#yes we know idols arent innocent
nyanggk · 1 year
hard thoughts are nice but when you sexualize every small thing an idol does then that's just disgusting
like, I've been seeing thoughts like these on tumblr for so long and everytime, I had to hold back from shit talking but that's just so messed up. know your boundaries as a fan. idc if it's just a joke or what.
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH37
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,655
- Author Note: Gukie is my soft baby :(( sorry baby<3
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Chapter 37
The next morning, like routine, the boys will be having their practice at the company. Yoongi’s absence was noted by the members and they assumed he pulled an all-nighter like he usually did during promotional month. That was the only legit answers to his absence. Jin on the other hand was extremely upset that the rapper didn’t get back home last night and chose to sleep in his studio instead. He seemed to ignore the rule that has been set by Jin, which annoyed the older guy.
Meanwhile, Seul spent her night there, cuddling with Yoongi on the couch until they fall asleep. The good thing about yesterday was she finally found a way to reopen her old wound and agreed to heal it with Yoongi’s help.
“Tae hyung, I don’t think Yoongi hyung will be happy to see you breaking into his studio” the maknae bit his lower lips nervously, watching Taehyung entering the passcode to Yoongi’s studio.  
The latter only shook his head with his signature boxy grin “Hyung and I are best friend now, so don’t worry. We will only peek okay?” he noted earning dissatisfied grunt from Jungkook.
“Hyung how did you even know the password to his studio? No one has access to it after the robbery incident” the young man blinked in bafflement trying to make sense out of this.
“Yoongi hyung gave it to me a month ago when he needed my help to find his missing demos, so I kinda memorised it even though he told me to wipe it off completely from my memory” his lips broke into an innocent smile.
“Hyung! That is an invasion of privacy. You should not be memorising the passcode! We are not doing this” he swatted Taehyung hand, pulling it away from touching the door again.
Pouting in protest, Taehyung shot the young man a meaningful glare “Arent you curious whether hyung is with someone inside?”
“Like who?”
“A nice young lady or it could be a nice young man!” grinning like an idiot, he attempted to poison Jungkook’s innocent mind with his weird imagination.
“That doesn’t sound Yoongi hyung. He likes Seul” Jungkook cringed at the idea of catching the older guy with some random strangers.
“It could be Seul, Jeon”
“What?” he looked at Taehyung in sheer horror. It could be possible if there’s Seul beyond that door with Yoongi, however why on earth they spent their night together alone here? Jungkook shrugged off the thought refused to get sway by a mere assumption from Taehyung.
Jungkook’s reluctance to pull the prank on Yoongi annoyed him, “Like I said, it could be Seul. Man, do you think Yoongi hyung would just sit down and wait for Seul to give her answers? You gotta do something if you want to win the girl” he teased.
Pressing his lips together, Jungkook sighed deeply digesting Taehyung’s words in his head. Nothing is impossible as they already agreed on winning Seul’s heart, it was really up to them when it came to their ways to be with Seul. They had been busy with their comeback this month making it hard for him to get in touch with Seul though as much as he wanted to run to her workplace and bring her out for a date. His time was limited.
“Do you want to do it or not?” Taehyung’s deep voice brought him out of his trance. Jungkook nodded slowly, unsure whether it was right to invade Yoongi’s personal space. Cheering like a hyper kid, Taehyung entered the passcode one more time and the door clicked open.
He placed his slender fingers over his lips signalling Jungkook to keep his voice low before pushing the door slightly and poked his head halfway inside. Scanning the room, his eyes landed on Yoongi’s leather sofa right beside the entrance. It was a clear image of Seul and Yoongi under the blanket, holding onto each other leaving them only a small space to move.
Gawking at the sight before him, he rubbed his eyes while putting a little pressure on it. He never thought that his joke with Jungkook few minutes ago came into reality.
“Gukie, it is Seul..Oh my god”
“Seul?” the maknae was getting impatient, and he decided to have a look after a long battle with his own conscience.
His eyes enlarged watching the two familiar figures in their deep slumber. Just when he thought everything would be alright to see Seul with one of the members one day, Jungkook couldn’t help but to feel the pain. His heart stung with the ache of rejection.
Undeniably, Yoongi and Seul looked good together as if they are match made from heaven. That was the thing that he feared the most, to get hurt by his first love. However, it was only logical if his life turned out to be this way. It is life. It takes one to have his heart crush into million pieces first before they find their true love.
Seul is his first love. In all honesty, Jungkook didn’t put much expectation on this love that he had for Seul. He’s mentally ready to face the worst pain in his life. It was a matter of time to realize that Seul wouldn’t be his.
Jungkook clenched his fist, fighting with his own tears. He couldn’t be upset over this, it might be cruel but nothing he could do to change the fact that Seul was in love with Min Yoongi.
A pair of small hand grabbing his wrist diverting Jungkook’s attention to the owner. “Stop before you hurt yourself even more” said the blonde guy with a frown evident on his forehead.
Jungkook looked down bellowing the frustration inside him, feeling his whole body limped in process “I am sorry Jungkook. I didn’t mean to- Damn it. If I knew Seul is really inside I won’t trick you to-“ “It is not your fault hyung. I can handle it at least it will hurt less when she tells me the truth later on” he smiled bitterly.
Taehyung straightened up, closing the door to Yoongi’s studio carefully as he felt Jimin’s hard gaze was on him. The small guy seemed to be very disappointed with Taehyung even though he didn’t mean to cause any harm to Jungkook.
“It is not the end of the world Kkuk-ah. You have us. In fact, you and Seul can remain friends. A good friend. I know how much you admire her and look up to her, being in love is not a mistake. Your feelings are real and pure, never ever compare yourself with Yoongi hyung.” Jimin patted his back, leading the heartbroken guy to their practice room. As though Jimin could read his mind, Jungkook sighed sadly swallowing the lumps on his throat.
Trailing the two from behind was Taehyung, he felt deeply guilty for becoming the reason of Jungkook’s bad day. How could he do that to his own bandmates?
“We will talk about this later. For now, get your head in the practice. We don’t want to mess it up” he whispered lowly, leaving the sullen boy alone at the corner and make his way to Hoseok and Namjoon.
Gathering his sense together, Jungkook assured himself that everything would be alright, and he only needed to hear the answer from Seul to help him easing this pain in him. Yes, he will act normally and pretend everything is fine.
‘Whatever happen, Yoongi hyung is my brother and Seul is my friend. Do not loathe them’ Jungkook expelled a long sigh.
“Sit here mom. Let me take care of the bills so we can go” Seul helped her mother to sit down in the waiting area before she went to the counter to settle the hospital bills. Mrs Hwang rested her back against the seat, wincing softly due to the pain from earlier therapy session.
It was her routine to visit the hospital at least twice a week, but it didn’t make it easier for her to handle the pain. Each day the pain from the session was unbearable for her weak body to comprehend. Seeing how her children stayed by her side throughout the session, at least it gave her the strength to endure it a bit.
“Hwang Jihyun” as she heard her name being summoned, Mrs Hwang looked up searching for the voice. “Hwang Jihyun, am I right?” her eyes scrutinized the familiar face with uneasy heart.
She looked directly at him, frozen in shock and disbelief “I am right. It is you. Nice to see you again Jihyun” her eyes were wide opened in recognition. Mrs Hwang remained silent in her seat as she scanned the hallway to find any sign of Seul coming.
There’s no way she would let Seul meet him. He’s as wicked as Lee Wonsuk.
“I am sorry, you got the wrong person” she stood up hoping to escape from this heavy atmosphere. She couldn’t risk being seen with him by Seul. Not like this.
“I get the exact person that I am looking for, it is about time”
“W-hat” she responded, feeling a panicky jump in her stomach. She moved her arms from his grip, taking few steps back until she was sure there were a huge gap between them. His clothing was dishevelled, and this image petrified her. What if he was drunk as hell and did something extraordinary?
“I don’t know you are that scared of me. Good” he marked followed by his disgusting smile.
“What do you want? We don’t have anything to talk about” Mrs Hwang gave him a cold shoulder not letting his presence destroyed the wall that she built all these years.
“Really? So, let’s talk about your daughter or more accurately, our daughter”
Her breath hitched “She is not your daughter, do not claim her as yours. You are not his father” scowling in anger, she gathered her strength to fight this evil man without backing away. She wouldn’t let anyone take Seul away from her, not to the man who destroyed her life years ago.
“Persistent. I heard it from Wonsuk. You really hate the idea of having me or Wonsuk as your daughter’s father, aren’t you? Well, we can’t do anything about that” he smirked.
“She is my daughter, I will hold onto the fact that she is my husband’s daughter. Now, please excuse me, this talk is over” she was about as his presence was suffocating her.
He grabbed her arms once again this time tighter to keep her still “If she is your ex-husband’s daughter, he would not sell her off to me just to be free from his own mistake” she snapped.
“Wha-t? What the hell are you saying now?”
“Surprise? Oh, I bet he forgot to mention that he sealed a deal with me. Too bad, that nephew of mine, hurm.. that stupid rascal helped your daughter to escape. He even helped your family to hide. In all honesty, it was beautiful. I should have get rid of him” his face darkened recalling the awful memories which made him lose his mind over their disappearance.
She gasped and did a double take, to reconfirm whether what she heard a minute ago was the truth. Staring in horror and confusion, the older woman clutched onto her chest feeling the pang of guilt “Son of a bitch! Look, what have you done to her?! You, dirty old man!” her angry voice echoing across the hall.
He laughed half-heartedly “When I took her in I had no idea that she could be my daughter until, I discovered the truth about your marriage. If and only I found out about it sooner, she could be useful now for my business. Again, that idiot rascal. I can’t do anything to him now, since he is a renowned celebrity. Just too bad” the heartless hissed.
“Don’t you ever dare do anything to him. Stay away from my family and Hyunbin, or I will expose you”
“Touche. I can feel the special bond that you have with him. That is beautiful. I assume that you are still in contact with him. That ungrateful bastard..Hurm..I won’t touch him if you agree to return Seul to me” he proposed.
“NO! DON’T YOU EVER TRY TO INVOLVE SEUL IN THIS. Like I said, she is not your daughter, stop drawing your own conclusion” Mrs Hwang was clearly angered by his rude proposition. There’s no way she would give in this time.
“I am not convinced that she isn’t mine. Why do I feel like you are hiding something from me? Do you think she is Wonsuk’s? That asshole, he was not doing it properly and was a real mess that night. What makes you think that the child is his?”
Her mind froze momentarily, it numbed her system. That night was hazy even for her to recall the memories back, she couldn’t actually get the clear idea what happened to her. She was unconscious whole night only to see herself without any clothes the next morning.
Frustrated, she looked at him in the eyes “Whatever happen that night, it will stay that way. I will not let you ruin my family after what you’ve done to me. Seul, Ji Seul, she will only be my daughter not yours, not Wonsuk, not even my husband. I gave birth to her and I raised her with love. Do not come near to my family or Hyunbin. I will ruin you, I swear” she warned sternly with a hint of disgust and resentment towards the man.
“Mom..” her eyes searched for Seul’s voice and it broke her heart to see the girl whom already had tears staining her rosy cheeks, standing stiffly not far from them looking confused as ever.
“Seul-ah…” she dragged her pained body to her daughter, holding the girl by arms with a worried look. “Is it true? That.. he is my father.. The man who bought me from dad?” she was shaking uncontrollably, whilst bellowing the resentment in her.
Mr Kwon looked at their way watching how the drama unfold in front of him. He never cared of Seul’s wellbeing. Her existence was insignificant to him until he realized the benefits she could get from his alleged daughter if he kept her by his side.
“No. He is not, don’t let him fool you. I won’t acknowledge his existence” she said in between her tears, holding onto her daughter’s hand tight.
“He is the other man, right? The one who assaulted you.. I cant believe this…” she wasn’t only losing her words when she heard the news but as well as her mind. This whole situation was so fucked up.  She had a long history with this old man who supposed to be his biological father, and she couldn’t fathom why he had to be her father out of all the men in this world.
Seul loathed him to death. The thing that he did to her was unforgiveable, let alone admitting him as her father, it was inadmissible.
They shared the same blood. His blood run in hers.
This screwed up big time.
“Seul he is no-“ “I..will book a ride for you. I need to go” disgusted by the news, she tore her gaze from the man.
“My dear, please..let me explain”
“Mom I will not do anything stupid. I promise but give me time to process this” Seul sighed heavily, embracing her mother briefly leaving the two adults alone in the empty hallway. Just few days ago, she learnt about her mother past and it already pained her, however this time this revelation stabbed her deeper than before.
Yoongi, I need you. Seul walked aimlessly along the street finding the right path to find Yoongi though she knew it was impossible knowing they were having their live broadcast performance today.
Her jaw clenched tightly, as she continued her walk to wherever her legs brought her.
   This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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Seyoons eyes widened very slightly as he saw the group of people approaching him and Jun. Just that small change was enough for his expression to go from neutral to barely masked disbelief and panic.
"Oh hi Seyoon, Jun you tagged along too!" Guerin greeted them with a smile framed by a deep red tint on her lips and glitter eyeshadow. She acted as though she didn't notice the face Seyoon was making or why he would possibly be making it.
"You brought HEET! And Charlie!" Jun exclaimed with a grin as they all bowed in greeting. Jun felt the opposite of Seyoon, he was amused at the predicament his member was put in.
"I thought it would be a good idea to have more people with us so it wouldnt be mistaken for something it's not. This way it looks like the boys are here to hang with Sunbaes and I have a friend along to keep me company!" Guerin explained.
"There are zero things wrong with your plan." Seyoon said with a hollow smile, frantically checking his bank account mentally. He had brought Jun along for the same reason with the promise of a meal, but hadn't planned on Guerin having a similar idea on a much larger scale.
The group was lead to a table, Guerin and Charlie across from Seyoon and Jun at the end, and the five boys in HEET filling in the rest. Guerin had made sure to call in advance to request a private area so they could eat as peacefully as possible. Everyone opened menus and began chattering excitedly about what to order. Seyoon tried not to look at prices or mentally calculate what everyone was suggesting.
"Guerin, he's suffering. This is so mean." Charlie said in English to her friend.
"I know! Honestly I thought he was going to say something before now. It's not as fun if he doesn't put up any kind of fight." Guerin muttered back in English. Seungbin next to Charlie had understood pretty well, most of HEET was able to practice their english quite a bit with their manager and fellow member Gabriel therefore were able to get the gist.
"You didnt tell him he doesnt have to pay?" Seungbin gasped.
Minhwan hid a smile "Is that why he has so much stress?"
Jun and Seyoon had looked up curiously at the sudden change in language, realizing after a moment they were intentionally being left out of some sort of joke. Guerin was hushing the younger boys as some looked shocked while others were amused, Charlie glanced across at Jun and offered a definitely-not-hiding-anything smile that was not convincing before nudging Guerin. Both Jun and Seyoon had adopted the cheery but somewhat vacant expressions that was so common with idols when they tried not to give away they had no idea what was being said.
Guerin sighed as her guilt overcame her, "Seyoon-ah, I'm not actually expecting you to pay for this meal." She confessed cursing her inability to follow through with pranks, "I have our company card, this is a networking meeting so I can write it off. Just make sure you talk to HEET about some work stuff."
Seyoon was torn feeling relieved and offended. For starters it really was a lot of people to pay for, especially considering what orders had been discussed. That being said he had some pride, the point is that he had lost and needed to pay up. All of these conflicting thoughts resulted in his saying, "Ahhh...." as he processed his reactions. Jun needed no such thoughts and instead guffawed readily at his hyungs predicament, earning him an annoyed pinch on the arm.
"How about you get coffee after dinner instead" Charlie said, tossing a social life raft to the conflicted man.
"I think that's fair." Guerin added quickly realizing too late how her prank might be considered an insult.
Seyoon hesitated for a moment then agreed, "Might as well accept the company paying when we can." He said to play off his hesitation.
"Attaboy!" Guerin exclaimed in English before pausing, "I'm not sure how to translate that."
"Deal?" Gabriel attempted helpfully.
"Yeah! Sure close enough!" Guerin exclaimed' "So are we ready to order now that Seyoonie is less freaked out?"
Seyoon didnt even have a moment to try and protest as the others all agreed with an eagerness to order. He shot a psuedo salty expression at Guerin and the two of them exchanged petulant faces as the server took the order from Jun.
Minhwan, the leader of HEET, and the closest to the grill took on cooking the meat but no one could beat Guerin for enthusiasm of stuffing perilla leaves and feeding everyone. Each of the members of HEET made sure to feed her and Charlie. They recognized the young boys desire to return the love.
"You're kidding." Guerin said, eyeing the overstuffed perilla wrap Seyoon offered her. It was clearly a challenge to see if she would take such a large amount of food as an expression of affection.
"You dont like it?" Seyoon asked with an overdone pout.
While all the others were able to read what a clown he was being, it seemed lost on Guerin. "Do I really need to eat that?" Guerin muttered in English to Charlie.
"Yes. Absolutely. You deserve this." Charlie responded, knowing would be fun to see Guerin suffer a little at the hands of her prey. Guerin leaned forward with an "Ah" and Seyoon stuffed the food into her mouth. It barely fit but she did manage to bite his finger playfully, winking as he yanked his hand back, feigning injury and horror. Guerin had to cover her mouth as she desperately tried not to laugh, choke and die on the massive amount of food she now had to chew through. Tears came to her eyes as Seyoon jumped out of his chair and bounced behind it in laughter. Once the danger had passed and she was able to swallow she leaned back, exhausted. Jun had to wipe his tears as he clung to a concerned looking Tobio next to him.
"Please don't die Noona, we won't have anyone to open our jars anymore." Minhwan teased. Guerin didnt even look up as she blindly tossed a balled up napkin at the snarky leader bouncing it harmlessly off his face, startling him.
"Maybe if you didnt have the strength of a toddler you wouldn't need to be so worried." Guerin added, looking up and batting her eyelashes innocently in his direction punctuating the mood with a bite of food.
"Rest in peace Minhwan." Byoungjin said expressionless through a mouthful of food as Minhwan feigned death in his chair and the other members of HEET tittered, "You know not to provoke Noona. She will end you."
After the meal everyone made their way to the Han River to get some coffee and digest. HEET, Jun and Charlie played by the river while Guerin and Seyoon made the trek to get coffee.
"I can pay for the others you only owe me coffee!" Guerin protested after their order had been placed.
"No, one coffee isnt equal to the original deal." Seyoon knocked her hand away.
"It doesn't matter, come on!" She slipped into English for a moment.
He snatched her card out of her hand, forcing his own toward the cashier who looked completely nonplussed by this show. His face was mostly hidden by a mask but she could see his triumphant smirk in his eyes that remained in place until he got his card back and put it into his wallet.
"You are so stubborn." She accused him, following him to a table and reaching for her card. He had been in the process of handing it back to her when he heard her comment and snatched it out of her reach again. "I'm stubborn? Do you have any room to talk?"
"Ya! Give that back to me!"
"No, you have to apologize."
"For what? Telling the truth? You want me to lie and say you arent stubborn?"
Seyoon wasn't tall enough to hold it out of her reach and the two had begun a series of semi circles dodging around each other in a game of keep away. Neither of them able to hold a straight face despite their bickering. After one particularly zealous grab Seyoon stepped backward into a chair, tripping. Without thinking Guerin stepped forward, grabbing his arm and coat to steady him. Their eyes met as he was able to straighten up, as close as they had been while arm wrestling. Her heart clenched tightly at the proximity and physical contact, a feeling she was familiar enough with to know she needed to avoid it.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
Seyoon nodded without breaking eye contact as she released him and moved back a step.
"Geez that was super loud I hope we didn't bother anyone. How embarrassing." She laughed and rubbed the back of her neck, grateful that she didn't blush. Seyoon glanced around at the empty shop but didnt mention there wasnt anyone to bother.
"Let's go check on the coffee." Guerin said, turning to head back to the counter.
Before she had taken a step Seyoon grabbed her wrist. Shocked, she looked back at him, her heart pounding tightly. He showed her the forgotten credit card he had stolen and placed it in her hand. Letting go, he booped her nose with a wink and walked to the counter.
Guerin's shock came out as a weird giggle at the unexpected action, and she took the time to put her card back in her wallet as a means to allow her heart rate to return to normal.
Once everyone had gotten their coffee, Seyoon, Jun and Heet settled under a gazebo while Guerin and Charlie had meandered to a nearby playground to sit on some swings. Jun was talking and giving advice while HEET was asking questions. Seyoon was participating but distracted. Playing around with Guerin seemed so natural, she was comfortable and friendly. But he kept having moments where they'd get close and... he blinked his eyes wide, looked up at the gazebo roof and shook his head as though it might cause those thoughts to rattle out of his brain. He wasnt naive enough to not know what these feelings were, but it certainly complicated things. He began flicking each finger in a row and forced himself to focus back on the conversation.
Instead, as fate seemed against him, a large cicada flew just past his peripheral vision and he felt a gentle weight tug at his hair. Having flown through the group in order to accomplish it's unfortunate landing all seven of the idols grouped together saw it happen. Seyoon seemed frozen in place for a moment, Gabriel laughed outright and everyone else screamed. Jun had hopped up and scampered so fast Seyoon couldnt even see him, Byoungjin and Tobio clung to each other and stared in horror, Minhwan had tried to jump up and tripped over Seungbin who had launched himself in his hyungs direction.
Time didnt seem to exist anymore as Seyoon panicked, too afraid to move, hands clenched tightly into fists in front of his hunched shoulders, eyes wide and staring straight down. Footsteps approached at a sprint and he heard a commanding voice.
"What's wrong?"
"I know I shouldn't like him, he's an idol." Charlie held the chains of the swing, gazing into the sand she absentmindedly dug the toes of her shoe into, "But he's just so cute and friendly."
Guerin leaned back, holding her feet forward next to her friend, face toward the sky, "Yeah. It can be complicated." She couldnt help an ironic smile at the understatement, "But Jun seems like a sweetheart so it's not like anyone can blame you for having a crush." Sitting up again she leaned toward her friend conspiratorially, "I think you should enjoy your feelings. Revel in them. Maybe he returns them maybe he doesn't. Either way it's kind of fun right?"
Charlie smiled back and shrugged, but before she had a chance to respond the screaming started. Guerin immediately took off toward the commotion, seeing all the idols in varying levels of panic except one in inexplicable mirth. "What's wrong?" She demanded, unintentionally slipping into authority mode. Between some members pointing and others yelling or gasping about "flying" "hair" "insect" Guerin's eyes went to Seyoon who had frozen. She was facing his profile and the view was perfect to see the cicada dangling from his hair.
"Are you serious?!" She deflated, coming down from her high, Guerin couldn't help letting out a relieved laugh. Charlie had caught up and as soon as she understood the situation dissolved into laughter as well.
"Oh my god. Hold still." Guerin walked over to Seyoon and picked up the cicada before walking to a tree a few feet away and letting it fly away.
As soon as the bug was gone Seyoon was up, dancing around uncomfortably. He felt crawlies all over him and wanted the sensation out of him. By the time Guerin walked back, Jun had reappeared laughing off his reaction, Tobio was looking concerned but back to his stoic self, Byoungjin and Minhwan looked sheepish and Seungbin was balled up into himself for comfort while Gabriel cackled. Charlie stopped laughing long enough to ask Seyoon if he was okay to which he gave an emphatic, "I dont like insects!" Response.
Guerin looked at Charlie and in English managed to say, "These grown ass men!" Before both of them flopped down next to the rest and howled.
"Noona, it was scary." Seungbin pouted.
The women managed to control themselves down to a chuckle as Guerin wiped a tear from her eye, "Oh Binnie, I know it was. I was scared too with all that racket. I'm just so glad that's all it was that my fear had to leave me in laughter." She sat next to the youngest, putting an arm around his shoulder and pinching his cheek.
"You guys are all so cute. It was a harmless cicada. They usually are only active in the day so that one must have been woken up by something."
"They're so creepy looking." Seyoon frowned sitting back down between Charlie and Seungbin. Jun had settled into a spot next to Charlie.
"And it was huge!" Minhwan added.
"Well, I guess it depends on how you look at it. I think they're kinda cute." Guerin shrugged.
"We know about your feelings on insects." Byoungjin frowned.
"She won't even let us kill spiders. She always tells us to leave them alone or take them outside." Tobio said to Jun and Seyoon, who looked scandalized by the whole turn in the conversation.
"They're important to the ecosystem! And yeah if you look at them in an unbiased way they're absolutely adorable!" Guerin protested defensively.
"You're on your own on this one. They dont bother me but they're not cute." Charlie put up her hands and shook her head at her friend.
"You think bugs are cute but do you also think we're cute? That's offensive noona. We're not bugs." Gabriel pouted at his manager.
"Now wai-" Guerin tried to explain
"Yeah if bugs are cute do you think Seyoon is cute?" Jun interrupted with an opportunity to attack his hyung.
Guerin instinctively looked over at Seyoon, the two making eye contact. Her heart pounded and her thoughts raced. It would be okay to admit that right? It wouldnt give away how she was trying to fight off a crush on him, right?
"Well, I- okay, listen it-" she stammered and Jun immediately burst into laughter.
"Hyung!! Bugs are cute but you arent even on that level!"
"I didnt say that!" Guerin protested, flustered as the others all laughed too. Seyoon had a smile on too but it didnt seem to reach his eyes. He wasn't going to show his disappointment, he had wanted to hear her say he was handsome.
"I knew you were gonna do that don't use me to try and insult him!" Guerin protested loudly, standing up indignantly, "I was just trying to find words!" She stomped over to Jun who was rolling on the ground, pretending to kick him, "Aaah you are so annoying!"
"Did you guys have fun?" Guerin asked HEET as they traipsed back to their van. The evening had ended, Jun and Seyoon were escorting Charlie to her home nearby and everyone had split off. Guerin would normally have given her friend a ride but when Jun offered to walk with her, she didn't even bother to offer.
"Yes, thank you for bringing us Noona." Tobio said, in his usual polite way.
"They're fun sunbaes!" Gabriel said, bouncing behind Tobio while holding his shoulders. The two began to bicker and Byoungjin separated them. As they approached the van, they noticed and unwelcome figure leaning against it, tapping on her phone with a colorful paper bag hanging from her arm. Guerin stopped walking, throwing out her arm to stop the boys behind her too. Seungbin recognized the sasaeng from behind Guerin and she felt him hold tightly to the back of her shirt. She reached into her pocket, pulled out her phone and handed it to Minhwan, her tone dropped as she spoke quietly.
"Minhwan-ah you know what to do. Byoungjin, make sure the others stay behind me and get in the car safely. Do not get involved no matter what. This needs to resolve with no conflict but we need to be safe. Call the police if things escalate." She didn't need to look to know the boys were all nervous but she glanced back at them with a reassuring smile, "It's going to be fine, we just need to stay safe and have evidence to make sure she cant keep bothering you guys okay?" The boys didnt return the smile but they did nod. Seungbin had tears in his eyes as Gabriel protectively pulled him closer and moving him between himself and Tobio. She glanced at Minhwan, "Are you ready? Start recording." She said as she pulled the keys out of her pocket, walking forward and unlocking the doors with her fob then handing them to Byoungjin.
The sasaeng looked up abruptly, straightening and moving quickly toward HEET, not sparing a glance for Guerin. Guerin stepped forward quickly, arms out as a barrier as the girl tried to rush past her, "I'm so sorry, is there something I can help you with?" She smiled, appearing helpful.
The sasaeng finally glanced at Guerin, then did a double take as she recognized her and her face filled with venom. The girl was almost a solid foot shorter than Guerin but she didnt seem phased by it, "Move you disgusting foreigner, I have a present for Seungbin!" She tried to push past again but Guerin, easily outweighing the smaller woman, didnt budge. She kept the smile on her face as the boys filed into the van.
"I'm so sorry, it's against company policy for us to accept gifts outside of designated events." Guerin responded. She heard the van doors close behind her and the locks engage, only then did she drop her arms. The sasaeng rushed forward, trying the handle of the now locked van. Guerin tried to slip around the front of the van to the driver's side but the sasaeng turned her attention back to Guerin.
"Why do you keep insisting on keeping us apart?!" She screamed, "We're in love, havent you seen the way he looks at me? Do you think they belong to you? Do you use them and poison them against me?!" Her tone kept raising and Guerin knew it wasn't going to end easily. She hoped Minhwan was still filming from inside the van. At the end of her rant the Sasaeng launched the paper bag at Guerin, then rushed her. Guerin ducked the bag, but allowed the smaller girl to punch her, a blow hitting her on the side of her mouth, cutting her lip against her teeth. Guerin had been struck in the face many times before, and an opponent this size she had taken a calculated risk wouldn't do much damage. As soon as the girl connected Guerin stepped backward into the open sidewalks, hands up. She deflected any further hits from the girl who was screaming and crying before she collapsed in front of Guerin who dropped her hands. People approached as the sasaeng screamed about the foreigner that had attacked her for no reason. Fortunately there must have been a police presence nearby as cops approached rapidly, separating the two women. HEET started to get out of the van and Guerin stopped them.
"No! Call the company." She addressed the officer, "They are witnesses, can they meet us at the station?" Another officer went over to talk to Minhwan, then sent them off and came back. "They'll meet us there."
Byoungjin hesitated, clutching the keys to the van in his hand, the only member with his license. Seungbin was outright crying as was Gabriel. Minhwan encouraged everyone in, closing the doors behind them, watching as their manager was arrested. Byoungjin put the van into gear and pulled away, tears streaming down his face.
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06liner-blog · 5 years
BTS REACTION - Your slut-shamed/ being called a slut
(I don't own any gifs)
A/N: if you would like to request something, please go check my request out, just go read the guidelines in my master list, you can request any male k-pop group you’d like, but just know I only know how to write BTS  and learning GOT7 enjoy~
After the announcement of you both dating, an uproar came as well, since you were the ex of former idol Jay Park. which wasn’t a problem for Jin but to others, it seemed like you were like a gold digger, and things got very hard in the relationship.
Today was your birthday, Jin was on tour and he made a video and he posted it on Twitter and Instagram, you were crying really hard and you were so happy, and then you read the comments.
You weren't the type to seek validation form his fans, but you knew he loved them very much, and those comments were harsh, but one stood out to you.
“(Y/N) is such a slut, she goes after Jay park then Jin, she’s a whore who just wants attention and fame.” you felt so deflated, and it hurt, how they acted like mean girls.
For the next few days, you ignored his texts and calls, making him feel l
Like he did something horrible, and when he got home, he was pissed off at you, he wanted to yell out how you made him feel, but when he came in, he saw how you were crying on the floor, it hurt him, he knew about the whole slut-shaming you went through, but he didn't know how bad it really was.
He walked over to you, and hugged you tightly, “I am so sorry,” you hugged him closer. Soon moving up and kissed him, he did as well, not pulling away when he tasted your tears and wiped them off.
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You have severe depression and anxiety, you had used to self-harm and when you met him, he made you feel alive, he showed you love, but one day, you started to doubt him, when she came into your life.
His ex, she was an idol and she came to your table while you both were celebrating your birthday, he was in the bathroom, and she saw the scars and told you a matter-a-factly,
“He only shows you love because he pities you. you slut”
When you both got home, he went to his office, while you went to your bathroom, getting an old razor, you start cutting, thinking of all the times he had sex with you, the loving and rough, he always made you feel good, but now, it felt like he didn't even care.
When he saw your arm after you went to get water, he dragged you to the living room and got the first aid wrapping your arms up and then kissed your scars, old and new, and then kisses you.
“I don't know why you did this, and I don’t care, but know that I love you openly because  I want you to know you always have someone to talk to, I don’t pity you, and I never will.” you nod, and he kisses you, holding your face in his hands.
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It all started with a photo, of you both during the morning, your chest was covered why his chest was also covered, you posted a photo with him snuggling into your shoulder, you were barely in it, and you were wearing a tank top, but people thought you both had sex.
“OMG, How can Jhope be okay with dating such a skank!?!”
You laughed at the immature comments, Hobi looked at the photo smiling and then taking a photo of you again, you were giggling while he kissed your cheek.
You had no reason for being sad about it, he always made being with him worth it, being happy with him was too good than to be sad, he kissed your cheek and wrote: “Morning with my Jagiaya are always the best.”
And yet again slut shames, but this time, you just take the phone and throw it at the floor, pulling hoseok onto you, then he starts kissing your cheek and neck. You lay sideways for a while and kiss.
“I love you so much Jagi!”
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Since you lived in America, (you are white in this) he had decided to move there while Jin was on his military leave, (I read some crap article about how he was leaving for 2019, but he is leaving in 2020, I think) BigHit was okay with this and you both had been happy, this would be your 6th anniversary, you both had gotten engaged and were announcing some big news.
You had a mirror selfie with him towering over you and hugging your 4-month bump with your other arm touching his hand. “Baby #1! Here we come!” then the post explains how you both are 4 months pregnant and are expecting a boy, and everyone was happy for you both, but then there was some backlash against you, since you weren't necessarily married, but you were getting eloped then when the others, including him, were done with their military training, you both would have a normal wedding, and you would move to Korea with him, then start your family.
Some fans were jealous? So to speak, they didn't like it and sent hate to you and your child, one, in particular, was very hurtful and did scare you both, and it even made news, watching an interview with some of the members it was asked.
“So Suga, have you heard about the death threat against RM’s partner (Y/N) and their son Devin?” he nodded.
“Um, I have heard about it and I did contact RM to make sure everything was okay, I don’t think that (Y/N) is a slut and I don’t think that their child is a mistake and I am very excited to meet the little one.”
The comment was, when I see (Y/N) (L/N) I’m going to run her and her bastard child over, the slut and Bastard need to die. It didn't really hurt you, you never saw the reason in taking online opinions seriously. But it scared you because you knew some people would take those threats seriously.
Then, when your son was born, you both took a photo with him, and he held you both close, whispering how much he loved you both, “Jagiya, I’m sorry about the death threat against you and our son.” you looked back at him and kissed his cheek, smiling.
“There is nothing to apologize for,” and that was the end of the conversation.
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You were in university for (degree) and you may him while interning for BigHit, and that's how it started, and you both were happy, but things did get hard when students would slut shamed you.
One day, you were calling Jimin and was talking about the whole baby business, yeah, you both were actually talking about it, even though you both haven't been in the relationship for a year.
You smiled and didn’t even notice the girls that were really jealous of you and how you got the guy that they could've gotten. You giggled.
“Jimin, if we have a girl, I'm naming her Hana, if its a boy, I’m naming him Yoomin, I'm not naming him Jimin-” you were shoved, dropping your phone, the girl called you a slut and then walked off, you sighed. Picking up your phone and started talking to him.
“What happened?” you sigh.
“Some girl called me a slut and shoved me. I’m fine,” he sighs, telling you he loved you and how he felt sorry for how things were. You giggled, telling him that it was fine, and how a lot of girls go through it.
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You both had a crazy relationship, only 3 months into the relationship you both had gotten pregnant with your daughter, and then 2 years later you got pregnant with your twin sons, he did want to be married, but you wanted to wait a little longer, but you were also expecting your fourth child, another boy, and you both had just announced it.
You both were at a restaurant together with your three- well four kids, your 3-year-old daughter was playing on her iPad, your 1-year-old twins were occupying your boyfriend. While you were holding your daughter agaisnt your 7-month bump. Then a young girl came to him, smiling and looking towards him expectantly, but he was too occupied with Tae-Wook and Tae-Kyung. You tapped her shoulder smiling.
“Um, Tae is kinda busy so, if you’d like, after we are done with our food he can take a photo with you-” she shoved your hand away, making your daughter flinch and starts sobbing silently.
“Don’t touch me, slut, your the reason no one else can get V’s attention.” she stormed off, you held Kyung-Min and soothed her, Tae looked confused on why that young girl called you a slut. But you knew why.
“Babe why did she-”
“Because she thinks that I’m the reason why you arent with some actress anymore.”
He sighed, nodding, you both knew that wasn't true and that he loved you for who you were and who you gave him, and who you were about to give him.
After you both were walking to the park when the same girl came up to him, asking for a photo with him, he sighed and looked down to his daughter, who cowered in fear of the girl, he bowed and apologized and kept walking. Not before saying.
“Please don't ever call my girlfriend a slut.” and he walked off, leaving that girl red in the face out of embarrassment.
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Okay, you both met while in junior high, he was your first when in high school, you both had been dating for a while, he proposed on your 8th anniversary, even though you both were 21 (Jungkook is actually 19 in the US) you said yes an when it was announced by the company. ARMY.Was.Furious.
Army thought that you were taking away their little maknae when you were not, they called you a slut, a whore, and told you to go and kill yourself. They thought Jungkook knocked you up or something, but he didn't he just felt like it was the right time.
When he got onto a vlive, he noted for everyone, THAT YOU BOTH WERE HAPPY TOGETHER AND THAT HE WANTED TO SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE WITH YOU. And another time that you bot was on vlive, another ARMY called you a slut, and he said to you.
“You are my innocent little angel, you know that? I would never once trade you jagiya.” he kissed your nose while you held onto his shoulders, you smiled and nodded.
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boo1a4 · 6 years
11 question tag!
Hey guys so I was tagged by 5 of my fav gals to do the 11 questions tag (THATS 55 QUESTIONS WHY ARE YALL LIKE THIS) but anyway I was tagged by @s-lay-ing @sambashua @achuu-nice @indiepoptime and @yongpal-i (this tag is fucking eternal help me)
Cloud’s Questions!
Do you know a ksong by heart? (bc I don’t :x I can hum a trillion tho)
Blackpink’s As If Its Your Last, Heize’s Star, Day6 I loved you and You Were Beautiful, most of seventeens title tracks and most of their ballads, lastly  Pristin’s Aloha! I'm sure my pronunciation is way off but those are tho the ones that I've taken the time to actually sit down and learn!
When it comes to friendships, are you low or high maintenance? (As in your friends gotta talk everyday with you or you’ll feel like the friendship is dying OR if you can spend days without talking to them yet you still remain close)  
Ummmm I think it depends on the friendship? also I think I can tend to be a bit of both (cause I'm an insecure ass binch), tho I don't ever feel like my friendships are dying lmao
Do you have a secret that you will take to the grave? (Ofc I’m not asking you to reveal it)
not that I can think of?? like I'm sitting here thinking if there is anything and like honestly no????
Recommend me 5 songs (not necessarily kpop songs)
Dracula Teeth - The Last Shadow Puppets(honestly cloud just listen to all of their music is so great) Daydream In Blue - I Monster (this is honestly one of my all time fav songs I love it too much) No Way Down - The Shins (you know I can't go 2 mins without mentioning them, some great lyrics right here tho also give September a listen in beautiful) Beechwood Park - The Zombies (I'm assuming you know the zombies cloud but on the off chance that you don't BINCH THEY ARE MY ACTUAL FAVORITE well beside cream and zeppelin but they are up there) Kimbra - Miracle (kinda of a random one but this song just never seems to leave me!) Big Bird -Hyukoh (oh that was 6 BUT THIS SONG IS SO GREAT also listen to wing wing!!)
What do you prefer?: first, second or third gen kpop songs?
I generally prefer second generation??? I think????? I like a bit of all of them tho. but like there is no definitive answer to when each of the generations start and end so like I don't even know??? but most of my fav groups as far as music goes are older around 2nd gen but a fair amount of them are gen 3, I have a really strong love for kpop that was released between 2009-2014.
What’s the cheeeeeeeeeesiest thing you’ve done? (one time a former friend of mine was telling me about a problem she had and at the end of our convo I kissed her in the forehead bYE)
girl idk just my whole fucking life tbh, but my family members and irl friends will all tell you I do this thing where I yell sing songs and change the lyrics to their names this includes badly sung kpop songs IM SCREAMING THO CLOUD WHO ARE YOU AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
If you were asked to participate in a variety show, which one of the following would you pick and why? (Pick two!): problematic men, master key, hello counselor, weekly idol, one fine day, law of the jungle
um probs ofd?? id say weekly idol also but damn the hosts would literally be like who is this weird binch!
Your top 10 kpop songs of 2017?
In no order but 1. Would U - Red Velvet 2. Let’s Hang Out - SF9 3. Night Rather Than Day - EXID 4. Aloha - Pristin 5. Missing You - BTOB 6. I Loved You - Day6 7. Teenager - Got7 8. Habit - Seventeen 9. As If It’s Your Last - Blackpink 10. You, Clouds, Rain - Heize
Would you rather live in a huge mansion or a compact studio house?  
Im a real messy binch so definitely compact studio
Tell me a fun childhood story (I’ll start! One time an aunt gave me money to buy ‘papas’ (potatoes) at the grocery store so bc I’m obedient af I went and asked the counter lady how many of em could I buy with the money I had so she went ‘uhh, not many tbh’ so i ended up getting like two and when I returned to my aunt’s house she laughed her ass off and said: I meant ‘papas fritas’ (potato chips) Not those! - and uh yeah this is funnier in Spanish but it proves that I’m such an innocent angel I mean wow)
ok so I spent a lot of time at my aunt Lori’s house when I was a kid (like summers, and after school) and my cousin was the BUG queen so she hand made leashes for her pet toads (that she caught) and we walked them around on leashes for like a week but I was always so afraid of them and also hurting them so I WAS NOT ABOUT THAT ahahaha dumb story but it makes me laugh alsoalsoalsdo they had this bench swing in their back yard and my cousin my sister and I would swing on it together for hours at a time and one time we were swinging real hard (REAL HARD) and the links?? or whatever that held it to the ceiling it was hanging from snapped and the three of us of us flew off of it and we all collectively blacked out??? it was so weird but I woke up to my cousin stuggling to get me off of her and then there lays my sister underneath the bench just blacked out chilling (she was fine) then my aunt came running out cause she had just heard the loudest crash ahsdfasdf not long after my uncle put stronger links on it and that bench is still there! From time to time when the three of us get together this story gets brought up its still the most hilarious thing ( ALSO CLOUD YOU ARE SO PURE I LOVE)
If you were offered to start a band, would you accept?
yeah I love music so much why not! not sure I would be able to contribute much  lmao
Mir’s Questions!
If you could travel anywhere, but were completely by yourself, where would you go?
hmmmmm do you mean like I wouldn't be visiting anyone and just traveling alone?? or like going someplace where I know no one?? ok cause for the first I would book it straight to az TO SEE YOU MIR!! AND SISTER!! but for the second I would love to go to Japan (my cousin lives there tho so that also doesn't technically count lmao)
What inspires you?
Music, books, and tv shows! Also really well written characters or just interesting people I guess! but on like a ??spiritual?? level my mom?? she's just that binch you know ( like seriously Ive never met anyone kinder or more driven and hard working in my life she's wild)
How many pets would you have in your ideal future? Any specific names or types in mind?
47 KITS, no realistically I want 2 kittos and they will be named Bellamy and Murphy cause I got too also lowkey want to name a cat rami or Elliot or also kaz or Inej damn all the good names wow. Also the name Calloway is my fav name of all time and I WANT SOMETHING WITH THIS NAME
What are you opinions on fedoras
um eww?? what other opinions are there?? what is this question mir I'm???? but like ngl when worn in a none cringe manner then can look nice!
how many spoons can you balance on your face at once (picture or video proof preferred (i’m trying to get someone to do it pls anyone))
girl I've done my time (lowkey did you put this on her cause I told you about my gravy spoon today???)
What is your favorite type of tree?
I like Birch trees!
If you could convince one person to like kpop who would you convert?
damn MY MOM cause then she might listen to something other than bruno mars once in a while
What are three things you are normally associated with and/or what are three things you want to be associated with?
art, sleeping, reading and um idk?? tbh??? like maybe not being shitty and being funny??? idk??? like I don't know????
If you were in a kpop group what position would you hold (ie. leader, main vocal, moodmaker, etc) feel free to tag your mutuals and who they would be!
um hm im a moody binch bonch so probably moodmaker?? mir is main dancer cause yes duh ivy is leader cause she's the only sane one kennedy I feel would be a great rapper like she got that chic thing going she could do it I feel??? and cloud would be our talent tbh??? nom would be the maknae cause she's small I feel! Jeddy would be my happy virus bud cause she's a fun and funny gal ( I love) Jamie ALSO ONE OF OUR TALENTS wow yes I feel a main vocal here she’d go solo and be singing ballads left and right! JESS WOULD BE THE SWEET MOTHER MEMBER THAT EVERYONE LOVES AND IS JUST THE SOFTEST,,,A SUNSHINE GAL.
If you could have any wild animal as a tame pet what would it be?? (i’m ocelot loyal all the way)
damn idk I'm like horrible at taking care of things (including myself) so like honest id just stick to the kit kats
What is your opinion on mint chocolate chip ice cream? (for maj)
The best ice cream (tho I can't eat it anymore and its very cursed)
Nom’s Questions!
how are you? :D
I’m good Nom thanks for asking!
sad ballads or happy upbeat songs?
Im a ballad ho these days they are honestly all I listen to anymore, but I do love me an good upbeat song I'm just slightly more picky about them!
fave anime movie?
ok tie between Whisper of the Heart and Howl’s Movie Castle, I honestly need to see more that arent Ghibli!
dogs or cats?
Cats! (my dog is practically a cat tbh)
do you keep stuffed animals in your room?
I have one! its a portal companion cube! its not technically an animal BUT I LOVE IT ANYWAY ITS ALL IVE GOT!!!! also if you count tsum tsums I've got a few big hero 6 ones!
someone you miss?
My dad, its been especially hard lately.
describe your phone case?
its like rainbow watercolor! I have a pop socket that matches
favorite lore/myths?
Not technically myth or lore but Beowolf! I've seen the movie at least 40 times and I've read the epic! generally I find northern european mythology/literature to be more interesting than southern. but if we’re going for like ubran myths tbh not really my thing ahahaha.
eardbuds or headphones?
both for different things! but when I first listen to an album I like to listen with my headphones!
can I steal your heart?
you already have ~~~~~~~
favorite thing about your ult bias?
His sensitivity and kind heart! I love a sweet boy! Also I'm really here for Boo’s cheeks!
Jamie’s Questions!
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be and why?
ohhh there are a few songs that I really really love, Heize’s Star is a song that I listen to daily and I feel like I could listen to it for the rest of my life! also September by The Shins! Miracle Aligner by The Last Shadow Puppets also. Idk man I just really love songs with a mystical quality to them.
If you were in a kpop group what would your group be called and what would your fandom name be?
If you could acquire mastery over ONE skill instantly, what would you pick and why?
Singing!! its just about the only kind of musical talent I think I’d be any good at! Im a vocalist ho I just want to be like my favessssss
First reaction if you spotted your favorite celebrity on the street?
I would literally hide so fast omg
First reaction if your favorite celebrity followed you on your favorite social media site?
SCREAMING ALL THE LOVE FOR BOO SEUNGKWAN 24/7 and literally only doing art of him and nonstop posting it
Snap your fingers and you get to steal your favorite outfit off of a kpop idol. What outfit do you pick, off of whom, and why?
OK literally all of Soonyoungs airport looks cause damn that boy does not get enough credit for his fashion (he's the best dressed in the group fite me)
If you were to get a painless tattoo that you could remove with the press of a button, what would you get and where would you get it?
umm probably something really pretty? and colorful? I'm not sure what put I like  arm tattoos!
What is your most prized possession?
probably my laptop?? also my collection of sketchbooks!
What’s a YouTube/online challenge that you have always wanted to try?
Im always interested to try those youtube art challenges, I've done the three marker challenge before and the draw this again challenge also!
You get a guarantee that your favorite celebrity will see your social media post but you only get 100 characters. What do you say to them?
I would literally just send my art to them! I feel like it says more than 100 characters can!
You wake up in your dream room. What does it look like?
Kennedy’s Questions!
Make a 10-song playlist for your current mood.
it is here
What vine do you quote the most?
what is that?? who you fighting?
What do you value most in a friend?
I like people who are good listeners! but also people can keep a conversation going! But really tho just genuine kindness and openness.
If you could learn any kpop choreography instantly, what would you learn?
DAMN THIS IS HARD, so many great ones that I love a lot but probably Red Flavor?
If you go to your Tumblr activity page, who does it say is your “number one fan?”
damn Idk them so I'm not gonna like tag them or something lol
What is your ideal clothing style?
I like simple dark clothing that is comfortable.
What is your favorite Snapchat filter?
I really like the ugly ones tbh I don't use them enough
What subject would you like to study, but wouldn’t necessarily want to make a career out of? (for example: I really want to learn about botany!)
psychology, I really love learning about how people work.
Would you rather be constantly half an hour early to everything, or constantly 15 minutes late?
early of course, I hate being late
Would you rather have a single day to spend with your top bias or a week to spend with your number 2 bias?
damn neither??? ahahah no a day with boo would be very blessed!
If you could bring back any disbanded OR inactive group, who would you bring back?
My Questions!
if you had to chose one kpop stage outfit to wear for the rest of your life which would you choose?
favorite music video aesthetic?
Group you are most excited for in 2018?
Recommend me some underrated kpop songs/groups?
If you could join any group other than your bias group who would you join and why?
Favorite soloist? and some song recs?
Childhood Story? (thanks Cloud)
Were you in any fandoms before you got into kpop, if so what were they?
Favorite Comeback/debut of 2017?
astrological sign? Myers Briggs type? Hogwarts House (I'm a Gemini, infp, and Gryffindor)
Random question but what are your favorite names?
Tagging : @s-lay-ing @sambashua @achuu-nice @indiepoptime @yongpal-i (y'all can do mine if you feel like it!) @forgetjunnot @babybyuny @kae-popx @kiheehyunie @jeonwoooo @trbldean130 @howcaniwait @joshhjs @maetaamong and if you’ve already done this you don't have to do it again ahahahaha I feel like everyone has done it already lol
ok thats it do it if you want!
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