#yandere tanjiro Kamado x reader
How would yandere tanjiro react If their s/o gets bloody noses a lot? That’s all I bid you a good day / evening / night
Yandere Tanjiro Kamado (older)
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Okay here are two possibilities…
Either your nose would just work that way or you would "fall in love" really often ;).
And you would get "thoughts" often ;)))
Choose which option is the most suitable for you.
However, Tanjiro would be really worried.
He would hate to see you get hurt.
And if you had a frequent nosebleed it would not be a good thing.
Tanjiro could become a bit overprotective.
He would like to be with you always.
And at the same time he would carry tissues with him.
Or whatever they have in that time period.
Tanjiro would start cooking for you.
He should make sure that it has enough nutritional value.
You really shouldn't die of a nosebleed.
He would take care of it.
Tanjiro would also use this as an excuse to move in together.
Cough cough really kidnapping cough cough
That way he could take better care of you.
However, if the cause of your nosebleeds were "thoughts"; ) Tanjiro would get a little jealous.
Tanjiro would spend a lot more time with you.
So that the only person you would think about would be him.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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Don't get fooled by his innocent look because beneath that innocent pure cinnamon roll exterior lies a hidden side, a part of him that's obsessive, possessive and lovestruck to the core along with being completely DELUSIONAL to the point where he doesn't even feel like there's something wrong with his feelings. You need to hand it to him though, he's quite the dedicated one indeed and from the very moment your eyes met, he's already devoted his heart, mind and soul to you, his precious beloved. He views you as a precious innocent angel that needs to be kept safe from the toxicity and darkness of the world and he's more than happy to be your protector and provider
He's actually good at masking his real intentions and yandere tendencies for you. In fact, he hides it so well that people won't even realize from the first look that he's so obsessed and possessive of you but his sister Nezuko knows all about his obsessive feelings of love for you, yet she won't really do anything about it other than encouraging her dear brother to pursue the love of his life. Both siblings are delusional to the core and congratulations, you have his equally possessive and obsessive sister who wants to keep you safe for her brother's sake after you
He takes the role of your caretaker VERY seriously, he does not want your health deteriorating or you suffering from any complications. He's taken the time and liberty of stalking the living HELL out of you and when he found out about your irregular sleep schedule, needless to say he was less than pleased. He realizes you really aren't capable of taking care of yourself which fuels his desire to take care of you even more. He's like a fussy mother hen always concerned and worried for you whenever you get hurt even in the slightest. The other day you accidentally received a paper cut and he was tempted to ensure you stay away from paper completely as he kept fussing about your little cut for hours and hours. He doesn't like seeing you in pain, when you're in pain, he's in pain. He feels like his heart is getting wrenched and someone dug a sharp blade into his heart, as an overwhelming amount of tender love and affections flows for you in his tender heart whenever you get hurt as he comforts you
He loves seeing that bright beautiful smile of yours and wants to ensure your happiness. With him. Where you belong. He'll buy small gifts for you such as your favorite flower, your favorite candy and such and give them to you with a sweet smile on his face, you won't even suspect how long he's stalked you for and how he's managed to find out these things without you ever telling them to him. He's very observant too and notices every single new detail about you. He can probably draw a freaking portrait of you with his eyes closed since he's memorized every inch and every part of your beautiful ethereal heavenly features. HIs mind is occupied with thoughts of you as he dreams about the happy and blissful life you both would have with each other after he brings you home with him and marries you
He's also quite the paranoid yandere, his fear of losing you to someone or losing you in a fight against a demon would send his concern and worry for you into overdrive and he feels the need to take you 'home' as in kidnap you, sooner than expected. Whatever do you want to be a Hashira for? There's no need for you to fight against those dangerous demons when he's around to take care of you and protect you. Your safety is of the utmost importance to him and that is something he will NOT compromise on at any cost. He admires your bravery and strength to save people but he doesn't want you facing the risk of you losing your life in the process. At times he might have to even keep you in the dark regarding a few missions but it's all for your own good in his opinion
He's good at masking his true intentions and feelings when he's around you and other people. He might look calm and friendly and collected on the outside when you're speaking to your so called friends but he's SEETHING inside as he has a fake plastered smile on his face. His hand is just ITCHING to slap your friend and throttle them for daring to steal your attention away from him, he feels like they're doing it deliberately just to drive a wedge and distance you from him. Deep down he's slightly worried that your friend might charm you too much and steal you away from him which is something he cannot allow to happen. He might not resort to killing the person off, but the next time there's a demon around the area, Tanjiro might not be able to save your 'friend' in time. Of course you wouldn't know that he's also asked the demon to TARGET your friend but that's a different story altogether. The only person he trusts to be around you is Nezuko
His love for you is like a passionate growing flame and your every touch is like a drug he can't get enough of. He needs you, he wants you. He needs you in a way like a drowning man needing air, he feels like he wouldn't be able to live without you. His family was killed by Muzan and he can't afford to let you fall in danger as well, he can't lose you. You're his world, the light of his life, his SOULMATE. His feelings for you would just keep getting worse and worse and finally it would lead to him ending up kidnapping you at some point in the night when you're asleep in your house. You'll wake up in Tanjiro's house on a bed with Nezuko looking at you with a curious look as she lets out a happy noise that you're awake and she'll alert her brother. "Oh, good morning darling, how did you sleep?" asked Tanjiro as you stared at him and blinked in disbelief, unable to comprehend what the hell was even going on at the moment. When you asked Tanjiro what was going on, he just let out a soft smile and told you the truth of how he took you in the night for himself and how he was going to protect you. Please don't scream or cry, he'll feel sad and he feels a sharp pang of hurt in his chest to see you upset. He doesn't like seeing you sad. He knows it's a big change and you'll need some time to adjust, he's understanding and willing to let you take as much time as you need to adjust to your new life and your new home with him and his sister. But one thing is for sure, he does NOT feel guilty at all, not even a single ounce of remorse because the way he sees it, he's keeping you safe. He's protecting you, that's what he tells himself every time and that opinion of his clouded his sense of rationality. Is it so wrong to protect someone you love?
There's no point in escaping from him, he'll just track you down and bring you back to the house. Scream, cry and insult him as much as you want, he'll just put you down on the couch and check you for injuries. He feels like the reason you ran away from him is because you didn't feel loved enough from him and he didn't shower you with love before but don't worry, he'll smother you with his affection now and cling to you like moss below a rock you'll barely have any time for yourself. Nezuko might like your head pats and likes hugging you but she wants her brother to be happy too which is why she'll side with him no matter what and prevent any means of you escaping from them. She likes it when you braid her hair and Tanjiro has a soft smile when he sees you and his sister interact with each other which is an adorable scene in his eyes
You're not to step into the kitchen for cooking either, the house is most probably baby proofed as well. He just doesn't want you getting hurt, the kitchen is a dangerous place, he doesn't want you cutting yourself accidentally with one of those sharp knives or burning yourself with the stove. He'll cook for you instead, you don't need to lift a finger when you're with him. Just let him take care of you and spoil you
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cherrykamado · 2 months
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☆ pairing: yandere kamado tanjiro x reader.
☆ summary: Tanjiro and Y/N meet "gentler" demons, but Y/N can't help but distrust them. Tanjiro will gain an insight into Y/N's past to understand, empathize and add her pain to his reasons to bring down the Demon Lord, Kibutsuji Muzan.
☆ warnings (general): yandere themes, toxicity, gore, manipulation, smut, delusional thoughts, unhealthy relationships. All characters are aged up.
☆ warnings (as for ch. 04): violence, unhealthy love perspective, idolization (story is told from tanjiro's perspective.), traumatic past allusion (gore, death).
☆ notice: minors / ageless blogs do not interact.
☆ comments: yearly update!! i'll try to be more consistent but inspiration suddenly came in and i sat down to finish it hehe. one day it came back (again)! thank you for the infinite patience and all the support throughout the years!
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A blink of his eyes and Tanjiro is encountered with a different kind of scene: flowers swirling around him, as if covering him from the outside crowd. He looks around but he can’t find you. Where are you? What’s all of this?
“You use the term person to refer to one that has turned into a demon.” 
His head snaps to the direction of the source; as his nostrils become full of that smell he has grown to hate so much. Her smell, she’s a… That’s right, she is a demon — she brings her now healed forearm to her chest— but she’s also a doctor.  
“I also wish to see that man, Kibutsuji Muzan, obliterated.” She resumes, and now he’s gained his full attention. 
Her statement causes his eyes to widen, orbs tinted with shock. His gaze shortly flickers between the face of the mysterious woman and her hands, where nails, sharp as claws, elongate and fade into a darker color. Underneath them, the torn skin, once bleeding, quickly closes up and heals, as it though it has never been torn in the first place. Unbelievably so, the dichotomy is evident, confusion reigning. Good demons? Tanjiro asks himself.
 Is there even such a thing? 
“W-wait, Tanjiro!”
Your voice makes him turn immediately towards you, his gaze tinged with concern as he notices the shakiness in your voice. He can sense it, your scent tainted with fear. He knows just how much you do not trust demons.
 “You’re… Y-You’re not really thinking—”
“I assure you, neither me nor Yushiro mean harm. In fact, we want nothing more than to help.” Tamayo clarifies. 
As he sees your gaze averting from his, there’s a bit of hesitance. As much as he wants to take your side, he believes she is telling the truth. Taking your hand in both of his own, he causes you to bring those gorgeous eyes of yours back onto his. 
“It’s okay.” He softly says, burgundy eyes showing nothing but determination, as he then points to his nose. “I haven’t picked any scent of dishonesty from them yet.”
Yet — the emphasis in such a word that leaves the implicit more than explicit; given the premise becoming a reality, that if anyone were to turn against them, he swears, with just one look, that he will protect you no matter what. 
Remembering Nezuko’s back at the Udon store, you both return to see her. In the way, so uncomfortably silent, Tanjiro is obviously stealing glances at your form. Your sweet scent is mixed. He notices how you’re trying to hold your hands together in an attempt to make them stop shaking but it’s pointless. 
“[Name]?” He calls, but he doesn’t get to see your lovely face, fully looking at him. He decides to tend a hand to you and so it caresses your angelically soft skin. Only then  does he notice that, just as soft as it is, your skin is humid too.
Whatever could have been so tormentuous, that your lovely face is contorted that way? In a way that makes Tanjiro wish he could just brush it off, and in return see your smile once again. Whoever is the one responsible for that alienating fear you are showing so overtly? 
“ [Name]...” Tanjiro decides to try once again. “It’s alright… I’m here. You can tell me anything, you know?”  He adds,  in a nervous attempt to console you, to let you know that he is here for you. That you can confide to him anything that is discomforting you so much.
He watches how your eyes blink your tears away, and how your teeth hurt your lip in an attempt to get that fear in control. Yet, how little does this do, as he watches you shake like a fallen angel, who’s lost its way back to heaven. 
“I-it’s just… Why did you have to do such a thing?” 
“Why… did I do w-what?” 
“That man— H-he’s monstrous… He’s… h-he’s the w-worst…” He notes how your start to stammer, but his heart has already begun racing as he noticed how your eyes, pleading humid eyes, reciprocate his gaze. From your lips come the words that would fuel Tanjiro’s infatuation more than ever, making it feel as though his heart was doing backflips inside his ribcage:
“What if he hurt you? He’s way too strong! I’ve seen what…” 
In his mind, only the question lingered and repeated, just as if there was a parrot inside his mind, mimicking your voice, mimicking… your worry towards him. 
So, you care. 
“I-I see… I promise I’ll be more careful next time.” He smiles at you, trying to conceal his inner turmoil by bringing you the reassurance you need. However, amidst all this, there is an important question that arises: 
Why are you so afraid of Kibutsuji Muzan? What happened between you and him? 
What did he dare do to you, thought a darker voice at the back of Tanjiro’s mind. 
“Did you already know him?” His thumbs ever so delicately brush away your tears. “Kibutsuji Muzan, I mean.”
And what came from your mouth… Tanjiro swears that he could feel a ripping void inside of him. 
His burgundy eyes widened tremendously as he heard his angel tell him about the hell she had gone through. Had his gear been a person’s wrist, for sure he would have broken it. It hurt him especially so that it was you who had to witness such a scene, the brutal murder of your loved ones. The magnitude of a trauma that made you pass out right then, only for his face to have been the last thing you saw. Only for the first thing to feel, smell, and afterwards see, to be the pool of the blood of your loved ones. 
But he snaps out of it, and goes back to you when he notices your upset expression, and it tugs at his heart. He notices how you squeeze your hands, and how your lips are still quivering, how your beautiful eyes are yet once again shedding tears of despair. The anxiety, the fear coming from you is insane in amount.
“I…I’m very sorry. I— couldn’t think.” He confesses, “That smell… That—”
A flashback comes to him the moment he closes his eyes. No, he doesn’t want to remember. Not now. He doesn’t want to face those memories now. 
You seem to notice this, and you’re quick to apologize. You seem to get it, more or less. He promises to himself that he’ll tell you one day, but he’s not ready. The way his expression had changed must have warned you. 
“T-that man…” You mumble out, between hiccups. “I wish… I wish for him to go down like the m-monster he is.” 
Tanjiro knows this very well. But he wants to push all those thoughts away, he doesn’t want hatred to get to him. He has to think about you, his beloved, who’s suffering right now. Something in him tells him to think about you, and to comfort you in some way. 
He doesn’t think much when his offer rolls off his tongue, yet his hand is shyly reaching out for yours. 
“Y-You can hold my hand if you want…” He risks.
And when you take it! oh, to feel such delicate fingers, intertwined with his once again. Your gentleness, holding him, how your soft skin brushes against the hardness of his rough palms; it’s like small pangs running from his hand to his heart, which skips a beat, and makes his cheeks heat up. 
A small smile then escapes his lips, and his gaze softens on you, whose gaze is fixed on the road ahead, the small udon store already showing up, as well as nezuko’s pink kimono. 
All bad feelings and thoughts vanish from his head, and the once turbulent river in his heart starts to slowly calm down. The effect you have on him, he can’t tell. The only thing he knows is that he’s so fond of it. So fond of you . 
Tanjiro has just faced one of his worst and biggest fears, and almost got killed because of that. But then you appeared, you saved him, and you comforted him. This is the least he can do for you.
Don’t worry, [Name]… he thinks to himself, but his gaze on you, thinking as if he was talking to you; this silent promise, another oath. As long as I’m here, I won’t let anything happen to you.
That is the oath he swore to himself from that very same night.
Your voice is the one that snaps him back to reality. Releasing his hand gently, almost politely, you wipe the sweat off your palm; the redhead hasn’t noticed that it was his sweat until you point it out for him. Embarrassment sneaks into plain view and coats his cheeks with a dust of pink; immediately, he’s wiping the sweat off his palms furiously against his haori, cursing himself in his mind. 
Gaze turning at a muffled voice he knows so well, he’s greeted by the innocent look of his beloved sister, Nezuko. Tanjiro smiles, and offers her an apology. 
“I’m sorry for leaving you here, Nezuko…”
“Actually!” You interrupt, in your usual cheerful voice, “It’s me who should be sorry… I shouldn’t have left her like that! But when you ran away, I-I freaked out! So I asked Mr. Toyo to look after her in the meantime.”
You did that? For him?
His breath is shaking, and his heart is pounding in his ears. 
You ran… after him. 
“T-thank you very much!” is all that he can say; his voice comes out loud, unintentionally, but he couldn’t help it. 
And your smile… That cute smile you send him, while scratching the back of your neck. That giggle that jingles from your lips, dances into his ears to travel down toward his chest, and shakes the core of his heart.  Why you are so cute is a question that doesn’t cross his mind at the moment. At this point, he has stopped asking himself questions; he allows himself to feel it, because you are warm, because you are light. Because you remind him of something so precious to him. 
Even though it has only been a few encounters since he properly met you, Tanjiro doesn’t think about whether this isn’t going too fast. Oh no, that’s another question he won’t ask himself. Time doesn’t matter to him; He feels he’s known you, because he feels he can trust you entirely. He trusted you with his little sister, and you had made the right call. You had rushed to his aid — you protected him.
You’re an angel. A guardian angel. You’ve been sent to him. And, oh, does he want to give everything to you. 
At that moment, he can’t help but to feel how his expression softens, how another smile escapes him. You have developed the ability to steal the most sincere smiles from him, it is contagious.
Your stomach growling brings your giggles to a stop, and Tanjiro can’t help but to puff his cheeks at how cute you are when you look embarrassed.
“Are you hungry?” He asks, smiling, to which you burst out laughing in pure embarrassment. 
“A-A little bit...S-sorry!” You answer, your eyes looking glossy from all the laughing. Tanjiro could hear your laugh for hours, if it was up to him. 
“Now listen to me, you! This isn’t about the money” The owner of the udon store, Toyo, beams all of the sudden. Storming at the redhead, the man looks so outraged, but only takes it out on him, not on you. 
“I can’t forgive what you did!! Not even wanting to try my udon!” 
“I-I’m so sorry—” Tanjiro’s body stiffens, “P-please serve us another bowl!” 
“So, you gonna eat?”
“Y-yes!” Tanjiro retorts, and you echo with a nod.
“You’d better eat this time!”
You and tanjiro eat up all the bowls; Tanjiro had to make up for the portion Nezuko didn’t eat, devouring bowl after bowl, insanely fast. Once he finishes, his red wine gaze looks at you, so lost in a world of your own, slurping on your own noodles with a bright smile on your face, delighted noises coming from you as you eat up.
“Is it good?” 
You nod frantically, noodles still in your mouth. Can you get any cuter? He would buy you as many bowls as you’d want, no matter how hungry he can be, only to see you smile. 
Just the moment when you’re finishing your plate, Nezuko’s growl brings his attention to a tree. The scent of a demon hits his nostrils; the moment he turns his gaze, however, he meets the demon that was standing next to the woman who defended him and you from the policemen. 
It’s then that his intentions are revealed: reluctantly, you follow them to a house hidden behind a dead end, in which you not only meet the doctor demon again, but also one of the victim’s from Muzan’s attack. 
Hopefully, she was alive, being treated by her. Lady Tamayo, as you both learned her name was, was treating the victim’s injuries. She is asleep, but she is going to get well soon. 
“Isn’t it difficult for you to treat human’s wounds?”
Tamayo’s partner, Yushiro, doesn’t like Tanjiro at all. At least, that’s what he shows. Tanjiro doesn’t understand why, but he’s received a hit to his chest, knocking the air out of his lungs. 
“You think that we’ll treat humans while choking on our drool at the smell of their blood, just because we’re demons?” Yushiro hisses, and Tanjiro immediately regrets having misjudged them. 
He doesn’t notice how you hesitantly have stepped right ahead, standing near tamayo. Not so close, but not so far, still loud enough for her to hear what you were saying. 
“Will she… Will she be alright?” He hears you ask, making him stop fighting with Yushiro, looking at you with curious burgundy eyes. 
Tanjiro’s cheeks feel warm, seeing you so concerned for the woman. 
“Yes,” The demon doctor answers, “Although it is her husband who is in a worse shape than her. We had to lock him down in the basement,” 
Tanjiro’s eyes squint in sorrow, seeing how awful it would be. To be hurt by Muzan, to be stripped of humanity, to be a demon. To betray what you once had known and loved, and to hurt what is most precious to oneself. 
Thinking about the word precious makes Tanjiro’s eyes travel to you. His mind also resorts to his little sister, but his sight, the windows of his heart, of his soul, are fixed on you. The way you look in concern, how your expression is turned into one of sorrow and hurt. Would you be feeling that too? Are you thinking the same? Who might you be thinking about? Is it about him, or is it about someone else?
The sole action of considering there could be someone else in your life is something Tanjiro couldn’t bear with. So, he is optimistic. It’s him you’re thinking about. Your family maybe? 
Please, say something. Please, he longs that your heart has a little place reserved for him. 
“How sad…” Words roll off your tongue and dance into his ears.  It’s then than the blueish scent —if he could see that, he thinks that scent would most certainly it would be blue-ish, mixed with the amber color of your usual, enticing honey scent— 
And his heart clenches. It is really sad to be like that. 
His heart clenches. He would never forgive Muzan. 
His heart clenches. He will protect you from everything. 
His heart flutters. You’re looking at him. 
“Tanjiro…” You start, and his sight travels down to your extended fist, held out towards him.
“Promise me we will kill him no matter what.” 
He didn’t need to feel your scent to know you’re upset. Angry, beyond mad, to say the least. It’s shown in the way your fist is clenched, knuckles white from the pressure; it’s in the glint of your once cheerful eyes. 
His fist gently connects with yours, a silent nod is his response.
But when he meets your gaze again, he notices that your eyes... they do not only hold anger. They hold determination . 
And that smile confirms it. 
“I promise I will do everything I can to help you turn Nezuko back into a human.” You pledge to him, stealing his breath away.
His cheeks heating up, glossy burgundy orbs pointlessly blink back tears, tears that stream down his cheeks. He’s not oblivious at how you’re looking at him, in concern, as if you have said something wrong. But he’s feeling all the opposite: it’s joy, it’s happiness. Knowing that you got him, that you understand him . That you understand his pain. 
As if your soul and his have been forged with the same material. You and him were the same — you were one. Either that, or you had been splitted into two parts of the same soul when you were created. It just had to be true. 
Arms wrap around you and don’t let you go; for the first time, they feel your warmth and, god, he loves it.  You feel like something he hasn’t felt in a while. Even if he can’t put his finger on it, it feels pleasant, it makes his heart flutter, and it brings every single inch of his self bliss. Tanjiro feels reassured, Tanjiro feels… 
“Thank you—” He sobs, breathless, while nuzzling his head in the crook of his neck, “You don’t know how much this means to me…” 
And it feels like heaven when you wrap your arms around him, enclosing him full in your loving embrace, in your kind warmth. How you gently pat his head, as he gradually calms down. He doesn’t care that everyone’s looking —they can look all they want, because Tanjiro’s never been afraid to show himself as a sensitive human being. He’s not afraid to show himself at his rawest before you. 
Embraces are always bittersweet: when you unwrap his arms, certain that he’s calmed down, there’s nothing more that he wants than being held by you again. 
But your kind gaze just does, the lovingness of your touch as you brush his tears away is reassuring enough, the nod you give him while your smile shows itself before him again is enough. 
He promises —again— himself that he will always protect you. Just as much as you want to protect his little sister.
Just as much as you want to protect him.  
Because you’re out of this world. Because you’re an angel in disguise. 
And to have an angel like you in his life… 
He shakes his head, seeing things really as they are — he’s finally found it. His angel.
The very same angel that has faith in him.
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CHERRYKAMADO/JCTARO © 2024 — all rights reserved. do not repost or recommend on any platform. plagiarism will not be tolerated. visuals belong to me.
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Hey, I was wondering if you could do a Chesshire reader x yandere demon slayers were they're out on a mission and come across demon reader and after the demon slayer sees the demons skill they want them but before they can get the reader, they vanished so now the slayers are after the reader on a search for them
(You don't gotta do this,I know it sounds weird but I thought of it and since I suck at writing I thought you could write it Please?)
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Cheshire Demon Reader | Yandere Demon Slayer
You are like Tamayo, acting on your own from Muzan Kibitsuji. With a smile as wide as the crescent moon you can easily make yourself disappear long before the drop of a hat. Something you seem to use in order to avoid others from apprehending you both against demons and their slayers. You’re akin to a mischievous yokai that simply appears to mildly inconvenience the townspeople, who are probably well aware of you. But when confronted about you they just shake their heads and wave their hands–”Ah them? They're no problem, just a sneaky yokai that likes to play tricks but when it counts they’ve got our backs.” 
And you do, enough to attract the attention of the demon slayers whose targets are no longer existent. Wondering who or what is killing these demons that have been so hard to track down. Only to find your smiling visage disappearing into the dark of the night:
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Kyojorou Rengoku
He’s been put on a mission to catch a demon on the run
Eating people and destroying the remaining lives in its wake
So he arrives greeted by the people who both curse and rumor about Cheshire (Y/n)
And when night hits he finds a civilian in distress 
Only to be seconds behind at the flick of your disappearing tail 
The demon is subdued and he can only look at the demon pleading to die
“Oh, flame guy! Don’t you have the sword that’ll kill that thing? Go ahead, I wanna see what it looks like to die that way.” “OF COURSE! I PLAN TO! BUT WHY HELP ME?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He’s persistent 
And he decides to keep finding out more about you
“Why don’t you make like a tree and leave flame boy?”
He loves you for your willingness to protect the humans around you
He doesn’t mind your mischievousness 
But he’d appreciate it if you weren’t so slippery to catch
“COME DARLING! There is no reason to run! I have no plans to eliminate you. IN FACT IT’S QUITE THE OPPOSITE!”
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Tanjiro Kamado
Same mission 
He’s led by the scent of the demon
Only to catch another
It smells like Ms. Tamayo except its more curious
“Well well, who is this young sprout? I’ve never seen you before, what’s your name?”
You meet him earlier on 
He probably doesn’t realize you're a demon though
Instead blushing at just the way that you are 
Completely unaware of the way you’ve stolen his food
“Huh!? I just had it?”
“Ah, it must have been (Y/n).”
“Yeah, they’ve been awfully curious about newcomers as of late.”
 He doesn’t mind it until he’s getting slapped around by the demon
Ready to pull out all the stops until you intervene
Saving his life and further making him fall in love with you
“Awww don’t get your kimono in a twist baby Tanjiro.”
It takes some time away when he decides to pursue you
You’ve broken away from Muzan so it's a given that he should want to know more about you
Don’t mind the weird bets he tries to instigate with you 
“I-I-I’ll have you marry me! If I win you have to marry me!”
“Whoa whoa, that’s hilarious little boy…Let’s do it.”
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Iguro Obanai
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to kill you, now.”
“Oh, will you then–!” 
You’ll have a blast with him
He’s such an antisocial outcast he’s perfect prey for your antics
He’s such a downer the townspeople are slow to inform him about your reputation
“Stop! Stop moving!”
“Ha ha okay.”
“No wait–don’t!” 
He gives up on killing you 
When you interrupt him again 
It’s to bring an end to the demon
And he quiets the attraction that bubbles in him when you terminate the demon
“Why…why would you save the people? As a demon.”
“ Don’t know. It’s fun here. And I won’t stand for anyone disrupting that.”
He figures he can take you 
After all, they let that stubborn kid keep one
Why can’t he?
“Just come with me and I’ll stop bothering you.”
“Hahaha, that’s hilarious. Why would I stop now!? This game of cat and mouse is one I’m quite good at!”
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cozymoko · 1 year
Kamaboko boys reaction to, "I love you."
This includes: Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa
Pairing: All x Gender neutral reader
WARNING(S): none
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He smiled kindly, sneaking a peek at you through his dark, thick lashes. A field of unkempt sakura blooms blossomed along his round cheeks, tingeing them a faint pink. BA-THUMP! BA-THUMP! BA-THUMP! His heart cried out. Your words left him uneasy, embarrassed even, as they lightly tickled his chest. Despite his wishes, he could not speak for he was grinning far too wide to do so.
Training that evening proved to be quite the challenge for the young slayer as vivid pictures of you had obscured his mind, slowly but surely eating away at his concentration. Your words rang through his head like a silver bell, loud and persisting, furthering his desire to see you —touch you— He's getting red just thinking about it!
“T…Thank you for loving me. I really don't deserve you sometimes.” He whispered, leaning into your shoulder. “I love you too.” Tanjiro pressed a light kiss to your cheek, using his free hand to gently grip your unoccupied shoulder. A cheery laugh had escaped you at his chastity, nearly sending his heart into another frenzy. And to no one's surprise, you were enjoying every bit of it.
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Oh my, you've made the poor thing faint. Stumbling over his words much like any other sweet adolescent. His fair skin held a warmth much like the sun, if not putting it to shame. Even with his lack of consciousness, that same lovesick grin had never fled his lips. Oh, and be a dear and close his mouth. We wouldn't want him to swallow any pesky flies, would we?
Upon his return from the land of dreams, Zenitsu was distraught. His body rested against the plush cushions of your futon with you seated by his side. He watches you gently rest a damp cloth on his burning skin, humming a feeble tune to occupy the silence. Zenitsu cleared his throat in hopes of "cooly" responding to your confession, but as you'd expect, he fails miserably.
“I-I love you too!!” He shouted, clasping your hands to his chest. “Wait, no — I love you more than anything!” You gently push him back towards the futon, tucking him beneath the sheets once more before lightly caressing his rosy cheeks. To him, words simply cannot convey his feelings for you. They are far too complex to describe. He's happy and he sure as hell wants you to know that.
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“Eh? The hell is that!?” Of course, he's confused, why wouldn't he be? Don't take it to heart, you expected this after all. (growing up in the wild does that to you.) Nonetheless, you can't help but feel a little bit annoyed by his statement. Just how clueless could he possibly be and why did you care about him so much? Two questions that you decided to indulge in another time.
Once you walked away, Insouke was quick to find Tanjiro and ask what this "love" thing was, seeing as you were so reluctant to tell him. At first, he finds it rather silly. Why do people use those words as a term of endearment anyways? He can just show you how much he cares! But with further convincing from Tanjiro, Inosuke shoves his inquiries to the side...for now.
“I ‘luove’ you, or whatever you said, too.” You gave him the most deadpan expression, using that moment to take in the immediate panic dancing across his gentle features. A snort slipped past your lips as you snaked your arms around his perfectly thin waist. At that point, you didn't know what you hated more, his obliviousness or his pretty face.
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“What...what'd you say?” He grimaced at the harshness of his tone as it was not his intention. He turned away from you, brushing his nose with the pad of his thumb in sheer hope of masking his embarrassment. But it didn't. You were able to spot the deep red creeping up the back of his neck to the tips of his ears. Scooting a bit closer to him, you rest your head on his back, rendering him stiff. But at that moment, you just didn't care.
Being as ill-mannered as he is, Genya hadn't expected anyone who didn't share the same blood to genuinely care for him. The boy has natural bitch repellent unbeaten in his DNA so surely even you are aware of the reasoning behind his insecurities. But, I suppose that makes him charming in a very questionable sense.
“You aren't too bad yourself...” which roughly translates to “I love you too so please don't take this the wrong way.” Genya needs as much love as he can get, though he refuses to admit it. As his partner you should go with your gut when dealing with him — if you think he needs comfort, a hug, then just do it — because at times, you seek to understand his emotions better than himself.
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
Tanjiro Big Brother Headcanons
Platonic Yandere Tanjiro Kamado x Little Sister Reader
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Platonic yandere themes, overprotective tendencies, controlling tendencies, spanking
Master List
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He’s all about respect and manners. That means that you’d better be on your best behavior unless you want to endure a spanking from your big brother.
It probably won’t even last that long because he hates seeing you hurt, and he’ll give you tons of cuddles afterwards.
Tanjiro will do anything and everything for you. He spoils you rotten (as much as he can, he doesn’t really have a lot of money and he won’t steal).
He 100% will fuck someone’s shit up if they mess with you. I’m talking about head butting with ALL of his power. Fuckin’ crack a skull if he has to. I’m looking at you Sanemi.
He learned how to braid hair all on his own just so he could do it to make you happy. That’s all he wants. His own happiness comes from the smile on your face, the way your eyes shut when you’re so overjoyed that you can barely find the words to describe how you feel.
He always tells you how much he supports you, how much you mean to him, and how much he loves you. It’s his goal to make sure you wholeheartedly understand these three things.
He chases off Zenitsu, and he’s always dragging Inosuke away from you when the pig headed guy wants to start a fight with you (it happens a lot more than you think it does).
He doesn’t like the idea of you courting anyone or potentially getting married, so he’ll choose a suitor for you (it won’t be Inosuke or Zenitsu). This way, he can limit your time spent with scumbags. It would have to be someone strong, someone who he trusts, someone who could protect you always. Maybe Giyu or Kyojuro?
Tanjiro loves to carry you on his back with piggyback rides because he gets to listen to the soft laughter coming from you in his ear, and it makes his soul smile. You make his soul smile. You’re the best little sister he could ever hope for.
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mizading · 1 year
The poison of Akaza’s obsession penetrates you.
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Yandere Akaza X Reader
Warnings: Obsessive/Yandere themes, Dark themes, Abuse, Stockholm syndrome
Summary: A failed mission to put an end to Akaza, one of the twelve Kizuki almost killed you. Instead of being rescued by your fellow hashiras, Akaza took you for his own. You slowly realize that you're merely a replacement. 
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You awaken to the soft, uneasy breaths taken by the unknown presence beside you, causing you to jolt up. This was a mistake. You completely forgot about your unsuccessful battle that occurred not long ago; the pain you felt was enough for you to reconsider your position as a former demon slayer.
 "Please lie down; I can't have you getting too hurt love". 
“Love?” You said, turning to face the familiar voice that projected beside you. A cold sense of fear trickled down your body. At once realizing who the familiar voice belonged to, the demon in which you failed to get rid of. Akaza stroked your hair lightly, continuing his uneasy yet soft breathing pattern you had taken notice of before.
 "Relax; the tension in your body is starting to worry me. I couldn’t help but take you back here after you passed out.” Without thinking, you instinctively moved yourself as far away as possible. "Don’t run from me; it’s no use. I'm sure you know that by now, don’t you?". 
“What is it that you want..I don’t have anything to offer” you spoke, voice shaking slightly. Akaza crept up on you, picking your body up from the floor with ease, carrying you bridal style. "I don’t have time to deal with your childish behavior; I’m taking you to get dressed in clothes more fitting for you". Realization hit, and you realized how dangerous your situation really was. Not wanting to dig yourself further into this loop, you complied. As he was carrying you to what seemed to be a bedroom, you took time to look around what you assumed to be his home. It was more of a traditional style, with mainly wood on the inside and dimly lit candles. What caught your eye were picture frames with images of a woman on the inside. She was beautiful, definitely above average. Her expensive-looking pink polka-dot kimono stood out brightly in the photograph. As you study her, you also notice the man beside her; he looked awfully familiar. You quickly glanced at the demon carrying you and took a mental note of their similar appearance. They looked like twins, one just.. human.
You made it to the bedroom. Akaza softly placed you on a king-sized bed in the middle of the room. "Wait here for a moment while I grab your new clothes". Not wanting to find out what he would do to you if you moved, you once again complied. “Look, I don’t understand what this is about but please I just want to go home”. 
Akaza came back with what seemed to be a kimono. “I thought I explained this to you already? I couldn’t help myself, I've never seen anyone like you love”. Your eyes widen when you see the details of the kimono—pink with white polka dots. The same one seen in the photographs of the woman. 
"I’ll help you put this on, then I’ll work on your hair flower’. He then slowly started removing your clothes, taking deeper breaths as he saw more and more of your bare skin. “I didn’t ask for this, I’m asking nicely please, just let me leave”. You tried as hard as you could to suppress the fear in your voice. You still had slight hope that he would let you go.  
"You're so beautiful, I don’t think I can handle it; it’s taking everything in me to respect you and keep myself together seeing you like this". Your body slightly shook at the feeling of his cold, large hands caressing your soft, plush skin; he had a drunk, dazed look when staring down at you. It took all Akaza had to keep his intentions from becoming impure when it came to you. You're the first woman to make him feel anything since his wife Koyuki died; by this point, he’s not sure if his own former wife was able to make him feel such a way. 
The way you gaze at him, the way your pretty chest rises when you breathe, your soft touch, your beautiful smile that could put the sun to shame—all of it was too much for him to handle. He just needs you entirely.
 “You're being delusional just let me go.” Your meek sentence didn’t seem to affect him in any way. Akaza continued carefully wrapping your body into the different layers of the Kimono, despite your protests. 
The moment the two of you met, you did something to his heart. The fight that introduced you two ended shortly, Akaza knew you would be no match. With only a few hits, Akaza was able to knock you out into a short coma and bring you to his home.Throughout your week long deep sleep he took the opportunity to study you, study your body. With your presence, his once incomplete heart shattered by his former wife's death now felt whole again. For now, your only job is to replace his dead wife and stay with him, promising to never leave his side.  
Akaza finished dressing you and was now fixing your hair. You had to admit that the way his hands felt in your hair was enough to put you to sleep. He was so gentle with you despite the battle you two fought, however long ago. No matter how much you hate to admit it, his treatment towards you has been nothing but loving. He touched you as if you were fine china, one of a kind, and could break at any moment. In his presence, you got the strange feeling that nothing else could ever lay hands on you, even if attempted. You were uneasy, noticing how he was transforming you into the girl in the picture. Mustering up all your courage, you decide to ask who the woman was. Akaza hummed softly as he delicately pinned up your hair; he was in pure bliss just by being able to lay his hands on you. He hasn’t felt such love for another human since his wife, Koyuki. 
“A- Akaza..? You spoke softly.”
 "Yes, baby?" he hummed in response. 
The little name made you repulse. "Who’s the woman in the pictures around your home?" you said. He paused, resting his hands on your shoulders, massaging them slightly. You scoffed at the action, Akaza acting as if he didn’t kidnap you made your sanity drop even lower. Then he spoke. "Koyuki, a woman I once loved; she’s long gone now, so no need to worry, precious". No matter how he put it, you knew deep down that you were replacing her in a way; the way he dressed you up was enough proof.
 "Don’t worry about things like that Y/N soon you'll be replacing those pictures" said Akaza while placing a heavy, wet kiss on your neck. There was nothing you could do but accept his love and affection. You were simply no match, any type of fighting or protest beyond this point would be completely useless. It may even get you in more trouble.
You're already in too deep, and there's no escaping his "love" now. Akaza grabbed your face harshly, contrasting his previous sweet actions. He forced a hungry kiss onto your soft lips that revealed more than his words. “Stop! w-what are you doing” you frantically attempted to escape his harsh grip. Akaza still had a tight grip on your face, causing a stinging sensation in your cheeks.
 "Your mine; do you understand that? Trying to leave will have consequences". You had done nothing wrong..? Was playing into his game not enough for him? This delusion of his went on for weeks. You would dress up in Koyuki’s old clothes, and Akaza would pretend that you were his wife and always have been.
 Over time, you grew too tired to fight back. After months of Akaza being your only contact with another being, you slowly started to crave his touch, the way he coddled you, his dark but loving gaze, his love in general. You find yourself willing to do anything for a piece of his love; you desire and need it.
 “Akaza please! You pleaded, I promise to be a good girl, just don’t make me sleep alone again”.
 Earlier that night, you accidentally broke a plate during dinner, dropping it. His punishments for you were harsh, especially if your mistake disturbed the "perfect wife" role you played for him. Sleeping alone was one of the worst punishments; you needed his touch. Having nobody to come save you and no chance of escaping guaranteed your stay here.This was your new reality.  Being a replacement didn't matter to you anymore. You would do it all for him, as long as he kept his love for you. 
The poison of Akaza's obsession consumes you entirely; you need him more than ever now.
Word Count: 1493
A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read! This is my first story so bear with me. Feel free to leave me any type of criticism. Requests are open and I'm always available to chat about whatever. 
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i-cant-sing · 8 months
hi! clarification- this isn't a request to write or anything, i just had an idea and wanted to hear your opinion on it
i know you haven't touched the demon slayer scene in a while, but considering uzui's whole nightmare house thing and tanjiro's act of I Do Not See It, do you think that y/n would actually run to another hashira as a last resort?
honestly if yes, i'm betting its giyuu. man is a platonic yandere but would not stand for shit and is probably one of the least insane (although that means. very little in the grand scheme of things). idk i just have the idea in my head of giyuu smuggling y/n into his estate when she needs a break, and going papa wolf whenever uzui fucking breathes in her vicinity, deep-seated insecurities or not. he may not win, necessarily, but dammit will he try.
(can you tell i have a bias-)
No cause I 10000% agree with you. With Tanjirou constantly ignoring your story about being fucking abused physically and psychologically by Uzui+wives, and not paying attention to Nezuko being distressed over your ptsd state, and EVEN looking away when Uzui and the wives are constantly trying to create opportunities to corner you and being a little to touchy with you (and you're flinching away), someone else has to step up and help. And I have 2 people in mind for that.
First, is ofc Giyuu, cause why wouldn't he??? His moral compass is clear as day and he doesn't even need to be a yandere for him to absolutely shred everyone to pieces just to protect you. He can see the fear in your eyes, he can practically feel the hopelessness and anxiety you're suffering through. I think he may even try to convince Tanjiro to see that you're actually telling the truth, but he's not going to break his back to make him believe it. No, he doesn't exactly need him to protect you. Again, I see Giyuu becoming a platonic yandere, maybe more of a brother than as a father figure, and while he's... emotionally stunted, he's going wayyyy out of his comfort zone to console you. Expect a lot of head pats and deep words to assure you. He's a great listener, if it helps. ALSO, I can also see that if Uzui+wives come with other Hashiras to fight Giyuu for you, then Giyuu doesn't exactly have any qualms about joining forces with demons to protect you. Like I just know that if reader vouches for him to papa Muzan and the 12 moons, they would (hesitantly) accept Giyuu and you. After all, he has been the only human so far who's been kind to you.
Another option that I think would step tf up for reader is Sanemi, as a romantic yandere. Because this man, he's got love on the brain and he's fucking KILLING ANYONE WHO TRIES TAKINGBL YOU AWAY FROM HIM. Fr fr, he will actually fight all the hashiras and 12 moons for you. Will he win? No one knows for sure because like I said, he's absolutely batshit crazy when he's in love. Like one peck on the cheek from you is enough fuel for him to obliterate everyone with in 12 miles. Imagine what he's willing to do if he sees you waking up screaming and crying from the nightmares you have of Uzui.
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broken-spirit101 · 2 months
Kamaboko Squad Yandere Headcanons
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A/N: Reposting this from my Wattpad book because I don't have any ideas for anything new 🤩
Warnings: Nezuko is platonic, mentions of kidnapping, mild language, and of course, yandere themes
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Tanjiro: ➼ If he's the one who loves you as a yandere, you wouldn't even have to lay a finger if you don't want to.
➼ He's the kind who would definitely spoil you. Want some chocolate? You're getting your favorite kind of chocolates, homemade. Too tired to clean up after a long day? He'll help you bathe. He's super respectful, his eyes never wandering to where they don't belong, making you always feel safe within his company. He's definitely househusband material.
➼ He absolutely loves it when he's in both you and Nezuko's company. He adores the fact that you love his sister (probably even more than you love him, but he doesn't need to know that). You being Nezuko's sister-in-law would be his ultimate dream.
➼ He hates the fact that you're also a demon slayer. After almost losing his entire family, his biggest nightmare would be losing you or Nezuko. If he could, he would resign you from the corps immediately.
➼ Tanjiro is more of a protective yandere. Red flag? If you're talking to anyone he doesn't fully trust, you bet your butt he's lurking in the shadows watching you interact with them. If he gets too concerned for your safety, there's a very small chance that he'll kidnap you (it needs to be a very serious concern if he does that). However, he would make sure you'll be comfortable in your room where you're kidnapped, even if you're tied by chains. 
➼ He can't imagine himself being with anyone else. You're his and only his, and he's going to make you see that too. No matter what it takes.
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Zenitsu: ➼ Oh god. He would be a handful to deal with.
➼ Hearing "Marry me!!!" would be a common occurrence for you to deal with every day. Your mans would do anything to please you. If you asked him to, he would probably climb Mount. Everest for you. Around you, he would almost always be blushing and giving you compliments. He would make sure you hear that he loves you every single day, which annoys others to no limits.
➼ Zenitsu would do anything to get alone time with you, which rarely happens as he's always surrounded by Inosuke and Tanjiro. When he does get alone time with you though, he would be over the moon. He likes to make you sweets sometimes when he's free, as he's surprisingly good at baking.                              
➼ He thinks absolutely about you is perfect. Fighting demons? You look so awesome. Drinking water? You're pretty as hell. Talking? His full attention is on your pretty face. Showering? He thinks your body looks- erm, never mind. 
➼ The only thing he dislikes regarding you is how Tanjiro and Inosuke are always around you. If they aren't, you're around Nezuko. Sure, he loves them too, but he loves you the most. Probably more than anything in the entire world.
➼ He would be more of a delusional yandere. Red flag? He gets jealous very often. Really often. If he thinks you're not giving enough attention to him, he'll probably go sulk somewhere till you grow worried and come to find him. Or maybe he'll try to make you jealous instead, by clinging to someone else, probably Nezuko (earning bonus glares by Tanjiro).
➼ In his mind, both of you are meant to be with each other. Maybe he's too scared to actually make a move on you for now, but he'll do it. Eventually. 
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Inosuke: ➼ The only thing I can say is, SAYONARA.
➼ God, it would take him decades to realize his feelings for you. He often mistakes his feelings for competitiveness, so he would demand fights from you at least twice a day at minimum. He gets very reckless with you during fights to calm down his energy from simply seeing you. He would act the same around you as he does with Tanjiro and Zenitsu, but still somewhat calmer and more protectively.
➼ He's happy as long as he's around you, although he would never admit it. You taught him to read and write basic Japanese, so he even writes you letters when you're away on solo missions in distant places, although they usually look like "If you get injured by those bastard demons, I'll kill you." Yeah, Zenitsu taught him to write swear words.
➼ He craves physical touch, whether it's romantic or in a fight. He doesn't care as long as his skin is in contact with yours. It could be simply holding hands, but knowing that you're with him at the moment is very comforting for him. You probably don't mind holding hands with him either.
➼ He hates how you could be reckless and jump in to save someone if needed. Sure, he's even more reckless, but he can't understand why you would risk yourself in order to protect a random stranger. He would much rather sacrifice himself over you.
➼ In a fight, you both are a very good duo. Your abilities are very similar (the only thing is that Inosuke can't detect auras, but he's much better at things like spatial awareness), and his recklessness is often balanced by your strategic approach to battles. However, whenever you tell him strategies to continue a fight, he wouldn't listen nine out of ten times. But when he does get too injured to continue fighting Inosuke style, he puts your strategies into practice.
➼ He's a total possessive yandere. Red flag? He doesn't know how to express his feelings very well. Even if he wants to do something as wholesome as hugging, he's gonna ask for it in a very aggressive way like "OI (Y/N), HUG ME OR ELSE 🔪". Red flag #2? His possessiveness can get out of control. He dislikes it whenever you make independent decisions and/or tell him to do something. He wants you to be fully dependent on him.
➼ If it were up to him, he would kidnap you and never let you out of his sight. You were his, no matter what.
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Nezuko:  ➼ She absolutely adores you, just as much as she adores Tanjiro. She could never choose between the two of you, though. To her, you're both irreplaceable. 
➼ Nezuko. Absolutely. Loves. Cuddles. She wouldn't be able to function normally if she didn't get her daily dose of cuddles and head pats. She hates how she's unable to talk to you normally because of her muzzle. If she could talk normally though, she would spend the entire day chatting with you. Not a single moment of boredom would exist.
➼ She can easily understand you most of the time, and you can understand her too eight out of ten times. In her perfect version of life, Tanjiro and you would be married and all three of you would live in the same home (maybe even along with Urokodaki). She tends to see the three of you and Urokodaki as a family.
➼ Like Tanjiro, she hates the fact that you have to put yourself in danger along with Tanjiro. What if something happened to you while she was peacefully sleeping? Just thinking about that makes her extremely paranoid.
➼ A high-pitched "mhm-hmm" means she's happy. If it's a low-pitched one, that means that she is determined to complete the task that she's been assigned. A single quiet "hmm" means that she's sad and/or craving your attention.
➼ She's a clingy yandere. Red flag? It's easy for her to manipulate you into doing something she wants. She's aware of her cuteness and she's not afraid to use it as a weapon. Nevertheless, she would never manipulate you into doing something that she knows would upset you too much.
➼ I would be willing to place my bets that the Kamado siblings are secretly conspiring with each other to make you know that you belong with them, and ONLY them.
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Request: what would be the reaction of yandere Tanjiro, yandere Muzan and yandere kokushibou if s/o becomes very afraid of them after a punishment?
Yandere Muzan is here
Yandere Tanjiro Kamado (older)
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Your "disobedience" would begin shortly after the abduction.
For some reason, Tanjiro wasn't prepared for this to happen.
This would make him a slob.
Tanjiro really wouldn't want to punish you.
He would rather cuddle with you and give you kisses.
But instead you were interested in trying to escape…
Or push him away.
Tanjiro tries to give you time and be patient.
But that doesn't change your opinion.
So Tanjiro is bound to punish you.
And that certainly wouldn't go over well.
The punishment would be surprisingly mild.
Still, it would leave an impression on you.
Because any little sense of security you had would be gone.
Tanjiro would feel terrible when he saw how scared you had become.
He would try to be still kinder but it wouldn't really help.
Tanjiro couldn't let you go.
He would believe that you would fall in love with him eventually
Yandere Kokushibo
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Kokushibo doesn't like you for your disobedience or for trying to run away all the time.
He would try to warn you.
But you don't listen.
Kokushibo is patient for a while.
But eventually he has to punish you.
Funny how this problem wouldn't exist if he hadn't kidnapped you :D
Kokushibo punishments could be really harsh.
It depends on what you did.
If you ran away and tried to seek Demon Slayer help Kokushibo would be angry and disappointed.
You probably wouldn't be able to walk for a very long time.
Not because the dirty way…
Kokushibo would understand why you would be scared after this.
It would hurt a little.
But Kokushibo would hope you wouldn't break his rules again.
Kokushibo would give you some space after this.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
A romantic Tanjiro concept from Demon Slayer, please?
Surprised I haven't done this yet, lol
Yandere! Tanjiro Kamado Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Delusional behavior, Stalking, Clingy behavior, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Slight manipulation via guilt tripping, Obsession at first sight, Paranoia, Isolation, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Tanjiro is such an honest soul.
He's probably the type you won't even notice his yandere tendencies at first.
He can't lie and is always so kind and appears so innocent towards you.
He's so naive and forward he probably could not hide anything from you if he tried.
Tanjiro may also be a hopeless romantic and a family yandere.
He just believes you two love each other and in the future, when there's no demons, you can be a family!
As a result he's no doubt a delusional yandere.
I feel Tanjiro would overall be a docile yandere.
He probably couldn't lie to you without you noticing.
He just... isn't that kind of manipulative type.
He could emotionally manipulate his darling but even that isn't fully on purpose.
Tanjiro just clings to you because he feels you're like family to him.
He isn't very violent unless he has to defend you from a threat.
Tanjiro would also be a yandere who'd most likely not kill out of jealousy, if at all.
He gets jealous, yes, but it's more like the pouty kind of jealous.
He really isn't that bad, just persistent.
Tanjiro would also grow more attached if you cared for Nezuko.
There's many ways you could've met Tanjiro.
Maybe he saved you from a demon and you became friends ever since.
Maybe you work at one of the manors and help Tanjiro when he's injured after missions.
Or maybe you're a Demon Slayer yourself?
These are just some ways you could've met and gotten close to Tanjiro.
Tanjiro is someone mostly attracted to caring/familial traits.
Things like caring for him, caring for Nezuko, or even sympathizing with demons despite your job.
Anything that shows you have good intentions or are a good person will attract Tanjiro to you the fastest.
Tanjiro is definitely an obsession at first sight person.
He's also incredibly loyal and devoted to his love.
I want to say he'd be bashful and shy but if anything in reality he's mostly blunt.
Tanjiro would be very open about his feelings towards you.
He's not afraid to tell you compliments and how you make him feel.
He isn't ashamed of admitting he feels jealous when you speak to others.
Honestly, Tanjiro would do almost anything for you if it means you'll love him.
As I said before he truly believes in love to the point of being a hopeless romantic.
You may not have feelings for him now... but he's convinced you will at some point down the road!
He's a bit more grounded than Zenitsu would be and isn't going to really chase you everywhere.
Well... not to the same degree.
Tanjiro would follow you around at times to make sure you aren't "ambushed", even more so if you're a Slayer like him.
Tanjiro would not let a demon touch you.
He'd cut them down before they have a chance.
Tanjiro's big goal with you is certainly to have a family somehow.
He is such a family man due to growing up in a big family.
He wants to be your husband in the future.
He may even achieve such a goal since he's so sweet before you notice anything.
It's hard to point out the more toxic traits in him but I can come up with a few.
First is his emotional manipulation.
Intentional or not, it occurs when he is jealous or worried for your safety.
He wants to be the one to keep you safe and wishes you'll rely on him.
He wants you out of harm and would take a blow to protect you just to make sure you don't spill a drop of blood.
If anything I can see his yandere behavior showing up later on.
Like, by the time you two are adults and dating/married, that's when the worst of it is.
Maybe Tanjiro becomes obsessive about keeping you home.
He wants you as his little house spouse and you're most likely coerced into it.
Tanjiro tries not to appear "forceful" when he has you stay home.
He provides for you, gives you everything you could ever want.
He allows you outside in like a yard or something but never too far without him.
He's promised since you both were young that he'd protect and care for you.
So why do you need to go out so often anyways?
You can just stay at him and he'll come back to pepper you in kisses and affection!
You won't have to lift a finger.
For some, this is a dream.
For others, a nightmare.
Tanjiro removes your autonomy once you two are officially together.
He doesn't get why you'd want to leave home anyways.
He picked an isolated cabin just for you and him.
Now... it'll just be you and him!
There's no need to worry anymore, there's no longer any demons to harm either of you.
All you have to do is focus on him and his adoration...
You don't have to think of anyone else!
Just keep your eyes on him...
He protect, provide, and defend you with his life...
All you need to do?
Never go outside ever again.
Overall, Tanjiro is a subtle yandere.
He's sweet, caring, and seemingly innocent.
That is until you step closer...
Becoming trapped in his darker adoration.
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cherrykamado · 1 year
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☆ pairing: yandere kamado tanjiro x reader.
☆ blurb: It’s your smell — your honey-like smell. Intoxicating from beginning to end, the first time he breathes it in, he can’t help but get addicted. And now, he doesn’t just yearn for your sweet scent — he craves for you.
☆ warnings (general): yandere themes, toxicity, gore, manipulation, smut, delusional thoughts, unhealthy relationships. All characters are aged up.
☆ warnings (as for ch. 03): violence, obsessive thoughts, idolization (story is told from tanjiro's perspective.)
☆ notice: minors / ageless blogs do not react or interact. Age in bio or you’ll be blocked.
☆ comments: one day it came back! thank you for the infinite patience and all the support throughout the years! this chapter was supposed to be released, like, half a year ago, but since i got stuck i never posted it. today, with a fresher mind and another perspective, i decided to cut it half way, and to try out something for later. enjoy!!
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Ever since the meeting with Muzan Kibutsuji, Tanjiro knew your relationship with him changed. 
Well, you said it. It came straight from your lips, so it just had to be true.
Oh, to see your eyes gleaming in awe as you stare at the city lights, you look like a child in a candy shop. Maybe the purest look he has ever seen, you have it. 
Even if he, himself, is not comfortable with crowds or the movement of the city, he will be alright as long as he puts on a smile. 
“I’ve never been here before,” you say, mesmerized.
“M-me neither…” He mumbles, taken aback not only by the crowds, but also by the tall buildings and bright lights.
But, most importantly, it’s you that takes him aback. Just being in here with you, it’s you and him, in an unknown place.
I-Is this a date…? I’ve never been in one before!  he thinks, blushing at your mesmerized - and mesmerizing- form. 
But a date can’t be a date if you don’t-
“H-Hold my hand?” He says, his trembling hand reaches out to you. 
“Why?” You ask him, tilting your head. 
“A-ah… Uhm… I… what if we get lost?” 
He couldn’t bear having you apart from him. 
“It’s okay,” You shake your head, chuckling, “But if that’s what you want, I guess.” 
And it’s then that the two pieces of the puzzle connect, like that first time. Gasping, Tanjiro can’t help but to squeeze your hand a little bit too hard, making you wince.
“S-Sorry!” He apologizes, “L-let’s go, okay?” 
Yes, he is the guide; but he’s doing a poor job, having no idea of where to go. One thing is sure, though: his gaze turns towards the direction of his heart, a glance or two, when he’s sure you’re not looking. God, you’re so perfect. 
“Let’s go here, Y/N!” He says, tugging at your hand as he guides you to an alley. 
The moment you come across a couple shamelessly making out, touching each other in almost plain view, you freeze in place. For some reason, you find yourself staring. 
Tanjiro, on the other hand, can’t help but to feel embarrassed. Apologizing in an annoyingly loud way, he tugs at your hand, dragging you out of the scene. 
You become too tired by the time you reach the udon mini shop. You go sit with Nezuko, while the redhead asks you whether you would like to share his yamakake udon with him. 
Oh, and when you say yes! Please, his heart gets so flustered, voice so quavering that he can’t help but to feel his cheeks burn at the thought of him feeding you from his udon bowl.
But you ask for one yourself. Truth to be told, he’s disappointed; however, still getting to be close to you is enough for now.
He holds the plate, feeling the warm coat his hands, and he tries it out. 
He sighs in bliss, hot breath escaping his lips. Tastes so good, so perfectly done. 
“How is it? Do you like it?”
“Hmmm!” You nod. He notes that pearly smile, sneaking into plain view just for him.
He watches you eat, so pleased and in bliss. He loves seeing you like this: it makes his heart be delighted with a joy he swears he has never felt—
All his thoughts of you are cut off, as if a tree had fallen on the way, disrupting all lovely thoughts of you. That tree? A smell. Such a horribly unique scent that it freezes him to the bone. Makes his heart stop, his breath stops as well. The world stops. Time is stuck.
T-that smell…
W-why now?
Painful memories flash in Tanjiro's mind, the pain is excruciating. It is too much for him to feel. He can’t even utter a sound; he doesn’t even hear the sound of the warm plate, once in his hands, now shattered on the floor. He didn’t even stop to grieve over the spoiled food; all he could do was move forward, to the direction of that smell. 
The encounter with that man, the man that took everything from him. Tanjiro can’t stop swimming through the crowd of people, mind always resorting to that horrible smell, the very same scent that lingered the day the slaughter had taken place. 
He doesn’t hesitate to put his arm on the demon’s shoulder, but those dull, salmon colored eyes looking back at him petrify them to the core, chilling up even his bones. He wants to puke, he feels the anxiety take over his body, clouding his already clouded mind, only that now he can’t think of anything. 
He feels as if he’s going to lose it, as if the thread’s too close to snap. And it’s even worse when he discovers that demon, that horrible creature is carrying a child, a child that innocently asks her dad what is going on. So impune he is, that he dares to reassure his hostage, sending her the sweetest smile ever. 
As if he was human.
Only the most despicable being could do something like this, Tanjiro has no doubt, and he feels the repulsion travel all the way up his esophagus; clutching the fabric over his abdomen with one hand, while his other hand places itself over his mouth, as if to prevent himself from screaming, from puking. 
He doesn’t know. Everything is unreal. 
But it’s the honey scent that brings him back to Earth. Carmine eyes turn to meet your figure, right beside him, who’s looking at Muzan with an apologetic smile on your features. 
“I-I’m v-very sorry, sir—” You utter, Tanjiro not being oblivious to the creaking in your voice, or how you stumble with your words. As if a prisoner of the situation, the only thing he can do is watch you deal with the situation. 
“My… M-my boyfriend over here thought you were s-someone else, hehe…” you chuckled nervously, and then bowed down, “please excuse him—”
Then, a hand reaches for him, the warmth so similar to the one he had the delight to hold not a long time ago. 
“Let’s go, Tanji!”  He catches your smile now being directed to him, “You promised my father to get me home before 10, remember?” 
For your sake, all he does is nod. A nod that will get you out of this situation. Again, he hears your sweet voice apologizing to Muzan and, with a gentle tug at his hand, and you’re away from him. 
You don’t say anything, and he doesn’t question it, still too shocked to utter a word. His gaze is unconsciously glued to your back, yet lost in nothing in particular; everything feels as if he was in a limbo.
He doesn’t even notice when he’s greeted by the darkness of the alleyway you guide him to. Only then, when his back collides against the wall, does Tanjiro come back to reality. 
And it’s then that he takes note of every single of your features, guilt instantly taking over him the moment he realizes the danger you have just avoided. He notices how tears have welled up in the corner of your eyes, how your body is shaking from the horror, lip quivering. 
So, you felt it too? 
“W-what were you even thinking about?” He hears the question stumbling from your tongue. He notices the few droplets of sweat that have formed at the very upper part of your forehead, gently glistening with the scarce moonlight that is bleeding into the alleyway.
“Do you know w-what you have just done?” You ask him, as if trying to bring him to reason. 
Tanjiro’s not oblivious to the anxiety scent  that fills his nostrils. That’s when he notices: You have been so brave when you stood for him. You have come at the right time, saving him from fucking up hard, saving him from what not even him knows what could’ve been.
Realization strikes him, as his mind takes him back to that moment. He felt himself reliving that moment as if for the first time. He remembers your hand taking his, intertwining your fingers shyly with his. 
That would be enough to set his heart ablaze, but then your words echo through his temple, travelling around his mind from side to side. 
“My… M-my boyfriend over here thought you were s-someone else, hehe…” you chuckled nervously, and then bowed down, “please excuse him—”
But it’s in four words that he’s actually focused. 
M-my boyfriend over here…
He breathes in hard, cheeks starting to heat up as his eyes widen.
M-my boyfriend over here
M-my boyfriend over
M-my boyfriend
“Tanjiro!” The angel’s voice that never called him brings him back to life. 
Instinctively, his gaze is drawn to you, and oh, does his heart miss a beat at this. You’re looking at him questioningly, there’s no way that you could know what is going on in his mind. He can’t even get a hold of himself right now, the thought of you… with him… like that… 
No way. His expression drops, the voice of his consciousness dragging him down on Earth. No way she would ever see you like that. You’re imagining things. You just met her!
Yet why did it feel as if he’s known you forever? Why can’t he help but to feel so… attracted to you… so devoted?
 Tanjiro can’t help it. He can’t. 
Why is he so drawn to you? 
The answer strikes him: you are an angel. 
You have saved him. You have saved him from danger. You have saved him from drowning. You must be an angel. 
You must have been sent to him. 
You must be an angel. An angel  in disguise
A high pitched scream, and the noise of the crowd, snaps him out. Makes him realize he’s been so close to you. Closest than ever. Yet why does he notices  this the moment you break away? 
You’re then turning to him, gesturing at him to come with you. Your hand on your sword, you’re quick to sprint through the crowd. He’s quick to follow behind you, noticing the scene right ahead of him. 
He’s quick to knock the man down, who was biting on a woman’s trapezium, while you catch the injured woman. Taking his blue scarf from his head, he wraps it around his hand, shoving it in the demon’s mouth. 
A quick glance stolen at you, and he notices you’re fine. “Apply pressure to her wound, please!” He asks you. You didn’t have a scarf or anything. So the first thing that comes to your mind is using your haori. 
No time wasted, he notices how quick you are. Tanjiro’s desperation doesn’t leave his soul for a minute. All of this… because of Muzan. That damned man. 
Why would he do something as horrible as this? Even worse, what if he hurt you?
No, that can’t happen. Tanjiro must be there to protect you. And he will. As long as you’re with him, you will be okay. 
He tries to restrain the demon, but it’s getting out of control. Policemen run to the scene at the sight of the commotioned crowd, who can not understand what is going on right now. 
“What the hell are you both doing?!” One of them roars, with the bludgeon in hand, ready to beat them up. 
As they run closer, Tanjiro’s grip on the demon tightens. 
“W-wait, you don’t understand—” He tries to explain, as ferocious hands clutch and tug from his haori. But he can’t let go, or else people will be hurt. Or else you will be hurt. He can’t bear the thought of that.
“Leave him alone!” He hears the plea of his beloved say. He is shocked, and scared now that the attention is focused on you. 
“Did you two do this?! You will have to come with me!” 
And by the time any of the policemen are going to lay a finger on you, Tanjiro’s blood boils in his veins. Frustration clouds his judgement, as he can’t decide between letting the demon go, or saving you. Either way, people would get hurt, and he didn’t want that. 
What kind of man would he be if he let the demon hurt more people? 
He can’t allow that. 
What kind of person would he be if he let you get hurt? 
He could never forgive himself. 
The frustration, again. So hard, so infuriating, it has him facing a dead end. As he hears your pleas for them to understand, trying to reason with them. But their hands are already on you, tugging at your arms, as they lift you up. They’re going to take you away. 
They’re going to take you away from him.
“Let her go,” his voice cracks in a tiny whisper, eyes fixed on the demon, dull as a void.His expressions contort into a glare, strong, yet brief as a heartbeat, that makes his chest throb once with a pump of rage. 
  or I will kill you.  
He doesn’t notice the veins protruding on his face, eyes red with rage. As if he had turned into a beast. The reaction, much to his luck (unbeknownst to him), was not noticed by the policemen. Flowers engulf the whole area, surround it and it’s confusing. 
What is this smell? Is this an attack? 
Tanjiro’s sight turns to you, his love, who’s just as confused as he is. The urge to rush to your aid takes over his heart, but he remembers there is this demon whom he must restrain, in order to not hurt people; in order to not hurt you.
But you could be in danger.
 What should he do?
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CHERRYKAMADO © 2023 — all rights reserved. do not repost or recommend on any platform. plagiarism will not be tolerated. visuals belong to me.
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trancylovecraft · 10 months
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CHAPTER THREE: "Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, jump now. You are absent of cause or excuse. So self-indulgent and self-referential, No audience could ever want you"
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Aomori is called one of the snowiest places in the world, Often having a twenty two foot snowfall every year.
Snow can represent a lot of things such as youth or innocence but more often than not symbolises death, Snow being often considered an omen of such in some cultures.
Winds rushed and hit against the girls face like the aftermath of a levelled dam, Pieces of snow slamming into her face as she travelled through the blizzard. Tree's hit against each other in the wind, Fighting and bashing into the other within the forest.
Another nightmare, Just like the one last night. [F/N] sighed through her shaky jaw, Letting cold mist blow out into the hailing gale.
Forward, Place. It felt like the thick layer of snow she trudged in was trying to pull her down and swallow her whole, Clinging onto her foot as she put it down once again.
[F/N] wondered how far she'd get this time, How far she would get until her knees gave up on her and signal her end. Maybe she'd find an exit this time, A way to stop the dream entirely.
As she placed another foot however, Her knees buckled making her topple over into the snow.
She hit the white with a thud, Imbedding and enveloping her entire body into the cold freezing slush.
[F/N] cried out. No matter how many times she hit the ground it never got any less painful, It never stopped the frostbite sinking into her skin and reaching her organs.
She now laid in the snow unmoving, She knew it was useless to try and escape, The snow wouldn't let her go no matter how much she might of tried.
[F/N] closed her eyes, Waiting for the darkness to fade in fro-
[F/N] flinched, A voice ringing throughout the clearing she was in. But that was impossible, The dreams never strayed from their pa-
She opened her eyes, So wide that they were almost bulging out of their sockets.
With great effort she lifted her head, Pointing it in the direction of the voice. From beyond the treeline, Shrouded by the snow's mist, Was a dark figure.
"WE CAN'T STAY HERE, WE NEED TO RUN" It screamed, It's voice shrill and hoarse like it hadn't drunken in years. [F/N] tried to squint her eyes and get a better look, Heart racing at the new development.
"DON'T LET HIM CATCH US, [F/N]. DON'T LET HIM FIND US!" The figure hollered once more and suddenly the mist cleared away, Blowing off with the wind. [F/N] focused her eyes once more, Finally getting a good look at the figure.
[F/N] felt her heartbeat stutter and stop.
It was her.
A copy of [F/N] stood within the treeline. She stood in a fighting stance like she was preparing for impact, Hair and haori whipping around in the blizzard. Her face was wild and panicked.. She was terrified.
She was an exact replica, It was her in every physical way.. Except two.
The first was the markings on her face. Ones similar to the ones she'd see on her mask decorated the pained expression on her like a porcelain doll.
In the middle of her chest was a large stab wound, Blood still hot trickling out of it and oozing down to stain her kimono. [F/N] couldn't take her eyes off of it, Like a hypnotists watch swinging back and forth she felt like she was in a trance.
"WE CAN'T LET HIM CATCH US, HE'S NOT THE SAME. WE NEED TO RUN OR ELSE WE'LL NEVER GET AWAY, PLEASE [F/N] LISTEN TO US!" Her copy cried, Sobbing and breaking down now like a young child.
"W-Who.. Who is he..?" [F/N] tried to ask but it only came out as a strained whisper.
However that question was already answered by the shadow looming over her. [F/N] snapped her head up and came into view with the man in the purple kimono, Tall figure hanging over her.
She could see his face now. His face, His damn face..
[F/N] opened her mouth and screamed.
Six golden eyes pierced her, Six sharp bloodshot pupils honing in on her fallen form, All looking down at her like she was a piece of meat to consume. [F/N] tried to get away, She tried moving out from under the snow but it was useless.
His mouth was open to reveal a row of sharp teeth lain out like a collection of knives, Vampiric canines ready to lunge and gnaw into her arm as his own reached out to her, Trying to grasp whatever he could of her.
[F/N] screamed out for help as he tugged on her arm, Digging his two canines into her forearm. Blood burst out from the wound, Splattering all over her arm and his face as he bit into her muscle.
She cried hard, Red was everywhere as she felt him tug his head back. A sick ripping sound ech-
[F/N] shot up from her futon with a yelp, Waking up with a cold sweat dripping down her face. She was breathing like she ran a marathon and needed to grip the frame of the futon to steady her shaking.
"..[F/N]-sama? Are you alright?" [F/N] looked up to the doorway to see one of the handmaidens shuffling around awkwardly, Seemingly concerned.
[F/N] inhaled and exhaled, Trying to recollect her breath and thoughts as she tried to find a response amongst her scattered brain.
"..Another nightmare.. I apologise if I woke you up with any noise.." [F/N] said, Wiping off the excess sweat.
The handmaiden stopped, Then slowly nodded.
"I see.. You didn't disturb anyone if that's any consolation. I came because I we have a few more visitors to the shrine and I thought it would be of importance to alert you.." The girl who [F/N] recognised as Seijun, An older handmaiden, explained to her.
[F/N] sighed.
"Yes.. Alright. Go on." She said, Dusting off the stray hairs on her.
"Okay.. Well first of all two more slayers have decided to reside here for the time being along with Kamado Tanjiro and Nezuko, Himejima Gyomei and his tsuguko's. Their names are Hashibira Inosuke and Agatsuma Zenitsu, Both of Tsuchinoto ranking." Seijun explained, A cordial tone in her voice.
"..Really? More slayers..?" [F/N] groaned lightly
Seijun tilted her head lightly to which [F/N] noticed
"No. No..! Don't get me wrong, It's fine if they want to stay here I've just not been in the mood lately to deal with that sort of stuff right now.. Cause of, You know..?" [F/N] said, Adding the question at the end to gauge if she was aware of her other identity.
Seijun nodded.
"Yes, Your 'retirement'." She confirmed [F/N]'s suspicion. "I can bring you some tea to soothe your nightmare if that would please you, [F/N]-sama" Seijun offered.
[F/N] hummed.
"..That would be great, Thank you Seijun. But I would prefer if you could bring it to the desk in the library, I'll be heading there soon." [F/N] said, Swinging her legs over the side of her futon to get up.
Seijun nodded.
"I can do that, Do you need anything else from me?" She asked.
"No, I'm fine for now. Thank you, Seijun, You're dismissed.." [F/N] said, Smiling gently.
Seijun smiled back and bowed lowly before leaving the room, Closing the door behind her lightly with a click.
Then once again [F/N] was left alone to her own company, The silence so loud it felt like it was draining the life out of her.
She sighed before pushing herself up off the bed, Rubbing whatever sleep she had left in her eyes she made her way over to the shoji windows and pulled them open to let in the days light.
"Hm..?" [F/N] hummed. While the light had came in she had realised that it wasn't morning at all, It was in fact late evening when the sun was setting over the faraway mountaintops. Casting a dark shadow in the opposite direction.
[F/N] groaned as she felt the light breeze hit her face from the way in, She had only gotten at most two hours of sleep. It was going to be a nightmare on its own to go back to sleep.
The nightmare. [F/N] shivered both from the thought and the cold hitting her skin, Another reminder of what happened. The meaning of her vision evaded her, For months it had continued on and on without change. So why now did it deviate? Especially in the way it did.
Her doubles words echoed around in her skull like a disturbed bat in a cavern. The wild inhuman look in her eyes appeared every time [F/N] shut her own, A haunting apparition. But what disturbed her the most was the man- No, It was a demon.
It had to be. [F/N] couldn't mistake those eyes for a second, All six of them jabbing into her while his maws ripped into her flesh, Tearing away the bloody meat from her bones and digging in like a pouncing lion to a zebras hind.
Her fingers twitched, Itching to get away from the imaginary threat.
She shut the window doors a little quicker than she should of, Trying to focus on her breathing to pacify her racing heart. It was fine, It was just a dream, Yet it felt so real.. It was just a dream right?
Even if it was just a dream, This wasn't something she could ignore. Something inside her resonated, Something screaming at her not to let this go, Telling her to run.
[F/N] decided she'd go down and pray at the Haiden later, After she had finished what she meant to do and consult Inari on what this meant.
Another throb came from within her chest once she took another breath in, Great. The pain in her chest hadn't subsided. Remembering the position of the sun and estimating the mountain height, Maika must not be back. It takes a lot of time to descend the mountain and get to the village, Especially in winter.
[F/N] coughed out another block in her chest with an ache, Yet decided to suffer through.
She moved quickly over to the closet and got ready. Slipping off her nightwear into puddle in the ground she hastily fastened over the obi on her kimono and tying it into a neat bow at the back, Her dragon blue haori hanging off her shoulders completing the outfit.
[F/N] finished it off by slipping on her blocked okobo sandals, Of which added a good few extra inches to her height.
She checked her form in the mirror, Running over every careful choice in outfit before deciding it was presentable enough.
With that she went over to the door and swung it open, Moving out down into the hallway.
Her sandals clacked against the wooden floorboards echoing out down the passage, As she moved she nodded and greeted several Kakushi, Quick hello's and how are yous as she went by. Small talk.
As the sun slowly set the Kakushi got more and more frequent.
Activity in the base starting to resurrect from the night before as she made her way through winding hallways, Passing tapestry after tapestry and doing the exact same over and over again.
Nearly at the library she turned a corner once more, Head turned away as she said hello before her body slammed into another.
Stumbling back like a new-born fawn she tried to catch her balance, The surprise of the connection dazing her.
"Ah! Apologies, I wasn't watching where I.." [F/N] trailed off, Finally looking up at the person she bumped into with a wide eyed stare.
"Ngh.. You were going, I know" The boy in front of her finished. He was young, Only around fourteen years old and an inch smaller than [F/N] herself.
"I.. Uhm.." [F/N] stuttered looking down at him. His unruly fluffy hair that was tied into small braid, His wide owl-looking eyes and face full of freckles. [F/N] recognised him, The one person she dreaded the most to run into.
She felt her chest throb, But not from her ailment.
"Ne.. Do you have anything to say or.. are you just gonna stand there..?" He drawled slightly, A slightly bothered yet innocent tone in his voice. [F/N]'s eyes darted all over him, examining every point of him before she realised his slayer uniform's top button was slightly undone.
"I.. You're top button is undone, Here let me.." [F/N] exclaimed, Reaching for his top collar before he backed away on an instinct.
"Ngh.. Please, Do not touch me. The feeling of most things disturb me greatly.." He said rather bluntly, Making small noises in between sentances. [F/N] bowed rather quickly in response.
"A-Apologies! I'll keep that in mind if we ever meet again.." [F/N] chuckled, Trying and failing to hide the awkwardness tinting her voice. The boy in front of her didn't particularly care though, Only staring back at her.
"..Ne, I am rather sure we will.. You are the head shrine-maiden and I expect my master will be wanting to greet you soon.." He spoke in a monotone lilt.
"Your master.. Right, Himejima-san. You are one of his Tsuguko.. Your memory is rather good.." [F/N] sighed.
"Yes, It is. Thank you." He replied.
The two stood in silence, Staring back into one and other. [F/N] watching the boy carefully, Like he was a explosive she was about to defuse while he looked back at her without a single care in the world.
"Ne.. Bye then.." He broke the silence before moving around her, Trailing off down the hallway.
"Wait, Hold on!" [F/N] exclaimed, Turning around to him.
He stopped in his tracks and lazily gazed back at her, Tilting a brow.
"Do.. you know my name?" [F/N] asked through a thick tone of hesitation in her voice. Though she was frowning her eyes glinted with a shine, Like she was expecting something great just out of her grasp.
He blinked, Only once.
"No. I was never informed."
[F/N] felt the light in her eyes extinguish, The burning embers of hope being put out by his single flow of words.
"Ah.. I.. I see.." She mumbled "..My name is [F/N].. If it means anything." She added on once more, Bowing down in respect.
He only gazed back at her and nodded curtly.
"Ngh.. I'll remember it.. Since its respectful.. I'll give you mine in return.. My name is Shizuko Himejima" Shizuko respectfully replied, lowering his head once more to her own.
And with that, He was off. [F/N] didn't try to stop him again, Only watched as he walked off down the now empty hallway. [F/N] pleaded to herself, Begging that he'd turn back and say something.
But he didn't look back, And soon enough he was gone.
Snow danced lightly in the wind like swaying ribbons in gentle breeze. Maika slowly walked through the light layer of snow covering the ground as she searched for a market stall, A Kakushi trailing a few feet behind her.
The village was a few miles away from the shrine, Not too far yet enough distance as to keep it private from the residents who resided here.
Maika tugged her thick fashioned haori over her uniform a little tighter, The cold kept away by the warmth it brought her. She wondered how long it had been since she had left the shrine and descended the mountain.
She needed to get back soon, It was just about night-time and she didn't want to stay out long in case of a demon attack. Not to mention getting the medicine for [F/N]. Even if she was a new shrine-maiden it felt as if she needed to make up for her cowering out on being a slayer.
Getting the medicine for her boss was the least she could do to help out, If only a little bit anyways.
"It seems like they're selling herbs over there, Heihachiro-san." The Kakushi called out from behind her, Casually pointing out a rather crowded stall from within the street.
Maika gasped
"Ah! G-Great eye!" She exclaimed. Despite her chattering jaw, The soft smile gracing her face never left as she finally found what she was looking for.
"It looks rather crowded though.. Maybe we can find another stall the other way?" The Kakushi suggested, Eyeing the crowd hesitantly. Maika shook her head dismissively
"No, No! We're already here.. Come on, Lets go!" Maika didn't wait for a response as she was already off, Leaving the Kakushi back behind her.
"Wait up!" The Kakushi called out. Running after her as she finally reached the back of the small crowd, Where she tried to go on her tip toes to peer over the crowd.
Maika hummed, Trying to find a way through the crowd without disturbing anyone.
The Kakushi finally caught up to her and unlike Maika, Didn't particularly care about the crowd as he started pushing through them, Maika's arm in tow.
"Ah! S-Sorry.. Apologies! Uhm.." Maika stuttered, Trying to apologise to the disturbed crowd for her peer's ignorance as she was pulled along by the arm towards the front.
"Excuse me, Sorry. But we need these herbs here, Do you have them? It's for the shrine a little bit up north so please understand the importance." The Kakushi stated, Letting go of Maika's forearm and slamming his hands on the market desk.
"I-If you could sell us them, That is.." Maika added on.
The old merchant looked back at him, A little annoyed from the intrusion but when the shrine was mentioned his face had brightened.
"Ah right, That old 'Okami' shrine.. Heard you lot exported a lot from here.." The merchant said, Lazily rubbing his chin in thought.
"Yes, We do. Now can you please sell us what we need?" The Kakushi's exasperated breaths shown in the winter air, Quickly pointing at a heap of turmeric impatient to get back to the warmth of the shrine.
The merchant chuckled lightly.
"I suppose I could.. But it would cost you more" He said.
"What?!" The kakushi exclaimed.
"Yep, You type's tend to have a little extra cash on ya' and seeing as you just interrupted my business you wouldn't mind paying a lil' more for it?" The merchant said, Gesturing around to the crowd surrounding the two.
"No way! The price here says 1702 yen for a few clovers turmeric and that's what I'm gonna pay." The Kakushi argued, Pulling out a good few notes of roughly 1702 yen and holding out for the merchant to take.
Instead, He shook his head.
"Going to need at least 3800 yen for it." He said adamantly, Folding his arms over his chest.
"3800?! You've gotta be kidding me..!" The Kakushi exclaimed. But Maika couldn't hear the rest of the argument as she slowly backed away from the crowd, All viewing the ongoing spat like a dog on dog fight.
Maika stumbled out of the crowd, She didn't want to be apart of this. Maybe she should of listened to the Kakushi when he said to go to another stall, The seller here seemed rather.. Unpleasant.
By now the late evening had turned into an early night, Stars already starting to show themselves over the valley the village sat in.
She backed up further into her heavy haori, Asking why she ever decided to work in such an unbearably cold environment.
The argument by the seller stand had started to ironically heat up, Making the majority of the crowd sigh and give up trying to get anything and just go home to enjoy their slipping state of consciousness.
As several people walked past her out into the rest of the village she breathed in, Trying to puff up her chest and build the confidence to step into end the fight.
Maika put her foot forward but the snow she had been expecting to hit never came, Instead it was the feeling of a cold palm wrapping around her wrist and yanking her back.
"AH-" Her yell was quickly silenced by another hand slamming over her mouth.
"If you wanna keep your pathetic little life then you're going to shut the hell up, You hear?" Her assailant hissed lowly into her ear from behind, His voice boyish and full of sadistic joy as his inhuman strength held Maika in place.
She flailed around in the mans arms letting out muffled cries as she felt his claws digging into her skin. His presence was unmistakable.
This was a demon, She was being held hostage by a demon.
She wailed at the realisation. Tears already started to fall down from her eyes, Especially once the demon trailed a talon along her bottom eyelid, Lightly digging in as she squealed about.
"That includes struggling, Hold still!" He laughed akin to a young hyena, High pitched laughs lacing every crack in his voice like he was one too.
Maika instantly stilled in his hold at the drop of his command, Her breathing becoming ragged as if all the oxygen in the world was taken away from her. Who was he? If he was a demon why didn't he already bite into her and tear her limbs apart like his nature would suggest?
"Now here is how this is gonna go.. You're with that Kakushi over there right?" He questioned. Feeling the eyes burn into the back of her head she nodded feverishly in hopes of pleasing him.
"Good! Then you must be with the slayers then…" His sentence was cut off by another burst of manic laughter, Making Maika yelp "This is great..! Only I could've got such a good catch.." He chittered to himself.
Maika felt her heart stop, He was fishing for information. Her breathing picked up, Was he going to torture her? Kill her? She couldn't be here, She couldn't believe it. There was no way.
Yet the feeling of claws circling her neck said otherwise.
"P-Please.." She whispered out through his hand, Voice pleading, Begging to be let go. She watched the Kakushi from the alleyway. It seemed like he had gotten the turmeric and had realised her absence, Calling out her name and looking around.
"Don't make a sound" He threatened.
No.. Maika's stare burned into the Kakushi, To peer into the alleyway, Begging to Inari for him to notice her state and get help.
But he never looked her way, Lightly stumbling in another direction.
She felt her hope shatter into a thousand pieces, He couldn't see her, Not from the alleyway. Maika knew that even if she complied with the demon- No. This monster's demands then he wouldn't let her go, She'd make for a quick meal.
Maika would be forgotten. What had she even done in life? Only finally pass final selection just to cower out and reserve herself to a shrine, If she died here, Nothing would change. Would anyone even mourn?
His claws pressed further into her neck, He'd kill her. He'd kill her no matter what she said.
Maika took a deep breath in. If that was the case, Then she knew that she had to at least try, To try and live another day.
She suddenly unsheathed her Kaiken from her hakama trousers.
Kaigaku didn't even have time to react as it punctured his neck.
"Ack!" He choked out, A spray of blood erupting from his neck as the maiden slipped from his grasp in the split moment he let go.
"OVER HERE!" Maika screamed out as she dashed into the wide open street. The kakushi turned around to see her running frantically towards him.
"Gr.. Ah!" Kaigaku hissed as he grabbed the Kaiken, Yanking it out of his neck.
"Demon attack, There's a demon! We've gotta go, NOW!" Maika yelled at the Kakushi, Who stood their wide eyed. Grabbing him by the wrist they both started running down the rocky pathway.
"You bitch!" Kaigaku yelled after her, Stepping out into the moonlight of the pathway and watching them go.
Maika kept running through the empty streets, The Kakushi quickly in tow. She didn't know how powerful this demon was as she didn't get a good look at it, She wouldn't get one now, She couldn't bare to look back at it.
"We need to hurry, Get back to the shrine and alert a slay-"
In a flash of black lightning Maika tumbled down to the floor, The snow barely cushioning her fall as she yelled out in pain, A skin-deep sword slash cutting open the back of her kosobe.
"Heihachiro-san!" The Kakushi called out, Stopping only a few metres away as he looked out at the scene.
Kaigaku stood over her, His sword drawn as he pressed a foot down into the peak of her back. His face was contorted into a scowl as he glared at the girl, Quite literally an ant under his shoe.
"You little bitch..!" He growled. Maika was winded, The breath completely taken away from her as she turned around to finally look at her assailant.
Her eyes widened, He was only a boy.. Could of only been in his teenage years yet the black whites of his eyes said he was a demon.
But what really disturbed her was two things entirely, The first was his slayer uniform. He use to be a slayer, One of them.. He use to be one of them.
But his eyes were the most terrifying.. Lightning blue irises with the kanji 'Upper Six' ingrained deep into them, Making Maika's heart feel like it was choking up her throat.
This was Uppermoon six.
"Ballsy move there.. But did you really think that pathetic little blade could stop me? Come on! Wound's all gone now anyways, See?"
Kaigaku said. Gesturing up at his neck to find that the puncture had already disappeared, Not even a speck of blood remaining.
"P-Please.. Just let us g- AH!" Maika was cut off by a sharp kick to her side, Making her scream out in pain.
"Shut up!" Kaigaku hissed, Leaning down to her level he showed off his row of sharp, tigerish teeth. Sadism near radiated from him in that moment when he lowered his clawed hands to her eye.
But then he jumped back in order to avoid the swinging nichirin blade, Neigh slicing at his neck.
The Kakushi stood in front of Maika in a defensive stance. He was terrified, Maika could tell as his knees almost buckled under him from the shaking. Yet he still held up his sword to the upper rank anyways.
Kaigaku finally took notice of him, Seemingly too invested in getting back at the maiden who put a hole through his neck before even realising he was there at all.
"Ah, The Kakushi! There you are.." Kaigaku exclaimed.
"Heihachiro-san.. Run.. Get out of here, I'll handle this!" The Kakushi proclaimed, Yet his voice was as shaky as the hold on his sword. He wouldn't take his eyes off of the demon in front of him while motioning for her to go.
"B-But you.." Maika stuttered.
"Just go!" The Kakushi said, Finally taking a quick glance at her. His stare was the finality.
Maika only nodded as she scrambled to get up from the frozen pavement, The wound on her back starting to bleed only a little as she quickly caught her balance, All before taking off in a mad dash towards the start of the mountain pathway.
"Oh no you don't! You're not getting away from me!" Kaigaku yelled after her. Swiftly drawing his sword once more but was stopped by the Kakushi, Who took another slice at him down the middle. Once more Kaigaku dodged, An easy task for him.
"My duty as a demon slayer, I won't let you get to her.. E-Even if it costs me my life" The Kakushi said, The dawning realisation of his imminent death finally coming upon him as tears started to dust his eyes.
Kaigaku grinned, Wide and toothy.
"You said it, Not me!" He laughed, Charging at the man with his unsheathed nichirin.
He didn't even realise that his arm was lobbed off until his body hit the ground, A wide spray of blood coating the pavement like paint.
The Kakushi screamed, A loud primal noise erupting from the deepest chords in his throat as he watched his tendons and ligaments be torn from its sockets. Blood still spurting out from the wound as he cried out into the night.
He writhed around on the ground, Screaming out in pain as he kicked and flailed about. Kaigaku laughed at the sight, As he slowly approached the man once more.
"Not so high and mighty, Are you? You thought you could protect that pathetic girl and.." Kaigaku paused.
The girl.
He quickly snapped his head up, Looking back and forth to try and find where she had ran off to, Yet it was no use, She was nowhere to be found.
Kaigaku let the realisation hit him before yelling out in rage.
Completely ignoring the maimed Kakushi on the ground in favour of breaking a group of barrels, Letting the pieces break and shatter into a thousand pieces on the floor.
"Damnit.. DAMNIT!" He cursed, Stomping the last of the pieces of wood under his sandals with several hefty thuds as he gripped his hair, Almost ripping it out from his scalp.
His breathing was heavier than his anger in that moment, His body rapidly trying to calm himself down. How could he let an insignificant, Cowardly little shrine-maiden get away? It was unfathomable. How could the cat let the mouse slip through its paws?
He needed to chase after her, She couldn't get away! It would be a disgrace to him, An absolute embarrassment.
He was brought back to reality by another groan of pain from the Kakushi, Who was trying to crawl away with what arm he had left. Kaigaku felt his heartbeat start to steady, The rapid pace mellowing down into a slow thump.
It didn't matter, He got what he came for. The Kakushi would of had more information than some nobody anyways, There was no reason to chase after her. After all, The Kakushi had the information to lead him to wherever she went. Two birds with a single limb.
The sound of lead scribbling away at paper seemed to fill the room, Such a miniscule sound yet it felt so loud within the confines of the library.
[F/N] groaned. Putting down her quill and grabbing the paper she scrunched it up in her hands and tossed it aside with all the other ones.
She placed her face inside her palms and started to massage her temple. The irritation inside her started to build like bacteria multiplying with the illness of it peaking into frustration.
The library was rather empty. The walls and rows of books stretching to the ceilings were only walked past once or twice, Either by the odd handmaiden or [F/N] herself, Going on a walk to try and calm her nerves.
She tried once more, Picking up the warm cup of sake-infused tea Seijun made and taking another quick sip. [F/N] felt the warm liquid go down her throat, The tea doing nothing to soothe herself but instead remind her of the state of her chest as she lightly coughed.
Setting the tea down [F/N] chided herself for feeling like this. She didn't know why she felt the way she did. Was it the nightmare? Was it the chest pains? Or could it be Shizuko.. The sudden meeting still fresh in her mind, Clear as day.
Maybe it was all of them. A combined effort of built up inconveniences that left such a sour aftertaste in her mouth, Tea doing nothing to wash it down.
[F/N] looked down at the desk she was writing at. The library was large, Probably the biggest room other than the haiden in the entire shrine. While it mostly consisted of tall ceilings and open shelves for people to pick out a book, [F/N] sat in a little nook tucked away at the very back of the library home to only a desk and a candlestick to illuminate her writing.
It was something she had been meaning to do for a few weeks now, A single piece of paper she had been meaning to write yet had put off like a chore. Even when she started to write down the first few letters the meaning would muffle, Causing her to get annoyed and scrunch the paper up and throw into the ever-growing pile.
[F/N] pulled out another blank sheet and placed it out in front of her. She sighed, Trying to gather her thoughts of what to say.
She needed to get this just right. She couldn't be too emotional but she couldn't exactly be too uptight either, There was a sweet spot she was hoping to hit, A perfect balance for her to write with.
This was stupid, She thought. Why was she even doing this in the first place? Maybe it would be better if she just didn't write anything at all. It would be easier for her anyways, But if she left things unspoken then how could there be any closure?
No. She needed to do this. Maybe not for her or not actually for the closure but there was an explanation that needed to be said, Something she at least owed to her. Ironically she didn't think she could live with herself if she didn't say something.
Picking up her quill once more she lowered it towards the paper. She knew she needed to say something, But what? There was so much yet so little at the same time, Where would she start? How would she say it?
Thoughts rushed in her mind and circled around her head like storm clouds. Everything from earlier still striking with them inside her. Shizuko.. How would he feel about this? Would he be disappointed in her?
If he actually knew, That is.
[F/N] paused the movement of her quill.
She shouldn't be thinking about him, Not after all this time. He doesn't even remember who she is.
[F/N] placed the tip of the ink dipped quill onto the paper and began to write once more. No thought went into the strokes and the lows of the quill, Just mindless word spill as it danced in her hands.
It was the culmination of the past few hours, Days, Months to years. Everything she had been wanting to say overflowed on that single sheet, Every word thoughtless yet held such weight to it as it finally got spoken.
The quill circled, The final period written down.
[F/N] picked up the piece of paper lightly, Bringing it up to the candle to read over her writing. Her eyes softly examined every word, Every letter and paragraph was carefully read over.
She set the paper down.
It was good, Good as it will ever get.
[F/N] took the piece of paper and a tea-stained envelope. Folding it up delicately she placed the paper inside of the envelope, Licking it and folding it with care she took the candle holder from the side of the desk.
She grabbed the candle and tilted it slightly, Letting the wax drip onto the core of the envelope.
Once she was satisfied she pushed it down with a little fox stamper, Creating the wax seal and completing the letter.
She tucked it away in an embedded pocket of her haori, Neatly settling it inside. She had finished. A sudden hit of serenity washed over her, A calm peacefulness finally filled the oxygen around her, A kind of feeling that was few and far between.
Picking up her half-drunken cup of tea she placed it up to her lips, Intending to finish it as reward for her work.
She let her mind drift off as she tasted the sugar and sake mix together on her tongue, A bittersweet taste ruminating as it went down her throat and fill her stomach with a comforting warmth. However it didn't last long as a sudden coughing fit interrupted her, Making her spit out the tea in her mouth.
She coughed harder, Placing her head into the inside of her forearm she set down her tea. The pain in her chest had kicked up without warning, Making the tea in her throat go out the other way.
She grabbed a tea towel and wiped her mouth with it, Finally getting the last of the residue out of her throat. The annoyance finally rising up inside her once more.
It reminded her, Where was Maika? Looking at the little pocket watch sat on her desk it had been two hours since she had woken up, Making it exactly five hours she had been out. While the mountain was hard to traverse it surely wouldn't take this long, Would it?
It was winter, Maybe the markets had a low stock and she had to search longer for a stall actually selling herbs. Maybe it was a little snowier than usual and they had to be a little more careful.
[F/N]'s brow quirked. Even though there was a myriad of reasons why she could be taking longer than usual, She still couldn't shake off the bad feeling underlying it all. A feeling that made her feel like she was drowning..
She finished off her tea, Sipping down the last of it and setting it down.
As it didn't before, It couldn't calm her nerves.
She could only hope that Maika was alright.
Run. Just keep running. That's what Maika told herself as she rushed throughout the snow like a madwoman, Desperate and begging to reach her destination.
Her lungs burned from exhaustion yet she kept on going. The slash made at her back had cut open her kosobe leaving her vulnerable to the elements, The cold seeping inside of every pore on her body and soaking up every little bit of the frostbite.
The wound itself wasn't as skin-deep as she thought since she could feel the droplets of blood coming up and running down her back She supposed she was lucky however, If it was any deeper she doubted she'd of been able to make it this far.
Traversing through the forest was something she did often, Just not in the winter. In the summer it was a common activity for the handmaidens to run around and pick the local produce: Nuts, Berries, Flowers. They did it so much that the layout of the entire forest was ingrained deep into Maika's memory.
Though she couldn't deny the difficulty in the winter. The frost had made it slippery, Making it a task in of itself not to trip over and bash her head in on a rock. The light fog concealed her vision too, Only a good few metres in front of her being perceived at all.
She pleaded to Inari, Begging that the Kakushi she had left behind would be alright. That he would somehow survive, Be in one piece at the very least. But she knew in the back of her mind, By the number in that demons eye she knew what would become of him.
Maika kept going, Stumbling only a little as the mountains terrain got a little rockier, Just a little steeper as she kept going. The fog got a little thicker as she went along too, Eventually to the point where it was neigh impossible to see.
By the time she knew she was lost her legs felt numb, Cold to the touch.
But she kept going anyways, Determined in her goal.
The dark hallway of the inn was only illuminated by the dim embers of the candles lining it in holsters.
Heavy thumps of both footsteps and the dragging of the Kakushi's body was the only noise in earshot, The rest as silent as a killer.
The Kakushi was barely conscious, His vision a messy blur as he felt so much lighter than before. His mind was in pieces too, Barely registering objects he bumped into and the tiny light from the candles seemed blinding to him, Making him writhe around.
Kaigaku had a firm hold on the mans neck, Claws itching to wring it but refrained from the sheer opportunity he held in his hands. A crudely made bandage stopping the bleeding going any further.
Kaigaku stopped in his tracks once he reached the end of the hallway, Standing face to face with a door not unlike any other they had passed. Just a simple, Mahogany wood door.
But Kaigaku took in a deep breath, Interrupted by nervous jitters. He looked himself up and down adjusting both his uniform and his hair just before reaching a clawed hand out and lightly knocking.
"Come in."
The voice called out from behind the door. Kaigaku took one more breath in before turning the knob and pushing the door open.
It revealed a wide open bedroom, An expensive one that the inn owner would only rent out to high-paying customers. Though it would be impossible now as her mangled corpse lay on the table, Limbs spread out like a religious painting.
"M-Master!" Kaigaku called out. His previous arrogant and cocky demeanour now washed away into a nervous and skittish behaviour as he cowered in the doorframe, Looking back at the other man. A complete switch in a single second.
Kokushibo sat at the table on his knees. The corners of his lips smudged with red as he held the inn owners leg in his hands, A large chunk already gorged out from the bone and down the gullet of her killer.
"What do you want, Tsuguko?" Kokushibo asked. His deep voice as stoic as ever, Even while holding the severed arm of his meal it never wavered in the slightest.
"I-I apologise for interrupting you sir but-!" Kaigaku didn't finish, Just hung up the maimed body of the Kakushi like meat on a hook. Grinning with nervous joy, Pleased at his catch.
Kokushibo stared dead eyed at the incapacitated body of the Kakushi, Watching him loll his head to the side and squirm around in his Tsuguko's iron grip.
Kaigaku looked back at his master, His grin however pleased it was still shook at points. Feeling his heart throb in his chest he could only wait.
Finally, Kokushibo put down the severed leg of the inn owner to be absorbed later. He got up from the tatami mat and dusted off his kimono, All six of his eyes never leaving the body for a second.
Kaigaku watched him walk over to them both. The Kakushi, Despite his head and his body in pieces was somehow acutely aware of the shift in the air, Seemingly going still in Kaigaku's grasp as Kokushibo now stood only about a foot away from him.
His hand reached out, The Kakushi barely recognising the clawed hand examining his uniform. Tugging and feeling the consistency of the fabric.
He hummed. A deep gravelly kind of reverberation came from his throat, Reminiscent of what an animal would make while cornered.
"A Kakushi.. This is good work… I congratulate you on your efforts, Tsuguko.." Kokushibo said, The tension finally broken Kaigaku deflated. Shoulders slumping as he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, All in favour of smiling like a madman at the praise.
The Kakushi groaned at the sudden speech as he lightly tugged his head up, Only to come face to face with six blurry golden eyes staring him down.
"Ggh-!" The Kakushi yelped, Only to be cut off by a sputter of coughs and gags like something was lodged inbetween his throat, Which was now squeezed tightly in between a single palm.
Kaigaku let go of the Kakushi and let Kokushibo handle it now, Watching as he was raised to reach his masters own towering height. The Kakushi quickly blinked his eyes as he continued to cough, The fuzz in his vision clearing away.
Kokushibo's terrifying visage was now on full display to the man so unfortunate to gaze upon it. Six eyes, Six golden bloodshot eyes pierced and stung at his skin like a thousand wasps as he widened his own.
Uppermoon one.
This was Uppermoon one.
The Kakushi couldn't look away from the kanji in his eyes, Like a horrible wreck he was faced with he couldn't bare to take his eyes off him for a single second. Even as he felt the demons talons dig into the skin of his neck he never felt a single bit of it.
"And you found him doing..?" Kokushibo queried, Drawling out every little syllable.
"B-Buying stuff from a merchant." Kaigaku responded.
"And in his uniform.. Interesting." Kokushibo mumbled under his breath, Seemingly lost in thought.
Suddenly his claws jagged in a little deeper to the Kakushi's neck, Making him groan out in pain as he felt blood start to trickle down the demon's fingers.
"He is conscious… You can hear what I am saying, Yes?" Kokushibo asked.
The Kakushi nodded slightly. The undertone of the demons voice contained a low threat, A small warning. A warning for what he might do to him if he didn't answer him back with what he wanted.
Kokushibo brought the man down.
"Good.. Then you will be able to answer as well.." Kokushibo said. Kokushibo suddenly reached to the side of his waist and gripped his sword hilt. The Kakushi finally pried his eyes away from the demons only to see the sharp of a flesh forged blade, Pointed straight at his jugular.
The Kakushi cried out as he started to flail around in Kokushibo's grasp, Desperate to get away from the blade.
"Now.. I understand that you slayers are not very.. Compliant with us." Kokushibo started.
He pressed the tip of his sword just a little further into his neck.
"So to act as a bit of encouragement.. I highly suggest that you start talking.. Otherwise it wont just be an arm you'll lose.."
"Thank you again.. [F/N]-san. There are no words I could say to appreciate your generosity and kindness.."
The room sat high on the second floor of the shrine, One of the bigger ones housed within the walls. It had tall ceilings and a wide open floor plan, The only furniture was a simple large tatami mat and hanging tapestries depicting Shinto lore.
It gave the room a long kind of look. The tapestries were overlain like paint on a portrait making the room seem wider than it really was, Not a bad look. Just mildly clustered.
Gyomei sat along one side of the room, The one with the door. Behind him sat a menagerie of different people, All of them slayers.
Some of them [F/N] recognised. Genya sat beside Gyomei, Sitting appropriately on his knees and intently listening in to the conversation. The other she recognised was Tanjiro, Who sat a little behind the Hashira with another girl she didn't quite recognise.
There were a few others too that she didn't know of. A boy with a boar head struggled to stay still on the tatami mat while another boy with canary coloured hair held his head low, Not looking up at all.
And then there was Shizuko, Who sat to the other side of Gyomei. His wide eyed stare was ever there, Examining the entire room top to bottom to commit it to memory.
[F/N] tried her hardest not to look at him for too long.
"It's alright. We here have opened up our shrine to you slayers for a reason, You are completely free to come and go as you like.. As long as you stay respectful to the integrity of this place, That is." [F/N] said, Her soft tone matching her smile as she thanked the Hashira.
[F/N] sat at the opposite end of the room facing the group of slayers, Seijun sat beside her. She had tried to avoid Gyomei all throughout the day yet she supposed that it was bound to happen eventually. Gyomei, As much as she rather disliked him, Was always a cordial and respectful man. So it basically threaded in fate that he would want to thank her.
Gyomei rattled his beads
"Thank you.. [F/N]-san. However I must apologise for my college, Fujimori.. I've been searching for him around the shrine but I am unable to locate his whereabouts. So I would like to thank you on his behalf and apologise for his disrespect.." Gyomei said, Bowing his head lightly.
[F/N] felt herself let out a tiny relieved sigh, Despite his impeccable senses he was completely unaware of her little Jekyll and Hyde charade. She lightly thanked Inari under her breath.
"Ah, It's fine.. I honestly don't mind, It's not a necessity to thank us for our hospitality but I do appreciate the effort. I'm sure Fujimori is thankful" [F/N] said, Bowing her head straight back to him.
"Even so.. It would of been more respectful to your shrine if he did offer thanks." Gyomei replied, Silently crying over the disrespect from Fujimori, Assumedly at least. It was always hard to tell.
"No, No. Really, It's nothing that I- Ack!" [F/N] keeled over, A sudden coughing fit burst out from within her throat.
Seijun quickly got up from her position behind [F/N] and to her side.
"[F/N]-sama.." Seijun said, Lightly patting the centre of her back as [F/N]'s sputters died down into low wheezes. Gyomei was already across the room in a second, Now kneeling down in front of the two.
"[F/N]-san.. Are you alright?" Gyomei asked.
"Y-Yes.. I'm fine. My chest is just a bit painful right now.." [F/N] said however strained her voice was.
"How long has it lasted?" Seijun asked, Using her hands to examine the low of her back to the peak of her neck for any damage.
"Since a few hours ago.. We were out of anything to use as a remedy so I sent a shrine-maiden down to the village to buy some more.. But.. She hasn't come back yet." [F/N] replied. She warily lifted her head towards the clock.
"About five hours and thirty two minutes ago to be exact.." [F/N] said.
"That is.. Not normal.." Gyomei replied.
"Correct, She should of been back by now.. I would've gone to check on her but with both my duties and my chest pain I'm not fit to." [F/N] explained.
It was true, The speck of worry she had felt before only grew into bigger and bigger every time she was reminded of her pain. Maika should of been back by now. She was a shrine-maiden and had most likely committed the mountain's layout to memory, It was a given. But with the winter it could of been made tricky.
What if she had dismissed [F/N]'s orders of wearing warmer clothes? What if she didn't find a Kakushi to help escort her? [F/N] bit her tongue, She didn't want to know what could've happened to her.
While they were never that close, The shrine-maidens here were one thing of three that she cared for dearly. She didn't want them to die, Not any one of them.
"If you desire, I will go and search for the shrine-maiden." Gyomei offered, His ever-sombre voice breaking [F/N] out of her thoughts.
She smiled lightly.
"If you could, That would be amazing, Himejima-san." [F/N] nodded. It was good, Gyomei despite his blindness was rather extraordinary at tracking down people, But more often than not it was demon's.
Gyomei nodded.
A voice called out from the group of slayers. [F/N] peered over Gyomei's shoulder to see the younger canary haired kid. He was rather short and wore a nervous expression that never seemed to fade, Something that [F/N] noted.
"If you're gonna go down the mountain.. I'd like to come along, No offense but this place is pretty creepy.." The boy said. He was eyeing a specific tapestry depicting several creatures with rather ugly expressions. He shivered like a wet cat while looking at it.
An irrational coward to an unbelievable degree, Something [F/N] also picked up about him. The tapestries were everywhere around the shrine and if he was uneasy by one of the smaller ones then [F/N] could only imagine what happened when he saw the others.
"Not for me! These demons don't scare me in the slightest!" The boar headed kid beside him suddenly yelled and jumped up onto the soles of his feet.
"I could take any of them on easily, Especially that one! It's no match for Inosuke, God of the mountains!" Inosuke yelled once more, Pointing towards some unknown point in the tapestries.
"It's just a banner! It's not real, Inosuke!" Tanjiro called out to him.
"Heh?! Of course they're real! Why else would they be made into hides?" Inosuke retorted, Which seemed to start a full on argument across the room as the other kids joined in.
[F/N] watched over them and groaned, Pinching her temples.
"Listen, Himejima-san. Thank you so much for doing this, Just get the slayers who want to come along with you and try to find her." [F/N] spoke, Returning the conversation to the two adults as the argument went on in the background.
"Alright.. Do you have any description of what this maiden looks like?" Gyomei asked.
[F/N] hummed.
"Her name is Heihachiro, Maika. She's pretty small, around 5'3.. Erm.. Blonde hair and dark eyes. She's assumedly wearing the shrine-maiden uniform.. With ribbons in her hair too." [F/N] said, Trying to give as much details as possible.
"Understood. I'll try to recover her as soon as possible." Gyomei got up from his kneeling position and bowed in front of her. [F/N] returned the gesture, A genuine display of gratitude.
"Thank you. Stay safe, Okay?"
Splatters of red crimson painted the corner the Kakushi's body was slumped in. His limbs numb, So numb. It felt as if they weren't even there anymore, Like that they were torn from the sockets and were laying on his lap on display.
But that wasn't true, Was it? What time was it, He didn't know. Where was he, As well? It was so dark where he was that couldn't even see a foot in front of him, Only feeling it severed from his ankle.
He was so tired, As if the weight of the entire world was collapsing on top of him, Unable to carry it no longer. He couldn't even feel the tears in his skin, Thousands of them adorning his skin like papercuts bleeding him dry.
The tilt of his head, The feeling of a flesh forged blade titling his head up to meet the face of his assailant.
He wanted it to end, His life. He couldn't go on anymore, He didn't care. The pain was too much for him to bare that he just wished the curtains could close and never open up again. Everything hurt so much, Everything.
"Now.. Are you ready to tell us..?" His assailant asked. The shine of his eyes like lighthouses in a storm-ridden night, Looking down at the broken wreck of a man in front of him.
The Kakushi opened his mouth, Saliva mixing with iron he finally spoke out in a raspy whisper.
Candles lit up. Small embers growing from the wax as they met with the other creating a dim yet comforting light in the haiden.
Baskets of weaved straw bustled around the entire hall. All of them were filled with some sort of offering: Flowers, Fruit, Bottles of Sake and rice grains. All in favour of pleasing the deity enshrined here.
[F/N] walked slowly along the long drawn carpet. Moving past the lit candles, Hanging tapestries and woven baskets as she finally reached the altar.
It was the heart of the haiden, The pandemonium of the entire shrine.
The offerings grew heavier here with candles sprinkled in between the cracks, Ever burning bright in the dark shadows of the hall.
She dusted off her kimono and settled herself down in front of the altar, Making sure to get comfortable on her knees as she knelt before the wooden haiden. She took in a deep breath, Ready to speak The nightmares, The thing she had came to ask about. [F/N] had prayed to Inari before about them, Mostly praying for them to stop during ceremonies or on her own personal time.
They never did stop however. [F/N] often wondered if Inari was listening at all, If her prayers really were getting heard.
Or maybe it was because her nightmares were meant to happen. It wasn't exactly unheard of people getting prophetic visions through their dreams, It was actually a rather common story among demon slayers.
Insight of a past life, Views into future events. It was all rumours spread around the metaphorical water-cooler, Tales of visions spread through dreams. While [F/N] was rather sceptical of these claims she knew how the kami were said to work, She supposed it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.
And now as she knelt at the altar she had supposed that maybe they were true after all.
But still, The newest dream still fresh in her mind ate away at her bit by bit. If they were visions, They were rather subtle before. Maybe not even serving a higher purpose but remembering the primal scream of the voice and the raw look of terror in her double's eyes made her stifle her breath.
She couldn't make sense of it, Not in the slightest.
Letting out the deep breath she was holding she clasped her hands up into prayer. Closing her eyes she prepared to ask.
"Ō-Inari.. Please, Hear my call."
The crunching of snow came out from under his sandals, Heavy thumps making their way through the endless gale as he ascended upwards.
Kokushibo marched forward, The cold being nothing but an annoyance coming in from around him. His eyes narrowed as he felt something else crawl up his spine, A reminiscent emotion. One he hadn't felt in centuries as Kaigaku followed him close behind.
The Kakushi had finally given up information to the two, All in exchange for his torment to finally end. Kokushibo thought it was pathetic, Such a weak little human he was. Both in strength and in mind.
He had spoke of a Kakushi base, The place where the majority of slayer operations originated from. It was good information, One of the best leads any of them had had in years.
"T-The Kakushi said that it was somewhere up here?" Kaigaku asked.
The chilling temperatures didn't bother him either as he stood strong with his sword drawn. He had hoped to hell and back that the Kakushi didn't give them false information, If so then it would be impossible to interrogate him once more.
Kokushibo just kept moving, Not acknowledging his Tsuguko's attempts of conversation as he kept going.
That feeling, That feeling once more crawled up the dip of his back. He couldn't recognise it despite how oh so familiar it felt. His eyes finally targeted on an object through the mist, A dark shape settled within the cold mist.
Kokushibo squinted his eyes to try and get a better look at it.
Kaigaku gulped as he started to fiddle with his thumbs, The worry of misinformation starting to come up once more.
"What if.. What if he gave us wrong info? What if-" Kaigaku stopped mid-sentence as he saw Kokushibo pause.
His steady stride through the snow had halted all of sudden. If Kaigaku didn't know better then he could of sworn he saw a jolt go through him, Like a static shock making him still in place.
"M-Master..?" Kaigaku muttered as he moved around to Kokushibo's side to get a better look at him.
All three sets of Kokushibo's eyes were wide open, Stretched to their very limits. His mouth was left slack open. A complete visage of what could only be described as shocked horror as he stared forward.
In front of him, Was a stone lantern.
There was absolutely nothing special about this lantern in particular. Just a wide stone block with a small carved roof on top of it. It was not unlike any kind of lantern he's seen before yet it finally clicked in his mind once he saw it.
It was a shrine lantern.
No.. Not just a shrine lantern..
It was the shrine lanterns used in his sister's shrine.
The air shifted around him in this realisation. As if he had suddenly became of the entire atmosphere, Every tree and every rock he was now acutely aware of as he glared down at this lantern.
It wasn't just the lantern.. It was everywhere, He recognised it now. This was where his sister's shrine is…
"M-Master…?" Kaigaku whispered, Reaching out for his masters shoulder.
As soon as it was connected, Kaigaku's arm was lobbed off from his shoulder making him yelp out in surprise as he backed away.
"Do not touch me.." He hissed, Finally coming back to his senses. Kaigaku nodded quickly as he stumbled a few steps further away from the man.
"We are here.. Go.. Go find another entrance to attack from.. It will be harder to defend from two sides.." Kokushibo commanded, His voice was firm. Borderline irritated as he watched Kaigaku quickly rush away in another direction, Quick to follow his orders.
He paid no more attention to him however as he took a few strides forward and kneeled down in front of the lantern.
It was lit. A small spark of ember had been lit between the barks of wood placed in it. The little flame was fighting against the blizzard to stay alive, And it held on. It had been recently lit.
Kokushibo felt anger rise up inside him like a boiling pot. He traced the stone of the lantern with his hands. This was [F/N]'s shrine, No doubt.. And if what the Kakushi had given the right information then.. They were using her shrine as the Kakushi base..
The boiling pot overflowed, The stone he was tracing with his hand was now crushed within his grasp and crumbled down like it was absolutely nothing to him. Even after the crushed particles of stone fell down into the slush below he wasn't done, As he swiftly levelled the rest of it with a single sway of his hand.
For all these centuries he couldn't bare to go back to her shrine, The lost memories of her life played out every time he even dared to think about it. It felt like a fist squeezing out the bloody juices from inside his heart, It was painful, He could never go back, Never..
At least not to the real thing anyways.
But that feeling inside him, The one that felt like his heart was about to burst was now replaced with absolute, Concentrated rage. In the time that he had left and abandoned [F/N]'s shrine the slayers had infested it like mice and claimed it as their own.
His teeth clenched. Canines and molars grinding against one and other as he cursed out the slayers under his breath.
It was just like that night. That awful night, One of the worst days of his life as he remembered the feeling of holding her frozen over corpse in his arms. The warmth left her body, Never to return.
Her dried tears.. The stab wound through her back.. She was covered head to toe in her own blood. She had tried to find help, She was fighting to survive in her last moments and he was too late to be there for her.
The memories of that night went through him. He had thought of them before, He had never stopped. Every waking moment he would be called back to that one stupid little night yet now as he knelt in the exact same place she had perished it felt so, so much worse.
But within the flurry of emotions he felt it was anger that came on top. The slayers had desecrated her shrine, His sisters shrine. They had turned it into a base without any respect given to her while he was gone.
It was unacceptable, It was truly down to the very last bone in his body a disgrace. The only remnant left of her and they ruined it.
Getting up from his kneeling position he rested a firm hand on his sword. The tears starting to speckle his eyes were quickly shook off.
He wasn't going to let them get away with it. They'd pay, Not for him but for his late-sisters sake.
How would she feel about this? About her precious shrine turned into nothing but business operations for the group that slew her? She'd be horrified, Disgusted too. He imagined it in his head, Her reaction to the news of what happened played out so clear it was if she was standing in front of him.
She'd cry as she listened to the tale of what happened to it, She'd hug him in search of comfort and he'd try his best to provide it. He imagined it happening..
All as if she was still alive.
"Don't worry, [F/N].. Michi-Nii will deal with this.."
"I don't understand, Inari.. I don't know what it means.."
[F/N] sat rambling off to the shrine. She had done the proper incantations and rituals to perform her prayers, Now all that was left was to consult them. See if they answer and if they do, She'd finally get her closure.
"The snow.. The man and those words. I don't understand it, Inari. Please, If you want to give me a message I beg of you, Be more direct with me.." [F/N] pleaded, Her hands still were clasped in that same prayer position just a little more desperately this time.
"For months I've been given these dreams, Either by you or by something else that's wrong with me. I know you are listening, That I do not doubt.." [F/N] continued as she lowered her head, Now bowing down to the altar.
"I just want to know.. What do they mean?" She said, A finality in her voice as she went silent. Waiting on eagerly for a response. It was quiet, Deafeningly so. Nothing made a single sound, No echoes travelled around the honden like they usually would.
[F/N] felt her hands clench up, Her body tense as she waiting for something. Anything.
Suddenly the candles flickered, The flames stuttering on and off.
[F/N] sensed it and raised her head, Watching as they moved about in a swaying motion.
"W-What th-"
An explosion of noise erupted from behind her like a dam being broken down by a raging tsunami. A rapid gush of wind and cold air hit her like the strormsurge as she yelped out in surprise.
She fell over, Holding onto one of the wooden pillars for support so she wouldn't be knocked over once more. The entire shrine's structure seemed to shake at the force of some unknown cause.
As the wind finally settled and she could lift her head. From outside the honden she could hear yelling and screaming of several groups of people, Panicked frenzied noises muffled by the shaken walls.
But what really caught her attention was the noise of the Kasugai crows coming out from their aviary on the third floor. It sounded like they were coming out in flocks, Croaking and screaming one single phrase over and over again.
Next Chapter
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What would it be liked to be Tanjiro and Nezuko eldest sister who their parents adopted then when they found them in a bamboo forest as a toddler
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Eldest Kamado Sibling Reader | Yandere Kimetsu no Yaiba
It’d feel like perfect harmony
Helping your mother as you take care of your sister and brothers
You see yourself as just another member of the family
And so does everyone in the Kamado family 
Just one trip down the mountain leaves you and Tanjiro in devastation 
Guiding you both on the journey to avenge your family and cure Nezuko
But don’t ever think Tanjiro lets you out of his sight
seniority be darned
And neither does Nezuko 
Their both hurting and they won’t stand to let another member of their family die
Or let you run off with the various hashira and demons that can’t seem to leave you alone
Known as the eldest sibling to the demon slayer that carries a demon on his back demonslayers and demons alike just can’t help but try to sway drag you from your mission to save Nezuko and avenge your family 
The Hashira fight to make you or Tanjiro their tsugoko 
You guys travel in a pack so it's a given they’d take either one of you for their advantage with you in the long run
As the eldest, you need to be more than acquainted with your senior’s right
And the demons that have the honor of having your weapon pointed in their direction
Report to their master about the beauty that travels with the traffic light earrings
And at this rate, he’s got to meet you
Perhaps history will repeat itself and he’ll be given the next most loyal servant
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angelic-dew · 10 months
Can I get some yan tanjiro pls?
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# yandere tanjiro headcannons !
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▸🥢・yuri's thoughts :: this request is so old, i am so sorry.
▸🍂・pairing :: Tanjiro K. x g/n reader — {you/your pronouns}
▸✖ ・trigger warnings :: yandere. isolation. possessive behaviour. occ? obsessions. delusions. jealousy. manipulation. grammatical errors. || proofread.
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⚝Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere which is stricken to the core with pure 'love'; well that's what he tends to call it. All his love and dedication is solely devoted towards his angelic darling, nothing could compare to how you make him feel - it's as if you're a simple treasure, that he must keep safe and hidden away from the greediness of the world.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that doesn't show his yandere tendencies often, to be frank, they never show unless it's a life-or-death situation. However, he tends to always reassure you more often than not, even when you don't need it. Kamado is always professing his undying lust for you in the simplest of ways: either soft praises of his own sentimental value towards you or a gentle gaze accompanied by a slight smile is always enough.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that cannot bare to see you in pain, furthermore, to see your beloved eyes beginning to weep and sob; he truly can't bare to behold a sight such as that, so more often than not, he would do almost anything in his power to keep you happy. Your smile is what he cherishes most. In fact, that's what attracted him to you in the first place, your captivating smile, it was just so alluring and he craves to see that sight more and more.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that spoils you from time to time; that being small gifts or maybe a thing or two you were eyeing at the market the other day. He does tend to pay his utmost attention to your every want and need, he's always listening to you - the slayer is just too wrapped around your finger, my dear, he will listen to your every beck and call, despite how ridiculous they may be. Anything to keep you happy after all.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that never shuts his trap about you. Singing your praises to the top of his lungs as if you're some God when he's away from you on a mission of some sort. He has constant reminders from Zenitsu to kindly shut up but those words tend to fall on deaf ears, for his beloved angel calls his name, every hour of each day, despite their presence being absent.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that manipulates you right from the start. It was his best attempt at a pacifist way of claiming you as his own for good. He spends his time with you when he's not on missions, whether that's enjoying your presence near him or Kamado savouring the conversation you both share together.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that with every individual word that comes out of that mouth of his, it is inclined to store such overbearing emotion behind them. Especially when he locked his eyes on you with such sweet eyes and a tender smile always plastering itself along his face. His voice was inevitably solemn and gentle; as the passion he felt for you was evident within his pupils.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that will make himself familiar with your hobbies/interests. Either trying them out himself or gaining more knowledge about said thing. It always fills him with pure joy to hear you talk about what makes you happiest in the world, and now that he's familiarized with them - he can understand that passion of yours to a greater degree.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that loathes in your loves. He wants it all for himself, he doesn't mind that he's selfish; all he really needs is you, his angel and your love is the purest thing he can get in life.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that doesn't take kindly to rivals, of course, he won't do anything drastic, however, jealousy still radiates off him by the boatload, it's always clear in his demeanour when he feels this type of way. Whether this person may be close to him or not, the only one he truly trusts you around is Nezuko - everyone else is out of the question.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that due to his jealousy, has to find a way to make the 'problem' go away, that is when he finds himself approaching you while the person is with you. Offering you some food or asking you to help him out with some matters. If all fails he pulls you in by the waist and pecks your cheek.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that needs you, to be with you desperately. He loves to savour your beauty your everything; his words are gentle but his intentions are darker and growing more calculated and precise every day he spends with you, that 'love' of his is also growing, like a flame, rapidly burning more as the warmth takes over. He's hooked on you like a drug, a drug he can't get enough of.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that is fully aware of what his actions may cause. The loss of friends and such, he's fully aware and it barely stings him as he does realize the mess he is making. After all, you're his, and he's pulling you closer to him every day; to the point, you feel like he's your world. You're so dependent on him. It's almost pathetic. But don't worry my dear, that's what he wants - he is more than capable of suiting your every demand.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that is an addict for you, and he surely knows that. He's waiting for the day he can claim you as his forever soulmate, for even death cannot draw him apart from you.
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© angelic-dew :: reblogs are appreciated ! <3
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certifiedsev · 1 year
•Tanjiro x reader one shot•
fluff fic i wrote at 2 a.m
Tanjiro stumbled into the nursing room, his breathing constricted and his clothes torn and ripped. He collapsed onto the bed, groaning in pain as he tightly clutched his side.
His girlfriend, y/n, rushed over to him, concern drawn on her face. She was a fellow demon slayer who also doubled as a nurse on her off days for the corp, and has been dating Tanjiro for several months. She knew way too well the dangers of their line of work.
“Tanjiro, what happened?" she asked, her voice gentle and soothing.
"I got injured while fighting some low rank demon in battle," Tanjiro said through gritted teeth. "But I'll be okay. It's not too bad."
You could see the pain illustrated on his face and the sweat seeping from his forehead. You quickly got to work, tending to his injuries while making him feel as comfortable as possible.
As y/n worked, she kept up a constant conversation with Tanjiro, trying to keep his mind off of his injuries. She talked about their past battles, their training, and even their plans for the future. Tanjiro listened, his eyes closed as he leaned into her warm touch.
You couldn't help but feel a slight feeling of sorrow for Tanjiro as you seen how distressed his injuries made him. You had always admired his strength and determination, but seeing him vulnerable like this made your heart ache.
Y/n found herself wanting to hold him close, hoping by some miracle, that she could instantly take away his pain.
As the night progressed, Tanjiro's pain began to subside, and he fell into a restless sleep. You stayed by his side, watching over him, with your hand resting on his chest feeling his steady heartbeat. You laid next to him, mimicking his breathing pattern with your own. Before you knew it, your eyes began to close and you drifted off into a light sleep next to him.
The following morning, you awake before Tanjiro and decided to sit up on the bed and read as you waited for him to wake up. Once he did, he instantly turned towards you, looking you directly in your eyes, as a small smile displayed from his lips.
"Thank you, for taking care of me and everything ," he said, his morning voice in a raspy whisper.
You leaned over and gave him a soft, gentle kiss, feeling his arms wrap around you in return.
"Of course, my love," You said, smiling. "You know i’ll always be here to help you”.
Tanjiro began to get up, his wounds only barley healed. You insist for him to lay down and get more rest but he assures you he’s fine (even though we all know he’s not, he literally just got patched up last night but anyways).
"I couldn't have made it through last night without you”. Tanjiro says turning towards you. “ And I just want you to know that I'm so grateful for you."
This made your heart surge with emotions. “I’m just doing my job”, you say in a soft joking tone.
“Y/n-“, Tanjiro starts but pauses for a moment.
He sighs and continues in a steady tone, “I love you”.
You look over at him with a gentle smile, your heart pounding and your face lightly blushing. “I love you too, Tanjiro”, You respond.
Tanjiro's face lit up with joy. He pulled you in close and kissed you passionately, feeling immediate satisfaction as his arms wrapped around you tightly.
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