#yandere ryogi
masochisticdevotion · 2 years
Ryōgi x reader headcanons
( I wasn’t quite sure what this request wanted since it was really vague so I sort of had fun with it, my condolences to the requester who had to wait this long life happened )
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You’ve been a friend of Shikadai’s for a very long time, your vibes just matched each other well weather you were exactly alike or complete opposites it didn’t matter
You two were often seen attached to the hip, weather it was training together or looking the clouds unless ether of you needed alone time even then most of the time you two preferred each other’s company rather than anything else
So when Shikadai told you he was bored and wanted to play Shogi in the park, you went with him, while not being the best at shogi you were getting better, plus you had gotten better at strategy since you’ve known Shikadai
You two chose to sit by the fountain to play while he told you about the shogi strategy he had been struggling to learn and his new shogi partner
You didn’t know much about him as it is with Shikadai’s friends all you really knew was his name - Ryōgi - and that he was good at shogi
You two played a few rounds of Shogi when an unfamiliar voice called out from behind you - Shikadai waved at the unseen person
You turned around to see who it was and was met with an unfamiliar yet pretty face, with pretty red hair and dark eyes - they must be Ryōgi
Shikadai greeted him and introduced him to you, as you thought this person was indeed Ryōgai
“It’s nice to meet you” he smiled, “Shikidai’s told me a lot about you”
“Nothing too bad I hope” you smirked looking over at your friend who was off in his own world setting up the shogi board
“Oh you have nothing to worry about, he thinks very high of you” Ryōgi smiled again, you wondered where he was from, as he definitely wasn’t from konoha or you would’ve seen him before
“That’s good to know” you side eyed your friend who seemed to be complete zoned out at this point
“He’s told me a few things about you” you lied not wanting to look rude to someone who probably doesn’t know Shikadai that well yet “though clearly he left out some important details”
Ryōgi looked confused, raising an eyebrow “And those are?”
You couldn’t help but smile as you turned to look at him “shogi strategy number one, never reveal your weakness’s to your opponent”
“Well now I’m even more curious” Ryōgi sat down next to you as you opened you mouth to speak you were interrupted by Shikadai who seemed to have snapped back in reality (oop there goes gravity)
“Are you two done flirting and can we finally play a game or are you going to let me third wheel longer?”
You threw a pebble at him “no actually were not” before you rolled your eyes “you guys have the first round I don’t need to get my butt kicked right away”
You watched them play their game for a while, just enjoying the show
You honestly didn’t realise how the sun was going down and its golden rays started to cast down onto the fountain
Its warm orange colour illuminated Ryōgi’s red hair making him look like he was glowing
He really was nice to look at
If Ryōgi was a yandere I think he would definitely have attachment issues
Due to what happened to his parents he doesnt like the idea of letting people go she hes really clingy
Hes really easily jealous - even with Shikadai he doesnt like people stealing your attention away from him
First he likes to steal things from you - he often says he found it somewhere so you begin to trust him and go to him when somethings missing or wrong
He doesn’t like people being near you guys in general, he just wants it to be him and you
He wants to steal you gifts but he worries you’ll be arrested for stealing so instead he just steals money and buys it for you
He falls into obsession easy, but love takes longer, he’ll follow you to see where you go, see your interests and try to bond with you
He’s just so clingy he loves hugs he just always wants to hold you - he loves pyshical touch
Hes just so scared you’ll leave him, he loves you so much and he doesn’t want to lose you - he’d sooner die
Hes just so sweet all he wants is to see you smile - he’s so considerate he’ll walk past a flower shop and go “oh those are (y/n)’s favourite I should get her some” or he’ll past a bookstore and see your favourite book and get excited to read it with you
He likes to play games with you - shogi, cards whatever, with you he’s not really competitive he just likes to have fun and feel normal with you
All he wants is someone to be there for him and never leave
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