desperate attempt to get off and stretching as far as it can go to keep it from struggling. "but you're gonna have to wait a bit."
you shake your head, looking back with pleading eyes as impatience burns in your gut and you push your ass back on him with a whispered 'please', hoping he'd take the hint.
"hey, hey," ryou sneers, pausing his movement and pressing his body up against you in return. 
your tits flatten up against the wall and your forearm presses into your back. "don't be so impatient, sweetheart. just keep drippin' all over my cock like that ‘n—" he pauses, panting hot breath on your ear as he mutters a curse when his sensitivity heightens. "shit, 'm close."
"ryou, please. do it inside at least." you plead, but of course he doesn't listen.
his pace builds up and at the stutter of his hips, he pulls back for release. cock resting between your ass cheeks as he cums pools onto your lower back with a strained groan, milking the remains while his forehead rests on your shoulder.
when he comes down from his high, ryou backs up onto the bed with a dry laugh, pushing his hair back before pulling you onto his lap by your hips.
"sorry," he mutters with a sly smile, pressing kisses onto your shoulder like an apology. "pussy's just too good."
two fingers scoop into the pool of cum on your lower back before you rest against his chest. with his free hand he parts your thighs, the other following suit as you watch him rub cum covered fingers along your pussy.
"you wanted it inside, right?" he asks, already pushing his fingers into you and pumping at a steady pace. "should've fucked you instead if i knew you were this tight." he jokes when your walls tighten, and maybe he would've if he had the energy for it.
his fingers alternates between dipping into you and gathering more of your slick, spreading the mixture all over you. he peers over your shoulder, watching himself draw circles onto your clit with hungry eyes. you can feel his cock twitch behind your back, undoubtedly getting hard again.
"messy," he murmurs with a smirk, curling his fingers up to your sweet spot. "so fuckin' messy."
ryou's stomach tightens at your moans, muttering sweet nothings and quickening his pace to get you closer to your release.
"fuck, fuck! ryou, cumming— 'm cumming," your back arches off him, hips rocking into his hand to ride out your high.
when he pulls out of you, a mix of your wetness and his cum coats his fingers. the mixture webbing between his fingers and he sighs at the sight, bringing his hand to your mouth for your lips to case around them obediently, sucking with fervor.
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TAGLIST: @dearkamiya @harusick @21-06-1996 @1990-06-12
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briology · 1 year
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spending their break with you: w/ kuramochi, miyuki, tets, tanba genre: fluff pairing: x black! fem reader CW: none! note: happy holidays !!!
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the most excited to spend it with you.
has stuff planned out for the two of you to do
you guys went out to his favorite restaurant (the food was delicious)
he brought you back to his house to see his mother and she had cookies that needed to be decorated
it was going good till this man started to eat the cookies
you and his mother scolded him for that
Yall ended up cuddling by the fireplace while watching a Christmas movie
he may not show it a lot, but he really loves to spend time with you over the holidays
he worked so hard, so you being the fantastic gf you are, booked yall a nice hotel to spend Christmas together
yall get there and it has the best scenery from the floor that you both were on.
on Christmas morning, yall exchanged gifts
you got him cleats, a chain, and some new gloves with his name on it
and as for his gifts to you, he got you gift cards to your favorite restaurant and store, a necklace with his name on it, and a beautiful promise ring
you both decided to order some room service food
miyuki was so lucky to have you in his life
you already know how he coming
this man is making Christmas dinner with his momma, baking some desserts, he did it all with you.
he is the type to be making sure that everything is prepared, making sure everything is in order.
he'll be stressing like this is y'all first Christmas together.
when it comes to gift exchange, he has the straghtest face but on the inside, he is nervous you wouldn't like it.
but ofc, you loved them because they were from him
his mother took pics of you guys opening gifts and they were just, so cute. (even tets was smiling)
ahhh our sweet giant
this time, its about New Year's
is nervous to because of the possibilities of him messing up
or the kiss being bad
brushed teeth, check. mouth spray just in case, yes. chapstick, got it in his pocket.
once it came down to the countdown, he gets ready for the kiss
applies his chapstick before you could look
"3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR"
instead of him grabbing you, you grabbed him and kissed him like you were not gonna let him go
once you pulled away, he was blushing like a MF
"you tatsed sweet, you should wear that chapstick often" you said while smirking. poor guy was stunned and didn't know what to say
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college kicked my ass, but hey, i'm here :) (and for real this time) <3
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