#yj text post meme
hartanddoe · 1 month
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wowzashipman · 10 months
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at some point i will stop making these
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tweetsofyj · 4 months
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bumblebeatrice · 1 year
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yellowjackets as (sapphic tension) textposts part 5/?
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h1tsme · 16 days
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i think im funny
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konboyblues · 2 months
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August 26th - September 1st, 2024
Monday, August 26th - Rescue // Doppelgänger // First Time
Tuesday, August 27th - Moving in Together // Multiverse // Sex Accidents
Wednesday, August 28th - Scars & Disabilities // Ex's // Aftercare
Thursday, August 29th - Double Date // Phobias // Secret Rendezvous
Friday, August 30th - Superfam & Flashfam // Fourth World // Control
Saturday, August 31st - Realizations & Confessions // Only Lovers Left Alive // Fuck Nasty
Sunday, September 1st - People of Manchester, Alabama & The Ravers // Nightmares // Accidental Kink Discovery
Continuing to celebrate the BartKon Renaissance in the modern era. Since the ship has historically been a rarepair since its conception in the 1990's, this fanweek acts as both a way to celebrate the BartKon narrative in DC Comics, as well as engage new fans in our small yet mighty collective.
Why should we participate in this?
Because you like BartKon. Because you saw fanfiction and fanart and shitposts, and decided you wanted to see what's poppin' in the BartKonosphere. All creators are welcome. Our romcom lovers, the darkfic connoisseurs, and of course, our smut specialists.
So how does it work?
The release date for fanworks is from Monday, the 26th of August through Sunday, the 1st of September, 2024. 
You have four months to write, draw, and create fanworks. On top of fanfiction and fanart, we also encourage meta, essays, ship manifestos, playlists, and poetry.
This is also an opportunity for new fans to engage with an old ship with a robust body of work, hence why this fanweek is dedicated only to BartKon depicted in DC Comics from 1994-2024. This is not a YJ-centric week, nor it is a BartKon+third week, nor is it a my-ship-is-better-than-your-ship week. Please be courteous and treat each other with respect when engaging with fanworks and their creators. If you misbehave, I will be cursing you with ten thousand years of bad luck on top of car/train/transportation trouble every day for the rest of your life.
BartKon of ANY comic book universe is acceptable. If you want to spend the entire fanweek exploring Luthor-El and Bart because you love horrific love, then be my guest! If you want a crazed version of Bart to kidnap Kon from Gemworld, go for it! Let that imagination run WILD!!!
Both safe and not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell tropes are welcome. Just make sure that you post any Mature content on a landing page that doesn't restrict Mature content (like AO3). I don’t want anyone getting their blog banned. We cannot defeat our capitalist overlords, but we can definitely work around them.
This fanweek will not have a dedicated blog. These prompts are free for anyone to use. Because it is a non-traditional, non-monetized, and free-to-opt-in casual event, there will be no mods but moi, no advertising of paid services, and no ratings or participant restrictions. I will open a collection on AO3 in August for anyone who wants their work collated for this event.
In order to ensure that both creators and the audience are making informed decisions about what they engage with, all creators are encouraged to include triggers and any other squick warnings. 
Please utilize the read-more function for fanworks that are longer than 250 words. We're tryna read yer stories, not get spammed with a wall of text. Please Be Courteous.
And last but not least - if you are engaging with any of the fanworks, reblog, reblog, reblog! Share the work with your followers. Send all the love to the creators for crafting their masterpieces!!
What can I contribute?
Fanart (standalones, comic strips, etc.), fanfiction (one-shots, multichapter, etc.), fanmixes, gifsets, graphics, meme collections, fanvids, ship essays and meta, songifics, playlists, poetry, whatever your heart desires! Go wild!!!
Can I create/write not-safe-for-tunglr dot hell content?
Yes!!! All creators are encouraged to include triggers warnings, sub-genre specifications, and other warnings in their posts. I will not discourage you from writing your 16k Bart Goes Insane Over Kon fic, but please... Be Courteous and tag your fanworks appropriately so people can make an informed decision about what they're comfortable with engaging with.
What does (X) prompt mean?
Each day has three prompts!! You can either pick a prompt OR you can combine prompts in different ways. Although the prompts range from The Basics, to Things That Frighten The Barts and Kons, and end with They're Fucking Nasty in Cissie's Basement Because They Can't Afford a Motel, I challenge you to let your imagination take you where you want to go with each prompt!! If you want to explore all three in the same fanwork, then be my guest!! I will not stop you :'>
Mainstream Canon, Elsewords, and AU content is acceptable! Just make sure to stay within the comicsverse. We have SO MUCH BARTKON MADNESS IN THE COMICS, SO PLAY AROUND WITH OUR BEAUTIFUL CANON!!! Creativity is key! Have fun!!!
Can I crackship/multiship/harem/OT3/polyam the characters?
No. It's literally BartKon Week, Heart & Bones Edition. There's like six active fans left on this bitch of an earth. Don't do this to me :'<
Does this have a tag?
During release week, use the general “bartkon” and "konbart" tags to share your work with the wider BartKon fandom on tunglr. You can use whatever other tags you fancy. The best way to share, however, is to directly @ me so that I may reblog it.
I didn’t read a damn thing before this, Ava.
TL;DR: Nearly four months until the fanweek!!! For all fanwork creators out there, now’s the time to start thinking about what prompts you want to utilize for your creations. There are no creative restrictions, but I do ask that you follow these posting tips:
All fanfiction should be under a read-more.  
Not-safe-for-tunglr fanwork should be LINKED to whatever landing site the content is being hosted on (Twitter, AO3, etc). This includes both fanfiction and fanart. I don’t want your blog getting flagged bc tunglr hates gay people.
Provide content warnings for all triggers, squicks, and sub-genres. Unfortunately, in my ten odd years away from DC Comics, the fandom's seen a resurgence in puritanical behavior and tons of censorship and self-censorship. Please list content warnings on your work but do not be discouraged in sharing your work. If a fancop gets on your ass, block them. Please block as MANY as you can. They're like pests, they're always gonna be there, but their influence can be diminished by staunch blocking and reporting.
You can participate as much as you want!! Maybe you only wanna create for one day? Cool! Maybe you’re an overachieving corporate clown insomniac like myself, and wanna create for every day of the week? Go for it!!! 
The most important thing is to have fun :)
Closing Remarks
Like all my other events I host, this event, too, is entirely selfish. I've loved BartKon since I was a child when I was first introduced to it in the form of Bart/Clark on Smallville. Although I only recently came back to reading DC's mainline comics, BartKon still holds a special place in my heart even after all these years, and the few who still create and engage in their fanworks inspired me to host a little something-something for our small community.
Take your time, look through the prompts, and get your creative juices flowing! I will be sending out reminders until the go-live date.
For the people who showed interest during the initial interest check, I hope you're able to participate. To the people who hate me, your mom's a hoe. Thank you.
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lemonlimestar · 1 month
spelling out K O N E L in your inbox for the meme!
yaaaaay kon-el!!! ty rimi :-)
K - (what character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?)
i know when people say development it typically means positive, but i am really into the slow decline into more cynical world views as tim’s time as a hero progresses.
he starts out really bright-eyed and hopeful. and in the end that’s still his core but he’s been through so much before he even hits 18 and has seen the worst of people and fate over and over again. UGH i wish i could better articulate my feelings on this subject!!!
O - (choose a song at random. which ship or character does it remind you of?)
pushing my ‘let her go’ by strawberry switchblade is a cissiecassie song agenda B)
that song + when cissie quits the team just gets me.
N - (name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom/fandom of choice)
ummmm probably kon properly characterized but that might be too out there.
i’ve said this before but steph in robin lineups, or even duke! every time it happens i get so happy.
lastly, probably more nuanced trans headcanons? which is kinda general but i really like a trans hc done well and sometimes it’s just slapped on there unfortunately 😔
E - (have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?)
i guess my various yj shitposts? the tony hawk drawing + my text posts have gotten more notes than i thought necessary lmao. i also got a bug made canonically ace in my previous fandom :^)
& i already answered L here
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mariaashby64 · 3 years
2010 Young Justice cartoon dealing with Robin’s identity like:
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Meanwhile in the 1998 comics:
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hartanddoe · 20 days
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wowzashipman · 11 months
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even more (??) Yellowjackets text posts
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tweetsofyj · 3 months
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drop-zone-homefront · 3 years
Just thinking about how I’ve had this meme in my camera roll for nearly over 2 years because I was a clown and thought that they are going to bring Wally back in season 3 and I was going to post this before talking about it nonstop:
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bumblebeatrice · 1 year
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yellowjackets as (their unhinged selves) textposts part 10/?
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fanhackers · 6 years
Soon after the announcement [that Young Justice and Green Lantern: the Animated Series would be canceled], Cartoon Network and DC Comics released a joint statement that thanked fans for expressing their love for DC Nation and stated that new episodes would be released and that the DC Nation program would still exist, which only further angered fans, who pointed out that this message did not actually address the cancellation (Harvey 2014). In fact, angry comments, posts, and memes abounded in the fandoms. For months, every new post on the Cartoon Network Facebook page, even ones unrelated to YJ or GLTAS, was flooded with comments that pleaded with Cartoon Network to renew the shows. Feelings of ownership over the text, intense, almost-familial fondness for the fictional characters, and anger toward Cartoon Network were fiercely sustained in the Tumblr arena carved out by YJ and GLTAS fans. All these emotions primed the fandoms to refuse to accept the cancellation decision and fueled investment in the revival campaign. As a result, fans heavily used social media to spread awareness and updates about the campaign and Cartoon Network's responses (or lack thereof).
Chew, Natalie. 2018. "Tumblr as Counterpublic Space for Fan Mobilization." In "Tumblr and Fandom," edited by Lori Morimoto and Louisa Ellen Stein, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 27.
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breadhyunn · 7 years
To Babyz, With love.
Let’s see, I got into kpop,what, 10 months ago? It doesn’t take one long to realise that fandoms play a very important role in this world. One bad experience with a fandom threw me off, and thus, up until recently, I stayed away from the fandom life. That is of course, till I found B.A.P and Babyz. 
Today is not only Daehyun’s Birthday, but also the day I complete 4 months as a baby, and a little more than a month on tumblr. 4 isn’t technically a milestone number or anything, but I feel very overwhelmed, because of how lovely this fandom is. 
I love how we’re so close-knit irrespective of being spread out all across the globe. Babyz are incredibly united in their love for B.A.P and it makes my heart warm. Never have I seen such beautifully crafted late night emotional text posts about a group. (looking at you @bapofficial) Never have I seen a fandom so involved and appreciative of the littlest things that our boys do. Never I have I seen such poetic meme and crack posting (  @bestabsoluteperfectcrack @bestabsoluteshitposts @bap-time thank you) 
All that aside, I want to talk about how big a source of strength B.A.P and the fandom has become for me. I’m a person with some pretty bad anger issues, and coming here instantly calms me down. I just think of the positivity you all radiate and it works wonders for me. It’s been just a month and I’ve gained 53 followers and I cannot believe how wonderful you all are. Babyz, you make me happy and I love that I share my love for B.A.P with all of you amazing people. 
I need to thank some individual blogs as well, so here goes:
@daehdream thank you for introducing me to all these blogs that I follow, you guided my first step in the right direction. There’s no doubt when i say you are one of my absolute favourite blogs.
@fae-hyun WELL I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’D DO WITHOUT THIS PERSON. She heard my despaired cry for help and became my first source to rant about the wonderful mess that is daehyun and B.A.P. Find me a wittier person than her, I challenge you. If Sal is a tree, then I am a Koala and she’s gonna carry me out into the desert away from daehyun’s assaults. I love you sal, I’m being gross but Idc. One day I’ll expose your love of puns to the world. 
@dreamermoonchan DANI HI YOU ARE AMAZING I LOVE YOU. I can literally talk to you about everyone since, you stan them all ;) She’s always giving me little encouraging words about school and I hope she realises that it helps me quite a lot. Dani, you are such a source of strength and you’ll forever be the reason Jongup has wrecked me to such an extent, I hope you’re proud. 
@jion-a here we have the very personification of Dae’s smile. You are so incredibly radiant and positive. Everytime I talk to you I can feel myself feeling a little happier. I want you to know that Babyz are your protective army and any time you want to rant, I’m here for you and ily tzi bye
@7tobap6 well we’re pretty much always at loggerheads but man I love this Daehyun stan. SHE WRITES THE BEST BOYFRIEND SCENARIOS ugh you have me weak Rosie. It is our life’s mission to wreck the other and we cannot be stopped. She and Tzi are my pun partners everybody, and I am forever grateful. We had a conversation about  B.A.P while using VIXX puns and damn it was a ride. 
@i-am-a-death-dealer well omg we have wayyy too many groups in common and pretty much think at similar wavelengths. It’s been a pleasure.
@zainbap you are on of my favourite people on tumblr. Thank you for letting me spill my BangDae feels on you, I’m grateful. 
I’d like to take a moment and apologise to @monsta-x-rae . I spoke to her yesterday and drove her away with my puns. I swear, I’m worse than this Rae, and I look forward to talking to you more in the future! (please help this child)
I’ve not had too many (maybe none) interactions with these amazing people but I want them to know that they’re fully appreciated and loved: @soooldout (I WILL MAKE YOU LIKE BLONDE L) @bangedhim  (the best url in the history of forever) @seren4moonjongup (this is a hilarious person y’all) @moon-yeup @anna-something (best tags ever I die plis be my friend) @roses-for-jongup (I look forward to more spazzing in caps lock lmao) @kitty-dae @daehyuns-noona @feelsogukk @best-absolute-pabos @daehyuns-beautiful-golden-skin (THEY SHARE MY LOVE FOR A BLONDE DAEHYUN WITH GOLDEN SKIN AND I COULDNT BE MORE THANKFUL) @bubbl3tae @youngjaaes (my fav yj stan) @bapsujusechskies @thediebutterfly (BANGDAE YES)
ALL THESE PEOPLE (and many more, I’m sorry if I missed someone) have made this last month a GREAT one. I cannot thank you all enough. I can now after 10 months proudly say I am part of a fandom and I cannot be happier that it belongs to B.A.P
With Love,
A very emotional Baby. 
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just-whelmed · 7 years
I was tagged by @thewalkingwho and @lawofaverages
and I was also tagged by @jesus-daryl and @dixovia
name: taylor
nickname(s): taytay sometimes
gender: female
star sign: gemini
height: 5′4″ (i think?)
sexual orientation: heterosexual
hogwarts house: hufflepuff!
favorite color: purple, blue, black
favorite animal: dogs, pigs, owls, wolves??
time right now: 5:36pm
average hours of sleep: well, i go to bed at terrible times and then end up sleeping until like noon or past, so… i guess usually 8 hours.
cat or dog person: both are great. i’ve only ever been around dogs, tho.
favorite fictional character: daryl dixon, paul rovia, jason todd, bruce wayne, steve and bucky from the mcu, cullen rutherford…
number of blankets i sleep with: probably 4, counting the sheet, on most occasions? 
favorite singer/band: oh boy… i listen to lots of music. the national, the boxer rebellion, fink, daughter, wye oak…
dream trip: maybe ireland. or switzerland.
dream job: i’m not sure. i’ve always wanted to be a teacher, but it would be cool to be able to contribute with writing somehow (yeah right lmao)
when was this blog created: oh god… like april of 2012
current number of followers: 2,484. !! I don’t know why… i post so many different fandom things. i’m so sorry. i love and appreciate you all for still following me, honestly. 
when did your blog reach it’s peak: i really don’t know? usually when i get into new fandoms, i’m more active. all the yj and dc stuff started this, but then mcu stuff happened and dceu stuff, and now i’m actually letting myself showcase my love of twd and most recently desus. 
what made you decide to get tumblr: i don’t really remember. i made it soon after i started watching young justice, i believe. i probably stalked blogs while the show as on and decided that i wanted to be part of a fandom, too. 
fictional character i’d date: like… all my faves?? give me someone like daryl or rick or glenn, i don’t care. bruce wayne, where you at?! or i guess i could just say my dai husband: cullen.
how many blogs do i follow: i don’t follow many because i’m lazy trash. 106 at this point. but sometimes i get the urge to go looking for more to follow, so the number will change.
what do i post about: most prominently: young justice (will start up again when s3 airs, no doubt!), dceu stuff when the movies start rolling out, superheroes in general, occasionally mcu stuff mostly revolving around captain america, and most recently the walking dead content (desus or otherwise). also other random things, like dragon age: inquisition or celebrities or memes. i’m a mess.
do i get asks regularly: nah. i’m terrible at being active anyway. so sorry guys!  
aesthetic: i don’t really know? do i have an aesthetic? superhero trash, honestly, with sprinkles of desus beauty
 Rules: Tag 10 People you would like to get to know better.
Relationship Status: single
Favorite Color: purple, blue, black
Last Song I listened to: nothing is ever finished // fink
Favorite TV Show: the walking dead, young justice, daredevil
First Fandom: on tumblr? that would be young justice. don’t know about first fandom overall.
Hobbies: trying to fanfic, messing around in photoshop, texting coree, watching youtube videos, listening to music, and obsessing over fandoms
Books that I’m currently reading: i’m really just reading fic
Favorite Book: i don’t know. i haven’t sat down to read an actual book in a while, sadly.
Worse Thing You’ve Ever Eaten/Tasted: i’m kind of a picky eater, so: mustard, soup and stew, salad, various fruits, mayo/sandwich spread… can’t think of more right now 
Favorite Place: my bedroom. i like rarely leave it.
tagging people for either of these little info things: @retroprincess89, @paullrovia, @baeson-todd, @fidgetscorner, @creytia, @starspangledboyfriends, @freebooter4ever, i don’t know. i’m terrible at this. anyone who wants to. i don’t want to bug people.
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