#yautja x black!reader
Etov (Last part to Need A Hero)
Summary: Kronu and (Y/N) make a life on Etov.
(The reader is 18+ and uses she/her pronouns. The ethnicity/race is any.)
Kronu is the name of the yautja.
Italics is their thoughts.
Translations : pyodi sain’ja -  soft warrior
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By the time the agents had kicked down her door and stormed inside, guns raised readily, (Y/N) and Kronu had already left the property and were on their way to his ship.
As the agents walked through the house, they flipped and kicked over anything they could, hoping to find some clue to Kronu's existence and any clue as to where they were. The only thing they found that confirmed his existence was the large xenomorph skull sitting in the corner of her living room. After confiscating it, they searched harder through her home, trying to find anything else, but were disappointed. By the time they had left with the skull, Kronu's ship was already high in the sky, it's invisibility already turned on, leaving Earth's atmosphere.
*3 months later*
As (Y/N) made her way through the market, heavy bags of fruit hanging in her hands, the sounds of quiet chirps made her turn her head to see that an Etovian alien was calling her over to his tent. There was a sign hanging on the top of it, but she was still struggling to read the Etovian language. 
He’ll be worried if I’m gone too long, she thought, not sure if she should give in to her curiosity to see the vendor’s items. He doesn’t want me out past dark.
Living on this planet was such a strange thing for (Y/N), but she absolutely loved it. She especially loved being with Kronu. When they first got there, they both were nervous about living there and the beings that possibly lived there, Kronu, moreso than her, but he knew how to hide it better than her. Etov was a jungle planet that his kind had heard of, but rarely ever ventured to it, seeing as it didn’t have any game that they considered to be worthy as a trophy. He didn’t know anything about the native people there and whether or not they were a threat to him and his ooman. It was the fifth day that they were there that they met an Etovian and soon they were introduced to the people and their culture. While they were extremely courteous and curious about (Y/N), they made sure to keep their respective distance from Kronu. His great size, and growls made them as uneasy and nervous as him. Soon (Y/N) was almost fully immersed into the culture, still struggling to understand some of their language and their writing. Unlike the yautja’s language that was filled with growls and clicks, the Etovian’s language consisted of mainly chirps that almost reminded her of the sounds of bird’s. (Y/N) and Kronu had both agreed that if they go anywhere away from the ship, they should be back before it’s dark. Despite how polite the Etovians were, he still didn’t fully trust them yet.
Looking up to the pink sky, she could see that their sun was shining brightly. I’ll be quick, she thought, walking over to the tent, still carrying her bags. 
As she walked up to the tent, she saw that the vendor was selling different items from other planets. Looking over a table, she could see that there were a few items that looked to be from Earth or at least similar to Earth things and they were all piled on the table. Not seeing anything that interested her, she was about to turn and leave, when she noticed something in the corner of her eye. Dropping the bags, she began moving some of the items out of the way and picked it up, letting out a gasp. 
“How much,” she asked him.
She’ll be fine, Kronu told himself, continuing to skin his kill. They are of no danger to her. After she had left to go forage for fruit, he decided that he was going to go out and hunt for some food. While the creatures were not trophy worthy, they were good as food, and he noticed that unlike the females of his kind, (Y/N) didn’t care about any trophies. He noticed very quickly how different she was from female yautjas and at first was slightly nervous about it, but after a while, had grown to love that about her. 
Finishing his skinning, he gathered the carcass of the animal and was about to prepare it to cook, when he heard the soft footsteps of his ooman. In the months being there, he had to teach himself different ways to cook her food, forgetting that her smaller, more sensitive, human body can only consume meat when it’s cooked. 
Pressing a button close to him, he opened the ship door for her and went back to the meat.
“Kronu,” she greeted him, a bright, happy smile upon her face. “I found lots of fruit for us,” she told him, lifting the bags, proudly.
The bright smile on her face brought one to his as well, or at least the yautja-equivalent of a bright smile. 
Dropping them on the floor, she opened one of the bags and pulled out her purchase from the vendor and held it out to him, her smile even brighter. “I also bought this.”
Tilting his head, he looked down at the object in her hands. “ ‘ook,” he tried to say ‘book.’
“Mm-hm,” she nodded, excitedly, opening the book, quickly flipping through the pages. “It’s a story book. I used to love these when I was little. They have lots of different stories in it, some of them have lessons, too.”
He didn’t understand her excitement about the object, but didn’t say anything, always happy to see his ooman, happy and smiling over something.
“Want some help?”
Nodding his head, he took a few steps to the side to let her begin helping prepare the food. By now, he’s figured out enough on how to cook the meat properly for her and didn’t really need any help, but he was still quite shy to admit how much he loved her presence. Even though, she wasn’t gone that long, he still found himself, worrying and missing her.
Turning a page in the book, she ran her eyes over the words on the page and the accompanying art, her mind filling with memories of her childhood, where her and her mother would read story books together before bed. The thought of her old life back on Earth almost made a tear come to her eye, but she quickly blinked it away, and continued reading. 
The sound of soft footsteps entering the large room made her look up from the book to see her large, predator lover taking off his armor and dropping it on the floor by the door. For the past hour, he was in one of the rooms on the ship, practicing his fighting techniques, and she could tell by how loud he was breathing that it was an intense session. 
“You okay,” she asked, noticing the way he moved his arm, as if it was sore. 
He nodded his head, silently and walked over to the bed, plumping his heavy body down onto the bed, next to her. His body landing on the bed made (Y/N) slightly bounce and she held onto the sides of the book, before looking back down to the pages. She was about to continue reading, when she felt his large hand gently placed itself on her back. Before she could ask what he was doing, he suddenly pulled her body closer to his, making her fall over and land on her side, still holding the book.
“Kronu,” she giggled, placing her head on his chest, and looking up at him. She could see that his face held a look of amusement. “What are you doing,” she asked.
“ ‘ead it,” he told her. 
“I was reading it, till you pulled me. Why’d you pull me?”
“I ‘ant you close to ‘e, pyodi sain’ja,” he said, placing his hand on her head.
She was getting better at learning his language, but she definitely knew what those words meant and she felt her cheeks grow warm at them. Most humans might not be able to see on his face, but she could recognize the warmth and love in his eyes as he looked at her.
“Okay,” she said, turning back to her book, enjoying the warmth his body brought her and began reading again. 
While she did miss some of her life back on Earth, she also didn’t want to go back. She loved being on a new planet, with an alien who first came to her as her hero and soon became her lover. 
Here, on Etov, (Y/N) and Kronu would create a wonderful life together.
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lace-coffin · 6 months
Hi! Can I ask how the slashers would feel if they ever accidentally hurt their s/o? Gender and everything is up to you!
How slashers would react to Accidently hurting their S/O
Thank you so much for my first ever request ah! I hope you enjoy 💖
Requests are open!
Warning for blood/injury - mild sexual content/reference to sexual activity and power dynamics -unhealthy relationships (I think?)
Reader is gender neutral!
Bubba sawyer
Most likely happened via Bubba playing too hard and Accidently pushing you over or being a bit too heavy handed with you. If it’s a case of them mistaking you for a victim and catching you with their chainsaw before being able to stop then they’ll be even more in inconsolable : (
Stops and stares for a minute to process what’s happened before devolving into full blown panic.
She’ll drop whatever she’s doing to carry you back to the house, even if that means letting the victim escape and having Drayton yell at her.
Will hurriedly explain in rushed sign to either Choptop or Nubbins to go take care of the victim as he’s busy caring for you.
Checks you over frantically. Please explain you’re going to be ok and help them calm down.
Once he knows you’re not in any danger he’ll feel absolutely awful about it and whine apologies to you even if you tell him that it’s ok and it wasn’t their fault.
Please comfort them once you feel better and reassure them.
Will insist you come up with a verbal and nonverbal sign to give if they’re accidently messing around to hard.
Will make you agree to stay in the house out of the way when victims are around so you don’t Accidently get hurt again.
Thomas Hewitt
After another night of Hoyt berating him for things out of his control, Tommy storms off to the basement to cool off. You follow after him, intending to comfort and wanting to help. You place a hand on his shoulder without thinking, forgetting he doesn’t enjoy physical touch without warning, thinking it might help. Whipping around he grabs your wrist a little too hard, causing you to wince.
He snatches his hand back as soon as he realises what he’s done.
Tommy will bring you to Luda may to have her check you over and assess the damage.
Once he knows you’re safe he’ll confine himself to the basement for a few days, only coming out to eat but even then it’s tense.
He’s truly sorry and feels like all those people who called him a monster and an animal were right, he hurt the one he cares about most, after all.
After a few days apart, a lot of hushed words of affirmation and kisses/nose bumps he’ll feel comfortable being with you again.
You know to let him cool off by himself and come to you when he’s ready after a heated argument now.
Michale Myers
You jump out at Michael thinking it would be funny to catch the shape off guard for once and not the other way around. Unfortunately this backfires and he swings his knife at you, thinking it may be an intruder since you’ve never pulled something like this before, You manage to jolt out of the way but the knife still catches you in the shoulder. Thankfully, it’s only superficial and will heal, but it still looks like it needs medical attention.
Initially Michael looks at you unamused, granted it’s hard to tell what he’s feeling underneath the mask. He gives you a kind of “well If you weren’t being dumb this wouldn’t have happened” attitude. However this is a front for the actual panic he refuses to show on the surface.
Having a few cuts and scratches isn’t super uncommon when your with Michael considering his tastes involving knives in bed ; )
Usually hurting others comes naturally and without remorse to Michael, so it shakes him to his core that he’s actively worrying about your wellbeing instead of feeling the usual indifference.
It disturbs him that he actually cares about someone enough to feel remorse for his actions.
After unceremoniously pulling your shirt off and looking the wound over he forces you go to A&E, practically marching your ass out the door.
Since he’s basically an escaped criminal he can’t exactly casually walk in the hospital with you, however he will stalk you the entire time, lurking close by to make sure you arrive and leave safely.
Although he usually has his guard up he vows to try be a little less bristly with you from now on if it means he doesn’t have to see you hurt and feel that awful tug of regret/worry in his chest.
Jason voorhees
You went out looking for Jason one night after he hadn’t returned to the cabin by his usual time. You were worried he’d been overpowered by a group of trespassers or caught in a trap and didn’t have any way to communicate that to you. The woods were beautiful but so dense and vast, getting lost or injured in the thick of them may as well be a death sentence.
Whilst searching for your missing partner you get your leg snagged in a bear trap he had set out previously for the trespassers. You howl in pain as you hear the sickening snap of your ankle between the traps jaws.
Jason was trudging his way back to the cabin when he heard it. Knowing that wasn’t a rougue teen as he’d cleared them out already, alarm bells went off in his head. He stormed to scene as fast as he could.
He could have sworn his undead heart stopped for the second time as he saw you sitting there in agony, murky blood seeping into the forest floor.
He rushes to your side and looks frantically between the trap and your teary face, he knows he’s going to have to disengage the traps and for you it’s going to be..less than pleasent.
He signs for you to grip onto his arm for support. Since he’s already dead and regenerates fairly quickly he feels it’s the least he can do to let you grip his arm for dear life as he wrenches the trap from your shattered ankle. If you cause any damage to his arm (which is very unlikely) it will heal up in no time anyway.
Once he’s carried you back to the cabin he’ll be frantically following Pamela’s directions in his head for what to do and how to clean/ wrap it.
If the damage is extensive he’ll relent and let you go to the hospital, only if a trusted friend takes you though, he’ll be sitting by the window of your shared cabin every minute until you return back to him.
You’re no longer aloud to be out in the woods after dark alone if he’s set traps. You both carry whistles now so if he’s not home and you need to know he’s safe you can whistle to each other and feel more at ease.
Billy Lenz
Interacting with Billy when he’s having an episode is never a good idea. You thought it would be fine to just be in the room though, providing you stay out of his way. As you enter, Billy is in the midst of trashing his attic once again, the disgusting feelings bubbling in his chest too much to bear. You enter just as he’s angrily thrown an old glass christmas ornament at the floor that the sorority had kept in storage. It shatters and flecks of sparkling glass scatter along the floor. One piece catching you in the hand in a nasty glass splinter. You swear under your breath and rush off to take care of it.
Billy doesn’t even realise what’s happened until you return to him, him now having exhausted himself and you knowing it’s safe to try do some damage control. You bring him a sandwich and juice knowing he’ll need it after all the energy and tears he just used up.
Your hands touch as he’s accepting the plate from you with a muted “thank you” and he notices the bandage.
Billy essentially bristles up like an angry cat at the idea of someone hurting his piggy and demands to know who did it and what happened.
Once you tell him it was actually from the ornament he feels horrible. He doesn’t even remember it happening with the state he was in.
He snuggles into the crook of your neck and mumbles apologies into your skin.
Billy will place sloppy kisses over it as an apology until you forgive him. (Not exactly hygenic since it’s an open wound but i mean…you’re dating the attic rat)
Brahms Heelshire
When living with Brahms there isn’t usually much to injure yourself on considering the estate is fairly out of the way from the rest of the village. You most likely caught yourself on a pair of sheers. Brahms is being stubborn about you being out of the house and slings the sheers in your general direction from the door frame when you ask for them. You don’t even notice you sliced your hand when catching them until you see a patch of blood soaking through your gardening gloves about ten minutes later.
You come in to grab a tea towel to wrap your bleeding finger in, not really fazed as it’s only a small cut. Brahms was lurking from the window as you tended to the hedges, not wanting to be away from you but not yet brave enough to tempt leaving the house he’s been in all these years.
As soon as he sees it he’s panicking, it’s only a little cut and you’re not concerned in the slightest but to Brahms you may as well have just came in with an arm missing. He’s instantly flittering around you asking if you’re ok and if you need a hospital.
You stifle your laugh at his over the top concern, you find it rather sweet, it’s not his fault he’s a little bit sheltered.
After cleaning the cut and bandaging it, it’s totally fine. If anything Brahms needs more reassuring and coddling than you do to get him to settle.
He apologises a thousand times for his attitude because he knows If he hadn’t been stroppy about you leaving the house and passed the sheers nicely then you wouldn’t have been hurt in the first place. He promises to try be more composed when he starts getting antsy.
He may need some ✨punishment✨ in order to encourage his behaviour change and to feel forgiven.
He begrudgingly lets you back outside to garden after about a week.
Asa Emory
If you’re the pet of Asa then it’s likely that most of your injuries are purposefully given from him and are no mistake. You’re poked and prodded often considering your residency in the collection. Wounds from experiments and correctional punishments when you disobey or refuse to submit are not uncommon at all. So it doesn’t bother him since he inflicted them. This also assures he cleans them with clinical precision. If you were anyone else he would leave the wounds to fester, if you died from a complication then that was just inconvenient. Not you though, you’ve caught his attention and heart. He loves you in his own domineering way.
If the wound was created by him on accident then he would give himself a hard time, chastising himself for his carelessness.
For example, if he had more trouble with law enforcement than he thought and that led to you to spending way more time in the trunk than you usually do, causing you to develop a sore from sitting in one cramped position for too long.
Asa would realise you’re injured once you’re let out of the trunk, hissing in pain as you stretch. He makes you show him where you’re hurting so he can inspect over it.
Despite Asa’s stony face his stomach is actively sinking. He knows you’re hurt because of him and it wasn’t purposeful or measured like it would be during a punishment. He sees this as failure in his pet care and it takes a blow to his god complex. Gods don’t make mistakes, but here he is, hurting his dolly by being so out of it.
He’ll make sure to clean it for you and even stop putting you in the trunk for a while. This does however still mean you’ll be attached to him via leash or chain connected to the ring sitting on his belt. Just because you’re hurt and his favourite toy, doesn’t mean he will except anything less than your complete and total submission.
He’ll be more tender and soft handed with you than usual for a while after. Punishments will be withheld until you heal. Then it’s back to normal routine as expected.
You were wearing a new perfume you’d picked up at the market during the day, You were only supposed to be getting meats and maybe a new fur for the bed but once the alien at the stand had convinced you to sample it you fell in love with it.
Your mate picks up on an unknown scent entering the house, hackles raising and stalking towards it. As soon as they catch the heat signature they throw a wrist blade in warning.
Their eyes widen in horror, rushing to the door as they catch scent of your tangly blood dripping onto the hardwood floor of your shared home.
The new perfume masked your familiar scent from them, making them believe the house was in danger and being intruded on. If their face could loose colour it would, cringing as they see the wrist blade sticking through your palm, groceries discarded at the door.
They start talking at you in rapid clicks before they realise you can’t actually understand. After making sure to keep the object in your hand so you don’t bleed out and that you’re not going to pass out on them, they insist on carrying you their medic instead of going to an ooman one.
They argue that their medicine is far more advanced and will heal your wound much more efficiently then your “ primitive ooman medicine”
Thanks to yautja medicine being far more advanced, It will heal like nothing ever happened in around two weeks. The wound stitched shut and given some kind of injection.
Your mate purrs and clicks for you deep from their chest the entire time you’re having the blade removed to try calm you.
They beg for forgiveness despite it literally being an accident and will need some reassurance that they haven’t failed you as a mate. Once you’re all healed up they’ll bring back an impressive skull from a hunt as an apology even if you’ve already forgiven them.
Whilst it’s healing you’re probably going be kept in the nest of furs and pulled tightly against them whilst they purr and sooth you.
My requests are open if you’d like to send any prompts or ideas for me to write!
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colacherry1999 · 3 months
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Of course, I find him attractive, n what about it?
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Okay, so when I tell people for example “omg I love this slasher so much” and they go like “lmao he would kill you on the spot”
mama raised no weak bitch 🙁
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bloopinggenius · 7 months
✰𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝✰| Yautja x 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 |M/M/M/M/M x Reader
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
A throbbing head was the first thing Ryia felt when she woke up. Her vision, blurred at first, cleared up to reveal to her a room. Smooth pristine coal coloured walls surrounded her as well as the floor.
The room was decorated with medical looking devices some similar to human ones. Getting up into a sitting position, Ryia saw she was laid upon a metal slab covered with a some type of animal pelt. Head still throbbing, she decided to find a way out of the room. All the walls had no sign of a door or a way out but she did find a keypad that could open the door. The keys had weird symbols that she couldn't understand. However, when she stood near the keypad, the wall to the left shifted like a slide door.
Stunned, she stood for a moment before stepping out, making sure to keep her steps light, looking back in time to see the wall seamlessly slide back into place. She decided on which direction to go in given that she wanted to go home, so after a little innie miny moe game, she went left down the hall.
The hall curved, still the same coal coloured look, into an open area that looked like an alien kitchen and dining area. As she entered the area, she spotted, on one side of it, a large window that spanned the whole wall. She ran to it while still being aware of how much noise she made. She looked out noticing how high the unknown object was from the ground and she was still able to see her house.
She let out a quiet sigh in relief that she was still on Earth. Now that she thought about it, what if those creatures weren't re-
Soft clicking noises could be heard behind Ryia and she felt like she could pass out.
Slowly, she turned around, and came face to face with three of the things she saw a couple hours ago.
"Three? Where are the other two?" She thought. But before that thought could be answered, the biggest of the three growled at her so ferociously she could feel it in her bones. The sound made goosebumps crawl onto her skin and she shrunk into the window behind her. The smallest of the males went in front of his kin and gave a him a shove.
"Calm down Vikap, you're scaring her." An'tui said to him while trying to calm him. "I have no reason to care about her feelings. She is prey. Her smell invades my senses and it makes me want to rip out her head from her body. I want her out!" He growls out. "Calm 𝒎𝒆𝒊'𝒉𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒊. That is a decision for Ra'kar to make."
Ryia was stood- more like plastered against the window in fear but also in bewilderment as she watched the interaction. It seemed the smaller one was attempting to calm "Hulk" as she called him, but she wasn't sure if that was the case because it just seemed like they were arguing from her point of view.
Just then, the other two appeared. The one that grabbed her so hard she swears her mother turned in her grave. Now that it was light out, she could see the dread-like appendages from his head, from all their heads, however his were lengthy; from his lower back and just past his waist and were greying at the ends. And then there was the one that stares at her with an odd look. Like he is constantly observing her, not judging, just staring.
'Grey', she called him, walked with such confidence that it brought Ryia's already low self-esteem lower. She shrunk into herself; the degrading thoughts making themselves known in her head. 'Grey' began clicking at his brothers before looking at her with a gentle look.
A growled out voice could be heard when she heard him spoke," Ooman......you...are aboard...our...ship." The sentence was garbled almost like it was generated. "You collapsed due to your fall after I grabbed....you. I sincerely apologize for that." First of all, Ryia wasn't detered by anything that had just happened, she just wanted to know why she could understand them.
"Y-you..guys...can speak..English?" She whispered out. "No, T'edqah implanted a translator behind your ear," as he said that she felt behind both ears at the same time and behind her right ear, there was a small bump that stung just a little. She dropped her arms and felt rather small in that moment as they were all intensely looking at her, well except Hulk, he just kinda looked like he was glaring at her.
"Who is 𝑇𝑒-𝑔𝑘-𝑎?" Mr Grey gestured towards the leanest one of all five. However that word should be taken very lightly because even though he was lean for the obvious fact that he worked in medical, he was still a hunking mass built with broad shoulders, strong legs and not to mention a sculptured torso. At this point, Ryia realised that she was ogling because the room had gone silent with all of them watching her.
"Its 𝑇𝑒𝑑-𝑘𝑎. He is our health aide or as you humans call it, a medic." "And who are you?" She asked.
"Shit, I shouldn't have said that. It sounded rude." She thought. Hulk growled louder this time and stomped his way over to her and aggressively grabbed her throat adding enough pressure to almost deem her unconcious. Va'tha was alarmed as he was worried for the human's life but he didn't let it show in his expression. They all were alarmed but looked to Ra'kar for direction.
"Brother..." Va'tha's voice fades. "Vikap, let her go." Vikap's anger threatened to overweigh his loyalty to his leader. "But she spoke out of tone." At this point Ryia was shedding tears. The skin on her upper torso was sensitive as it is but her neck was very delicate as the skin there was thin from her abuse, so she was in the most pain she had been in since she left home.
"Just put her down." Ra'kar was stern this time and Vikap didn't want to anger him, so with the slightest hesitation, he let her go without a care. Ryia fell onto her kness before laying on her side gasping for air. Shockingly to the brothers, it didn't take long for her to recover as she was used to such behaviour. She got up to her feet and looked at Rakar.
"C-can I l-leave?" The question came out shakily and whispered but not in fear but because her throat was bruised. "We need to do a vital scan of-"
"I'll be fine. I'm a doctor."
".......ok. An'tui will show you out." The smallest one started walking and it took a minutes before she followed. She walked a couple steps behind him. Even if he was the smallest, Ryia couldn't help but ogle him. All 7' something inches of him. One itty bitty question bottled her though. She just hoped he wouldn't react as violently as Hulk.
Back in the dining room, Vikap felt better now that the human was gone. "Vikap, why do you always have to go crazy?" T'edqah asked with a shove. "I will do what I wanted to do to her to you." "And I will shove a needle up your-"
"Enough! Vikap, this has happened one to many times. Go and cool off." Vikap left without a sound leaving the two together.
"'Should I ask or not? I mean I think I should but I don't want to die. What if he does worse? And 'Grey' isn't here to intervene. What if the answer is obvious? I could just try and find out on my own. I mean-'
"Are you guys dating?" The words flew right out of her mouth. Silence filled the empty hall. An'tui stopped walking. 'Oh no.' He spun in shock and looked straight at her. Slowly, he shook his head. "....No."
"....hm." He turned again and continued walking. Soon enough, they arrived at a wall just like the one she came across before and saw how seamless the door was. An'tui opened the door using some gauntlet on his wrist and gestured towards the ramp once the door was raised.
"Uh....thanks." "Now from what i've seen in horror movies, never turn your back towards the enemy. But walking backwards is a bad omen. So I'll walk out the doorway forwards, spin back towards him, check for any signs of an attack then run...no sprint home." All this she thought as she slowly walked to the doorway. When she got there, she put it into action and did as thought.
Once she got to the back door she entered, locked the door and rested against it. Then she crawled to a window to peep out of it to see if they were watching and to her embarassment, they were.
"I need to get out of here." She thought. She made sure to keep away from any windows and made her way upstairs and into her room. The trek upstairs was fairly easy. She ran into her bedroom and got her phone out. There was only one person she could talk to in the moment to fetch her and that was Louis. She wouldn't consider him as her best friend as she wasn't close to people like that and when she was close to someone, they hurt her. Crouched and on her knees in front of her bed, she rung him up and as always, he answered on her third attempt of trying to reach him.
"Ryia! Baby! How are you? It's been a while. I've been waiting for your call. It's like you forget about me when you leave work. How's life? Any hotties wanna party? Any daddies wanna smashie. Two bodies doing the naughty-"
"Shut up will you?", she whisper yelled. "Sorry. I'm kinda sorta in a situation right now and I would like it if you would get over her right now. I need a ride." She rushed out.
"Well excuse you honey, if you forgot, I'm kinda uhm....a DOCTOR. I got people to help here. You do know that you can still drive your OWN car to the store. You're not handicapped just because you're on your period."
"Firstly, ewww. Secondly this situation is serious. I don't know how to tell you this but," as she says this she doesn't notice An'tui approaching from behind her silently and appearing in her doorway. "There are aliens in my backyard."
"Are you ok? Are you high? Did you hit your head really hard? Cause like I'm confused."
"Please just get here." She adds on.
"I'll see later, Ryia. BAAYYE."
"Did I mention they're hot...?"
"....I'll be right there." He ends the call abruptly before she can even say bye.
A hefty sigh of relief leaves a lips as she sat down fully with her leg supporting her arm.
'Ok now I need to-"AAAHHHH!" Her screech was so high pitched, it startled the male into a defensive stance. She reached for her throw pillows and flung them with all her might at him which caused him to straighten back up but they had no effect on his rock solid muscled body. "What are you doing here! Get out! Get out!"
An'tui could sense the stress of the female and purred lowly. "Calm down. I followed you to keep an eye on you."
"Why!" At this point she was slowly hyperventilating and couldn't breathe properly. An'tui saw this and approached her with slow and measured steps. "Calm down. My scans show that you overbreathing also know as hyperventilating. Listen to me. Breathe in, breathe out."
Ryia didn't know why but for some reason she listened and soon enough her breathing had returned to normal.
"Why should you be keeping an eye on me? I don't have anything you guys need or want and I didn't steal anything."
"You may have not done anything but you jave seen us and know we exist. We cannot risk you telling anyone about us and this was the better choice."
"W-what was the other choice?"
"To kill you."
She took a tentative step backwards, you know just in case, with a scared look on her face.
"I'm sure t-that was Hulk's idea."
"What is a Hulk?"
The conversation was interrupted by loud honking from outside. An'tui's head snapped towards the window whilst a set of blades extended from his wrist. The 2 foot blades were sharpened to perfection and glistened in the light of the room.
"Stay here. There is a threat outside that needs to be terminated."
He turned on his heels and headed for the door. Ryia realized that it was her crazy friend and followed behind him.
"Wait! Wait! He's not a threat! He's just a friend! An accomplice! A companion!"
≻───── ⋆ ⋆ ─────≺
Hey guys! Geenius here. Here's part two of the series. Hope you guys enjoy it. 💋💋
Taglist: @maxismp1
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boogeysmoth · 8 months
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Day 27: alien + Crystal coves
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Finally one of my favorites X3 a yautja ~<3
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babyyweebbitch · 2 years
Hey! I really like your posts and stuff and I wondered if you could do a Yautja × Reader, any of them you want!
Maybe a what their reaction would be to the reader defending a Yautja Pup!
sure! thank u for ur request! also i have no idea what yautja call their or know what they look like, id imagine they all have their own big ass apartment with a whole back yard or something like that. also the size of the place depends if it’s a whole family or just one and since there are two (a yautja and a human) they have the big ass apartment with a back yard 😀 if that made any sense at all (this look a long ass time i’m sorry 🧍🏾‍♀️)
content warning : female reader (she/her pronouns used) ; HumanYautja relationship ; blood ; fighting ; limb being removed ;
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y/n has lived on the ship for quite a long time after being taken in by a group of yautja as a child, she wasn’t a hunter obviously but she did work with everyone there quite well. she had hall sorts of non dangerous jobs such as medical duty, working with the weapons and technology, helped raising the younger yautja there and more! she was a great help to everyone.
her mate had brought their mutual friends small yautja pup to her to watch over while his parents were out hunting together one day. the day was going very smoothly, she helped him with plenty of stuff and even played a few games with him, having a fun day babysitting him.
“his parents should be back any time soon, it was a pretty short hunt due to his mother getting injured pretty badly” your mate told her, she picked up the young yautja and let him play with her hair, her hair was pretty long, fluffy and smelled pretty good. there were some dreads in her hair she let one of the young put in her hair while she was babysitting them a few days ago. she loved them so much that it’s now apart of her new style and will get a lot more
“oh god…. okay — i’ll take him to their home and i can tend to her wounds once she gets back.. i hope she’s okay” she said as she let the young yautja climb to her back and latch on while she walked around her own home to gather all of his things he had scattered around the place. once she had everything she put it all into a bag and went on her way. her and the young were talking the entire time she walked all the way across half the ship. she felt the presence of another yautja who wasnt her mate behind her so she turned around and one about to take the young. she backed away and she stared at them
“he’s not yours…. what are you doing?!” she said, she somehow got the yautja pup to get off her back and stand behind her, standing in front of him as if shielding him from the big predator
“he isn’t yours either, human scum! you have another’s young and i will return him to them” they reached out to grab her shoulder and pull her away from the pup but she instinctively turned and hugged the pup, using her own body as a shield to keep the yautja from hurting the pup
“stop it! i’m returning him home!” she said, the bigger yautja obviously didn’t care and tried to pry her away from the pup. after a while they finally got her off him and pushed her off. she fell on her butt and was pretty hurt from being pryed off the young. she watched them try taking the pup but he bit the side of their hand, damn near taking off their pinky and out of instinct they smacked him, causing him to fall to the floor and he started crying. she watched as all this happened and out of no where she grabbed the closet sharpest object near her and stabbed the bigger yautja in the back. they roared out in pain and she crawled to the pup, picking him up and trying to stop him from crying
“why you little piece of human scum! i will have your skull added to my collection!” they yelled, all she remembered seeing was them about to run and attack her so she protected the pup once again with her body, rather taking any hit, cut, bruise or even die than ever have this pup hurt or even killed because another yautja wouldn’t listen. once she didn’t feel any pain or being hit she looked up, seeing her mate fighting the yautja. it looked like watching two very angry wolves fighting over food. there was growling, blood, roaring and even one picking up the other and throwing them down.
she watched in terror for a few more seconds before going to check up on the pup, making sure he had no injuries or something. she got him to stop crying after a while. he wasn’t hurt too badly, he complained the side of his face hurt and that he was scared of the yautja. she held him and told him everything was okay now and that he was safe. she stood up still holding the pup close to her and she went to see if they were still fighting. her mate had won the fight but spared the yautjas life. he ended up taking their arm as a trophy instead of their head
“do not ever! and i mean ever! hurt her or that pup ever again! or next time you won’t be so lucky!” he yelled to them. she went over to calm him down a bit and checked over him to see if he had any injuries, he had a few minor cuts on his person so she handed the pup to him and went to go check on the yautja he had fought. her mate was curious as to why she was worried about them, they had tried to hurt her! maybe even have killed her if he didn’t get there when he did so why was she helping him
“why must you tend to them? they could have killed you!” he asked, letting the pup play with a shark tooth necklace he had around his neck. watching as she helped the yautja up
“it’s my duty to tend to anyone’s wounds. i am a nurse on the ship after all. i’m gonna take them to the actual doctor, please take the pup to his parents and tell the mother i will tend to her shortly!” she said as she guided the yautja to the  infirmary and got him checked out by one of the fellow nurses there. she quickly explained what happened before she left to the pups home. her mate was very confused because they tried to kill her but yet she let herself over the pup and in the end even helped the yautja who attacked her…. he wish he was as kind as her to be able to help someone who just tried to kill him…
after a few minutes of walking she finally met her mate, the pup and the parents. the mother was sitting on the floor trying to stitch herself up but Y/N went to stop her and did it for her. the mother reached out for her son before realising something was off about his face, some side was red
“y/n…. what happened to my boy?” she asked before seeing how red her back was and there were a few cuts on her “what happened to you too?!” now she knew something was wrong…. she had a tendency to get very overprotective of her since they have known each other for a long time and have been through a lot together so obviously she grew protective
“i’m okay! i promise. these are just scratches but earlier some yautja thought i was taking him away but i was trying to explain that i was taking him home… they didn’t listen and attacked me, your son bit him which cause them to smack him, i stabbed them and then my mate came and took care of them — they’re in the infirmary right now” she explained “your son was very brave by the way! not even i have the confidence to bite one of you guys” she said, going on to take care of the next wound
“you stabbed them?” her mate asked…. he was shocked she did that, he knew she was a strong human but everyone he’s met before always ran away or something so he was shocked she did that “maybe you can start going on hunts with me, you have proven you are strong even with no combat training. i shall t—“
“i’m not hunting” she said, already knowing the lecture about going on hunts he was going to give her, he’s given her this lecture so many times she knows it word for word by now. after she had cut him off the father of the pup started to laugh very hard and loud, using a laugh he had memorised from a human
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” the father laughed with his arms crossed and everything
“she will give in one day! i just have to try harder and longer!” her mate protested, she shook her head and looked at him
“you’re not gonna convince me, dear” she said with a smile on her face. she went to the mothers back side and moved her long dreadlocks out the way to see a huge cut going across her back. she started to clean the wound and the mother would roar each time the cleaning stuff got inside her cut. “i know… i know it hurts…. just give me a few more seconds and i’ll stitch it up” she said in a calm and oddly comforting voice, the mother held in her urge to punch something until she was done with cleaning everything. after she was done and backed up a bit “okay now you can” she gave the mother the go ahead to punch the floor, which she did
she went to get the needle and thread and started stitching up the mothers back. while she did both of their mates watched this interaction between them…
“y/n is very kind…. is that usual for humans?” the mothers mate asked hers… he was confused as to why y/n was super nice even when she was threatened
“it’s usual for her…. other humans i’m not so sure about… she protected a young that wasn’t even hers… she risked her life for a child she didn’t even birth… she is amazing….” her mate said, not taking his eyes off her the entire time. he knew there was something about her he liked that he didn’t see up until that day…
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this is so bad, i rushed the end tbh. and this also isn’t proof read or edited at all. ALSO, i do have a job now so pls don’t be upset if i dont do ur request right away or it takes a long time. during october is when i should be working a lot more because halloween so yeah!
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yaut-jaknowit · 4 months
Yautja males x female reader. Reader is sent to the hunting grounds by mistake, she ain't a fighter and has a faint heart, the minute the Yautja ambush her, she faints.
Like, drops to the floor unconscious and the yautja are wondering what to do, like they were expecting a big hunt and she faints, pathetically, not real prey.
Pairings: T'a'yta, Con'tei, Dai'stbaen (All male Yautjas) x Reader
Word Count: 2993
Summary: When you first come to, this wasn't the sight you last saw. A vast, towering jungle that looked ready to swallow you whole with no remorse. The humidity and heat was a killer as you were forced to move your way through. But it never ended. Like time itself, it seemed to have no beginning nor no ending. When you thought things couldn't get worse, don't count your eggs before they hatch.
Author Note: So, those names may sound familiar. They are from a story that was never publish and I abandoned. It will never be written though but I do love the characters.
Pain raked across your body. Your eyes fluttered open only to be blinded by light. A rough, jutting stick pressed into the sore flesh of your back. With a groan, you covered your face with a hand and sat up. The muscles all along the entirety of your back protested at the movement. They screamed as you rested heavily onto your elbows and thighs.
An unrelenting headache pressed behind your eyes while you tried to gather your thoughts. Finally, you opened your eyes and took in the surrounding area.
Lush greens and dense foliage graced your blurry vision. Humidity stuck to you like a second skin, clothes following the same suit. You shuttered at the feeling and sat up higher, as if that would allow you to see better. You were still squinting to allow your pupils to slowly adjust to the sudden change from dark to light.
Once you were able to open your eyes fully and take in the sight, your jaw dropped. This… this wasn’t your bed, your room, let alone your home! Where were you?! You scrambled to your feet only to collapse back down to the ground. Everything ached down to the very bone. A grunt surpassed your lips. Then, you realized, something was secured around your torso.
A harness of sorts was locked into place. You fumbled with the belt for an embarrassing long minute before pulling it off. It crumbled onto the ground at your feet. From there, you slowly pull yourself into a standing position and kept glancing around.
Maybe this was a bad dream; a waking nightmare to be stuck in a jungle. A weird dream in all honesty. You clutched at your head then pinched yourself, ready to wake up in the safety of your room.
The jungle didn’t fade to black. Everything stayed the same. So, you tried again. And again. And again. Nothing changed. All was the same. You furrowed your brows, chest starting to heavy with panic. “No, no, no, no,” you muttered to yourself and began to pace around. Your feet crunched under the dead foliage that covered the ground.
The longer this peristed, you felt dread and doubt fill your lungs. How were you going to do this? Why and how were you out here? Where is out here?! A broken whine sounded from the back of your throat as you plopped back down on the ground. Leaves crunched underneath you as the new weight. You cradled your legs closely and started to rock back and forth.
Once the sun finally touched down to the horizon, sending beautiful oranges and pinks to streak across the sky, you rose again. The darkness felt heavy, as if it attempted to suffocate you in it.
Your heart was already beginning to thunder in your ears but grew worse as the night fell. Your throat was dry, lips on the verge of cracking no matter how many times you wettened them. At this time, you began to wonder through the darkness and explore the new grounds.
Somewhere down the road, something in your gut told you to stop. And you listened. The hairs on the back of your neck rose with the rate of your heartbeat. Your black pupils blown wide to consume any and all light the area might provide. It did little to offer any sight more than five feet in front of you. But you tried to peer through the haze of darkness only to come up empty handed.
Yet, the feeling refused to dissipate. Your hands trembled while clutched close to your chest. You couldn’t tell if this where you were going to die. Was it a predator? A tiger? A leopard?
In the middle of your thoughts, a thundering form dropped down before you. A scream surpasses your lips. Then, nothing.
The youngest of the trio had stalked this lone ooman since it first appeared from the dropship. His energy was craze, wild and barely tamed as he watched in rapture for the perfect moment to pounce. Yet, he came to notice the blinding difference between this one and the few he’s hunted before. He huffed before leaping to the next tree.
Down on the ground, the ooman stopped, tense and petrified. Its scent of terror filled the space around him. His upper mandibles crinkling with disgust underneath his plain biomask.
Something was wrong.
Without the proper time to internal discuss his next actions or the consequences afterwards, the male dropped down from the trees before the ooman. An ear shattering screech sounded from the prey then it was cut short.
The creature dropped lifeless to the jungle’s floor. For a moment, he believed he somehow brought upon its death or maybe one of his hunt brothers got to it first. It’s not unlike Dai’stbaen to swoop in at the last second and take the kill.
When he scanned the trees and surrounding area, Con’tei came up empty handed though. Not a large enough heat signature to be the larger male. His focus returned to the crumpled ooman before him. He toed closer to it then knelt down at its side.
A heartbeat, slowed fluttered. The male reached out and cautiously pushed the ooman onto its back. It wasn’t dead. Now, his curiosity got the better of him. He scooped up the limp body and flung it onto his shoulder. From there, he leapt back into the safety of the trees and began his pathing to camp.
Both his older companions were found preparing their tools for the upcoming hunt of the next day. T’a’yta lounged against a log, a knife and whetstone in hand. The nearing elder sharpened the blade with precision. Dai’stbaen, a rival to Con’tei, was consuming meat of sorts while reading on his gauntlet.
Con’tei landed near the group, not silent enough for T’a’yta. Said Yautja shot him a disapproving glance then did a double take. “Con’tei, the hunt isn’t until tomorrow. What have you done?” T’a’yta scolded without needing to get up from his spot on the ground. Con’tao himself pulled his mandibles tight though they were hidden by his biomask.
“Elder, I may have found something interesting with this one,” he explained and strutted over to the duo. The ooman on his shoulder was simple dropped onto the ground in heap, still not awake. Con’tei found this bizarre. “Look at it. It won’t wake. It even fell asleep when I leaped in front of it.”
T’a’yta gave the male an unamusing look, as if Con’tei was the idiot here. “That’s called fainting. Oomans faint but…” the dust colored Yautja finally climbed to his feet and stalked over to Con’tei and the ooman. “To faint from fear?” A question that hung heavy in the air as the elder attempted to examine anything out of sorts with the prey. He came up empty handed.
The elder huffed and looked at Con’tei. “This-“ a groan brought his moving mandibles to a stop. T’a’yta’s bright eyes snapped down to find the ooman beginning to move, squirming around in their spot. He didn’t move though. He stayed knelt down besides it and watched as it woke up groggily.
Confused, your eyes fluttered open to find the night sky shining down on you. You sat up, clutching at your head for a moment then scanned the area.
A scream tore at your throat. A massive and lumbering form was sitting on its haunches at your side. You scrambled away only to knock into something warm. Your head whipped up to a humanoid creature leaning over you, hands on its hips. Metal covered its face, leaving you only to stare in terror at a blank expression.
Petrified at the two creatures surrounding you, you curled up into a protective ball and cried. Your whole body shook with each sob that echoed back at you. Pathetic, meek but you didn’t care. All you care about in the moment was if this was how you died.
When no harm came to you for the first minute, you timidly pulled your head free and submissively looked at the towering creatures. The orange one, lean and smaller than the other one, still stood where you last saw it. The other one had picked himself and gazed down at you with little care.
“Are you… are you going to hurt me?” For whatever reason you could scrounge up in that shaken brain of yours, you asked them a question. It was stupid in the moment but you hadn’t realize why it would be.
The figure closest to you huffed, glancing at the only other like it that you could see, then shook its large head.
Your whole body jolted at the deep grunts and clicks coming from the larger one. It must be communicating with the one nearest to you. Well, that was your first thought until more of the same sounds, different range voiced from outside the edges of your vision. You accidentally knocked into its shins yet it didn’t react.
From the shadows, this hunkering giant, taller than the dust colored one marched out, hands balled into fists. You were frozen in place. No matter how loud your mind screamed for you to move, you couldn’t.
The newest one, a dark color, possibly a red, seemed to argue with the lighter one. At this time, you decided to give them color coordinating names. Dust, Red, and Orange. At least, you think it was orange. With the lack of light, it was hard to tell. You made do with what was given.
Red growled at Dust and pointed harshly at you, body tense. Dust, on the other hand, stood there with little movement besides its shoulders moving with each breath. When Red realize it wasn’t getting anywhere with Dust, it stomp over to us. You scrambled back and knocked into Orange’s legs again. A minute part of you prayed it would protect you.
A harsh snarl tore from Dust’s throat that had Red stopped in his spot. It clicked in your head who was the leader amongst them. Red whipped around and began to berate to Dust that had to do with you.
In the midst of the commotion, Orange knelt down behind you and patted your head. You yelped but the sound didn’t interfere with the two arguing creatures. It reached towards the metal mask that covered it face and stopped where its mouth would be. A sharpened claw tapped at its mouth area. All you could do was furrow your brows.
The creature finally realize you weren’t following along in its game of charades and called out to the disputing duo. Both whipped their heads at Orange and growled. Orange only huffed and motioned towards you yet speaking in the same language. One you didn’t understand. Dust rolled its eyes before strolling over to the two of you and kneeling a respectful distance away. You stayed semi pressed against Orange, finding little comfort in it.
“Ooman-“ you felt yourself about to faint again but somehow kept it together. “You are not supposed to be here,” it spoke a very deep, vibrating voice that was hard to even understand.
Despite the terror that filled your veins, you timidly looked at it in those bright eyes that nearly glowed in the darkness. “Where, where is here-here?” you sputtered and clutched both hands tightly to your chest.
Dust held up its arm, bent at the elbow, and pressed a button on the metal gauntlet that hugged its forearm. As if out of a sci-fi movie, a hologram floated inches above the gauntlet. It was of a planet or sorts. With its free hand, it pointed at the sphere. “Here. On a planet. Not Earth.” It struggled to say the word ‘earth’ which Orange snickered out. Dust just glared at it.
This had you sitting up straighter and slightly leaning closer to Dust. “What?!” you shouted at the top of your lungs then slapped a hand over your loudmouth. “Sorry, sorry.” You took a deep breath then focused on Dust. “Where am I? And, and how did I get here?” Your voice took a turn towards silence as you tried not to sob your heart out.
Red clicked its mandibles together and gazed at Dust with a harsh look. All Dust did was nothing to Red. “You were an accident. You are not what we hunt. It would be pointless to kill you, not a trophy worthy to take,” it explained nonchalantly. Its body was at ease, eyes partially hooded and each blink slow.
Your head swirled with the new information, chest beginning to heave once more with rapid breaths. Red scoffed and muttered something out loud. Neither creature reacted to it. “Kill me?” That was mainly stuck in your head now. Kill? “What is going on?!” you snapped at them, acting out for a fleeting moment before curling up again and leaning against Orange’s shins without noticing.
The creature before you sighed and shook its bowed head then returned its vision back on you. “We are hunters. You are prey. Though, not worthy prey. We won’t kill you. There must have been a mix-up and they nabbed you instead.”
Dust motioned around him. “This planet is a game reserve where we capture and drop off prey we see as worthy enough to hunt. We hunt said prey. This includes a few ooman as yourself.”
The pieces to the puzzle were finally put together but the order wasn’t something you enjoyed. Especially when it meant you weren’t in your place nor your bed, somewhere not your home. “Wait! Does that mean you’re aliens?” you asked suddenly. Red rolled its eyes and glared at you.
“Yes, primitively,” Dust answered then stood up. “Since we have no reason to hunt you nor can we return you back home, you are now… what that called? Stuck between a rock and a hard place?” Orange began to converse in what must be their language. Dust raised a singular brow at Orange. Red spat out. “Tei does have a point. We are at fault.”
Red’s mandibles flared out with roar as he faced off Dust. You shoved yourself further against Orange for protection at the sight. Orange seemed to snicker and patted your head again. This must be a normal occurrence if Orange was at ease at the sight.
Neither made move or went for the other’s throat. Thankfully. You didn’t know if you would survive the brawl if it had made its way over to you.
A growl echoed from Red’s chest before about-facing and marching away into the darkness. You whimpered and stayed exactly where you were until a dust colored hand entered your vision. “Come along, little ooman. You are now under our supervision due to this accident,” Dust spoke calmly and tugged you to your feet after you took his offer.
“I have not been around a ooman for quite some time. You will have to remind me your dietary requirements.” Dust left your personal space to roost in a spot on the ground and against a fallen log. It picked up a knife and some sort of stone.
You swallowed and licked at your cracking lips. Dietary requirements. These things must eat differently. “Well, um, meat is a good start. Vegetables are good as well. Um… Water, I guess.” It felt strange to list these things to it but if it kept you alive, that’s all that mattered.   “But… I do have a question if that’s okay.”
Dust shrugged. Confused, you decided to take your chance. “What are you guys? And what about names?” If you were to be around these aliens, you wanted to know the basics. Like their names.
Orange sprung up from behind you to stand before you and grabbed at your shoulders. The alien whipped its head to look at Dust and sprout out some nonsense by the sounds of it. Dust used a hand to slow down Orange’s speech before letting it continue.
At the end, Dust shook its large head. “He wants to tell you our names but he hasn’t even learned the basics of ooman language,” Dust explained the situation. “As for our names, I guess that is something we can relent since it’s our fault you are here.” He cleared his throat then continued. “I am called T’a’yta. The excited youngling is Con’tei. The grump who had just walked off is Dai’stbaen. Don’t be frightened by him. He’s just grumpy.”
T'a’yta. Con’tei. Dai’stbaen. The first two were easier to remember and hopefully pronounce. But the last one, it threw you into a twist and a growing headache. “Thank you,” you spoke of your appreciation to… T’a’yta. The alien dipped his head.
“For food, Con’tei can retrieve it for you. We have a database on what is safe for oomans on this planet.” God, you hadn’t even thought about that! Different planet meant different foods.
“Lastly, water.” T’a’yta held up a pouch that looked to be made from the skin of an animal to you. “It is clean, I promise. I know how oomans are frail when it comes to bacteria or something along those lines.”
Timidly, you tip-toed your way over to him and took the bag from him. It took you a moment to figure out how to untie the knot around the tip and sip from it. Once finished you handed it back to him then stood there awkwardly for a moment.
“Find a place and rest,” T’a’yta spoke up while he worked on sharpening his knife. You jumped slightly at his words then nodded to yourself.
Through the darkness, you found a comfortable spot a little ways away from the last remaining alien. He paid no attention to you while you sat down and hugged your knees closely. A deep breath filled your lungs but didn’t ease any of the tension that constricted your body. This had become your new life.
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ateliersss · 11 months
Part 1 - He Will Come
Pairing: Yautja x Fem!Reader Summary: You were caught three days after you and your son's arrival on earth by an organization called Project Stargazer. Now you both were treated like guinea pigs. No wonder, considering said son was a hybrid of human and Yautja. Cross-posted on AO3: here Warnings: English isn't my first language Word Count: 4,126
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You had been stupid, so stupid. You should have listened to Mi'ytiar, should have listened to him when he told you to stay on the ship during your stay on earth while your son went hunting. You had insisted on coming with him, as you desperately wanted to see your home planet again.
Not that you missed it. You loved Mi'ytiar, loved to be his mate, loved your life with him, your son and the new life you had on Yautja Prime.
You had just wanted to get out of the ship, get some fresh air, and see the full moon, which you couldn't see in your new home, when you suddenly were surrounded by soldiers. You didn’t even think about defending yourself, not in your condition. You had let it happen when they grabbed you and put you roughly in one of the black SUVs.
So many questions swirled around in your mind — how did they found you? What about the ship? What did they want with you? Would they hurt you? And what about Akail? Was he hurt?
You hadn’t dared to ask the armed men who were in the car with you. They all had looked at you with different emotions on their faces — disgust, curiosity, anger. One of them wore a grin that made your skin crawl.
When they arrived at their base, you were dragged through many corridors and were examined by — and you thanked God for that — female doctors. They took your blood, forced your into a strange suit, and put you into a completely white room.
Now you sat in a corner, huddled together. The door was in the middle of the wall on the other side of the room. A camera hung in the corner across from you from the ceiling and had an overview of the entire room. It reminded you of an interrogation room with windows to the left and right of the door, which looked like a mirror from the inside but allowed a glimpse into the room from the outside. A table and two chairs were standing in the middle.
You had pulled your legs to your chest as much as your swollen belly would allow, and your head leaned sideways against the wall.
It’s gonna be okay, you thought to yourself, everything’s gonna be fine.
You didn't know if you were trying to calm yourself down or your pup, who could sense your agitation and responded to you with kicking. You sat up straight in a cross-legged position, wrapped your arms protectively around your belly and caressed it soothingly.
Don’t worry, little one. Your daddy will get us out of here, he and your mei’hswei. We’ll be home soon. We can’t wait to meet you.
Not far from you, Sean Keyes greeted Casey Bracket. “There you are!” He said as soon as Casey stepped out of the elevator. “Welcome, I–“
Before he could continue, Casey walked straight past him to look at the two metal helmets and something that looked like a gun, everything displayed behind thick glass. None of it was human.
“Alien technology… Is that what you wanted me to see?” Casey's eyes wandered to the other showcases that displayed more weapons and equipment. “Can I take a better look at it?”
“Ahh.” Sean laughed, “But you haven’t even seen the main attraction.”
Casey tore her gaze from an interesting looking spear engraved with intriguing carvings and looked up at Sean. He had climbed the few steps that led to a glass wall overlooking a mix of operating room and laboratory and gestured with his head for her to follow him.
Quickly joining him, they both looked down and into the room. It was occupied by many people who, from their appearance, were scientists. There were guards, eight in total, guarding all four doors. Screens hung on the walls and desks carried computers and strange gadgets.
The only thing that got Casey’s complete attention was the table in the middle of the room and especially what was on it.
“Doctor Bracket.”
Casey looked away from the creature and at the man who had spoken to her.
“Would you like to meet the Predator?”
Yes, that’s exactly what she wanted.
Still processing what she had just seen, she followed Sean Keyes into the decontamination chamber. She was giving a suit that looked similar to the ones the scientists were wearing in the laboratory. The decontamination process didn't take long and she quickly slipped into the suit.
“Thanks for coming.” The dark-skinned man, Will Traeger, said to Casey as soon as the lab door opened and shook her hand. “I’m sure you have questions.”
“If I’m honest, only two.” Casey answered and followed the man down the stairs. “Why do you call it the Predator?”
They came to a halt in front of the table the creature was lying on.
“It’s a nickname. You know, the data suggests that it tracks its prey, exploits weakness. It seems to, well, enjoy it. It’s like a game.”
“That’s not a Predator. That’s a sports hunter.”
“A Predator kills its prey to survive. I mean, what you’re describing is more like a bass fisherman.” Casey simply answered, taking a step closer to the table.
“Well, we took a vote. Predator sounds cooler, right?” Will laughed and received approval from the surrounding scientists. “We found him, then his ship and more. He’s heavily sedated.”
Casey had long stopped listening to him. She was completely absorbed by the creature, or Predator, taking in every inch of it. The physique indicated that it was a male. His height had to be around 7 feet. He had greenish skin that resembled reptilian-like scales. Its head was big and oval in shape. Instead of hair, what appeared to be dreadlocks grew out of it. His mandibles were the most eye-catching feature about him.
Could they be used for defense? And how did the food intake work?
She noticed that even unconscious, he was making a sound that closely resembled a cat's purring.
“You are one beautiful motherfucker.” She finally said.
“I’m gonna guess your second question is why you’re here.”
Casey looked up to Will and signaled him with a nod to continue.
“Our test results yielded something a little… odd.”
Sean, standing next to Casey, handed her a device. She looked back and forth between the two men before accepting it. The screen showed a more complex DNA structure than that of a human, without a doubt that of the Predator.
“Is this a joke?” She questioned in disbelief.
“We ran the genome sequence ten times. This specimen has–“
“–human DNA.” Casey finished stunned.
“Yeah.” Will nodded, “Look, we know about spontaneous speciation. Mostly plants and insects but–“
“But some mammals. The Red Wolf, for example, a hybrid of the coyote and the grey wolf.” Sean interrupted him this time.
“It’s possibly some form of recombinant technology.” Will added.
“I get it. You want to know if someone fucked an alien.” Casey summed it up, finally knowing her purpose here.
“Not necessarily.”
Casey looked questioningly at Will. "Meaning?"
“Meaning, we have a rough idea. We would just like to know the detailed procedure.”
Casey's eyes widened and she looked at him in bewilderment. “You don't seriously expect a woman to procreate with that thing. There's no way that–“
“Oh, there is no need for that.” Sean assured her, “His equipment led us to his ship. We found it, but not only that.” He turned to the largest screen in the room and nodded to a man who started typing on his computer and turned the screen on. It showed some kind of interrogation room.
It wasn't long before Casey spotted a woman sitting cross-legged on the floor, slowly rocking back and forth.
“Are you trying to tell me that this is…”
“His mother, yes.” Will confirmed her thought. “His DNA matches with hers. Even through the father’s genetic heritage is more dominant than hers, you can still see differences between this one–“ He nodded to unconscious alien, “–and a homozygous Predator.”
“Wow.” Casey mumbled and returned her gaze to the screen.
The woman now walked in circles through the room, stroking — and the biologist had to do a double take — her growing stomach.
Holy hell, she was pregnant!
Casey watched her mouth moving, so either she was singing or talking to the baby.
“Wow indeed. And not only that, her human DNA has been altered to resemble that of the Predator.”
“We believe it’s a kind of adaptation to the living conditions of his home planet.” Sean started, “According to the blood tests, and we did several because we didn't want to believe the results, this woman is 73 years old, although she looks to be in her mid-20s.”
Casey’s mouth fell open, her heart pounding against her rib cage. “I want to meet her.”
He nodded and smiled at her. “That was the plan. No one has spoken to her yet, not even the nurse who brought her food or was taking her to the bathroom.”
“While science can answer many questions and give us great insight into our being, there are still things that remain unanswered.” Will added, "We don't know when she left Earth or how it was possible for her to reproduce with an alien. We don't know how her DNA changed, and because of that, we don't even know who she is.”
Casey nodded. “And you want me to get the answers to those questions from her?”
Casey was watching you through the one-way window. You were still pacing, one hand supporting your back and the other stroking your stomach in a circular motion. Even though you seemed nervous and scared, you also looked like a proud lioness ready to attack to protect her baby.
“Ready?” Sean asked.
Casey looked briefly at him and nodded.
“Great. We will wait here to watch and listen. In her condition I doubt she will attempt anything for the sake of her child, but if she does it will only take a second and security will rush the room.”
“Good to know.” She mumbled before heading to the door.
With a deep breath, she pushed down the door handle.
You caught that movement in the corner of your eye and turned to the intruder. “What have you done to him?!” You immediately demanded hysterically, growling at her like a wild animal. “Where did you take him? Where did you take my son?”
It was good that Casey was the first to speak to you. Probably no one out there had the slightest decency to treat you like a real person and would have strapped you to a table, too, careless of harm to you or your child.
“They took him to a lab and are holding him there. Nobody hurt him, I swear it.” Casey said, raising her hands to show you she meant no harm. “They just want to know more about him and his kind and why he is here, that’s all.”
You stared at her, softly caressing your belly as you pondered her words.
When there was no reply, Casey continued, “I just want to talk to you. We want to know how you… why you…”
“Why I got knocked up by an alien?” You suggested bluntly.
Casey nodded. “Yes. It’s practically unthinkable to come across an alien hybrid and its mother.”
“Where I went after his father took me from Earth, it’s more of a rarity than unthinkable.”
Casey took a step forward and hastily asked, “Do you mean you're not the only one? Are there other humans who procreate with them? Are they also studying hybrids and their traits?”
You laughed at her eagerness and walked over to the chair closest to you, sitting down on it. You waved your hand at Casey to do the same, as if you were hinting you were going to cooperate to answer her questions. The biologist glanced back over her shoulder at the reflective window where Sean and Will were watching the conversation. She sat down in the chair opposite of you and looked at you expectantly.
“Before I say another word, I want to see that my son is okay.” You demanded, trying to suppress the tremor in your voice, the very first sign of weakness.
Casey turned back to the windows and waited for someone to come through the door. Instead, the reflective surfaces of the windows turned into screens showing one and the same image — the captured Predator, still tied to the table and asleep.
There was a whimper coming from behind her. When she turned back, she saw tears building up in your eyes and one hand pressed to your mouth. It was surreal to Casey for a human having such an emotional reaction for an alien creature. On the other hand, this was his mother, unbelievable and absurd as it may seem.
You seemed to calm down, your eyes still fixed on the screen. You nodded to yourself before tearing your eyes away to look at Casey. The windows had returned to its normal state.
“We’re going to start with some easy questions, okay?”
You nodded again.
“Great. First I would like to know your name.”
“(Y/N) (L/N).” You answered.
“Would it be okay if I call you (Y/N)?”
“I would appreciate it.” You said, “It's a nice change from all the other names I've gotten so far.”
“What do you mean?” Casey inquired.
“Alien fucker. Alien whore. Desperate little bitch who thought a man’s dick isn’t enough for her. Nothing I didn't expect from men.” You shrugged, “It just proves once again that Yautja males treat their females with far more respect and honor than a human male could ever comprehend.”
“Yautja?” Casey asked, leaning forward, arms crossed on the tabletop.
“You call them Predator, but their kind is actually called Yautja.” You explained.
Casey nodded and started to play with her fingers, her next question burning on her tongue. “How did you get into this whole thing? How did you get in contact with them?”
You huffed. “It’s quite ironic, you know. On the contrary what you may have expected, he saved me.”
“Saved you from what?”
“Again, men. Three of them. They had cornered me, kept groping me, pulled on my clothes…” You had to pause for a second.
Almost 50 years ago, you had been afraid when Mi'ytiar had taken you from Earth to bring you to Yautja Prime. But looking back, that fear hadn't been as great as what you felt at the thought of what those men would have done to you if he hadn't intervened.
“He protected me from those monsters… my own kind.”
You let out a humorless laugh. “Yautja take their prey as a trophy after each successful hunt. Not only did he rip their heads off and their spines out, he also took me. I expected him to hurt me, to keep me as a slave, or... or to do what these men wanted to do to me. I found out later that I was really lucky that he, of all other Yautja, rescued me. It's incredibly rare that one of them takes an interest in a human being. Usually, they kill every last of them. Humans are too weak and too soft, but that’s exactly what he loves about me. That’s why he kept me alive.”
You let out sigh, considering how much you should reveal about the Yautja culture.
“On the contrary to me, a Yautja female is rough and large, even larger than a male. After all, they are the ones who carry their offspring and ensure the survival of their kind. The males have to fight for dominance and if the male wins, the female deems him worthy enough for mating and submits.”
Casey shifted in her seat. “Did you… Did he expect the same from you? Did he force you into submission to…?”
“Never.” You growled protectively, “He never forced himself onto me. Never. He was more patient and understanding than all the human males I ever met in my life. He treated me like I was the most precious thing he has ever seen. Never did he touch me without my permission.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Casey soothed you.
She had to be more careful and had to see this whole situation through your eyes — you were separated from your son and held at a facility who was examining you both while you had to worry about your unborn baby.
“Do you want to tell me about your relationship with him? Your, uhm…”
“He is my mate. My Life Mate.”
“Life Mate?”
“Female Yautja can mate with multiple males and give birth to their children, but some also choose a permanent mate. You could compare it to one-night-stands and marriage, only you can't divorce. It's not called Life Mate for nothing. You are bonded to each other for the rest of your life and they live for hundreds of years.”
“Can I know the name of your Life Mate?”
You eyed Casey briefly, looked over her shoulder at the reflective windows then at the camera in the corner and then back at her. “His name is Mi'ytiar. He is the leader of his clan.”
Casey sat up straight. “They live in clans? Like wolves in packs or horses in herds?”
You nodded. “With similar hierarchy dynamics, yes. There are many clans on their home planet, each living peacefully on their own. Sometimes clans visit each other, hunt together, celebrate together. That's how I found out that I'm not the only human on this planet.” You said, “But apparently I’m the only one who mated a clan leader. Most of them are expected to have a strong successor to take after them and Mi'ytiar, of all Yautja, chose a weak little human to bear his pups.”
Jackpot, Casey thought.
She finally got to the part that intrigued her the most — how was it humanly possible that you got pregnant, how was it possible for you to carry the child of an alien, and how did it not kill you?
“Since Mi'ytiar has fully committed himself to me, it was up to me to bear his offspring. The Yautja of his clan never dared to say anything. I’m the clan leader's mate, after all. But I noticed it in the way they treated me and looked at me. They knew it wasn’t possible for me to carry his children.” You looked down at your baby bump and returned to caress it. It seemed to keep you calm.
“At that point, that fact made me really upset. I got to know their culture, learned everything there was to know about them. I even started learning their language. I fulfill any task assigned to a clan leader's mate. I make my mate happy and proud. But I couldn’t give him a child.”
You looked up and into Casey’s eyes.
“Mi'ytiar is very attentive and he soon noticed that something was upsetting me. Apparently he was the only one who hadn't thought about his offspring at all.” You paused for a second to smile, remembering his reaction when he found out that you wanted to carry his pups. “The second he knew he wanted to keep me around when he took me away from Earth, he injected me with his blood. No matter how many times I've been called fragile and puny, the human immune system can sometimes work wonders. His blood had slowed down my aging and allowed me to survive on his planet. So we visited a healer to finalize my life as his Life Mate.”
Your cheeks flushed as you thought of how Mi'ytiar hadn't hesitated another second to make sure you got pregnant. You had spent several days in your bed, or nest as he called it, and there had been hardly a moment when he wasn't inside you. The thought of his beautiful mate, his love, carrying his pup in her belly had made him feral.
It hadn't been long before his seed took. The other Yautja had a satisfied reaction when they saw that their leader was about to become a father. Also, they finally treated you like a part of the clan. You had fully proved yourself, proved you could provide for the clan. You were finally one of them.
Akail's birth was hard. It felt like he was tearing you apart from the inside out. But thanks to the injections of his blood and the additional help of the tribal healer, your body strengthened enough that you didn't die, even though it felt like it. You were crying and smiling, with your mate at your side, holding your little bundle of joy in your arms.
He looked just like his father, no indication that his mother was human. However, his animalistic features were a little softer, difficult to recognize unless you were the mother. While you are being tended to, Mi'ytiar took his son in his arms to proudly introduce him to his clan.
Fondly, you thought back to one moment, a core memory — Mi'ytiar, lying on his side with you snuggled against him, both naked and partly covered in fur, and little Akail, just ten hours old, resting on your chest. At that point you were so incredibly happy.
It sounded weird and absurd that this was your life and no human would understand, but you would never trade it for anything.
“What’s the catch?” Casey asked after a while of watching you quietly stroking your belly.
“Huh?” You looked up.
“I don't think you're telling us all this without an ulterior motive. So what’s the catch?”
“I want to quench your thirst for scientific knowledge and in return, I hope you will release me and my son. There is no need to keep us here.”
Casey started to rock back and forth in her chair. “I don’t think that will be possible. There are still things that we–“
“Listen, I have cooperated in the hope we will be released when all your questions are answered. You won’t like what will happen if we are not soon to be freed.”
Casey glanced over her shoulder for what felt like the hundredth time, unsure of what to do or what to say.
“I promised him to contact him every day, you know. My mate.” You said, pride permeating your body. “And do you know what it will tell him? The silence?” Your question was obviously rhetorical. “It will tell him that something happened to me and therefore also to his son, because Akail would rather die fighting for his mother and Mi'ytiar knows that.”
Casey gulped. The threat was clear as the day.
“He will come and not alone. Do you really think you stand a chance against them?” You laughed, now more confident. “The human nature is arrogant, thinking they are superior to everyone. Eventually that will be the reason for your extinction. Your haughty stupidity will be the death of you.”
“(Y/N)–” Casey tried, but she was interrupted.
“No, you will listen to me just like you've been doing for half an hour now. I have lived among them for decades. I learned from them, I’m one of them. Stand between a Yautja and their Life Mate and it will end deadly for you. Stand between a Yautja and their Life Mate who’s pregnant and I promise you, you will beg for them to kill you.”
“(Y/N), there is nothing in my power to help you. I was simply asked here as an expert to examine this Yautja… your son. I can’t–”
“You will. And I'm not just talking to you in this case.” Your eyes wandered from her face to the windows and nodded to the people you assumed to be standing behind the glass, watching you. “I’m talking to them, the ones who have the power. Set me and my son free and I promise you nothing will happen to any of you.”
Suddenly, a blaring alarm sounded, startling both Casey and you.
Instinctively, you wrapped an arm around your stomach in a protective manner.
“Code Red. Subject Predator is on the loose.”
A shuddering sigh of relief left your lips as you slowly began to smile. You knew they couldn’t keep Akail immobilized for long.
One of the things he had in common with his father was that he was just as protective over you as he was. He would come to look for you.
Casey had already jumped out of her chair and was talking frantically to the people on the other side of the one-sided window.
You began to talk to your pup again, “Your mei'hswei is coming, sweetling. Soon the three of us will be back with daddy.”
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continue with the second part He Is Here.
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2K notes · View notes
solitaryearthperson · 2 months
Need A Hero Masterlist
Need A Hero
A Hero
49 notes · View notes
lace-coffin · 6 months
Slasher kinks headcanons
Minors DNI
Slashers x gender neutral! reader
Trigger warnings : consensual non consent (cnc), blood, degradation/humiliation, kidnapping? (Only for Asa)
Kinks: general rough sex, bdsm dynamics, daddy/mommy kink, humiliation/degradation, knife play, primal/prey & predator play, praise, sex whilst ovulating/on period, medical play, topping from the bottom, anal, face fucking, face slapping, spanking/punishment, breeding, knotting, hucow kink, phone sex, the list goes on
did anyone request this? No. Am I going to make u all look at it bc I’m a horndog? Absolutely
I will be writing a top/bottom section for every slasher! No gentials will be mentioned for reader (hole is used to be neutral) but strap/cock will be used in relation to the reader topping.
Michael will also have an extra t4t section for my friend bc there isn’t enough t4t Michael < 3
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Thomas Hewitt
Thomas isn’t super experienced in sex before he meets you, infact you’re his first partner. Obviously he knows some of the ins and outs (pun intended) from his own teenage curiosity and hormones. He also might have stolen Atleast one of Hoyt’s porno magazines before now.
Tommy would become more confident in taking the lead once he knows what you like a little more, then he’d be ok trying other positions and bottoming sometimes. Stuff in the beginning might be pretty slow and steady but after you’ve been together a while it can get a lot more intense.
Definitely has a breeding kink, has a dream of having a big family with you and raising them on the farm to continue the Hewitt name. Something about seeing his seed leak from your abused and puffy hole makes him want to breed it into you harder. Tell him you want him to make you a mommy/daddy/parent (even if it’s not biologically possible) and you’ll be manhandled into a mating press until he feels he’s filled you up enough for it to take.
In the same way it makes him feel so pretty and desirable if you tell him your going fuck a baby into him, he doesn’t care if it’s not technically possible, tell him your going to knock him up and keep him round with your seed, he’ll be moaning around your cock/strap like a slut. Push your fingers into his mouth to give him something to keep quiet on : )
Hucow kink! Loves it whether he’s the one submitting or dominating! Let him lead you around the barn with a cute cowbell collar and cow ears on! Loves to include chest play, no matter what gender (or lack there of) your chest he loves grope it, abusing your nipples until they’re swollen/hard and sensitive, don’t worry though, he’ll be more than happy to lave over them to lessen the sting. If your a good little heifer he’ll shove you face first onto a hay bale, pounding you until your hole is gaping and cum is leaking from it into the rough hay <3
If Tommy is being submissive in this situation he’s super eager to please! Tie him up and Milk his cock over and over until he’s actively squirming away from your hand and groaning in overstimulation. He’s a good boy though and knows his place so he won’t break the binds even if it would be easier for him than most people. Humiliate him and make him moo/beg for your cock/strap! Fuck him whilst using his horns as a grip.
Bubba sawyer
Like Tommy bubba is also inexperienced, raised under Drayton’s view that it’s “sex or the saw”. Due to this Bubba viewed sex as a betrayal of his family, being told it was only there to distract you from what’s important. Please be patient with her and reframe her view of sex, let her know she’s not dirty or immoral for having needs and desires.
Once they know more and gain more experience they’re super eager to impress! Litterally goes down on you like it’s their job. You might have to tap out after a few orgasms because he could drink you down for hours. He’ll leave you shaking and leaky and just look up at you with a happy smile on their cum smeared face.
He loves praise and to know that she’s doing a good job, tell them that they make you feel so good in a way no one else can. Don’t be afraid to get a little more rough with your language however, he loves when you compliment how his cock stretches you just right or how he’s made to take your strap/cock. It feels so taboo for them and makes them squirm.
Absolutely loves it if you use feminine names for her in bed. Doll/baby/princess. Makes him feel so pretty and cared for! Play with bubbas tits, they have an ample chest to paw at 👀 will absolutely mewl into the bedsheets and press their tits further into your hands. Loves to be called mommy! It lets them know you feel safe and comfy with them.
Jason voorhees
Jason is another slasher with a skewed view on sex, his mother taught him it was sinful and the reason for his death, but surely anything he does with the person he loves that feels this good can’t be wrong. Encourage him and let him know it’s ok to fulfill his need and he’s not dirty or wrong for it!
Jason is happy to let you take the lead most of the time considering his inhuman strength, he doesn’t want to hurt you and would feel more comfortable if you took things at your own pace, not wanting to get too excited and manhandle you too much (not that you would mind in the slightest). He’s also not opposed to the sight of you on top of him.
He loves it when you take control, using his cock like it was made for you, draining it for all it’s worth. He loves to know he’s the one making you feel good and he’s the one you love. Praise him and tell him how good he’s doing, that he knows all your favourite spots and can make you fall apart. let him know you own his cock and you’ll do whatever you want with it (with consent obviously)
Despite this, if Jason’s had a bad day with trespassers escaping or traps breaking on him he may be inclined to storm through the front door and pin you to the nearest service, spearing you on his thick cock and leaving you dripping without warning or mercy.
Jason will be open to bottoming over time once his confidence in being intimate has improved and he feels less anxious about trying new things. He’ll still need a lot of encouragement to relax but once he does he’s happy to let you take care of him. Hold his hand as you stretch him open on your fingers, exploring parts of Jason he didn’t even know were an option. He gets a little addicted to the feeling of being used, fucking into him with reckless abandon. You can be rougher with him when topping because of his inhuman nature, thrust a toy or finger in his ass along side your cock/strap, he can take it. He doesn’t have much of a gag reflex due to being undead so fuck his face to your hearts content as long as you wipe his tears and drool for him and tell him what a sweet boy he is for you!
Jason’s very sweet with aftercare, making you a warm drink and cleaning you both up with a wet rag, he appreciates if you do the same for him, maybe bring him his cherished teddy bear to ground him until he feels less floaty.
RZ! Michael Myers
Michael may be quiet but he’s very forward and unashamed with the things he wants. Don’t expect Michael to be shy when it comes to needing you. He’ll silently wrap around you from behind, grinding his need into your behind no matter the time or place, although he’ll back off if you tell him no, he’ll pout and let out a grunt of understanding, leaving to deal with it himself if your not in the mood.
Michael is more relentless in topping when he’s come back from a hunt, the adrenaline quickly turning to arousal as he smears the still slightly warm blood over your lips.
I defiantly think Michael enjoys CNC (consensual non consent). He hasn’t had a lot of control over things in his life considering he spent most of it in Smith’s Grove unable to even dictate the most simple aspects of it. He likes the total power exchange and the control he has over you as you squirm underneath him. It really riles him up if you fight back, biting him until he bleeds and thrashing so he can hold you down even harder. Michael loves to silence your pleads with his knife, running the dull side of it over your flushed and tear laden cheeks, moving it down to your throat as a warning.
(Will absolutely make you suck the handle of his knife until your eyes are teary before stuffing as much of it as he can into your man cunt. If you don’t want to Accidently cut your thighs then you better lay still and take it like a good boy.)
To add onto this I think he enjoys cnc on the receiving end to, if he wants to submit he wants to be dominated completely and wholly without mercy (safewords in place obviously). Michael likes to be handled roughly and shown that even if he is The Shape that you can break him down into a drooling mess. He’s 90% legs but Lord does he get insanely hard when you fold those long legs in half and drill him into the bed with your cock/strap.
(Hold him down and strip him of his coveralls and boxers, eat his pussy before he can even get a chance to steady himself. Manhandle him into position and rut your cunt into his, ignoring his pleasure and using him to get off selfishly. He’ll look at you dumbly and fucked out after, long hair frizzy and a mess of slick on his thighs)
Pull him aside and use him whenever you want, if he rolls his eyes or acts bratty feel free to slap him around! He loves a firm smack on the cheek when he won’t open up more than he likes to admit, he likes to feel powerless under you.
Michael would totally be into predator/pray with him playing the predator. Stalking you through the woods or the empty streets of Haddonfield with his trusted knife. He’s not worried about you being in any actual danger because he’s the bulk of danger in the town anyway. he has no doubts that should someone try get the best of you in the dark he could take care of them and not break a sweat. He stalks you through the town loving the way the your pace picks up the longer it takes for him to strike. He knows it’s inevitable, there’s no where you could go that Michael won’t find you. Don’t expect to make it home once he corners you, you’ll be pushed against or bent over whatever surface is nearest and having his cock bullied into you.
(Michael would grab you and slam you against a tree once he had you cornered, making quick work of his zipper and underwear. T-dick engorged with arousal and want, lips glistening behind the dense brown hair. He pushes you to your knees and gets to work. You will be spending the next while with your mouth and fingers pressed against Michael’s cunt, your head jerked harder and more forcefully the closer he gets)
Billy lenz
Billy is also very forward with what he wants as we can see from the movie, though I do personally headcanon that Billy is hypersexual due to his trauma so sex can go either one of two ways. Either he’ll be super into it and eager or ashamed and feeling disgusted with himself, if it’s the latter please reassure him it’s not dirty or wrong and try distract him with something else.
This couldn’t be a Billy lenz kink post without phone sex. He loves to call you up when your busy (shopping, on a walk, at work) and spew filth down your ear, telling you all the things he’s going to do to you or that he’ll let you do to him. The riskier the location the better. Sometimes he’ll even already be touching himself, mewling down the receiver like a slut for you to come home.
To add onto this I think he’d have a kink for fucking you whilst you talk to someone on the phone, giggling as he nudges his dick against the perfect spot, making you keen into the speaker.
Billy loves dirty talk on either end, whether it’s him telling you how he’s going to choke you on his fat cock or you telling him how good he feels inside you and to cum inside. He adores degrading you, making you feel like a cum dump. He’ll taunt you, telling you you’re only good to warm his cock and get him off, making you sniffle and repeat it back to him for his own satisfaction and ego.
He occasionally thought about the possibility of bottoming from time to time before meeting you but brushed it off since he’s not super familiar with it and didn’t want to meet up with a stranger to try. That didn’t stop him from experiencing with a finger or two but he wasn’t informed and didn’t use lube so it wasn’t good lol.
All this changes after you mention it one night in bed, excited but nervous Billy accepts. It turns out he’s a complete bottom bitch, such a slut any time you can get him under you, he’ll moan without holding back not caring if the other sorority members hear. He doesn’t care whether you’re pounding into him with his face smashed into the covers like a whore or if he’s riding you greedily, he loves it anytime he can have your cock/strap in him.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is incredibly needy and intense, inexperienced but excited to get as close to you as humanly possible. He may come off a little bratty and demanding but he’s completely willing to wait until you’re ready, he’d never do anything you didn’t want. When you are ready it’s all hands on deck, Brahms wants you all the time at any time.
It doesn’t matter if you’re impaled on his cock or if your burried inside him, Brahms is just happy to be close and horny lol
Absolutely has a mommy/daddy kink (dude has crazy mommy issues). He enjoys it when you take the reins for him and tell him what to do, order him about, tell him how to please mommy/daddy just the way they like. You already have quite the control over him in your daily life anyway, telling him what to do and when, making sure he follows his rules. Talk Brahms through how to ride your shaft/strap, make him slow down and speed up whenever you feel like it for your own enjoyment, ignoring his pleas to fuck him properly.
Brahms is horny pretty often, as a result of this penetrative sex isn’t always a need. He loves having free use of you, fucking your thighs until he spills all over them or grabbing your hand and rutting against it whilst you read a book in the other.
Spanking! Nothing puts unruly little boys back in their place like beating their ass until they beg you to stop, all of Brahms’s brattiness seems to disappear once he knows he’s pushed it to far and has a punishment coming his way. He’ll cry and beg you to change your mind but it’s too late, bend him over your lap and rip his trousers down. If he’s been extra ill-behaved bring out the paddle, switching cheeks and making him count until his ass has a pretty pink flush to it.
Asa Emory
Asa demands to be in control, that much is clear and that translates over into bed too. You might have met Asa organically through his university lectures or a museum, if this is the case then you will still be with him under the guise of a 24/7 power exchange relationship. If you met him via kidnapping and was taken to the hotel to be a pet then this will still be expected of you but with the addition of being experimented on/tortured for his own satisfaction. You won’t have a say on your freedom. (I’m going to be writing it from the perspective your kept at the hotel as a pet because it’s more likely)
Asa gets a sick thrill out of treating you like a dog. Fucking you whilst gripping the leash wrenched around your neck until you’re wheezing for air. He’ll make you bark for his cock just to laugh at how pathetic and needy you are, humiliating yourself so you can get your hole stuffed, disgusting. Paw mitts and belts on the thighs/calfs are used to make you practically immobile, totally reliant on him to fulfill your needs and unwilling to do so until he’s broken you down into a sobbing panting mess.
Even when bottoming Asa takes control, barking orders at you about how he likes to be fucked, faster, deeper. You better not even think about cumming without permission or you won’t be cumming again for the next few days whilst he uses your cock/strap like a sex toy. Asa pulls you by your hair as you eat his ass, choking/slapping you if you’re not doing it to his liking. At the end he’ll spit in your mouth and make you say “thank you sir”, forcing your jaw open to make sure you swallowed it all down and patting you on the cheek as a reward.
Medical play is a favourite of his. He enjoys nothing more than stripping you naked and strapping you down to the chilly metal medical table, securing your wrists to the wrist clamps. Snapping on his black latex (unless you’re allergic to latex lol) gloves Asa will dissect you bit by bit. New toys are regularly incorporated to see if he can get a different reaction from you. This can be through pain or pleasure, they’re both the same to him. Clamping your nipples and pulling them until they’re red and sore or landing slaps on your hole for squirming too much. Writing your reactions down on his clipboard and looking at you as nothing more than one of his specimens to pull apart and observe. If he notices a reaction he hasn’t seen from you before he’ll try again and again to recreate it no matter how taxing that may be on your body. Speculums are a favourite of his, prying open and inspecting your most private parts, pressing his fingers or different toys in to see how you react, spread hole twitching at the stimuli and unable to do anything about it. It feels intimate and violating in a way he loves to be able to look at your inner most parts so coldly and close up.
Yautja/predator (female and male)
Yautja are naturally pretty dominant in bed, the whole culture they live in revolves around shows of strength and resilience. Your mate thrives off taking care of all of your needs and proving themselves worthy and this is no different in bed. Always happy to satisfy your needs as your lover and the one who cares for you, your mate will come to help out any time they smell your arousal.
Female Yautja
Your mate naturally takes care of you in bed, a headstrong women who has earned her place on the higher end of society, because of this she loves to dress you up in the finest clothing and jewellery on Yautja prime, showing off her status and by proxy, yours. Don’t think you’re going to just leave the house in it though, she’ll pin you down, eyes taking in every part of you, the way the silky fabric lays across your centre, ready to be opened like a gift. The outfit will include a gold collar to match, one with her mark carved in it so everyone knows who you belong to. She may even take to fucking you in public if anyone tries to challenge her bond with you, your abused hole on display for anyone to see.
As your mate she trusts you to return the favour, however control isn’t given over that easily. You may be the one inside her cunt but she’s the one using you until your spent, a death grip on your collar as she looks down at you from on top, snarling in your face and a placing marking nips against your throat with her mandibles.
Once mating season rolls around she’ll be even more demanding, the instinct to mate and breed you at its peak. You’ll be kept in the nest of furs and fucked over and over. If you pass out? Not her problem, she’ll keep going until she’s satisfied your scented up and marked properly. She takes no brattiness during this time either, acting out or being difficult will earn you getting pinned to the furs, mandibles flared and snarling until you submit.
Male yautja
Another one I think would enjoy primal/predator play. Your mate stalks you through the jungle whilst cloaked. He knows your every exact move and you’re none the wiser. He loves how he can taste your fear in the air but he knows it’s all for show because he can taste you arousal permeating the dense tree’s too. He’ll appear out of nowhere just as your adrenaline reaches it’s peak and swipe your ankles, forcing you down to the leafy floor with him. He lets out a clicky laugh at the surprise scream you let out. Wasting no time he mounts you like an animal and ruins you again and again until your both spent.
Your mate can tell when you’re ovulating and he’s ecstatic to help. Blood is so common to him in his daily life it doesn’t phase him at all, he’s perfectly happy to get down and a little messy, you smell so sweet to him during this time. If this matches with his rutt then you aren’t leaving the bed for a few days, he’ll fuck into you mercilessly until his swollen knot pops inside you, connecting you both together. Once it deflates he’ll scoop his cum back up and push it into your hole, not wanting to waste a drop.
Sometimes it’s nice to be taken care of, and you prove this by absolutely destroying him. Go feral, show him how much of a capable mate you are, wrestle him to the floor and ruin his hole, leave bites and marks on him to claim him. He’ll snarl the whole time and fight back but he loves it. He may even let you use a toy/strap with a knot on it to emulate being seeded and stuffed at the end.
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scribbledghost · 8 months
Would you write male yautja x fem reader where she practices witchcraft?
I feel like your yautja would fall into practice with you fairly easily.
After all, yautja have their own rituals and customs and are a polytheistic culture too.
Give! Him! Rocks!! Give him many shiny rocks he will love them. Tell them what they represent.
Personally I think hed go well with some black tourmaline, brown tigers eye, bloodstone, or amethyst.
Absolutely will join you for any sort of ritual/ceremony you do. Obediently does as you ask the entire time, even if it's just "sit there quietly while I do this".
Talk to him about what deities you work with (if you work with any). He'll love telling you about Paya and Cetanu (plus other gods).
Kinda depends on what sort of witchcraft is your specialty tbh. A couple examples:
Cooking magic? He's down. Mostly because free food.
Nature magic? Also down. He's out in the wilderness enough, it's an easy thing for him to grasp.
He'll probably try to blend some of your beliefs/practices/rituals/behaviors with his own.
Giving a thanks to nature after a kill. Paying attention to moon phases for more reasons than just light levels. Conducting special fire rituals before a hunt.
You rub off on him quite a bit. Honestly you may even notice other yautja around him adopting the same behaviors.
Loves Samhain and Mabon. Good smells, good food, attention to life and death.
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bloopinggenius · 9 months
☆𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝☆| Yautja x 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 | M/M/M/M/M x Reader
Chapter 𝐈 | Chapter 𝐈𝐈
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs**ᴄʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ ᴛʀᴀᴜᴍᴀ,ᴄʜɪʟᴅ ᴀʙᴜsᴇ,ᴅᴇᴘʀᴇssɪᴏɴ,ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴs ᴏғ ʀᴀᴄɪᴀʟ sʟᴜʀs
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Love was an emotion that Ryia hadn't experienced. She thought that she had from her friends at school, but from what she gathered on the internet and other people, it wasn't. She hadn't felt that sense of warmth through her body when she thought of her friends and she sure didn't from her parents. Her relationship with them was something she would never pray upon her biggest enemy.
When you think of parents, you think of the people who love you, who would protect you in the most dire of situations, sometimes even lay their life down for you but not for Ryia. At the tender age of four, her drug-addict of a mom had burnt her tiny body with scalding hot water almost every three days. It was a hiding game for Ryia. She would be in hiding until she got hungry then proceed to the kitchen to get something to eat, only to not make it out in time where her, already high, mother would find her and beat her. Her father was an absent father. He left the family when Ryia was 2. Now him and his new family are living the high life. Almost every month, they were travelling. Ryia always wondered if that's the reason why her mom abused her. Maybe her mother wanted to travel the world and live the lavish life. But she also couldn't understand why she was being abused. The urge to know the reason of her miserable lifestyle was greater than anything. Sometimes she thought that she was the reason that her mother's dream was hindered. Ryia learnt to look after herself from then on. She went to school with such eagerness, knowing that one day she'd graduate and leave home.
And she did.
Come gradution day and she had graduated and was off to uni on a scholarship. Heaven knows she worked her ass off to become the doctor she was. Even through this, she still helped her mother when she was diagnosed with lung cancer until she passed. Ryia didn't feel anything for the woman, heck she didn't even prepare a funeral. She simply sent her aunt an email regarding her mother's passing and left them to do the rest.
From then on, Ryia mingled around with people who treated like she was the scum of the earth and even had one of her exes call her racial slurs when the relationship ended.
However Ryia was numb to all her bad luck. She never smiled and rarely laughed. Sometimes, looking at her reflection after taking a warm shower, it looked like she was looking through herself, an empty shell with the remnants of it's contents a ghostly appearance. Even with all the money she had, she wasn't happy.
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Her life was like this until 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 day. The day she met 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺.
It was a chilly night, Ryia reading a book in the quiet of her bedroom. She had been reading Romeo and Juliet. The story not really interesting her. She was just trying to get a feel of their love; trying to gauge what it's like to be in love. She wasn't dumb. She knew lovers never fell this fast in love; she simply was trying to understand 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲.
She was so focused in reading her book. So intrigued at the way Shakespeare interpreted love. But nothing could have taken all of her focus to the point that she didn't hear the rumble of an engine outside her house. An engine? Why would there be an engine outside at this time? It was very late into the night, the moonlight stretching itself across her room creating a soft halo around her. She was incredibly startled. Confused and wary, she walked up to window to inspect her backyard. Her chocolate brown eyes scoped the area to find nothing.
Nothing in sight. As she turned to leave, she spotted something. The smallest thing ever, she wasn't even sure she would have seen it, but she did. Under the shadows of the tall trees that surrounded her backyard, she spotted wavy air.
Wavy air. Like the skeptic she is, she blinked, several times but the image never left her sight. She was scared. What could have been going on in her backyard at this time. But with the smallest, ant size of bravery, she decided to go check it out. She hoped that with her knowledge of black people dying first in movies, this wouldn't be that scenario. Walking downstairs was hilarious to her. She didn't crack a smile, no, but she did think that whatever she was doing in that moment was the exact thing the killed the dumbest people in movie.
'But this is real life', she thought. Just to protect herself though, she turned on the living room and kitchen lights. You never know what's lurking in the dark. Ryia walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinet above her stove. She got out a flashlight, the thickest skillet she could find, you know just in case and a large pocket knife. You never know where danger lurks.
After acquiring her items, Ryia cautiously walked out the back door to her backyard. The soft rumbling of the engine had stopped so she turned on the flashlight and walked in the direction that she saw the mysterious 'wavy air'. As she walked closer, flashlight helping with her vision, she noticed the waviness got taller and wider. The more she looked, the more she noticed that something was concealed there but she didn't want to admit it to herself. 'It couldn't be invisible, could it?', her thoughts questioning what she saw. All around her she could her a soft trilling sound. The rapid clicks reminding her of a woodpecker. As she reached out in front of her to feel the mystery object, she felt herself being pushed to the ground at breakneck speed; all her safety objects being thrown out of her hands. Everything was muddled for a second. It took a minute to recover and when she held herself up on her elbows, she looked around frantically. Wondering what the hell was going on, she grabbed the closet thing to her which was her flashlight and searched her backyard.
Ryia got up slowly, sitting on her legs before quickly crawling towards her things so she could return home. Whatever the hell was going on she was leaving it to God and running for her life. After getting back up, she turned towards her house ready to run, only to see the same waviness in front of her. Looking to her left she saw the same one still concealed under the trees. What could possibly be in front of her?
She heard the clicking again only this time it felt like it was two steps in front of her. Her head turned towards the sound slowly and what she saw made her drop her items once again. What was once air, was now something that could only exist in horror movies. In front of her, she saw a massive eight-foot tall humanoid creature. It had a huge crest at the top of it's forehead, two golden deepset eyes, no nose but four crab-like fingers on it's mandible. This creature was fucking huge. It's skin was a chestnut brown with black spotting. It looked like all it ever did was workout it's whole life with it's jacked body. It's taut muscles a canvas with the moonlight enhancing the dips of the muscles on it's torso. It wore silver armor, the most pristine she had ever seen. Nothing seemed off about this alien and she was so close to passing the fuck out.
What she didn't expect was to see four more appear behind the brown one. Each with their own bulky bodies made to perfection. At this point, she knew she was a goner. Each creature was around the same height. At the sight of them, she took a step back. At that moment her life literally flashed before her eyes. It wasn't like her life was special anyway. She knew what she was about to do was stupid but she did it anyway. Or attempted to. She turned on her heels and got two steps away before she was grabbed by her arm and thrown towards the other four. Her body slammed into the floor but it wasn't enough to injure her terribly. Her black curls were a mess around her face and her vision was blurry. She saw the tanned creature walk towards her and that was the last thing she saw.
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Ra'kar was the leader of his ship. His ship consisted of himself and four other yautja, all of which are his family. He was nine-hundred and sixty five. Culturally, he was an Elder.
His members were made up of his blood brother, Va'tha and three cousins, T'edqah, Vikap and An'tui. They were currently on a hunt. A forest was their destination but their engine became faulty so they had an emergency stop. Where they wanted to land had looked to be some sort of land near a lake but it happened to belong to a human. They hadn't known that the land was occupied so imagine their surprise when the tiny human emerged from her home in scared curiousity.
Her black locks framed her face and fell down her back in soft curls while she used the light-emitting device to help with her vision. She wasn't small by human standards looking to be atleast 5'11. She was curvy but fit and soft looking. One thing was odd though. Her skin was covered in darker patches and scars howerer that didn't take away from her beauty. Her black skin glowed in the soft glow of the moonlight. She cautiously approached the ship but Vikap being the rebel he is, knocked her to ground. She was frantic for sure, his bio-mask showing her vitals escalating. The five of them jumped down from the trees with such gracefulness, walking towards the fallen human.
Ra'kar was ahead of them, only a few steps away from her and grabbed her before she could escape throwing her towards the others. He didn't mean to throw her hard judging by the way she passed out by their feet. They were all confused at how fragile she was.
An'tui was the youngest and was quiet; very rarely socialising with others. "I think you went a little overboard brother", the burgundy-coloured yautja said.
"What should we do with her?" Va'tha spoke up. The dark green yautja was seven-hundred and forty. Being the brother of an Elder had it's perks as he was a seasoned hunter with many trophies adorning his chamber. He had many strong pups and many more to come with all the females constantly flirting with him. It was uncommon however for pups to be so close like he was with Ra'kar. And he also had a secret; one that could get him outcast. It was wrong and considered unworthy for a yautja to mate or be in a relationship with a human. His hidden desire for humans was buried deep within him years ago but the mere sight of this human had his emotions swirling once again. But he could and would be able to handle his emotions.
"We could just leave her here and continue our journey." Vikap snarled out, glaring at the passed out human.
T'edqah, being the medic that he is, gently picked her up, " Let us take her back to the ship. I must examine her for any injuries as i'm assuming that your intentions were not to hurt her?" With a sigh, Ra'kar agreed and soon after they were on their way.
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Hey guys!!👋 Trying something new. I would really love to make this a series so comment down below and let me know if you guys love this and if I should continue.
Sweet love and Peace✌
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x-candy-guts-x · 1 year
Yautja x reader
Part two
Woooo another one baby
Again I suck ass at writing so this is gonna be yet another bucket of paint thrown at a wall and just hope to god it comes out coherent
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• you were originally abducted by another alien race. It started out just living your life going to work and coming home rinse, wash and repeat. But you started getting weird little signs that something wasn’t normal. Weird feelings in your head that turned into dizziness that lead to a particularly aggressive fainting spell in your own home.
• you woke up in a metal room. At first you were scared you had been drugged and kidnapped- not far from the truth but you thought it had at worst been traffickers not whatever the hell that thing was staring at you through the glass like door. It was slender small and gray with big eyes.
•you found out that they weren’t actually hostile and just wanted some info on you and some dna. They said they would bring you back home once they were done. But the universe had other plans. The ship was attacked and you among a few of the crew were taken hostage and thrown into cages. You had collars fashioned around your necks and were treated like pets. Or product.
•the ship landed on a strange planet with two suns. It felt arid but off behind the ship was a massive rainforest like place. And in front in a small distance was a city.
•taken into the city you were all being sold off. You tried to fight against the chain and you even bit the giant armored lizard fuck who dared to grab your chin to get a closer look. The kinder aliens who took you to begin with had give you a translator behind your ear. You were able to figure some things out. Like their species; the yautja and the planet.
•you were the last one who had yet to be sold. One yautja in particular came up and asked about you. He was about 7ft, leaner and had darker tones in his scales. Mostly muddied grays and black. The seller went and took off the chain. You still had the collar like mechanism however. As soon as he did you ran. You dodged between people and headed to the forest. They had tried to chase you down and even activated the collars shocking abilities but you kept going. Even after blood ran down your torso from the electric prongs digging into you.
It had been about a day and a half before you made it to an area that looked like a small calm village. There were some homes in the trees and some on the clearing. A cool river that ran maybe a hundred meters or so off to the side. And just up the hill past that river was a small cave. You didn’t know if these people were kind or trust worthy so you didn’t approach. Instead opting to stay in the cave. You fashioned yourself a blade with a very sharp obsidian like black stone, some wood for the handle and a vine to keep it together.
•it did okay. You were able to get small things down on the ground and even found a potato like root you could cook up and eat. The fires you made to cook needed to be small though. You didn’t want to alert anyone that you were there. Although you had a suspicion that they already knew.
•you took up wood carving to pass the time, making animals from your home planet. You went down to the river once and forgot your carving of a deer. When you went to retrieve it, a little yautja had already gotten to it and was inspecting it. It made a rapid little clicky noise and ran back to the village with what looked like excitement. Scared you ran back to your cave.
•unbeknownst to you there was a popular fairytale in the village. They told stories of humans to scare the little ones into behaving at night. And when the little one found the deer carving it certainly made the stories seem more vibrant. The kids made rumors about a big bad scary ooman in the forest. You- would sometimes sit behind rocks/trees and carve away while listening to them.
•they had concluded that the creature was a deer thanks to their parents. Buuut their imaginations went wild. Deer were now giant carnivores who impaled victims on their antlers and wore the corpses like rotting trophies. You giggled at that one. But suddenly everything went silent. Peeking between the two large stones that concealed you the oldest of the young ones was pointing in your direction. You abandoned your carving and very quickly but still quietly headed back to your cave.
•the found your carving. This time it was a fruit bat. Fruit bats can get pretty big on earth. Some with wing spans up to five feet! But they were so cute. They loved fruit and looked like puppies in your eyes. But the kids had once again made wild tales. Tales of giant fire breathing monsters. “Huh..” you sort of muttered under your breath. That one is actually pretty close to home. Not literally but it made you think about the tales of dragons on earth and how maybeeee that’s partially how they got started.
•you started leaving carvings more often. It made you happy to see them play with them and come up with fantastical tales. You would hide and carve and listen as they played. What you didn’t know was high up in the trees above you, was a certain masked individual watching your every move.
•your collar had been outfitted with a tracker. And it was just chance that you went right to the village the one who sought to buy you lived at. When you made it to the tree line they decided to not bother with the chasing. He paid and decided to hunt you. Maybe not kill you but he enjoyed the idea of toying with you. But once he saw you carving he stepped back. He watched. And he watched the children. He watched longer than he intended too.
•a month of this went by. The children now had maybe ten of your little carvings. All of different animals. Deer, bats, dogs, cats, horses, rams, weasels, giraffes, and all sorts. You were currently carving a T-Rex. You were in your cave carving it due to the heavy rain. Wondering where you should leave it for them to find you settled on the same place as the last two, perched on a big roundish but flat stone that was right on shore and in the middle of plain site. You figured you’d just leave it there again. When you placed it on the stone off to your left you heard a little shreek. The Rain was no more than a fine mist but rhe river water was sweeping away the little one. It wasn’t too strong but the rain didn’t help when it made the river just a bit deeper. You ran after the little one and dove in.
•Bringing the small but heavy child back to shore you sat him down. He was fine but startled. Wether it was from the river or you- the mysterious human in the hill everyone jokes about was anyones guess. When he just continued to ogle at you in silence you sighed. Being back and next to the stone you left the dinosaur on you picked it up and handed it to him. Then, hearing a noise in the tree line- you assumed it was his parents and bolted up the hill back to your cave.
•a couple days later you were awoken to some noises outside the cave. Afraid you grabbed your knife and jumped out. The poor little yautja that caused the commotion stumbled back and landed on his butt. Dropping the knife you squatted down to help him. He reached his chubby little hands out. In them was a little basket of fruit :)
•you were tired. So tired. Turns out whatever that fruit was made you extremely sleepy. So, after the little yautja left and the fruit was eaten you decided to take a nap. When you woke up it was dark. You felt around and concluded you were in a pile of furs. Wait- why was it so comfortable? The things you got to make your bed had been crude and hard, soft enough to sleep but not comfort. This was soft and plush. Sitting up quickly you realized you weren’t in your cave anymore.
Looking out the window, you were in the village. Oh boy.
Should I continue this? Is it baD
Please tell me how I could improve this I haven’t written anything since I was like 14 and making fuckin edgy ass creepypasta x reader fanfics on quiz quotev lmAO
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multific · 2 years
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Yautja x Reader
Words: 1.4K
Summary: Every soulmate bear the marks of the other.  Some said they were the thoughts of your soulmate, others said it was their writing. 
Strange marks started to appear on your body when you were a young child. Your mother told you, those were what they call 'soulmate marks'. Others called them drawing.
They were supposedly telling you all about your soulmate. These marks appeared and disappeared. Some said they were the thoughts of your soulmate, but you wouldn't know.
Instead of words, your marks were...strange...very strange. Strange to the point where your mother told you to hide them at all times.
You didn't dare to question her.
Marks appeared and disappeared, however, you had one that remained no matter what happened. It was on your collarbone. The strangest mark you have ever seen.
As others started to find their soulmates during high school or college, you never even saw anything similar to the marks on your body.
You isolated yourself, whenever others wanted to see your marks, you always remembered the time you were in high school.
You stayed at your friends' house and although your mother warned you not to show them the mark, you did. You'll never forget their faces and the way they teased you.
Soulmate mark were supposed to be normal, not like yours. They started to call you a weirdo and bullied you to the point where you had to change schools. You promised to yourself to never show your marks ever again.
There was a point in your life, the lowest, when you looked at yourself in the mirror, seeing your marks and you just wanted them off. You wanted to take a knife and remove your skin along with the marks. You hated them. You hated whoever was your soulmate for them.
But after collage, you started a life, far from your home town and your mother who at that point couldn't even look at you.
"Those marks are curses! You are a curse! Get out of my house!" she was convinced she gave birth to the soulmate of something awful, she judged your marks worse than you could have ever.
So, you left and moved to a big city where you were a nobody.
You first heard on the news about disappearances, about a black monster that kept killing people.
You weren't stupid, you were not willing to die there, just when you finally became a little happier with your life.
Then the news came, it was an alien species, and another, hunting it.
You were stuck in traffic, everyone trying to leave. But as you heard the radio.
Another alien. Then you looked at your arm, lifting your long sleeved shirt, marks littered your body and now they were darker than ever.
"I'm insane." you said as you got out of your car and ran in the direction everyone was coming from.
But you had to know. You needed to know.
You heard so many screeches, you heard so many growls, all sending shivers down your spine, yet you didn't turn around, something in you told you to keep going, to keep moving forward.
You arrived to a park, those creatures, dead, laying on the floor. The big one also died to the hands of another alien.
It was huge, reptile like, standing on two legs as it removed the head of the prey he just killed. So, that was the hunter. You watched it push something on his forearm, seemingly unaware of your presence.
You knew it was now or never.
"Hey!" you called out, making it aware of your presence as it now suddenly had a gun or something like a gun in his hands.
You put your hands up to show it that you were not a threat. You moved your hand and pulled your sleeve down, showing him the writings on your arm, this is when it put the gun away.
You noticed marks on him, marks that were...human. So it was true, you were the soulmate of an alien.
Great. Now, what?
Did he even want a soulmate?
Your blood run cold, what if he didn't even know what it meant? He could kill you right here and be done with it.
But to your surprise, he didn't. A ship landed behind him and he motioned for you to follow him.
And you did.
Again, you were too curious for your own good.
Getting onto that ship was terrifying. You had no idea what he might do to you. But he didn't show aggression not one bit. Quite the opposite actually. He made you sit in a comfortable chair, gave you a fur to cover yourself with before writing something on his wrist thing. It showed you text, but you had no idea what they meant, so you shook your head, signaling it to him that you didn't know. He seemed to huff, communication will be hard.
You watched the marks on his body, once grey, now they all dark, they hid pretty will against his green-brown skin.
"My name is Y/N." you said and it looked at you, maybe through his helmet he could understand you. He nodded and took off the helmet.
Yup, definitely an alien alright.
It looked strange, nothing you have ever seen before. But he didn't scare you. He handed you the helmet and you put it on. He spoke and the helmet translated his words.
"We are going home." the sentence was pieced together, different people's voices you heard. This is how it learned.
You gave him back the helmet before nodding. You didn't know what kind of a life will you have with a being like this.
But the universe couldn't hate you that much, could it?
You got a soulmate who is an alien, who got you off of Earth, going to a place. You didn't even know there were other beings outside Earth until today!
Yet, he was driving you there.
Soulmates or Mates as the Yautja called them, were sacred to them.
They were not allowed to have children other than with their mate.
Your Mate, whom you named Spear, was a rather lonely, he preferred to stay with you than the others, preferred to go on hunts alone.
You weren't even sure how you fit into this tribe. But they were rather welcoming, other females gave you their children to look after before going to finish a task.
One time, your Mate arrived back, you sat with three little ones in your arms, sleeping as you looked tired by the fire. Possibly they kept you up all day. Ones they were all collected, you let out a sigh, moving to your bed to join your mate.
He moved you close to his side, as he often did. His finger tracing the permanent mark on your collarbone. It was his name. You didn't know that but it was his real name claimed into your skin.
It gave him great pride.
None of the other Yautja had a mate as perfect as you. He loved that you were different, loved that he got a human not a Yautja to spend his life with.
You were just so soft, smooth and comfortable against his skin. You were so kind and gentle, submissive which really played to his dominant nature.
You were really made to be his.
And he was made to be yours. He gave you the protection, the care and the life you always longed for. You weren't afraid anymore, even when he was on hunts, the tribe was so kind to you. Fair, you were the babysitter of the group, but at least you had a role. A role which actually helped and contributed to the community.
Strange how you felt more at home in such an alien place.
Slowly, the dark thoughts of your mother, father and friends disappeared. Slowly all you had now was love and trust towards a being so different from you.
And yet, he wasn't so different.
He cared for you, brought you skulls, which in his culture counted as gifts. He have you all these delicate necklaces and things to show who you belonged to.
You weren't even sure how long you have spent on the planet. You stopped ageing, or rather the liquid he gave you every month, slowed your ageing.
Every night, as you laid in his arms, on the bed of furs, which he hunted, you just couldn't help and think.
Just how does an alien a Yautja at that make you feel so much more loved than humanity itself?
When he would put some extra pressure to your back, you knew it was his way to tell you to just sleep and stop thinking.
And you did.
You stopped thinking of your past and about the what-if's instead you focused on him and your future.
Your future with your soulmate.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​
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yaut-jaknowit · 21 days
Aboard a communal ship with many different species (lots of humans though) A human fed up with her yautja partner always comparing her to yautja. Gets drunk at the bar and does karaoke to Human by Christina Perri. Prompting all the human at the bar to sing to lol
Am same anon that asked for the mechanic story with the trio of bad bloods. If it's okay with you, my color can be a blue diamond 🔷️
I'm Only Human
Pairings: Zaikeh (Female Yautja) x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2986
Summary: With your patience stretched thin, you burst at the seems. That was the last time you could handle being compared to a Yautja. You are human. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. So, you take yourself to the nearest bar on the communal ship and drink away your problems. Your only three friends come to cheer you.
Author Note: Welcome back, Blue Diamond! I love your idea with the mechanic! It's been a huge hit. Thank you for nicknaming yourself. I can't wait to see what else you throw at me.
Time in, time out. It’s the same thing every day. Despite the very fact you know you aren’t as strong or as mighty or as fit as the weakest of Yautjas, Zaikeh tells you this. Every. Single. Time. Can’t reach a bowl? A Yautja could. Can’t lift a box? A Yautja could. It’s grown old but the pain was fresh everything time she points out the difference.
At first, you tried to bring it to her attention that it wasn’t nice to say that to you. Yes, you know that you are incredibly weaker than her every sense of the word. Females were stronger, more intelligent than their male counterparts. While you are simply not.
The two points didn’t connect in Zaikeh’s mind. Each time, she would brush it off. Feelings and emotions for a Yautja aren’t as well developed compared to humans. They react more on instinct than what they feel. Unless that feeling is mating.
Your feet paused just shy of the front door of your shared quarters. Your hand rests on the door frame as you peeked over your shoulder at Zaikeh. The large, black female Yautja sat in the living room, on the floor. One of her many weapons in her lap, sharpening the blade.
“Hey Zai, I’m going over to A'jiadh’s,” you announced. A’jiadh was part of the trio alongside with Mai’tuiudh. The three of them have settled on this communal ship for the time being. Until an enforcer finds them and sends them on the run again. They’re famous for how well they invade and kill any enforcers their kind sends after them.
The black Yautja picked up her head and cocked her head to the side. “Why are you going over there?” she grunted then returned her attention to the weapon sharpening. Zai was meticulously about her cleaning of both her weapons and armor anytime they get dirtied. A'jiadh lacks this skill. Mai’tuiudh lies closer to Zaikeh than A'jiadh.
You could swear you had told her earlier in the week. “To hang out. He’s going to help me with some language practice and sparring.” While being on the run, it’s best to be prepared. This includes knowing how to fight off an enemy.
If you were to be captured by an enforcer, god only knows what they might do to you once learning you willingly live Bad Bloods.
Zaikeh hummed and inspected the sharpness of her blade. “Any Yautja would know how to fight by your age.” Your nails turn white as they press into the metal door frame. You refrained from speaking the retort that sat bitterly on your tongue. How does she not see the hurt in your eyes at her words?
“Well, I can still learn, can’t I?” The words came out harsher than you were aiming for. The months just building up to a point you couldn’t hold it back anymore. She just huffed and continued to perfect the blade a little more. And that hurt.
Once the first crack in the dam raced up the wall, there was no stopping it from spiderwebbing out.
The first sting of tears crowded your lash line. A lump began to grow in your throat. “I can’t take it anymore!” you shouted and spun on your heels to face who you thought would be the end.
Everyone has a boiling point. Where it spills over the edge and creates a bigger mess in the end.
“Why do you constantly compare me to other Yautjas?! I’m not like them. I’m not a Yautja. I’m not like you!” Tears poured down your face as the first of your sobs broke free. The dam crumbling in your hands, far too late to stop it. The water gushing and taking you within its storm. “I’m human. I don’t think you’ve realized this yet.”
All the pain in your voice was evident.
She raised her head in surprised when you first yelled at the top of your lungs. Your voice echoing back at you in the limited space. Her forest green eyes were focused on you now. Not missing the way you cried with a flare of anger and sorrow filling your scent.
“I’m only human, Zai,” you whimpered and drew back into yourself. Defeat washed over you. It weighed down your shoulders as you looked upon your mate with hurt. “I’m only human.”
Then, you about faced and scrambled out of your shared quarters. This life will never be the same afterwards. She’ll come after you in a bit, letting you calm down from your outburst. First though, before you could allow for that to happen, you were going to skip A’jiadh’s and head to the nearest bar. You needed something to wash down the pain of the afternoon.
Though the alien words rolled over your head, you could understand the country feeling it gave. Species of all different kinds mingled both at booths and tables and on the dance floor. You, on the other hand, found roost on the darkest corner, place to sulk. A heavy, strong drink resting on the wooden table before you.
Condensation builds up on the glass, creating a ring on the coaster. You picked up the drink and took a mouth of the throat burning liquid. A buzz was beginning to build up by this point. It wasn’t to the degree you wouldn’t remember the next morning, but you’re steps wouldn’t the straightest. So, you stayed hold up in the corner, drinking away your reoccurring issues. One who was too oblivious to see the issues before her very eyes.
If you could, you would slap the Yautja silly. Maybe knock some sense into her with the way she’s been acting as of late. It’s only gotten worse. You don’t know if the other two had something to do about it. But, they seemed to endure your presences at least. Why else would A’jiadh invite you over to spar and whatnot.
Said Yautja must be confused on why you hadn’t shown up. Oh well. He’ll shoot a message over to Zai and she can be the one to explain her misdeeds.
You used the back of your hand to wipe the evidence of fresh tears away, gone from sight. Just in time too.
Three bodies slid into the booth before you. People you know. As much as you wished to pull a smile on your face, the alcohol and sorrow that filled your veins prevented that. You kept a blank expression on your features and just stared at the dark wood.
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise,” one of the aliens teased and nudged you with her elbow. You held your tongue and just lightly shrugged, uncaring of any of their words.
On the other side of the table, one of them ‘oo’ed and gave Vincy a look. “She’s truly in trouble if she’s pouting this bad,” Cog snickered then sat back in the booth, arms thrown over the back of the couch. Lestgawnt, the only one not to poke at you, butted his foot against your ankle. You only drew your limbs into your torso and turned to face the wall.
The group silenced themselves. Vincy placed her hand on your shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong? What happened? Is Zaikeh still comparing you to her species?” she questioned with a softer tone time around. You sniffled and rubbed at your running rose with the back of your hand before nodding timidly.
Cog huffed and shook her head. “I can’t believe her! Does she not see you’re not a Yautja. I sweat, Yautjas are so full of themselves!” she muttered mostly to herself then leveled her gaze on you. “You know you are more than welcome to stay with one of us and get away from her. Clearly she doesn’t appreciate you the way you deserve.”
That tugged a smile onto your lips. You appreciated her. All them actually. Living with three aliens that knew little about humans was difficult. Until they landed here. There may not be many humans here but the two you found were great. Then there was Lest, a Jakor. He was cool to hang around with.
You glanced at each of them. All of their eyes were on you, even Lest’s. “Thanks but no thank you. I-I don’t want to leave her. I just need to get her to understand this comparison hurts me. Yautjas… they’re fucking stubborn.” Your curse and true words brought upon laughter amongst the table.
“I don’t know why you don’t just leave her ass. There are plenty of options around here. Like…” Vincy leaned on the table with her elbows and pointed into the crowd. “Like her. Damn, I want a piece of that.” More laughter bolstered into the air. You followed her finger to find a random alien that you didn’t even know the name of. Yes, she was attractive but Zaikeh had your heart.
Everything else about her was fine. She protected you, clothed you, sparred gingerly with you, taught you things you never thought were in existence. This was just the one thing she slacked on. You downed the rest of your drink and slammed it down on the table.
Your eyes met Cog on the other side of the table. “Let’s dance or sing. I need to get off of my ass. I need to get her off of my mind.” You couldn’t just sit in this corner for the rest of the night before you had retire back to your shared quarters. And face the Yautja after storming off. You dragged a hand over your features at the thought then shooed Vincy from your side.
The woman scooted out and offered your hand which you gladly took. She hauled you out of the booth and up onto your feet within the span of a couple of seconds. Lest and Cog moved out as well and guided you towards the dance floor packed with other bodies.
Vincy gave you a goofy look before rocking with the beat of the music. You couldn’t the small giggle that broke your tense shoulders.
With the alcohol in your system working its magic, you began to dance out your heart. Everything that’s been weighing on you as of late started wash off of you. It was relaxing to feel all your troubles just leave. You laugh and giggled and danced alongside your three friends.
From being on the run with a trio of Bad Bloods to cultural differences between you and Zai, to dance away the night was what you been needing. All it took was a few cups of alcohol to get you dancing. To feel the beat of the music draw you in and let the worries of your life wash away. You couldn’t help giggling every so often and bumping into any of your friends. Your steps are a little wobbly.
A couple of more drinks down the hatch had you standing on the only stage in the bar. One of your arms is slung over Vincy’ shoulder as she keep you standing. A microphone like device held in your hands as you sung out your heart.
Out of the billions of songs they had, you found the one you needed to let loose your frustrations.
Human by Christina Perri.
The lyrics appear upon a transparent screen but you didn’t need them. Not when it was sung from the depths of your heart. This song was heavily connected to your life at this very moment. It was fate to find this song when all your troubles began.
Eyes of many watched as the words, the lyrics poured from your lips like a waterfall. Every word pronounced with all the hurt you’ve had building up.
Tears sting your eyes, on the verge of crying in front of the crowd. Yet, you were in your own world. The music and alcohol working its magic on you. It loosened up your tense emotions, letting you be free.
When the first tear rolled down your face, you opened your eyes when you felt a familiar stare. Instantly, your gaze darted to the entrance to find Zaikeh, standing there, a little out of breath. Her stance was tense, eyes pinned onto your trembling frame held up by Vincy. Her mandibles drew in tight to her face as she straightened her posture and watched the door.
“But I’m only human,” you sun directly in the microphone, hoping the words finally hit Zaikeh in the heart. Anything to get it through her thick skull that her comparison is hurting rather than helping. There’s nothing you could do to change yourself into what she wants.
“And I bleed when I fall down. I’m only human.” These lyrics meant a lot to you. It was not just the song but words you meant deep down. You can only be, do so much until you hit your limitations. The brick wall you couldn’t get passed or it would kill you.
You cried, shoulders sobbing and shaking. Vincy held you tighter, afraid you were going to topple over at the slightest breeze. “And I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart. ‘Cause I’m only human.” Zaikeh kept her eyes locked onto your form, watching as every tear fell and stained not only your cheeks but the metal floors as well.
The Yautja was glued to her spot and could only see the pain in your face as the words hit her. Vincy pulled you into a straighter position and off the stage as the song ended. You buried your face into her shoulder, body shaking with each heartbroken sob. Each one striking the black female straight into her heart.
Instantly, she was pushing her way through the crowd towards the group. Some of the members glared up at the Yautja only to realize who and what she is and backed off.
As she moved towards you, Lest and Cog saw the incoming danger and put themselves between you and Zaikeh. A scowl on each other faces. Cog crossed her arms and was ready to face down Zaikeh if it came down to that. Vincy kept tugging at you waist to get you away from the trouble about to rise. You latched onto her and stumbled with each step to keep up.
The human and Jakor didn’t stand a chance against Zaikeh and shoved the two of them out of her way. Cog slammed into another person while Lest was knocked into a wall. Vincy was the only one that stood in her pathing. She marched up to her, ready to pull you from the human. Vincy shoved you behind her and bared her teeth up at the Yautja in aggression.
“You aren’t allowed to see her! You fucked up and aren’t allowed to be around her,” Vincy snarled and pointed an challenging finger up at her. Zaikeh just stared down at this girl who barely reached her waist. She quiet literally grabbed Vincy by the head and picked her up.
Vincy screamed a war cry and swung and kicked at the Yautja, looking like a kitten trying to fight its mother. Zai simply dropped her off to the side then roared straight into the human’s face. The brown haired woman froze, stunned at the loudest of her roar.
This silence the rest of the bar. Everyone’s eyes on the two of you now. You picked up your head and found Zai’s attention had returned to you. She crowded your space and pushed you against the nearest wall. Your hands were grabbed and pinned to the hard surface she trapped you to. It was pointless to even attempt to fight this massive beast who owned your heart.
A whined built up in the back of your throat. A new fresh set of tears falling down your cheeks. You hiccupped, head tilted all the way back to expose your throat to her without meaning to. The alcohol in your system doing wonders.
It was heavy on your breath. Zaikeh could smell it. A huff sounded from the lumber giant. She reached down and easily tossed you onto her shoulder. On her heel, she spun around and marched out of the bar, not giving your three friends a look.
Not like any of them could do a thing to save you from your mate.
In the confides of your room, she set you down on the cool tile. At this point, you come to realize that this wasn’t your shared bedroom. This is your space on their ship. What was going on? There’s A’jiadh and Mai’tuiudh too. With all of their stuff packed up. You whined and clutched onto the arm Zaikeh offered you. Otherwise you would’ve been head over heels in the worst way possible.
“What’s… what’s happenin’?” you slurred, wobbling a little. There wasn’t a clear thought in your mind right now.
The Yautja looked down at you and held you to her thigh. “We are leaving,” she answered. A’jiadh and Mai were moving supplies into the ship. A human sounded from you.
“Oh, nice.” It didn’t register inside of your brain what was happening or what that meant. You were in your own la-la land, happy as can be. She must have realized this and huffed before carrying you into your original bed. It felt like heavy to lay on.
She tucks in the blankets tightly to your body. A waterskin was set off to the side, within reach. You hummed and tried to reach up towards her. Something inside of you felt angry towards her but you couldn’t place your drunk finger on it.
A soft kiss was placed to your forehead. You were out like a light. A morning full of fun surprises were going to meet you the next time you woke up. One including a raging hangover.
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