#yandere anastasius de alger obelia
lyomeii · 10 months
a great leader
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❁ warnings: yandere themes, death mentions, f! reader.
❁ request by anon! Anastacius & Claude [both of them Yandere] With Sultan wife?
❁ a/n: I had to do a little research before writing this one anon! meaning of sultan: a king or ruler especially of a Muslim state. with that in mind, I hope you enjoy!
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-> he meet you as a child. your parents brought to become closer to him as a way to (maybe) his wife or just to be a great ally of the empire. anastasius was really happy to have as cool as you around, especially as you taught him a little of your birth language.
-> the two of your were were considered the best from the many future leaders, destined to rule over the world with a great alliances and yet, he died. leaving you alone for years as you take over the control of your father’s throne to became someone stronger and influential both inside and out of your territory.
-> once claude take over the throne of the empire, you took a visit to see the boy that once hide in his older brother’s shadow. it was quite nice to see how he got taller than you and it was even better meeting his beloved daughter.
-> once you returned home, you failed to notice the shadowy figure following you and once you did realize someone behind you, it was too late. anastasius has stolen you from your own bedroom in the middle of the night, leaving no trace behind. he has you trap inside a nice place where he will free you once he became the emperor.
-> once he took the throne, your family send you as a representative of your country since one day you will take the leadership of your nation. and surprisingly, claude enjoy having you around him.
-> as someone who was raised to become the face of your territory and guide the citizens, you are a quite mysterious to him. hiding your emotions behind a monotonous expression in fear of being hurt, claude admire you and definitely wants to be closer to him, either as a friend or a ally.
-> originally, you were supposed to be there for a few months for whatever reason that your parents send you, but claude decides to make you stay forever with a marriage proposal.
-> that made you angry, probably furious. how can this man think you could easily abandon your legit place as a nation’s leader to be with him? he is delusional, you said. but it was your parents that easily thrown you to him and made one of your siblings become the new sultan, leaving you with no other option than marriage.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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ragazza-whintigale · 15 days
Loved Anastasius post 💓💓Need a part 2 or Ana pov please!!
𝔜𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔄𝔫𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔲𝔰 𝔇𝔢 𝔄𝔩𝔤𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔞 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
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𝔒𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔞 ➵ Who Made Me A Princess
𝔄𝔳𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔷𝔢 ➵ Comportamento Yandere, tentato omicidio, utilizzo veleno per topi, tortura, ossessione, possessione, disumanizzazione, menzione all’omicidio, sangue, abuso fisico e mentale, manipolazione,
𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔢 ➵ 1791
⟢𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎 / 𝚂𝚞𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚘 ⟣
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Era difficile per Anastasius descrivere il suo primo incontro con (Nome) mentre per (Nome) è l’incubo più ricorrente quando dorme e quando è sveglia.
Lei semplicemente non gli ha mai rivolto attenzioni in primo luogo. Non gli rivolse attenzione neppure quando aveva l’opportunità di apparire in buona luce agli occhi del principe e non lo avrebbe mai davvero fatto ad essere sinceri solo le circostanze hanno portato al loro incontro.
Era una nobildonna, figlia di un Visconte, di cui Anastasius non ricordava neppure il nome, quindi ovviamente aveva accesso ai balli a palazzo, eppure non l’aveva mai notata prima. Una ragazza misteriosa, silenziosa ed elegante, che si circonda della sua cerchia ristretta e in cui è riuscita a nascondersi per molto tempo. Era davvero una persona che difficilmente e normalmente non si sarebbe notata nella folla e Anastasius non l’ha fatto ovviamente. Avrebbe potuto essere così per sempre se non avesse fatto quel ingenuo piccolo primo passo.
(Nome) era certamente una ottima e silenziosa osservatrice, i grandi occhi (Colore) erano certamente la sua qualità più evidente. Era anche un'ottima ascoltatrice e forse il suo acume era stata la sua rovina più grande.
Ma ancora di più la vana speranza che proclamare a qualche guardia di nascosto che qualcuno stava per avvelenare il principe senza essere notata o interroga era davvero da ingenui.
Portata davanti a una folla di nobili, l’unica cosa che fece era proclamare il complotto che si rivelò vero.
Anastasius fu salvato e assolutamente interessato a cosa fosse passato per la testa della ragazza in quella notte. Era spaventata dalla scoperta? Era preoccupata per lui? È venuta subito a denunciare il fatto? Oppure ci ha ripensato ancora e ancora cercando i benefici per lei? O forse voleva farsi vedere agli occhi dell’Imperatore?
Lui doveva saperlo: Che tornaconto aveva esattamente da tutto questo quella donna di poco conto? Non poteva averlo fatto solo per pietà… o invece si. Anche se non era realmente pietà ma più senso di colpa, ma comunque non aveva un tornaconto. Non ci stava guadagnando assolutamente niente.
Lo status e la popolarità di (Nome) non era cambiata. Anche se si parlava del complotto nessuno parlava che era stata lei a sventarlo semplicemente parlando e qualora l’avessero scoperto la (Colore) li avrebbe semplicemente liquidati. (Nome) non si era nemmeno presentata al palazzo imperiale per riscuotere il favore dell’Imperatore.
Per qualche strana ragione, Anastasius sperava che lo facesse, che prima o poi venisse e si presentasse per quella persona terribile e scalatrice sociale che lui sperava fosse. Ma non lo fece, anzi, non si fece nemmeno vedere ai balli sociali.
Doveva vederla.
Quando fu davanti alla tenuta del Visconte il suo Entourage chiacchieró rumorosamente riguardo la vista dell’abitazione circondata dal verde.
Ma lo sguardo del principe era semplicemente rapito dalla figura della figlia del Visconte che era scesa insieme al padre e alla madre per offrire la loro ospitalità al reale.
(Nome) non aveva detto una parola da quando era arrivato e non sembrava intenzionata a farlo.
❝ Qual’è il tuo intento? ❞ Una volta rimasti soli, fu Anastasius a parlare alla donna. Come appena risvegliata da un sogno, sbatte le palpebre mentre cercava di capire cosa potesse intendere l’uomo. Lei non aveva fatto assolutamente niente per dare l’impressione che lui aveva in qualche modo frainteso. ❝ Perdonatemi Vostra Maestà, per qualsiasi cosa io possa aver fatto, tuttavia io non capisco. ❞ Quella frase è uscita con una certe elegante e compostezza da parte di lei. L’espressione tornò neutrale e distante.
Era certamente abile per essere una donna qualsiasi e senza una vera importanza. ❝ Cosa avete ottenuto da quel giorno al ballo, quando mi avete salvato la vita. ❞ Un'espressione di chiarezza stiró l’espressione della donna che sembrava essere troppo matura per la sua età. Si spostó leggermente dalla posizione in cui era, e lo stesso fece lui di conseguenza. ❝ Penso abbiate frainteso, Sua Maestà. Io non ho ottenuto qualcosa dalle mie azioni. ❞ (Nome) fece una pausa, prese un sorso della bevanda fresca, si asciugó la bocca con il fazzoletto ricamato per poi parlare di nuovo. ❝ Mi è semplicemente sembrato giusto farlo, tutto qui. Se insistete, sparirò dalla corte, o ancora verrò a riscuotere il favore così da far tacere le voci.❞ Anastasius era rapito da questa donna. Dalla voce monolinea e calda, dai gesti semplici ed essenziali e dallo sguardo puntato ovunque tranne che nei suoi occhi.
Non stavi mentendo… e non era quello ad infastidirlo. Ma più che altro la semplicità con cui tu volevi risolvere la cosa. Come se fosse qualcosa di semplice e poco conto. Un bisticcio tra bambino o un ladruncolo da quattro soldi.
❝ Credi davvero di poterlo risolvere con così poco? ❞ ❝ Perché non dovrebbe essere così? Vi turba questa cosa? Possiamo trovare un compromesso se Sua Maestà lo desidera. ❞ Certo… Anastasius ha capito ad un tratto. (Nome) stava cercando di risolvere la faccenda il pi�� velocemente possibile. Ecco perché era stato facile rimanere da soli e lei non aveva mosso un ciglio a questo comportamento.
Potrebbe quasi ridere in realtà. Volevi sparire sotto un velo trasparente senza voler essere notata? (Nome) voleva che lui non avesse mai notato che lei esisteva. Faceva davvero ridere e perciò rise di gusto. L'espressione di (Nome) si corrucció all’improvviso cambiamento del principe, prima di assumere un’espressione altamente preoccupata. Stava parlare ancora, forse chiedendo se stesse bene, se volesse qualcosa o se lei avesse detto qualcosa di sbagliato.
❝ Hai Ragione, Lady (Nome). Perché non semplificare tutto! ❞ Una sottile linea di dubbio e paura per le prossime parole del principe era ben percettibile dall’espressione della giovane Lady. ❝ In che m-modo? Sempre se non sono inopportuna, Mio Principe.❞ No, non era inopportuna, infondo non sarebbe possibile per lui riscuotere il favore se lei non ne era a conoscenza.
❝Ho bisogno di una fidanzata, mia signora. E voi sareste perfetta per il ruolo. ❞
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❝ Sei silenziosa questa mattina, mia signora❞ La figura del principe fece capolino nei suoi appartamenti o meglio dire i loro appartamenti. L’ elegante passo del principe lo portò a sedersi al fianco della sua amata che si irrigidì alla semplice vicinanza. I suoi occhi erano posati su di lei ad analizzare come il suo portamento fosse rigido e impostato in sua presenza e di come il piccolo ago si stesse a poco a poco piegando tra le dita della donna. Una donna certamente degna di apparire con il principe, che non aveva secondi fini e che era troppo spaventata e intelligente per cercare di fargli del male. Lui semplice la adorava alla follia. Una follia fuori da qualsiasi controllo, che divorava entrambi. Lei dall’esterno e lui dall’interno.
Le porse un fiore come era solito fare ogni giorno, forse sperando che lei si sciogliesse ad un gesto così galante. La Rosa Inglese aveva un rosso intenso e brillante. Si aspettava che (Nome) la prendesse e lei lo fece, per poi posarla da qualche parte vicino a lei. Non degnó ulteriormente il fiore di attenzioni, tanto sarebbe sfiorito entro pochi giorni.
❝ Io sono sempre silenziosa, vostra maestà. ❞ Forse rivolgersi così a lui non era davvero la scelta più furba che abbia mai avuto, tuttavia che lei fosse rimasta in silenzio o avesse parlato non sarebbe cambiato niente in situazioni come queste. ❝ Questo è vero. ❞ Cantò con interesse alla sua schiettezza. Con il tempo era cambiato il comportamento di (Nome) o forse si è solo rivelata come la persona che solo le sue cerchie strette conoscevano davvero bene e questo non poteva fargli piacere. Ogni tanto si assicurava di tenerla al suo posto per accertarsi che non diventasse troppo audace ma tutto sommato gli è piaciuto quel suo modo spesso sfacciato, soprattutto quando la pressione la fa crollare come un castello di carte. ❝ Anche se a dire la verità mi piace di più quando piangi e implori. ❞
Come se fosse possibile, (Nome) si irrigidì ancora di più. Non era mai un buon segno quando parlava sotto minacce velate e lei ne sembra davvero consapevole. In quel momento poteva sentire tutti i lividi, i tagli, le ferite e le scottature che Anastasius le aveva procurato, bruciare all’unisono.
Con uno schiocco di dita la porta della stanza si aprì e una serie di cameriere entrarono per servire il tè. Il profumo leggero di rose si diffuse nell’aria, a causa della rosa regalata e dell’aroma del tè.
(Nome) non si è sorpresa di tutta quella gente che era disposta a servirli, ma si è sorpresa del fatto che insieme non ci fosse qualcuno che avesse fatto qualcosa per cui, secondo Anastasius, andasse punito.
❝ Cosa hai in mente? ❞ Le parole tremarono mentre si spostava a guardare i presenti ed infine il suo fidanzato. ❝ Assolutamente niente, mia casa principessa. ❞ Fece segno a qualcuno mentre parla e successivamente una tazza le venne servita. Il liquido ambrato, leggermente rosato, le fumava sul viso.
C’è qualcosa nel the. Non poteva che essere quello, lui aveva sempre doppi fini. Perché ora sembra solo canzonarla e prenderla in giro senza mai fare qualcosa. Deve avere qualcosa in mente, si scervelló nel pensare a qualsiasi scenario, situazione o piano, lui potesse inventarsi. O forse non stava facendo assolutamente niente, la stava solo prendendo in giro. Ma… se non fosse così.
Se il the fosse veramente avvelenato e nel fidarsi poteva firmare la sua condanna e il divertimento del principe.
Anastasius rise di gusto ad un certo punto. Provava sempre un certo gusto nel deriderla. ❝ Su su, (Nome) non fare quell’espressione o mi farai arrossire. ❞ Con la coda dell’occhio osservo il biondo mentre un’altro sbuffo di vapore gli scaldó il viso. ❝ Come potrei mai fare una cosa del genere alla mia bella Moglie? ❞ La cosa che (Nome) trovava ridicola e inquietante era che lui lo farebbe davvero, anzi, lo aveva già fatto diverse volte.
Lui aveva cercato di avvelenarla per davvero. Solo per puro divertimento. ❝ Avanti, non guardarmi come se ne fossi capace. ❞ Schioccó le dita di nuovo. Dalle porte entrarono delle guardie questa volta, mentre trascinavano una figura maschile sanguinante.
Un semplice fantino che le aveva raccolto il suo ventaglio quando le era caduto. Questa colpa era davvero così grave da dover essere punita e non solo giudicata?
Un gemito di dolore uscì dal povero ragazzo lasciato cadere a terra successivamente.
❝Adesso (Nome), dimmi quanto sei disposta a sacrificare… ❞ Anastasius giocó con la sua tazizna vuota guardando divertito la ingiusta vittima. ❝ Tu o lui? Scegli in fretta e sarò clemente. ❞
Scelse Se stessa… Affinché tutti in quella stanza potessero confermare che nessuno era più adatto e crudele di lei a stare con un principe altrettanto crudele
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Hello can you do Yandere Claude and Anastacius de Alger Obelia [ Separated please ] with mother reader?
Hello. Is the reader a widowed parent? Or the ex-wife of Claude and Anastasius?
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amusedyan · 4 years
Someone tried to help Lovely once. It did not go well for them.
....you know....that is evil. And I know exactly who would try to help her.
tw for non explicit child abuse in this one
It wasn’t right, what the Emperor was doing.
Elpis had been brought to the Ruby Palace to serve as the nanny to the Emperor’s new charge. When she’d been told the location, and the occasion of her hiring, she’d been...very concerned. When she’d been told that her charge was called ‘Lovely’, she’d been terrified.
“But what’s her name, Your Majesty?” She’d asked, her head still bowed. The Emperor had laughed. At his side was the child in question.
“Her name is whatever I wish. And I’ve settled on Lovely.” The child had offered no argument.
No one knew where the child had come from, only that Anastasius had brought her to the Ruby Palace and treated her as if she was a princess. He showered her with gifts and attention, took her as his escort to balls and political occasions that called for a partner, and was rarely away from her if he could help it.
Elpis was very, very concerned.
Lovely was a quiet, intelligent child, very isolated.
How couldn’t she be? When the Emperor refused to let her near children her own age?
She looked at the Emperor like he was the sun and stars, and the Emperor looked at her like she was something to be studied. Elpis trailed behind them as they walked in the gardens and the Emperor held her hand while Lovely asked her questions.
He was oddly knowledgeable about flowers.
The first time Elpis found out he tucked Lovely into bed she’d panicked.
What was going on?
It wasn’t natural, the way he treated her.
The more time she spent around them, the more concerned she grew. Occasionally there were bruises on Lovely, bruises that matched with being struck, thankfully. And when Elpis, quietly, and privately, asked if the Emperor had ever touched her in places he shouldn’t, she was given a very confused denial that could only be true.
One day, Elpis brought them tea and heard them talking before she entered the room. Against her instincts, she paused to listen.
“...and one day, when you’re a grown up, you’ll be my wife. How does that sound, Lovely?”
“That sounds nice.”
When she had entered a moment later, Lovely was playing at the Emperor’s feet, and he was watching her like a cat might look at a defenseless bird with a broken wing.
Elpis couldn’t stand by, even though it was her Emperor.
She packed a bag for the child and began saving money, drips and drabs, and kept her eyes and ears open.
“Would you like to go for a walk?” Elpis asked Lovely one night, waking her from a deep sleep. “We can go see the stars.”
Lovely- they would have to find her a real name- smiled happily and allowed Elpis to dress her (it was dark enough that the child couldn’t see that she was in clothes plainer than the Emperor would ever allow).
They got further than Elpis had feared.
Lovely grew tired, and Elpis carried her.
But not as far as she had hoped.
The Emperor’s personal knights surrounded her, and, fearing the worst, she put the child down.
One of the knights pulled her away, and Elpis was struck over the back of the head.
She heard Lovely screaming as the world went dark.
“I trusted you with my Lovely and you spit in my face,” The Emperor tsked. Elpis, her hair sheared short and her tongue cut out, could only scream wordlessly.
“Lovely belongs to me.” He said coldly. “I don’t appreciate people trying to steal what’s mine.”
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lyomeii · 11 months
i love you so much and deeply
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warnings: yandere themes, f! reader, mentioned death, Stockholm syndrome, manipulation and much more.
request by anon! Hello! I'd like to request for seperate headcannons where the [Wife] reader calls Claude de Alger Obelia, Anastacius de Alger Obelia, and Regis Adri Floyen out of the blue to tell them they love the boys in tears. The boys are very worried and maybe jumping to conclusions, but the [Wife] reader was just missing them and wanted to let them know. Thanks~
a/n: I see, you have a certain type of men in your heart anon :) me too, buddy. Sorry for taking so long to post it, hope you enjoy it!
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-> frozen. he didn’t move a muscle when you hugged him from nowhere. you aren’t the type of person to hug someone, especially him. are you finally succumb to his touch? yes, you are.
-> now, he holds your hands whatever is possible. it’s make you feel safer, you told him. claude can’t hide the smile on his face, knowing that you have realized that you love him and that he won’t never let you down.
-> after a few weeks locked, you began to crave his touch and as expected, you become quite touch with him. instead of yelling and crying, you start hugging and kissing anastasius daily.
-> he knows that you finally understand how important he is to your life. knowing that he is the only person who is capable of giving such affection after such a long time of being by yourself inside that room. anastasius knows that you won’t try to escape again, especially if now that you have craving his touch and kisses.
-> he thought of the many possibilities of what might have happened to you cry in his arms, did someone hurt you? threat you? regis is ready to kill anyone in your name.
-> but turned out you just missed him? well, regis have been recently busy with works in the past few weeks, leaving you alone and since jubelian is traveling with max to somewhere else, you are all by yourself in the dukedom.
-> regis admit that he have been neglecting you in recent times, so he decides to take a few days off from work in order to spend more times with you. the smile you gave him when he told that was more than enough to bright his day.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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ragazza-whintigale · 20 days
Ultimamente mi sento abbastanza produttiva.
E anche se non vorrei cantare vittoria, in serbo per voi questo mese ho:
- La prima di 4/5 parti di una Dark! Jude Duarte x reader x Dark! Cardan Greenbriar ( seconda e terza parte sono quasi ultimate )
- Una vecchissima richiesta per un Yandere! Anastasius x reader.
- Ed infine il primo di 4 post dedicati a Fourth Wing: Una Dark! Sorrengail Siblings x reader.
Se mai riuscirò, potrei portarvi alcuni capitoli in arretrato tra cui alcune richieste su cui sono bloccata, una Soft Dark! Liam Mairi x reader e una Yandere! Aquamarine Hoshino x reader.
( Per chi è nuovo ai miei post gli consiglio di prestare attenzione ad eventuali avvertenze ⚠️ I comportamenti dei personaggi dei miei post sono volutamente esagerati e oscuri. Quindi se non ti piace scorri e blocca tutti tag con Dark! )
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lyomeii · 1 year
can’t forget about you
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-> warnings: yandere themes, death, reader has a son who is heir, canon diverge, reader is dead and much more.
-> request by anon! Hai! Can I request Claude de Alger Obelia who first love was also a beautiful dancer and had given birth to a son but passed away from being Poison, then a few years later Claude meet Diana who Claude started see reader in her? Diana, lily, Athanasia Reaction to find out? (Also sorry I kinda suck at explaining)
-> a/n: angst, love it. it been a while since I wrote something that didn’t have a good ending and you don’t how i enjoy writing this one.
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-> every dreams of claude, you are there. not at his side like old times, rather you are far away from him, watching him from distant and every time claude walks towards you, you vanish from his eyes.
-> the sweet old times he married you, his first wife, and promised to lead a best future with you along side the little boy you had recently give birth to. he didn’t care about the throne, only about you and the boy he named cyrus , who has his blue eyes and your hair making him a cute baby.
-> for a time, there was happiness for the three of you. even though you two were quite young when having a baby boy. those times were full of peace and joyful moments until a sudden day.
-> you were killed. someone poisoned the tea cup you used on a common tea party with your cute son and husband. the amount of blood you spilled from your mouth was huge, the drops ruins claude’s vests and made cyrus cry out loud.
-> you died there, in front of the two people you treasure the most and yet, you look quite happy knowing that you had time to say goodbye to both of them.
-> that day ruined him almost completely and claude has few problems while trying to comfort cyrus about why mother isn’t coming back with them or why someone would hurt you. claude was a mixed of angry and depressing.
-> when anastasius died and the empire almost fall in disgrace, claude become the new emperor with his son at his side. both of them become even closer after you death, fearing that something would happen to them.
-> as cyrus grow older, he began notice how his father was truly is. a sad man who hide his true feelings beneath a smile whatever they are in the same place, so the boy question his father why not to find someone to make him happy again.
-> firstly, claude felt betrayed by his own son. how cyrus could speak like this, he literally told his father to move on from your death after years. the emperor knows that his son is right, so began look to met someone else.
-> he then met diana, the woman who made his heart sparkle full of love and in the end, cyrus looks happy to know his father moved on, well at least for a while.
-> when diana got pregnant, cyrus got be more joyful to know he is going to be an older brother, yet claude felt something wrong in his heart. something tell him that a bad event will occur soon.
-> and it does happen. diana die shortly after giving birth to a baby girl and claude was a mixed of strong emotions. he send the girl to life far away from the main palace in order to forget about diana and that made things worst.
-> cyrus was so angry at his father for it and screamed at his father how selfish he was and how you never love him if you knew what he did to athanasia. those little words made the man angry and sad at his own son, sending the boy away from the palace to the academy.
-> now he sit alone in the throne, too stupid to recognize his wrong actions and hold back his feelings about the the two women he loves.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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lyomeii · 1 year
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-> warnings: yandere themes, lante agriche, death mentions and much more.
-> request by anon! Hello there!! I was wondering if you can do Lante Agriche and Female reader who Related to Claude de Alger Obelia?? (younger sister)
-> a/n: this request caught me surprise, never expect to write between two manhwas and what a crossover with two characters who i won’t never trust my life with.
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-> your eyes meeting with his aren’t supposed to happen. he bringing you to his mansion and making you his newest wife is a fate that you shouldn’t have experienced, but you are living the nightmare.
-> claude being your older brother always being worry about your safety since your birth and when anastasius died ( and all that mess occurred), he become more anxious about the fact you act as a diplomat for the empire. he tried to prevent you from leaving your nation and failed.
-> thinking now, he was right. the carriage you were was attacked and found by the black agriche, to make things even worse, the head of the family proposed to you.
-> you know he didn’t immediately killed for the sole reason that you are related to a emperor of another nation, but for the fact he can’t die if he attempts to touch in any inappropriate way and also lante can become more powerful with you at his side.
-> standing in a territory where you could easily vanish from existence with a man whose actions are well know back in the empire, who didn’t had much option than agreeing to be with him with many conditions.
-> firstly, you won’t share a bedroom with him. secondly, he won’t lay a finger at you and third, if you manage to escape from this place, he can’t come after you.
-> he accepted it. and now officially, you two are married and now you are the newest wife of the black agriche. a little game you create as you already have a plan in mind to escape him.
-> back home, claude knows you must be trapped somewhere since you’ve given no sign of life nor return back to the empire. he don’t waste any time sending an entire squad to search after you.
-> luckily or not, claude soon discovery about your whereabouts. you are trapped along a wicked man named lante agriche, someone worst than the blond could ever imagined or met before.
-> your brother was desperate in lack of words and hearing that you married that man made him worse. how someone so gentle and nice like you get closer to a man like him? He knows that you’ve being tricked into such marriage.
-> as much claude want to rescue you away from that place, he can’t do it as long you are married to lante. the emperor fears that every member of the agriche family will attempt to kill him if he does that, even though many of the members there hate the black haired man.
-> for now, you have to find a way to escape from that place on your own. your eyes focus on every movement that lante does and in mostly of the members of the household. waiting for the opportunity to escape, yet how long will take to this happen? maybe a month or a year, yet you know you won’t give up.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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lyomeii · 2 years
Who made me a princess
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-> yandere headcanons
-> a reader who misses him
-> a sultan! reader
-> platonic! with daughter reincarnated
-> a darling who loves going out
-> darling doesn’t love him anymore
-> darling who hates loud noises
-> a dancer darling
-> a reader who misses him
-> hugging him from behind
-> a second daughter
-> a sultan! reader
-> you look perfect tonight (oneshot)
-> yandere headcanons
-> kissing and running away
-> motherly figure
-> kissing and running away
-> motherly figure
-> younger! sister
-> kissing and running away
-> motherly figure
-> kissing and running away
-> motherly figure
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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ragazza-whintigale · 3 years
𝔜𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔄𝔫𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔲𝔰 𝔇𝔢 𝔄𝔩𝔤𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔞 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
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𝔒𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔞 ➵ Who Made Me A Princess
𝔄𝔳𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔷𝔢 ➵ Comportamento Yandere, tortura, menzione a contenuti sensuali, disumanizzazione, possessione, ossessione, menzione all’omicidio, sangue, abuso fisico e mentale, manipolazione, utilizzo di droghe
𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔢 ➵ 758
⟢𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎 / 𝚂𝚞𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚘 ⟣
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La sua mano, ricoperta dal sottile tessuto del guanto color ossidiana, scorre leggiadra lungo la tua pelle ipersensibile. Supponi fosse solo un modo per rendere in qualche modo romantica quella situazione contraddistinta da delirante ossessione. Con Anastasius, c’era stato ben poco di tutto quello che si poteva definire amore, tra corde troppo strette intorno al tuo collo, per uno sguardo troppo azzardato a qualche guardia dall’aspetto superiore alla media, che finiva per sparire i giorni successivi. O ferite ben poco profonde coperte da quello che potevi identificare come sale e solo per esserti perso nei tuoi pensieri un troppo a lungo, per sentirlo entrare nel suo solito incanto... non lo avevi salutato.
Ma d’altro canto tu che potevi fare? Lui era il prossimo imperatore, e tu una semplice ragazzina che con suo solo sguardo potevi finire per fare la sgualdrina da qualche parte per le strade. Contradirlo ti avrebbe portato solo più dolore, mentre se tu stessi al suo fianco o meno gli altri soffrono comunque; quindi perché preoccuparsi? Certo ogni sua parola era solo un altro modo per degradarti al semplice stata di suo possesso, quindi era semplice dedurre la moltitudine di volte in cui il tuo corpo si sottrasse al suo tocco, provocando solo altro dolore, per la precisione: stretti polsini stritolavano i polsi consumati da lividi viola e ferite ancora in via di guarigione, mentre la sua mano sfiorava indisturbato la tua pelle, certo con una controllata dose di una delle ultime pozioni che aveva imparato, l’ipersensibilità era uno se non l’unico sintomo che ti provocò. 
I polpastrelli iniziarono a risalire la tua pelle cremosa, fino allo stomaco piatto. Si concentro maggiormente a circondare con il suo affetto sulle gravi ustioni che ti aveva provocato sulla pelle offesa innumerevoli volte per poterle contare. Forse quel tocco avrebbe dovuto offrire una sorta di sollievo sentendo la differenza di temperatura tra le tua pelle e le sue dita affusolate, ma non successe. Niente dei suoi gesti era progettato per offrirti sollievo, solo dolore. 
La tua espressione tramutata in un cipiglio al solo scopo ti trattenere qualsiasi suo che potrebbe causarti un ulteriore prolungamento di quelle pratiche, demoniache. Solo chi aveva ceduto alla magia nera poteva permettersi un tale comportamento nei confronti di essere viventi, nessuno veniva risparmiato dalla sua furia, nessuno, nemmeno tu. Provi ad inarcare la schiena in qualche, cercando una qualche sorta di sollievo, ma anche questo ti venne negato, nell’istante in cui la mano del biondo premette il tuo addome costringendoti a tornate alla tua posizione originale e a sopportare di sentire il suo dito che veniva premuto affondo della tua pelle dilaniata.
«Per quanto ancora hai intenzione di opporre resistenza?»
La domanda era stata posta con una tale calma  e divertimento, che ti potevi solo chiedere se fosse solo una punizione o solo un gioco a cui lui si divertiva a giocare con te. Il problema è che tu a questo gioco nn hai mai deciso di partecipare. Un urlo di agonia lasciò le tue fini labbra nel sentire il dito del uomo rastrellare la pelle della scottatura. Volevi invocare una qualche sorta di aiuto, ma sarebbe davvero servito a qualcosa? Nessuno si è mai messo contro Anastasius senza avere un qualche desiderio di morte certa. Non potevi biasimarli anche tu molte a volte avevi ignorati urla agonizzanti per paura di incontrare l’ira del biondo.
L’altra mano di Anastasius, che fino adesso era rimasta in disparte appoggiata alla sua stessa gamba, si mosse per afferrare la tua mascella stretta in se per cercare si sopportare quel estenuante dolore, sposto il tuo viso, puntato prima sul suo dito che penetra la ferita, al suo viso. Ti eri sempre imposta di non guardarlo mai direttamente negli occhi, sapevi che se lo avresti fatto non saresti in grado di distogliere lo sguardo o semplicemente rispondere come facevi solitamente. 
Quei fottutissimi occhi, paragonabili ai gioielli più rari e preziosi che tutto l’impero Obeliano abbai mai visto, una caratteristica che solo la famiglia imperiale possedeva e a dirla tutta, certe volte neanche tutti i membri li sfoggiavano: Questo dettaglio non poteva che renderli ancora più magnifici e inestimabili, soprattutto se combinati a quei bellissime ciocche d’oro, e al loro aspetto regale ed elegante. Gli invidiavi in un certo senso, almeno una volta, adesso vorresti solo essere l’artefice della loro scomparsa, soprattutto quella dell’uomo di fronte a te. Ma è e rimarrà qualcosa di irrealizzabile, e guardo l’uomo che rappresenta il tuo incubo, non ti resta che limitarti a seguire in volere del diabolico imperatore di fronte a te. 
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amusedyan · 4 years
Playing House
And now we have the next part of the series, because I have no patience and it’s been written already. Yes, this is the same 3 pictures, but, unfortunately, there are very few of Anastasius so far.
This makes me sad.
This fic, and frankly this series, Domestic AU I’m tagging it, is going to be pretty heavy with child abuse, so the fic is under the cut.
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The emperor called her ‘Lovely’, if he called her anything at all, so that was the name she often called herself.
“Bring me my Lovely.”
“Hello, Lovely.”
“Eat, Lovely.”
She grew accustomed to it. It was easy here. The Ruby Palace was beautiful and her every whim was catered to- anything she wanted was given to her with Stasius’ blessing, on the condition that she thank him, either with a kiss or a walk around the garden. For Lovely, it wasn’t much for payment- she loved to spend time with Stasius, and she loved the gardens- it only seemed natural to combine the two.
Stasius always spent his free time with her- any breaks that could be arranged, dinner- he’d tuck her into her large, luxurious bed and tell her a story. Nothing soothed her like the sound of his low baritone and the light from the night lamps reflecting dully off his golden hair.
After she was mostly asleep, he would wish her good night and go off to see the other women in the Ruby Palace.
And that…
She didn’t really like that.
It had taken her a long time to notice, but the women in the harem were…well, they weren’t very nice.
Lovely figured it had to with Stasius.
They all primped and preened and begged for his attention and for pretty gifts. One of her nannies had explained that they were vying for the position of empress- and yet Stasius didn’t pay them any attention. What he did was toy with them and flaunt her in front of them.
Lovely didn’t really like it that he used her to tease everyone else- it made it very hard to have friends or even talk to people. And she was lonely, she thought.
Other than her Nanny and her tutors, the servants wouldn’t really talk to her. They obeyed her requests, but they didn’t…they avoided her.
Lovely had very vague, very old memories of being around other children her age- of snow and hot chocolate (the palace chef had frantically tried to recreate what she described under Stasius’ cold stare) and laughter with other little girls. She played barbies with a girl named Betty
But what was a Barbie and who was Betty ?
There were things that Lovely wasn’t supposed to talk about- things like her nightmares of a man in the doorway spattered with red while stars spun on the ceiling, or dreams about a pink backpack and a table filled with people and the smell of crayons while someone sang off key in the kitchen
Lovely knew not to talk about those.
But maybe the desire for friends was a safer topic.
“Stasius,” she asked at supper one evening.
“Yes, Lovely?” He drawled, examining her. “You’re wearing your new dress.”
She smiled. “Yes.”
“It looks just as pretty on you as I thought it would.” Lovely giggled and set down her fork. “Now, what did you want?”
“How come I don’t have any friends?”
Lovely had learned that the best way to talk to Stasius was to be direct.
She had to admit that the sight of the concubines giggling and flicking their hair and pouting their lips to try and get what they wanted. And when Stasius would slide his eyes to look at her and smirk, she knew that he was laughing at them too.
“You know me best, Lovely,” Stasius would say when they were alone, ruffling her hair. She loved how her Nanny would turn red but couldn’t say anything since it was the Emperor who did it.
Stasius laughed now, but it didn’t sound like a good kind of laugh.
“Yeah,” she muttered, feeling uncertain. “I…I want friends. But…the concubines don’t like me. And the servants are busy. Couldn’t I play with some of the noble children?” She suggested timidly, quelling under his jeweled gaze.
He sighed and shook his head. “Well, I suppose this talk was a long time coming, Lovely.” She waited, gripping her chair. “No. You don’t need friends. Is that enough of an answer?”
But it wasn’t. “No. Why can’t I have friends?”
“Because I am the Emperor, and what I say goes.” The chair squealed as Stasius stood up and circled the table to stand behind her. Lovely held perfectly still as he gripped her shoulders. “You belong to me, Lovely. You live under my grace- the gown you wear, the food on your plate, the sheets in your bed, all of it is mine. You are mine. If I wanted I could kill you, right here, right now, and nothing would be done.” He took a shuddering breath and Lovely realized it was an inhale. He was smelling her. “My Lovely, here in my arms and my grasp- you think I would let you belong to anyone else after all you put me through?”
He talked like this sometimes- and Lovely had found that the best thing for it was to sit and not make eye contact and let him babble.
Stasius never hurt her, not really, not when she didn’t deserve it.
And she’d been bad- she’d asked for more then she was allowed and so she had to sit and wait for Stasius to be finished and hope he wasn’t too mad to decide that he wouldn’t want to read to her or spend his night with a concubine in the room next to hers, so loud that she would have a hard time going to sleep.
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amusedyan · 4 years
Direct sequel to Hide and Seek and again, thank @lightautumnsky​ for talking me into posting this.
So here’s what’s up, thanks to her, we hashed out two separate alternate universes where Hide and Seek, and Tag serve as the foundations- Anastasius brings his darling to his universe. The first series is just going to be him being a creepy fuck. The second series is an AU of this where he brought her over before the civil war started.
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It took too long to put the pieces together.
The peasant kept popping in and out of Anastasius’ life, seemingly at random. She recognized him each time, and she always wore the same outfit. She was clever, he could admit that now, but Anastasius paid attention when she talked, and the puzzle revealed itself to him.
She was being pulled from place to place- out of time.
All because Anastasius had done it to her.
Anastasius pulled her from her universe because he met her and wanted to keep her, and because he pulled her from her universe, he met her and wound up pulling her from her universe. It was a massive headache to put together, but by the Gods he’d managed it.
He did it and he wouldn’t let the peasant go again.
She looked so confused when he found her again- younger too. Had he ever met her so young?
“Hello,” he greeted. It wasn’t often that Anastasius got the drop on her. “I’ve been waiting to see you again.”
“Again?” And really, shouldn’t that have been a red flag?
“I have a question for you, peasant,” it had become a sort of joke between them now- he called her a peasant and she would call him the ‘princeling’, and wouldn’t she be surprised with the news he had for her this time.
“You do?” She asked hesitantly. Anastasius approached and she backed away. Strange, perhaps she was ill?
“Yes. I’d like you to be my wife.” He’d thought about it fr a long time- he could help her, keep her tethered to him through his mana, act as an anchor for her.
“I…I don’t even know you.” It felt like the world had shattered around him as she looked at him.
No, please…
The peasant had never looked at him as anything other than another boy and then young man- but today she looked at him as if he were a monster.
Well, he supposed her was.
But de Alger Obelia blood was the blood of conquerors- to kill for the throne was practically a mandate at this point. Though, to slaughter the only other competition? Less common, but very entertaining.
He’d thought she’d understood him.
But she ran away- she didn’t-
It had hurt, but Anastasius understood. If time was looping, he had to understand it first to break the loop.
She couldn’t have been older than, perhaps…15. The oldest he’d seen her was in her early 20’s. In order to break the loop, he just had to pull her a little early.
From there, Anastasius plotted, even as he worked his magic and performed his experiments. His chimera would come in handy for this- the perfect battery to open the portal.
The vortex was deep blue and shimmered- the chimera screamed and thrashed in her bonds as her mana flowed. She had more than enough to keep it open, but it was painful- there was a reason he wasn’t the one doing it.
The world that Anastasius stepped into was coated in snow. The sky had that glaze it got in the winter- a deep gray color that blinded you. It was a strange world, full of vehicles that snarled and growled and hard rivers of black. But where was the peasant?
It was a simple thing to find her and follow her- he could easily make himself unnoticeable, and she was so young and small, 5 at the most as she walked through the snow, bundled up like a little cake to stay warm as she hurried.
Dear Gods she was cute
Anastasius followed her home and watched her bound up the stairs carefully, minding the ice.
It was rather annoying to stand there and wait as the day turned to night. Staying warm was simple, but she was there, so close- sitting with her family and showing them papers from her little pink backpack and working diligently at the table and getting ready for bed and listening to a story.
When the lights in the house went out, one by one, Anastasius entered with a flick of his wrist, throwing the door open.
Her parents put up a fight of course. What else would they do when a stranger was here to steal their daughter? For their loyalty, they died quickly and without much pain.
Anastasius took his time walking to her room. He wanted to savor this, and so he did- this was victory. This was what it felt like to have the world in the palm of your hand.
She stirred, for the briefest moment when he picked her up. Anastasius smiled at her and put her back to sleep, wrapping her in her blanket to keep her warm. He spared a thought for the plush animal on her bed and wrapped that in as well.
The vortex opened with a snap of his fingers, and he took his little peasant home.
Anchoring her to him took a few hours and a bit of blood, true, but it had to be done, and for her perfect behavior during the process he commissioned a new wardrobe for her, a wardrobe befitting a little princess.
She called him “Stasius” when they were alone and smiled at him and only him- that took a little bit of training, but it was necessary. She belonged to him, body and soul, and he made sure that she knew that; placing her in the Ruby Palace, showering her in presents and punishing those that took her attention.
Anastasius was her god, and she needed to learn to worship.
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amusedyan · 4 years
A Divergent Path
An explanation: in this universe, Anastasius brought Lovely to their universe before Claude seized power. Because he was occupied with her, Claude had longer to prepare to overthrow him. Lovely was 10 years old when he finally killed Anastasius, at the time of this story.
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That night, there was an uproar in the main palace. Lovely heard the guards in the Ruby Palace arguing, watched as the lamps outside of her room were lit, and the shadows crossing back and forth.
There was screaming, and the sound of fighting outside.
Lovely was afraid, and, as the noise rose, she stuffed her pillows under her blankets and crawled into the closet, behind the many dresses that Stasius had had made for her.
She trembled when the door burst open, and peered  out of the crack in the door of the wardrobe when guards, not hers, stormed in, dragging her nanny.
“Get her up.” They ordered, shoving her forward.
Lovely covered her eyes, not wanting to watch. She heard the shift of the blankets, the cry of alarm. 
“You lying bitch-”
“No! No she should be here, I swear-”
There was a wet noise, and the sound of a body hitting the floor. She’d heard it so often she knew immediately.
When the door to the wardrobe opened, she held her breath and stayed deathly still, scrunched up and careful. She was lucky, they didn’t find her- they were stupid.
When they left, she stayed still, stayed quiet.
What was happening? Where was Stasius?
Lovely didn’t know how long she stayed there, but eventually an armored man with red hair, covered in blood, found her and dragged her out, looking empty in the eyes.
The knight took her to the throne room, where Stasius’ body lay, and Lovely gasped. She was shoved forward and she nearly tripped over herself she was so surprised.
Claude sat on Stasius’ throne now, covered in blood- in Stasius’ blood, you realized. And you didn’t know how you were supposed to feel about it.
Sasius was...she loved Stasius, didn’t she? He took care of her, such good care of her. Lovely was going to be his Empress when she grew up, because she belonged to him. 
And now he was dead, and she was in danger.
“Are you going to kill me?” Lovely asked quietly.
Claude’s eyes were colder then Stasius’. She was dirt under his shoes.
“I could.” He said flatly.
“But what kind of punishment is that?” That confused her. 
“You killed Stasius.” 
“The former emperor had magic. He could fight me. He was dangerous. But you’re less then a dog, aren’t you? You couldn’t even rip out my throat if I gave you the chance.” He laughed darkly.
“Death is too kind for you.”
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amusedyan · 4 years
Hide and Seek
Y’all need to thank @lightautumnsky​ for talking me into posting this
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Anastasius had retreated to the privacy of the royal gardens to nurse his wounded pride and stinging palms. His ears still burned with embarrassment of his failure, and the scolding from his arcana tutor.
It wasn’t fair
He tried.
He worked so hard, and still, it wasn’t enough.
“Your Royal Father will be so disappointed,” his tutor had tutted, after the caning. Had Anastasius been younger, he might have begged for a second punishment, rather than his father being informed. It wouldn’t be pleasant, when he found out.
The wisteria trees were in full bloom, and the garden a riot of color and scent. He was sure that the gardeners were following some sort of plan set forth by the Empress, a theme, but he couldn’t be bothered to care. The foliage made for good cover, though, and that was enough for him.
Of course, the guards might be around, but he didn’t care. They were supposed to protect him, but they weren’t much more than shadows, might as well be. They wouldn’t talk to him, or play with him, or help him study or practice his magic.
The sound of giggling and chatter from the Ruby Palace was on the wind, and a spike of hate burned in him. In the Ruby Palace were the Emperor’s whores and his jewel eyed bastard daughters, assuming he didn’t have them drowned at birth.
Pigs, all of them. He thought, gripping his knees.
His nanny would panic at the state of his trousers- grass stains and dirt from where he’d scuttled under the hedge into his secret hiding place. Well, secret was the operative term. Anastasius was sure that they knew, they just let him have the illusion of a secret.
Outside his hedge hiding place, he heard the light tramp of footsteps. It must be Nanny, come to drag him before Father.
Funny, though. The footsteps sounded lighter.
“Is anyone there?” A strange voice called, and Anastasius perked up with curiosity. Someone new wasn’t a rare thing- the palace went through servants rather quickly. But a new person in the royal gardens?
Carefully he wriggled his way out and folded his arms, pasting on the familiar scowl of his father.
“Peasants don’t belong in the garden.” He said imperiously. She jumped, and whirled around, but Anastasius held his ground as he glared up at her. “Now give me one reason not to summon the guards to come and cut your head off.”
She blinked at him and looked him up and down. Anastasius knew he didn’t look like much even when he wasn’t dirty and some random peasant hadn’t found him in a bush, but he was still the crown prince and only Heir to the Empire. Whoever she was, she looked funny- hardly dressed and not wearing makeup- her hair was mussed, probably from scuttling around like a rat.
“I got lost. And who might you be?” She asked curiously, cocking her head.
Anastasius drew himself up.
“I am Prince Anastasius de Alger Obelia of the Obelian Empire, Crown Prince and Heir to the Throne.” He’d practiced saying it in the mirror for days, but instead of making her fall to her knees in apology and recognition she nodded.
“I see. A pleasure to meet you, Prince Anastasius de Alger Obelia of the Obelian Empire, Crown Prince and Heir to the Throne,” he snarled at the mocking bow she gave, before she finally offered her name. It was underwhelming, just like her.
“Now how did you get in here?” He demanded again. He was getting quite tired of her.
She smiled and examined the wisteria. “I appeared.”
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“Oh no, it does.” She began to walk, giving Anastasius no choice but to follow her. “This is quite normal for me. Something magical pulled me away from home, and I appeared here, there and everywhere.” She smiled like it was a joke.
“But why?”
“Well,” she folded her hands behind her. “It was explained to me that I don’t have mana, so your world keeps rejecting my place in it. But I’m stuck here, so I just…wind up elsewhere.”
But how could you not have mana and live? Where was home? Where had she been?
Anastasius asked all those questions and more, but the woman only shrugged again and again or said “I don’t know.” It was very frustrating, but it lit a fire of curiosity in him.
“What were you doing out here, Anastasius?” She asked, and although royalty didn’t owe anyone anything, Anastasius found himself pressed to answer her.
“I came to be alone.”
“Oh,” a flash of guilt in her eyes. “Would you like me to leave?”
“No.” He admitted. She wasn’t a shadow like the others.
“Hm.” She smiled. “Want to play a game?”
And that was how Anastasius found himself playing hide and seek with a delusional peasant woman. It was…nice.
It was nice, to play with her, to have her treat him like anyone else.
But then…then she was gone.
Anastasius had seen her round a corner, peeking through his finders, but she wasn’t there.
He had the guards search for her.
And yet…
“Your world rejects me, and so I end up elsewhere”
When he was emperor, he would make the world bow to his whims.
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ragazza-whintigale · 3 years
❝𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚❞
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Lista aggiornata dei fandom per cui scrivo!!!
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⟡ 𝑀𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑎 - 𝐴𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑒 ⟡
Yona la principessa scarlatta
Cavalieri dello zodiaco/Lost Canvas/Omega
Yandere Hades/Alone x reader (In arrivo!!!)
Dawn of the arcana
Nanatsuo no taizai
Yandere Arthur Pendragon x reader
The anciet magus bride
Soul Eater.
Yandere Clone Schmelman x reader
Shadow House
Tokyo Revenger
Yandere Sanzu Haruchiyo x reader x Yandere Fratelli Haitani
Oshi no Ko
Yandere Aquamarine Hoshino x reader ( in arrivo!!!)
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⟡ 𝑀𝑎𝑛ℎ𝑢𝑎 - 𝑀𝑎𝑛ℎ𝑤𝑎 ⟡
ll segreto di beatrice
Lady Baby 
The abandoned Empress 
A tender heart 
The way to protect the female lead’s older brother
Yandere Cassis Pedalian x reader
Yandere Cassis Pedalian x reader
Yandere Mother Roxanna Agriche x Child reader x Yandere Father Cassis Pedalian
Yandere Roxanna Agriche x reader
Yandere Jeremy Agriche x reader (in arrivo!!!)
Yandere Cassis Pedalian x reader, Yandere Roxanna Agriche x reader, Yandere Jeremy Agriche x reader, Yandere Dion Agriche x reader (in arrivo!!!)
Who made me a princess 
Yandere Anastasius De Alger Obelia x reader
Yandere Anastasius De Alger Obelia x reader (in arrivo!!!)
Yandere Father Roger Alpheus x reader x Yandere Brother Ijekiel
Yandere Father Claude De Alger Obelia x reader
Chuan Yue Xi Yuan 3000 Hou
Sweet bite marks
The Beggining after the End
Yandere Arthur Leywin x reader
Into the light once again
Yandere Rakial Edervenne x reader x Yandere Platonico Minore Marianne Edervenne
The villaness is a marionette
The princess imprints a traditor
I have became the Hero’s rival
The return of the 8th class magician
The lady wants to Rest
Finding Camelia
How to Win My Husband Over
The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter
Dark Fall
Philia Rose - the prophecy of the crown of thorns
Father, i don’t Want this Marriage!
Soundless Cosmos
Yandere Morte x reader x Yandere Tod x Yandere Goethe
The Broken Ring : This Marriage will fail anyway
Let's Hide My Younger Brother First
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⟡ 𝐴𝑙𝑡𝑟𝑖 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚 ⟡
Angel Friends
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Twisted Wonderland
Pocket mirror
The witch house
Mad father
Mogeko castle\ funamesea fandom
Yandere Fumus x reader
Chloe's requiem
Aria's story 
Fausts alptraum 
The folk of the air
Yandere Jude Duarte x reader x Yandere Cardan Greenbriar
Yandere Paul Atreides x reader
Fourth Wing
Dark Sorrengail Siblings X reader (in arrivo!!!)
Soft Dark Liam Mairi X reader (in arrivo!!!)
Platonic! Lilith Sorrengail X reader (in arrivo!!!)
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𝔘𝔩𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔬 𝔞𝔤𝔤𝔦𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔬➺ 08\05\2024
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