#you'll never find me
thequantumranger · 2 months
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You'll Never Find Me (2023)
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cleric-posting · 16 days
I really appreciate being a secret boss. Not too many people visit me. I can focus on my hobbies.
The only people who fight me are niche builds.
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splatteronmywalls · 2 months
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moviemosaics · 1 month
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You'll Never Find Me
directed by Indianna Bell and Josiah Allen, 2023
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fearsmagazine · 4 months
YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME | Trailer, Poster & Images
When an isolated man living at the back of a desolate caravan park is visited by a desperate young woman seeking shelter from a violent storm.
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As the savage storm worsens, these solitary souls begin to feel threatened - but who should really be afraid?
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YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME, is directed by Josiah Allen and Indianna Bell, screenplay by Indianna Bell, starring Brendan Rock and Jordan Cowan, and coming to Shudder Mar. 22nd, 2024.
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gebo4482 · 4 months
You'll Never Find Me | Official Trailer | Coming to Shudder
Dir: Josiah Allen / Indianna Bell Star: Brendan Rock / Jordan Cowan / Elena Carapetis
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mogwai-movie-house · 2 months
You’ll Never Find Me (2023)
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In the middle of a cold, dark, rainy night, a lonely man, living an isolated life in a trailer park, gives shelter to a woman who knocks at his door.
This new Australian horror gets an enormous amount of tension and atmosphere out of what is essentially a two-person story, set entirely in a mobile home. The camerawork is very high quality, wringing as much mood and texture out of the set's limited space as is possible, and the dialogue between the two leads is nuanced and constantly shifting, piquing one's attention and curiosity throughout. Brendan Rock, as the creepy man with the big, sad eyes, puts in a tremendous performance that will stay with you a long time.
The last third of the film is weaker, and more predictable, once the reveal happens, and it becomes kinda what you expected the film to be all along, which is a disappointment. And the final conclusion is not clear enough to satisfy our investment in the story: have we been watching some kind of purgatory all this time? Are these ghosts? Is any of this real?
If the filmmakers had come up with a great and unexpected ending, this could have been a cult film for the ages, but without a first-rate payoff, the best I can give it is a 6.66/10
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heavensbled · 9 months
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beammedownn · 2 months
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Jordan Cowan in You'll Never Find Me
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screendimdotcom · 2 months
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“You’ll Never Find Me” (2024) serves up a psychological thriller that’s one part existential dread, two parts cabin fever with a twist, and a generous sprinkle of monologues.
The stage is set in the most glamorous of locales—a mobile home that’s seen better days, probably around the same time pagers were considered cutting-edge tech. Here we find Patrick, played by Brendan Rock, who exudes the kind of charisma only a man living in isolation at the back of an isolated trailer park can muster. Then, as if Mother Nature herself decided Patrick needed company, a storm blows in, carrying with it a mysterious young woman, portrayed with enigmatic allure by Jordan Cowan.
The first act of the film might feel like you’re back in high school, stuck listening to classmates’ presentations that go on forever. Patrick and his unexpected guest take turns delivering monologues that feel like they’re sat in a cirlce at an AA group, passing a baton between them when it’s their turn to talk. “And how does that make you feel, Patrick?” one can almost hear an off-screen therapist ask.
Once the verbal relay race concludes, once the monologues stop, the real fun begins. The film masterfully cranks up the tension, turning the mobile home into a battleground of wits and wills, reminiscent of a chess match where the pieces are equally likely to hug it out or stab each other in the back.
The single-location setting of the film, far from being a limitation, becomes a character in its own right. It’s like watching a reality TV show where the contestants are locked in a room with nothing but their secrets, except here, the prize is making it through the night without losing your sanity.
Rock and Cowan’s performances are so riveting, they almost make you forget you’re watching two people essentially stuck in a glorified tin can. Rock’s portrayal of Patrick is a study in how to be simultaneously creepy and sympathetic—a man who probably talks to his houseplants because they’re less judgmental than people. Cowan, as the mysterious visitor, brings a sense of intrigue that’s palpable, making you wonder if her character stumbled upon the trailer park by accident or if she’s really just a fan of budget accommodations with a side of impending doom.
The twist ending is the cherry on top of this bizarre, stormy sundae, delivering a payoff that makes the earlier slog worth it. It’s like realizing the slow cooker you begrudgingly filled in the morning actually made something delicious by dinner time.
“You’ll Never Find Me” is an enjoyably odd journey through the human psyche, with enough quirks and twists to keep you glued to your seat. The film manages to turn monologues into an art form, albeit one that might benefit from an intermission. So grab some popcorn, lower your expectations for a fast-paced thrill ride, and settle in for a movie that’s quite happy to take its sweet time getting to the point. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best stories are like a mobile home in a storm—unpredictable, a little shaky, but ultimately, a shelter from the predictable plots raining down outside.
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oneofusnet · 2 months
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Screener Squad: You'll Never Find Me YOU’LL NEVER FIND ME MOVIE REVIEW Spring into your horror binges with every fright fanatics favorite streaming service…Shudder presents from writer/director Indianna Bell with co-Director Josiah Allen, You’ll Never Find Me. Patrick (Brendan Rock) lives alone in the deepest darkest corner of the trailer park. One stormy night, a young woman in need of shelter knocks at his door and unlike a lonely Washington latchkey kid, he does not want to let her in. Patrick isn’t exactly a bad samaritan but he’d rather enjoy his seclusion than have company over tea. Her cries for help unlock his empathy as well… Read More »Screener Squad: You’ll Never Find Me read more on One of Us
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noeljpenaflor · 2 months
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This You’ll Never Find Me Review (2023) Has Even Younger Ghostbusters Using Nuclear Weapons!! (LINK Below)
Find this LINK and Click on It!
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tatisaaresto · 2 months
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Patrick, um residente estranho e solitário, mora em um trailer nos fundos de um estacionamento de trailers isolado. Depois de uma violenta tempestade, uma jovem misteriosa aparece à sua porta em busca de abrigo.
Acesse o Link AQUI.
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kristenswig · 2 months
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#45. You'll Never Find Me - Josiah Allen & Indianna Bell
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abbottdaniel335 · 2 months
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