youkosoledad · 6 months
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yuni-is-here · 9 months
File 207753 - Combat Log "Final Stand"
A group of anomalies from the destroyed Aozora "Broken Justice" timeline somehow managed to transport themselves into a timeline that was normal, known as the Yoihi "Cloudy Days" timeline. The day they transported was supposed to be during a giant celebration, which would have led to a giant increase of happiness. For the Yoihi people the more positive emotion they got, the more strength and power they would gain. However the more negative emotions they got, the more weak and closer to death they were. These anomalies were picked up by the minute hands, recording the increase in Temporal instability. The Temporal Removal Division were informed of this and were told to investigate the timeline to find and execute any anomalies that weren't willing to return to their timeline, or to execute them if their timeline's main timeline was destroyed. The agents that were sent to locate the anomalies were
Sir Provecta ☰ Codename : Tempus Knight☰
Furtim Sen ☰ Codename : Sky Shinobi☰
Jikan O'kami ☰ Codename : Kamen Rider Chrono☰
A three-man squad led by Furtim, a Sora-bound from the Aozora "Sheriff" timeline. The group split up to locate the anomalies, having to utilize cloaks to not stand out on the day of celebration. They continued to communicate using their wrist comms, Sir Provecta located three anomalies that were scoping out the celebration. Having scanned them to find out that they were all from a destroyed timeline, despite the offer of relocation one of the anomalies fled while the other two attacked Sir Provecta with modified cutlasses. The two anomalies were swiftly executed, as they were outclassed by Sir Provecta's sword skills. However the fleeing anomaly got away before Sir Provecta could stop him, the anomaly did leave behind a communication device that they were using to communicate with other groups of anomalies.
Jikan O'kami managed to locate a group of four anomalies, two of which were stealing canisters of a special explosive dust compound. Like the group Sir Provecta had located before, they refused the relocation offer. Two of them attacked Jikan with the same modified cutlasses, which was a bit of a challenge to Jikan due to being a newer recruit. However, he still managed to execute the attacking anomalies alongside one of the fleeing anomalies with a quick firing of the Chrono-Bullet. The three Temporal Removal Agents regrouped, and they went to locate the remaining anomalies. They ended up running into the three at the center of the celebration, which involved fireworks and other flammable celebratory equipment. They were yet to go off, the group of five anomalies however was planning to make them go off before schedule. The only one that noticed the Anomalies' locations was Furtim Sen, who froze up seeing his own face on the head of one of the anomalies. Before the other members could notice the anomalies, it was already too late. They utilized a Sky Blade to cause the wind to blow the explosive dust onto everyone in the center of the celebration, only one of the members that managed to react in time was Jikan, noticing the dust he tackled his squad mates out of the way of the dust. The anomalies then set off the celebratory equipment. causing lots of sparks, and flames. Which made the dust explode, and the bystanders were hurt or killed in the resulting explosion. Sir Provecta and Jikan were unscathed due to their armor, while Furtim was incapacitated due to the explosion. The amount of instability was building since a few of the people at the celebration were important to the future of the Timeline. Specifically, a man Juyo Hito would have resulted in a sort of joy renaissance, due to his aspiration of being a dancer to bring joy to others. Juyo lost his leg in the explosion, meaning he couldn't dance anymore.
The anomalies then started attacking civilians with their weapons, increasing the instability in the timeline. Sir Provecta handed Furtim to Jikan to send back to the time council, Jikan used his Chrono Driver to Temporal jump to the Time council base of operations. Sir Provecta fought hard, defending civilians from the attacking Anomalies. Preventing as many deaths as he could. But he was only one man against eight anomalies. He took down two of the anomalies, specifically the two that had managed to flee. However, the other six overwhelmed him, especially the Alternative Furtim. His armor was sliced through with one of the Sky-Blades, creating a giant hole in the chest plate. Getting run through by the others that wielded modified cutlasses, resulting in the slow of death Furtim Sen due to the wounds inflicted. The recorded footage shows that the anomalies laughed in joy seeing as he died. Jikan returned with reinforcements, to help with special evacuation protocols. They started to evacuate the Yoihi people through a Temporal rift to processing, having to also combat the anomalies. The only one that had proved to be extreme trouble was the alternative Furtim Sen, he was skilled but also blessed with the power of Electrokinesis. This resulted in a clash of blades between Jikan and Furtim, with Jikan utilizing the Chrono-Blade against Furtim's Sky-Blade. Jikan is one of the only things holding off Furtim from getting to the survivors, barely managing to hold him off from the rift. His luck was great enough to draw a card that allowed him to stabilize the timeline for longer so that more of the survivors could make it, and allow the remaining Time council-related personnel to temporal jump back to base. Jikan knocked his sword out of his hand, utilizing the chrono-blade's "Chrono Destroy" to heavily damage him. However this didn't end him, he punched Jikan onto the floor. Readying one final blast of electricity to end him.
The lightning was fired towards Jikan, as he braced for the end of his life. Time had slowed to a halt, Jikan opened his eyes to see a councilor that had intervened, and the lightning stopped in time. The councilor simply transported them back to the Time council's base, as time had resumed in that Timeline. It resumes its breaking and tearing. The alternative Furtim ran towards the closing warp, his arm outreached. This only results in the clean removal of the arm, him likely getting destroyed in the destruction of the Yoihi "Cloudy Days" timeline. His urge to spread the pain of losing his world led to the destruction of another timeline and resulted in his own destruction.
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22centuryworks · 11 months
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 やっと柳楽くんに 追いついたかな(役所広司)
 この発言は日本のショタコン社会への言及とみてよさそうだ。役所氏はさりげなく政治色をまぶすことで知られている(※)。「どう考えてもこんなヒトは日本社会にいない」とどの作品をみても思う。その出演作は全て「役所広司の映画」になっている。今回は便所の清掃員という役所であり、かつ「PERFECT DAYS」というタイトルであるため、「せかいのおきく」(YOIHI)を連想させる。役所氏には天使のような役が似合う気がする。
天使への授賞(カンヌ映画祭 役所広司さん「賞が大好きです」 日本人ダブル受賞)
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A Shinji Aoyama film(2000) 真の事態
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kcphousou · 1 year
2023年製作/89分/G/日本 配給:東京テアトル、U-NEXT、リトルモア 監督:阪本順治
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「本作は、気鋭の日本映画製作チームと世界の自然科学研究者が協力して、様々な時代の「良い日」に生きる人々を描き「映画」で伝えていくYOIHI PROJECTの第一弾作品です。」
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brdc-a · 1 year
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源川瑠々子の『星空の歌』 2023/04/20 20時配信
ゲスト:東京テアトル株式会社 映像事業本部企画調整部 沢村敏さん
※スマホ/タブレットはアプリからご視聴ください。 過去の放送は、Back numberで🎧
また、気鋭の日本映画製作チームと世界の自然科学研究者が協力して、様々な時代の「良い日」に生きる人々を描き「映画」で伝えていくYOIHI PROJECTについても伺います。どうぞ、お楽しみに♪
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出演:黒木華 寛一郎 池松壮亮 眞木蔵人 佐藤浩市 石橋蓮司 脚本・監督:阪本順治 企画・プロデューサー・美術:原田満生 ・映画『せかいのおきく』公式サイト ・YOIHI PROJECT オフィシャルサイト ・テアトルシネマ 上映作品
【源川瑠々子最新情報】 アンティーク着物で歌う『藤村の初恋』リサイタル 日時:2023年6月7日(水)13時30分開場/14時開演 会場:銀座王子ホール(東京都中央区銀座4-7-5) 出演:源川瑠々子 神尾憲一(ピアノ演奏) ゲスト:林田直樹(作品解説)、深雪さなえ(朗読) 4月14日(金)より公演チケット発売中♪ 詳しくはこちらから 【BGM】
「春の歌」 作詞:島崎藤村の「若菜集」より 作曲:神尾憲一 歌:源川瑠々子 <源川瑠々子の『星空の歌』>
過去放送一覧はこちら 源川瑠々子 公式サイト
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kyoshidaworks · 1 year
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1908jmd · 3 years
Hey, I love your blog so much and I think your awesome! Feel free not to post this, but you should probably give artist’s credit when you post fanart and make sure you have their permission to post it. You’re really cool and seeing your posts always brings a smile to my face! :)
Hi - the artist’s web address on the pictures!!  I did ask her permission to use it.  I’’d hate to try and say it was mine, as I can’t draw!
The  illustrator is:
sunshunes-yoiHi! I'm Agnes. I'm a Freelance Illustrator and Zine Maker
sunshunes-yoiVous pouvez le trouver ici : https://sunshunes.tumblr.com/post/127811811140/happy-national-bow-tie-day ☺️
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youkosoledad · 4 months
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—Y sí me permitieras pasar esta fría noche a tu lado, sería el único regalo que más anhelo.
Hiei lo miró con sorpresa, mientras Yoite tomaba su mano y la colocaba en su pecho. Pudo sentir la calidez y el latir de aquel corazón que le profesaba amor.
—¿Te gustaría bailar conmigo bajo las brillantes luces? —Pregunt�� Yoite con una gentil sonrisa.
—A veces, dices cosas extrañas... Me preguntó entonces, por qué siempre acabó accediendo a ellas? —Respondió Hiei.
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youkosoledad · 2 years
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youkosoledad · 2 years
Yoite: I love you just the way you are, bad and bitter
Hiei: Thanks...
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youkosoledad · 2 years
Yo con mi shipp que amo tanto jaja
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youkosoledad · 2 years
If there is someone who opposes this shipp/wedding
You better keep it to yourself!
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youkosoledad · 1 month
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youkosoledad · 1 year
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youkosoledad · 2 years
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youkosoledad · 2 years
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