oflgtfol · 18 days
like sorry i do think there is a CRIMINAL lack of bottom symby and it kinda bugs me i once again made yet another top symby fic but like. like. hello. hello. its dark in here
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allulily · 4 years
watching the promised neverland ep1
most likely spoilers ahead
(not most likely, most definitely and they are not minor spoilers so you've been warned)
these are in real time(ish) reactions i write as i watch with minimal editing
before starting the 1st episode: ok so the picture looks cute, there is no summery being shown but whatever i'll just see how this goes. my sister has been annoying me to watch it and i have heard good thing about it's use of sound. let's get this started but i have some homework so i'm going to let this play on background while i try to figure what the fuck is up with math
0:57: this gate seems important and a little suspect but cute animation and, yes emma i too wish to ride a giraffe. and they all say mom like they have the same one but they don't really look like siblings
2:26: cool intro fun vibes
2:29: what's up with the numbers
3:10: that's a lota children
3:37: they seem to happy go lucky, somethings up
4:29: animation pretty
4:43: ominous music and numbers mean bad things
4:55: ohhh is it connys birthday happy birthdayyy babyy
5:18: i don't know what they're doing bet it seems ominous and intense
5:31: kinda culty vibes
5:49: yayyyyyy
5:59: eDgEyy
6:26: why all white? it's culty
7:02: Aawwwwww Conny and Don are BESSSSTTT friends
7:33: norman's good at tag
7:59: BIIIIIIGG steppppyy
8:09: clocks are cool, whimsical
8:26: oh no norman, emma go help him
8:52: how stRatITigiEc
9:53: feeling ominous
10:01: oh no
10:09: ahhhh noooo suspenseee somethings gonna happen
10:24: i'm unsettled i've been unsettled
10:46: oooooooooh exposiiiitioooooonn
10:50: it's a tiny fence man
10:59: yesss be the level head ray QUESTION EVERYTHING
11:08: hmmmmmmm something's a bit weird
11:23: mmmmmmmmk these people gathered seems like some key players because they aren't that stupid and are not 4 years old and are talking about suspect things
11:26: it's an orphanage huh didn't get that till just now i was pretty sold on the cult idea, still could be an orphanage for a cult
11:30: 12 is not the age at which you age out of foster care system/ no longer need a legal guardian what happens at 12? do they go to a new orphanage?
11:33: from who ur orphans? i take back what i said about them being important because they're smart they're kinda dumb but still there is an adaquate amount of them to make sense as being important based on the topic they're discussing
11:38: i redact my previous statement of my redaction of them being smart
11:43: that's not how that's supposed to work
11:56: glasses sweety i don't think that's how that works
11:58: this seems like the type of conversation you shouldnt brush off like that
12:02: based on this background music and the music as emma approached the fence i kinda feel like you don't
12:10: yea that's culty
12:12: so they have access to books that's cool
12:50: they are pretty childish for protagonists
12:52: based on the title that statement ("i don't really want to leave") is either very very true or very very false
12:59: given that this is the first episode of an anime and it has some very culty vibes the "we're all happy here" is not going to last
13:02: someone is not happy
13:03: this child has a very high pitched kind of annoying voice i hope they die first
13:08: ooh this small child is getting adopeted (idk is that like being inducted into the cult? then why a 5 year old before the 10?11? year olds) i take back the ending of my previous statement they seem like a side character/supporting character and they're cute enough and they said something nice so i geuss they can stay as long as they don't talk to much
13:13: like a mom or an orphanage mom?
13:17: the whole "never even think about abandoning my children" but seems odd but my running theory is that they are part of a cult so maybe that's a prevelant issue? or is it because they are in an orphanage that this is relevant?
13:19: this feels a bit creepy
13:59: noooo her best friend don is crying and she's crying and its saaaad but they were part of the conversation of important topics so maybe she'll stick around or we'll get updates on her
14:02: ominous door slam
14:12: ohh nooo this is very not sounding good
14:19: uh oh somethings off
14:31: mk i geuss that gate doesn't look bad at all
14:32: connys bunny, noooooooo
15:03: why isn't he joining them
15:05: whatever i geuss they're very considerate
15:13: uh oh spagetios
15:17: this seems like it's gonna be a bigger deal that the show wants be to believe
15:22: well that trucks suspicious
15:32: oh no ominous music and ominus anxiety inducing camera angles before it was only the video or sound
15:37: ahhhhhhh suspenseeeeee is gettin toooo meeee
15:43: ahhhhhhHhHHhHHHH creepy vibes
15:50: dumb bitch characters are unaffected
15:56: there isn't even ominus music just a consistent background noise and an every so often background noise and creepy ways the scene are shot but it's wooorrrkkkingggggg
16:03 suspense is building what's gonna happennnn
16:08 what's that dark stain. i hope it's water
16:25 shit what's happened
16:28 she is unsteady this is not god the weird noises are getting creepier
16:30 biiiiig step back
16:32 oh no she has seen something
16:36 oh wow this is killing me but like in a good way
1639 wooow this is a looooot creepier now
16:46 the way we are being brought to look at the thing emma is looking at is excruciating ahhhhhhhhh
16:54 oh nooooooo what issss itttttttt
16:56 hot ducking shit is that conny
17:00 ok so there's a flower
17:01 ok so the flower stabbed conny
17:06 SHIIT
17:29 are they out of food why would he want to catch a cat for dinner this seems bad
17:36 FUCK
17:42 god this animation is beautiful
17:46 huh so it seems like connys dead dead. um i didn't mean it when i said i hope she dies first
17:50 so do they eat people
17:52 yes
18:01 what did they just put connys body in?
18:03 oh no
18:11 "only the rich can-" CAPITTTALLLLLISIOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!
19:03 ahhh yes hyperventilation
19:22 no
19:26 denial
19:48 shouldn't everyone be able to hear her pained wail
19:54 badly like it went like shit like thank fucking god they found out but also it's the worst thing ever
20:25 such great expression of emotions is shown
21:09 yes escaping an evil cult canabil type farm shit will be EXAXTLY like playing tag yes great splendid why was i ever worried i might as well stop watching this series now because you can defeat all of your problems with the ability's you have attained from tag
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galrakythel · 6 years
voltron s6 liveblogging
episode 1:
lance sweetpea
hunk being a diplomat is everything
sendak is making his own BOM   LMFAOOO
shes fucking pERFECT. i need her as my teacher
why woudl you keep staying on that planet if it gets so much radiation like get the fuck off that planet
that doughy face is beautiful
someone call keith because shiro needs help asap
sendak needs some chill. relax my furry king
holy shit sendak’s talking about shiro ‘your new master’s bidding.” lotor or haggar?
acxa zethrid and ezor need a vacation after dealing with this ridiculous imperial family, bless these children
hunk giving orders makes me so fucking happy
“thruster sequence”
haggar really going all out
there goes lance and allura saving each other again, love you babies
tbqh y’all need to evacuate this planet
she fucking cured herself omg she didn’t need nobody’s help for that. not zarkon, not lotor, not alfor. just her. my empress honerva yo
episode 2:
“how are you so sure?” -keith. “I pushed you out of my vag, son.” -krolia.
i love lotor, but stop using allura
lance needs a vacation too. like some good recharge time
oh my god is keith gonna get his mark here
yoooo you aint calling her mom yet?!?!?!
how y’all getting out of there now
yoooooooo this episode is brutal
she’s protecting him so much and i’m dying
yooooo this is so cliche i love it
omg krolia omg omg i love you. i love you and your hubby and your son
lance you are worthy!!!!
holy shit earth was really invaded
holy shit two years!!!!! so he’s basically an adult and all the discourse was for nothing lmfao
yo they got a family dog now!!!!
omg is that romelle!!!?!?!?!?!?!
episode 3:
yo i wish all rpgs were like this
coran!!!!  i love you!
shiro is playing himself. lmfao. shiro is such sweet boyfriend material. how can ppl not love him? i love him so much
i want to play monsters and mana
a blazing sword wowwwww and shiro is missing!!!! that’s some foreshadowing!!!
more foreshadowing with the twin. twin my ass, clone looking ass
legit weird foreshadowing. 
tbh that’s better teamwork than my own guild in WoW
episode 4:
they going back to daibazaal
that boy using you allura
yes hunk. this is nuts. i don’t like this idea either. 
it revealed them.... well, it’s gonna reveal that lotor is evil, right?
so he literally needed allura as a battery pack because he couldn’t get out either way
i knew there were more alteans!!!!!!!
wow lotor is harvesting ppl. i suppose he might be worse than his father?
he’s still trying to fucking manipulate her lmfao wowwwwww
this is a lot of clusterfucking right now
holy shittttttt 
oh damnnnnnn
episode 5:
but is it really shiro or just a clone.tell me
y’all should shoot the gate so lotor and haggar don’t do anything
acxa is really calling haggar honerva wow
honerva omfg why are you like this
yoooooooooo lotor you’re really gonna fight her
generals being flippy floppy. was acxa always on his side????
omfg he really is a clone holy shittttttttt 
this is actually really brutal. like. was he ever the real shiro?
did keith’s eyes go galra
ohhhhhh my godddddd he said I LOVE YOU
episode 6:
CAN”T YOU PUT HIS mind in that body??????????
that’s what i had said, destroy the gate.
yo lotor doesn’t even care about the empire. like he doesn’t give a fucking damn and y’all thought he did lmfao
like where the hell is the coalition. where the hell is kolivan. you sent keith to get krolia and they’ve been gone a while. keith hasn’t checked in. like go get those blades!!!!
lmfao lotor is really trying
but for real he’s acting more like zarkon everyday and he gets upset because people call him for what he is
keith baby, where you at
lotor has gone full crazy. honerva collect your son
acxa good job
holy shit lotor
acxa, zethrid, ezor. it’s now fucking time to join the coalition and stop this nonsense. y’all seriously could have just gone to allura instead of zarkon and had been treated like actually people than fucking pawns
you could have told allura what he was trying to build all along, instead you thought and you thought wrong. 
we don’t deserve keith and shiro at all. they are princes
episode 7
“defender of all universes” welp holy shit. multiple realities?
dark voltron is fast yo
this is literally what alfor was afraid of with this other comet. that’s why he didn’t tell honerva or zarkon. they could have made another voltron or a another lion
the altean empire! omfg
yooo why do i feel like they’re gonna stumble upon some fuckin space monster
oh god lotor is gonna get corrupted
or is lotor gonna become a space monster
lotor is no longer a problem? LMFAO okay keith
they ditching the castle. i guess you gonna go to headquarters now huh
ohhhh and where the hell are the generals
oh my god is allura gonna transfer him
allura going full avatar aslasdlaskjd
he’s leaning on keith jfc
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sheepbutthead · 6 years
All o em
Heyyy thanks random human bean.
Everything You Could Ever Want to Know About Me
1. Last kiss
The last kiss I participated in was with Kaitlyn in the back of my car.
2. Last phone call
I hate phone calls but I think the last one I was on was my sister calling me from the other room to turn the tv down.
3. Last text message
My last text message was this morning was to my sister this morning: “I have to be at counselling by 11 and I still need to do some laundry.”
4. Last song you listened to
Yellow Ostrich - Don’t Be Afraid
5. Last time you cried
The last time I really cried was a few days ago when I watched the last episode of The Office. It was so friggin good and I was emotional, man. I cried like 5 times.
6. Dated someone twice
Yes, multiple times. It’s not always a good idea.
7. Been cheated on
Not that I know of.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it
Yes definitely.
9. Lost someone special
Who hasn’t? My grandfather and my sister are the biggest ones.
10. Been depressed
When am I not, really?
11. Been drunk and threw up
Actually, I haven’t. And I’ve gotten PRETTY drunk.
12. had sex
Yeeeeee boi. It was very nice yo
13. How many people have you had sex with this year?
Just the one.
15. Made a new friend
Actually, yes sort of. One of my friend’s coworkers has been talking with me and it’s nice to know I’m not completely unfriendable.
17. Laughed until you cried
Nah not this year. Not yet anyway.
18. Met someone who changed you
Nope, but the year is still young.
19. Found out who your true friends were
I’ve kind of always known. I only really have two.
20. Found out someone was talking about you
I never hear of anyone talking about me. But if you see someone talking about me, tell me about it because I’m self-absorbed and I want to know what they said and think about me.
26. What did you do for your last Birthday
I don’t really remember doing much. I just hung out with friends I think.
27. What time did you wake up today
Ummm I think around 8? Maybe?
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for
I cannot wait for a brain that isn’t constantly trying to sabotage everything. I also cannot wait to buy some gummies because it’s been too long.
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time
Oh boy. July 4th 2016.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life
Oh man, just one thing? God. Probably cheating on someone or my anxiety/self confidence crap to go away. That would help a lot. 
32. What are you listening to right now
I’m not really listening to anything right now. Meghan’s watching a movie in the living room and my laptop is wheezing and begging for death.
33. When is the last time you had sex?
Wow. I hadn’t thought about it but maybe like…two or three weeks ago. Maybe almost a month. I guess it also depends on what you define sex as.
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now
My stupid fingers typing every other word wrong for these answers. And never being able to remember what I want to tell my counselor when I go to see her.
35. Most visited webpage
Either Youtube or Instagram.
36. Favorite colour
That’s kind of tough. I like blue but burgundy and maroon looks pretty good on me.
37. Nicknames
SheepButtHead and variations of that, Jess, Saps (an old one, man).
38. Relationship Status
Single (?) I guess??
39. Zodiac sign
Libruh boi
40. Male or female
Male boi
41. Primary school
Pleasant Valley Elementary
42. Secondary School
We don’t really have a secondary school. It’s split up between the high school and the elementary school.
43. High school/college
Pleasant Valley High. I have not gone to college yet.
44. Eye color
Greenish, bluish, grey?
46. Height
6′ 1″
47. Do you have a crush on someone
When don’t I? I guess you could say so.
48. What do you like about yourself
I gave a kid a nut for his skateboard wheel so he wouldn’t be stranded after he lost his.
49. Piercings
None and I don’t really want any.
50. Tattoos
None but I have a lot planned.
51. Righty or lefty
53. First piercing
No piercings, man.
54. First best friend
Uhhhh maybe Tanis Henry. In like 7th grade.
55. First hookup
Like losing my virginity? That was Misty Heard.
56. First Bestfriend
59. Eating
Nothing at the moment.
60. Drinking
Nothing at the moment.
61. I’m about to
Watch a bunch of youtube videos or spam someone with a bunch of snpachats.
62. Listening to
I think I already answered this, man.
63. Waiting for
Physical affection and gummies.
64. Want kids?
Maayybbeeee not. I’m not really sure anymore. I think it might be nice but it’s going to be a LONG time before I have any. 
65. Get married?
Yes definitely.
66. Career
Oh god, I don’t really know anymore. I just know I want to make things and be creative. It’d be cool to make movies and stuff. Like animated movies or something.
67. Lips or eyes
Shittttttttt, that’s hard. Eyes are obviously really nice but I kind of have a thing for mouths. Sooo I guess ultimately, it’d be lips. But eyes are also really nice.
68. Hugs or kisses
Kisses, man. Hugs are nice and all but I’d much rather be making out than hugging. Combing the two is the best option.
69. Shorter or taller
I don’t really have a preference but I’m really tall so my only option ends up usually being shorter. My personal history agrees.
70. Older or Younger 
Again, I don’t really have a preference I guess. But I’m a little wary of the younger. It just feels a little weird even if there isn’t anything technically wrong with it.
71. Romantic or spontaneous
Ahhhh both are really nice. Why not both? But if I have to chose, it’d probably be romantic.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms
Hm. Damn. I don’t really know. I haven’t really thought about it. I guess maybe nice arms.
73. Sensitive or loud
I have no idea what this means but I guess sensitive??
74. Hook-up or relationship
I like long term relationships more but I can appreciate the chillness and noncommittal hook up.
76. Kissed a stranger
Nope but it’s really something I would be opposed to, I guess.
77. Drank hard liquor
Yes and it’s just not as fun as the bitch beers.
78. Lost glasses/contacts
I don’t wear them so I’ve never had the opportunity to lose them.
79. Had sex
Yep. Maybe just a few times. Just maybe.
80. Broken someone’s heart
Unfortunately, yes. Not really something I’m proud of.
82. Been arrested
Nope, I would cry.
83. Turned someone down
No, not really. Not that I can think of. I guess kind of maybe.
84. Cried when someone died
No shit, Sherlock.
85. Fallen for a friend
Uh yeah I think you could definitely say that.
86. Yourself
No. If I do, it’s very rare.
87. Miracles
I don’t think so.
88. Love at first sight
No, definitely not. It’s not love it’s just a more intense attraction.
89. Heaven
Yikes, I don’t know. I guess I kind of do.
90. Santa Clause
I try, for my brothers’ sake, but not genuinely.
91. Kiss on the first date
I think it’s fine to kiss on the first date if you’re both really feeling it. I mean, it really depends on how the date went.
92. Angels
That kind of goes hand in hand with heaven.
93. How would you label yourself?
God, I don’t know. White privileged male. Bi, I guess. Kind of a useless piece of shit.
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For
Gummies. I don’t know, I don’t pray my man.
95. Did you sing today
Yes I did, I sung in my car while taking my brothers to their tutoring.
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About
I guess it kind of depends on who’s really an ex. It’s a little confusing. I guess Jessi.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
Oooohhhhhh boi. About three years ago. 2015 was NOT a good year for my morals. I’d start in 2015 and work my way back up from there.
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For
Fuck what a loaded question. I guess I just want to be happy and content in love without having to worry about too much stuff in my relationship. Or maybe better motivation/confidence to go to the gym.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?
I don’t think I’m necessarily afraid of falling in love. I think I’m more so just afraid of being vulnerable. And if I can’t be vulnerable then how can I really let love in?
100. Do you like the way you look?
I think I like how my dress style is. And it’s only getting better. I don’t, however, like my physical appearance that much. Don’t get me started on that.
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