#Youichi kuramochi
pumcafe · 1 month
Content Contains: NSFW, fem reader, first person, college au, friends turned to lovers, Yoichi is a playboy, but he gets jealous, you get jealous too, unrequited love??, creampie, some possessiveness, i don’t proofread
Word Count: 6.8k (do I ever shut up!!!!!) 
“Ichi,” I tapped the zoned out man’s forehead. 
No response.
”Yōichi!” I whisper-yelled before backhanding his forehead a little harder this time. 
His eyes snapped to me, refocusing. “You want me to kill you for sure,” he glared. 
Huffing, I crossed my arms. “You invited me out to study together, why are you upset that I don’t wanna waste my time while you do nothing?” I sighed before closing my laptop, leaning forward to rest my head on the table. “You literally have nothing written down, and every time I ask a question, you’re unfocused.”
”It’s boring,” Yōichi simply shrugged before leaning back in the library chair, resting his hands on the back of his neck. His unbothered attitude annoyed the hell out of me. 
“Then why were you so insistent on coming here? I could’ve finished all of my work at home in half of the time,” I softly groaned. Yōichi’s gaze was slowly unfocusing again, but this time I followed his eyes. 
He was looking at the sole girl sitting behind the library’s service desk. 
I rolled my eyes before sitting back up to put my things into my bag. Yōichi didn’t come back to earth until I was sliding my chair back under the table. 
“Huh? Where’re ya going?” I rolled my eyes once again in annoyance, checking around the table to make sure I didn’t forget anything. He couldn’t be serious.
“I didn’t come here to waste my time while you ogle a girl. I’m going back home to finish my work,” my tone was flat. I ignored his rushed movements behind me as I made my way to the doors. 
I was nothing but a few steps in front of the library doors before Yōchi caught up to me. Internally I was once again amazed at his incredible speed, externally though, I was ignoring him. 
He walked beside me. “I-I wasn’t ogling her,” he began to protest, “just…” I didn’t bother looking at him, he was going to continue whether I indicated that I was listening or not. “I talked to her a couple of days ago and she’s so nice dude,” dude, she’d never get called dude. “I’m trying to get a feel of her,” I quickly side eyed him, catching a glance of his smug smile.
He’d get her, he’d get her like he gets every girl he sets his sights on. The same gentleman-like act, the same bright toothy smile, and the same soft words that lure them all into his room while his dorm was empty. I’d never experience any of that. 
Not that I wanted to anyway. I mean, to be buttered up until you were pumped and dumped? To wait until he’s bored enough to comb through his roster he calls a contact list? It’s gotta be a loneliness I hoped to never experience, especially with someone as warm as Yōichi Kuramochi. 
I rolled my eyes once more and kept walking. “Then just ask her on a date,” I offered emptily. This is a routine at this point. 
“You think she’d say yes?” It was like we were following an unwritten script. He jogged a bit in front of me, turning around so we were face to face. 
“You’re gonna run into someone Ichi,” this was a tedious pattern I found myself in. “You know she’s gonna say yes.” There’s no way he didn’t know how I felt about all of this. 
His shoulders rose and dropped as he pretended to ponder, “You never know, she could have a boyfriend or something.” ‘As if that’s actually stopped them,’ if it was in my thoughts, it was probably Yoichi’s too.
”You wanna head back to my dorm? We’ll actually study this time, scout’s honor,” he raised three fingers and flashed me a toothy grin. 
I walked the familiar route to his dorm in silence, thinking about how I got in this predicament. Was it when I didn’t shut him down as he talked about his latest friends with benefits situation? Was it when he took my best friend back to his room when I brought her to meet him and his dorm mates? Maybe it began when I first sat two seats to the left of him in our History of Western Art course, our professor automatically pairing us up for almost every project. 
Has it really been almost a year since then?
Yoichi yawned loudly, stretching backwards. I glanced at the time in the lower corner of my laptop, 20:47. I let out a small yawn myself before closing my laptop, sliding the device into my backpack. “I should get going,” I spoke softly, not wanting to awaken Miyuki who was already fast asleep on the couch across from us. 
“Want me to walk with you?” Yōichi offered, his voice a bit louder than mine as he knew Kayzua wasn’t that easy to wake up. 
I shook my head no. It was only a two minute walk to my apartment complex, and I didn’t want my roommate asking Yōichi if he had any free time. 
“Bye Kaz,” I whispered before leaving, offering a silent nod to Yoichi before heading out. 
I realized there was no one in the apartment by the time I got home. I sighed in relief, happy to not have to recount my whole day. By the time I got into bed, it was only 23:20. It felt too early to go to bed, but the melatonin was starting to kick in and I didn’t feel like fighting it.
I felt my phone buzz before I was completely engulfed by sleep. 
The sound of soft trumpets accompanied by a piano pulled me into consciousness. I clicked the off button and rubbed my face. My fingers moved to unlock my phone before my eyes even fully opened. I was greeted with three messages from Yōichi after pulling down my notifications, all sent while I was sleeping. 
You left your pencil case.
Five minutes after; You like Kazuya?
Two minutes; Let’s walk to the library after your last class.
I rolled my eyes at the last text, my finger hovering over the letter n, hesitant. Where do you wanna meet?
The response was almost immediate, I’ll wait outside of your class. My heart rate briefly increased before I threw my phone down onto my bed. 
“Hey,” Yōichi was waiting for me right by the class door, sitting on one of the hall’s benches. 
I nodded in his direction, making my way over to him, “Hey.”
Yoichi slid his backpack to the front of his body before he began digging through it, presenting my pencil case after a few seconds. “Here ya go, you left it on the floor.” 
“Thanks,” I took it from him. Our fingertips brushed together and I had to use all my restraint to not just snatch my hand back. “I was exhausted last night, I barely remember falling asleep,” I began the conversation. “Not as tired as Kaz though, did he sleep all night?” I laughed lightly at the image of a drooling Kazuya splayed over the couch hours before it was even midnight. 
“Mhm, like a baby,” Yōichi’s voice didn’t carry as much brightness as his face did. His response was also uncharacteristically short.
”Practice must’ve been tough on him. Are you gonna join them today?” He missed out on yesterday for Ms. Librarian, I’m sure there would be hell to pay when he couldn’t produce a good enough excuse to the coach for skipping. 
He held the door open and I muttered a quick thanks before his response, “Yeah, it doesn’t start until 3 though so we got a couple of hours.” 
We entered the library and sat in the same spot as yesterday, I fought to keep my mood from plummeting into Hell. “I don’t have a lot of studying that I haven’t already done,” I offered in an attempt to hint that I didn’t want to be here long, “finals week is almost over.” 
He nodded as if he understood, but his eyes showed that he wasn’t even focused on the present, just the future. I sighed, almost feeling sorry for the poor girl, but more so for feeling sorry for myself for even feeling a hint of jealousy over the situation. 
“When are you gonna ask her out?” I broke after the first few minutes of complete silence. I couldn’t keep rereading the same 3 lines in my study guide, pretending that the sheepish act he put up when getting caught by the part timer for staring wasn’t distracting.  
“Dunno yet,” he shrugged, his eyes flicking back to his empty notebook. If it wasn’t for the later study sessions, I’d be in awe of how he wasn’t completely failing. 
“Hopefully soon,” I retorted. My stomach couldn’t stomach these shy boy acts for too long. 
My phone quietly buzzed on the table. Flipping it over, I turned off the alarm. “2:15 Yōichi, you gotta head out,” my voice carried a weariness as I fell from the trance of studying. My hands moved to put my things in my bed.
Yōichi yawned, stretching out in the chair. My eyes flickered over just in time to catch his shirt riding up, exposing the waistband of his boxers and the lower quarter of his abs. I caught myself before I could show my disappointment about the freshly shaved happy trail.
After slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I headed for the door. When I went to push the door open, my ears caught the sound of Yōichi’s voice followed by a high pitched laugh. I didn’t look back on my way to the baseball field.
My mind was full of nothing as my legs pulled me up the baseball field’s bleachers. I picked the first row, one closest to but right not above the dugout. 
My eyes roamed the field before I caught Kazuya’s eyes. He pulled up his catcher’s helmet and flashed me a grin while waving. I waved back before both of our attention was snatched by the sound of shouting; the reason why I chose the spot within earshot of the dugout.
Yōichi was sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as the coach continued to chew him out. Me and Kazuya caught each other’s glances as we tried to hold back smiles and laughter, nearly failing because of the eye contact. 
When the yelling was finally over, I watched as Yōichi put his stuff down and joined the rest for practice. He waved over at me after Kazuya pointed me out, and I gave a small wave back. I felt my stomach flip at the happy mood he was in.
Practice was over and the sun was nearly set. I stared into the purple hues of the mixed sky while waiting outside of the locker room. Kazuya came out first. 
“He’s texting someone so he’ll be a minute,” he pointed back towards the door with his thumb.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes with a smile, “We can just leave him then,” I said while hooking my arm with his, “I’m starved.” 
Kazuya’s face broke into a larger smile, “That easy to give up on him huh?” As if his stride wasn’t taking the lead on the way back to his dorm. 
It was nearly an hour before Yōichi entered the dorm room, catching me and Kazuya arguing over the morality of finding the villain of the show we were currently engulfed in, attractive. 
“Don’t raise your voice with food in your mouth,” I retorted, the smartass attitude dripping from my words.
”Don’t start an argument with food in your mouth,” he mocked me. We glared at each other while chewing quickly, him nearly choking his food down so he could speak first, coughing harshly.
”And that’s what your ass gets,” I laughed at his misfortune. He grabbed my glass of water and chugged it down. “Kazuya Miyuki!” I hit him on the shoulder.
He pulled my now almost empty glass from his lips before shaking it, “Mine was empty,” he huffed out with a shit-eating grin. 
“Asshole,” I snarled.
”Isn’t that your type?” His eyes flickered to the screen, it was paused on the antagonist. He had done so after my comment about the guy being “so fine”. 
We both jumped at the sound of something being dropped onto the couch behind us. Our heads both turned to find Yōichi sitting on the couch, staring at us with one eyebrow raised. 
“He started it,” I muttered while turning back to my food.
”Like hell I did,” he murmured, gently shoving me with his elbow. 
“You guys didn’t even ask what I wanted!” Yoichi whined from behind us. Kazuya and I glanced at each other through the corner of our eyes.
Kazuya spoke up first, “Figured you’d be a while,” he spoke apathetically while shrugging.
”Thought you’d be on a date,” I copied his tone and actions. Kazuya had already unpaused the screen, eyes gesturing between me and the remote as if he was suggesting we turn up the volume. I smiled and barely nodded, not wanting my actions to be detected by Yōichi. 
Yōichi’s order came about 25 minutes later. After he had unbagged his takeout, he wedged himself between Kazuya and I, who were long done with eating. His phone buzzed on the couch almost incessantly. I finally turned after the 14th pinging noise, his phone was turned over, hiding the screen. 
“Are you gonna answer that?” I questioned, annoyed. 
“Answer what?” Yōichi said flatly while watching the TV.
Kazuya and I blinked at each other. “You’re hard of hearing now?” Kazuya sounded just as annoyed. 
Yōichi groaned before grabbing his phone. Click, he unlocked it before he started to quickly type. My eyes wandered over to the screen, definitely not wanting to look but the strength of curiosity pulling me in.
Library Girl was the contact name, so he got her number. The text thread was long, as if they had been talking for days. 
I got practice tomorrow so it would be late if we meet up :), I forced my eyes away from the screen, my stomach threatening that the unpleasant feeling would only grow if I didn’t. 
The thought of him inviting her to watch practice made a flicker of jealousy pang through my chest. ‘I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care,’ if I said it enough it would come true, right?
”Wanna continue the marathon in my room?” Kazuya’s voice brought a well-welcomed break in my thoughts.
He probably just wanted to offer Yōichi some more privacy, but I didn’t care. The increased space between me and whatever he was typing on his phone was an offer I wouldn’t pass. I took Kazuya’s hand before he led me to his room. I glanced outside the door as it closed to find Yōichi’s eyes staring at us.
I don’t remember when I fell asleep, but my alarm rang almost silently, easing me out of my sleep. 
My limbs stretched across Kazuya’s floor before my arms pushed my body up. My hands pressed on my lower back as more stretches forced my body up. I turned to see Kazuya still sleeping, a puddle of drool forming on his pillow. I whispered a soft goodbye before exiting his room.
I was surprised to find Yōichi sleeping on the couch, his arm hanging off and his hand open. My eyes followed down to find his phone on the floor, most likely dead. I shook my head at the sight before making my way out of the room, avoiding all of the floor’s weak spots.
The day felt much lighter with the decrease of classes, each final throughout the week serving as a hellish goodbye. This was my last one.
I let out a loud exhale as I pushed through the doors of the classroom, wanting to cry in relief and frustration. That exam was hard as hell but I was happy to have it finally done with. The urge to break out in a dance because all of my classes were finally over filled my body. 
“So did you two fuck?” The obscene words made my head snap around to find Yōichi, his eyes were low and he had a slight scowl as his figure leaned back on the bench.  
I ran up to him, bewilderment plastered all over my face. “What did you just say Ichi?” I asked, my voice low. Maybe I just heard him insanely wrong. 
”Did you and Kaz, fuck?” My cheeks warmed at the absurd question. I had been in Kazuya’s room plenty of times without the supervision of Yōichi, where was this coming from. He now stood up, looking down at me, his jaw was pulled taut as he ground his teeth back. 
“I don’t have to answer that,” I felt tears brimming my eyes but I just scoffed. The accusation made me feel gross, especially when he was accusing me of something like that in public, not a care in the world if his voice was heard. My legs carried me quickly out of the lecture hall, but not fast enough, Yōichi quickly caught up.
”I invited that girl to practice today,” he said carelessly. I wanted to punch him. 
“Oh nice,” I tried to keep the sarcasm low, but if he caught it, then so what? I was growing tired of these dickventures of his. 
The air was thick as we made our way to the baseball field. My face finally broke when I saw Kazuya, running up to give my savior a hug. His embrace was warm, unlike the air created by the earlier confrontation. 
“Hey,” he spoke over my shoulder before I pulled away a little. I looked back to see Yōichi give him a nod before heading into the locker room. Kazuya looked at me puzzled and I just shook my head.
I picked the same spot as the day before. It was only a couple minutes before I heard the bleachers beside me creak. I snapped my head to the side, my eyes landed on a girl with dark brown hair falling to her chest. She flashed me a  white smile before mouthing something. I put up a finger before taking out my earbuds, “I’m so sorry, can you repeat that?” 
My mind blocked out her name. It would be pointless to learn it. I knew who she was anyway, I knew why she was here, I knew that eventually she’d be gone too. I couldn’t help but feel a bit of sadness for everyone who falls for Yōichi, whether they know what they’re getting into or not, it’s a sad cycle. 
We looked over at the field to see Yōichi pointing towards us while talking to Kazuya. Both of them waved and we returned it. She giggled when Yōichi saluted and did a military-esque turn back to his spot at the plate, “He’s so funny!”
I swallowed down any animosity that built in the pit of my chest and continued conversing.
Yōichi was much faster to get out of the locker room this time, and Kazuya and I trailed behind the pair. We rolled our eyes each time she punched his arm lightly at a joke he made, or shared glances whenever they would “accidentally” brush against each other while walking. 
Yōichi exchanged a well known glance with Kazuya before Kazuya began to spill some nonsense about needing to stop at the mall for some new shoes. Yōichi nodded along with a smile on his face until Kazuya locked arms with me, “Not to mention we had scheduled dinner at this new local restaurant and we absolutely cannot miss that, right?” Kazuya beamed at me, not noticing the slight falter in Yōichi’s expression.
I pretended not to notice as well. I pretended not to notice how his gaze wandered when his date’s eyes closed, I pretended not to notice how a little bit of his boredom with her stories slipped out occasionally, I pretended not to notice the hard looks he would give me and Kazuya if we joked a little too loud behind him. 
I simply nodded my head, “Yeah, it was hard to get,” I squeezed his arm. 
We left without much more words. 
I spent the evening ignoring the day’s earlier events. Every so often I would get a flash of Yōichi’s expression as he accused me of having sex with Kazuya, but it would leave at the same speed when Kazuya would speak up.
We got takeout again, and the slip of “God they knew what they were doing,” ignited another argument about morality. It was while I was doing dishes that Kazuya got a text.
”He says she’s gone now,” I could hear the smirk in his voice, “and there’s the thumbs up.” He got laid. I forced the sick feeling down as I finished rinsing the dish in my hand, promising to finish them in the morning. 
A yawn escaped my lips as I picked up my own phone, “Damn, it’s late. Did he say he was walking her?” I stared at the 2:03 displayed on my phone. When had we left? Around 7? The feeling in my stomach threatened to grow.
”He said he already did and that he was back in the dorm.” Kazuya pushed himself up on his knees before groggily pushing to his feet. “I better head back.” We exchanged goodbyes, and as soon as I locked the door back, I rushed to my room.
When I woke up the next morning, my eyes felt dry and I could practically feel the redness irritating my skin. I rolled over to bury my face in the pillow, ignoring the next wave of tears that threatened to pour out. 
I lazily pulled my phone out from under my pillow. I squinted, blinking away the water to get a clear glance at the notifications. 
You didn’t answer my question earlier. This was sent during my crying episode, when I had my phone on DnD.
Are you ignoring me?
Kazuya is home. He looks happy. Did he get some?
Should I ask him?
Stop ignoring my texts dude. 
I’ll just come over to ask tomorrow. This was the last message he sent before it hit 4 AM.
Are you up? Started a new thread at 9:07 AM. God, did he even sleep?
Are you really not gonna answer me? 
It’s a simple question, I don’t know why you’re trying to hide it from me. We tell each other everything, right?
Kaz is still asleep so I can’t ask him yet. He’ll probably be asleep all day since we don’t have practice. I don’t wanna wake him just for this. So you’ll bug me incessantly about it?
I’m coming over. The last text was the one I just felt a couple of seconds ago. 
My eyes widened as I bolted upright. If it normally takes me two minutes to walk here, Yōichi takes less than a minute. I scrambled around my bed before heading to my bathroom. My eyes were red, it definitely looked like I had been crying. The introduction of cold water so early in the morning caused me to gasp. 
Before I could even dry my face, my phone started ringing. A close up picture of Yōichi’s face filled my screen as my phone vibrated on the sink. There was a knock at the door before my hand could even reach for my phone. I rushed outside of the bathroom and towards the door, sliding to accept the call despite the door opening to reveal the person on the other side of the phone. 
“Good morning,” he said dryly before hanging up the phone. I moved to the side as he entered, kicking off his shoes that landed with a thud. 
“Keep your voice down,” I hissed, “she’s still asleep.” I didn’t want to wake my roommate out of respect for our shared space, and I didn’t want to see the sight between her and Yōichi. “Here, in my room.” I grabbed his hand to lead him. 
Once in, he snatched it away. I sighed before closing the door, preparing for the accusation for a second day. 
It caught me off guard when Yōichi grabbed my wrist, and pulled me closer to him, our foreheads almost touching. The grasp wasn’t tight, but the shock of the action had me rigid. 
“I-Ichi,” my voice was barely a whisper as I looked back into his eyes. I studied his face quickly, noticing he had eyebags  and his lip was slightly curled up.
”Did. You. Have. Sex. With. Kazuya.” 
I felt my chest tighten with dread, “Is it really that big of a deal if I di-“
His grip wavered for a second before he righted himself, “So you did,” his jaw clenched. 
My head shook from side to side quickly, “No, oh my fucking god, I did not fuck Kaz. Never have, never will. Can you fucking stop? What’s your issue dude? Where is this even coming from?” I snatched my hand from his grasp, my stance growing more defiant in frustration. 
Yōichi’s face immediately softened once he took in my words. “You really didn’t?” His voice was much softer too, I felt one of his fingers brush against my hand but I didn’t move. 
“No,” I sternly stated. 
He let out a big sigh before rubbing his forehead. “I just. I don’t know,” he started explaining, “I just saw the way Kazuya was looking at you the other day and then you went to his room… I didn’t know what to think. I sat up almost all night wondering what you two could be doing that couldn’t be done around me. That’s when that popped up. It was stupid, I know.” He took a break in his rambling to look at me. 
I didn’t realize I was crying until his thumb brushed against my cheek, the skin feeling wet. 
“I’m sorry,” he sheepishly uttered. “I was wrong for accusing you of that… even more so for how I reacted.” 
I turned my head away from him, unable to meet his gaze. I wanted to forgive him immediately, I couldn’t stand the sight of him looking at me with begging eyes. The words to ask for a proper explanation for this whole debacle were pushed back by the thought that if I said anything, I wouldn’t hesitate to break down. 
So we stood there in silence. It wasn’t until his phone buzzed did we move. Both of our eyes flashed to his pocket before he pulled it out. I wanted to scream, shout at him to leave. I watched in cold silence as he responded to the message with quick fingers before sighing. 
“Did you feel sick?” I finally spoke up. 
“Did you feel like you were gonna throw up when you imagined me and Kaz?” My voice was low, I still refused to meet his gaze.
He was silent for a moment. “Yeah,” he finally admitted.
I felt my heart thump against my ribs. “Did it make you feel like your chest was going to explode when you saw us after, the thought of us sleeping together stuck in your mind?” My eyes slowly moved to meet his. 
More silence. “Yes…” I could tell that he was wondering what the purpose behind my line of questioning was. 
“What did it feel like when you thought Kaz and I had dinner yesterday, probably sleeping together for a second time while you railed some other girl?”
”Fucking horrible,” he blurted out, tears were finally forming in the corners of his eyes.
I felt breathless, “So you finally get it.” 
He looked at me confused, “What?”
”You finally fucking understand what it’s like to sit back and watch someone you care about fuck someone else.” The admittance left me feeling embarrassed, but I didn’t waver. ”I mean, night after goddamn night I had to watch you seduce some girl and bring her into your room. The team manager, the TA, the my fucking best friend, and now the girl from the library. Month after month I just sit back and watch as you built some list. I felt that same sick feeling every single time. Every day I’d feel that burning pit of jealousy grow, knowing your attention would never be on me in the same way. No, not in the same way, I want something different. I wanted you to care for me in the same way I do for you; I wanted so desperately for you to drop everyone else for me.” My chest rose and fell quickly. I couldn’t think of the proper words to convey how I wanted him to want me. 
Yōichi’s eyes were wide at my sudden confession. 
Silence fell again. Painful silence as we stared at each other. I wanted to kiss him, to hit his chest and yell at him to leave, to kiss from his lips to his neck, I wanted to hand his shoes to him and hit the door on his back. 
Yōichi took a step closer. It took everything inside me not to move, to stay neutral. His hand slid under my jaw and up to cup my cheek. I watched as his eyes traveled down before landing on my lips, quickly flickering back up to meet my eyes once again. Was that a signal for a kiss? 
His head moved towards mine, stopping right before our lips touched. My breath hitched in anticipation, an ache began to form in the pit of my stomach. 
“Please,” I softly whined, the embarrassment settling in mere milliseconds after the plea left my lips. My face grew hot. 
Yōichi’s lips quickly pressed against mine, the light kiss only lasting a few moments before he pulled away and flicked his eyes to mine; he was asking for permission to continue. I couldn’t form words, I only nodded my head yes. 
His lips fluttered soft kisses, increasing my yearning each time he lingered for just a few seconds longer in comparison to the previous one. I tangled my hands into his sweatshirt, pulling him towards me in the earnest attempt to get him to keep his lips on me.
He pulled away once again, earning a persistent whine from me. “Is this what you want?” The tone he held made me want to pounce on him. ”With your words,” his hand was on my chin as he was looking in my eyes. 
I shook under his touch, his control was intoxicating, “Yes Ichi, yes please.”
He let out a satisfied hum.
My eyelids fluttered shut as his lips connected with mine once more. The delicate kisses slowly grew more intense, his tongue gently pressing between my lips. I shuddered at the sensation of his tongue sliding over mine, toying with it as he rolled his tongue around my mouth. The haze in my brain continued to grow with each movement he made, the need between my legs growing at the same pace.
I formed strained fists around the fabric as one of his hands slid across the back of my neck, making its way into my hair. He pulled ever so slightly. My chest rose and fell quickly while my body began to tremble at the contact. I’ve craved this moment for so long, jealousy long replaced by yearning. 
His lips pressed against my neck, they were light and soft. My jaw clenched tightly as I fought off any embarrassing noises. ‘How sensitive would I seem to break for a few neck kisses?’ The thought kept me from coming completely undone under his touch. 
In an effort to distract myself, I focused on his other hand, tracing the line of my spine before landing on the small of my back. His fingers played with the waistband of my night shorts, pulling them slightly away from my skin before letting go, retreating back over the fabric. 
His lips came back to mine, the kiss was now becoming sloppier, tongues pushing against each other as I tried to keep his from leaving my mouth. I could feel the spit beginning to dribble down my chin. 
His fingers were now prodding into my waistband, going back and forth under the elastic, not passing the point of my underwear. The contact between my bear back and his light fingers threatened to pull every string holding me standing. 
My own fingers began to travel in desperation for him. I hooked both index fingers in the waist of his sweatpants. They paused for a second, I was nervous; not nearly as experienced as Yōichi. The mentioned male’s fingers now reaching over my ass and rubbing my clothed cunt was enough to get over that thought.
The corners of Yōichi’s mouth curved and I knew I had lost, I couldn’t stop the sounds that broke from lips, especially not when they were forced open by his tongue. Fingertips barely brushing over my clit was nearly enough to make my knees buckle, but I tensed, trying to stay as still as possible. He was a tease, he knew how to get someone hooked and needy for more. 
I was palming him over his sweats now, my hand moving slowly over his hardening cock. Every increased inch left me in awe, my imagination running with images of what it could possibly look like. For almost all of the tropes we filled, I had never walked in on him naked. I had only heard second hand accounts from my friend of what it was like, how big it was, and what it looked like. Another hitch.
My brain switched from the satisfaction I got from feeling him push into my hand, his own moans starting to mix with mine, and the satisfaction of his fingers now pressing more energetically on my clit. My legs were faltering now, my body leaning more and more onto Yoichi as my panties grew increasingly slick. 
I cursed him for his rigid stature, how he mildly kept his composure under my touch unlike me, who was coming undone with every aching move of his fingers. I wanted to beg him to push his fingers inside me, to satisfy the longing. 
When Yōichi finally pulled out of the kiss, I was huffing, my body slumped over onto his. I probably looked so pathetic; spit running down my chin onto my neck, my hands needily pulling at his sweats. My face felt flushed as he chuckled down at me. 
“I’ve waited so fucking long for this,” the admittance caused my eyes to widen. His hand the back of my neck and moved to grab my chin, his thumb gently ran over my wet lips. “From the day I laid eyes on you, I just wanted to press you against the nearest wall and make you mine,” his voice was low and his breathing heavy, “I tried every night to get you out of my head, had so many girls beating at my chest because your name slipped. I was so frustrated every time it wasn’t you.” My chest thumped so hard I was scared he could hear it. 
His fingers were tracing over my lips now, rubbing my slick against my pussy. I whimpered as his thumb pushed into my mouth, barely making contact with my tongue. His hand fidgeted in my clothes, pulling at the crotch of my panties. 
I noticed, however slight it was, his desperate pants, the way his hand still pushed into my stilled hand, the light tint on his cheeks. The corners of my mouth twitched upwards as I sucked on his thumb, earning a low groan from the man. 
“I can’t take it anymore, I really can’t,” he was almost whining. He pushed down my pants and panties in one go, I lazily kicked them across the floor. My thighs felt sticky. 
I ached as both of his hands pulled away from me before he kicked off his own pants, a groan leaving his mouth as his cock sprung free from his boxers. He laughed at my soft gasp before rubbing the hand he had used to touch my pussy with earlier across the tip. 
The trance caused by the slow swirling of his fingers was broken when he wrapped the other hand around me before making his way backwards to my bed. We turned, and he gently nudged me onto the bed. I laid on my back, suddenly feeling extremely shy. My thighs pressed together tightly. 
He pushed my glued legs up with one hand, I drew in a shocked breath as he began rubbing my now exposed pussy. “I-Ichi?” 
He hummed, “Hm? Feeling shy now?” He chuckled before leaning forward. The sensation of his warm tongue gliding from my slit to my clit, pushing apart my lips, caused my back to arch. 
I began to pant as he repeatedly lapped at me, mind going numb at the unrelenting swirling and prodding of his tongue. “Ichi, Ichi I’m gonna,” it couldn’t have been that long since he started, but I already felt my body growing warmer with each movement of his tongue. One of his free fingers started to poke at my entrance. I whimpered as he slid it in, his moan vibrating against my clit. I felt dizzy with his finger delving in and out of me.    
“Cum for me then, give it all to me please,” oh my god I couldn’t think. Without warning, my body tensed as I bucked my hips, reaching my orgasm. He moaned into my lips, my body twitching with every flick from the tip of his tongue. “Good girl, mmph, so good.” 
Yōichi finally sat my legs back down, they were practically jelly under his touch as he spread my thighs apart. The tip of his dick pressed against my entrance before he slid it up, running the length of his cock between my lips. I offered a low moan, still breathless. He ran it up and down a handful of times, I could feel it twitch when he would prod it against my hole. 
I felt his warm breath against my neck. “I’m gonna put it in now, I need to,” he exhaled. The tip began to slide in; my hands gripped onto his shirt so hard that if my mind weren’t drunk on the thought of his dick, I probably would’ve been concerned about it ripping.
I clamped tightly around every inch that pushed in before he finally bottomed out. He hissed softly, and I couldn’t tell which one of our chests were closing the gap. 
He stood still for a few seconds, hips jerking every so often as if he was having a hard time not moving. “I-I can’t,” he murmured into my ear before slowly pulling out. He only moved back enough for the tip to be the only part left in. His dawdling movements didn’t last long before his hips accelerated. 
The creaking of my bed and the sound of my headboard tapping against the wall mixed in with our moans. Yōichi leaned down for another kiss, his tongue much more aggressive in comparison to his earlier flirtatious pecks. His lips pressed against mine with need, my body trembled underneath his. His hips snapped against mine while he pushed my knees up. The small amount of my mind that was still sound allowed for me to be embarrassed as to how easily accessible I was for him in this position.
 “So good, so… so good,” he groaned into the kiss. I clenched down, the warmth slowly turning into nearly unbearable heat as my pelvis tensed. I couldn’t choke out the words to warn him about my incoming release. 
My back pushed my chest against his hard, my body aching as it twitched helplessly under his grasp. I choked out a cry as my mind went blank, the flame in my stomach finally encapsulating my body.
I went limp under him, his pounding becoming more erratic as his hips rushed faster. It was all I could do to moan into his neck with every overstimulating thrust. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he repeatedly muttered before one final thrust, burying himself to the hilt into me. 
He eased down on top of me, not completely putting his full weight. We stayed like that for what felt like hours until he caught his breath and rolled over beside me. 
He pulled me closer to him, tracing a finger over my hip before planting a kiss against my sweaty temple. I could feel the smile against my skin, but I was too lazy to look up. 
“So…” he began, “about a date…” 
My face became flushed again, “D-don’t talk about something sweet like that while..”
”While my cum is leaking out of you?” he shamelessly continued. I scoffed, “Alright alright, we’ll talk about it in the bath.” I hit his chest and he just laughed.
My eyes snapped wide open as I heard the slam of my roommate’s bedroom door. 
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briology · 1 year
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spending their break with you: w/ kuramochi, miyuki, tets, tanba genre: fluff pairing: x black! fem reader CW: none! note: happy holidays !!!
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the most excited to spend it with you.
has stuff planned out for the two of you to do
you guys went out to his favorite restaurant (the food was delicious)
he brought you back to his house to see his mother and she had cookies that needed to be decorated
it was going good till this man started to eat the cookies
you and his mother scolded him for that
Yall ended up cuddling by the fireplace while watching a Christmas movie
he may not show it a lot, but he really loves to spend time with you over the holidays
he worked so hard, so you being the fantastic gf you are, booked yall a nice hotel to spend Christmas together
yall get there and it has the best scenery from the floor that you both were on.
on Christmas morning, yall exchanged gifts
you got him cleats, a chain, and some new gloves with his name on it
and as for his gifts to you, he got you gift cards to your favorite restaurant and store, a necklace with his name on it, and a beautiful promise ring
you both decided to order some room service food
miyuki was so lucky to have you in his life
you already know how he coming
this man is making Christmas dinner with his momma, baking some desserts, he did it all with you.
he is the type to be making sure that everything is prepared, making sure everything is in order.
he'll be stressing like this is y'all first Christmas together.
when it comes to gift exchange, he has the straghtest face but on the inside, he is nervous you wouldn't like it.
but ofc, you loved them because they were from him
his mother took pics of you guys opening gifts and they were just, so cute. (even tets was smiling)
ahhh our sweet giant
this time, its about New Year's
is nervous to because of the possibilities of him messing up
or the kiss being bad
brushed teeth, check. mouth spray just in case, yes. chapstick, got it in his pocket.
once it came down to the countdown, he gets ready for the kiss
applies his chapstick before you could look
"3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR"
instead of him grabbing you, you grabbed him and kissed him like you were not gonna let him go
once you pulled away, he was blushing like a MF
"you tatsed sweet, you should wear that chapstick often" you said while smirking. poor guy was stunned and didn't know what to say
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college kicked my ass, but hey, i'm here :) (and for real this time) <3
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koushuwu · 2 years
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Daiya No Ace - Challenge
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euyrdice · 5 months
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apparently-artless · 19 days
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Congratulatory Illustration by Terajima Yuuji
Finally! After 4 years of waiting, the continuation of Daiya no Ace Act II has been officially announced! Let's witness our best boy, Sawamura Eijun, once again with his journey as Seidou's ace.
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p0kuyaki · 12 days
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daiyanerd · 19 days
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cheonmugi · 18 days
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prettyiwa · 22 days
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pepijopa · 11 months
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lady-byleth · 4 months
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I dunno if the second one is real or a really good fake but damn, I love the contrast because that's how they are
Miyuki and Sawamura are constantly bickering about anything if you put them together, no matter where because Miyuki can't stop heckling Sawamura
Meanwhile Miyuki and Kuramochi also bicker constantly but because they're extremely comfortable with and close to each other, it's just how they show affection
Love them so much
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jsdhwdmax56 · 1 year
The "my wife is so going to nag me when I get home" vibe is strong on this one 😂
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nume-x · 1 year
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KuraSawa Birthday Party! ♥
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euyrdice · 1 year
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everybody say it's youichi kuramochi everyone
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ikuuikuya · 1 year
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apparently-artless · 1 year
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BIRTHDAY APPRECIATION POST REQUEST 3 OF 6 || 05.15 dedicated to ix (@prettyiwa)
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